HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-02-17, Page 8cial Sale of aces and mbroideries SATURDAY morning we ,commence a great sale. of Laces and Embroideries? at very special' prices, -The goods were imported by ourselves direct from the makers in Europe—from England, from Germany, from France and from.Switzerlancl they have come, and on Saturdair morning there will be on our count- ers an array of Laces and Embroideries, such as has neVer been shown in town. Direct ;Awing has made pootsible some rernarkab0 low prices, In every case lower than they could possibly be, had we not bought direct freirn:47-r'..,t Laces. Laces t 5c Laces at ioc Hundreds of yards of Vaiericiennen and Torchon Laces, assorted widths', good pattiarne, with insertions to match,- for oue great Lace Sale at per yard ... „ • Over 1000 yards of fine" Valenciennes, 'Toralidn' and trimming Laces, one to three inches in width, many different patterns, with Insertions to Match, worth in ' the regular way up to 10c and 121c; for Lace and Ens- g„ hioidery Sale, per yard W01 Over 700 yards of fine Torchon and Macy triMming Laces and Insertions, Dozens of patterns, many widths, qualities that weuld sell in the regular Way at 15e, 20° and 25c; for our greattace and Embroidery Sale,.per yd pnbroideries at sc IEmbroideries at 8c at loc Over 1500 yards of Embroideries and Insertion, cantbric and muslin, ' new designs. imported by ourselves direct from the makers in Switzerland, wide and narrow widths. qualities in this lot that would sell all the way up to 15c, and would he ;toed value; fer our greet Lace and Embroidery Sete, En . 500 yards Swiss Embroideries and Insertions, new designs aod good quality, regular 15c to 203 for our , great Embroidery and. Lace' Sale, per on Nearly 1000 yards in this lot, fine and strong cambric and muslin Em- broideries and Inseetions, dozens of ' patterns. qualities that would sen in" the regular way at 18e, 20c and 25c, for our great Lace and Embroidery Sale, ioc your choice per yard corset Cover -.Embroideries over Embroideries will be more popular than* ever this season. We are showing a dozen or more handsome. patterns, made specially fer this purpose, imported direct from the Swiss makers. The designs are beautiful--differenven- tirely from any we have ever shoWn—and the values are re. markably good. aoc, 40c, ,5oc, 6oc and 75c Or .yard co_yll-ER SPECI Damask Cloths $1.19 26 only, finebleached damask Table Cloths. good weight, strong and durable, 2x2i yards SL50..25 only, to sell at each..all I 10 Linen Towels 2 for 256. - topzera bargain for gredsbifiredaT 25c Very fine Nainsook Muslin, soft finish, close even thread, just the thing for Underwear, regular 20c. quality, for our .,Lace and Embroidery. sale, per • PIA 121 2 Towelling 17iiichLineu Crash Towelling geed- weight, initkes splendid only, special for Sale; end for.. Fitrafine quality en Lawn, regular 18e, Special for Lace and -Embroblery sale., 124 White Cotton ents.50e, 50 ends of very line, quality • • bleached. Cotten, finished soft • frit the needlnand stron and extra good value at 12ic per yard, put up in 6 yerd ends C(10, - only, special for Sale. per yard.. isc Bats at loc 200 ^large American Cotton Bats, clean and free fr om imperfections, sold usually for for this in, Special Sale we have 200 tO sell at each... ....... .. aker's Ends of Table Damask Makers' ends of fiue bleached Table Damask,. tci, inches wide. Good patterns, short lengths, left over..at the Mills when making up webs. The shortest end is 2 yards, the .Jongre'st 3k yards. Will be sold by .0ie end onv at full ofie. oliptI4101,1,,IcAs than regular prites, PasEANY MANTLE $1.50m9a.". There are 12 or 15 new Mantles Ieft on our mks to sell. All are. this asone garments. Positively we will not carry Mk over., Rather. than tit he a chance of doing it we pub thehe last few garments On sale, com.. M mooing SATURDAY at the absurdly low price of One Dollar and Pifty Cents each, 117.00 Wita the price of the eheapest Coat, Ind there are Several 810.00 and $12.00 ones in the lot. We won't carry theta over, so we give you this gr eat BARGATN. The earlier you come, the better your choice, Re- m either, any cloth Jacket in the store en Saturday for $1.,M30 die Clinton T'RIDA ', FED, .17. 1905. gent goPYia. A ROE CASE, -On0 of the moot rennark.ahle cases of illness in this section is that of a: son of Mr Join Lanxon, of the Huron Road, For ov r two years this young man has been dying with kidney ver trouble.. At times he hits bean given up, and at the ddint of death, being unconseious for ays, but Nei revived, even getting so well that he has been able to get on f . his feet and around. Since lam Year's he has passed through one ,of these, spells, but we learn there 1s .bright prospects of hint conning back frons the grave, so to speak, .once ILgaan. • HURONI'ANS IN PARLI MENT..... That Huron men come to the front no matter where they go, is shown by.. the representation in the Dominion House. In 'addition to the -three re- irreseatatives proper from the county, there are fou other persons holding seats who hail from Huron. Thomas Greenway, ex -Premier of Manitoba ,•• John Crawford, Of la Prairie, a brother of James Crawford., Port Albert, and . a ne tive of ' Ashfield ; DuncanRoss,•of Yalo-Carribori, B.C., •also'a native of Ashftelcl, and William SIoan, of'Comox-A,tlin, B. C., a native of. Seaforth, and nephew of 1%lr W. Steen, =Blyth, SOCIAL. -,The palatial residence of Mr. And /he, Geo. McTegggart'was the scene of the leacding social event of the season • on Friday 'evening -last, they being "at home", together with Mr. and Mrs M. D. Me7.aggart, to their many friends in Clinton and•elsewhere. There were many pretty costumes worn by the ladies, and the display of flowers was beautiful. It goes without saying that all present had a most en- joyable time. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. John Ransford entertained 4 nuns• ber of their friends... Tuesday evening next. the Bowlers will be "at home'' to 'theft. wives. and friends at the Hotel Normandie. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tis- dali will.. entertain. their friends on Wednesday evening at.tlie same place, and on Friday evening the lady triads. of Mrs. •Richatd RAnsford': •will enjoy her hospitality there also. • WE WISH THEM MITCH JOT, Wednesday morning two of Clinto Doherty factorY; bald .the misfortu to he a loier by the fire the morning' Young were quiele tly marriedft fort omas hat` eh, ins. We speak of Fred Copper, son W. J. Cooper, and Miss Maggie,. old daughter of Mks A. 'Watts, Ratt, bury street. The. happy event to brother Mr residence of t• he ci 'and the unbreakable knot was tied Rev Dr Gifford. The bride was romingly attired in it'blue ladies cio costume, with hat Go match. ' After two weeks honeymoon is, spent at To onto and elsewhere, the • purpose !up -angle Olinton and taking up lif journe�y. in Mrs Little's cottage MaryStieet. •TheNEwErtAjoin. the many friends in wishing a long life health, joy ,and prosperity togethe Mr. Cooper, who is are ew,pioyee of •t TUB CLINTON.NB rT, SOS SUOVOSSFUL. -Thefollowing Yfere 44++++++++++++++++++24 Deitch London Conservatory of MiIsioi '-a; L t in each subject; junior Rudiments ilad X44414441444+1444+4+4ft among the suecattedul etudents Om grrarS Form itna Harmony, *Miss Annie, Mc. o ca o es KenZiet Lantie.t• first vises honors • Harmony, 104 MabelVonplanct.. An- 1 It V1.1;$• po below Fero on Monday burn, honors; Primaeylie,rnaMer, Mies Peeri Wise, Brucetield, latchtsabontwe. A few dap! of "the pod nld sum.. and Idiestilian Cantelon 'Clinton hon. - ors ; iforimary julep/00014r zurz.titnia woald net come anaur just coat, Clinton. 1st. Class honors. and Kate Ross, Clinton, honors. Mr 0, Oeckerlinerreturned from To- ronto, where he had been:working. Qn -POSTPONED.—OWIng to the sever- ity of the weather having paralyzed railroad traffic, the formai Opening of the Hotel Ndianandle, which was te twee been held Wedneeday eVening, has, been pestponed, . the date to beau., rieunced later. A special train had. Inert thartered by Mr. LoWis' friends ent, as were also the harpers, but the G. T.. R. would not guarantee their r turn that night, so the affair wa , s soon as the London harpers can give the hotel matiage- ment it date on which they. can Come it will he announced. - , Ahl Of Wesley church b,eld :afx apron bazaar Anti supper on Thursday • even:. ing. lust in the councirchambert and to *lay the' least it *as an mienaliiied• sac- • cess, the. onlY ethilnlitint to be regis- tered being the lack of space, e thing being too crowded, and no coramodat.on for those 'while" wai for a chance to getto the table, ever., after one got peated to a table, the impatience aroused before hand disappeared, for •the tamper was ex-` cellent and everyone was waited Ma prompttY, . The. proceeds of the er man the past week has been rather hard on us. Last thindey .after000n •the weather moderated considerably end it was thou ht nthaw was` corn- ing, but we awo e to disa,ppointra Monday morning, instead sof , a t still niore zero weather wee han o'er us. ' All that day the min hovered around: the zero mark ; *here it went to auring the night cannot vertainly eetimate, hat 'where's betiveee 15 to 25. At a, a. Aerometers Mining out. in fron several nf our merehants varied'. 10 te 18 below at 8,30 a. in. Evert. of UNCLE 'TOM'S ALRIG:EIT:e•Beech- n's • 'agreeable, had note bitter penetrating ere wind heini Idelving at the sanie time, est el.'s U:ncle :Tonle -Cabin' Co., arrived rE6Puessde:yf°,:rwtbhel.7tnbeektillmatle. sail. tY., house This company travel. in- t by own car, and potelp a prodiwtion be' "Uncle Tom," that gut rival any 4 Rad :ClInton .a proper etage to r.' publie hall; it might ',ewe have b re- put on in a reoreeceoic waY, but ,s on crossing the ice and Uncle Tom's death ir• and Eva a ascension, wes touching and of beitutiftzl, • The .• star players of tbe r: evenipg was Marks the; ,10,wyer and be little Eva, who tiabk • the ,characters ne exceptionally *ell.. At the close of of the perfornumee a Vaudeville and *era ef an hour wee put'on, which as creditable. The Management of L" how to use printer's ink. ' • match -will beheld- next week betWeen v. toe Clinton and Doherty Organ ,(.19., 5r, these teN.n§Ave coMposed of the best - players in town the match will be a d ast and hard ;one We Solicit ' on half of the boys a large ternout, as *. Very interesting, eightp-two chapters relaiih man f clever cloings,some of which you are familiar with, but the .,f‘ in- side " of which you have nelier had the chance to read before*, Among them are : A big "hop" ,is billed* for th t IthltitPia realred wonder, REGiNjAL0,.ffinefluilt, lailln°40TI:te:gd..gfarofthteiliC4 graira: thirljelte einauoda;11141rd- Thelifollifrdebraerral h—u*r. Dings at upset near town and sprained her arm • severely. the eir:::141117 ',Tee e Alfirerta Graveyard•Polley.' taking. A telly driving trite -town bY *lir Of *hen vie k . a am. . the Bayfield. road. the other -day, Was , e. It is reforted, Ouiugh without ver ly popula.e, business man of Clinton, (heti this webk. • Thureday evening, March 2nd, has been set for the date of 're Cnde Tyine Concert. Reap MIS in mind.; be sure to attend. Lest week A.. IL Goodwin haft tin; misfortune to crush hte right Moat and on:Monday bad to lay Of work as night Watchman at the Organ'Factory: very. W. Glean Oaiiipbell;;;vehoitlellteicting ge., Ye Okle TYme Concerts!. on March -2nd - tang in the toWn hall, prormses the peuple How, of Clinton and vicinity a rare musical s ficatiolt, hat Mr Peter Cavan, forme The Choir. of Willis Presbyterian). church is being' assisted by _members from all the.thoirs in town; in Its pre, March 2nd, • Uncle' Tome Cabin Company had plenty of scenery, hloodheunds and a sweet little. pony, but these could not be used owing tcf the smallness of the hew, Central Methodist Church, Stratford, ging Who is wellknoten in this city. `has airy just completed.forty-eight years in the and Methodist ministry. , ' we The next sitting of the Division. any- Court for Clinton will be neld in the ni, ' council chamber Wedneaday the 22nd her. of February. ' A number of cases vinil t of be up for heaving before judge Holt. "'in dener ottown, is lying at hie bane in a serious state of health. ' He hat many friends in town, who ivish that heinsty be speedily returned to health.. Rev Josieh Greene wets called to Kincardine recently to. attend the hi,: eeei t: pfi nil iaondseetr. ahli go, hf ted;rI rsap eJe tFeicsi licei.rt i, zhe ineshorto tthhear -t ev,,,..1 in-law, who wasprie of the oldest a,nd of . Cantelon and 'Wallis had a busy day- ore- at the stock yards onday receiving les. hogs for shipment. NV' h the ther- her reemetee at zero an wind blowing eea keenly, it was ari unpleasant- task for uch ell. There were 11.31 hogs delivered. The apPeal case pending between James Steep; of.town, and The God- erich Engine and Bicycle CO. was ar- gued in Toronto on Thursday last, be - Rev Mr McLennan, of Kippen, was in town Saturday. He had the Mis- fortune while here to elip when en- tering W. T. O'Neils'atore and his arni which he put out to protect himself, went through thepane ot glass in the - -Soma:a-those-in-town wile. hold, land in New Ontario under the grant made tavolunteers ot 1860, are -pleased at the prospect of havin.ge, good spec o tb.eir halide, the price offered for 'RE'GULAR TRAIN SEEL r tram service, the manageinetitsuccee ed in witting the roads onened eas west„.north tend spathe' on Wednesde 'horning, and between 1-1 and12 trains arrived and departeiteath•Wit A •• number trayellers had bee storaestayed here slime early Monda at the expense of tho railroad Nan peny, and the hotels had all they' emit do to acconnnodate them. Conductor. McCallum's train was held here froth Wingliam and. the north being shut off fioin thie ' paint.' Snow plows have been kept rutiningalieaclaif traine, but the trouble does not appear to beso •ilitich from the snow, ae from the frost and iee acciiiteilating along the flange a the ' rails, raising the.: engine and cars off the track, and the Wheels re- volving on the ice without taking h•old, thuit losing poWer. The only way to overcome' the difficulty, .as far as'we ean see, is to have heavier engines, with raore steam -producing surface. ' CARNIVAL SUCCESS.— Though the attendance at the carnival wits not as large as the attraptions taetrranted, - those -present -were Welt pleased vrith the "doing's." The band. selections; were very much apprepiated. There were about thirty-five in fancy dress—the largest number in years.. and most Of the costumes were com- mendable. The prize winners were Ladie fancy dress, Pearl O'Neil; gente fancy dregs, Will Johnstone ; comie lady, Clara Lindsay ; comic gentleman, -Adrlie-Wileon-reloWn. Wilbert Men - Veen ; pair MOSt 'graceful skaters, Miss Howe and Mr. MidCeon race -boys un- der 16, let, 0. O'Neil, 2ild. Melvin Gra- Seale. There being no ..entriee, the free -for -till race was declared eft and the judges recommended that the prizes he given to Jessie aid Earle O'Neil, who wore cuti3 costumes ea old man and old woman.' Honorable men.; . tion, Miss Turnbull tat "Britannia." Mies- Jackeon -of Seaforth as "Topsy,'' Mr. Norsworthy as "Cream of Wheat," "Douglas Goodwin as "Rube," and Mr. Davidson as a Righland„Scotehrnan with bagpipes. * number of outstanding accomath are yet to be 'paid, which were ' incurred durina their succesefol career in the Internaediate 0. H. A.,• they having the honor ofheing the only team defeat Goderich, the winners of N Distriet. Forward McIver, of God ich Hockey team, who was injured. Woodstock by being hit in the low part of the abdomen by a hockey stic has been a very sick young man. •ft rumor has it that he cannot recove home rink by a score of to 4. b when the xeturn game Was ' played Woodstock the score was 10 to against them. Clinton and Goderi have each fast teams, and though o of the professional race fer this emus° ivelook for still better•work next yea R,* FORRESTER ELECTED A to at We are pleased ' to note that gooa er 'fortune has so blessed our worthy Public School Inspector, D.. • Robb. na as to be able to .huial three dwelling e: houses in his min total of Brussels, he Re is calling for tenders aod expecte ut to have them erected nexeseason. An open Meeting of the W. Ca T. U. will be held in the school 'room a en Wesley Church, on the eveging of 11,, „Hee Mr.. Swan, of Holmesville, and a others. There will abinbe a choice .° musical program, .A. collection will be A PROGRESSIVE FIRM.-- The week cenverting the upstairs, into an up.to•dittedreeteritaking department in connection with their business. Ever)* convenience is being instituted for this line of trade, There will also he found on the same floor when cone. pleted a complete , array of carpets, euttaineAinoleums. etc. This item is to be congratuated en their progres- siveness • Thuraday night' lest tare locelhockey' .teains etyled the Reagens Bros, and. the jeckson Mfg. Co. clubs „played •4 feiendly game en the rink. It was a, ood. genie for ionateurs, the score he- OHATRUA24.--The 'first meeting the newly -appointed Collegiate Boa. Was held Saturday evening. Busine was confined to re -organization, eke tion of ofdcers and the- appointment conurattees. The members th Board are the same as last year, wit -ste.eiception of Sae; Fair, who IlePr- dt,s the Public School Board in phic of W. P. Spalding, who wai their re reeentative last year. D. A. Forreste gets the post 0 honor. heing'electe chairman- ; M. D. MoTaggart, remain secretary ; SackSon; treasure The property coMmittee includes th ,ehairms.tre sestetary, and Jae Fair and jeSecott, J. Ransfora, II. Plum steel and the chairman will be the Cone mittee on study . and discipline. change was made in the colleetion fees, which must. now- be paid th treasurer,: W. Jackson, instead of t the Principal, as formerly.. The ques tion Of remodelling or building a new echo ea' Fre& D. Cemnbell, of Aylmer,' will. assist in the conceet of "Ye Olden of Tyme" March 2nd. He will play e cornet solois, and also duet on two cor- h neta, he being one of the.feW who have el.-. -been-able to acconiplish the playingpf e -two cornets. at the serge time.' Mr. Cainnbell ii3 a brother of W: G. Camp - ds ' silhtleidliiiiruissIntabsilaPintasutsiecttayiseVethnitt. *Haan r. Oriel -1,1f that town went th Oliriton re- cently to visit his ratatIvr, Mrs. .Tas. ; Odell whose health has not been good . for some time, the ailment belongs to the stomach and appears to bedifficult A to remedy at Mrs. -Crich's age, over 75 f years. While Olinton Mr. ,Crich e Met seven brothers, who are residents o Tuckersmith. Ib is not many lam, ilies of which the same could be Baia. di is still :he hands of the twat TO LIFT HOUGH (AM.—A very 'Not arousing tirade appeared in an Owen binr Sound paper a few daye ego. regi ing the way in which the Collegiate of •held that town was preparing to win the first Hooey.' Cup frem Clinton Collegiate be til during the coming season. From what V70 can judge of what has been going PR on up there, the football team has Th likely loeen practisiog all winter, so as here to keep their staying quality right,and the r house at a big concert which is in inter eOurse of preparation, so as to get the the I wherewithal neeessary to take the calm eluti to Clinton on the important day, any This.same team Was to have visited us in wh last spring, but the ehallenge Was let ted 111 go by default, for whet reason 'we deleg know not, %it we imagine that they They previotia game with oUr 0. I.) would ed to win, and that Owen Sound would then' place be called upon 'to plak liarriston, not mud Minton. We are sorry their courage state weakened then, for they might now, Clint after's year s practiee on earth, snow ready and lee, be able totake away that an- was tt viable Mode; CUP. In reference to he a v our team, Clinton has last good matt in Charlie Mustard, though the home team has been strengthened by neW IntItnnee, We have One of Ilarristoffs good players, and anOther from Sea -Mrth, besides havin Mills Shipley itione we Intve , lin fear of 'the Hough MIAS Cup passinglant ofthe care of the-Clin- ChM. ton 'Collegiate Ifittitnte. in London, who has not_yet mad eport ,to the Board, The ilex ilar meeting of the Board will be on Friday, March 3, it being the Friday of the Month, which wil eir meeting night foe this year. EP.AltA.TION ON' TOR WING— ° Orange celebration to he held July 12th, 1905, promises to equal coma, breaker that Wen held here y ei ghteen years ago, if the keen est manifested in the reports cf ty that haverecently been held are indication, South ltuton branch Leh we ere mote directly cennec- ates and visitant being present, e was a !lege ainount of routine ess transacted, and it was dead. hereafter permanently settle the on the 12th celebration at the an. meeting dach year. This year AS d above the celebration will be at on, and the undertaking is al - well under way; the decision nanainous, so that there shoulil 011Y' NeVin, 'AA hela the chair for four Yearo, but who has rernoVed to London, retired from the chair, and M W, Ilea, Scarlet condueted the elect- 1On and installation of (dicers, Whidh resultet1 as followsi—W. B, Galan - let Clinton, ; D. M., Francis Deels Sproule; Let., Bro. Deitethir j. Elliott, Ited Picidgins. • Itinti ON SHIPPERS. — The severity °tithe weather the. past two weeks has proved , 'very trying, to shippers ancl• manufacturers.. Freight is laying in the yards unable to be moved or placed 60 its the stuff can be gat af, and other material loaded ready to send out, has to meet „with the Mune fate. The engine on Con - (hider Ma:edition's train tried to place several ears for the Doherty Organ Co., at noon Teiesday, but the efforts erippied it so, th,at it was haedly able to move itself. R, tilt2$11110118 &SOU had to drive their hogs from the stock yards, which were intended for shipinent Tuesday,. baek considerable Ions to thia firm. Cant& Ion & Wallis loaded neav or hop. itb Breeefield, , which they had to hold : and feed itb:a great expense.. The. 135 head which they. loaded here were atalled. At Thiblitl. in a !Mow' drift, while this, dorm Was oin the anxiety" of . theee fitilas twee their stock Watt Oat entail, but the bitter Miiit be taken g With the toted in hnsineSif enterprisoget The 1111110n Dollar Counter. Chatiellef.the IndrY DIA% felting. • 'the Gangs 'Of . Burtch and - The man who hurled him- • itont,ledge, The IltarderotAlosen1010,00 • Not writlen like -the sensational. dime novel but a. narration to light. • Often. the. Cheapest - Atwa;ys the Best. • rices in Footwear - That Arrest Atiention " That Invite Inspection We. are determined to reduce our hurnense stock, and we have made the prices so lori that if you see the goods you cannot resist,the genuine Banains vire are offering. MI Winter Goods must be cleared out regardless of Cost and many other lines' of Staple goods which vve have .plated on our bartain COunters for quick selling.. Do you.. want the, est value you ever got in a pair of Bo6ts no matter what kind yoo wad.. if you do; just come' and -put us - to the test. We -know we can -please you.. Specials for Friday and Saturday only. 'itlens Fine Shoes worth 88.50 and $4.00 geing at $2:75 Ladies Viet Kid Buttoned Boots. w,arth .n3.50 your choice $2 Get your Share at.. our Great Stock Reducing.' ammeamminamme Vile" old rteliaible: toispoP For .Ti.Ouseis could yor.i do. With an dxtra pair of 'trousers? If you can, ' here is,a. 'chance for you. This week, we are making.to Order ah extra good line of fine Pantings for three dollqrs- and fifty centsper pair.: • ' Menet' Trousers made tO .order from fine pautings, neat rano,- stripes, goOd Weight, will' give excellent, wear, made tO oteler in our best style at Unto n very special price per pair ..00 iIU masionsimmailmes COON COATS. TO SELL We have 3 Coon Coals left to' sell. Will yoll be one of three men who will i'et a .1Argain? One Coat is a Southern Coon that sold for $18, for this we will take $t5 ; another is a fine Canadian CoOn that sold at $50, which you can.buY for $35 ; the last is an extra choice Canadian Coon Coat that was good value at $6o, you can now buy it for $45- moisteirroseitosisiaiorsimmeastose odgoosT'Bros