HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-02-03, Page 6The Moions tocorporotcd by Act of Parliament OW. Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund $ 3,000,000 WM. Moi.soN MACPHERSON, Preeideut. S. H. Elmo, Vioe°President, JAMES ELRIOT, Gen.3ianager. FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or collected. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, 41rmat Britain, United States,. and all Foreign Countriee, bought and sold at best rates. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest current rate of interest alp. lowed. ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Forty-eight branches in the Dominion Agents all over the world. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposita of 91,00 and upwards received. interest allowed from date of deposit. compounded half -yearly and added to principal .Tune 80th and December B1st. 1Ugheat, eurrent Ratio. 1' 4. ,; f: : F> A`tt - - - New Combe Block. , 14, C. BREWER. , Manager. an; $3, 000.000 (4.1.4.:4:.•++.4.:.x.:.:.••N•N•.:.: :.:.•••: .•.:.4.4. N••..•. ••..MN•.M.•... ♦•. 3 MCKINNQN & CQ.,' BLYTH.= _ t GREAT MIL)WINTER SALE _: ••2. Our Great Clearing Sale will be continued one week lou- " ' 1. ger, when all our Winter Goods will be sold at wHolesale Iprices arid in amne cases for less, to clear. • And to make • this sale more inte> using to buyers, we will include several lines of new goods whtc;;: were bought below regular prices. •= We offer some great snaps in New Flannelettes, Ginghams ••• and Prints. `<New Flannelettes, in' farcy stripes, regular 5c, for 4c. • ' rine Saxony Flannelettes, soft finish, wide width, heavy ; weight, g„ctl value at $12ic and •15e, for 10c. . 't,• New Flannelettes, 28 inches wide, good 'value at 8c, for 5c. •_• New Towelling, all linen, 15 it ches wise, wor�iii.- n, for 5c. '4t Crum's Prints, in good patterns, worth 121c; for 10. .2. M agog and Colonial Prints, ,good value at 8c, 10c and 121e ..s: i.Wool Blankets, bought before the advance in wool, ;o• • we have them in all sizes at 20 per cent. off. .!_• Men's Tweed Suits Overcoats and Ulster 25 s, per • cent. off. X Stanfield's Underwear for men and women, in all sizes, _• 'guaranteed unshrinkable, at lowest prices. ,�_. Ladies' Cloth Coats, all new goods, at half price. '2 Ladies' es r 1° L1' Jackets,_ 4 :_. nland Seal, we have at few left which we willnsed ll at •S` y the' Council Tenders will be. RnII tt b _* wholesale prices to clear. ;� Ire Township of Hullett, Up to Monday •t• •_• la'eb. 6th, at 2 p.m, for anpplying the fol- .. ._• , lowing quantities of Rook elfin or Tamarack- •. LY i plank to be 2h in, thick, if Tamarack it. MCKINNON & CO-h•=•,mttatbe3in thiokand all otit.l6it long, �_� ._. to be delivered on or about May lit at: •_• 4.44.44.:.:44.04.44.,:y0++4.4...:44.44, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ . '' • f following•plaoee: i.• •.44. ••••.w..•••❖.••44.,,:y0 •+4.4...••• •.•.44,ice•444,4+ 0 , •..• •4•04•• .4.4,,44,••4.,:,• I. 1000 ft. .at 92oMILLi11j'S 1000 ft. at lYfoCOOL'S '� 1111•' YOUR 3fA1. pON IT TeddJng Rings To Seal the vows of marriage. rilikagement Rings Te seal Promises. Friendship Rings _... To bind the ties cf friendship. ' The one word that describes our sock best p,fall. W. 11.111111.11/111t Jeweler and Optican. '�• P. S.—•Headquarter orAiN :. • .Watch;•filock and Jewel. ery Repairs.. "• ❖'. ._ , . Tenders Wanted. ° Clinton Market Report. Corrected every Thursday afternoon Barley.... .... • ... .. 40 a 42 Wheat . 100 a 105 Oats. •. -, , .. 0 30 a 0 32 Butter, rol-...... ... 0 15 a. 0 17 'Eggaper dos(new).... 020 a 0 20 Eggs " (held).... 0 15 Live Hoge 41• 5 0 a 5 10 BUTCHER BUSINESS for Sale or to Rent Owing to continued ill Health subscriber 1500 ft. at J. W. MILL'S 1500 ft; at H. SILL'S. oeeaar-, 1 The lowest or any Tender not ne Hh' .aocepted. JAMES CAMPBELL, G erk. Aerk'e orifice Jan. 17th, 1905. offers for Bale or to runt, his Butcher Busi- Violin Instruction— nese, in Clinton, together with the build Mies Edna M. Pickard,of Seaforth in. the best business stand in town, it of Darol Sanders, New York, will tea h Partliolars on application, the Violin in Clinton. •Forfurther partiou- A COUCH, Clinton. - I lira nee MISS . WASHINGTON,Hoare's Music'Stote. TUE OLINTOR XIV? r. °rand opening rwwwwwwwwowirommmtwwwwwiammowiwwwo E.... cf• Clinton's New fete . Tnurstag,-february 16I11 Fine Program. of Music by the Harpers' of fondOn Aautrtifiamr ento Dining Room rlilirI Wanted Wanted., god, general, np-to date din. inq,.room girl. Apply HOTEL INOR_' MANDIE. .... Weigh Wanted': Wanted a e000rd•hand pair ofbob. sleight, with box, for single horse, or one- horse family cutter. Send particulars to NEW ERA OrrxCE, Shorthorns ter Sale. '2 bulle.12 months old, both red, good ones with good pedigree., alae 2 heifers. of Food quality 1 41eeright. ' MRS Will. SANDERS Dress Cutting School I will be at Torrpa die Hotel, Clinton, ou Saturday March sth, t om E to b p m, at Commercial hotel; Seaforth, from 10 to 12 a m of same day only. Showing you how you can learn more about cutting, fitting and putting, together in two weeks than you eca&learn any other place in two years. Anyone ttiat is agoocl dressmaker or a good sewer and drawer, could. not do better than to learn to teach this conrde. have taught over fifteen hundred girls this ears, and offer 125 to anyone that can shoe mean ' olein dressmaking the. can't alt after takinga.0 yea ifiri.t o+ass com- mencesMonday,Feb.eths,e ' . 20th. I will be teaching:at school Stratford"°Febone y. ' will travel showing how I teach. Strangers may soirl gnetitoto buy person nfominsuitableof nyong teach tttiscourse .which 1 have invented and gad patenlcd that.dosen't• holda certificate from me, Mrs. Win. nAND•ERS Teacher in Dressmaking; Box 150 Stratford. Ontario 1 yr fobs/. ' .. NEW. BUS: —AND -- BAQIGAGE DELIVERY Having decided torun a 'bus 'be- tween'Hotel Normandie and station, bvesespectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the travelling public. Passengers delivered• to any part. of town, also .baggage_of- any description Quick' delivery., • Ring up phone 20. make known your. wants and we will respond any hour of tae, day. Now is the time to get a Fur Coat cheap. : Men's '.,Fur less than cost price. There is lots of time yet to get •the good out of furs, We are fig to -.clear ..out our,Ladies', and Coats' at MEN'S COON COATS One only left, ilk 42,.good ' thick fur; well made and guaranteed not to fade, 'regular price $60 for $50. 1VIen's Wambat Coats Sizes4.o, fir, 42, 44,E regular .$3o.o0 for $24 Men's Calf Coats Sizes 40, 42, 44, regular $22 for $17.50; Ladies' Astrachan Coats Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, regular $25 for $I$ Ladies' : Bokaharen Sizes4 and 38 regular $45 for $35 • Iyer. Cent :All Small Furs sue Muffs, etc... Bon=Tien Livery 11. DAY1S. PPopPletor MA, .about'' P�IVITURE> ' Febru 0 SuccessorsCoats to ~R.vimptAwrimmumwmvimuimpAmmtvinAmmftwivw Herewith 'we announce to -mor FEBRUARY row (Thursday) as the first, day of ' the •FURNITURE ITU1 E SALE. We acre. going to call it the Yellow Tag Sale, and will place on our floors $4,000 worth yof the best:vaI ,noted together in Clinton: The foremost cabin col. es that have•ever been.. o et makers of this country have been called "upon to help us in making this Sale 'the biggest' saving investment of its kind that, the people. of :this Community had, This_is a • •:genuine Sale, ani all prices: are xriarked• in plain figures. If you are interested, remember the quantities are limited L000 k out for' the Yellow fags. .. _ SIDEBOARDS A large select quarter -cut Oak Side- board, shaped toy drawers, British bevel mirror; one drawer lined, for Silverware, polished. Regular price $55.00, February Sale Price $45,00 2 Sideboards n plain Oak, shaped top drawers, one :ong linen drawer, Ger- man bevel mirror, polished top. regular price $2 r.0o, Sale Price 117.50 1 Sideboard only, Oak, the Elder Ex- tension Slide a new . feature, takes the 1?^� •f small table, German bevel mirror, 1 ining Room. CHAIRS --36 Dining. Chairs. This, .chair is hard- . wood, varnished, slat backed, double rungs, allround good value at regular price, $ r. rd etch Sale Price 89c Hardwood Kitchen Chairs, • a good strong Chair for for wear, double rungs all around, yellow or° golden, finish` ' Sale Price, hf=doz $2.5o S.iSringand Mattress:.. Mattress filled with seag,,ass and wool, good ticking on both sides, regular price $3.25,. Sale Price ... $2.65 Woven wire spring, select hardwood frames, well supported with two rows of spring, regular price $3,25, Sale' Price.... $2.50 MVI'attress, filled with seagrass and, stuffed with white cottono made in, two parts for couvenience of handling, regular price $3,00, Sale Price •.......... ....... .......... ; • Gale famous : springs, special con- struction, . select hardwood, • varnished frames, sold from coast to coast `Mr $5.0o, Stole Price' ..II Y 6.'116114.....•.............+.............. $dt100.. Fancy ROCKER Space will not permit us to inention the . splendid values we have placed. on our floors for this Sale. ` Our stock is well selected " and we.. can save you from 20- to 30 per cent. on this line. A Sample An Oak Rocker, polished back, cob- Ter seat, regular price While they' last each,.........., ° . .,.,,,.•.............•..... $1.90