HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-01-20, Page 8Talltioe
'per,centifl FursMullst Ruffs;
IperineSt. 4,1.040:iatioce orihe tnonth.
• We have .some very choice .pleces in
stock and you can, Save some money buy-:'
"Furs bire.:: before January'3 litt_N.Ocu
• took -taking darcames round. The stock
must be down to the very lowest point. pos-
sible. before thin atili you - Will' -save money
if you help us to reduce it. 20 per,, cent
means that for every dollar's worth. of Furs.
you - buy,' we only chime you. 80 -
; ." •
Ruffs of Sable,, Fox, Mink,:etO.
•.. ,
Muffs of 'Sl.t.bie, Fox other Furs
•idapetinos in, many Styles.
Gauntlets in Persin..Tianib; 'Astra-
chan and Electric Stale
, •
• Every pibce dependable 004 and '7,7g.par4:6'
• teed to give perfect satisfaction, ,. Come and see
• "the saving, 20 per cent off all lines.
. .
Any Untrinyn' ed Shape,
Your choice 91 any untrimmed shape 'in the
store kw 50c. All good. Regularli. . tO 2 50
• .
- We will save youAbine.rnoney on an Astrachan
. acket, if we have your sjze in stOck7:7: Our .gaf-
• Merits can be depended upon t9. give satisfactory
Wear. Being made to our order, ftom"-. choice
selected 'skins: that are perfect • in dye and • finiSh.
Here is a sample of how we are sellino• them ;
strachan Jackets
29.50. . .
• I
Our .A.strachan 'jacket at $37.50 Was a Special
line we sold this season. By "special" we mean
. it wag an extra good, garnaent for the "'price. It
is made from good'skins, with large gloss t col-
lar, has good Bohm throughout and made up in
the latest style, in fact it is an exCellent gar-
ment in every detail. Made to sell close at
'$29 50
$:37.50. We give your choice of those lef
in stock for
Wings at. loc.
'Your choice of balance of Wings and
Birds that sold at 25c to 75c for
ress Goods
39c- •• •
Clearing a big lot ofDress Goods at per-
, yard. Weare anxious to clear up, the Dress .1.11-oods
, stock,and have made some startling price reduc-
n order to do so:For the last of the frfOrith we
are Selling balances of 56c, 6ocand 75elines for 39c
• Plain and 'fancy Dress:Good% all shades, last
ends ef lines that sold at We} QM and 45o, MIK
00 -
„ able for Waists, Skirts or 1 Costumes, in or-
der to reduce stock hefope stocktaking, your
Choice at per yard
, u
ru his eryo4 el
sontiElt out-nog/la%
veottroot.tmlo. hate leet ree*-
. a 4 of the neers ot I tie
k h. ',A,tout thrtayeats a she i
%OW* Zflpirat '''' " '1 C ton,' ond- -took up her 'den
• hillteAugiktsift 14t0 W404 ta,
B- ggTioAhni3s°0n7wIliFilleF1' a,,,yti-g-itfiriLti, . ° WI' . 14 44'6h/1147 rhet4ftl'eatYhtlals' °gellt4r
;lumber of other children at, the oorultw • elect leaves, e, son, A illiam, Who le 00 I ato$ fie eeid 0 Vir SttrUtOn II ChiAtinS
Of t,he gienn , Bun*, eliding down an Sitikile IA WAAttingtell Territory% ' , that dressed 701bs anaseUl tWO:OtAgirs
, . , roAlit:t;iy°06:7447dhrief4ittaietcootlyx7:tso:lorro:gag'Bepoh :11.1"41.0'W°renrin...ii.A.: ' *IlticilmQ,:tn-Istploegnoilo,11111:441utte4de:al!quctro!t,:t.-°' tiumannys.tlaing, ..,vett .
ICY incline, got int() a iroix.np,with An::: '
. -,Otheirwhq htta skates en' 40-02reet/Iv°°' has A etIrteSitr'in the ghoPe Of 4 PetetP• They iVere Reeks, `aartra c c ens
a nasty gashabove the eye, that.Will
lleeeseitate his
"1141* a bandage
ft)t. eating& Slit acress an eye on either , ., ,
some 011ie.
stole, placed the pOtaite in a Pile of old . • DISTINGIIISitED • mus.lui..,-,
STOCK SHIPMENTOL.- Shipinente paPers, havieg „read that fir -potoatt, . Honors pow again to another former
front town have been rater siiiet sines wht, Id grow withoorkir Or :earth:, The Rurenite in X.Teo,e Sam's domains,
•fost riOW. On Monday autelOn, an resm.t IS a Ivell.de:veloPea'PotAt0 'which. This:time:it fails on Percy_ Holland,
Christmas, but a little rn rnatir is on ...,
...vvolop tient nut.n, urge .,eilipipent et , hes:24110i rt oe eodnItuo*.wtuargotebs.r7,Ch t.,h,? orif.'•„: rahoodfisatwellogr.xotortiheettelatme iNlatb_le,ilifhearle.
ligfis:;ToeS4aY:. 11.. ''.!. - -': ---, ' -'-- '•-• 74---- .....* :," - ^ ..,,..• , wris A position vacant in :the (.4410ego
' Shipped a car of hogs, an Op 'Wedges- FELL INTO TIONE'ST ' 11:4,.- bltS...k:.ct office and an extrifilnation WAS
day a lead -Of '114.A1b$ Were shipped out 'whoa ":,Will ',. Robinson was .Pkesinfr I had a few ' day&...- A.40i at whieh. 000.
brtbesa1110:11011- The hrle Vela for ' 'Couch's bittelier -.shen the ,btlier day, . 'eandidiktes Wrote;:. Murtha above men- .
hogs this week was 1.7, ter- nextweek ::7.14'..,piox4d-iiii .$os 'which ssiiii. iinfortn--• , titined young inm--heipled: the -list by -
5c its offered. ' : -4. ' '•cii ki Q ' dropped.With lionOr a large -percentage. and, .received the
- ,, • . - that is net dieplayeilbv some who find arcontment at a ri salary, We
#AN 161? zoo.
Tits Ladist,Ski of Ifeitdy Ours/614a Asid
AA ApronAp**r mot TA, i40,110 Vora /fait
ea TiotrodW. Abet** WA. „
Qi , Clint
Grand Tr
.1! _
IF " :rote
in Magazines
ritoprusLE Mr • p9o4, Magazines are not. eld. Deesit octtir tO yoti thai some
J'as.ver Issard, of Goderich tow;hip, are not a month old? , ‘ Compared- with current issues',
to develop •the pou poultry business, and Fiction' Is just as Interesting
Own some chickens. of 'which he has , COMMent just OS EdOCEtti011111
exemplifiAs hie belief by bringing to
I evell moon to belrectid, The other Illustrations'iust as Entertaining
good condition at
11. p( :believes the.. Poultry • • .the
Station has ditne a' irt deal (it good
•Oxford ShirOtig. 8c
150 yardStiiglish'Oxford Shirling, heavy
weight, fait colors, regular 14e, for... $c
More Mill Retunants..
. ,
We are selling a lot of Flannelette these days
,because We are selling:it cheap. A big lot of Mill
'remnants clearing away below regalpgr prices, These
Are short ends just as they corpe,froirithe Mill. The
lengtb.s are from to 60 yards, all fancy stripes in
dark and light colors.
• ELECTION OF OPPICEES,PIThe lost ortieles, be ArnineaiateiY made en` o er our; congratula ions, for ,we are
the ensuing term as follows t -Honor.. of *hat he had fennd. Learning th„aiti atellidai7n8gPaineasheodut:471:11,11',4'sounc?
es at -
elected their otdoers for quartos. and left \Vnid At severaiplace
ary_President, ,a,, Tfotiston.t President,. D'uncanson bad lost a roll of bigot dims, especially those fromold Buroii.
J.L. Mustard t Vice President, Robinson went ,to her tiorne,-and: -whose sons 0,re setting a high Standard
was a,,welicome visitor when lie WI
Keyes; Secretary, Miss M. E. Copp; ' id over.
„ Treasurer,. B. Penfonnd ; -Executive -umr.,Alvt) Alio. Tim misEc—Thoi
er,T. Sheppard, Miss M. Lappme. On A. Yi. P. A. and their friends met on
Jany.,20 a debate will °be:given in the .Tuesday evening in St Faureschool
Assembly roorn,, to which the public,' houSe, and were treated tlo. an ad -
are cordially inyiteclto attend.
his errand. MrS. DanOnsdn showed:"
in al tangible way that she appreciated
his honesty and kindness.
„ .-
'OrRLING NOTES.-'Thefirst..`trip.
out,of town. tins season tatr Clinton dress on "Ireland and the:Ittsbr. : by
1 Curlers \vas takep Tuesday afternoon i • B;ev %flu Lowe. of voinroti: owing,
lor, Past District Deputy Grand 'Mas-
ter of the installed the efficers
elect of Ctinton .:Losige on Tuesday evo
ng Those haVing honors bestowed
0, It Manning; V 0, N ; Sect e-
tary, Giblungs ; Troasurer, B
Chant.; Yin Sec, J'Wiseina.n Warden,
• A, Castles ; Cen.dinithr, D McInYre ;
RSNG, Crooks; L S J
Newcombe; It SS, H Alexander, L
J Ireland tehaplain 'St Stevenson •
G, A Turner ; 0 G, W Townsend. •
THE 0.0. F. ANNUAL support—
The annual supper and entertain-
ment of the O. F. Will be held on
the evening of -February Ord, This
year it will be conducted 013 a much
• larger.scalei and in, order that there
*ill be plenty otroOrafor all, the town
hall will be used on this occasion itis
stead of the Lodge remit. A good pro -
'grant is'beingprepared, and the eating
part needs continent front us. 04
tlidt name is well eatablished for halt-.
Ali are clean and in
_ •
-when twit rinka ipurneyedci Godertelt: to . ntimber of soda,
• on the 12.55; . and retornecl On the 5,20.' • town on Tuesday night, and the °fact.
W.: jacitson's rink, composed- , that the meeting' bed not been pre-'
Forrester, J. 'Johnston, B. GibbAnits
aind himselfewere euccessful in deka .PerlY .44"trus'il. on account of the
st,orrny Weather onSandaY: the ciowd
the folio:owing alluring
ia Copies Strand
" McClure
" Nilm4ey
s; 6; Wide ,World"
". Chambers Journal
" •" WOrlds Work "
Saentific Anierican
thein Were : G, W 'Moore ; i jug their oPPopeuts by 2. while xrolh,
on •coin osed. of :Reuben Graham, AL D.
McTaggart1 Pair, an • .
E. Dowd-
ln. skip, lost to their opponents by 7,
points, Which: left Clinton 5 down pia
the aggregate 'score. The same even-
ing a quartette dente Up from Seaforth
and were defeated by a score of 12 to 2„
The tort)) plityera were C. E. Dawding,
skip, and Messrs, Coestatitioe, Cramp-
ton and McKinnon.
BAND CONCERT. -The 'pian of,
seats for the Band 'Concert this even-.
Thuirsday, Speaks volumes for the,
succeas.that will, likely attend this af-
fair The talent that will lake part is
of the best; and comprises ,otitside, and
local members. The Imperial ‘Male
Quartette • •is the best coothinatitin of -
its kind in Canada ; Miss Pielia,r4,,of
NeW:York, .'svho is an autisten the via-
was not as large as it otherwise would
have been. ritowever, those who were
fortunate enough to. be present en-
joyed theniselVes inurienselY.,
Lowe is a Very ,pleasing speaker, filled:
with such jokes as are characteristic
of an Irishman. It Mr Lowe shoold
return at any time, we are certain a
full house would greet, him.. A vote
of thanks was given the speaker aind
then the meeting' closed by singing
the National AnthObl,
out very sati.duty this week to chron-
icle the 'death of An inestimable and
higluly re:Spaded. 1-esident of tqwn; in
the person of Mrs. Clara'Whitelyv who
passed ' peacefully away on Saturday,
bet, at her residence, Princess street,
,aftere, prolonged and painful illness,
from stoniarn trouble: associated with
5A:copies for
$550004 .,Regott!tarlitit
• Si.O0
A complete record of the year's unproventent and inventi
• ..Regular price $3,00
Jog plenty Of, pool things, and all that ;lin Will be sere to please anl enter- this inalaclY, she, was Somewhat iricapz
"oft Could desire to, satisfy the . inner . taen her hearers ; WillPickard,a tenor adated blithe use other limbs; caused'
man,' • Soloist Of no mean repttte, will. give by fa ling andleithing .h,4 head some
, several numbers. Misses 'Wm McRae time :ago. Notwithstanding all -her
• j3E0E/ OF ariAs Krik;,...The and 'Mariorie La nine will give.•Scot- 1 sufferings, she boiea bright and cheer- •
Misses Rine reedited the sadintellig- ful countenance to the last, patient in
elice 'Tuesday eliening, that their,
brother Charles in Chicago, was
ing. • As it was the sister's . wish that
one of them should be with hini, if
possible, :ere death 'ensued, Miss: Mazy
lift-, onthe---1:33 train---Wedeesday
morning, but she had not gone long
before'the sleCond message came, say-
ing their brother had .ptissed• away At
Cook ConntyHospital. A Message
found Miss MarY.IttALondOrt and she
'returned the net train. However, it
was still thought wise . to go ,to Chi-
cago, before deciding • whethor to
bring the body Immo or not, atid ac-
cordingly eheistarted for the, seconrl.
time on her -sad.- errand, • As there• is-
asister and other relatives buried in
Chicago, if is likely there brother's re,
mains will also he litterred there.
Deep sympathy is expressed for the
Misses Hine in their sorrow. • •
you- have not already • sp-
eared your seats for the Meister Enter-
tainment be Sen. 30th, you should, no
Sc. tut mice, or you may be withoot one
.when the night of the concert' cornea -
Whereyer the 1V1eAster Gle,e Singers. the Annual e....teuemen in July.
have appeared in Canada they have • - •
received the highest. praise from the WFIAT „DISTANT FRIENDS SAY.
critics. A few`, reinolps ipsp tbepress FrOm It, Beak, Vera, N.D.: "We
;we as fellows : "It' may he stated rook forward for the NEW Etta every
Nvithout ex,eggeratiali that the Cana, Tuesday.; it is like aletter to us. We
than poblic bas never yet'heard, any- are having ' beautiful weather, yery
thing in quartette singing to Surpass little•shom as yet, hut pretty cold." ..
thework.•of the Meister. Glee 8ingern," Mrs. Sarah Bowen who lives at °Fib,:
-Terra-Ito "The Meister Singers kosh 'Wis. says 'the Nzw. Elm. is a
have wandered farafield and their sup.
ba. never been challenged." --Quebec,
Telegraph. "To the lover a the best
in ittisic,. it .was a • revelation and a
feast."-Sydrily , Record • For further.
recornMendations ask any of our town.,
people who heard them on their:first
appearattee'bere.-- 7, - -•
DIED IN OLINTON.There -died in
Clinton hit Monday last the beloved
wife of M. Diehl, of the fifth con-
cession of Stanley. Mrs. Diehl had
never complained ° of being ill, until
about 4 week before her death, al.
though she had been losing in flesh,'
and on Thorsday. 'last did her own
housework. On Friday she became
Much Worse,' and was advisied by her
physician that she • had better be re.
%ova. to the hospital,' to which place
She was brought Saturday. A consul-
-404mi was held,' but it was decided
that an operation would be of no adz"'
viceovring to her weakened condition
and the septic nature of her trouble,
„which preyed to be true, death result -
log bir-,MOnday morning. She was
abciut, 34 years of 'age, had, been mar-
ried to 'her sorrovdng husband about
ten ware, and &little son and daughter
are left without it loving mother's care.
The funeral WAS held on Wednesda y
afternoon frem the family residence,
interment taking place in Baird's dem
etery. Mr. Diehl, and children have
the deepest sympathy of all.
tish dances, and McLeod Wdi do
the comic work. Besides ail' this, the
'band will play a number of neri`pieees.
Let there be 'a good, turnout and silo*
your appreciation of the Band's effortS
111 ppividlng tirst-clais traSical or;'.
ganizatien fertile town, ' ' '
the knowledee of her Saviour's- love.
Mrs. Whitely was the widow of the
buts W. T. Whitely, who predeceased
her in 1809. .She , was the daughter.of
Mr. and Mrs: Jain ' Smith, who came
to this country about,forty years ago
land, Where:Mrs: Whitely wit'S born:
A few -Years after ccimiog out, Miss •
Clara Smith, as the *deceased was then
called, returned to England with the ,
intention of remaining, there,leaving
the fetidly in Canada She returned;
howeyer, and at Goderich, in 1871; she,
was married to Mr. Whitely. A fain -
justice GMITOW, E. 'Floody. Hugh sue- fly ofq-nwdanghter and four sons was
Math.- E, 3. 11:Duncan, Pr. 'Sloan and born -Miss linrida at. heme, Wellesley
G. A, Smith,. 1-l000rstry ,Presidents; S. at New Orleans,, Lester at St. Thomas,
Garnet, and William. Btsalea her:
children, a brother and two sisters also
mourn her lobs -James Sniith; of town,
Mrs; GoOdgerbif Woodateck, and MtS
Cowan of Bright. A number of friends
In/RON OLD BOYS -The - annual
meeting of thelluron 0111Boys Wits held
Friday evening in the Temple building,
Torento. The re corps of officei:s show -
e1 the ,society tobe 10 :1 flourishi rig con-
clitiaa With a good surplus in the tree.,
sari, . The follaWing.Offh:ers Were elect: ,
ed: -Col; Otter, S. S. Willison, Mr.
T. Church, President; (inn. Deacon,
Vice.Fresidenti E. Moody, Sere -
Cary; W, O.M.cTa4;srart,Trclustirer; j4S.
Mclitinnon, li.l.V1cLeod, T. G, Soole,. J.
S. Timmins, J. 'O. klysiop,
James aysinp,.. .eenclereast, IL and relatives, were .poSent from oat -
Bothwell, .1.04 MO)onald..T. P. Martin side points, at:the funeral; which was
Oleos, .1*. • A. iffeLturen, R.,A,. held on -Tuesday afternobo, iriterment
'Walker, IL Sloan. W, E. Groves,' j• taking plebe beside the remains of her
Marks and W. Beswetherwick, . the late husband, in Clinton' 'cemetery, Dr,
committee of managerrient. The. abnual, Cook officiating, and messrs. Re Hunt,
at home \via be held next Month. AO& J. Miller, W. Harland, W. Cant:4m;
.Brickendori and Mir Plunisteel:
acted as pall -hearers.
hilts MAY'S DEATII--The Tribune
from(Stevensville; Montana)whichbas
COD30 tolls, there appears a . lengthy
obituary noti^.,a and mei:aerial. besides
resolutions front differentscideties.over
the death Of the late Mrs; Albert' May.
newsy little paper The weather there Space will not permit us to publish all
is otel^,ft-although--they--emparienceda--ilt ., hucliplliatpart---whieh.....per
Severe lee stOrm few days previous. her life' and death, "Mrs.Phoehe Sane
to Writing ; whichbroke many of the May, wife Of Albert May,of the firm of
May Brotherselc-raft,yor of Stevensville,
died at her 'home on ,Chureh Street,
Sunday, ot 12,29, after a lingering ill-
ness of Several years., Her mother,
'AUTlirt43t1:111iCr XHOtaWsliarri0Vi' 8S01811ter ilalgalthjtalleivnd
,daughter, Alberta,Were at her bedside
when the end came. The funeral took
fittest of weather -,no snew to speak of. Place from the bane at 2,30 p. m. on
not enough for sleighing,‘ Can you Monday,Xail. 2nff,Rer. I. N. Smith her.
let the know why it is that the Cana- former pastor affidatine-and familiar
dian wheat, is so ranch lower in price songs Were sung by. the choir. The hand.
than that in the United States ; at some casket was beautifully decorated
abbot ten inilea distant the wheat is with cut flowers -oil bouquets. The
50 emits lower than In Dakota. Cana- 'floral offeringswere many. After the
dian farmers Qe0 being arrested every sernion theladies of theaidsocietypass-
,few days for smuggling wheat oVer ed in a circle about the coffin and each
tile 11110 sometimes there are AS &ARMY deposited a carnation in the casket. '
as ten arrests made at once. The Mit. May was.born in Ontario, Canada
Wheat raised in., Canada this year is Feb, 10th 1800, In 1883 she was united
Bald by thamillers to be of far super. in marriage to Ur. Albert May 'and
bar 'quality to the wheat grown here name to Stevensville, Montana -in 180,
and. what Makes the big difference in where she Hired and labored, the light
price is hard to underatand, of her home, the helpmate of her hus-
band and the Wiee rundlovinginotherof
-The uncertainty Of life Was bratiftt her onlY datighter-* Miss Alberta se-
tompanted her, to Phoenix, Arizona
horne to Many of the residents of t is and thence to California, Seeking the
vicinity, When. it hecatte
Psridry imofrHninnglasDt, twhsaotnGiolkbfneSorttWa1)'o
aboint a tyioenarosf habersesnyesetesmh,e burtetaUfrtneerd-
bond toameet , hone laab April only slightly improved after a brief illness of a few hours, that since which time she made a bra,ve
'fight for life. But all was tittavailirtg,
morning. Ile waswell known in town, ter weehehl her own beautiful honte
havirt"Pent WI:Pt bf hisYrninger ar3 every aid and comfort 4 Issible WAS'
'IIELD ANNUAL AftETING.,..-The in thelfason Rotel, and last year e
provided for her by the r 'ones of
annual meeting of the Clinton tiara. assisted his brother 'Thomas, in e0m- the family and kindred, Mr disease
OUlttiral Stsciety was held in the court- itens..D
ysw.whith Idea. bait; ,er aliments
the.alimentshnti tti
lunge waspaotnpm:h
11:teedr uitwithaoriente.
oil Chamber oh WedheSdal evening If
last Week. The sebretar .treasurer s Spired, the deceased 'went bClack to the ink witevery titense. tier, nervous, sys.
report eheeretl reteipts; of$303.P, tted "tint old u Vag w Au"'tetnifecame enfeebled so that the
t a ea doing his chores, on the Thurs. Slightest interaptions were wet,y pain-
ful- and forego/6rd weeks she was de-
prived of communicating with her
Many friends. It must hays been a
great wince to her in ,those days of
'weakness, to have the presence of her
husband anddaughter, of her aged
mother her only surviving sister and
others all of yawn gave her the most
loving mlniecries. As a mother she •
WAS moat eotisiderate and loving; a
consiatant companion of the only Chia
bork,urito her. Hee Miter natUre
watLvery strodg ahd with er husband
hoartilly in accord. Considering *tat
we have learned of her life and char-
acter the laanie , she :graced with her .
beatitifultetelus Old afteation,the alti
the rendered the ()hurt& of Gad, the
'helpless and the needy that she be-
friended. Wf tkltAY accord tici bar the eft.:
dionittin at itqf about** to anothec
"She bath441e What ohs Gould."
trees. Mr,S. Bowen had her brother,
Geo: Carter, Ad a sister.and her hue -
band, Mr. and Alto. Dailey, front Mil.
Wankee, to. visit her d.urin the holi-
days; . of Fesseriden,
also sends ,an interesting letter with
his sabgeription to the Nuvt" ERA fer
1005 "Moseys • “We are having the
au expenditure of $270.85, Thoe�eioty
has 100 entbers, and amongst these ay previous, that an attack of appen.
were distributed As premiums' $224 dicitia seized lithl.; sePtie sonnitien
worth of seeds and plants, and SW itt followed, • whieh was the immediate
periodicals. The officers elect for the 0aUse of death. This was nOt his first
current year are : Pregident, omits fla k, he having experieneed the
flottle ; 1st Viee, W. Q. Phillips; 2nd sArne painful ordeal on several mew,
Soo. Treas., vice, j, 0,0flerdeirkameTreas., A, ions. and fighting them thrtoagh, dz.
oard ef Direotors.-S. Wheat- posting that each socceeding attack
Porter z B
ley, 4.'llowiten, S. Davis, Thoth Bono. 'not
the lut ; but tecOVery Was
vls,7, E. Routledge, R. Agnew, A. Mc: evitientlt not for him, the Angel of
,IVidlath a
; ndt. Death c inzing him AS a Victim when
Kenzie. T. Trick, S. C.
tore, W. Brydone and M. II licTato in the prime of life, he being but 29
s of
art. The membership fee will be si yearage, The, funeral, whIcit was
this season, and premien:is of 01 „mild•SundaY, wee largebt Wended,
tbe,distributed . the spring and ei notwithetandifig the severe weather.
In the autumn, _ „ Ttnhe secretary was, TWO iettae of ClintonO,O,P.'s, of which
anted $10 for his services the past society the &ideated was a member,.
ear. mobil session of the society I Were present and took charge of the
11 tha adifisabhe ha en the iirgulfig of April ii, funeral . Rev. litr., Miller, of Varna,
disiogio day of fierdin a, OftlotitAdi The bays of town sent *
show this I e eau, as beautiful wreath, In token of the
Wer res.
1,034 Itt whteh he VI*1 held by them.
. kt' W e Mite with hi, exte
to1.nil ,c$.• r 1,
ei• W.
Often the Cheapest IYVais the Best.
• Great Stock e ucin Sale
3000 worth'of'Bbots and shoes at,wholesale
.0idesl• Now is the time toinvest in .VOOtwear-
are determined to reduce our Stock, -
Misses' Rubbersilliti-pr.".to co at 14-10
omen's Rubbers 160 pi, to go at 'IR
Rui?bers. 0 pr,. to go at 10
ss R4bbbe7pt.p g9a
eCrt 31 Pr.. t;g°„ ,,..tIk
t 76C,
'They; are good stock but Narrow 'Foes. ou
,can likely get a 'pair. to fit you...See otir,. _Bargain
Counters for the best, yalii'es ever offered in the aoun-
try; ItcOst. you nothiiig.to: see.'thern.
triraii 4001d lEtelltable.
. -•
• Nrio Five Dollar Bargains here , this:
week-. One in. Overcoats;.- the other - in ••
, Suit's ie2.4 tO. put on, There is ' only •:',
‘• ... . , , , . A ,
.4 little Morethan:a week- laetween,nOw -and
Stock -taking and we . want :to ;!eii • * these
, iiiiisstivirdists. :7:7e that timed, eco,.thttleressar.bOilrioic'ellitliet
the Overcoats and from $2.50 tio.:-$5 on the
ductions. There is a ° saving of :$2.:40;,-: dri, '
_ .. ,
. .. ,
• n.50 Overcoats : for
<aim last °Cour $7 50 Overcoats. clearing for a Five Dollar
Bilt Not a great many Of there left to Sell. Made • from good
beavtrs and cheviots, lined throughout with linings that Weer '
well, (nit in the 'popular full back Style, regular ,$7.50t
eissriu8 nowat each:. e a . . .. „earl' .".;„ .41 • A. it • • • • • 6 4. of
, StlitS $5
$7.50 was the price Of the cheapest of these Suits, • S/SI; the '
'best. They.are iaskones thatare left of lines that sold at
prioes. Made from Strong all wool tweeds and well litied throng -
out, perfect fitting and good.WearIng Snits in every 'way.hecause
we want them out of the W84r befOr(6 the now Spring Stocks
arrive, We Will give you your choice of this lot at,
each ... . . 0000 . . oo oo
We have about 'a dozen Fur Coats left tChello
Every one is a,peffect garment,dependable in every
way. If you have any notion buying A Eur
Coat this winter, come'and see them. We Will
make it worth.4your while to buy, for we want to
.turir them into money before Stock.taking,
(lents' Furnishings