HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-02-10, Page 5• 'e .0, - I.'m05. r '.1.4 "+1 ' 4.0$44K-S441+:4144''4+s00011140#4'+ 4+114, . ks. MoKINNON & .r, L N• ,_; ► A RAIN • •.; , • -Oh have lust finished 00k -taking, which brings "to ilia .t` ' front a variety 0f broken lots and auci odds, and ends from each, t• department, which trust be cleared Qut at once regardless of Cost ' Below we mention a .few of the many bargains We. • hays to nifty . - Ladies'.Waistless' in wool and silk mixtures, in fancy stripes, Y.,,,. spots and fiotal desi(jiis, nQ two alike, *worth 50c,. 00o and 65c, your choice for 39c'per yard. • Reninants of Dress Qoods in various kinds and qualities,frolo 2 ,to 5 yard ends, at .half ^pricer, ' Swiss Embroideries, 3 inches wide, . in a variety of patterns ti .... regillat'prices fig, Sc and'100, for -0o.. . c ids in .a varier of colors, reg. -Pu Silk iii ons 31nhes w , _ 3 re >� . ,, _. ular 10c, for 5c. �� • Fancy Dress Goods, 42 inches wide, regular 500, for 25c. , 4_ ' ' Serge Press Goods, 'all wool, in black and nary, 54 inches wide, regular 65c,snap at 39c. . Ladies' Satana Urderslcittts; worth $1, for 7.5c. : •._ B s' Frieze Ulsters high storm collar, Worth, $4, for $2.50. ._ Mens Frieze. Clatters, tweed 'lining, high 'storm collar;' slash' .t pockets, worth $6, for $3,75. - = Ladies' As raehan 'Jackets , No. 1 quality, .made from select, ,_ _. ed skills, regular: $35, $40 and $45, 25 per cent.. off. 1 „tom •. .. ,,► A. . c . N. & Co. BLYTI.= �A K.If�NQ 4 • 4 1 �� .Y .411 f $44•.~w14•..441,.._'1M:444:Ni4N.M+444•444:4*446`latt 444 *4:144 it *****44 46 $4 Wintery ri Mus Everything will be sold. at lowest prices to clear dining the next month. If you want any of the following. .now. is the time, and this i;; the place to save. money. Fur Coats;„ Fur Robes, Overcoats, Suits u Odd Pants, 'Blankets, x ' 'Underwear. Yarns, Soc , &a, Ladies jackets' Ladies Skirts, Ladies Underwear, Lad. yes Hosiery, Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes.. Flannels. -Boots & Rubbers.. Weexpect the prices that we ill give to make a speedy clearance of the lines offered. .0+ The Old Stand: PLUMSTEE 0*****44*-44-0**444•4-4***--zg. Extensive CLOTHING SALE. THE ,.BIGGEST SNAP OF THE SEASON To go ,on sale Saturday, Jaiivat'y o$th.::,., . ... before stock -taking .... • 100 Men's Suits consisting of Scoteib, English and Canadian liv and fawn and Wacky and blab e tweed's, in grey,grey�3t,,o $12 Suite for $7 SO, $8 Stints for .$5 26 and all others at -orrespendinggl�y low pgrice , aizes 84.42. 50 Metl's Imported Worste a d Serge. Suits in bine. black and fancy colorings and a ri es.,8ne trimmings and latest ,styles g n t$��Snits for $7.50`and i$8:50 Suits at $5.75. 40 Mons Overcoats in black,rey and stripes, all this season's goods.. Stally trimmed and A 1 goods. wilt go at one half tr value. 20 Boys' heavy Overcoats at half price. G 75 Boys' Suits, re$'Ailar'price $2.50 to $6 rrod teed to 1.75 and $t. Other- prices at Mane •reduction. 20 Men'g•Odid Coate at half price. 30 Men's Odd Vests to go athalf pri ce,• 80 pairs Mose Pante uced•atio third from regular price. Z$0„pairs Boys Knicker it reduced one third from regular price. • These goods ere largely our own make Andean be relied on. ,A.n person in need of ,anything In the above limes, calf save 40 44 56•per cent, on. all purchases. g. •..x. 41. t 1 e Come early on Saturday and see for yourselv's Ti ACKSNMb Du) RELIABLE. ik tihein board asp 20th. • 4 i. i. •v. Rings of dein Y - O seal- life vows marriage, - . Te.seal. Promises.- P ends.'l rp Iilgs. .• ' To bind the ties of friendship. • ; ' . eti SELECT ! f . The .one .,word that • descrioes . our ' stock best.. -of all: . W.! .IIELE yAR:: Jeweler.and Optician. Headquarters . for 'all Watch, Clock and. Jewel. ery Repairs. ''., !!1 Advertigentellts ' • House ' for Sae : • ' Ten Looms, with. woodshed and stable, hard and soft water, t 'here of land.- Cen- trally loaate6 for partroilere apply to , - W.BRYDONE. Lost. . On Satnrd&y, some where .`on Huron Road, between Louis Crioh'a and Clinton, a- ladies' iland•Satohel containing money and other little a •tiolee, and a slip of paper, with a number- of things va-te3 :written 'thereon. Kindly some at New Era and. 'receiive''reward.. • , • . For `gale....:. Cheap, one 17 h. .p. retnrnrd: tube • port- able ensile, also one. Challenge Thresher, •(Geo.White 4r Sone), tank end: •pomp 'one No. -60. Bell cutting 'boa, one Climax (Wilkison),cuttin box, one 12 plate Wort - man &:'Warder:Daisy Grinder,, one aires- lar saw, will be sold seperately or any way to suit "pnrahaser, machinery all-neely. new, ' THOS. T. MURPHY' ' Servant Wanted • Seryant wanted to' do general house- work ; good wages paid to 'competent . per - eon., Apply 'MRS. WM'DOHERTY. • Shorthorns 2 bills 12 oriel with good •geality ter Sale:, months cid,: both red, good good pedigrees,, also.2 heifers of, prices right, . • , ED. H. ,WISE BalsamGrove Stook Ferns Violin Mise Bank it of Darbl'Sendere, the Violin lars nee MISS Muni°: Stote. Instruction M. Pickard of'Seaforth, piip- New York, will' ' teech in Clinton. For further particu- WASHINGTON,Hotire'e ' DRESSMAKING.' The.audersigned, who,40 s liiioroup}ily competent dress erid`+mantle maker, is pre, Pared to eo'work of this . nature, , tit the home' of 'petrous. Charges' reasonable: . MISS M. Itel DS, • • ears of.ALIEZ RANDS. • • J'LNUANNSIIjP Finest Pen earth lly .examined muscular movement long winter able work. writing -at mence any black garde Cards 20c,o .J, .DF' MAIL. -written copies. Aupracttice Work „with •red inkoritfois a made easy.. Employ the ni evenings 1147pleent and pro_ t• .Twenty lessons -my ',course id an eabemdingly cheap rate. Com- time. lour nameon a dozen with white ink' for 25e., white J. BAILEY, Goderleh,'Ont. MRS Dress' pea t10 1 teach any tether snyartlole teem the plainest >rate drove klook without cave taughtbver1500(flftrett ax years and *anyone I hey can .!eon rears. JUST each anyonethatisagood lever and drawer my [babherp, at wheal. person informing d this course romme. patented Write cool in Stratford Libort St , on r.m. Mrs. )reernraking, WM.• SANDERS :rutting School will give a 25 system fres, and lady how to out ill and' _put to - n Drees or Mantle Mpkin g shirt waist to the mo. t el b. that can be found in the Fashion the iso of paper patterns. I bnndred) tole lest - offer.f!0 (one hundred dollars. ). ,Can`t roach, or Can prove to me a, inner& aayiother plane in tws THIN OF I1'. For 350 I xiil. dre3smaker or a good w Ot t each 1 0 this bur e ae'fv #n certificate. Stranger loaf A. suitable reward giv, it to inc of anyone trying t r which I have invented and that] class Corn ien0009 Monday. IPeb . for partlenlars or see me at my Or.positeWi idebr Hotel, on Saturday Yeb 187.h. from 1t to 5 _,.win; Wm; SANDERS Teacher hi 120 Stratford. Ontario I. yrtebsJ.• NEW BUS • Alsip. • BA(GAGE D'ELIYI Ravin- . decided to run i .'bus be.tweets Hotel Normandie and station,.. we respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the travelling public. Passengers delivered to any. part of town, also baggage of any description. Quick delivery. Ring up phone 2 . make known our, wants and we will respond any hour f the'day. " - ori -Ton Livery J. M1AVIS, Pw`N k1M' , 'Thousands of dollars worth of goods s than carry them over, • —Thisis,vour:nloney savingopportunity. Never such low prices on GOOD GOODS. DON'T ML 'TO ATTEND .:. 15c Wrapperette1.50c• Lin ilea ms 35c 1,000 yards..: 40 patterns to choose', from, all new de- ' • `Twa ards wide good .p ttern and Weight., any. length,. • signs, 36 inches wide,,gtiaranteed fast color., regular also several remnants' to go at same •price.,.. , .,., 350•• price 1.5e, for ..a. .... . •.. •..••••••...• . .. 0,0 010Q • .1Oc Wrapperette for'$c • 300 yards. New .patterns, 29 inches wide, fast Children's Worsted Hose 'Odd lots Ohildreil's Worsted • Hose, `all sizes, 'regular .15e • color,. 25c, for ,,,., M ✓seals,✓ 10e, for , : • he 35c Military .Filnnnel at 2c 100 yards, Grey . Military Flannel,, unshrinkable, • Made, of good heavy Flannelette in pink and white, sol- e:'ttra id colors, with lace .and embroidery trimmings, I'tg- heavy, regular 350,' for. . , ,:.25c ular $1 for. „75c Regular 75e for 50c .. Flannelette Gown 75c Odd .lots of Wash Goods at 5c ' - Consisting of ',prints, ding!harns, Buek, Etc., : ranging in pdsice from 16c ;to .25c,' cleairing at per, yard. , -121c'Prints for 8c Odd lots of last year's prints, clearing them oua make:room for New .Prints, 'all to go' at 8c 75c two-ply Wool Carpet -50c--- Clearing ` out . rile remnants of 'Carpet Lengths, run from- 5 to 20 yards in each piece, all good patter ne xegr.lar '75c, for - '56e -...- 50c4 Talon Wools for 25.: &It good patteirs, lengths tun from 5 to 20 yaLds,'r irlar °•50e, . fol r• 25e 122c, �Iop. Matting& . 0c Alio corset covers •and drawers 'to:go:at Wholesale prices. Corsets • Our Corset stock is too heavy and to reduce same We are marking a limited number to. reduce the stock, as follows, all sizes Regular $1:25. for. •' '$1 'Regular -$ 1.00 for.....,..715e Regular 75c for 50c Regular 50c for. .....35c Men's. Wambat-Coats Sizes -40, 41, : 42, .44, regular $30, for, ' l• ien's Calf Coats Sizes 40, 42, 44, .reguliiii $22, :for $24 Ladies' Astrachan Coats Sizes 32, 34,:36, 38, regnlar'$25,'for $18 . One and wide Eadie&' $okaharen on e y , good~patter✓i(s, any length Yew May ver' • . • quire, ,at tivholesalc; e.^„ , . .,_. 10e. Sizes. '31'aird 38, regular, $45, for 20 PER, CENT. OFF ALL; SMALL 1 -YRS. UC H S RUFFS GAUNTLETS, IUF?S,,ETC.„ , uccessors!to' .Corti, 11406+i.10U+' 11r �►i'`•''N• www11 6,1. AVO, f►r�'� , TRt YELLING. VttITH OUR 'OWNN'.PULLMAN . ShEEPIN G Alp DINIh CA tS•' 1. Magnifi4►t 1:Scenic Prodnctxon oIETE'S..�--�--_ 9 OST OORQEO-: S :PRODUCTION ON THE_ AMERICAN. STAGE` !i.✓e .r viva.• ...►. •1r•.►r. .a.a,. ,1 1r.-►•..1.-ea.1�r1-mbAh,1 �r•�ias • Superb B ani µ �� -.This is undoubtedly the` . --= _ _•.:1-1,',� r .Only Complete, Perfect ------ANU-- --�` ” — ' '°�(,74.',,t' ' and Satisfctor �' .,;�' --�--- �- --`. ter, , , Gam::' Imperial 'Orchestra �.� _ _ ` OF SOLOISTS ,WILL RENDER ';A,. NOONDAY CONCERT oil TIIE.PUf34.1O SQCJA IIE, • • AN11 A GRAND. ' . 8'T'E74 .:COTCERT AT 7 U CLOUIG. 4'..M. . . 'In'frontof the Opera' Ouse on date of performance. • Among Mary of the Scenic Features Appertaining to -the i;iraina will be presented the ''THRILLING,' FLOATING ICE SCENE the escape bf Elia, over the Ohio Itiver, with Showing p ton 141an•%iunfirra: Siberian Bloodiiounds,Tralned to Pak ticlpate in "the Dratna,in Hot Pursuit. 1,\ COTTON Emu) AND PLANTATION SCINIS- Por .i crying the Habits of the Sout1iern Negroes with effect. T•.i•I EO ORIGINAL, G ORCI A Sti tTERS AND JUBILEE SINGERS, • Who have travelled. all c'buntriea,and given their Grand Concertsncerts before the Crowned .Heads,. Nabillty and people of Europe, will. render at eac h "L5Vo1•Fornl+ince, Jubille aud t7atXip•Meettngil Songs, rttirjii:I'Iayina,Quartottes,itefrainsy Dancee,etc. EVER CARRIED. WITt4.. THEATRIfOAi COMPANY • HEMMING A SPLENDID,. DELIGHTFUL, ELEVATING- Musie al Entertainment Embellishing an almost endl siiC • cession of Exliibitional.Displays tvi' the most perfect harmony of sounds • A mrsitaL ON:GANIZANION •• OF 1gfiyR:alA.T'IONA.G FAME j .._.. ,The Most .Beautiful Stage Picture of a Plantation Ever Painted ST. CLAIR'S 'RESIDENCE BY I' Oo'NLIatrr Realistie scenes of the Missidsippi Levee and the Great $500 picture. WE CARRY EVERY PARTICLE OF SCENERY That is essential .for the proper presentation of this la. play. - ---MAN-I=IU'NTING ----- SIBERIAN. •.SIBERIAN' BLOODHOUNDS Trained to participate in the Dana' 2 5P IQ IP;E , ‘ :.i.4 Com.: ,] - . Ifarlrilet begh a towhee that the combination I have organized thio season, for the�sresentation of S e's immortal drama, "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN," is immeasurably superior, In every.respect to any heretofore offered the public, To fully accomplish this I have *pared no expenen In securing oho first bhoice of_Iiistofic Talent, Gorgeous andddApproprlate Scenery, Mechanical arks Etectr icM y to , p ietice' at+ p "'an amusement caterer has taught me that the best articleofterexd is in.(' variably the surest moms of attaining it Gond Reputation. and by antieipating the reuirementa allft' d thereforeisOf theatre -going nubile, I am sure of establishing 1 n�r own euecees In a managerial ca It +msec ,without fear of dissent, that Is have nuece�eded.In piacin before the public the G y • X)?.6tna, "Uncle Toon. a Oahin, in a style or &quipnie»t. tbat•has •,rivet Wen before on the Atrieri ettigel. • .j Thanking the Public :for paid favors, I i...g..`., r... " 2 Obediently, ' BI ECIHETt, Ammassiolg., 250 and c TOWN -.HALL, CLINTON, TUESDAY EV NON , • •..,.r,ab