The Clinton New Era, 1905-01-06, Page 3,:1,',177,77,7111111111Prirre
$1.006 . One Thousand Dollars
Men's and,
... Ai, Nearly HALF PRICE
r er
/lee" else # 4
see e e •
jaturday morning, January 7th, we start tlw of Xeres_
coat, etc., that we have ever attempted. The reason for :it is simpi
soli for overcoats hasn't been up to our expectation, and we find ourse
1 many on.'hand. Every .gaisinent in the lot MUST -be sold
Men's Fine Dress Overcoats in sizes from 36 to 44,
made from fine black beaver cloth, daik grey
cheviots and fancy tweeds, beautifully lined wi-
th black farmer's satin. This is the best $12.00 8.50
coat we sell, sale price
Men's grey and 1 la* all wool frieze and beaver cloth
It Overcoats, made in the new long full style, first
class linings, our best $10 Overcoat and leader
at that, sale price 6.50
Youths' Overcoats made from fine dark grey wool
frieze with velvet collar, also. with large storm
collars, sizes 33 to 35, regular $7.50 to $10.00
Coats, all at one price .... 5.7.5
- $400 Worth of flen's Underwear at Sale Prices
Beit genuine all wool fiee:.elined Underwear always
sold at 75c, for .. 50c
PePiruan's and Stanfield's best $1.25 Underwear for.. $1.00
Men's Tweed Suit Lengths
[3 yards]
Given Away Free of Charge
If there is a man in the country whc Wants a suit here
is the chance of a life time. We have about 20 Men's Tweed
Suit Lengths that we got in the Holloway stock which we are
going to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Here are the conditions -1 -You may pick any pattern you
wish and have it made up by us and all you have to do is to
pay the ordinary price for making and trimming. There is
not oue suit length in the lot worth under $6.00, some are
worth $10.00 each.
• %vela Wb• Mb, 116,1••, • 1/110'..W11•.4111V•Ir 'Ube ql*.qivilib•110,Viwib•
Every garment or piece of goods advertised for this
sale is marked in the regular price we have sold them at
:all season. Then you can see for yourAf the big reduc-
tions we are making%
_ _ 0
• 1.--........,•fr 1/,•.111,111. Ilbellb. Ilhe'llkr • gib -lir .11k.1. 4416.11b. likrillo N. "WM.,
. „.
• .
Boys' Overcoats made from darK grey all wocopt*pi,,,,i.
velvet and storm collars, best $5; Coats fort.
• 1.
--BOYS' REEFeRS---- • ' :
Small Sizes $1.95 Medium $'.5.0 Large .41
50 Men's Suits made from'newest Canadian tw6eds
and serges, in sizes 36 to 44. Your choice: dur-
ing this sale of any ot the above $10 suits for.
1 only Fur Lined Coat with Persian LambCollar,,
our $75.00 coat for............
1 only Coon Coat, $65.00 value for
2 Deg Skin Coats [black] $25.00 value
The J. W. Newcombe
Opposite the Market.
• •
News Notes
prisoners escaped f Tom the (e'en ty
jlil•itt' Georgetown. Del.
Oae hundred and fifty California
Sta.te prisoners tried to escape.
Et is rumored in London that the
Czer's life is seriously threatened.
Active, bright, hustling agents
wanted to sell tens, coffees, spices etc.
over 112000 a year is being made by
tegents, G. Marshall & London,
The residence of Mt. John McNee,
London, was robbed of several hun-
dred dollars 'et money and jewellery.
Byron Moir ran into a train ou his
lather's farut in %'vest flarafraxa. am*
was killed.
When chilled to the hone a dose of
Perry Davis' Painkiller in hot, sweet-
ened water will quickly warm you up.
It is a thousand times better than
drinking whiskey. Wards off null
came Colds and Coughs.
The contract for a new Raman Cath-
olic ehureh at Stratford to cost *21000.
has been let.
Mies Walker of Desert Like. an aged
led y. WAS burned to death while aluee
in the house.
Please hear in mind that what is
celled a sk:n disease may be but a
symptom of bad Wood. In that case,
Weavers Cerate, externally applied,
)1 ou Id he supplementee with Weav-
-er's Syrup, taken daily.
.Tacoh Jamieson was relight in the
ethafting of Shirk &
leer's mill lit
iliadeu and killed.
A. rancher named McTaggart corr.
milted suicide at Meilaine Hat by
'hooting himself while suffering from
"A. Little Cold, You I nee ' will be
curno a great danger if it he allowed
to each down from the t to the
lungs. Nip the peril in the find with
Allene Lung Balsam, a sure remedy
containing no opium.
The town of Mitchell is :lea in exper-
iencing the difficulty of bailee too few
candidates for its comicil
!Ile Anson G. Northre ,•lurk of
ilastings County Court 11,:i), er half
t•en r y , and fether of Mi. W. B.
Northrnp, M. P.. is dead.
cloinethIng new and I ' pen date !
This is all very well but iviett about
t he old things that stond the
test of tone ? Now there is ',The D
& Emulsion : everyliiele knows
vim cannot, find a better preparatioe
tor ell Lung troiroles.
h:x Mayor Ellis of Otteeii has issued
a Writ against Milyet Metre+, vlairn-
ine einem for slander.
• 3.1111...–._
It's because pen rierveit are in a
week eondition. Ferroeonc will make
them strong and correct the trouble
causing You insomnia. "I fell into a
state of nervous exhaustion last fall"
writes Mrs. J. Stroud of Dexter. 61
was run down, couldn't. sleep and felt
miserable,—tried Ferrozone and was
/prickly bertefited. I can re mem e id
lerrozone to anyone suffer g from
over wrought nerves and slee lessness,
No tonic is better, try F mOzOne.
Price 50c, at druggists.
• 3. • -
' • • •
OWP$.k. 14.
ramous London Place or Entertainment
Betas Pulled Down.
Egyptian Hall, the picturesque old
building in Piccadilly which is about
to be pulled down, is best known to
Londoners as a place, of entertain-
ment that for many years has been
unique in the metropolis.
"When the Egyptians built this
hall,'' drawled out the humorist,.
,trtenius Ward, when he stepped on
the platform before his first English,
audienCe—and the h 01154P roared, and
so he "made geod" with theni front
the very start. The. subject of his
lecture %vas. it will be remembered,
"The Mormons," and Ward's hearers
were amused in advanee al finding on
their ticl«es the legend "Admit bear -
IF and one wife." That' was in
November, 1866, and Ward stayed on
in this country—lecturing and writ-
ing for Punch—until the following
February, whim his pulmonary trouble
obliged him to seek a warmer clim-
ate in the Island of Jersey. Ile fail-
ed rapidly, however, and returned to
Southampton to die in the following
10 Ward's time the N orwrahl,. hall
.in Piccadilly which, from its ap-
pearance. might really have been.
built hy the Egypt it1011. was let slit
101' elltert a Himont m of all kinds, hut
for yf.$11'S it has been identified with
the illusory performunces of .1. N.
Maskelyncee who is probably the
greatest vieeard outside India.
'The facade of the leo le inn Ball
really is an artistic pira, of
00(1 1.•0011011elli 10:111 15058 Ilahn,!-
Inann's fatuous figures when they
lia‘ 4. disappeared. from Piccadilly. By
the wily, the Egyptian Hall Building
contains two shops, and both are
rather 01446r01 ('(1 in their may. Ono
4,1 theni is owned he James Epps &
Co., W110 11re 111e 111104 chemists in
t he I • n bet K i ngdorn . The other—
Jackson's—the one War., to. which file
most every specialty in the Way 01
food—!170141' p le s..‘ p, ]lost On 'wails,
corn for "popping," etc —C1111 110
01)18111e1). 11. is tho one place. too,
where 1111, sure -enough pie -tins eau
be had.
3 -OHM
xiangerono l'oeof Arnica.
While arnica is 011e of the drugs in-
cluded in nearly every household med-
icine clued, it is doubtful if the nver-
age mother, who is wont to npply it so
freely to the fingers, and toes of her
little ones, realizes the risk she runs.
Although marry home rerriedies call for
the use of arnica, It Is said to be high-
ly dangerous to apply le, to' Vie skin
unless greatly diluted. One part arni-
ca to five parts water, the proportions
commonly advised, is said to form a
lotion the use of which is attended
with great danger. A correspondent
who has looked up the subject Says
that arnica should be diluted more
than ten times. "If used in full
strength," she says, "arnica will cause
paralysis. A good combination IS that
of one teaspoonful of arnica to four
tablespoonfuls of witch hasel,-and even
then it should be need in Moderation,
as experlenee bee ishoielq
Mtrangis wager..
A gent Ionian of an old Shrewsbury
iamily, named Curbet, says T. P.'s
Weekly, bet and won his wager that
his leg was the handsomest, in the
comity or the kingdom! .No doubt
the tribunal empowered to pronounce
this new Judgment of Paris was
feminine, but who the ladies were is
not recorded. Nor is it on record
who we'l th, judges that deCiiled a
somewhat similar id George Iles
.1.. bet was made that the shims of
London would he ransacked in Vain
to Lind an uglier man than Heidreg-
ger, master of the revels to His Ma-
jesty. At Iasi an old hag Wita.. eu-
earthed soiiiewhere in St. Giles,
whose hideousness was supposed to
surpass that of the master of the
revers, and the judges at first were
inclined to admit the lady's 'pre-
eminence. Before, however. pro-
nouncing a final decision,' tbey beg-
ged lieidregger, who entered into the
spirit of the sport with the iiiniost
good humor. to don the hag's bon-
net, and the additional hideousness
imparted to the appearance of the
master of the revels by this grotes-
q ue head-clress won hilt/ t he palm of
1,n the year 1.812 a clergyman. the
Rev. 33. Gilbert, hrought tin action
at the York Assizt.s against Sir Mark
S ykes, Bert., for the continued pay-
ment of an extraordinary bet. Sir'
Murk at a dinner party in his own
house. in speaking of the risks of
assassination, etre run by Napoleon.
offcreil to pay anyone who would
give him then and there 100 guineas,
a guinea a (lay so long as the usur-
per lived. ''Done!“ cried the Bev.
B. Gilbert, who contrived to 1'0i511
and pay then and there the too
Diseases of the Kidneys are
numerous, from the fact that these 1
organs act as filters to the blood,
and form one of the great channels
for the removal of impurities from
the system, which, if allowed to
remain, .give rise to the verities
kidney affections, such as Dropsy,
Diabetes, and Bright'a Disease.
The following, are some of the
symptoms of kidney disease
Backache, sideache, swelling of
the feet and ankles, frequent thirst,
puffiness under the eyes floating
specks beforel the eyes, alkali dis-
orders of the urinary system, meth
as frequent, thick, cloudy, scanty,
or highly colored utine.
are exactly what the name suggest,.
They are not a cure -alt, but are
a spectfic for kidney troubles only.
Price 60 cents_ per box, or 8 for
$1.25. All deed% of
put boas Zmuv Prin. en::
V... V./
I •
lg. r or InIT.f. (.rtrs rne squire LAUNDRY LiNtiti.
paid the perste> the .guinea day,
and then repudiated the trans ction.
In defence of this repudiation it was
urged by his counsel that his client
had heel., surprised into his rash belt
by the clergyman .9 prompt accept-
ance of it, and also that the wager
was illeieal. since it f!;a1f. the person
a. beneficial interest in the life of an
enemy of Freeland. and that this in-
terest would tempt him in t 44, event
01 an invasion, to use evere means
in hie power for the preserve ion of
the invader! On these ground , the
juty found rot the squire. and upon
• ultimate appeal—for the case was
tried three times—the judges confirm-
ed the original verdict. They pro-
ned the bet illegal, since, on the
one hand, an interest was created in
the preservation of the life of a pub-
lic enemy, and, on the other hand.
an interest in leis assassinatiaut.
About the great merit of Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pith; of eltindrake and Blatt rnut
whichhe cleanse ts-stetn, cure ronsti-
nation nd pi!.. l'se only Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills. Price 2.5e.
elitte rs and
Embroidered dresses must be ironed •
on the wrong side.
If nonrust hairpins are used to fas-
ten them down, curtains can be as nice.- • IS Our Specia ._
• They ore made or the Ii.f4 15)1 ;es 1;' rink nel
• place in unrkmansitipr hey are the biglyetit,grattio.r,
: tending purchaser sLetild see my stock bet. re ,
ly dried on a good thick grass plot as
in regular stretchers.
When washing white or colored rib-
bons kid one teaspoonful of methylat-
ed spirits to a pint of cold water'and
rinse the ribbon through, and It will
look quite new.
A. little borax added to the water
in which haadkerchiefs are rinsed will
give them a slight stiffness without '
making them so uncomfortable to the
n ostrils as doea regular starch.
Always keep a small board sprinkled
with salt and water at hand when iron-
ing. If the iron be passed two or
three times over the'salt on the board
the roughness often noticeable when it Buy something uo.ei id "ell as orrnaneutal. time haw urn
has been used for a length of time Will Music Cabinets, Jardinier Stands, Tables, 114,11 tlonrheg;
be removed. Stvving-Machines. Fancy Rockers. Pictures. Crokinol liciartlei'L Wight'
GlE0., -LAVES-.
fillii•••11110••••••••••••eq.....414! it.", •
The Popular GOODS IFor Pti
Prices very. A special discount 'will be allowed on Plannaiind eke •.: ,
. • ,.
Tricks et M J II ClIELLEW. _ .
What old fashioned folk tailed ' '
-' , - T ,,„. . ,,
"tricks" of speech or manner are de- '
.010. plorably easy to assume and extreme -
The fall of Port Arthur has been
brought nearer by the capture of Mi-
lting after months of mining and sapp-
ing. The Japanese lost 1,001) and the
Russian gtirrison escaped
Final returns of the vote in the Fed-
eral eleetions show Wet the Liberals
had a majority of 7,8213 in the Territior-
iee, and of 2,677 in British Columbia.
The Montreal Gazette save' Ontario
newspapers favourable to Mr. "toss
condemn Mr. Whitney. the Opeosition
s leader, because they say he scolds too
nench about corruption and does pot
deal at greater length with mattera`of
tulministration. That Is not strictly
correct. Exception is taken to Mr.
Whitney because he scolds chant al-
leged Grit corruption and ignores,if he
;nes not apnrove of, the reeking cor-
ruption of his own party, and because
1.e is without a policy, and has a record
of opposing nearly every good measure
ot which the people now approve.
Mistress, Like Main.
"Tho manners and temperantent of
the mistress of a house are reflected
In her servants," An enterprising book
agent made this Statement. "The man-
ner In which the servant answers my
summons to the front door Is almost
invariably the clew to what kind of
treatment I may expect from the mis-
tress. When a maid appears and Wears.
a forbidding scowl on her face I can
be absolutely certain that the woman
of the house is a persOn of a very un.
certain temperament. If, on the con-
trary, I am greeted with a smile and
something that' seems to approaeh eor
diality I enter the hottie feeling re- '
lieved, for I know that even if the tleitI4
tress refuses to -buy the-beelte-/-14.0
to offer she will do so is a Manner that
• will make mo feel that I an, 11 human
being trying to earn an holleatlkilig,
and not a Nodal outcast, dorm;
fleet the ttproopheWO
jugt ni etto rekveiRie
ly difficult,. to break off. Several to
which girls are more or less prone are
these: Rendition of a sentence or the
point of a story, telling it over again
almost in the name breath, the usage
of "you know" or "don't you know"
for emphasis and beginning a lauglr' with such haste that it entangles itself
In the speech and the final words are
delivered in a giggle. All these and 110".=•,,,,„_
similar mannerisms may be more read- 41101""
ily dropped in youth than later in life,
and every girl would be wise to watch
herself lest she fall into them or their
• eet,eieeee'.'' ei',';',.'. :' , ';',, i'' . '
• . : ' eei i.' j' ei ' -,..,'. ,,e; , e, e
. , e •, . ,,eie ee,' ' " ' r ' i ii":, :
WIt,11!IIIIItItt! ItItti.
No " . ari• •ek-:',; , '
r'ev '-fl
,1' .•
• f ..., , 3
... ?
1, I
Do You Realize That a
fleglec!cd Cough May .
Resultin Consumption.
If you have a Cold, Cough,
Hoarseness Bronchitis, or any
effIctinnofthe Throat and Lunge,
What you want is •harntless and
certain remedy that will Cure you
at once.'
There „is nothing so healing,
soothing, and invigorating to the
lunge as the balsamic properties of
the pine tree. _
contonsthe potent heallegVirtoes
of thepitiO, with other iabserbeeti
iltPittorint'Aq4, soothing
rimed svognwa *40114
Uri Wood'. Rehire, 10
thldititatiligeeng it; i
eithay., i#a
..;104 rOvet,4411ithe" fair't
feireee- i e e ,
, ;
Ail".• fo ,iw