HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-04-20, Page 54 visimmiwoummaxagrommou TMs;. BLUE FRONT STORE NEWS, A WORD TO MAN AND HOY NEW SPRING SUITS Craraoette Goats FOR EASTER WEAR. eamminusanammisweassmiumenum Scores of men have already selected their new Spring Clothes from our stock, and one and all are highly elated at getting such splen- did values for so little money. Every correct style, color and weave for this season is shown at these prices, and the range of sii:es and models will give every man a chance to find whatever he wants. Men's and Youths' Suits Men's and Youths' Tweed Suits, single or double breasted styles, all the newest stripes;, checks and tweed effects, sizes 35 to 4G. Prices $7.50 $10.00 and $12.50 Men's Cravenette Showerproof Coate, 33 to 43 chest, $10 & $12.50 Boys' Suits -all ages . Boys' Suits in two or three pieces, Buster Browns, Norfolks. eta.. sizes 21 to 34. Prices .... $1.75 to $5.00 Easter Hats for Men Just arrived -A large range of new Spriug Hats for Men, in hard and soft felt, sizes tits to 71e, in all the latest colorings and shapes, now browns, beavers, greys, etc. Prices $1 to $2.50 We are agents for the Barsaliuo Soft Felt Hat, which is taking such a run in the large cities; it is an Italian bat, the lightest make and best quality on the market. Wu have two colors, black and brown, all sizes. Price $3.75 SHOES FOR MEN -Visit our Shoe department and save money. NECKWEAR FOR EASTER -Just arrived, a large range of new Silk Neckwear for Easter wear for ralna,.in the new brown, grey, red, purple effects, etc.: shapes, new flowing end, four- in-hand and string. Prices 25e 50c 7 5c and $1.25 SHIRTS FOR EASTER -A large assortment of new Shirts just to hand, in hard and soft bosoms, sizes 14 to 187e. Prices . • 75c $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 THIN.Iis AND vALISi:S AT RtGRT PRICES. le -Eggs wanted. The R. 11. GROWDtR G0. The Blue Front Store. WINGHAM, Ont. ,fit Irl I�IIYIILiII„A iY�Y .14;i31.6;1110131 l,:xh0i,IlAlt,i.iI1414.11 li Imiuwi.i1611+cau8lJGiWiY iY r,n.ii ; a 411. ���I;,.I i,•u4, Count on the Style and Bank on the QllaIity Here Whether you buy a Bedroom Suite, Parlor Suite, Diningroom Suite, or in fact anything required in furnishing a hone. a° See our exceptional value in Bedroom Suits, prices from $i i.00 to $75.00. Our medium -price Bedroom Suites at $i6.00, $1 eS. oo, 20.00 and 2 5,00 can't be beat. Mirrors 20 X 24, 22 X 28, 24 X 30. We.still lead in Iron and Brass Beds. Prices from $3.25 to 30.0o. Our Mattresses are the talk of the day. Ex• amine them. Prices $2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 6.50 tO 17.00. fix'" Sideboards ----space won't permit, but .call and see them. Our Buffets, China Cabinets, and Combination Sideboards with China Cabinet combined, are the newest in furnishing the diningroom. Onr CARPETS are getting low-bnt more on the way. Don't fail to sea them. Headquarters for Window Shades, Curtain Poles (complete for 15c)' Carpet Matting and Felt. VIONINIMINEMISIONIONIONNIS 1 L. A. BALL & CO. The People's Furniture Store. UNDERTAKING - Brick r(•!+i(lencet bth house west '; Ia t -i C3 Pl E from Hamiltons Cotner Drug Si Store, where night ea11,1 will receive prompt attention. CARPETS Lt1OLEIJMS OILCLOTITS TUE WINGJbUI TIMES AHD', 20, I905 NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS Ii a Cow gave Butter EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawake Times Correspondents Comn untaate -- Other Items Clipped From Our Ezobangea. RIPLIs'T. Fire at mtduight Saturday destroyed the barn and annexed sheds belonging `to Geo. Brooks, a farmer of Huron township, three miles north of this place. The fire is surrounded with mystery, fol- lowing, as it does, a sequel to several other losses by fire, the origin of which in every case was equally as difficult to determine. Mt. Brooks and family were startled from their sleep a few min- utes before 12 o'olobk to find the barn enveloped in flames. `` So far bad the fire advanced before it was discovered that only two horses were saved from destruction. The entire remaining stook,- numbering twenty.six head of cattle, three horses and all farming im- plements, together with many tons of hay and a quantity of feed wege minus - ed. The loss is estimated at $2,500, in- sured in Culross Mutual Fire Company for $1,600. IJ n 4 3 1 A Premier Whitney in speaking at the Borden Club bangteet expressed the hope that patronage wonlcl be removed fr.,ra party politics as much as possible. Benjamin Pipe of Wapella, Assiniboia, is on the way to England to induce fifty healthy, gond-looking girls to accompany hint book to the prairie, with the object of 'marrying them to prosperous young farmers. It is reported at E'ltnontee that Mr. R. L. Richardson may oppose the election of Mr. Frank Oliver, Minister of the In- terior. The winter shippitig business at Halt. fax teas one of the largest in the port' history. 'Wen the vessels now on the way arrive the total number of immi grants for the season Will amount to 18,445, The Root of Neuralgic Headache Is au irritable condition of the nerves caused by cold. Relief comes quickly from Nerviline, the great pain reliever of to -day. "I consider Nerviline a mag- ical remedy for neuralgia," writes Mrs. E. G. Harris of Baltimore. "But I never worry if Nerviline is in the hoose. A few applications never yet tailed to kill the pain, I can also recommend Nervi- hae for stiffness, rheumatism and mus- lat pains." In use nearly fifty years; try Nervibno yourself. ItlOR IUS. Mrs. R. McKay, of Grey, was visiting Mrs. Richard Mitchell, 3rd line, during the past week. Mrs. Duncan McKay, of Langdon, North Dakota, is also the guest of her sister, Mrs, Mitchell. One of the oldest residents of this towahip passed away on Monday of this week in the person of William Hanna, aged 89 years and 5 months. Deceased had been for many years living with his son, Mr. George Hanna, on the 3rd line. The funeral took place to the McCrea cemetery at Belgraveoon Wed• needay afternoon. Harry Kirkby, who a was student at the Ontario Veterinary College,Toronto, passed his Primary examination, He took honors in Disease and 'Treatment, Physiology,,,.Chemistry and Materia Medica. This is certainly a good show- ing, especially considering the fact that Mr. Kirkby went direct from the farm where he had been working hard and out of school for years. eior Skin Was Yellow "I had only to try Dr. Hamilton's Pills to appreciate their merit" writes Annie S. Bryce of Woodstock. "My system was out of order. My blood was weak and thin. I had a nasty, murky com- plexion. My skin was hard and dry. The first box of Dr. Hamilton's , Pills made a complete change. I felt bettor at once. Healthy color came into my face. In about three weeks I was cured." Dr. Hamilton's Pills effect an easy cure. Try these good pills, 250. per box, or five boxes for $1, at fill dealers. imams Mr. G. McG, Stuart bas successfnily passed all his third year examinations at ]Kingston medical college. An enthusiastic meeting of those in- t °rested in football was held iu the Queen's hotel when the Blyth football club was organized with the following officers: -..Hon. preeideut, Mr. Joseph Coombs; president, Reove A. W, Sloan; vice-president, Dr, J. 0. Lindsay ; secre- tory-treasnrer, Mr. R. A. Stewart; man• agar, Dr. G. E. Long; captain, Mr. J. C. Brown; managing committee, Messrs, Alex. Smith, John Hirous, James Cutt, T. B, MoArter, Frank Anderson and Jos- eph Bell, GREY. The contract for the new wire fence at S.S. No. 1 was let to Henry AIoock at $1.00 per rod, he to supply everything. There are 42 rods in all. Old board fence was sold. Alcock Bros. have lease%' the Nelson Askin farm, 14th coo., for a year. The death of James Douglas, who had rented the place for a term, caused the change in arrangements. Mr. aad Mrs. Askin started for Idaho last week, where the former will try his hand at sheep ranch- ing. There are now 25 drainage By -Laws in force in Grey township. The Clark drain pays its last assessment in 1905. While a large amount of money has been expended on drainage and is yet to be appropriated, Grey t •wnship owes much to the good done by t he carrying away of the surplus orates No small portion of the work is yet t.• be done before all the drainage schemes are completed. The people of this community were sadly surprised to hear of the demise on Mouday of last week of au old and worthy resident of the oolumunity in the person of Andrew Bremner, who resided on lot 24, con. 4. He was in Ethel the Saturday previous in the enjoyment of his neual degree of good health. De- ceased was 73 Years of age and is stir- vtved by his wife and family of adults. no was an honest, upright lion who was highly esteemed by all who new him On Sunday. April 9th, Mary Young, beloved wife of Peter Sinclair of Oran - brook bade farewell to all that was eatthy and entered the label of rest. She Wag born en lot 30, 8th con. of Grey, and was in her 85th year. rive years ago she was united in marriage to Mr. Siuetair. Last January She 'took ill a from aenomia which developed into quick consumption which speedily did its deadly work. Deceased was possessed of many good qualities and her demise is regretted by all vPho knew her. ,r.....Y ... Joie weer Messrs. John Richmond & Sons have sold the patents and rights to manufac- ture their universal combined cutting and threshing machine to the Sawyer - Massey Oo., of Hamilton. In addition to the sale, Mr. Martin Richmond se- cures a good position with the company to superintend the manufacture of these machines and will take up his residence in the ambitious city the end of this week. The universal combined cutting and threshing machine is considered to have no equal for threshing purposes and the Messrs. Richmond are to be con- gratulated upon their good luck. '!Vater In Your Mood? Lots of people have thin watery blood -they eat plenty but don't digest. Wheu digestion is poor, food isn't converted in- to nourishment --in consequence the body rapidly loses strength. To positively re- new health, nothiug equals Ferrozone. It excites sharp appetite -makes the stomach digest, forms life sustaining blood. Abundant strength is sure to follow. If you need more vitality, extra energy, better nerves, then use Ferro - zone the medical triumph of the age. Fifty cents buys a boa of fifty chocolate coated Ferrozone tablets. cVLltoSs. Oa Monday morning, April 10th; there died at his home on the 13th concession of Culross a well-known and respected farmer iu the person of William Heath. Deceased was 05 years of age, but owing to several years of ill -health had the ap- pearance of a much older man. During the winter he had thought of going to California but had not sufficient strength to stand the journey. He had been somewhat of a wanderer and had visit- ed California no less than .seven times. The first time during the years of excite- ment over the discovery of gold on the Pacific coast, the trip was made by the overland route. He leaves behind a wi- dow formerly Mrs. Taylor. Council met at Teeswater on April 11th, 1905. Minutes of last meeting were read and sustained. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued for payment of the accounts. T). McDonald, work on gravel $ road A. McKague, work ou gravel road Juo. Oaslick, fixing pitch holes.. Jos Murray, disking gravel road. Alex. McKenzie, damaee to fence Jas. McLauchlan, nutting ice at bridge , . Wm. Sproals disking and plough- ing gravel road , Jas. Boyd, fixing pltchholes, &c., Jesse Johnston, part salary as as- sessor 10 00 6 50 3 00 l 00 2 00 2 00 14 25 10 00 40 00 A communication was received from the City Olerk, Toronto, with a petition to be sanctioned by Municipal Councils if in favor of the petition to be presented to the Government to have the Munici- pal Act amended ao a9 to give married women owning property the right to vote ,at Municipal elections and npou By - Laws. - Kuntz -Baptist-That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the petition for giving married women who own property the right to vote at Municipal elections. --Carried.' Faleouer-Kuntz-That a grant of fifteen dollars be made to put in a cut- e r5 Eththiishhed z179. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Crip, Asthma, Diphtheria CrOnotono is a boon fin Anthmafitca mankind would have to invent milk. Milk is Na -1 ture's emulsion -butter put in shape for diges- tion. Cod liver oil is ex- tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it, Scott's Emulsion combines the best oil with the valuable hypo - phosphites so that it is easy to digest and does far rnore good than the oil alone could. That makes Scott's Emulsion the most strengthening, nourishing food - medi- cine in the world. Send for free sample. SCOTT es BOWNE, Chemists Toronto, Ont. SOc. and $1.00. All druggists vert at lot 23, con. 14 and 15 the work to, be let by Wm. Baptist. -Carried. Falconer -Baptist -That a grant of thirty dollars be made to fix the hill at lots 30 and 31, sou. 2, the same to be let by George Faicouer.-Carried. Baptist -Falconer --That a 24 inch tile culvert be put in at lot 10, coo. A, and that Jno. Kuntz let the contract as Boon as matters can be arranged with Carrick Conucil and the owners of the lot on to whin the water will flow, and that the Carrick Council be notified to that ef- fect• -Carried. Falconer -Kuntz -That Wm. Baptist bo appointed to have the culvert re- paired ou the 30th sideroad, con.:) which has been lifted out of its place by high water. -Curried. Kuntz -Falconer -That the Iieove and Wm. Baptist have a new railing put along the eulbaukment at the pond ou the gravel roast, con. 10• -Carried. Council then adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, May Both, as a Court of Re- vision and Appeal, -Carried. Cilia. F3rTTO.', Clerk, Proved In lit. Forest, THE LEADING STORE I Isard's 1 a l Garpets, Oilcloth, Linoleum. ISARD'S CARPET DEPARTMENT is the centre of attraction these days -and no wonder, when they are showing suck a ]arge stock of Floor Coverings. Curtains, Draperies, etc, Now that housecleaning operations are in full swing and it is 1'ouud necessary to invest in New Carpets or Curtains to brighten up the home, be euro and see our New Stock an second floor, as we claim leadership in stook and values. and can save you money. Linolettmns New pattern% in blot•% or floral Jle- sigus,nice colorings,heavv weight, two and four yards wide Price per square yard JOI. Oilcloths Just received - Naw patterns and colorings in:itvirand Floor ,. Oilcloths, all widths, per yd - 7C 'Wools and Unions We are showing a large range of patterns in wool and Union car- pets. Prices are 25c,80t, tt1.00 40c, 50c, 60e,.5c, 85e anti It craps New patterns in Hemp Car- , - pets. Prices per yd, l02 to 4- J Tapestry Special values in new patt'•rns Tap - ''try Carpet, -the best makers' goods. Prices are 23c, 75c, C 40e, 151'11GOc and • 1 5 Curtains Imported Lace Curtains, in very pretty patterns in nett and lace. Prices range front 2'4. to o: o:I 03 phis!, See our lender at Ilattin ;s 1(+ nieces Japan Diattingc, new de- signs and colorings. Suedal value at 121x. i.-4,20^, 21c tmd .30 H. E. ISARD St, Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton, 31e , I1:kne 1 II I,A, 1311 1II•11, 614B .1. ;1 41..4i Icsg• dl. ++++4+++++++++++++++++++++ 4 4 + + + + 4. + Every doctor iu that town triad I• tis a best to relieve Mrs. J. Winton of asthma;) + none succeeded. "For years," she states, "1 was a dreadful snfterer; nothing gave + relief. At times I found it necessary to + 4 - have all the doors and windows open to get my breath When in dispair I heard of "Catarrhozoue." I used is and + now am perfectly cured." This proves beyond doubt that any case of asthma is curable with Catarrhozene. No remedy so pleasant, none so absolutely certain to thoroughly cure; try ''Catarrliozono" yourself; it's guaranteed. 'XGItNIlEItitk. Report for S. S. No. 6, Turnberry, for the mouths of March and April, 1907: - Sr. iv -Edna Dickson, Earle Porter, John James, ,Alberteua Showers, I1ossie King, Edith Homuth. Jr. iv-StellaMiller, Charlie James, Velma Ohandler, Hazel Little. Sr. In-IIenry Foxton, Genevieve McCormick, Sadie King, Sarah (.Icy, Maggie Crowe, Hazel Mitchell, Stella Ring, Catharine McKinnon, Ellie Mc- Cormick. Jr. III -Stanley Dickson,•Roy Porter, Violet Showers, Fred Foston, Maggie Chandler, Amite Crowe, Norma Mo- Kague, John McKinnon. Sr. u -Ruby McKague, Vina Ring, Willie James, Bert Little. Jr. n -Annie McKinnon, Robert Fallis, Wilfrid McKague, Pearl I+allis, Elia Pattie. Sr. Pt. II-Bertie Holmes, Albert Pax- ton, Earle Dickson. Jr. Pt. ei-John MeKague, Bertha Chandler, Jessie Holmes, Mabel Goy. Sr, 1 -Minnie Porter, George Dalg- leiach, Charlie Showers. Jr. I ---Percy King, John Crowe. lien- rietta Foxton, Morton Casemore.' Names are in crder of merit, J. W. OScae. Ito-;zrte. teacher. (l 1 NFAfbttOW. Mr. Johnny Wylie iutonie patting up a straw -shed this summer. } We are sorry tb hear that Mrs..1.uder- son is on the sick list again. Mr. James Wray sold seven heart of cattle last week to Mr. Laetit. Rag -bees and quilting -bees have beets the order of the day on this line, .A. few people have started seeding in Ithese parts; this is earlier thau last year. Robert Itignins has hired for a couple of weeks with his uncle, Mr. Archin McMichael. The trustees of S. S. No. 0, Turnberry, have decided to build a new wood shed and make other improvements. ltev. Mr. West, of Btuevale, heli a prayer -meeting in Me.Pnerson's Ritmo! house on Thursday evening of last week, The Suudayschool which has been held in the school for the past two sum- mers will be opened the last Suuday in April. Mr. Joseph Smith intend having Mr. eirstre.rsr M a Inns: rt;htl,li.ltr l nevi standard comedy for tie dlra:nes tndirxted. 1t cines ioenonn tin air rem drredstruh„1y ont:1•1.t11. is enrr:cd uvrr lin di.r,,crd n::r• feCr•s of Iso nrolu•i$I tut.•i V212 every her.,tii. Ri.Sug proIntlged rind r onannt err:Ament, 'liwsa or a ronsump• 1 tiro trudvn,,r, or nuimr3 freta rbroule 1,totnl•it:a, aid tnanedi.,ta rtltit trust collets orlit:mned eotdititns of • tic throat• n ni,,l.ere.oienn Is raid by drng,Asta or sett rr:�•.• paid on recoils of pr:re. A Ver, (•rewlens int. at inotoUng,C buttit of (•rrm:olefn 4140. Send to . rreo til intra b d booldot. ixEMn e. eItt.t a Co., IAA.. ).seats, ".:R Ft .1 mei St.. tifontreat Cnlad:t. 806 1 o Hight goads at right prices, A Car of No. 9 Coiled Steel ire As this wire is the genuine Frost make. and as the demand is likely t0 b8 great for this particular kind, farmers will do well to leave their orders for it at once, as there will likely be a scarcity in the market when most required for fencing. We are selling, it eketgi. Massey -Hams Repair I have just t'+ken over the agency for the Massev-Harris Repairs and will try and keep the stock in good shape, so that farmers may be supplied iu future with what they may require in this line. I AM ALSO SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED SHERWiN-WILLIAMS PAINT ---THE BEST ON EARTH + + + + + + + ti • Best Brands of CEMENT In season at lowest priees._*, + + N + A full line of Lawn Mowers, Garden Rales, Spades, Shovels, etc., ou hani. Give us a call. BINDER TWINE. -ire are now taking orders for the Plymouth and Internation- al brands of Twine, + + + • ': a!`° +' ,• 'r?. ;,+° it 4- O++Z-+++++++++++O+?++++++++ ., ;IRoYAL GROCERYll 11. Ow Maple SyrupanStar �. 1' The new Maple Syrup. made this Spring, is here. We t were sorry to have to disappoint so many of our ii customers. However. it is hero at list, and, if auy- thing, BETTER THAN EVER - absolutely pure. ► Per gallon $1.35 Baa>uu.. 10 I. +i► is AT GRIFFIN'S. 414.4AAAAI,I(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,As This is the season when the jars of frail are runnit:g low, and there is nothing to take the place so well as Bananas. We are having them shipped to us we:•kly. Fine, large, fat fruit, Per dozen.... •.'ih'. and :.Li(•. Canoed Fruits Plums, Citrons and DIneberries--a few cans left. they won't last loug et ttte price we are going to plat on then!. You can have one can of each or all of one kind. 3 cans for 25('. .... .4 4 . -4 4 4 .4 •4 4 a 4 .4 v d .4 .4 4 3 .4 «a 4 /IAA ;AAAAAAAIAAA.,A. AAJAAAAAAAAA A ......r«wl. Westbrook's portable saw -inti in this The trade and lutvigation returns spring. gains a number of the neigh- ;• show that in 1604 the tnerease let the hors are !!laking use et the mill. ( consumption of liquor in Canada watt; Arthur 14facKerzie, son of Mr. 'William 2niece than •i years ago. Mticlterzie, who is a :Missionary at a i ^as•-- point on Lake Winnipeg, has sent home i Ile thought be thought great thoughts, a box of furs that were caught in that ! and thea„ht other aver thought a thought; part. if others ever thought Le thought, They only thouglet he thought hs, The Tt n s b end of 1005, 65 cents. thought, 'TIMM OFFICE, WiinEhesvr.