HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-01-13, Page 4'•••• 7•5"74 .":714 tl ale That n� womari .000.004. to Miss. • than Iialf,, _Wes Are It is Just this WaYevery winter Coat in the store *rni.ist be cleared out now, when -you need - them Most. we have completely lost sight of cost or real value In metking the new picas, which are positively the lowest ever .named (:,0 Coati that arkall now ancEstrictly up.to-daie in every way- lf you have the least, thought . of buying a oat, be sure and. see these, THIS 'FRIDAY MORNING. This is the best Pur Bargain tontqlWorth up to $7.40 tor $1,,50 19 Coats, made of One Beaver Clothe, TWeeds and Ser0e0.• in black 1.017.10, all to go Friday morning, at ,•• • .• ••41,411. unline-Prhave ever had. VA grey only7some are lined, others dices l'attlIed from Pori co ......, ,,........„, ......fito it a r .. . 6 t. 48.50 to $10,00.Coats'at $4.00 1.41.dies, cloth Coats, fnade of fine ICers,ei Cloth, in shades of ; Oxen, navy and black, All are lined with,Satana, ining. some are trim- ' 114 *rd., while otbers are plain tailcii.-Mide, • These 4114 our best. -18 59 ' $10.00 Coats, all to go Friday morning ' flak $1.2*.40 and $14.00 eoats at $5 4• 5 14 Coats, na'ade of the finest black and 'navy Kersey Cloth, also ° few fawn. coa ts, made ot a very fine English govert, cloth, all are lin. . • yd throughout wl,th the be Satana lining. These Coats are our very itn- 7g ,•,'• test $11.00, $12.00 and $11.00 Coats, all to clear ate each, . - Ladies' $8 and $10 Capes for $4.00 Yonr choice of any Cape in the store, made of a heavy golf Oloth,$4 :regular $8,00 and $10.00 each, to go at. , and $45 00 IllaC't Astrachaif Cents it t28NO • .• On Friday morning we will place on. Sale 3only Black .strachanfrciloats, all filly guaranteed, regular prices cif, • Nth are $3,&00, $49:o0 and $45o00 your.,choice for.... $28. ',hildren's (loth Coats Reduced Only eight Children's Coats left in the store. If there is $ , Black.. Astrachan Caperines at $ 4.004 ' " 64)0 15„;oo • Black AStrachail and Seal caperines , 13.50 'Genuine, Sable Muffs, at ;*906. ,7.50 • Cthio . • .19.00 Sable, ',Offs at. , .. , 7,00. ., t 14 • p $ • $ . SADO I 2,00 " " 10.0k • 14,00 44 .66 61 .• 6 . i600 . " 20,00' '' • • 156090 If Vett Dv.** to Avoid the Severe Cold & Stormy Weather And take a rest the land of the flow- frui mist sunshine,. viz,. California;".1VieicicOor - •Florida, consult E.'14.1110d$enS. ;town Jlgent. ThethintonIewEa FRID.AX. 4°A,N. 13, 1005. is What You Requi The Canadian Almanac. , Canada's reliable year book—bigger and „betr, ter than ever. raper Itoust. 40c Oloth 'boost* 05e Pocket Diaries For toos , , li..tariy sizes, bindings, •.and rulings, . . Pelee 20*. and sp For Business ` Men . • We have Blank Books, • StivO9Pes and a complete stock • of office supplies. Fancy" Calendars it Are reduced in price, to clear thet balance of our stock. $1.70 to $2.08 Black Satitun Waists and Underskirts $100 On Friday Morning we Will plaee on Sale several dozen Black. Satetut • Waists and Underskirts, the regoliZe- value- of- whielt-is"1159 ttil 00 ." $2.00 to clear at., • . • a F.16,11lelettit,001111S. at a Big". Saving.; : Ladies' and Children's, 50c. Bose „ . Ladies' and Children's 65c, 75c and 85c Gowns at (In colors of pink and, white) ',tie in the lot that will fit your little girl, you can have it at, a adies' $1.25 Gowns, to go ,at. . 'BIG SAVING in price. Ladies' Cloth Skirts at a Bik Savkng in Price. • 1.50 to $$.011 Skins at $3.00 Here's a Skirt BARGAIN that is well worth coming for iday morning. Every Skirt in the lot is this season's style. ey are made of good cloths, in grey, black and 'navy; most them are „trimmed. Regular $4.50 to $5.5o, .to i 2C and i5C,Wra.pperette 400 yds, assorted colors to go . ... 7c gbc and $ Loo Wrappers• ; th4rdaeppgerfe:tgtet(11.assorted Wd , .35e, 50e :••••64.1. SSC I 40c Wool Gown's. at..., 25c 40C? 45c and 50C Children's wool. Vests And Drawers' 30c $1.,5o silk -lined Mocha Groves 65c colors arid Sizes., at.. ..... . 68c, $2 Wrappers to go for....$1.25, Snap -in Sateen ComforterS.', These three Bargains go on sale Friday morning, the two hest ones are -tide of goodqUal it y sateen andlilled with perejiatton, anti' el. 66, coliOrters 2.60 Sateen iomforters ter 1.80. 3.00 • '..01 114+44+44+++440++++X lt,Chutch News +++' +f 4.44I.444.44+44++11 '0A.FrisT CHURCH. - The pastor will reach morning and evellii.g ; the -• niorning subject will tie the second of in.series of sermons on "The naeseage4 . Ale 4,c„ii inches in Asia,' evening $414.1.6t, 'Mae choice for eternity." - WESLI14.-Rev Edtvin Relines: of • -146ndon, will occupy' the pulpit on Sunday aext, Mr Manning taking his .work Askin St. Dhurch, London.... 'The Ladies Aid of this church purpose ••Jinkling an Apron Bazaar and tea -J,i`abou t the :Pcond week in February .,..tticulars of which will be given SALVATTON ARMY.- On Tuesday jan 17th, at 1.1 pan, a special lecture *al be &eta in the Salvation Army Jiarrackl By Adjuta,A E. Sirup, from 'Petro a, entitled "I tun off through tan ts and Jungles of 'Darkest Lon- •ttlet as the 'Tramp.' " Every one Inc and enjoy yourself for 00 minutes. Ise a special B. of L. meeting the me day at 4.30 p.m. Subject "Bible ,Dmeacters,'' Illustrated by 'JO colored 'ctures. All children are welcome. - WILLIS Otioncia.-Miss Zada Mo. Otte Sweetly rendered the solo "Guard. ' lithe I Sleep," at the service hist day evening. A Male Quartette Messrs Campbell. Cook and Mc Wag also appreciated Com - ;Wanton Service was held On Sunday Morning, Raw Dr Stewart officiating 30 the evening Rev Mr Manning and Dr Stewart exchanged pulpits. ...A Vastness meeting of the Christian Eti.. 40aVoe will he held after the prayer eting Monday night. ...Tbe Huron resbytery Vern meet at Seaforth on Wednesday. The etnintY e0Uftell. well••=•••• nor money -but Ityon mant-lt— Libend Candidates Oluneron gurton-.A. 1!yelop •iEtittit MOLennan S,S.. Lesson Gist.of the LesSon; Practical Commentary. ' • • Diti. Peloubet'S Noteg abt.2s • Supporters of the Boss 0overnment in any of the ridings mentioned sbould' Mark their' ballotit for these eandi- •dates,, • We§t• Huron' Matters. That Mr. Leavii wait a itondsman to, the government at the time of Ads nomination and election, is nei;ir ad. mittedt notwithstanding itr Lewis' 'denial in the ptiblio press, the fact is indisputable. . liad it been knownat the nonxina. lion, it would haVe been:the duty'of the Returning oiiicer to have declared the Liberal candidate el.eeted; because . Mr. Lewis was illegally a candidate. Whether this *mild haye. been Wise or not is another, rnatter.lmt the fitct is that Mr. Salines was the only legally. qttalifled candidate whoWas before the, electors Under the law., Mr, Lewis will not take his :seat at present, although he has gone to Ottawa, and if the Act is htezally interpreted, the seat is now vacant, for, it deglarea an election "null and void" under the circumstances• , What Will he the pleb -nate outcome of the matter, We are not ina position to say. It Will probably be deckled by the Committee of the House on Eine` tions 'and Priatileges, which cannot meet for e few days, because it ha not yet been appOinted, Dat there is no doubt whatever in the reindS of Liberals as to what course should he pUrsued. ,They be seatshouldbe declared:vacant- . , . and a new election held. If LOY Other MINTON Bishop -Elect Williams •“Welcome, brother, to your high...tint- . Consecrated. may you be gentle, yet forceful. None • - • . , ies ; may the divine °paradox be youro, • can share your responsibility, nor cite, One of the most solemn, yet hopres- enter with you into the -holy of holies sive, ceremonies it has been the -firma- ..Where youatre alone With Cao:l. May ege of the writer to witness, to8k God.strengtheri and keep you.' After plaen in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, the sernioe, which was 'listened. le on Epiphany' Day, Eriday, January O. with a spirit of 'reverence, His Honor when. David W illiams, M.A., Venerable judge Barron, cg Stratford, a lity-dele• Archdeacon of Perth, was consecrated gate, read the record of election. The to the high and holy office be fourth .oath •was then administered . with: Bisnop of lluron.. by HisOreoe 1,greekshiernnity to the Bishop -elect. bishop Bond. of Montreal, Ptimate Of After this the Litany'Service was read the Church of England in Canada. by. Bishop Mifls. The chancel was 'filled to overflOwing. The next step in the consecration with clergy 'aridlaity from all parts of service Was the questions to the Bish- the diocese. and the surpliced choir op -elect by the Archbishop with regard looked beautifill in their white robes to the doctrine and faith, . after which as they entex•ed the chancel singing 'the Bishop retired to the vestal, where the processional hymn, accompanied the robes were put upon him,. during by the • strains of the great citgam ',which thine the choir rendered a' beau- whieh poured forth enchanting music tiful anthem: When he returned to 'dud and clear. Many had gathered the chancel, the consecration proper from outside points, as Well as from was concluded, the Arehoishop laying the city, to witness the installing Of his bands soleinnly upon him, after the Bishop into his most sacred office, the manner of the apostles. Bishop and by ten °Week verrfeW seats were .Williams was then given a copy of the available Within the sacredbuilding. Bible, and a gold ring, in token of the. Among the notable dignitaries, of the trust tyhich wite committed to him, chinch who were present; the follow- The singing of a' hymn brought the ing were conspicuous: Ble Grace 'service to it close, about • one o'clock, Arehhishoplkindi Of Montreal; Bishop the ceremony having lasted over three Carmichael, Coadjutor of the Diocese i hours. ' • of Montrearr.Bishop-Swentlinnt nf Tor -1 Despite the l'act-that-Archhishop onto: Bishop Durnoulirt of Niagara ; Bond is about ninety . yore of age, he Bishop Mills of Ontario, and Bishop-' possesses a wonderful vitality, as well elect WilliaMs' of Buren. •au a powerful voice; which reeinanded The regular mornift prayer Serviee, full and dittinctly, and could he heard was proceeded With, Rev, Dean Davis throughout all parte of the beatitiful, leading In the prayers ; ancl the singing edhice, of a hymn bronght the 'first part of the ' service to a, close. Bishop Carmichael ' thetventered the pulpit and delivered a neost ins iring and eleeuent sermon, The following is. a correct list of the members of the countyeouncilx- Diviffon No 1,-R. Mclean and J. N. McItenzte. 'Division No. 2,-D, Cantelon and 11. 'Ferris. ilivision No. B.- J. McNaughton "V',.,,PLiantont. ' 4. -II. Spackman and i:tobert Garchnec. Division No. 5, -John Grieve atid John Morrision. Division No. 0.-Wro. Ishestor. arid ttryins. Zvi on No. 7.-0urrie and Mc. iViston No. 8 -Miller and Doig, • f 10 teitehbr Ot• aehera, an tire fount from Local News. • loomMunication We do not hcildourselvel responsible tor , any opinions expressed ender this head Ing -En Now Elia, • To the Efl,itor of el#e yew Era : • • DEAft, Stn. -The press °four country, - speaking out ne uncertain sound on the great questions of the day, make us, a highli priviledmed people.. But from those unto whom. Much is given taking as is text , XI Timothy, 1 °.• has toth, ltinleam_s_at "Wherefore ipat thee in remembrance r ingnam ms. w,Tag• °miming sanu. that thou stir up the gift of ChM wbieltfor the new post °ince. is in thee by the laying'en of bands" The school board will in.eet accord. His remarke were chie y in thafortn, tog to statute on -Thursday, eveting, of an exhortation to the Bishop -elect, Zan. 19; this will be their first meeting based upon that given- by St. Paul to for 100,1 Timothy. Ile commenced his remarks' by saying: "We are here to induct The MiegrLawis, London, arrived into this holy office the chosen Bishop town on Thursday, and Will assist of this Diocese. The election is new a their brothers hi managing the BOW thing of the past, 'Mid What remains to b.otel.,.. ,he done is it spiritual act." He went _ on to say that many people took it isz-Mavor Rumba% of, London, a a truth that God fitted the back of the former Ituronian, and nephete of Mr. rdlear yman to the burden which he Fred Rumba% of Clinton, is the Li is,called upon to bear • arta yet, t,hey al standara bearer for the Local House the Marsh of God. He them 33 it lit Wweonocd1,81reun,agvvearsoLtrhee Molson's shrank from applyinAils principle to men- tioned a few trait of Character which inspectirg the Olinton br • . is ought to be found in the daily life of a ari old bowler, and is well acquainted Itighop. First he said a Bishop ahoutd with that fraternity in town. ' be a learned man, benevolent; ready . to btha. tip the broken mid to seek the TO OPEN ON T,111711,SDA'it NEXT. led vile Should -set a holy example to -Mr P. B. Lewis, the proprietodof the till under his charge by word and deed. Normandie Hotel, informs tie that, he Secondly, the Bisho Should. be 0, expects to have the fieW hotel Kgeadi. ness for the public 9OVViee on TiMsdar nett. In what forth the opening Vvi I take plp,ce is not. known es yet. The furniture foi4 the Normandie has beenarriving daily. The Etoderich Furniture 0o. is supplying the wash. stands. The °tilde 8 has been put 4n place, and the ele tried applimeet are being patihed eompletion; the Clinton tiectrie L Co; having ‘the arbor the furnish. helast council wall comp UMISerVatives and alt. Liberaig, This one is composed of 9 Liberals and 1 eraiservatives. Mr. Robert Millar, of 10 8 Division, will probably ba elected Warden. The conned whit meet on the Lith inst, according to law. This 11411Pees to be the dity before the Ltical election, and all over the province the Counelliors will haven to meet on the' 42404 and adjourn nutii utter the deck. Di Ireton this IS the third time ouch a thing bits happened at this par, Osutar date. . „ *bleb he 41001d dratVallilus teaching WIM that One _gNitit Book, the Bible. Iti•the divine Ohltratter of the B0015, withaIL its mighty strerigth, the Msh. op's faithforind, its sphere, and it Should be Militantly- exercised in the study of the IfolyScriptureS Which tordained all filings' necessary* for the salvation of each one of us. Thirdly,. the Bishoris duties were those of a ,Thatlet and g. overnor,, and in this sphere eentract for this thegift had to be eitercised to the Intl Itigat Ithleh includes electric bells, etc. Molt of its power.. The Bishop's dot MMr Frank ow will amongst thOrse who are him rig phones instal. led. Ile is having ione placed in his reridence. The ot ore are Norrnan4le, Chiere house, tow4 Ian, and the By, prose ofilee is apllkqn ef, bit this one hae net been definlbely dielded on m 'et, but thie is crue lne that should ave One and th Y.atttess ',School Books For the re -opening a schools. All the new • text books and the best values in Scribblers; Blank Books, etc. • (1 tofe., course is taken it will not be with the Consent or approval of the Liberals in this section: ' That Mr.•LeiVis ihilated :the Plection Law 'Uuring the campaign.in other res. pects wae believed at the thne, and ini• .mediately after the election a protest tvai prepared and forwarded 61 Toron- to. In it, 'charges were Made, which, f nti t d t ht • • a ae s t as ho they would haire been, would not .only , a g TINIONO FINANCIAL FACTS *ilordlitit F4* wii.,...4.0.40,tho, . • . luau, iii,ireerassitit, • The Matt said, In -1:900: i'The'On- tario Government's . management of the finances has been thrif4rA Judic- ious and cletiii,"." • The Montreal Witness: 'Ontario's splendid financial position has been preserved by" careful, business -like, 'honestadministration., since 'Confed- eration.'t ' • The • Temente: Telegram; t"The naneial and ,odministrative record of the Liberal Party is, :on the whole; ,creditable. The resources Of thepro- vince have been wisely handled., ' • • .In proof of the above testimonies it may be said: .Ontario'sannual; re- ceipts in interest ,would retire' its total liabilities twice over. • • The interest paid anininily on • the provineial. trust fund s (yelped it $6,- 2]8,788) auto:tints to more than. suf- ficient to ' meet . the entire annual Paintents of the province for its abilitiei for .railway certificates ..: and annuities., •. „ • „ Ou• t ;eV total ;iniprenitation. of ;seventy millions in 'twenty' Years, the Opposition has Objected to less than one cent on the dollar. ' Ontario ts without a dollar Of debt -,s1.31iteRtly,PnYable... • -OntartO , • Ontario, -. ever; Pince 1872,, , -has shown a surplus of ass s after de: *ducting' liabilities pros ly payable. ' Ontario s surplus assets after deducting liabilities,' Dec.'. 31, 1903, was $„:549,164. Ontario's position is an enviable one: Its affairs have been se_ manag- ed as. not only to. Create no debt but: to leave • a surplus of interest-bearing :assets that yield an annual income ,tbat• could be eapititlized nine bank0 o*beeerriber 42.; 1. have unseated Mr. Lewis, int would SUILD1NG OF COLONIZATION AND MIN - have disqualified. hint for tern' of mnnh reqnirit4,• the.$rent tern- years. The, Central Organization„ for peranee question_ which 1f3 agitating the land at' the Present tithe; many, reasons of its own, agreed toa sawolt ike Cain of old, are shirkingtheir res- with the Conservatives about protests, pensihility by Baying "Am my broth. er's keeper 1°' And the Dominion Al- iance goes so far ,as hlarne Ben: George Ross for inconsistency. Why should the Donitnion Alliance eondeinn him when there is no better substitute? IS the Dominion • Allimme looking through soine otherperson's spectacles? Is the Dominion Allianoe faithful and infallible Have the different delega- tions who have , waited on the govern- ment from time to Wine been all men of purer ruotiVes4 There is so much sham abroad to -day that it is.almost hard to say vrho is in favor of temper- ance. Does the Dominion Alliance ex- pect Mr. Rests to bring in the milieu - hint all at once and conquer the men who are up_ in arms against probibi- tion. arid make no pretence to temper- ance. when nine temperance lodges. out of ton Would be smashed and go down if prohibition were carried out in them to the letter. All the same, tem- perance societies, have done, and are doing, a vast amount of good in mould- ing public opinion, and the geed Work revived and begun by John B. Gough will go on. Temperance people should not be .discciura ed ; every ' good and great reformln he past received oppO• sition:- It wes much as a Northern- er's life was worth at one time in the South to speak against slavery. But slavery had its day. And the slavery of the drink trafile will hove its day. "John Brown's body lying mouldering, in the ground, and. his son' Marching on," clic' more for freedom than when he WAS alive, and SO it will be when some one becomes a martyr for tem:, perance. Viirthermore, the Alliance deep not take into consideration the fact that Me. has ft hard row to hoe. The liquor traffic is strongly', en, ed.. A liquor man int.erested hi is a ineMber of four or five elates, and here we have a erriperauce man who is also a member of four. or five secret societies ; and al. tholigh the liquor man is not a brother Templar, yet he isa. brother something else, and hag a stroug business claim On hint, This Seetnif to be the mime of secret societies, ape:eking. And as .7oab in the ays of David emote Abner seeretly nderthe fifth rib so that he died; s many A gOOd unin is bein knifed day, politically' speaking. t would a least appear as If the Alliance was ying_to make a setme-goat of Mr. st. -B. tit the de- feat of Mr Boss. in y ophlion, would be a tiet-back to tem ranee, and a cal. amity the countr de Well. Let the - free and independe t electors of the three Hurons back an un on the 2,5th of 30,11110.1y. Thep are other things to be eensidered t all the question of temperance, aria o one will charge - me with iticohaiii cy on this point. Atte r, Me )0XIGALTA Portees Ian 2, 1005 was to feed-Inot to eat. to Show kin ness, and. to reprove where'necemary. Ali a leiter he--thould„be• true to the The ConeerVetiveS at 'Ottawa man- 'law that leads, namely, the law of edgy -Selected Mr.. Borden ne their- God; as a judge he should be true to r, end he will peffirutneutly move the one great Judge Of all. The Spelt. Ottawa in order to be more in ton& er exhorted the newly -elected Bishop rtical. Igo, Until Me. to think upon the hlnescont&ln�dJfl Vt n ligieures staS, bltr, Olor owl in _sone ssisti bo add re440200 to, livellertgo tem. and that from West Huron, with oth.„ era, was not proceeded 'with, to the re- gret of the Liberalshi this riding at .,Speaking for the Liberals of.West Itnron, we ean say that ,they believe a new election to be their right. They were not parties to the illegality. . • No one is resncinsible .for Mr. Lewis, predicanaent• but himself. He is a. lawyer, and can interpret the Act, '.mi• violated the law, and many think there is nogood reason why he/should...not suffer the OoIleetioeheeS the seine as -0,11Y other:/wbreaker.---77----;-• -.- '''Yestercirtyli Toronto World says Mi. LaWli ean'tbe disqualified. That re- mains.to be seen. But the World's at - tomtit to drag tile Liberal candidate into the matter is uncalled for. Out of the Rom Governme dollar hes Iso • sAttatts tintt, ons of dollere the has. vent, ° not One. isspente. Whitney. The Hurons. We believe thatin the '00e*g el66- tion at least two, and p3851b1y three of the Hiironti, will retinn supporters of the GoYernraent, Unless there are in. fluences at wok that do not appear on the surface, and which are not unit in a onease, it 1st, mbral Certainty that two of the ridings ,will Liberal, And we are, not without hope that 'tbe third. one will also, The Govern, ment, on its administrative record:and its platform for the fit -titre... is worthy of renewed confidence, and the uray this cart be aliowele td vote for 1Aberel .candidtites. Support.the Ciovernment, One of the strongest argumente In fevor of the support of the Itilitu GOW erbraerit• is the filot that no charge of mai-administration has ever been sus. taloa against either it or its predeces. Sofa. Milliena of dollers have been handledduring the thirty odd years the party bee been in power, and dur- ing all that time not one cent has been rels-eppropriated or stolen, save in the one ,4140 of a clerk now awaiting trial. OEis gayety& good dent infavor of a go4ernment that its finance have been as wen and better nuleaged than thoseof the average bank, where the ntreost honesty is required. And because the governirient lute boon strictly honest it it worthy of re4 001164,0091 •, . ciOserici sownsi3ip,':. . rwitodc. jetcryai,;, .4.gooson%1192.,!..lidt. mu:ultra.. %.1•TEDIGER,W;Aki.01!nton M o v, 34o. 4(1100, in ur.....0d Aire, J. Netliger, Of si daughter. . . • 1 • end40arh 10 :bWonneia'rn 1 S. 2( s. R. r.°Ina ,d3: 3: brr. ' Gt/tE' In 01 MOPdalt detiehier.• •• - • • DIETY • •74rALTERS.,-In Colborne teansidirion wThouitieledEtYa,ge/iciecl,goyt.lieirApt.D4:re, 1,1,0c ot the E. '...Tatz.1..eli*MilTrv.Iwaif°ePdofeJtaiah‘.1.)tT7Pnialidh;°;tt, ' 73 vane sun 7. menthe • • • ••.'• 6th, 1005, J44ohinn.0(311deli,,gea.h;d77nrigar."'...4'it; months ' aorGiayhar„ene•.;ito:„:1,1%, - WET.S11--•Ii•Goaderich, oo. Tueiday. JenearY 10ln 190.5, T. Welsh, ttgea'53"; years. •_csexi.BELL,in Brucefield'en .jetrOrd. • Lillie 2tal eatellteF, of- Daniel :Catnphell, aged 19 yearii and 3 months. • ••• •• ' • .gt • 'Athiirt1111 tits • ,• ' crood; einart hey wanted at 'once. to 14rEi` P310hotiing• &PPP,' 04."Pentrel.". • • • - •• • • ' JifiziltI/1113AWS Strc e Huron 'County Council. . — The conned of the County of Huron, will meet in the Council Ctaanber in the Town of Goderieb on the 21111; day of , this menth at the hour of Steele* in theafternoon. W LANE Cieris.. • , Dated jan 10th 1905 ' RefrigeratOr. INfi ROADS. I offer a first-class np.lo-date refrigerator • —...• at half coot .price. The Storage Chamber „rix. pus 00,,protowit- policy of or/ming 1.8 of the following dimensions: -,-Height tooTi—fi :aeyi:wL alobyies; Liberal ig‘tvkept i en9.rumn'it:titaeOrei:ht,"0‘eibvi-n4r-ebowilttadiii.titi lrAe qi xlpwt; ihnIf oins, widthdb • teu h2A043 .01 rt.i. olk4k eRfi rti° ar s. Tose estple 6se,,,hitilf .triets by olefins of; ,isoliwaizatioo -mid • minium roada. In. these .regards: they havekeptjive with the growth of I:the Province, as•the following figtiree wilt indicate: • ' : • Miles if new roads built, 19724994, inclusive, 5,82.. • ! (Yearly average of lsa 3gileSof readsrepah•ed during saino period, 10,494. , • • . '• -(Yearly 'average of 506 Mile's.) Bull tor Service. The undersigned 'will keep for service.. the registered Hereford bull, Rex. 4th Ingleside, perchiled from EL 11- Smith, c..t Combton, Quebec. Terme 0.50. Tone. Hereford stook for este at any time. L. 11, con. 9, Builett. • ' • - D. L. FARNHAM, Constanceik, 0 Bridges built during same period, ' Card et Thanks. 23 •miles. ' ' • .Totel expenditure on above ptiblic P.,mereas or Iltatmr -*- Ladies and works; $3,879,700. „ , Gentlemen-Kindlyaece.pt myoneerd -,--11118-large- sum- -is -but- one 01 the . hoonno: yon have idnon-efumedit .y --- • - elec ing me ne charge of my duty as your eervatit it shall bc.my earnest endeavor to prove myself. worthy Of y011f conTafkloensa.em. omYoujuittare, ites.• 0 ' many substantial returns inade to the people from the surplus revenue that, , thanks • to the able and economical management nt the Province, has al- ways 'characterized its Liberal -tub), Tile Tory rarty a . ty ei.rinareo. Pailures they have been front 'time immemorial, 111 naaters of, legisia: tlon; in the presentation of their, pot. • Meeting... The Annual Meeting of the Icy up to the present hoirir,wahnoclietvcitaz.. iParialaT,0AwgratatualitI. nrgaliSIneomictonWed nes- hereot! ' failure written over their tea, they are neW.going Mahe coun. day, Jan. nth, 1905; at 1 0; in,, for the try . asking for public confidence. PUrPore Of settling up bnaineee of ihe Shalt the people ot OntitriO take in4 Society for the past yssr; to melee' treas. to 'their service a partythat fails in yr& a anti Ituditor'e room and Appoidi iresenting an acceptable pallor; an.4 Offi.oirs and Daoirecuteart fortheseorsiggtry.. that luta/ailed eight times?-Prernien ' irat...ft a , Farm tor Sale. -01mitis4oti% Zc000mloal AtintInist 1:;90:ora. - loaga:eat. .a.C.;-. S:A.ti 1:P. .PYt°:1 11.11:: .1 A.111P. bli .111i:1;1:1:: Sfebrt7 8, _A' ' 7t. . °.1, $ 1 $ a . 2 A . 111113 2h1 424.11:18:rwcidetowraninguretrililonclettitirtadfrail°0:ith14e .haalti:fsollainf*Lig: AveragecostipuoTtirs. rattotsie' iti.to, . aisellii4aihrottelin:eeoodidtrotionofethhoere:sihtirgoof Sfriktattini.... , *it() 79 laTc.i 6 Trehiellersligmulf8)11132n= fr()1111 tbr ;IV • a: Iry oor: go: Coo, as nt. apair pwa worbh, ThoteXl °MAtti411'11: oil in stsio9u°tat-h a f . t h* e (1410. in. 1000. ..-.------------------------ $18,704,000 MRS. las. p. CAMPBELL on the prettlieed barn With Mont stabling, II aViVID); sited . .5'2C gteeiirl racialylind:162,Zaillneti :ntah" end pig lainee. The fermi liO len of 1 that growth isvety largely due to the` On estarailtv.4 See, 210, inogs at 2. 80, . 111j6 au1:es: en fostering) ;t1hoattil:gdolitttoart:::aVeat;t:heatitefl:YeYneol :et 1:5:1: 8°C:1 :0, 9:: ®11A6% ilt:iirt B1::::::dwed:ifool,',:::..:10:orzanrioub72180111,61000400:- Ontario it is the most yaluable„ . our • Sale Of iisarni, engivivon7eb:it:0;)itt.to the,re r6thi tot‘ 1:11 ittli :11.:0:061, 06 Gt. ot°.reebti:atthat;rtlenott, 4:(loilt if:: x d'ITI tt ton:: fitTiltwOr, O.?: !en ett:ovto 0 aro :0 :::mi lb ii,oiltv i i'170:80:04:::::: 0 9:1 31:::::::: 41::::: rnod:at t 1 ° I IW:s 4 vi ::::: , • . not. should they filet the pretty s tiehkOf WAY over adjoining properties. the Cikerernmentrii efforts and 'the 40 AcrOal bang 'table iba ths remaft,der ermidoleatirdlea:heRylvp:iiitreedv.ulp)o.no,i.t,,noloso, - ok4 4:0:6rakrtionzaket00:10:anartiootozoN:tohoot 011:::Allotio004116pplch:hliot an invlation to come back to his old - fLoil__8100119ltaLitad :oho . Po ,,fiterptiskre, home in Coburg and make his Mimi "'" 4.2,_ ,Dulillinli aT 111.1 0**.ill Of :OA -Rep. The West Northumberland Liberal ,i114,A° It utlitlik4 littikstog firm. VOr port. n.rgn ,.. 4, him hest. At:autos. people sown to LaAst Int-EVONII, Soutar, thing that h 111 net; make haste 90 merits 'before the people vir °know atilini:gm'wq, 3:00,g101_,Ionlaos. 41,4sespii 0* a s,,i •tl 4