HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-02-17, Page 5ribroory. 1/. 1006. ••• 'sr ' :30 7:77••'.11.".7....- • - .7N-.417•171,7,77, " PIE °LENTOS' NEW Ea& • 4w, 4, ..- • incorporated by A,ct of Parliament Was. capital Paid, 000,000 Reserve Fund , $ 3,600 .000 WM. bieT•OON M4OrszteloN; PrOldent. Ease, Vine -President, Jaime Xn mow. Gen.bfazieser. FARMERS' sA.T0E*Tons cashed or Collected. DRAFTS on all_points in the Dtiminion, Great Britain, United StateS• and all Foreign Clountriee..bought and sold at best ratea. • DEPOSIT REOElms issued and biShest Current rate of intermit al- lowed. ADVANCES MADE to Farinergi# Stock Dealers, and litni,nese Me!.at • lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Vorti-eight branches in the Dominion •Agents all over the world, . , • • -S-PrifiNGSVErlylirrfil-E111% pit's Of atm and upwards received, Interest allowed trim date oi De(18deposit ItYer7 - I and added to principal June tietli and December inst. celaPclunded14 a' • HiMbeturr,ntRate .• • - -Nos arob.. Block.' H, C. E3REWER. ' . .1Y1anager. • MoKINNON & 00, - MYTH •. • NOW FOR BARGAINS We have just -finished stoek-etaking, which brings to the front a variety of broken lots and odds and ends from each department, which must be cleared out at once regardless of cost. Below we mention a few of the many bargains • we have to , offer ; . • Ladies' Waistings in wool and , silk mixtures, in fancy stripes, X spots and fitiral• desns, no two alike, worth.• 50e, 60c and ,, 4 65c, your choice for 39c per yard. . • • ' 2 Remnants of Dress Goods in various kinds and qualities,from .5 2 to 5 yard ends, at half' Swiss Embroideries, 3 inchei wide, in a variety of patterns, • i• regular prices 7c, 8c and 10c, for 50. Pure Silk 'Ribbons, 3 inches wide, in a varietyof colors, keg - Mar 10e, for 5c. • • ' • Farley Dress Geode, 42 inches wide, regular 50c, for '250. . Serge Dress Goods, all wool, in black and navy, 54 inches wide, regular 65c, a sitep'at .39e. Ladies' Satana Underskirt, worth $1, for 750. • • Boys' Frieze Ulsters, high storm collar, worth $4, lor $2.50. 74' • X .4 Men's Frieze Ulsters, tweed lining., high storm collar, slash .1. pockets, worth $6,• for $3.75. . • • 'y Ladies' Astrachan Jackets , N 1. quality, made from select- • :s; ed skins, regular $35, $40 and $45,. 25 per cent. off. , . McKINNON &Oa, BLYT • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . . COAL COAL COAL Before placing your or- ders for your season's supply of Coal, get our. 'Prices. The very • _best goods carried in stock . and sold at- the lowest possible price. , - Oficleis may be left at Davis & Rowland's Hardware Store, or with V. J. STEVENSOI it Electric Light :Plant FAVIOU*S Know, - CENTRAL* " STRATFORD. ONT. Thislargest and most successful doni. mereial and Shorthand school. in Wes- tern Ontario. Our • courses are up -to date and practical Leading ' colleges in Canada and the United States em- pley our graddatestas teachers. ' • Write for free ca a ogue, ou , may enter &early thne. ER1017 AitIACRLAN''. kiss • ;DRESSMAKING • • The undersigned, who ,i6 a thoroughly competent dreee and mantle maker, ie pre, pared to tio work of this nature, at the h3me ot patrons. Charges • reasonable. • MISS M. RANDS, • • • mire of JABRZ RANDS. . • ' YOU t. • If not, NOW is your op., pottunity. PRICES Of WOES -ARE-REDUCED— „ • 1314not the to get b 9"t quality. CALL AR SEE: OUR Siem •Second 418.4d,, Watche • taken in ex - ,change.' W..11..11ELLYAN jeweler and Optician.. Births. Marriages, Deaths ' ••Boit N RALE.—In Clinton, Feb. 13*, to Mr. and Mts. Ghee. 13. Hale, a daughter. FLYriN.—In Hallett, onfi`eh, -1302, •to Mr; and Mrs. Owen Flynn, ft:Son. ' • ELLIOTT:—In Hullett; on Feb. 9th1 to Mr. and mra S. Elliott, ft e0n. Li24-IS.1.-.1n.Goderieth, on Feb.' 14113, to Mr. and Mn. L. Levitt. a daughter. MACKINNON.—At 608 Huron St, Tor- onto. .on Feb. 13.h, to, Mr. and Mre. John . S. MacKinnon, (itself D. B. MacKinnon DEY.—In Winghifip. on Feb, 1st, •to Mr. and Mre. John Dey, awe. '• - • WELCH.--Inimwet Wingham, on Feb. 51b, to Mr. and Mre. W. Welch, a mon. . KERB. --;At the Metbodlit 'Parent:we, Blenhsitn,,on Feb. 6th,to Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Kerr,. (formerly of Bengali), -a (laugh. MARRIAGES COODER--WATT.—In• St. Thqrnae, 'on Wednesday, Feb." 15th, at the residence of Amos Cooper, the groonfc bro her, by Rev. G. A: Gifford, Mr. P. Cooper, tc Mies Maggie Watt, ot Clinton. . • ELSTQNL-PERDUE,—In• Morrie, at. the residence of thebride's mother, on Fob.• 7th; by Rev. Geo. Baker, of Binavale, r. Robert Elston, of West Hope, North Dak- ota, formerly of Morrie, to Miss Eliza 4. JOHNSON—SCOTT.-- Ai the residence of.the bride's parente; on Feb. 1st, by Rev. W. r. West, 111.• 4.... Mr: A.VOIllson, to Advertise • in the New , Era 13---rr-- mi.. M. Sdott. dalighter of Mr: and Kn. J. 0O6t, urnberry, ef Blytn,) ern. . • • ' McOLIIRE--BLAOK. At the reilidtno 3 1 wooslooy%,AAAA****--***Afv, --.Extensive CLOTHING SALE THE BIGGEST SNAP OF . THE SEASON To go 'on sale Saturday,j‘anuary, .28th before stock -taking 1100 Men's Suits consisting of Scotch,English and Canadian tweeds, in' grey,grey and black,olive and fawn and blacks .$12 Suits for $7 50, $8 Suits for $525 and all others at correspondingly low-priOes; eizes-34-42. • . 10 Men's Imported Worsted and Serge Salta in blue, black and fancy coloring§ and stripes,flne trimmings and latest, styles, $1.2 Suits 'for $7,50 and $8.50 Suits at 85.75. 40 3/ien's Overcoats in black, grey and stripes, all thisseason'S .goods, Specially trimmed and A 1 goods. Will go at one half their value. • 20 Boys' hoavy 0,vercoats at half price. . • , 75 Boys' Suits, regular price $2.50 to $6 reduced. to $1:15 and $4. Other prices at same reduction. ‘• • 20 Men's Odd Coats at half price. SO Men's Odd 'Vests to go at hall Price, 10 pairs Men's Pants reduced one third from regular price. .59 pairs Boys' Knickers reduced onethird from regular price. These goods are largely our own make and can be relied on. Any person in need of anything in the above lines, can save 40 to 50 per cent on all purehaseti. Come early on Saturday . and see for yourselves T. JACKSON :Et 14 *******4013004000A00000314#01 • D. ROOM,. 1 MUGU BAH Every branch in our line is complete, you can get any article produced at this store. Our Prices bring The Trade. Our personal supervision .goes with every - chase and satisfaction is guaranteed. tIN 1:10:ERTIlk ING alight or iiiiiiiprompurefteitiled to ,44 of the bride's mother, by Rev. A. X. Birke, assisted by Rev. S. H. Edtraison,‘ on Feb. 8 Mr. H. H. MotHere, of Lethbridge, Alberta to Mise fdarion Titokeismithe DIED SKELTON.—In Morris, on Feb., 2ed, Bobt. Skelton, aged 39 years.. • „ Mc() A.UGHEY.—In Blyth; on Feb.: 2nd, Mra, Prelude McCaughey, aged 66 yeare. NESBITT.—In (Minion, inx 'Feb," 12'h, Mr. Christopher 3. Neshitt;':,:At Goderich Tpaged.68 yeare. • Dainty. Things FOR 'OdintyBrealkfdOs Star Brand" Flour . • First, of course Etnbro Rolled Oats The very beak .Toastod Wheat Flakes Wheatlet.. • '" Cornmeal .., Buckwheat "Flour • Shreaded Whole Wheat Force. Vini . MaltaVita Jersey Cream Sodas - 'Epicure' Breakfast Bacon Grand Mogul Tea Epp's Cocoa Pure Maple Syrup jams, jellies, etc In short, anything and everything for an 'enjoy- able meal. All NEW . goods. Oar RrioeN sell them; We sip*, tie them up. a -Tried 't!rder SolicItOd Phone ni•••') ° 1ANvokaoki • 0.f3taton.' .Successor to: It Cantelon •• GROCER, 11ttion St.,- 'Clinton -Thrut• .. • • • '" " Thousands of dollars worth of goods:sacrificed; rather than carry them over. This is your money saving oPPorturlity. •— Never such low prices on GOOD GOODS.. - DON'T FMLTOTTIND.° „ 15c Wrapperette for 104 ta<t7teiorn:,:g{4142axcabtieti totfastooescfroi price Mei 'for . .10c Wrapperette for 8c ' • • 300' yards, New patterns, 29 inches wide, fast color, regular 10`0, for ), I 50c Linoleums 35c new de- Two 'yards wide, .good pa,ttern and weight,**ny length, , regular • ,also several reninants to go at same. i00 • 3c 35c Ni,ilitary Flannel' at 25c • 100 yards, Grey Military Flannel, unshrinkable, extra heavy, regular 35c, for . . . . . ... .. . ..... 25e °dd lots at WaihrGoods at 5c • .Consisting of 'Prints, Ginghains, Duck, Etc, rartging in price from 10c to •25c; clearing at per yard., 5c 1214Plints for 8c Odd lbts of fast y'ear'sprints, elearingi then' Out •tu make room for Nev Prints all to go at ' .75c two,ply Wool Carpet 50c . •• Clearing • out • the .remnants ol Carpet Lengths, • inn fieri • 5 to -20 yards in •each piece, all good patter- n ..regular 75c, for , ,.50e '50c Union Wools for 25. • - All good. patterns, -lengths run from 5 to 29 yards, Nei- .• • ular 50c, for........ ... .. . .. , ......... . 25c • . . • 12%c Jap Flattings TOP • • . • One yard- 'wide, good. patterns, any length youmay rer • Childrin's Worsted Hose Odd lots Ohildren:s Worsted 'Hose, all sizes, regular 25e, for • • - • 15c $l Flannelette Gown 75,c Made of good heavy Flannelette in pink' and white, sol- id eolors, with lace., and embroidery • trimmings, reg - 'tiler .$1 for 750 Regular 75e• for • fi0c Also corset covers and drawers to go at Wholesale prices. • Corsets. •-• • ^ - Our Corset stock is too heavy . and to- reduce same .we are rnaricing .aiimited number to reduce the stock, as follows, all •sizes : ' • , Regtilat $1.25 for , Regida.r $1.00 for • 7t50 Regular 75q for • 50c Regular 50c for 35c W'Sinbat Coats Sizes 40, 41, 42, .44, regular $30, . for... ...... ,....., ..... . -524 Men's Ca.11ICoat.s SizeS..4.0; 42, 44, regular $22, for . • • : Ladies' 'Astrachan. Coats • Sizcs 2, 34, 0; 30! regnlar $25, for $18: Ladies! Sokaharen • • quire, at :wholesale price ' • 10C Sires 34 and 38, -regular $45, ler 20 PER CENT, OFF ALL SM'A.Lf.; FTJIIS suOR t,S RUFFS, GAUNTLETS, MUFFS, Fro. . • . I • • $35i• useuiss4Wassastos • • " '• • , • ' . • ,tr, -• .Stitcce0ots to R. Coats, . •.• CLIN Clinton Market Report. ' new .glibiertiontunts ' dorreoted every Thursday' afternoon • Barloy.................... 40 a 42 • . House for Sale. . Wheat:,....,.., ...... 0 32 a 0 34 % ' ..., ........ .. 1 00 a 1 05 . Gate .. ; • ____. . • • ThoStraith property on Bing S•• half,: B tt r rol ' ' 0 1" • a 0 17 iwsgtetaeeintbeat.ost AOMppcieyantdo the Station. Egos per doz (tew)..o• - 0. 20 a 0 20 . • offeredyors . • , . • I . . W. BRYDONE Eggs ' .“ (lit 1d). ... 0 15 * I • Iive Hoge........!...: ,5 0 a 510. i , n piteTiT SCHOOL . ELLIOTT 17)R0:07:110AsugNa.) a 7s., . , I.. T : .•• -- ,I. '. • , ' . -. The feature in the market is the firm- TORONTO ONT. I. tress in butter. This, is not due to the ! " blockade of raiiway. trade,but is the sr)Roteirt egraVeueer'ith.terS07 Vi2n6jeMaliFti result -of a shortage in supplies. :: Alexander Sts. we..r.ror,mar 14 rrin. . Farmer's pound prints are firm. The , l • . • whole dairy market is in good.. shape, I — ' - • . • . „guit's lor Sale and if there is not an undue rush to t " make fodder cheese, in the spring, the r -• ' — Con. 11.. R. S. Tucker - dairymen should even up this150 sum in 2nd year' for I the low prices of last year. " , 1 smith ( lot 32 and west half lot 34) with. • good brick house, barn, elude, stables etc. HOGS A LITTLE LOWER. 1 A first olaee farm. Parcels will he sold I , Hogs are just a trifle easier, being either separate or together.. For_partien. quoted at $5.40 for selects and $5.15 for lire apply to HERBERT CRICH; fats and lights.. This follows 0,, decline • Seaforth, • of 2s per long cwt.. in the Old Oountry or W. Brydone, Barrister, Clinton.. market. .„ Meade Bulletin cables front We old Country say,71Mviever, that : '.- • '''' Servant "Wanted the .British demand for bacon is some- * What better at this decline, and 'better Servant:wanted toi,do general hoisee prices for hogs May therefore be look- work . good wages paid to competent per. ed for before long. • , • , . • eon. Apply DIRS, WMJ) LIVE STOCK MARKET. . ---, - Firmness in lambs continues to be BUTCHER, BUSINESS the distinguishing feature in the live tOr Sale or.to iltent stock ma,rket. in *Toronto, To -day , „ lambs are going at $6 25to 8660, about . --- 25 'cents beyond last week's average - Owing to continued ill health subscriber prices. A shriller. advance is reported offers for sale or In rent, hie Butcher Bur - from the United States. .Trade in live pima, in Clinton, together with the build - stock at the Toronto market was VerY itIgth the best bustling stand in lean. light, the • blockade on 'the railways nutlet:dare on applioation, having prevented all arrivals except a ., A. °Qv's, Clinton. few loads. Feeders are dill $4 to $425 good stockers $3.50 to $3.75; and dale"' .,, mi n tooak8 $ao Butchering s 'a,WA APAHZ:uiningorthewayfromscdowL 32.60 for commonbuxom re's ttlibLii S 11001 Fop. sk.0 1 willi.i. gip a ss eyeteni free, and The city goVernment of Toronto has set aside $3,500 for the immediate pur-etiattylitritt:1711n-gellW tatftied" Plistirg chase of horses for the Department of from the plainest shirt waist to the moat elab- orate dress that can be found in the Fashion nook without the use of paper patterns. I have taught over 1500(flftsen hundred) this last six years and offer 010 (one Mir drod dollar's, to anyone I can't tarok; or can prove td •, b they can lo Ire to tritteh amyl Aber p ars in iii-) years. JUST MINK Or IT, For $50 1 uili t °Milt:anyone that IBA good dro ;smaller or a good 'ewer and drawer tto teach thio course, giving Violin Instruction them my teachers certificate. Strangers may. --- board at Minot. A minable reward Riven to Mies Edna M. Mehra of Stieforth, pap. anyerettgeiotturfoararavrOtirict tvairoinnevetnriettingantde 1 ad Patented that dodin't hold a certificate theilClfVniotilrniPriaanidilerirtgoettileePwalr fdtilkrtibWeril pi tleincrih- from me; Next °less (leftmost:es Itondayr; Sob - tars sea mom WASHINGTON, Mare's 20th. ,Write , or perimeters or B0(,me at.„ my Mag school in. Stratford 0, Posits WinAtor Hotel, on id Stott, • ,Aitert 81., on sat arday, Feb.,18t14fr,vra zo to 5 m. Mrs. Wm. ,SANDERiit„Teacher in fi fetish:diking; Box 150 strattord. ontario " PC)STPONED ' 1 yr tab sh, the Street The reason for purchasing just now IS because an advance of prices in springis looked for. rimmoommie The Formai Opening of the. ilOTEL IViANDIE HAS BEEN POSTOONEI) Date tobe announced as soon as Harbers tire • heard front NEW. 131J- - 13A0OACIE DELIVERY Raving decided to run a 'bus be. tween Rotel Normandie and station, wo respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the travelling Passengers •deliver. d to any part 01 so,ek dato,beargy.gage of any description: Ring up phone 20, tnake known, your *ante and we wilt reapond any 'hour of the day. • tionwT4 n Livery N.OAnt• OtiOlittOt • .s$ • .• .• •.... • .• • •Everything will be solci atIniliest 'pikes to clear dining the mit. month. •. • If you. want any of the following now the' time. and this is the place to save money. Vur Coats, - Fur. Robes, v,ex;ios.ittoS: .Odd Pants, 13Ianliets • ' tndervvea , YO.r1115, Wool Soek, etc, Ladies jackets. • Ladies Skirts, , Ladies T.Tn.der‘rgaT, Lad.ies trosiery, press Goods, ilannelettes, Wrapperettes. Flannels, •Boots Sr Ititbler. We expect the prices that we 'iIt give to m.ke clearance of the'lines offered, • 4 The *Old Stand .LLIIVISTEEL. 44444$4 :• • .. "•t"; • I•