HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-02-03, Page 19" .-77714rev.2:7731"-t.i.:."7 "vbAr '777,477;. s OWE YOUVIP RENEWED ow* Su MO 'fake a look at your label, ,and if In does not read- 9otipt NOW is the time to arminfe to have k read dus. neroinarrao rese BM= ntaineill ROO OLINTOR ONTARIO,. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 3, 1906, in savant • aett.e poet, .osevolowevereiwversesevii", &OW' TO TS IPOONT The o1ieiqnBlink OF OANDA. now pay e interest on 'YAWS "A.(701)1MS from date of deposit FOUR TIMES A YEAR. , illinton • • Manage Our Calendar. • • Waned Meeting,....... . Feb. 0, In• Old Virginia •Feb, 7. Heftier . Oen:adder Usunos.-Special services are being • held in Bethel church, by Rev Mk 'Reiland, and will be continued as long • . as intereat biota: 4. • pr9.0.-bozdor 1'fiur'6day.,:rc - Council C• haMber -An Apron Itazaar, qder- the. ;L.auspices of the Ladies' Aid -Society of Wesley Church will an held, as above, •cOmmenc; -fog at 8 o'clock•. 'Tea served from 5 to 8 o'clock 44444i...444 -44,4i4.444 . itdmission Mc. ••••••••,•••••••••••._ A Good toe or 1 roceries. The holiday rush is I over, we have replen- I ished our large stock, which been greatly - ;reduced by the, ex- ceedingly -great rush, and we retain lour reputation of keeping the best stock of 6 -groceries and Provisions to be found in town. Give us a call, and be cdnvinced. ****440t 41411•••••11414•1141 T. O'NEIL I ur stock of drugs, etc. will :..lway.4 be found fresh and up- • 1:to-date in every branch, •and we invite you to give us a call . if you wish to procgre anything usually found in a first-class drug store. 14. B. 0MBE Chemist and Druggist Our stock a Wa.tches is now complete for the holiday trade. We have them in a, the different styles, suitable for Ladies, Gentlemen and Boys, in Gold, Silver, Goli. filled or Nickel cases, at prices that will suit any pocket A Watch makes an ad. mitable Ohrietmas present; Something that is useful, as Well as ornamental. Drop in and let us show you our large stook of 'Watches You need not buy unless you *Ash. ortise. Ievegetakitd Opticlitt Weetfield 'linefenc-Thefeillowlegveportshows ,the standing of the pupils of 3, S, No, 8, Out WaWartoeh, throughout the various exarnineliene for the month of January TIM. Plass, Beira Otunp- LrnIl. John 11.edger Fourth. class. Ada arimmeton tramp 31001hitota. Emnia Campbell, John _Buchanan,. Mc' Larty, Earle Wightman,. Ada Steck. house, Jotiepliine. Woodcock, Mary Dunbar; Maggie Rodger, Olara-Brm- .ford, Myrtle 4rinour absent. Third • cleat', George Hoover, Russel Woods, - Hertel:Weyer,. Thomas Roger, Cecil -MeLerty. Alya.MODewell. Frank Mc- Lorty ; Second glees, Ralph goover.: Leslie Buchanan; Jennie Tuoneri Mag- FtelizWi.---Af.,.--r.--Peok absent; Part ANeleee. •Part • I, Eleanor /femme. Ofi account of sickness, tad roads and stormy -weather, the attend- ance 'was very small, -.11..J, Moounior, Teacher. , Stanley • Norns.-Miss Agnea Butcbart re- turned home last week from an ex. tended 'dolt to friende int Thomas, Kotnoka, and other places. ,:lqr and Mrs Piiiintige last week visited their son.in-law.ilir Lloyd; they returned to their horse on Saturday. • Mao A. Nott, who has been Visiting her Sister in Ilaffalo,_fer the last two weeks, re- turned to her home op Tuesday IA this Week.' We are _.pleasedto note note that. Mr M. Lloyd has so far,recovered from his •filneas that he is ,abls to go; old - side. Miss Maggie Ross. of •TOeonto, is visiting . old acquaintances on the line this week,NII • • . . • Clnonini.;-...The annual . "missionary meetingwas held in the Methodist church net° On January 225 Rev. Mr: Robinsou, of Dungannon, preached in themorning,, and in the . evening ft *Platformmeeting was held: addresses bearing...on missionary Work•wereitiv- '64..4 „etre:-a.i.l•ras-stvrirde• lield. and Chas. Tebbutt ; the subscrip- tions and celleetions for missions auo °tinted to 1102. On :Tuesday • evening the Epworth League met as usual, tile subject, "Habitii," being taken by. M las Mabel Bailie, while Mise Myrtle Ryan led the meeting. . • - • NOTE& -NOrnUM 'Snyder, who has been confined to tbe home ef his broth- er herewith an attack "! of 'grippe and rhernnatism, is now recovered; lie re- turned to his father:8 home at,Befunii.. ler on Monday;'Mr. 111006 • ectuditlen remains somewhat •the :same. Honey ..Toneir stip: remains- veep' ill. Mr. Knight is recovering nicely from the effects of his recent fall on the ice. Mrs. CIMS*.Stewartja new out ordanger; We hope to see .her in our midet soon. Misr; LIMY Elliott, Toronto, is spend.. ing a month's furietigh at her home, near Nile. We are also much pleased to flee Mes. Ww. Thompeon with us. again. -Mr. Tom, P.S.I. , ;visited , our school here on Ttiesday forenoon. • • REP' Myr. --The followingis the stand- ing of the pupils of Union .S. S. NO. 1; AshileId and West Waivtinosh,lor.the tis .nyan; adeurettexcirke, Anaxilieitt;• ...Daisy Ryan!". AdaCrimpbellol Sr. 4tIi, • Lulu Dunkeld, - Lulu" • Stothers, Willie Nivins,.Nellie Ryan, Stella Kirke, Medford Ellicitt, Wilfrid • Elliott; • Jr. .4th, Flossie•Ellietti Barle-Wilion, Leo- nard Durikeid, Laura:Meintyre*.; 3rd, Norman larke,Matkin Kirke, Oharlie Nivine; Sr. 2ed,-*Carrie Decifiveld, Bile Stothers ; Je.•2nd, Walter Nixon ;Sr. 'Pt. George Nixon ; Jr. Pt. IL Hamm Nixon;. Part I, May Kirke, Edythe Nixon. Those .Marked were abeent. • during examination. -M. A. BAIUE, Teacher. . • • • S. S. Coirizoonme.,-.The Sunday' f3choll cenvention was held here on - Thursday, January26th, arid was e'de- cided sweets. • For the forenoon ier. 'mewl the speakers Were preseittex- • cept Mr. J. 'washingtoil, Of Anburir. The devotional exercise WO conducted by Mr. Dustow, and 'afterwards 'Mr. Bailey, the .president, took the chair. Then the subject, ,"Best method of grading a Sunday *school," was dis- cussed very thOraughlY by, the differ"' eet Members of the Sunday school, and SOMe Very good 'ideas were brought forward, In the absence Of Mr. Wash- ington; Messrs. Kennedy, ,Dusto*; Hetherington Girl/fix ,and Bailey dis- cussed sibjectr, 7 "Sabbath school management,' in a very thorough manner. Theaddress of welcome was thengiven by J. Hetherington. The afterricent Session devotional exercises w-eVerdeiriatieted hyliet,":1Sr. Iteneedy. The President, Mr.' Bailey, then con- ducted the meeting. The first speaker was Mr. Blair, of Goderich,' whose sub- ject was an open parliament ; the Brat. subject was "What method 'should a, Way Sunday school-teaelier employ lir studying the 'natinie of • a child," •'which, was discussed by Mrs. Dustow and sev- eral - others 1 seeded' subject, "now may we cultivate reverence in child - ten," which Was discussed. by Misses Linfield, Bailey and others third sub- ject, "Should •teacliers he promoted with theft eke:labia." was difieussedby Messrs. Watson, Iterniedy. and others. They all had the idea ' the,t teachers should not be promoted With their classes ; Blair • pointed.oilt that -was a question depending on eondit, ions, and that the superintendent should have vigilance over the teach.. ers, and make a ohmage Where it is deemed. necessary. The question, "WhO should conduct the review, and how," was dismissed' thoroughly by e, number of the teachers; it was con, eluded. that.the revievr should be den. ducted by the different teachers, so as to have •variety. The next speaker Was Mr. Jackson, of Toronto; who aus- wered questions and also gave 'some useful points on "How to study child life." • The next was Rev. Mr. thither - ford's speech to the children, he taking for his subject the feeding of the five thousand by • Christ and his disciples, with tlieliv,e leave and the two fishes. The next speak' was Mr. ,Sackson, taking for hit siibject,"Teaeher train- ing," white:I-Was along theline of im- proving the teachers intalectually, 111r. Small net being present, the devo- tional ekeeelee of the evening waston. ducted. by kir. 'Bailey. Then than. port of the Nominating Committeeivas heard, and its -items were adopted. Then We heard Or. joynt*ith his sub. ' jeet. "./1, fresh start in life," interfueed With -tete of huriteur. We next heard .' Stickfitifee address on "Organized Sunday school Work." A duet wee given by Marto ?otter and Bailey, which Was „very greatly appreciated hys,11. Mr. Blair gave the °hoeing Veeeh, pointing 006 that the future Of our people depends upon the home training of the children, dater the timid votes of thanks were the tinivention WM brought to solose by thk,eissing Of the Doxology. • • t IWO. • OBTAnsen PTV -r, -For • eorna time the Messrs Richmond, have been perfeeting their combined quitting and, threshing machioe with a. 'dew to patenting it, and have at Isst got it completed and patented, the Mere having been issued from the Patent Office a few weeks eittee. As WAY of Our readera know, the machine cute the straw as it passes into the cylin• der- not after it comes out -and it 'is claimed that 0110 method makes bet- ter feed than the other, 'Another ad- vantage claimed for it is thatless power Is required than by the rear Ant' 'The:Mesers Richmond have been threshing for yea* using a machine Manefactured.hy theineelves, and we 8,re informed that during the phst roe. Son theYbed all the ;week they emild" attend, to'. Now that. they :have se,. cured.a patent, they are negotiating for the manufacture of the Mechlin; on 6100 scab. ' 00100114110 NOTES --:It is . with pleasure we 'an- nounce the approaching marriage --of One of this township's favorite yoeng ladies -41W 1,13rdia A. Schwalm to 'Mr. Itaist* winch hoPPY event is to take place the 22nd of this month. WAS AN OLD RESIOUNT.-The sneer • cord in the life of one of this, town- ship's ablest residents in the Person of Mrs Halliday,sr.; was loosened on Fri- day morning last, at the adraneed age of 75 years: f4ince her hasband's death Many years ago oho has been living with • her. sons, John and Andrew. The funeralwas, held on Monday, • In- terment, taking place in Ball's cem- etery. ., auburn . Das:Tn.-The Presbyterian congre- gation here has lost one of its oldest members, in the person of Mrs • Sarah' Halliday, Who diedat her late resi- istruia.;n.qalborms on_Feiday legit - The deceased, with heirlitietevulwv,his‘nre'. deceased her by thirty-four yearn, 'moved to the farm she still lived -en in the fifties. ' Of a family of eight child, rep only two survive, Andrew. on the homestead, and John of Groderich. The. funeral took place on. Monday, and was very largely attended. . Nana: -S. Sarlea te at his old borne in Michigan, called thither by the sickness and death of his Mother. Miss Cristie Scott is spending some time with her neke, Mrs. IC HoitAhainer. The regular meeting of the Farmers' Institute took_plaecron Thursday, Feb. 2nd • ; Messrs.. W. F. Kydd, Simcoe,, and G. Bather,' Orosshill, were :expected to be,. present, „C. A. Howson and -wife entertained • a few of their friends on Wednesday evening. 1.4ndesbero. . Nosns.--Rev. W.'lfeid Made a good impression on • the congregations of Burns and Knox churches :the last two Sundays the following two Sun- daye, the pulpits will be supplied by Rev. John •Anderoin, of Toeonto ; the Foreign alleiion.cOlteeticei wilt be tak- en up in Knox church on Sunday, the 121h inst. Miss Ouimette purposes leaving here this Week, to visit friends in Toronto. previous to going home to Red Deer, Mrs. D..Flotaly, of Blyth itr visiting in the villagethis week. S.' Woodman pet in his supply of ice this week. The sawmill IS spoiling logs but making nice lumber of them at present; the shipment of logs from. this station has been stopped for some thine owing to sonie financial trouble, hat it ie hoped Is will soon he settled and the work go on again. A few car- loads of hay were . 'obi pp ad this week. Hallett Nare.ei -Mr Brown lies hcmght a fine driver from R Roberts, Relgtave;PaY- ing $170 therefor. . STorac.-One day last week George Snell sold, throngh. IernesBnell, anine months old steer, for the Ontario Agri- cultural College; It was from import- ed stock, and !tit; the intention to fat- ten ib for experimental purposes. It Is the first one boui ght n this county for the purpose, and is a fine animal. • FrotinEs' Or INTEREST. -The follow- ing figures are from the report of the auditors, Messrs. Geo. Stephenson and M. Braithwaite, and will be of interest: to the ratepayers: ' Receipts -Balance 'from last account, $140.80„ ; _resident taxes,. $10340.03; bank account, 83722; interest, $38.80 • schoel purposes, 8311; license fund: $57.78; engineer's. awards, $4.15 ; mis- cellaneous, 1182.39 ; :from other munici- palities, $155.88: Total, $20802.99. • Expenditures-Lib:rads and bridges, 05408.18 ; salaries and allowances, $875.18 ; sfationeryand printing, $268.- 52 ; law costs, $17.; charity, 320;' coun- ty rate, $2861.60 ; school purposes, 36907.71: interest, 238.85 Board of Jlealth, $42.50; drains and awards, $18; miscellaneous $43.08 ,* rents; $1.6 ; sheep lilgisttlogs, *7.98: taxes re- funded, al . ,.,Zolice village, $143 28; LcicalImprOvementdebentures, 11922.57; notes paid Bank of Hamilton. $2000. Total, $19592.70. • Assiete--Oash in Treasurer's hand, $210.29 ; cash in bank, curreritaccount, $1000 ; uncollected taxes, $238.80. • Liabilities-sehocal Improvement De- bentures, No. 10 to 15, $4610, - • SesifOrth FAMILY 1101xtott--Mr. Sas. gays, an old and highly esteemed resident of this community, had the pleasure of having assembled about him his entire family, consisting of four sons and six daughters., This pleasant . re -union took ranee at the home of his daughter Mts. W. R. Ireland, of this town. This 14 the Orst titne for over twenty years that the family have all been together, owing chiefly to the absence of Mr. W. Hari, the third son, and to whose re- turn home this celebration IS due. He is now one of the meat proepereus farmers in the Northwest, and after a visit to his relatives will rettivii there again. Mr. laitieS idayS is no doubt, justly proud of hie family, and although past the three score years and ten, be - le still active and cheerful. Ile has in turn servedthe township of MeKillop as reeve, deputy -reeve and councillor. He was alsti Warden of the county of Hilton, The family were phetograph- ed at the galary of 3.tieksott Bros. and consist of R. O. latess Goderich, county solicitor; Motif- Ham Seaforth; William. Poet '••Qie•Appelle ; Settled of Kincardine ; Mrs. T Meleiroy. of Win- throp Mrs. Geo. Garden, Of Guelph• 31rs, NV_, fr. of W. tit FOWleir th re. Olintnni Of 4;111, AL. Mdtioui son, of SOUTH. HURON Below are the Official returoe for this riding foe 1903 and MO. SUM= 1902 1905 . 744.inin Pater *Jibes ifoLenesin No. 1, 48_ 80....108 'oo 02., 38 66.... 81 48., 55 4.......27...,28 20..*. 31 ° . 279 • 100 245 250 ExsTart No, 1,. M.... 78 76-, 20 •- '2. „ 29...4 67 09„, 26 ` 3....,..30.... sa 89:.., 24 • 4....„ 45.... 18 . SO. .= 52 133 279 • 204'. 128 BaTnELD No, 1:- 38....69- •SS..., 33 • Gomirocat TOWNStuo , No. 3 30.... 72 ' 88.... 88 16. .03 61.... 10 26.... 34-30 35 .78 . 179 87 - • • Tuoicsiiext7a 4 .• • No., 1;...,/2....' 85. • ' • .2,......75... 84 40.." • 8, 58.... 22. 23 53 4..........84.22• .. 29.. 77• ' 81.... 31- 34.... 78. • 78: 52..,••• 75 448 173 ' 205 .415STANLEY • No. 1, • 50 ' • 71.... • sa . 35.... 59 • 3 . 34....111 106.... 20.... 60 ° 57.... 47....- 575.... 42 48.... 67 • 265 278 *743 226: UstiOrafrn No, •49....109. 47 • • 2........83.... 67 50.... 67' ' 341..' 42 '4 58 ,• 77 • — • . 34t • 338 233 . • IdnEsiii..1,t," No, 1 • 98„ ,.105 94... ;11,0; HAr -No. .• 27 33.... 41 88 111, 109. 91 •4......56....23---24....55 5......54 25 37 51 • 7...... 28.29 8......... 81. 19.... 74 46-5- ae-5 WEST HURON Below are the official °returns- for Weat gurou for 1902 and 1995. ' Astixteroi 1902. Calaoron Unction • No.1. 53.... 80. 00.... 81 3, 50.... 64 .t....., 70 • 5..., 91.. 17 •3..,•. 80....-32 jo.•., 28 489 • 374 • Brisif • NO. 451... 49 1005 vainereakielmea 42.... 78 89.... 78 89..., 02 32 „ 67 72.... 14 77.... 21. 354 845" • 54..,. 40 41' • 94 18.-87 UrazeroN - No, 1 03. 58 , 66.;.. 58 2...-06....60 99... : fit 3.4... , 64.... 02 60....•a$ . . 45.. :, 64 55, .e—fe • 248 241 2•80 24,• ODLDOENE No, 90..., 85 2.. 80.... 49 X...... 71.... 92 251 2,16 "-Gonsalves No. 1.,.... 76 79 2„ 71 42..:. 94 ••• • 3...... M...." 69 435-:. 18 4 70.... 40 70:- . 55 552. 48 59.... 60 .6........87....50 77.... S5 748.. „ 20 54.... 38 • ••,, 464 892 450 480 GoDERIott TowNSMP No.1 30...97 39.... 84 2.- , 36.... 00 40....5r, 5..441.69 46.... 65 107 220 126 201 Hint.zaer No. 30.. , . 31 " 32 627 56.... 31 48.... SO 32 89,... 57 71.... 67 47.... 35 108 1•35 95 • -riltio.vidaviaxosa:-- No. 73: : 56,.., 38 00 32' 259 4.89 259 1.43. WesT virAirAzrosit - • .3(70 No. 1 57 -65 • 00.... 68 3 34 , 130 27.... 66 Nol 42 94 .78.... 28 4 67.... '47 • 70.... As 2...... 43....108 61 17 555.... 38 45...., 35 , • 59.... 89 85,.,.. 4s 0.. , 72.... 39. . 44... - 8.. , 07.... fo. • . 254 283 247 264 50.... 39• Wimarters 87' ' 36 Not Se..., 63 24.. 67 2......• 3 ... 31. • • . 57 ••64.. 26 '-469.--;-.574- 614 • RftearitriLanoii, 07.-115 '. 70.-129 . -1$ 291- 17t 330 • Seaford' -11X.... .. • • la • • llfaJonrrins G ' oderich .• Ashfield 65„ • 0 • Tucketsmit 275.... .. • = • • • " • ' • --• ' • • • Math• 1 01 ° Exeter ... . ......146 100.... .. Clinton ...... 27.... ... . Usborne , 91 • 100.... ... Stephen .... ......165 231. •Henson 7:....... Hayfield Stanley. 23 , • • - . 550 595 Majority for Hillier, 411. • *East Following are the 'official returns for Bast Huron : k • - Bnlissors 1902 1905 No. 1......1118346,!?018n -144361.)Bvwri 2, .... 51....` 84 50.... 54 54.... 17 -58..-..26 ' 133 •.120.• 1507121 *REY No, 1 . ' 50.... 49 ' 49-4 66 3......• 90.•... 82 • 83.... 84 4, • • 76.... 85 77.... 35 5 . 85.... 52, 84.... 67 0-, 75.... 51 77.... 56.. 7 87.... 45 46 521 284 511 826 ,,I MORRIS NI 1 71..... 89 53,..47 • 3...... 41...,. 40 -42..-..58 • • 4........49...-. 47 54. 45 52..... 51 51... .47 --------.03.... 72 • lg..; 85 • 849 296 .833 327 , Hottirrr No, .1i 541 A?..:. 204 • .• • 8 27., .. 81 • • 24 • 4.. 88.... 33 694.. 52 • *CO 258 162 231 186 /10Krtarair , NO; 1.., 70.,.. 50 96.30 80 95.... 47 . 68.... 90 57..., 86 4„..... 79.... 64 59..., 84 • 331 252 807 247 WROXIITIda • No, 1.1.,.-69.... • 00, , 44 Tonntnurty No. 65 53,,,�• 8.",.. 51 51.... • 50 • ' 260 „ 124 232 268 110WIele • Nar 1444..44 40.,,83 • . 49..,00 2, ..... el...., • 01.... 14 58.4..102 53...2 12 °O..... 04 16.4..115 Of., 73 99.... 78 55.... 68 • 58.... 74 495 882 353 Ittcearrrefeknoist Brussels 58, 29.... ..Grey 135....... Morrif , 50... t t . fior ook it 11 MoKillop *VV. 106414 t* 0041t4 44 Turnberry 87441111 84 Wroxeter* 21..01/ a.... • • • .112 t 41 *171 Iffsfority for Milo, Ids; a 112 847 Nit Colborne , ... 5.... -.. 51. Goderich •...... 20 Godericli Tp ....119 79 Hullett ,54 40 E Wawanosh 70.... .. . 70. WWeavanosh 29 17 Winghana.. -116 .156, , 284 201 277 272 Majority for Otineron. 5! •• (Jiving to the mistake of the return- ing officer in No. 7, Hullett, in failing to insert, the figures of the vote in his returns, the returning officer was'et•• liged to declare Mr. Holmes elected by 15. A recount will be necessary to have the matter straightened out, which takes. place Friday. NOTEs•-laiss Clatter, of Auburn, id visiting her brother this week. Mist'. Farquhar, of Killsgreen, is spending some time as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Henry McBrien. josh Hill is on the sick list, with a• severe attack of Iurnbago. J. II. Lowery,. teacher, is laid up by severe illness, said to be the result of the cold, and the plaster of. the new, school not being dry when they moved in ; his many friends hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. a,nd Miss Hanna,of Sea,fortk, are guests ef Miss' 011ie Hill•this week. 'Carl Draper left on Saturday last to attend college at Stratford, Miss Ethel Carter is spend- ing her winter holidays with Toronto friends. Mr. Lobb gave an oyster skip- per to hie 10th friends on Thursday. • • Brutelleld. ItTor.Es..-Rev, Mr. McCall, Toronto, will hold services every evening next» week until Friday, in the Presbyterian church ; on the Sabbath following the Sieramerit of the Lord's Supper will b held. On account of searlet fever the home of Dan Ross is quarantined. Mr. and Mrs. McTavish, of St. Tbomaii, are visitink at their sister's, ,Mrs. W. Murdock, Stanley. Gem Simpson, for- merly Of this village, has lately moved to Ceiboconk, near Peterborough, where he has a post -office and general • Store, Mrs.- Itinsraan,, Chiselhurst, is tile guest of Mrs, Hill, - .WEDDING. -on Thursday last a very pleasant event took place at the home of James Ross, when his third daugh- ter, Miss Mae, was united in marriage to Wm. Murdock, of Alberta. The important service was .performed at,8 o'clock Rev. E. Sateen &delet- ing. The bride looked beautiful in a gown of cream Crepe de chine, elabo- rately trimmed with silk and chiffon, She Was assisted by the groom's sister, Misg . Mary Murdock, who Were blue crepe de chine trimmed with chiffon ; the groom was attended by Neil Ross, ' brother of the bride. After the cere- mony and diluter, the evening was spent in social in teeciurse, daneffig, etc. On Friday evening the young couple were tendered a reception at the -home of thegroom's father, W. Murdock, where ad thelr young friends spent a very pleasant evening, A long, prosperous and happy life % .the wick of their many friends. They will leave in February for Alberni', where aeomfortable home awaits them. A Ilenean eorreepondont ettyei-Itere Oook of Clinton occupied the Meti. odiet pulpit on Sunday preathing In She InterWs of the Rduoational fund of the church, The Dr. has lost none of itis old time eletrAine. and fertottr 1104 0C44)0etett x++ft++++++++++++++74 Local•Notes n444444444440144444++X Nott Thursday is the regular meet- ing night of the Public Shoot Beard. The prospects of A busy season " for.. the builders are good. as a, number of new buildings are projected, • Geo Swallow has accepted a. position in J. W. 1rwin's grecere rtore, ge is an laid hand at the, businees. , Mr Ira Fisher, one of the old and prominent residents of •Kincitedine, who dietklast week.. was an 'wet; of Mrs A.1", Cooper. . At the :meeting of the Royal Arch Masons, Mr R. L. Dickenson, of God7 erich,-was elected as Greed Superin- tendent fee Huron district, tivatoonr JohnHowsonpHouwsOtnhehorseieloiukingarkoveetr. ge will likely be talking back some when he returns West. m the !spring, The Postal department intends to enclose the brick porch in front or the Post Office. and thus. make the entry more comfortable for winter time. • Mcjohn Dale of the •Huron Road. has let the contract for the building of a new residence to Mr S. S. Cooper, wlih'will commence operations in the spring.,‘. akto a"peory,n npin tnh,,eefc otsr CabinetStlOeutl South a 1 mo Of re j vi3,:w h: Whitney. Ire is an uocle of Mee • j The formal opening of the Tfirinitn- die Will likely take place on the. 10th net. On that occasion Mr Lewis pur- poses bringing the L'oacion Harpers to °*Own-linttootn'!elinolddsaysescond -Place in the. (runty, by a good margin, for volunae f postal Imams% • and this is good proof that it holds second Olitee, for (Atone of general business. A. shortage of rain water has coni - Oiled the nrianagernent of the Nor- mandie to call in the aid of ump And the use of some town hose o repleriish them with water.. . , Me Joseph Rettentury bite biti*itt 6411644st oft' the property •of lit Couch, on Tio-atotia St., so that •he light on the north -tide of the hotel cannot be shut out at AMY DAMS rumor has it that there is likely to, be a couple • of -Changes amongst Clinton's business fraternity; .whichreports will be verified- or cor- rected within ,the next few day*. .: The County fathers resumed their lanuary erasion at Godeeich, Tuesday; The bridge question is the great 'ero- blem,3hat will tax , the minds of this august body for 8010S. time. US corne. ?Messrs De' Agnew as Mad. C. E. Dowding as second. Ben Gfiritings as vice, and W. P. Spalding is ekip, left, Morntay for Strattorcal- to enter the Bonsinel in eourSe, of play there this week, February tame in like a HOW; and with . Jack .Frost &biting about. as avers as we wish to eiperienee. All day Thursday it Wes at zero,4ind some eport the theroinometer arrlow• as '19 below during the night. VieraelsiefeefielliseleseeellaraMereleewleireweew .t a a . age 11:11unt and Mies LilyHurit. also Mr and Mrs William Canfelon, are invited to be present at the anniver- sary of the golden wedding of Mr and Mrs T. R. Foster, Tata* Which • takes Place. nett week. Mr Foster is e TormerClintenian, and his old friends join in Wishing Mr and' Mrs Faster thany more years of wedded bliss. -• The C. O. el. annual supper and en- tertainment, *hi& will be held this evening (Friday) in the town hall, promisee to be a, record breaker for thiti society; With its large MeMber. ship and the progressive spiiit, which enters into all its members, makes this event one of pleasure to the many,who hat* the honor of attending. That the winter weather: we helve beenexperiencing so far • this season will still go on in ihrsanie• pleasant mood, • is the wish of all. Just to • hink, .February on us, and no block - dee'. What a changThm the 'first Wo; Menthe 0.1904. • . . The. town legislators will Meet next Mcinda3P'eveningfor their•first regular eseion for the New Year. The most mportant ,business. will be the -Sp, ointment of the town's officers, and great interest is 'Manifested as to who will receive the office of assessor. - Mr H. 0. Bell; of Fort Francis, son, n -law of Ms John Bell, 'of town. • was 'rioted a member of the council of hat town for this year. ; Harry makee. oats of friends whereyer he is; and it s quite evident he is as popular in hat new country; as he was in his °Ate county of Huron. On Wednesday Ed. Catitelon under- odit to come home from -Auburn, by way of the base line.: It only took int four hours to reach town, and uring the trip he upset twice, broke art of his load, go* one of lits tees. lighly.froet bitten, and then had to. rag/ by way of the 113th concession to he gravel in order to reach town, Rev It. A. Crude% Of Cremarty, Wither of Mr 0, L. Ortinetrei, of the oftegiate Staff* is at'present quite ill, ating_eontractedpleurisy some weeks gm recovered sufficiently to al - ow himself and Mrs Cranston to go to uelph for New Years week., and, he ‘Vill remain there until well enough to eturn. His brother,. Mr Wm Crans. ton; of MGM University, Montreal, s taking his pulpit Mirk. ,Stotruel Chambers, a former. Clinton. an, but now of Grenfell, N. W. TtI IS n • town, having arrived Mmulay.. ince he left here neatly twenty years go, fortune has blessed hire, in the and of the wheat. He farms three quarters of a section k. and is a -large hare -holder in eternities cooperative 4 thousand bushel elevater4Which was built two Vero ago, awl were able to declare a ten per cent dividend the first year. Many of these elevators have been erected throughout the west by the. farmers themselves, and greater satisfaction prevails for so do. as theyrs are.able to etetheir grain along side of a, railroad, and have it ebipped oat 'whenever a good market is available, There Is an ill feature about that neighborhood, from which farmers lime been losers; that le *dime* known as swamp fever. from Which Mr Chambers bee lost .,eight.horsee tlaa pad. n. It it hi iten ins vi *earth of more orsieths, hes brbroughthim east, and w Week* time will Way •s tapol 141,12 SALE AT R EE KIE'S . Drug Store, Clinton.' N._ B. -All sizes in Ch‘iumise •• • Veits,snd, Chest Protectors. back with him. Thirteen years''sku he visited his uative.town, and sees. many changes during that time. Louis Manning has accepted a. pos- ition in Combs's Drug store, with the intention of learning that profession.. Centel & Wallis And Fitzsimons e & Son shipped hogs on Monday and ' Tuesday respectively, • .0. EA Sloan, of Indianapolis, who is treasurer of the Windstaeker Co., of that city, was in town Timis - $11A, meeting in. the interests of the MeraI Reform League was caned for • the Council Chamber last ,(Thursday)t night. The home of Mr and Mrs- Sohn, Po Nell was the scene of s• _Merry oir. rice party from Go rieh to Monday evening. The Advance say •, Z. Beaton .• f Clinton oceuPie the piepit of Wing- hanr-ViVffocias erch acceptably on StindaY Morning last ' • • --.0.0..Rantioleft-Monday for Torento to tinter 'open his new field of-lebor a '. travelling representative for ing houeent that, city, • • 'We are glad to knew that the wifto- Of Mr W. garland, Jr., 'tent', has been dringerodslyill for some time, is now in a fair way to reeovery, Mr Joseph Tayler, brother of Me: - Jacob Teylor, or toWn.‘has been elect- , ed ..Prentierft:- of the. 'Cornorereial. • • .Trareller'aMatital Benellt Society. : • The Metbodist Church at Leamitie-:, toe, valued At 615,000, end of 'whiclxf'•:. Rev Me Lockets, pastor;.., was entleely., destriiyed by lire Alond.ay afterto. ' The rtishofiiit guroir-hati,- appOititekt the Rev. 11. IL Langford, of Wards- - v.,1111, to be ineembeet of the Parish of, • Brussels at the request of the constrAg, A number a Musical students wrntt on theexanaination,in connection with the Lention Conservatory of music at Clinton. on Tuesday; Miss Leslie pr' sided.. ' Th hots; e, e onOntario street, •Dr.Sisawlf ,resiaence, it pre cupied by Mr Brown and own Tipling; of Detroit, was sold th to De Evans.' • 'Nos Tipling, •ofDetroit, • -. panted by a.couple of Americans, are inspecting some of ' the • entire horses in. this neighborhood with a view to • purchase. "4\ • - • The .BowleAs annual supper will likely benolitat the Hotel Normandie, an the.evening'y.l. Tuesday the 2let, Full partieulars nest week. • • • John It Jardine; Bridge Contractor• of Fargo, /r. D., and brother of Mn Arthur Twitchell, Of town, Was Mate ried last Thursday to- Teseie Conway:. Of MimisaPolis, &Um. )1:lessee R. and J.,°' Raniford have. opened up an office its LOndon for the • r sale organ. J. Ransford is in charge I of the game, Assisted by W. Q. Phillipti and MedillisnesNdry witasS.BentCtiertnalemas day and as tradition has it that if the hear comesOutthat day and sees his ehadovr he will return to hie hole for another • sixissuweemkso.BeIttbi,solfikeLloynhdeons,esigbnito. was returning home Weclnesday afternoon discovered on getting on the train that ehe was witirout ticket .Or purse, and was unable to account fox' ita disappearance. -.L. According to the record kept at GoderIch, the amount of snow that. fell in the winter of 1903.was112 iriches, • or a little over feet.. Most peciple, who remember last win xor, believe that shoat 50 feet fell altogether. Arrangements are being made for an • ice.earnival to be held in thewiddie of the month. There is also another big * attanction, coming that of a .hockey match between tWo lady teares.pelim.- ton and winghani, Further partie* Jars later: Inspector Paletey was in, Goderich Wednesday., wilding for Farr Hotel* This place is being taken over by J, S. Kelly the owner of the property. who of late has been residing in Detroit: Mr 'Kelly is now in posses- slits:It:waiting the transfer of the 11. Davis of the Bon Ton has tackled. o new VentlIrein connection With his livery, that of a, hue road baggage de* livery line. For some time this Werlt, has been confined to. BIliott,s livery, but now that the new hotel has start- ed, the patronage will likely be divided, The interest displayed Lewis M. P. in the election of hisfriend tir, Dudley Holmes, must be very gratifying - to the Conservatives of Weet Huron, Ile took no part what. ever in the cattipalgti, nor .did he dome up to vote, although his friends urged him to do so. This is quite it eo .tlits sotione of Dr. ()Mahe and 11 B. aulatt both .041tion the Cand1dtee in the Uaat an Inge ti .t