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The Clinton New Era, 1905-01-13, Page 1
. h • ON04,0' Wit' ), r 1c,14"1} ...t•, �,�p ( a . R, t , . :,, f.."' RENEWED r il t `''" —Youjr S`ub*i j tio>r>a' . .... . V ',,r 3 -it. t� rr e� 1'suuokll rs. Without I ti��l o, , .i.*, - ,* ., . ," 1 C::` 1 _',, t _ - ■/'+�; ■/��) /www A ESTAI,LI9 R 1lt86 04INT RN, :n QNTARIQ,,-, ��R R��DAY*� JANUARY i3Uiit6FtZ' HOLMES Fab ,►+ %. , . . ,, , . M , .i 13, 1905.. , , 0c) + +�r, , ' i,i+ s i �: i. �- M w d�I( , 4 M B .e iOQf 11M at, your label, a l r N d(les not read x , • #s the tam to 4rrAng'a I ,r, ° hive it Tread thus,. '; ' 'a.d,/"•,' 0034 lit #oG +ro,vis - , � - . - ... .. !�.' .. °i •A+� Porter's Hill Auburn i.o ddelrlorp.. ll+t tli .-. k T., . , : Jogrrim. « . i ' AIN TO Td F f R 0 M EXPLANATION, -We are s3rry that AacrDIDNT.-Mueh syixi nthy is Pelt, From our "fit ,?-,`0 ; 4yo ��1Ib ,, Y3IPttppED �T(��,.,.� ere ti[e Pe1v.' A6 In out Potters Hill items lagt ween ttu with Mr, t3am Scott in Phi $ecident NOTES. -b .�(;l: lrhrr' will d e, !setter .too e e � �p�F�."�o ego loase4: to. bear, 'of , ; ."'t item a peared reflecting oil a y xtng which befel him last week. He vas a dh df s:; g 1{ m q i>a tl1 , township than. t]t rocOvery of jldt*' q, �'t�lg�ng� n, Q '., man of the n ' hborhood. The Item trimming a le trees and fell breakin tete' electors lie;o on i+ionday evening tle IilGoate anc� ilxeyyQilr(i cagtaiivallx lha been ill for, sottrett e • erg PP r g next ; thls will a Dad o ortnnit imlzroti In their herdg..7'he •aLherrda� _ " o I �,i y did not Dome from our re lar and hie le below the the h clot, He was PP,, �' g Garniss Sy» da' ed tit 14r J. Watk►a%l s, �+ : 1:• b g g j to hear the record f tt ,e o�.Govern_ a;f App1@t()ii 41cas,tbou .ht frQkn ld.1. W recognized correspondent, ut came half a mile from any house, and it wets Inept, %e n w;' unci! �'?er HulYet Gaffs,' IA?aod took g +res Ift.4Xt, j!TswCeat's. ;,. ,t,P q t der... , xu 11 igo)atha. pfd, •� fpnDntwan, !where, he. hti�' ecctxrad 'a Vit§ .' over the signature of another party. a bitterly cold day. Not coming.hotne held i:s iim"' t @� e$iilpg last Monday. k raf,,r) •tltpxp,bred llq•FlaalGn bell �ealf a qp t t "t 4 We are glad to get nerve at all times, at dusk, his skater went to hunt for Matthew Ertl t + fl ttRlaf t in() f 1!- 1 w1 h a Coneireratile ltttorettSe i)1' The ouepei nBank F ANADA -- Dow p yOya interest on SAVINGS ACCUIT 8 from date of deposit ROUR. TIMRS A YEAR. H, T• R-6-ISTOB7 iia ton Manager Mr Cameron's Meetings .Vr 111. G. Cameron will hold mass meetings of Liberals as follows :- Londesbero, Monday, Jan. 16, Clinton, Tuesday, Jan. 17 Porter's Hill, Thursday, Jan. 18 Holmesville, Friday, Jan. :A These meetings are for Liberals ex- clusively, or those who acre supporters Qf the Ross government, and all such :ire cordially invited. Don't Delay Don't fail to get your name on the list at once for• the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. Ralph Con- nor's great story •'The Prospector" starts ten two weeks. The Family Herald is going to be bigger valuelthan ever this year•. No other Canadian piper gives as big value for your dollar. To earrespondents 'We would ask our corr•espon- dents to send in their budgets each week whether they are little or big. Weare looking to the interests ofoursubscrib- ers in their• particular locality, and want the news whether it is little or much, Sometimes you ma not have much news to send but don't keep that lit- tle until you have more. When news is scarce that is the time your two or three items, or even one, is_ specially apprecia- ted by .he reader in your sec- tion. Send a big budget every week if you can, if not, the small one will be welcomed. tiippen •, NOTES. -Messrs Uudmore and Me- . evin are recovering from their late indisposition, Mrs. J. B Dinsdale is also improving, Mr. and Mrs. McCly- ment of King spent `the New , Year's holidays with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone sppent Saturday with friends in Sexsmith. Mr. Robert Gemmell has come home from Moose - jaw on a visit. He speaks warmly of the prospects In the West. • Belgrave, NoTEH.-Mise Rhoda Bell and Miss Pearl Proctor Sundayed with Bel- ' -rave friends, Mr and Mrs James Wightman arrived recently from Manitoba, where they spent the sum- mer months ; Mr Brightman intends belling his beautiful hoose and lot and returning to Manitoba, where he has taLen up land. Miss Marthv Wheeler •, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs D. Wheeler• at present. Mrs GeoCoultes and baby have returned from an ex- tended visit with Dundalk friends. 'The congregation of Trinity Church !rave decided to raise the minister's �, salary from $700 to 8800. Mc Chas. fb Van Norman, who has spent the past � _ three months in q Winnipeg hospital �� has arrived home to recruit his health. 9.; .� - -- Demonstration In A ateur Photo ra h r will be given illll p y Combe's Drug Store from z t� i p,m., MONDAY, JAN. 16th, Machine Development ` and Velox Paper Printing Everyone who is interested yyri Illlot0 �i• gra,phy is invited to attr,nd 6Tis Dem; onstratiou, given by an expert Photo - j ,rapper. ((�� jj�� '((�� G y,11e Be eVMBE i Chemist and Druggist. .1 r� •,,/ r •r l \{ + ' J - , r; I /� i 1 r { �, . V �1 ; i', -- -b , Q•` //Pr . Y r ` �l �. f,, -� 14 0 l,4 . i pt,'' U Will never regret hav- ;.' Kiln, a photo raph of .yourself ' - • 'it mil g �11e are o en ALL l r`.�,AY Xmas and New Years. . o , 8001-j"Is PDoto at000. C� , ' , I_. r w ,!'` 9 !' seal but must ask that no items oY an him with a lantern. fter mei ah de• Ge .os a� ne, ,q;se 440b c h Oil s root imported stack on.. a, lcsyr oveg ldst yoait. }yo 00ng:ratWale l improper nature be sent. We will lay a suitable ri was on hand to take week' A Imin ham Urm li rchtieed h4 1T sic as, him an his pod forkrino. g soros bush liYcillo, bled is shippingg i3u , �-1 a eon regz4tto. q at'urn� • f i not publish �bem knowingly, but as him home, and owing *,o the absegce a Jot of logs from ribs• StAign to a mill era ap{y� ntwant had. the pleztsue pf a: � - it is not always Qosaible to see the oP the doctor, setting a child s broken in Wingham. Mr,;etaon. ahippod n mintsta! visit Exam Rev Wm Kettle- F1rSt8s5iZQ1)!"Olt• I ,p , "'-" t .Ti drive" that to intended, without arm, the limb was not set until hhe l q well, of'gt. 'rhontae, on SuDday after- �' 'O knowing local circumstances, we nre next mornin Considerin the cir ot�oE llln attle iStlt,rove 1i; aqd a u n- noon, his address was in behalf of A a the openin sessfo o' 'a. n' i. ��r/�Y-- gg g tit of d s this week, Jt, 1ltlams of qpd a fair elect "each #M 1�l�rt e sometimes misled. -ED N,Ew L' RA, cumatai.cea, Mr. Scott is doing as well a caroP coal this week. 1-t31%+iia ,13raith- the snpfirgnnuation fund. yeagr is S b :, ataut M x .f ([+rom our regular corn epondont) as can be expected. waste arrived home front feta It for a collection was taken up for this pur- the Clerk accofidingly- called tt ►beet. k .', NOTES. -Mr and Mrs Thomas Me- NOTES. -Mrs. John Mole is spending ehQrp visit, on Wednesday.: ;tev. Mr, ppose; !a theme was exceedingly in- ing of same, at 1l a. tn. I4londny, beipy ' Donald and ahild -- , V'.N,,�tsib ,Tana- . a couple of months with her son Dave Ayletiard, of Parkhill, is to oGcup ,the £eresting and thorou lit a 'o. ed b thO, second Monde ren mm 9 • �jiiiihh y g �?J Y y of tris year, iri Q#„p . 4..?�Aigr, . x •. wands ho in B w were v ufYalo , tasting her [att er, MIea Hattie Fergttaon.i pulpits of Barns and $nos chtirclia` :.,��ebngge arson presen . • -.; �Co with the law. 'l here trexYe, ;t. h KObeY a 8 e t M rebel! r t din a ► e ,ux red borne q cot le of we ext o gg last eke vdi h h n Sun T 9. -He bert g p t er day. N r Uriah hasth�en zip present• txtt eve eouncillors.�-Nlo5�lsa week, Fanny Lindsa returned to siat�r, Mrs. Snyder, -at Nile, Miss I' tepded f set week ^sated a, member. aE: ��itl° Ness �a �'�li''ill .. - i''D!ld, •C%Q610 `61 I f�• Melon• �il q p eI MCn1 Woodstock on Wednesday last. Cbas Barr, Blyth, visited last week +it 11Ira. A Qr Het31t1}.,1)y the CORDoiI. Art old trig• these-gi 31ed the dEcl fiatiQn ` aP oho@' .-I.-•° • ' � - Netvtun, who sent Xmas holida a A• C, Jackson's, Uur rifle bo s did NOTks. -the Icev. 21Ir. Lochoad t' „p en P y y Iq 0lte �htch has been a source, of and took their seats. The 1 ii,yor be with his parents, returned to Ottawa creditabl at the county rifi9 league preached an excellent Sermon last Sun- annoy&nee and a ;dangerous obi).000 in,( absent Councillor %'Y iltsie was - CukdS 4Qug`hS, COlCIS day in KCbx Chixruh. The Rev Dr. to resume his work as teacher in the match he d last week at the Goderich , on the Blind Line since early last fall, voted to that, honorary posltion,whioh ' etC,` . �t� ll,, Business College there, Mr James township range`s ; Goderich township Stewart will preach here and in Burn $ and which was left ttxere contrary to he:has satisfactorily fliled on tirediuus ' N elks reached in Bethel church Sun- came out on to with a score of 385 out today (Fridit )and Rev. Mr. Lochend P p rile by-laws of the township, has at occasinna. Howeve>' no further buss. j R6l� �0 )(�$ �G , �`' day evening ; Rev Snell being laid up of tial, and Auburn was second, 32.5 ; i{ain on Sun ay when the Saeremoot .last been removed, thanks to our new news was done those resent . bein with p,<ip,� there are six local associations in the v ill be ddtnimstered. The Annual pounCillor Ro er Pe 1? g meetin of. the con re + g Aper. Mr Mc- courteous enough to ad]ourn till the lea„ue. The preparations for the g , g gatipn will be Le#tilan will hold a public meeting in evening at 8 p. nt, to permit of the (From ocoaeion.loorre�pocdent) P g g pushed to held un Tbur"eday the 12th at 2.80. p, m. the Weal, End school house on tho ahsenteea taking part to tbo Itppgigt church o solo are bein Mr..S uire of the Roller Mills shi ed a r- i 4,,;Y� NOTEa.-The Liberal meeting held at completion ; we hope for fine�sveatber, Pp evening of Saturday, Jan, 11. tt�ent of auditpra Ysnd standing coon- j -,I ��( Geo Cox was largely attended, R, and a ood crowd ; ven these, caro flour this week, $, -Adams is g gi ik will Tt3Rt�@siNa -F Layton the enerttetic cillbrs for the year. Holmes ex -M. P. being present. The doubtless rove the success, both soe expecting., car of coal in a few dxtys. thresher of this district has justflnish- Drpg •Scor Gll _t.Oli' ; _ -. pp �• b annual meeting held in the presby- sally and financially, we would like it. The muniotpal election passed ofI'very ed tbrecihin and re orts a most suc- '- - g , terian church was well attended, Rev quietly but there was a ver large vote cessful season, financiall as well as Accprding to adjournment the .coon + Mr McNeil filled the chair, and after polled this time, as u ma there are pleasing his patrons. • Frank has not ; cll resumed its session at 8 p.. In, All K, g -All si7,es tr►; obanioise disposing of the business the ladies Bayt1eld some disappointed. Mr. and Mrs.:Fred been at the business very long but'lias tlre'membera present and the Mayor vests t>nd Clrest'rcotecturs: passed the cake and coffee around, and NOTES.-HerherlrJohnston, who has Johnstone spent New Yehr in the city proved himself a bustled .stid; made in the chair. rhe minutes were rend, afterample justice being done return been visiting his friends Por a few days, oP London. Mr, H. H. Hill had rather friends wherever he went. We be- of the.session of• the pounehl held ed to their hglnes. Our town is at returned to his home nt Krtrne near au unpleasant experience coming from on Jan. 3rd. By mot 11I. D. 1V1g- uite aloes now without the School Parr Sound. Mra. Scntchmer, North y y evenin b the ac- speak for him amuck largerpatronagg Tagggart retains hie� poaitiun on. tike'' Y Bl tli last Frida pc y for next season. Colle nt tion of two young men. They atrnek MET WITH Ax AcotnENT-While g to Board : Wm Harland on PG'rS0/>fal Nt(i:,'e'3 , bell. Mr Ben Yeo and John St#rling Dakota, is visiting sit the home of Mrs. `, are visiting with Mr Fred Morgan, Penhale, on the Bronson line. On ac- his horse and caused it run in which Mr Wm Ellaoat was hauling a large itis Board of Health, E. 'M.' Lean on � Goderich. Mr 8rtndy Stirling, of Bay- count of the illness of the pastor last, the cutter was broken and then they load of rails last Friday, hs met with m there Board, as representatived � it those';Lrtvimit rel6:tvea or fridtidM ,M"•. field, visited Mr John Torrance on Sunday, Mrs, Snell occupied the pulpit struck his son three times, He is after an accident that will in all robabilit noel]. Messrs Wiser[ian visiaµgAn,towA or . going( sw;ay � them and ro oses makin an exam le p y and (lantelon, who have for many � rtoafy uR of the fact "Rob wc+ek wwn Sunday. Mr and Mrs Wm i1IcI)onald, of the Methodist church, and reached p P g P lay him up for dome time if ever he wooed gnngnnco iCln top: Melt° .Elea• 40 + abd Mr and Mrs J. Ciit•ie, of Dakota, a very acceptable sermon. , Jonathan of them. He fotmd out they werefrom becomes a strong man a ain. He was years Dow been the town ;auditors, are ho•ate on a short visit ; Mrs' Me- Peck, of the Northwest, is visiting his the other side of Brussels. They were aittih on the Ipad and t oatitkes hold- were again honored�with the task. of a +""'"'�`sc "' - �" going south at the time and were sere g auditing the towns accounts. The �'"�"'�''1'' ' "'t`" "'"�'�•` '' Donald and Mrs Currie are daughters arents in this village. The Methodist in 'the load on to his back broke, etandin of Mr and Mrs John Porter, 4th con., ,unday School will hotel an entertain- near Clinton •the same' -evening. The which allowed him to tall backwards gcommittees for the year will 10Ed..1enkins, of Vletc;�ila CoI, " , but now have gone to live in Goderich. ment on Friday evenin Jan. 27 it is question of die aliflcation is very much bo as follows :- retnrnedto the city on . 111(iudey. �' g, , and mix up with the rails. He was FINANCE -Councillors Wiltsie, ^Gib- Mrs Holmes of (:!grist+ "i7iotlxer of a:,' A number from around here attended expected that this will go beyond any talked here. there is that of M. P„ released from his erilous osition and , , the meetin in Holmesvftle Tuesday former entertainment. The annual County Commisioner, Councillors and takeD to the house, wherephe sufi'ored bangs, Cantelon. Dr.G: E.I3olmes,. fs), visitingih toren g also voters, but it is like! when the PROPERTY AND ELECTRIa LIGHT.— evening, held by Dudley Holmes. ►nesting of the Stanley Br r.nch Agri• q iptenaely, The doctor has been un= (�oDncillors Giiibings, Citntelon, 11ir and Mra tiY.:;G1enla Ca hpl- , SOCIAL. -A parlor social under the culhtral Society will be held on IY ed smoke oP the battle blows swap the able to find any bones broken, but it !s Cottle. dpent th0 hplidays.seaautt in ,Aykatt„) , aur ces of the Presb terian church neaday, Jan. 18. task will subside and peace will soon Pi y thought hie spine in the region of t will he held at the home of Mrs Mc- Another Coneepm),4ent prevail. kidn qa are injured its well as th ee STREF,T—(tiipuDClllpr$ FOPCI, Cottle, 1VIrs E. E.. Hilton settttted '!'bora it (Fmm 000setorial oorreepon lents) or Gibbings. da evenin' frotn' L three(, tj'eeks }'is h , Phail on Thursday evening, Jan. 1Dth NOTES -The annual grand b 01 of gabs. It is the wish of his friends CENETENT - Councillors Cottle, atyher borne in 1MI, A splendid program is being'h,r' ngea the I,O.F.'s will be held on Thursday NOTES. -Mr Amos \Watson, of lion- that his injuries will not prove serious goretow t, . Uluff, Gibbinge. Ma .. and the committee are sparing no oP this week ; great preparations are don, who has been visiting his brother and that he will soon bo around again, yor H(iover was in LonQon, Dion , sins to make the affair n and sister, has roturned home. Mr G`HXRITX—Councillors Cluff., Wiltsie, P great suc- being made for ht, and a oodly crowd dik 1Lttpnditfg a rtleeting of the ilCuirt>j cess. is ex acted. Mrs. John and Mr G Dennie and son of London Cottle: r p hiddon en- 19OOdrllllS� FIRE AND WATER — CoxlnCi1103�8 lttr� itntlggr� Vt titre , Q... VV. f ` �; ?_. MASS M1119TING -A Mass meetin of tertained the Presbyterian church retur home Saturday after spend - g in Xmas with Mrs Dennie's arents, NOTES. -The tea-meptieg Friday Gantelon, Ford, Wiltsie. 4 +rlrn Qr Valliph 11 -:allot kill -ti - ti all friends of Liberalism is called for choir nn Thursday evening last. Mise g evenin was a rand success and on PAR!:—Councillors Gihbin 9 T t,ucaa, of 1liarkdle, ate . + Thursday evening, Jan. 18th. Mr M. M. Falconer is viatting at the home of bIr and Mrs T. Brown. Miss barah J, g g g , otd, gu4stx„(if her parents. the new Counci! has al Gibbs spent Xmas and New Year's Mondayt�vening a social was held for Olulf. . 1 . t• eir sister, Mrs J, E 110y y, � . G, U went, the Liberal Candidate will with friends in Bram y g pec le. Rev Ur Birks ny-YA S- bliss Hathlem Stniile �rottr,rlodI.t, :s he present, and address the gathering. reads mad© a change 'in the way of pton. Mr and> P �' Councillors Cottle, Glufi', y { All su orters of the Rose Government Mrs Alfred Quinne rind son Elemar, preached last Sunday and next Sun- Cantelon. Windsor E,,:, town corstablo and R, 2110l' urra is y yeaterdiiy to: reaulne'lier pp r n of Han -Shatz : visited Mrs ' Quinne day a 11'lissionary sermon will be C'OURTOP ltBVISIox-Af:tyor-Hoover, studies at St M4 garet's COtl cv , 4 ;?” are cordially invi[ed to attend in the n-3ee of i�ir. •,er;Ytl98fi , the lat- y preached. Huglh'Dt}n)op's'stster and Councillors Nord . C1utE, W sltsie, _-____,,.�� ___� ter has discharged hie duties in t6ilt i�arents Mr and Mra Marshall Jj.aiih nephew, of DakoGt, are vialting here at Gibbin,ts, Mr.'I+`rank O Neil; of'lktoose jt4ltr,' nt Waite recently. Dor and Mrs H. Moon RolmestYllle line for many years poet, and was well resent. Miss Sarah Dorrrince of the sick ehil<lren's I3oa tt.tl of Tot- rived from the west on Sitturdrty ,and ; liked b the ublic and his discharge had a party Tbuisda evening and had P P will spend some tthne .tvhth his #soul "'A Mn McLENNAN'S MEETING. -There y ' ^ y I bicKillo who has been in Dakota for onto, was ranted $10 which wouud y, is said to be ue to olitics. The flah_ their baby babtised Rev Mr ( ement p' g i a will he a Liberal me©tine; in Wilson's P erformin 33 ;ear '.faS cearried nn Dee 28tfa to up the bustaess far the evening. The here, ermeD are very busy taking in their P g the cetemonyr ^Dir+J. �Vusliin ton and .faint! Hall, Flollmesville, on Monday evening, ice supplies fur the corrin summer. S. O. S. -The S. O. S. of Londeshoro Mr John Maloney, her many friends council will assemble again the first y, :off Jan. 16th, at 8 o'clock. All friends of g+ wish her inuoli happiness in her n,tiT Monday tp_ I'ebruary. Auhuru, returned home after a few "' Mr McLennan, I.ihrral candidate for Lodge, at their last regular meeting, home, weeks holidays itt'the i,o'n)e of. u " •- SouthHuron,are invited to be present. GoderiCU Totwnahlp had the following officers installed., by- Logi 1��'ilj;i. ThosJCnkius, Bro. H. Mew. District Depaty, who 1Blyth. Miss Isabel, Lel oc , wlto has begj , JS GOOD RLT[IRN—Thatthe flag station Rtts BROi:F,N-The other day tvbilr was present : President, Geo. Thom I3ELP FOIL THE Fr1RMF1tfi: The we have here is not onl WEDDING $BLLs - Un Wednesday resident of town for'sorne irtClntlhp .left; y .x great con- sir John I eo was passing frons the son ;Past President, Jas. Shobbrook ; of !list week the home of Mr. and Mrs, t3a�vation'Army is bringin out u large ern Tuesd:► to tt)ke o venience to the travelling public, but house to the learn, he slipped, and in Vice President, H, H. Hill ; W. Chapp- +e In►mi g f y b.trge o>'tlte slot. r of some benefit to the railway as well, the endeavor to save himself he made lain, A, Woodhead ; Fin. Sec. I{. W. J. Newcombe tuns the aeon( of a numbe. o1 grants, tri work on I a': the Lordori =1q.ylu►Ii happy and pleasing event, when their farms fat3, fli the spring, bo,.. .a ::= I Geo DIcI2a0 of i ` is proved by the returns of the peat a clean break of one of his retie. He Snell; Rec. Sec., Jatnes Woodman ; W only daughter, Bertha J., was united ird :tud asnglc ' Lihese are a desirable. + , lL) tloit, wlrahn0 licit year, which show that over ti?W were did not fall to the ground itt sill. The Trea nisi, John Uumin tat Guide, in mania a to H. D, Morris em etas+ of men c'�tr ars and otlicrs `%^!ting his parents and ,i',en'ewin :'rUld d received for tickets sold at this point. accident will inconvenience him some- Geo. Snell ; 2nd Guide, h. R, Snell ; R plopee , and - jil , aegtt;aililtanceships for the . ►sem 'Ptd `` MASS Mra-IINO.-On Friday even- w hat, but it would take a pretty bad 3rd Guide, R. Smith ; $th Guide John of the Grant Trunk Railway. The wanting help daring tries F,oitning setts- weeks rtanc ed'to that. th . p' ccident to keep so active a man ui ceremony was performed byy� Rev. J. on would do well to com mu•tigtte with y .Luosa' ly,! evalsau. 20th, a masa meeting of Lib- for any length of time. q et fish Gt ids, Tont Morr ee Wm. Brown ; Holmes, pastor of Blyth Methodist Brigadier Howell, 20 Albert St., TI)rQn- Mrs ias l!_3otvs6n',M;ss' tiny Roo`sgtx, `t erste or �apportersof the Ross Govern• de Guide, church, at 5 p•m. As the strains of to, who will supply necess•try infortd; Mr John Howson. and Mimi •fit(,@tY#irr meat will ta+ held here. Mr M. G. NoTEe- D1rs Wi!liarn Anderson, of Jas. Snell ; Outer Guide, T, Smmpson ; the wedding march were beingplayed ation, application forms etc. Fates 4'ilin, r>,rgexpected to arriV.d M ,tti`vi Cameron the Liberal Candidate will be Dakota, is visiting at her old home on auditors -J. Morris, H, H. Hill, Jas, by Miss Carrie Slater, of Alma Ladies' paid from Toronto to faainets address- twit Tuesday frons'' .Steve' llm 0 present. A cordial invitation is ex- the Bayfield Line, itis lust seventeen Snell ; trustees -Geo. Thomson, Ed. College, Sn ThoD)as, the bride entered es, by theGovernrneut, iViontaria: tended to all such to be present, and years since she left for tho West and Urawford. After thea the newlyeleo- "the drawing room on the arm of her , help on the cause of good government. no doubt sees a great many changes oh PrAsidt'nt, Geo. Thomson, took the father. t3he was becomingly attired SEVERED HIS CONNECTIO:jJ - Miss Jessie.Thoiti;Isson :clattgbter.` 0f` ': r since that trine. It is rumored that a ter. nd in a few well-chosen remarks Mr C,. C, Rance, who has been assay,. Mrs'hontlhson1'lset;t Street,wti(! 11Gts•t MEETING. --The annual meeting of in white silk, with yoke of En lisp son-in-law, of Mr Peter Stee s has urged the members to try and come g iated with the firm of Jackson_ Brut, lisulilton, of Blyth left for' osoato Holmesville Cheese and Butter Co. P' crimp chiffon, and apple ue braiding, , ,.. teas held in Wilson'a Hall on Frida bought his farm on the Bayfield Line. out to the meetings, and be on time, so since there ince tion pearl Ia earn Monday to enter the Conserva for q� and carried a boo uet o white roses P y y Music. •y , afternoon last. A full board of direr Miss Flossie Cole a ent over hunda as to get through with the business age, and since that firm has been p y and have a hood entertainment each and ferns. Little alma Gerry, acted maaufaoturin bo s clathitr 1 tors and a fair representation of stock- with Seafoxth friends. Meas May ni ht. a as flowergaq, and carried a basket of g y , g has been Mr Cr. T. Hiscoxi of L-Ohdob, was 4 • . , , Coo er we are sox r H hien callod on each n►em- their Easterp representative, severed uest at the home oY 111: Jost rte hitt- _ ( ` holders and patrons were present. The P y to note still keeps be resent. the inose and white and pink roses. The a 1 financial report showed a good burin- very poorly. A few in number from P y responding to the groom's gift it the bride was s silver his connection the first of the year, ter bury. over• ' autiday Mr $isCox ,, r ', era having been done, notwithstanding this vicinity attepded a party at Nr ccall ; fter this he called on Bro, Mew. tea set, and to the flower girl a gold and will accept alike position with .leaves for an extHticied •visits to 'rw`;tli+ ' ` t' Andy Reids, of ,the Parr Lrne, one d he was glad to see that Londes- rho well known firm oP I,., G. Hactt- fotnia this week. ` ' i the very unfavorable conditions of pia- bracelet. &Zany beautiful and eostl tura a and rices durin the season. evening of last week and report a boro Lodge was in a flourishin con- y borne & Co., Toronto. C, ®, ha's been g P g gifts testified to the esteem in which „ Mr W. ,Coulter, of victors;! Colla., Nearly tons of butter were sold in plestsant time. Our popular Hoeve has clition, both as to members and Hnan- the young eo le were held. b'Ir. and Dae of the boys' of town- and, the Toivnto, who s hent .last s tin ' t+r i Montreal for she ment to the Old found great ])!ensure to expresain his cially, and said he would only he too p tuou hts that he ma be cant+d I t m f p g Mrs. Morris left on the Thursda g Y Per' our midst flavin Char a f'tile Tuiru Country market, the average price re thanks to his friends of again electing $� tsTcome and help them +>t any motning train' for Toronto a�:d other manently from us, causes' regi et era a.p ointment is ,silt L' iphbl' a s3 iii ` ceived bein 171/5 cents er ound, him to the office of the Reeveship, he speaking being over, the among his many friends. Howdver P p h td t ` P P lod a was treated to a nice !nock pointe east. The bride's going -away town; while here hes wits it {tiiesG, isx After meettng &II expenditures, flip DEATH Ole MRS. W. TIPLADY.—After �' r pTe gown was blue French ser e. and we wish ljtr-1tance, abundance of suc- the home of Mr J. 0ihbsn s, P y a sinful and lin ertn illness, there pared by Mrs Jas, t� oodman, which g cess in his new field of labor. lie g ",,; Com an has on hand over 8L5. We white hat trimmed with black and P g g she knows how to do in good style. white lumes. The bride was one of starts upon his nets duties the fhst of .Miss 1ij one Jackson. who, .is , anent understand that since the meeting the passed awe at her home, on MondI . The rest of the evening was spent fn s Febru Ing Hever al Hall Ladtes $(rh(tb} directors have paid oto a note of $ai0 mornin, Myary Padget, beloved wifw eon and atY retired to their homes Blvth's most estimable-youung_ladtesr _- __ •_._. g and interest, leaving a small indebted- of Wilhstm Ti lad at thea a oP 73 g'gg being an r.ctive worker in the Metbo , r urne ot•e a es7a . '• a near of (1300 n :tinst factor 1'he P yY g feeiible hatn ey A d spent a moat en- 6dist church and Sunda school, and }�M nRiRI 1G{ie - Tthe follgwi Ig is to i'esuine,her studiesi after $pendlog • H f, y years and seven months. She was y shareholders ex pressed their leasur'e y g at meeting for a Ion time a member of the choir. AyhnerIIxpreee. On th(t holidays sn . town. iSlsss T;ilhr . I P born of English parents, Hoar Mont- �ro• A. Woodhead will eve a readin g Wednesda , Dec, 28th, at high noon, Jackson rett)ined to the Conserv,ato�ry at position of Company by re-electing real, on the 28th of May, 1831, movin g g + y ' g in the Yorkshire dialect ; ca)t,e one a quiet wedding was celebrated•. at the •last>"ridaq -__ _ . - _Y. , the old Board for the season of IW5. with her parents to the town of Whit- come all, and have a good time, Brueelleld. home of the bride's mother, 'when Miss M. C: Lough B. A... left`. Qat ,` The hope of the directors in giving a by seven years later, where she lived NOTES. -Mrs. Rod Helen Roae, Dungest daogtiter of the. AlOnday P.or'rorontq, wilero she. tvtll do c rebate was found im racticable, on until her mania a to her now sorrow- gers left�last week Y account of a shortage of pasture limit- g Stanley to visit her mother, Mrs. Cannon, of late John Gordon Uampbell, (vas m:tr• s ecialwork for the Dpmiuian: f�otil>I ing husband, After residing in Fast London. MW ;Laura Penfound ' has tied td Dr. W. Morse Lemon, of La cel in conndctlun with the Yours W . ,1°" •. ing the quantity of cream, thus in- Whithy for twenty years she mored NOTES. -Mr. Per_tland, wife and son, Gran e, Ill. The bride was even , niers s. Christfrin A snesation iii, the creasingg expense cf drawing, and, in- to her late horns on the base line in of Ashfield, were last week the guests ¢one to reside with her aunt, Mrs, At- g g ' cidentally, all other ontla The cf Thomas Baird for a few da s. Jas. kine, of Seaton. Murray Gibson is ill ; away by her brother, Mr. Glenn Camp- dtiterent Colla es` .of Toranto, • lilil ` yy 1871, where she lived nearly ever since. y bell of, Clinton. Mra. E. W. Mabeo, of hon g promptness of the H. C. k F3, Co. in McFarlane was last week visiong old we trust he will soon recover. Robt. gh ekpects to be Absent'about ttvl► She was for many years a consistept d McCarthe of Buffalo Lake, has re• Vittoria, a sister of the bride, played Creeks. i paying eta patrons hnR become noted, member of the Bible Christian Church acquaintances along the line, Ito this y' d4 the wetldin music, and the ceremon and roves a Rtr•on factor in the sec week has one to visit friends and rel• turned to our village, wh a be will g y 41 P g hefbre the union, and retained her g Mr Josia X611voen i formol{ -re- s end the whiter. Rev. Ms. McLennan carts performed by ReV• R, W, Trottet. h ret of it.9 success. Already the filling r;iemberehi with the Ontario Street atives in and around Exetor. Mr. Gil- P sidetht of $leis nes hbonc�iod bot `Cl,►1C + P will hold a olitical meetin in our After a short honeymoon De. and Mrs. ' g of the ice home has been let to Harry Methodist ('knish, in Clinton, until lesple, of Toronto, was visiting at Neil P g Lemon were at home for it tow days matey years past has made his botto Sweet at $Z.fiO p(•r cord. her death, thou h of late ears her McGre or's durin the holida s ; he hall onTiridayevening. g y g g y FUNERAL. -Amon those from a dis- to their - many friends, and left on is the west, and now COWfuirfably i i NOTRa-The members of Holmesville failin health has revented her from returned to Toronto last week. Idrs. g tired in the•cit Of -Winnf a 'is beiv g P tance who attended the funeral of Tuesday last for La Grange, Ill., where y it g I.pincnpal Uhurch, intend holding a attending the services, and that she A. Nott has gone this week to visit Lil Cam bell on J:hursda last were the Dr, has a good ractice. Both on a visit to big brother and other arlor sodial, nn the P. solo of Tuea- vas moat hi hl res acted and esteem• friends in Buffalo. Mra, .Toho Gilmour, y P y P rehttives. Itis segenteen' ears tilnctt P g g y P of Buffalo Lake distric has been vie- Miss Reid. Bay City, Mich., and 1ner. bride and groom have s ent practic• y one Jan. 24th, nt the rectory, everyy- ed goes without saying For the past o W. Simpson, of Cl{nton. The fuser• ally all theig lfvd'a in Aylmer and he was`in out' midst before, and by• oll' one welcome, come and en,joq'yottrselP, fifteen weeks she hay been confined to sting old acquaintances on the line ; we al, which was a ver large one, was have made nothin lint friencts,-all of appearances 'Western, life has bee* I ,. Miss Minnie McCartney, who has been bed, her sufferings being borne with are pleased to learn that her father, y whom redict for tgg gr(tcfous to hitih. , Gilbert McDonald, is somewhat im- held in the Presbyterian church, Rev. P hem a hath' y �tredd- ; staying under the p;trentnl roof for calm rShe l avec and Christian forts- F.. H: Sawers conducting the services : ed life, and hope it may be long anti: Mr Jack Crawford a former cleric some months, returned nn Mondor to tude. $he leaves, besides herhueband }troved in health. '7Vm. Baird and a ... 1 y John McEwen have one back to Tor- the church was draped in black' and Prosperous." of the Combe Drug Store, but now of Detroit. Miss i rehor,th Holmes, who five children to mourn her lose -Will gg whftP h the ladies of the village. The ;Qtr A pelle 11'. W. fi.r'tihsin town the has heen sick for Rome time, is not im- ia,m, .John and Ralph, of the Kase line, onto, to their respective duties there. 3' - p ) We have all read in fiction of the men bearers were E. Morrison, R Dal- other daV renewing old ac luaintabc proving ns rapidly ae her friends and two daughters, Mrs..las. Cornish who, instead of s endin their none r opts, D. Hill, Geo. Campbell, M. ships, ack is riot so impressed With, r' : would wish. Next Sabbath the ser- and Mrs. Geo. Wray, of Hullett. The g y The Conservatives have �pened out on tobacco and i nor, saved it and Ibson and G. Swan, all young men of tiro west, 1l1ce some of oitr voting trieaari vices in the blot hodist church, will he funeral took place nn Wednesday, ser- q a committee roorii ithovrt J.• 'Cit for s built buildin a libraries, etc.; Stanle the neig"liborhood. Interment took y who go ott_t there,' aria is :likely, t(r •. conducted by ftev FL ('. Taylor, aP vice bein conducted by Rev. Dr. (look. g ' y lace in Baird's cemete aj�oe store The Llberrils still ret tin Lucknow ; it is the annual missionary The pall -bearers were her three sons, has a man who has a fine library, by P ry. beside her their old roonls in the McKay blubk, start in business for hfmself in oleil n - , hit in books with mono saved b mother andlittle brother. - over irwsn's Deer C)ntteria. meeting. The topic in League last two sons•in-law, and Mr. Ralph White, y g y ystore. Ameetidg Monday night was taken h A. ,J. a relative. doing without these "luxuries ;" need- of the town Liberal committee is called 1 � yy less to sa he is an intelli ent, well -to- Aullett for to -til t " Urnhrtico; nPxtA4nndnyRPvF. itrann y ght-Frfday;afullattendanCe - i` � will give an address on "The life and Colborne do farmer, and a good Liberal in poli- NOTES. -Mrs. I&Frank Zuelstatrf, oP is particularly requested, fellowship of the Primitive church, AN I vsrAr. CtltcuMSTn.I(.� For tics. Wm. Murdock, of illanitoba, is North Dakota. is visiting her sister. Ott Fr{day last the noon train west!,; ��' On account of the illness of the pre- over 3(1 years the latre William i'otm spending the winter at tho home of his Mrs. Hoary Livermore ; she has been left Str:i�tf&d 30 minutes late and cov- , g father : he is a well-to-do farmer in over there for over twenty-four years, ered the distance betwimn Stratford . Our - 'Stock •Of Watches i� ' silent, tNiss ll. llalrneR, the meeting of tvnv reeve of this township, and was the West, and rumor says he will take and likes the country well. the W. M. S., was postponed until only beaten on one occasion h Mr, R. and Goderich in one hoot' °and eight next WedneRda when the will have y a partner out with him. BEEF, Ttixo MEET. --Last hursdayy minutes. Conductor Ausbroolct , Who no�V Cotl'1 lite •for the bolt ai t; y y y Jewell, who hada test fo nt a majority. -.-- evening the farmers of the thirtoe'nth was in chatge.of the train, say8 this . f rade. e have 'the ' In • inga esti circle. (,nTuesda even- Last week thecontestforthereeveship isenmllier c�ncesaron, held their annual beef ring sSthe fastest time he ever retuemliars '" t; tri a ing a mePting•tn the inter eat of Dudley lav hetweeD Oot. Wm. Young a rep oyster supper and entertainment at making tt~hen the stops are taken into t11G' ldlferefit St lr~S; S11Ttr71 Holmes, Conservative candidate for hew of the former reeve., and the same PERSONAL—Ernest Pframmpr return, the residence of one of their members eansideratitih. t � ° WPRt Huron, was held in Wilson's Mr. Richard Jewel, and the nephew ed last week to Glencoe to resume this Mr +'. Leer. Supper was served from f"Orad1eS,entlelncrllt Hail the tree i t n was g addressed by obtained about the same majority over former duties, Miss Wright of Clin- half ast five until half a,st elaht Prom the Aylmer' .0, xpress :• 11',k r. ' �( Messrs Holmes, Mitchell and McEwen, Mr. Jewel as the former had got in the ton was the uest of ;her sister Mrs. P P and Vlra3, �t7. Glenn Cam bell, bliss �o�$t 1n 'uo1Cl,' Silver, �rOt�•• of Goderich. B. Y'eo enol family have previous contest. g after which the meriibers of the bee .p been s ending n few days a Goderich. Jas. Jewell Jr. on Sunday hist. A. ring hold a meeting to wind up last Coats, of Cylinton, and Mr. Need Camp- >�illed or'N' is ;el .cases, at prie.a z' Maedel seat presentengaged in cutting ear's business and arran a for thiel belly of tawitt delighted the cotigre it ` Mise dlt h lioldsw g Drib i s vis i i t n 3' g t o 1 S i a wood with Levi Sn der Of the Mait + g • tion at th'e I3la tfst church on 5unrin tll y _., , t' friends at Porter's Hill. Mrs Kin s- 3' year s. It wag unaIIitnous�y ag're'ed 1' y g Bast iPawanosh landeoncession. E. Mohrrng. is this that the beef ren was a suCcesS, Mi^ ®vaniri li thi�r'enderingoPit quartette A �V'atch fnaltes rite ate• . ". - well, r' Dunlop, S ddi n at et Goo. NOTIZA—Quite a number from here . week away cit a business tour. Rev. g .. Holler's. Mesa Bodden has returned Leor waS appointed seoretar Mr ontitle Will stiles nrtd gb t ttly imitable Chrietwas rosent' to her home in (`iinton afters endin attended the ball in Belgrave on J. G. Yelland was partially indisposed J. Cumming butcher, arid+ Messrs T. b'ath'er."- xt rias tendered'upaccoxn[ , last week but was able to take his aniod, and hbthlft better hits Over ;3amethlttg th;rt t pUsefpl3. , P g Thursday evenin Mr R. Robertk Shobbrook, Mai.Connell .and Beth- p , fK „ t1a lv(~ll tttt orttisiifklatltal. a week with Mrs (1. Ladd, Sunda ed with Gravel Road riends. work on Sunday. v beft iveti 1111 the church. q bridge, ins ectot Buslfless over, there Xll let 11 >sko1' C!t ___ - -_ ..__ _._ _ Mr and Mrs D. Snell gave a few of NoTrs-A. meeting ten the Interests men joins the ladies in the pitkldi'. titst `1'hxif'i day' ovehin' , a Yet Mbe>! Of p . . , , , Pnmmerhlll. their young friends a social hop one of M. (3. Cameron, Liberal candidate, Mr John Brigham W chosen. chair- the entlatnatt, ,friends of &hence 11 #A 'pili lir. 'e �tbClt tJ1s '' 21t Q lr nigght last weok. Mr R. Noble, of will! beheld here an 9aturdaq evening man. acid fi progtAtd consisting of tat+ ',oj,,ss, • drb cd In on him while g r i' NOTEq.-Mr Ft, (1, Reid spent part (!limon, is visiting his brother Mr J:id Jan. 21st. •A. Way, leasee of John solos, 6Csl and itt6t)±'ltmentitil 1'eiltd� I You need not but t1lilt!l;S,s ou • - pis r hlii good Wil,3ra srrarttenc�flig a « ,. oP last week visiting here. Mr A. B. Noblo, this week. Mesa Robinson, of Balli ay's farm du>`irlgg ilia pasir three trigs soli 1'ar ltatlt�)i:'.c h+eatrty Voiry,�glal;itfilotib>lii otitl•'tli?Jk ¢t3�!ssir)ri ai , Nesbitt is on a visit to his relat ves ; Dungannon, assumed her new duties years as purohillsed a fai�Yn In C#ode8ieli tfP thank was tI1011 tend rad a gtiti % , hie visit to ectasia ed by his brotitrer's as teacher of School No 13 last Creek to iirid removed to the driine last tveelti. r:t Lear idilr''teikr ,tltbhonS'' Oybte and +rt%te]t teiliptwrlsh. c . _ hougo'; at .t 6 .dls.; iaa ThlAudsAtootrllpitulm t'he stagy solid j,p:'�,; illness and wttiln E lends :'ti~e sorry Mr Ed Ta for has been apppoolntat� We undefi tarid that Mr. Hltlllda � e� far this, y+elV t s rte (n�tce ilingly trrtittee iri place of. Mr T. A, Ta la will retia n o }lis y p(reii of` this b f"x+3trg', �l en oyliblb„: lin&Vy tlM6VttA81104by (ill prosont.. iw Ai p y t t ots�n i"arm iii tb ovilft�' 1SrolYg t..tt� tyle lye, `'ar itt�, t3uabt�i�tl�taiaib c1t leaned to meet ilgretn, �vha has beat (rlacttt catinailor� sptrisi, °t spiiairi �rC>lli dii�':t>iFil� ,'i';i�t'lbbil(f)ti y tr ', f. e k. , . � , + ♦”. v Y , .:� , ' y! , . � �ia i s 1 � ,i,y unrY,YurA H,.°Js,L'n>,'Y .w r�...r.,: u_,.->....r�...Ae:.,,i,Q;,:.r'9Y:,J ,:.fiWx.A..:....- -. �>j��� '•e v rr,Y..nIIu,�, ,.:L.•e +t - .-r. .. ...itlfWN✓V - -.yet. l _... - �.1 :_ _.y, An-