HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-04-20, Page 1THE WINGHA.M 'TIMES. VOL XXXIY.-NO. 1732. Share of 1Your Patronage Solicited. i 1 SNAPPY, NEW, SWELL Spring SuitingS are here, and it's time you shed those Winter clothes and put yourself in one of I-Iomnth's Up -to -Date Suits. No need for delay any longer. Come and see the beautiful Spring Suitiugs we are show- ing that characterize every new idea, and we can prove to yon that we are represent- atives of all that is newest and hest. We invite all Wingham and vicinity to come in and in- spect them. We ask only reasonable prices, and will guarantee you first-class fit, workmanship and style. Give ns a trial and be con- vinced. New Hate, Caps, Shirts, Under- clothing, Suspenders, Hosiery, Neckwear, Collars, etc., etc., arriving daily. IA pleasure to show goods. Lt om MMe t 11 Clothier and Gents' Furnisher MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria street, Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,000 1000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, .and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM. A WORD ABOUT TOILET SETS You have perhaps been thinking of getting a new Toilet Set. We invite you to see what we have to offer in these goods. They are handsome in design, up- to-date in every partic- ular, and withal very moderate in price. All styles, all prices. Ask to see them. R. A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery. REAL ESTATE._p The second year of my Real Estate and In- surance business is at a close, and I am glad to be able to inform the public that my business 'for the past year has been nearly double that of the preceding year, and is steadily Morals - hag. thank those who have given me their pat- ronage In the past, and I extend a hearty invi- tation to all who have real estate to sell, or to those who wish to buy, to call and see me, as my lists are extensive, comprising some of the best properties to be had, both in town and country. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Life and Accident Insurance affected. A call solicited. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOOK. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Kincardine Slimmer School. The annual Sum ner'School under the direction of the Epvorth Leagues of the Wingham Distric of the Methodist Church will be hdd at Kincardine for one week, comme icing Monday, August 7th, The program 'committee, com- posed of . Rev. M . Philip, Kincardine; Rev. Mr. Edwats, Tiverton; W. 11. Kerr, Brussels, and K. J. Beaton, Clinton, held a m seting in Wingham on Monday of this 'w eek for the purpose of arranging an in eresting program for this annual Snmi=er School. Capital paid up, $2,235,280.00. Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00. Total Assets, $26,553,80.57..1 President- Hon. Wet. Gnisoie. Vice -President and General Manager -J. TttRNBttLL. • Assistant Gen. Manager -R. M. 'WATSON DIRECTORS John Proctor, Cas. L. Dalton, J. 8. $endrin , Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Berge. Inepeoter-B. Willson. SAVINGS BANK, Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and up- Nottnmeddtoincipal on 81st May and each. principal Special DeDO its also rooeleed a't current rates ofintereet. W. ConBOtIt,'!D, Agent, O1tO1 tNSOtti'tt 1:10111. le, Solicitors. Housemaid wanted, at the King Ed- ward hotel, House cleaning all done. Apply to J. W. ORR. County Bri Warden Miller, Cantelon, went to to try to adjust sol ing to bridge contri a Sarnia company v for building three 1 but when the agree the Warden for hi unsatisfactory, an his signature they may not be a serio easily adjusted. We understand fr the agreements we and the firm has the iron work for t WINGRAII, ONTARIO. TRURSDAY, APRIL 20. 1905. Wear Greer's Shoes and Eighty•Sixth The Oddfellows brethren of the Ord places will celebr anniversary of the divine service in th Church at 3.30 p. m 30th. Rev, 3.'N. 1k 1 Rubbers Social Life i The address given at the literary meeti star Guild, on "Soot as Pictured by Burn bestgver given i e Perrie is thoroughly subject he undertake sion gave a most int the Scottish people of was greatly enjoyed nniversary. of Wingham and r from neighboring to the eighty. sixth Jrder by attending Wingham Baptist on Sunday, April IeLean, B. A. will preach a sermon app opriate for the oc- casion. Members ars requested to meet at the lodge room at 3.30 p.m. on above date. Notice of Removal. On or about the 15th of May I intend moving my tailoring establishment to the premises formerly occupied by H. M. Tudhope, opposite the bank of Hamilton. Until that date I will be ready to serve the public at the old stand with a brand new, up-to-date stock for spring and summer wear. A young man wanted to learn the tailoring business. R. MAXWELL, The Tailor. ge Matters. ccompanied by D, arnia on Wednesday e matters pertain- cts. Some time ago as awarded contracts idges in this county, ments came before signature they were he declined to affix to. The difference 8 one and may be Minton New Era. im Mr. Miller that e made satisfacyory bmmenced work on e new bridges. NOTICE• -I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me on notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember you need not pay until you are requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with me and wish you all every prosperity. ROBT. MOINDOO. The Col i Snap. To the average citizen the snow storm of the past week seeded as much out of plane as the June we. ther back in March. The truth of the say ng that the March weather' was borrow ;d is pretty general- ly realized. At intervals Ttlesdey the snow fell with as mi; b ease as it did Reported Good Year. The reports prase tea at the seventy- second annual meet ng of the Upper Can - ads Tract Society i uniformly told of for the past year. done on the Wel lakes on behalf of larger scale than e the year 74lumbe by Messrs. Potter many others by don in the Ottaw last February and in the weather conditioi winter. Since Sat ments have again Weather prophets, 'h the present oolcl sp struggle and that soon come this way. lmost every respect s were typical of day winter gar- een in evidence. wever, claim that 1 is winter's last rm weather will A good house to rent. Apply to R. Vanstone.. Toronto last week, ogress and 'activity The regular work and Canal and the the sailors was on a rer before. During camps were visited and Huntsman, and users. Mack and Ger- :Valley. The sales of books for the year mounted to $45,070 donations amqun .ed to $7,041 and inter- est nterest to $720. Thee. orportage work done in Central China'vas indicated by the report of 588 Bibles sold, 4,491 New Tea• tamenta and 43,t other books.. Rev. Dr. Moffatt, the i::defatigible Secretary, 'delivered 370 /mations and addresses during the year, tr 'sides attending to the administrative aff i're of the society. Maple` Leaf acrosse Club. A meeting of hose interested in lacrosse was he d in the Council Chamber on Th• rsday evening last, when the Maple Laf Lacrosse Club was re-orgonized for the coming season.' Officers, were • leeted as follows: Honorary Presid nt, R. Clegg; Honor- ary Vioe.Presiden R. Johnston; Presi- dent, 0. G. VanSt ne; Vice -President, Geo. B. Roe; Secy real., H. H. Wight - man ; Manager a Captain, J. L. Van - stone; Managing 'ommittee-E. Moore, D. L. Dinsley, L. . Kruse, C. Bell and J. L. Vanstone. was decided to enter the junior series the C. L. A., and unanimously carne to support George L. Alien, of Mount crest for the Presi- dency of the 0. L. for 1905. Scotland. y Rey, D, Perrie, g of the Westmin- Life in Scotland was one of the Wingham. Mr. at borne on any and on this occa- esting account of urns' day which y all present. FOR SALE -A row boat in good repair; will seat eight people. Apply to F. G. SPARLINU. Meat Higher Price. At the present tim good butchers cattle are very scare in Ontario and drovers are butchers a d:fluding it very difficult to secure the desirable kind to meet the demand. 0 ing to this scarci- ty the price bas a, vanced and local butchers have been o;:impelled to slightly advance the price of All kinds of meats. - We notice from some of our exchanges that butchers in the : neighboring towns find themselves in th::same position and have advanced prices Good general sere nt wanted. Apply to MRs, R. H. CRO\ DER, Frances street. New Licen a Inspector. The Clinton New -Record in referring to the new Licens Inspector for West Huron says: -"M . Alf. Asquith, license inspector for Wes Huron, is making a tour of the hotels n the riding prepara- tory to the meeti g of the commissioners to be held in Cli ton on Thursday of next week. Th Government has issued instructions th t the • law governing licenses must be strictly adhered to and that if there are any licensees who miti- gate only the b and neglect other parts of their houses, hey are to be admon- ished that they must keep hotel, not mere drinking 'oints. Mr, Asquith is, we understan calling the attention of some dealers t a few deficiencies which it is expected ill be remedied in due season." $700 will buy a six roomed brick house and a large lot; hard and soft water; and good stable. Terms to emit purchaser. Apply at 'W. J. Pattison's floor and feed store. Wanted by the 25tof April, a good general servant girl. Apply to MRS. ( R.) MACDONALD. A Busy •actory. The furniture fa.itory of Messrs. Walker cls Clegg is a busy spot these days and orders are coming in faster than the goods can h: turned out. Mr. Walker is meeting vrkh great success on his Western trip. List week three car loads of this firms Rue upholstered fur- niture were shipped b Winnipeg and a oar to Brandon and Portage la Prairie. This is one of Wing "tam's busy indus- tries and we wise that it may long res er p p . able assets which a possess as Cana- • diens, in our fish les, minerals, agri- n1"Wk'll?"1''1"'Ilk'r culture, legielati , and the extent of territory. His beauty Columbia, were Hockey CI1f Concert. The Beavers' Min.trels, the amateur Minstrels of Seaf 'rth will show in Wingham, under.he auspices of the Wingham Hockey Club on Monday evening, May 8th. This company have already played to crowded houses in Seaforth and Godicb, and they are spoken of in the hi ,hest terms. There are forty-four in thin company, including an orchestra of ter. pieces. They will arrive here by ape sal train, and train will leave Wingha n for Seaforth after the show. The ieaforth Expositor of recent date says: -"The Beavers' Min- strels showed in (iioderich on Tuesday night to a bumper house. Iu fact the opera housE- was packed to the doors. The and enoe was much ap- preciative, as eve y number on the pro- gramme was encc red, and we are sure the minstrels °u;ated a most favor- able impression with the people of the county town. WANTED -TWO seryt girls wanted at once. Apply at Na •nal Hotel. Easter Dress Gos-Special for one week. --$1.00 and 71.25 Colored Voices and Eoliennes for 75o. 50c and 60c Colored Lnstres a -d Voiles for 38o at Alex. Ritchie's. Successful An iiversary Services. Sunday last y -as EDworth League Day in the Wingl am Methodist Church, and the services -ere very successful. The church was iandsomely decorated for the occasion. Rev. E. E. Scott, of Galt, preached ruing and evening, and his sound, ractical discourses, vigorously dellve were listened reg n d to with pleasure and profit by large con- gregations. A rich -treat was enjoyed on Monday evening 1y those who heard Rev. Mr. Scott's acture on "Canada, the Land of the Maple." The speaker showed a wide kno vledge of the valu- To Submit aterworks By -Law. In response to the call of Mayor Bell, as announced 1 t week, quite a large number of the atepayers assembled in the council cha ber on Friday evening last, when the nestion was discussed of submitting a b -law to provide for the construction o a trunk sewer along Josephine stree and to extend and im- prove the pres t waterworks system to make it more dequate for fire protec- tion and also nrnish water for domes- tic purposes. number of the leading ratepayers an property -owners of the town were present and expressed them- selves as heartily in accord with the proposed exte sloe. The sewer has come to be rr garded as an absolute necessity. A motion was passed in which those pr4eent gave an expression favorable to they council submitting by. lawa for this purpose at an early date, With their hanns thus strengthened by this expression 4 i f approval, vthe council wi11 no doubt deal with the matter at the next meeting, whieh takes place on Monday, May lot. Tide Beaver Minnatural ofthe wester W OBI;Ik tiQUs8. 1NGl1AM_ $ reverendpatriotof gentloli - • - .v -° the firs MONDAY, MAY 8th convinced that no descriptions of the d scenery, particularly province of British ery fine indeed. The an proved himself a order, and we are ne could listen to Under the assP ices of WINGHAM HOCKEY CLUB. Lit, 11,11.101.11,1to iVitt Young Winghvnite Promoted. Mr. Robert Galb with, who, on Sa- turday evening, seared his connection with •the Frank Lawler Co., after a service of over L_ne years, was the recipient of a hand ome suit case as a parting gift from t e other employees of the store and as token of the high esteem in which t ey hold him. Mr. Galbraith leaves t accept a more res- ponsible position th the Wm. Gordon Co., Chatham, wh a he goes to -morrow. His unfailing cour esy in business and his genial and fri off duty have wolf friends who will his welfare and any success th above from Mo: ndly manner, when for him a host of lways be interested in ho will always joy in t he may reap. The day's Guelph herald refers to a fora r well-known young Winghamite, say of Mr. A. Galbraith. The TIMES is p1 :sed to hear of his pro- motion and wit his many friends here we join in wis law him every success in his new home. COUGHS, COLDS Why let them lln;er ? ? OUR Laxative Gold Tablets - Wi11 break up any cold. 25c a box. Every box guaranteed. For sale only by Walton McKihboa DRUGGIST. WINGHAM. Nextdoor to Post Ogles. Died in Mr. Peter Porte Township of East the sad news by to evening last of the, son, Peter Porterti braska, aged 41 y Deceased was a eo (lector on a railway and it is thought ie was killed in a wreck, though pa -.oculars are not to hand at the time of going to press, further than that w2 inquest was held on Monday. Mr. 'orterfield had been residing in Omaha -for twenty years and SI A YEAR IN ADVANCE N ebraska. field, Clerk of the awanosh, received gram on Saturday Leath of his eldest ld at Omaha, Ne- rs and 2 monthe. for nearly all this the railway, An Porterfield reside came home with t tree was engaged on her son, Mr. James near Omaha, and romaine, arriving at Belgrave on We.'oesday morning, the funeral taking pi..ce on Wednesday afternoon from the •esidence of Mr. J.L. Geddes, brother -in. aw of deceased, at Belgrave to the Brandon cemetery. The bereaved family will have the sin- cere sympathy of many friends in their very sudden affliction. Go and hear the Beaver Minstrels and have a good laugh. I am now ready to do paper -hanging, painting, etc., promptly and guarantee satisfactiion. All orders left at R. Mooney's tin shop will receieve prompt attention. Geo. A. Phippen. his inspiring lean re without becoming a better Canadian than he was before. Miss Griffin co*ributed to the pro- gramme an approriate solo, and at the close of the le-ture, Messrs. J. A. Morton, F. Hie* and W. T. Hall rendered "The Mr i1e Leaf" in a pleas- ing manner. T ie members of the League are to be .ongratulatod on the success attendin„ their aunty rsary services. _ i FOR SALE. -Seven -1 d house, nice- ly situated, corner of ries and Albert streets. Apply on the premises to Join; WELSH. HORSE FOR 1LE-Good working horse, 4 years old in gond condition. Apply to Mrs. D. . Murchison, conces- sion 10, Turnberry Cut Out Rough Play. President-elect A1;`n, of the C. L. A., announces his platfo •m as follows: -"I will use all the jam nce 1 possess to cut out rough play, to m eke the penalty for interference of epectt tors severe on the home club, and.prostyute, if necessary, the worst offenders. I will encourage in every possible way a natenr lacrosse, as I wish to see the 6anadian Lacrosse Association the leasing association in the Dominion. It h s been so in the past, and nothing bu the strictest en- forcement of the rule will make it so in the future. I am st ugly in favor of amateur lacrosse, an believe that the senior clubs should t be allowed to run the association. If we must have I professional lacross. , those interested I should separate tlmselves from the 10. L. A. or amend tie amateur rule and say it shall not appl • to the senior series. There is no doubt but a large majority of the supporters ofiour national game in the towns and villages throughout the Province, are i1 favor of amateur lacrosse. and the 10..sidential rule that has so often been d -feated at the C.L.A. convention has gro vn in favor so rapid- ly that I think ano her season will see it one of the rules of the association, particularly for thg junior and interme- diate series." C Married in Kinloss. A very pretty w adding took place on the evening ofWednesday, April 12, at the home o Mr. and Mrs. John Haigh, Oth cones on of Kinloss, when i their eldest danahter, Belle W., was united in marriage to Mr. W. J. A. McGregor, son of Mr. D. McGregor, of Wingham. The home was beautifully decorated, and be gide a bank of flowers and evergreens tl., ceremony was per- formed by Rev. d. M. Dunn, of White- church, assisted ley the Rev. Mr. Max- well, of Ripley. i the presence of about 150 invited gu ts. The bride was gowned in whit taffeta silk, trimmed with all-over 1 ce with valenciennes insertion, and w re a beautiful °resent of pearls, the gi of the groom. She was attended Miss Kate Kenney, who was daintil frooked in white crepe de ohene, while Miss Mary McGregor, sister of the groo prettily dressed in cream voile, act as maid of honor, and Mr. 0. D. McGrgor, of Seaforth assist- ed the groom. he gifts of the groom to the bridesmaid and maid of honor were gold brace ts, and to the grooms- man, a gold rin . The bride's going- away suit was 0 blue cheviot with black chiffon hat. A choice repast followed the ceremony, and the 'evening was spent in game and dancing. The numerous prett and valuable presents gave evidence f the young couple's popularity. Af r visiting in London and Chatham, r. and Mrs. McGregor will make their home in Thamesford, where Mr. McG gor is editor and man- ager of the Star. Fon SALE ---A good storey and a half frame house, with four rooms, pantry* rooms and woodshed downstairs and !Our up stairs; hard water in woodshed and Soft water in kitchen. Apply to, ROBT. Maivent,, Tailor. The Beaver Minstrels have the funny men of all funny men, WANTED. -At once, partner for Real Estate and Insurance Business; must be a hustler. Apply personally to C. J. MAGL IRE, Real Estate Agent, Wingham, Ont. NIA Pleasure Giving For Easter There is decided pleasure to those who in the home seek to please others (especially the boys and girls) by such inno. vations as having the printed name of each child on prettily colored and decorated eggs on Easter morning. We are selliug 5o packages of prints, etc., to do this artistic work. EASTER G -s On Saturday we will also sell. ready cooed, colored and deo- - orated eggs, at 15o per dozen. We print any name desired on each egg. These eggs are ready to eat by simply heating . j in the oven for a few minutes. See them in our window. A11.McCall & Co1 LIMITED. Druggists and Opticians t4 WINGHAM, ONT. = Christ the Lor, Sons of men Raise your joy Sing, 'ye hes Hail the Lord Praise to the Thee we greet Hail, the Re, King of glory, Everlasting Thee to know, Thus to sing is risen to -day, d angels say: and triumphs high, ens, and earth reply. f Earth and Heaven! by both be given! riumphant now! rrection Thou! Soul of bliss! ife 1s this. Thy power to prove, and thus to love! -Charles Wesley. CHURdH NOTES. Special Easter Services will be con- ducted in the Methodist • church here Sunday next. Miss Homuth will sing solos both morn: g and evening and Mr. Hill will also sin in the evening. The following anthem , together with other music, will be re lered by the choir: - "The Lord is Rise Again," "Why Seek Ye Here," "Chri is Risen," "Old Easter Anthem," The total contrib tions of the Angli- can Church in Can a to the cause of missions during the past year has been $247,50.1> made up s follows: Church Missionary Societ , *89,620; Diocesan Missions, $95,506; ews,through London Society and Eas rn Missions, $5,918; S. P. G., $870; S. . C. K., $861; Sabre- vois, $5,200; Wo en's Auxiliary, $49,- 529. "The best thing ever played in Goder- ich."-Manager Goderich Opera House. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. ++++++++++++++++++1•4•44+4-4-+ 4.++++6.6.6.'5.++4.+4' Wingharn's Leading Shoe Store 1: 4F 4• 4• 4• 44 44 44 44 4. .L 44 4- 44 4• 4. 4. 4. 4* 4. 1 YOUR MASTER S110ES + 4. 4* 4` You're certainly going to have a new pair of 4• 4• 4• 4• Shoes for Easter. Every Lady will want something smart in Foot- wear to go with her Easter Gown. Every Man will want a pair of natty new Shoes to go with his new Suit and Top Coat. Every Boy and Girl will want a new pair of Shoes to go with the Easter Suit or Dress. It every Shoe wearer would see our styles and learn our money -saving prices, there wouldn't be a pair of Easter Slides sold outside this store. Every member of the family hag been care- fully thought of and .cared for, at reasonable prices. Everything in Footwear for everybody. MAY WE EXPECT YOU IN p 44 M W. J. GRE ER I 444:44141:444444444414++++++++4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++W Shoer to the People. o See us f r 'Trunks and Valises