HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-02-10, Page 8o 11
.,. ... _: e.w 111 5 . , - • i
enS °' x
I i` .:. . _
�, N'te�
New Embroideries , I
at the
f . ress , Shirts
a k.
.. Half= rice r .
t p .
Half -pr rice for the balance of ` +
Id p -lits. 't' at
our stock of Dress Sl.
w we are going to clear the !
is ho g. .
,racks -and be ready With a 'new •, ,
stock next 'season ��;1 ore made . .
' Food styles from materials that
in b Y
.will wear well, . SATURDAY I
eau buy anyCloth'SkirC
iiet you Y
in the store for exactly half-price:
" A ood assortment to choose from.
(weeds, Cheviots and Broadcloths.- Good styles.
and well -made garments. . .
IN THE wiN o �
pi } '.
s a {,.
11 Selling Jac -t
Sil .
a ur lVZ �nt-
VVe are still selling our o I
Every cloth. Jacket
" les at $3.33• Y, �, •
in the stoic at this price.. Not one'
�11.rued no matter what it origin==
We positivel will , • .
ally sold for. V� positively
of carr one over. We said this
n y
�> "nil meant it, wUe_. r
six weeks ago -and
mean day. That is th r exon' .
for.this absui-dl,T r price.'.New
s se ison. Your choice.
n Cloth acket in the'storefor "
of a J
gee Cents
r Thirty
,Three. �cThree Dollars n "
gg�� � T F
1t.7 V �"
Buying; a Fta Jacket: now is a better rove
tr morie in the Bank.,
an utttn oa Y
than Y
nisi t p g.
have only a few left and are willing' to . sell' thein.
'" y carry them over. All made from.
cheap rather than ca y
ood skins and will give satisractory wear. • w
g ariiients and "are willing- .
handle none but reliable g are as
ever one we sell, These
to stand behind y .
There 'is one acke
good as any we have sold. r J
i. 11
hat sold for X37.50, this we will take 29..50_ •for.
choice garments that sold 'f. 4,
n 2 here are two g " else .ax-'
.. his w .will takq.$3o, and one extra ch g
for c
- 0 regular 85.0-o6, for which we will take $." I. .
c The Fur Stock -is is Getting Smaller.
A good many people saved money buying11
eek. Here .is the list for this week. . f
here last w
there is an article in it you would like, you can save
money buying it NOW.
No. 10 off. wide at back, long; fiat
One oixl Ohio Sable R
r rimmed with cord and S tails, regular $18,
' ,, fronts oo.. .
rather than carry it over, iiow marked.........,:. .
; If, , No. 2.
extra fine natural Alaska Sable Ruffs
Oris' only e• with 8 tails, the
' � very ch nice• pteGes of. fur, trimmed w, e
,' last we have left of our famous $10 special, rather 8-1100,
flirt. carry them over we mark them at each• • •,, • • r
No. 8` pica even curl,liigh
One only grey lamb.Caperine,
re alar 12.60, rather than carry it over we
collar, g $ p 0
Imar k it ...............................:............
.y - �~ I •
No, 4. nth '
One only; Marten Ruffs, good width and le, g , " �j
F regular $5 rAther than carry them oyer, we mark 3 "'15 '
1. these last two, each.•..•.••••.•.•,•••••..•0'••`:••• .
g No. 5.
One cniy grey Ruff, thick close fur trimmed ..with
.. 3,15
si x a Ila, regular $5 now marked r .. . .... ........
.,caY.+- _ _ ..
No. & -
Orle only extra choice Alaska Sable Stole, wide
nt re lar $iii Hary marked to olear
collar, Lang fro , regular 251100
F I 1h �t.•.................r,.•..........-..,....--.'. ,..�.1'
' -
No. i. N t -a tine fur,
One only real Alaska Sable Muffs,' ext, 50
good shape, regular $10, now marked at each, . a.•, • .' i
g .
No. 8 . .
One onlyextra fine quality Ladles' Persian Lstmb,
curl Iosa iinisb, regulax $12 now
marked... even , g y $ 50
U. 9�One only Ladles' Fur Lined caa,t,'45', luchas Tong -
i outside of best quality black kerael+,. •real ,Alaskn . .
collar and rareres,linad througlhout whit
sable v stylish and comfortable gat
itskrat, a y.
quality M 59.0 .
anent, regular &80 now rnsrked .. _ . - .. , - ...... - ► . , i
6 .
1-:,-, 17 ... 11 ; * ,;,ns,. Dros
, y
. � AM
''.1 � �110d '. I.: .. -
. . 1. .
. .� .. �... *A"10,118tont �. �
�.., I . . 0, OWS , .
� .; I .
'. I
0I . , . I -____'.. . .... ---1--__ �.,_A
0. , .
. : ,: ... I - � - ,
11 ....,
L 1. ....
I .
I.. .1 .
11 � �
" — 1. - 11 -
1'._"_1 ---, __-_. ,
e ire visitors yc7i4' "any, f •ieitd isusoat'reaaivea"on tc�s° o no&nstorie liae'1Lxrchaeed tlxe you nave Heyer hen uai�re<.
aieiV y
o t e (.lt . ton hustlers, • ` - because Your niLme has _,ixeon;overlo4k, old sheppard homestead, which aorxi- ,
itch # r b ac d. o ram of orohestral
e A ► r risco 43 lieges; bath the half of ::"'The roue "xhe heart dee i and the urse lightly.
t p l3 1? p
vxitg was the Line t p gg y Y
ritusic FvitL :re rendered and u tempting 2l, "Ba field con eesian..
Goderltsh; • • Clinton \ " : at y •
L t to lunch. serve ed fr4rrt $ t011' P. in. if you Wish to keep posted in up-toa :1. t\'
IihOhn ,. goal R Ca n e n : '
D.Forres x'ARiILrI,I' f�QMI�iG.-Staff ()tip- • date needle�vo�k on ahotild be a soli- - -'
Dyke. potcit her t ytr, AIELrsau I \fixe Salvcttrorr cscribeof orttaeyli Neediewbe jour* -, �• •
-lSrnudfoot ^G pc►iut ' C Colxp .: tt �n , ortinto' livens. Itc C. ! The ,o D • IR ' _• 1.
h cQreath senile E Settle Armyheadquarters, T , g, n , , published quarterly.• . - . ,
I a> Gall oq 7'tla �diwv.' He wits here in the
Carrie leftwing L•Mainnink, s, -dity, ttrt ratttt,nttndtrane- '•Z+'ted Whitely,, who for seine time Often -the Cheapest . Alwa�s the Be t•
S'trttith right rung C Stanley interest of x, ..
rtafton depnrtmen£ of.that organiz- has been employesi in Detcoit, has ac- •
I ..-iruibull' ' tovor• 'B 13rel er h° i Inde -ta p to bring cepted a position in Geo GobertI .1
y r. �. . atlon,. whlch s r >& g •
1311001ST INTO PROMIN1Y::aNOR , 15M imn[igrants to :this .country,^ ubout barbgr shop, : " .
f;o'o ex• soli of Mrs. �V.•(7octper e;end iii Marcli. Tliese:'�vil, include The Boa4rd of .License' Commission. .
tin A- p . ( of to n th ars' and ' w Monday to..&i n the „
id brother of A. T:; Cooper,'. Fv ,) ,Iagla anti married farm labor ars met in toVD: 4 g . .
is been -brought into, prominence t'he . contract' laborers, Any farmers or
ueet m with the•
vs few day.§ in con r of silt in this section . desirous of oh- j g lly,oi lr(,loderrtch.. iLxr Bros, to e^es .in .. o w'. {s
t-- . - � . � .. .. � . ... .1
Y,a io and onSaturda it , s ould apply at the; riC
ass Association, Y•..ttwi>stn .help, _h. PP Y On very .pretty';`electrical :effect " .
�e Mail Mori Empire: rave: bis photo,' . Enc„ o1aco..:,. Application form's will be - rr6g •A teen ion
•+ n" st {e: Sunda P t e imixii ration iriirrar for' advertisrn�g pnippos�a lien. That f� .,.. .
ktirGlidaty' b illoti , y F furnished. and set- lr. $ be 4 installed h : •W': L: Qalbraith :i
st was Dir: oopers natal day, In ;departrtieiit-rvithont charge,... .
the the window of.his tobacco stOre.. •
innection witlr: the thoto -Lie •SWEST--MOORS-The. Signal .,of Qaa,litte.s.,
orris : "John A. Cooper, editor of Re Tatar C.oetshad tinother ;visite=' Y11,
An Ma" oxine. and.ex-I'resi last week says:—"�'Gsterclay afternoon tionront his tyrant friend niunrba#io,'
ae.c.naa a g , _ a. happy party drove up, #roto Cl'niton and, was laid •up for a week in' conse- That Invite Inspection
int.of the Canadian Press Assocta p Y uence.: However we're pleased" to :
6n, born at.Cl Ilton, Ont, Feb:5,INS.'' to bave the Bonds of`m;ttriinon sem- $ ,
* ratulations tinted between two',at their number, see him' iu town Mi)ndaY Stock
he NEW Fatt2r exte�nd9 ung , even tank face at i�ortb Street. -
af.oar t7wns The t : p We are determined. to. reduce ou>"tmmense, , '
xd vote s the sentimentarsoi[ e. Rev. G. N; Raz-- - .;Mrs:. Francis McC,iu lily, of Blyth,
it wishes that he, may be
Methodist p ag sister iii -law of Mr. •James McCau h' and \ we . have made . the ` rices so low that :if •..you See '
aaple w en, an ofnelntcng. 'lhe coo' le uiostclosely C n � ,
xLred to en o\i m6my ni0e birthdays, h t Of St of Clinton) was taken suddenly \ill a •
• •a ince interested were Robeit S vee ,,step.,,
attain enter pi min Mondaywith.heart trouble and has the:goods you cannot resist the genuine Ba:i•gains. we\
A to t se wt gin CanaLdians de- hen township, son of JanieaSweet\,and :since been very s'lck,
vongst.tho 14I'ss Minnie MOore,'of -Clinton. Miss are offerin All Vlrinte!' G,OOaB ll�u5t be Cl+eralred•;
lit to honor. t o m Mr 13 Be ttie was bi Seaforth Tues g� •
Sarath S'iveat,, .sistQr\ of the gr n ,was sl >Ye ar less of Cost oriel many:. other . \ lilies. ' of
o e t b1..Tat. Tor . of da •-'Wet4 ' on :a oommissiori to take �tlt
;d G'.00I)• L' >;ST:-=�VhLit.. our citizens brides. a d,, and' R b r Y r y, �' •;
read in the newspaper and•per s 'steel the rcroni.. After the evidence' ora suit for alimony, •pend- • •Staple g'oodS which. We 'have» placed Ori our; .bar aln
ia� >Jxetar,aa si g. •
i cal line.at Clinton's 11040 -date poli file Fart drove back Olin- in in'the Northwest; between part�tes s 111.' DO ou 'Wallet ' 'the•.best.-,,'.1
di ceremony p g Counters- for quick e g, y
o library' : 'Globe...- Matil; Scientlific. tau; avhere Mr. .Ind .:Alms. -Sweet ".will well known iwtWs distract. '... ;
Illustrlited. London News, s for•` the est v lue 'you ever : of -in a.pai> .af Brootsr na x�iatter vF►h ;t •
meracan, . _ make t hetr.bome Miss Kaiser, who ha . P • . , . y , " . � -
larper s Weekly, . Literary Digest, , ear conducted a glass \in vocal music '
�. Y Times Satutcla DEATkI. OF DiIBS• '33:A WDDN.- yy ;:kind ou want. If you.sor. Just come ,-net pus to
ife:.0ut ogle, N .•, Y r en nal 21 here,`has'found it necessttt• . to disconr Y o .
;dvtew, Amet ican hpyentor,. BooklovMiss Corti:-, lf. M. Bitwil , .- ti rue it. Her man friends will re- 'the test,: We -know we cat please you. SpPecials �O1" `.
rs .Harper's, Bazar. Ladies' Home years She had rip .foie 4 \erniple of. t
to n
1 fro w ,
er remove to
ret h nl:
urcla" o
g. Friday a d
-.Fid n
he 1 ad
rove s t Y y
gg o
da m
a t.. 9 tug „ y
• Sunil weeks and tr
h stn . i1 i .Y.
a to o t
• Co, rt Y. „•
aurniLl,. l ;p Paper.* Girls' Own ai paralytic, stroke, Proud -which she Mr. John McGuire, of Blyth who un 'at 0.'a[' .
tome, Bns Own p
p y , n'sunin set ve t an o eratiau at .the Clinton . Mena Fint3 Shoeia worth $3:50s;and $4.00 going ffi '.1<
'ai er Century, Vurrent Litenitdre, never tallied. rinainine p i „ g , .dirt . n. p , .. -
p: Y , s a nxormn os ital a sou 1e of weeks ago -for tip- Ladies Vici Kid Buttoned Boole worth $3.60 your choices ., .
iational, Four.? rack 1�Teivs, World',s iq and.she.clied on Ttte,<i ,v g h . l', >, _ . rest acl- i lible Butto ed Boot;. North 11,9? and $i.so only 00,
onthly Outin ; Did .g att 8 o:clack. She -%vase lining: at the :i,endictrs, �slf now looking,, g Maces i'e r!
ti: ork, Leslie's M r , g ,
c tie Scribner s,• • i atnd )n As iurt since lastlgay. The \i va»cement tocs*ardI recovery:,. ' CIrL
t c ttt1 13Vgienie GFaie ;
~., c lutes Every-. f e 1:was h Id. %Vednesdity at 2.30, c, of- horses beloti` in t , Get your 51 Are' at our Gres% : StOCk �cHlu
La}r ne>`a, G`a. , tidian,. c0lute's ,,.. fan ra a The team g
- Vatltl rear ra bein , ,Lou Pickett,, gg
god 's Strand,' Teclinic�`at � , -he . t e $ Frank h vans, _ran away one day • last Sale.
' News, World's A rthux Will
'tYalter' Armstrong, d same in contact, with, .the
Nestniinster, Book• N w -. , week, ail ,
• e BeatitifLi! I`0 r7% 1.d Caissels, Mike Gjealis, lia:rry prem tide rtioh 'post at Grahams: grocery" : •... . • 4 .
vents, .The Tions ,
O .: ' lin; Whose in attendenee 3.•'F....it'. `C• store 'corner, smashing dray, and: 'ThO .1010 )RCMIELh•iel.
ons, American BOY. and Mrs .C: 'A.':IVicDanell, of • Henslull
NNIER TSAN EVER. TIxis Fri . ..Diel;son harness. ' ,
FU 14Ir .;pr\I3rn,nmg, 1VI:rs Ia..13 . ,
l,i eveninghas het for'the Prom I 'u of. Exeter : blrs, Next Tuesday is lover's,da�y, or,as..R
that, Miss. Lizzie • Curt g, • rs ....s � , . W '
y' v l and b '' th to tortist h . of own St 'valentine -- Of
sed Carrni a y .. ... :L. A.. Bennett •nod _ivliss :Grettrt, _ commionly -known, ,; , •' •� • •
ed . b ..nitlnv. no es " e see for• that
gas been manifest v on'•. nd Mrs 1 'G- Emigh, of course by the pietur w
ni cti exhibit. .Lund... a kind of �'�'
loubt it will be file fun a I.a
dresscnstuines ,Blyth... Rev:'C. •R. Guntie, cifficiating day'there.are evidently two i',
on Of cbtliic lanai swell _ , ,_ •at the service. love -tile kind that s worth -.watching•, \` -
wer,'.seen. in 4, on rink., Twex+t3, rind the blind.love.
... ,...
ive aoliairs is being offered in prizes. • , C &MINCx To •,STRA`pF0 .D The .. •EMMUMPM
furnish articles , woi thy of . • . chestra: rons4sting of fifty-. :. We', .are4 Maid to know 'that Miss . . -
ind. should t --thio burir Or _ -
of Mr
tl ea
be v's .daughter • i't `n tt n-- i t
se w l h st i. x _ 1T alt e La
Che r, the a e. Ii ,
icing competed"' for three pieces, nue f g
'` f,Lncv dress, • die'r'fi stcitiss Lav" who has Leen. eonftned to lien .. 71 --^r .
twarded for• Best lodges iced �atates,givus Qtle'al .i . r t5, -
ies.coinic costume .
e is fancy di ass; Iaid Musical concerts til Sri itford an: ;s1Ton-, :room villi it serious attack. 4t tnifam- a
'� n ..y t clow... also 's maCt;e1-'.141(' atog illeumatitism ism wablo to be:. '
•'eats comic Costume, lies day evening nt xt..: _1411 s m y r , .
ace- ono
x st r els nil. abou
iL > fro is o. t > a
-the z t x t:
wen for t; N • oil v
• •be i eve Y ,
1 ti f l
r'a..1v1.. no' o
' i e ` # ladles gond ents,(tok'ether) Con best So raztio singers .-iii. tliiit °' A
pp � '
Am ,
"o , �
.dt skating, of the . p We .are. sorr . to' learn •that'T. , .'
ri costume.. Thai tvill.he threeskakinu country ossein soles them: d ast•harb.. Y not r o an:
i en. • p a a s' ter ' 11> eNeil; ivae compelled to u
t ich two : Lizes will beg v .. , lit saw. that this lardy 1 t sister ..
-cc's for vb P we nxit� o on Saturda last for enalge �..
The lust is for' boys lin- "' nne l who is �Y 11':known •operate n y Ne . .
, ts - � ar, e` _.'..
For each race.; a of.J. H ITr,Go 1 ti ,
e T6 ears of ai e, tl tines arouncl the to main af'our towns eople: This be- :menu of the glands of the throat,
rJ r y • 20 . tell y om tan to ;thou u'ableto be out, \ is look ug ''the . 11 . .
rink-,' nd race: tot boy'$ under u- the ilial visit df ,this. c t y g. .
bs ind'ihik : and tbe• 'thh-d . is a
times aroi tilos rtrt of the country ;no doubt a tivorse•fo . tiffs experience
tw ,lve tif6es' around ,the, 1 her will want &) bear. them. •
tree -far -all, a x.0011. ?ram Mr .R A, Mansell, : of Brockville .
c k. The Citizens baud will bein :fit ,.5. ectal rotes to a parxt.y of inn wilt;be on Stindit at t2 e ' • . ..• ..
rix p - who: died suddenly `�, . ,
tendancP and the. will be 1qr. give on 'all railroads. Any iota). . t'orie flute n re- , •
• ems. r entletuen.whtch g, ilfrom F: 1T, $ori alge� of.54.Yeats, was iL . • . .
for ladles And 2tie, for $ tion c.tri be obtaifre side. of Clinton; -having •been for,
xrtveleaesafter ev- it r r atxatford .. xvho t l? , .
tivill include ska, 1, gens ox T.. ,1..1'. n e , >. attme months connected with the
nt4 are judged Come .,.atnd have a- informs its ;thaat' arranges. . , have He .`vas .
e 3 g: r in until Doherty, Organ Company. ., Birt mak lee un. to'ship
good time.. been iiiad6 to hold:. the 1,}st t a unmarried; 'and a brother of Rev A.. Tl�e S , g
C .:BIN — "Uncle •after the concert:' .. el . patterns. (%lir ,first.'
U1vElLII TSO :U S Maps l out their new I go5', p
fn's Cabin, rover gross 'old. 'There' . OF Ova eatest the naat; .. .
h. it t4 i iL t li o s poculiatr]Y• priioon- 'Elie : special. brigade in connection : chi pinerits' a re here. Tile n ,
;runs tliroug, t TOVM,MAN-� Wednesdayaft
weet. -Uke the;kiss' of a late with the Solvation nrmy: tvho,con• , .'_ , , obbiest Shirts that Have: vBYr.
tauchirig ands of last week the remains of th
• er gongs s ., dncteds ec�alseryices\hel_d.hereT'ues- : • i.,c,st then ...�. .
1 :con uex's b . the. -v ._y._. _x....., -.;:I? .. _ , .....-_., > _. _ ..-- - -
achilci,, t q 3 William Rumball, who died., ,in 1, -
o character of
encs of its. breatth. I.n, tlx a idence of his ciao h day evening, in. rile idle. of Clintons a . 'been On ; .Q1lr t;011riterS°: CalzirS aro* fast> "
o'.does not cher- '.day last at the r s fv march °to I1"id pity, paraded the
• v"
Eva, is unique; ' fah ter, Mrs 'Elliott, . lVoodgtock, were
e an enc streets at noon that day,. each bear : qualities are goQd, fit`,perfCt,�; xevery little .
xah s n inaiinoty soma 9. iv b t g taken to. Goderich' avliere the inter- ek and' re -
seined to touch this. earth • . ) Ing a sign on front anti iia , p detail fist right.• h; pk in a11d. • See theril,; .
child, who s mint took lace in Maitiand cemetery, l
onI as a transient visitor, who passed pseated a :ver amusip si ht. .
y p the funeral takitf place from the relic Y g . g ever if you do not. want one dust now: �e
with t -h e d e w of ehi(dhaiad°s 'i� a u hter .Mrs. • s e Lal excursion: train went %
away, q idetice of.t a deceg• sod d 15 , .
n too " ood, t o a . ore for lis. b Huron road: h last.evenlu ' bearing a num- : , .. _Wilf be> glad t0 `S�1Uw. them:
mor in t; p throng
as t are ever a child •,like .Eva? Tiobert-. Dillf, Thursnz t w9 of Narfalks o acke enthusiaists, , who twere. • ' -
VV u on . M r Rnnxball was. a her £ h y
but her ri a in.e is .written p n in ,ihe Woodstock Hockey.. .
Yes, b l+�n land,.•tind...came to this country, aecompa y g At.. $1.Oo "•' "
d old to to un g"
es. .'Chis oo P y, umil tvheix ertch - here a 'fast game
raveston • g his arents . and f Y. _ _. ___ tearnto_Giod '. '
t' one th tt, _+� illi _ p , _ _ _.. _ .. ' �°. t e.. Shirts' of fin0' Cambric, double aboulders;
it ue_because it. s:•the._oit y _' r� lig Lt . el t t ears•+ 41d', The faintly _was: layedbetween• the --clubs of . h
1 Character, ':Che.scenery a t g i , y , ed P ev ilio . aliort•boeoin, ovary size full,, neat stripes tan
ortriLy§that silo c gist settled in.town. 'but, litter nxov tytrp plates sppoken'of that c ,g
P llent. In the . river scene, one , . 80 'tickets were gold from Clingy. ' , . white :grounds, a big variety of patterns, .
is ex.ce of iso slowly to; Goderich, with the exception of Mr :.Over
ees the floating•.chkes bail 'a: brother, who, -has ton.. The score was 6 to 4.. special 8,t each -, - ... ... , . , - • . ai00
s tical... The_; liLntation 1+red , Ratio . __._ __ ..: .
niowin�• down, s 1x"- •aoticall lived -here Aver since- .Mr .-_. _._.._ —_.: ----__ . ____ . _ I..
:; seene de icts It .ppre tl Southern lioi lie" as married to Miss Mar. An Ottawa paper recently announc- At '$1 „y5
Co ton` elds, its manaton and 1;iiiiiball vF . d 'ceased him ed the en agement of Miss Halbuster
With xta.c t writ Fowler; tivlio .pie e g *�hitts ,made "from good qualitg colored
its log cabins...The last. so in this . g an ours. Three. daughters cut• and Mr Rabb W. Cents,. editor: of the -
drama has' .perhaps tt4Xed .m y :9. oderich lldrs >aabor Glazette. Miss Tialbuster, is C'ambrics, short Bosoms; patent button hole;
picturesquewive, .:Sirs - buff, of. G gun aiociet detachment cuffs, a Yxice asstartmexit of fanny
: the skilled painter and mechanic mora unkina of Hallett, and ,Mrs Elliott, spoken of as a charming y g y .
hers ectacle that the stage B + nibtLll of loci of the ital, at resent in New -tri• ea in blues, also white. ground. ,w illi ((�4 �� .
than any at pot flattery to say of Woodstock# .Hbeuezttr Ru _ , y , p rPP 1
can boast'. 1t is n ry ]le is a brother of the de York+ while bII Coats is well known neo ; tiai"irow stripes,, in calors, special at
that "'l'he Beautiful . Grates .Alar' - as Holmesvt M
t o: ceased. Mr Ila�mball far the past slit as a former (liintanian. It. is said the �� _
.now depicted•by,tbts company,.>s; n . years had lived at Woodstock. He wedclingwill take pisco shortly, pAt �`ii:$c� ..
Of the most entrancing spectacles ever . Y' '11 and "about four weeks, :Tho.flizPst.line"of high-class;'i�liirts we have 1
. Iieeaher'tt.Uncle ltabd been t v A rumor was curiee.t herA !t'atesday
witneaaed in this city. death:betn ,caused by . heart tailors.; . of. ever shown, g�"ara.teed_ porter t -fitting and
Coni an . will. appear at _il 'aer�var. that .Richard Gregg, a brother colo tVarit@ ounds :with , neat, efdall
Toms Cabin 1' Clinton Tuesday Even= mr $,utnbmit was a staunch Ort
the Yawn Hall, ,.
tiva and was�n 3tietnlaer of the Gader- Reuben' nod Oliver ' gg of . l �i�. .. ' de�signs a�ud stripes prep ggrroounds with small. •.. .
February 14th. Admission, c. nei hbarhoad. and ho one t biacTr or colored designs, the net[+ chatmpaigne1.
in F 3' .. y . . Ion Orange Lodge, who took charge resided around here, .but of late has
ane 3Gc. of the funeral.. Cv,. W. H, Graham a his home in the north :west, shade, with narrow, black stripes .or amaliy ..W
O. F. IaiNPtiJAi.-•The ah- actor of iTictot3a streot �Methodis� mad there . faincy patterns, nabloy and dressy: lvxtl
.. TIM C. O ,� was found frozen to death out 50 .
nual'.At Home of the Canadian. Or- huxeh, assisted in.the servtcee. what truth there is the rumor, we give excellent wear, epactal at each . , -, r
der of Foresters, held'last Friday even- ,
Ing, rues acknowledged by those Area= CIAINED %ISR li1W ARD, Deatli have not lase. able -to determine.
t to be the bast ever held by this sa•. has Cash 6 gleam o•veraur n iidst �hihn>� the�past�tladministrations of ilsttiatla ��+ � ��(��
alt .' UM Id J.", �!?
ciet The town hall, whioh was u,ed in the removal of onaof Tutsla- rss, ants.' and TV' exico have, arranged . that till >,T , .�,
far tithe atliering; was , comfortably oldest and,hih1 respectedf the late ,classes of matter; incept Merchandise
Rlled'.With rho members,, thelif wives, This time xt xs the lel r d Of t seven- maybe sent from, aithe t country to t If y'ou got � �ari';'�111i�
elton klcoat, who die 0a
friends , .anal, sweethearts. Adtnission..1�pp the other, at the inland or domestic
b ticket, without charge. Mayor teen.yesrs n o. Mia Elcoat's maiden . rates of the ,country or orgin, . The .
was y . , • same regulations will apply . to such
Hoover occupied the chair, and made name vasheringtou, m1R' to this1 e have four Coon Coats tC! Sell
a neat opening address, _ speaking in and marrio,d. before coming g York-
matter as to • that ' passing between that s rnebod is oin -to save
g he good work•being county. she bein a natiVs of two: Canadian Post of6oes. Articled fE51Xr caat� t a '
g owing ah6d y the g ea• shire En land. .they carne to this Y g r
:Lccom lighed by this aitd kindred g of Merchandise tv111 have to bo sent to • ` n ' •,
1? at far good works. . country 00 ears a o, when butt wild- Mexico by 1?arcel Poat as heretofart. some ri�orley on, for we won't earn thetll
clerics, saying th
e. next. to the.c �rch. He ernaas,: incl w n raVollin was clone, over;' if We can help it. ' d telling
they. cam , w , rb Cart, Setting that to . d: Oburchill V. S •, of Wolseley'• -
nae .18790 the aver thaf on foo a y ou how ood ' a Coors CoatWill wear. -
stated"tliat since rem'ained fliers for i;iw Enn.says: y . , g
the 0 O. V. was at treed, t at orda> Tard'yodr t corrin thence, to, Tutker- ilssa,, Vvritin to the N The ire the best Coat a man can- bu'y,.
has spent $1,"75, M boncHcont pug four yea s re the -have since resided ire are no li a verp fine winter acs y . ,
smith, Where . � far It lies flet been- vt�t'3* cold so -far, � "
. poses, Arid had a membership of 55,000, ted, from those whom . their ni ht waa about the coliieat we , - '
The local loo a hasp 218 mombets, tb:o and pstr lastnight •rine of the faun in a Southern r7oon, that ...
g gmhi . any socio t in loved most ttearly. There were halt have had, it wits 41 ° b�lot<+, but if it sold, for ib2U:00, Iva Will 1it115.C10 for it
largest ,memo phi children-vVm olid. Appleton Jr.,:six ,s cairn youon t mind it i10 much tis
town, And,, dt ponsec'1 $20,000. one would in Ontario, for the air Xs Teva are gado. f7anaclian Poona that were 4
chairman than introduced Miss Olson, Tuckersmiie dhtvl ere filet n11 di dry'. Whata the matter iVitli olci $41% We rvi1S take*3�.i5i1 frig eaclx, '
earn_���airy a1d homes David in Califarrlia, r , *
who rendered a violin $ola, tie � Wednesday, Huron Go., I think you, want to. gat y n cifan Chan:
led. b her sister ori the piano. V. M . an . ch T . Mrs - e o bel C`; The other 19'an extra choice Oa _a11
Toronto, Was the star. of : Mrs �W m Stanta iii Goderi p Same of the old Caittexanite t p
theo tt, ti Tor , ell in Hu�lott. <and Mrs, l oil l'un the elections; for the Ltsed to shove that ecild at $00;00, we Fain take $1,t,$. 00 for it '
lire avenin , tendering a number of rias Stl The deceased .waa theyn ever. tiXtx+i. y"�
k'n . ramics 8611gs, with auitable Cosa. Alexander, Man. e d .and how to beat y l ell friade olid ililVe. ood linings, •
to x g A.l „ a.Xe W g
tunien for each, hia best number lining 84 rears, months and it dtiV l 1 r
°u , et ttt&Med -," it has . succumbed practically' to . tt general Mr and 11Irs Ec1 Saville, very pleats •
1 m goin to $
tg� 6 allies o have 11ad ld. bre4ki n tap it iter once afros~,• pan• aptly entertained a number of Young
beet* novo iV .._ hon h: i?or a year oat t�eopla at there home oil 'itirtttpenbury .
nin to W,1'. Spa1d» atitution. Alithough e itl . I•iii ,4Rr -•tom'
leastire of listening _ cti ri�uff�rer Erol. rhenmat�arti, i3.t..-Tttt3aday ev n � ,,,�..�, .... �:..._.
n who kindlyfa orad the gathering halibe Fxi °Bran neatly' gilt arattc.ct -viol ', ���
' ilditions •Miss The fu.aral vVlll be held to +lay, hoose HN
wxth one of his 0,110100 Ira tednto to take fiowax's for the 6acaslolt Ube rvatf'•►1r
u " a solo t. fine voice, , day, at 2 p- til. In . is games ai►Irl � ciriail
a sa , roue 1'n4 • -..... ..00" ;
nUo tin >
Lilian is N 41. g
g .The i� � a ,
L� . w
e p. .
n w
n Tu
r eras m y
ai ,
14 lac rr.•
1» an ilii tit i
an ery tl 1
seem t ass k.
a '? ah '�'
glia xr loin
ocitat u 'Wlv'an giaten by Mh , Bd , m thheto h bei avert t rn ly;'Wh o pay $wd Mr..SaVllle to tUOXV k;�io GENTS' FURNI �i\I1` OS -
When the pxa,�r-tit Was t q � � p
" ,sd, donnisti.pi of Cditea,: have los a tin+sthcr that ha8 merited hba it411ty+ tib tith.o� they d �d r vihei�
lundh wan ry 1
Ota 84t k ,1'ich s, cakes, and an extra " the 0,411 of the SAVIOUr tet �r lfret�r � at ,a the �t�
toy etllar to thbit hdmct
_�-......u.:. M..:.: ,yt.fd+, ire .coli. tarnrirl. �'
. {(
. . h ar^.,
✓.fk�t .
IW I 1*
. q,.. 4 •.,'R d'.