HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-01-06, Page 2• THE CLINTON NEW E k VEGETAB E SICILIAN Hair Renewer =NOM color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color k used ARG • rho heir stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all tea • ': re. An elegant dressing. °'-L'7"i.u.4.'"9.0 ,1"` The New Era . its yobbo' hod every Friday at Alkali/ED ERA Printing liousc,, EsAs4ortoingr . . - ci.I N't'o N. lESSae of subscription 81 Iter ye, u' adatanoe„ $I 50 tnay he charged if •'beams pad. No paper discontinued Awfadeileat =wears are paid, unless at 11),• v7 the pulrlisher. The date lit 11 every ¥uheic-eipliou is !raid is de- -tweed on the label- iledwarti>liuu rate-- Transient adver- ;Eleit:ment.tl, 10c -fruits per nnnlutrel. liar tfor ft►At insertion and :1 cents per hie. each salteequent inelertiou. Shall ,aldwertysoinenta not to exceed one inch .state;► as "L.at" "Strayed," • Stolen.•' 'iiw•,os•Led mice for 35 cents, or ane anuanttafori l•Coilulunicatwits 11elided1 1.ta•pneh$ietetiun must, as a guat•amtee of gaud faith. he au;0(Japan !-tl by the Alrarsrof the write;. ] isieure 1)ttdimetion in current issue. copy of rttivertiaeu;ent.s should hr -sent its ewe 19• • tr..te$ The followingtabre 1411i►,,plylgeur rated lut• mote:tii . d pet lode `- 1 yr. limo. ;two. Into, i t' liana tld.aksixtu 41Dolltnaen Mash $7500 $1() 01 $25 1111 411(X) 2:; OU is 110 •2.5 (h) 131x) S110 J `i %l) 10 (1) 5 )1) ea() :150 2 00 SS 511 6 tut 2 ,>I ) e 111 1 :0 !tom. 'Witte. and i'rl)rt•ietor. Rev. Dr. tiossack. A good c» n1 of in•olninenee iv l'eting van to an open letter from Rev. t. r. -� r •. of Parkdale, t0 lion. C. \\ antro which he cri,.ieist 4 the Premier a good deal of freedom and not a bitterness. The letter is ht•ing sated by the Opposition a.4 an 4`yl .''ke-tat•eof impartiality, but the more the Agnew is diescussed a'1d the rea40l45 t•t)t' ittrs'heing written are known, the less weight 'rvt71 be attached to it. I1 ere is satistaaa►ll-s{ph froin the Toronto Star ‘'arblie ,(Explains itself : - /Swan, who has resigned as •1 to and a m)►nager of Deer Park • lyregati(inal Church, er(p(ained to- =ailley that his actio!► WAS dnc to 1t, v 1). f9lt#lnutc8's'terribly" open letter to !bei a. George W. 'toss. •'911.. I1o•4,ack ace" he added, "L14at the re.lsou 111' by to Mr Koss was beeanse k haat asked toe au ofli• e ter law, aunt llr- HOS:, had nest. The 1•hllrch e kindest net wow that 1 IterliIr'n1 would lee the church." r from •11. member 1st) sited- light on nto Star:tiialy n gatinu of bitch, one wlilI hiyjitsAys and ars ntli(,ts > 4,• 14 w'lticl m y or fight unitize of tet'. (tfni. renis is at 1,1111>ter t wits 1) hr- humberland 'hose a1>(> her. tug !mei g 1\0 !Witt, ill I( lilt t 111• t ."1" (11•111 L 144 11))' ) 11j -44y, 1 as of ti4)e came to whet amid the ation, the po it Ira! a plaee, :, see:ll.- nt and a 1'.tt'kd'd, ktivledSged appli . 1.1 Ubtlal!'k )-(i;1(11 at ithienthcrag :)t1) 1• things his va(:II1) •. )1r, line e guise of the (local ,ant• 1 to use Itis i lllllrnee, '1'ht• of t1) atT.tir is that )11. his pplirllion in ter the it i)urirtg the pa1,t few lIOI_Ion h,s been to be ;1 n the Pederal or 1'rorincia1 The applirttil,n 4\14 (1 > •lara1 C4)111(44 1t •••', >F))d a ailed upon .\ir, I1o,-aa4•k. ,u)ply Niah it. '1'111. 414.,1 "hese are hon>ely tart, were 114 1!.1' )' 1 lain a rin.v •o!t. 11)4(1 tot' Ilan, 1„'. T18' hums,' urn 111.'• (I, t. ell intlltence well i1 rent body of nan- ere iv n 11111111114.11 If 1 ale urinal minister oft1)(• ,,•,• ►tint; the glad tidings of yet the knife 111' (11.111,•,•, 11! d worldly,lvaricl• 1.•11,1v a ) personal train. :11 r. 110.s u k a titan of pt•omiv4 - :>n11 I)u•ol Chnreh AVMs loyal111 h>>n, lett even his friends of vote 1 hick hits elo*uent words eon, en)i14, 'ty and lowliness when he hi, entytatlrts; the rever'f,e. From a, 1•111Irch psarnhef view his letter is a d;).1 I lice to ua IODILet friends, n disgrace 10 •'\ 1.1 v (•+rrignaratinn whose pulpit he ha'i o,•• ntulnietl, n d'RI{trou'(' *1) Torn)) t4 I'r1'.Ilr le.y. Mr. llossack says he is \ailunt Tera (aattriftrs h:s al' t 1041, 1,1.111 h 111 ty 111'1• v11 Nathan's words limy he \((• it-- -thou artthe nein ' t .Lost November war, the 111 41 >nont 11 =): nee MI5 in which no ate of keel> Itgnem repo] ted in ale i'I'.11eI eta 1.•s. l'i Hering very cut i4114 i11:l '\n'4.1 ire o. �lrtslsttiui w1), ('•nla,li•n14 hlt,Vegt 4'r•ong rapt:Kne ,., Litt •' 'Both Sir \VilfretI late -if 1111,1 11rn4 Mr_ I)r-yden say Thal elm Vut, 0 1 11 belt p,resrhes nrld gra (WS att. .I1 ,.1 14 theC,tlifoinin Hui). .\ II \v,• 1144.11 1.' I' i4 n„y)•isrr parking and .h, 1 itch• 41 1, frail I r• a )nuns,>d 1 he 111 11 1 Clrtlattii (iii/Vernnt, nt 1 11 '1'la 1 • rfiAt•inflit itre. .rlpllorl I;t,._ 1 'I •', 't/t' the of the (1t...4>, 4 ,l ..44,.1.4. 1'�jrrvtlting ' 1 a willing -if r• to ; 11 !rant•: , twit i4 dull, "h 111 1 Il ,•.141,4 trtli:rn pe r alt•, \fI . \\ I'4_ . 14 \ n to eioitor t he (:,,,.11 11 •••,,t ►1.a "4(p4' '444 14-.' \11 lb stet, !'lets Yor't in an tuldr4 s'',14.1)1 4: I.' 11 tit watt,greatl'r honor• to he I'1 c• 1 1 '111 4,1 heard by the votes of millions 4f vnp1e Chan Ring of the British 1?1n byeccident. it was an unfortun- ano, ,• wy1.1onotionw - ttr^It .ate 4'•ol.uk, and noon very courteously he tiv:,n Infl,rin,•d than were it possible t4 have au election King Edward would !revive the vote of every elan. \\ uncut. anti child ut the whole l' nlpite of (It eat Britain. And from the ring- ing hear, hear:' that ctt111e 11.0111 the goat nu,lieuce you telt that it way true.' \Ir Itah,•rtfor Ittl•I erdil:e,��pp Moot real, 111,1 \ ire I'l'4--4 lent ul the Houle-1,1sta lest , annoutteetl to -(lay that at the nt.t >.r,'iol, of Parliament la \took! eleve the adoption of a hill making it ., criminal utlence to cts- cuLlte \ineric:u1 tu,)ey in ('anadn, )1 111 rendering anyone doing se liui)le tn., fine u( doul,ly the face value of the looney circulated. The bill will he an adtlitiuu to the Banking Art, and :Ur Ilickerdike sass it i4 in rctatlia(iun for the High commission charged by _knee testa bank., on l'auutdian Money. Alderman \ietoig, a staunch Liberal of t bedew', >vas rtvluested W become the Liberal candidate, and this is what he said: 1)efiuitely and positively 1 will not lie the eaedldate. I routdn't if 1 would and I wouldn't it 1 • contd. \V111tt Ilse would it he to met() go down to the l,egislatsurand sit mistime hack bench in 0 1Nrsition. And what use would it he to my constituents to have n(4- these? i think the Ross (love; ii - 1114.11t is 441 ;101110'. '1hever been thlv'e atltn,;etlu'r tel, longand they've gut too many htv•1(•1s and hangars -on. The whale thing is coo 1 rt and rotten, and I believe they should be formed out. No: i tell vim solenully and lomestly. I wouldn't be their candidate if 1 f(n1)11).'• The foregoing is absolutely lint rue in e\-'t?ry pert icula r, It hits been !!oily l(tredicted ht• qtr. McCoig, tell(' is the ).it)eral candidate. The contradict tion \h:>s 11 •4-•n 1>uhlishetl hroadcasL, aeaael helt•..s thicdoes not prevent Cou- serv,11; e papers giving currency to the ah.e -e, which they !oust know is outs u,•. \Italy o� present 1.o; ingc 1\h1•>c the keenest, fights in th> to,.t are being waged i)4 rid �he majority snit!,) lasstel- eat ion441 as u. •der 1(C!. .0f these ten were h1.1(1 hy t11te Liberals. and six by (' inset vat iv(•-. gilt) Liberal seats were - Doth, m \V4,at, hat ; Balton, 16 : !testate, East, '10 : Huron \Vest, 21 ; l,:luark North, till• ; 'Middlesex East, 21: Norfolk South, 7.,t.; Perth South, 71 : Simeoe'('entre. 44 1 : \Vent worth Nort h le.'1'uose held by onservaltiv were -11ruc(• ('entre, 12 : Fronter c, :)7 : Huron South, 111 : l,er4nox,:i: Victoria \Vest, Ik) : Waterloo \South, Its. Of those het ween 1414) and y.400nine' were held l'v Liberals and nithe let\ ('onset vat.ves. anal of tleas over 211) there were 442 on earl' side. Provo the 111.t - named class there alight ' lee. singled out tour ridings in which the majol'ity was noel 1,000. Three were held by the (lrposi1ion, Carleton, 1,221'1 : 1 )uf- ferin, l,:,l1, and West Too(1]t((, 1.54.;, end one by tile GVveeenlent, \\•est )teterhoru', 1,19'I. 1)E-\1 `i`1?yS C.ANNOT BE (1:I1 El) hy I tad :Ipplieatione, as they cannot. reach the diseased portion of the ear, Thele i4 only cot' way to cure deaf [less, and that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an inflamed rondithen of the mucous lin in (if the Eurtrtchiau Tuht•, \\'hen Due tithe (4 inflamed roll have rnm11- 11ag Rout;(' 4-r imperfect, heating, and when it i'1 eutita:yr elove(J, 1)ealfnese is the [Tome end unle.4 the inflamma- tion cath Ir(• taken nut nnd this tube restored to It, nornlatl condition, hear it,)g will Ire destroyed forever : nine , as(1c out of ten meatuses' by Catat'rh, which i4 nothing but an inflamed con- dition of the mucous stlt•fa(e•9, V6- will glee One Hundred Dollars for auly 4,451' of Ilealfnesw(cansed by r•:It:orh) that cannot 1e• (•ur.el by 1141's ('a,t.ltrh ('ore, Mend for circulates, f -e, 1'. ,1. 4 ' l l 1: N F: \ t4 CO., Trledo, O. Sold i>t- Data gists, Tae. Take 114411'4 114utily fills f'u'con,ti pet fall. i)airy Instruction la i. ee:llifying to the 1)ailainlen'a ,\••n, talion- a1n11 114e I) I: l•tnlent of \ 1n•.,Itnte to know that t1)(• work o1 �v(l ilt 1 ('1>414)51 on tor the benetl1 • f 1 )nit y 1.,1 n'cr•, oa net, of t reanler•- 1 '4 111711 fa,'1nt II•,4, 111111 1111ker•, ha, ia'ett In4(lo1•In'• 4t .nt I1 nettkc(1 results. I'hl•'lnallty t,1 1•lo''.. 1 hIl>oghool 1114- .•o1.nn 11,1. 1401'11 ahoy(' the .average, t•.I'' t 1 1111' dill int, t he Ia)(1.1 I>:o'1 111 1 ht. >'I', • )>,I 1114• 1,1.1, 1.111.4 go ->f• 1 ('((4' lmt. I>41n In,'1,rlI>'( 11.4,•iving itl.11 o(• f let h.(. I'''e14 fol r-r,>:l111•t' 11)1(14 frnrn 1 no.e 1141 11.1(14 i114 111•141 > Holl. The loath', 111 f.t\111 1't t1),• 1 ,Inn 1 14 ,11+44(11 1,t 1, i in' In .!"senor! 4f 1.1ft•rioc 11>11>',•- 41 mi11. .'1114n>4 Iho.e le• ->t') I1\ 111.4.1,, 1 le.,l,t In111114' I'1.t .uncurl' 111 Ir -. 11) 111 11.1 ('111l', nail •I,� 1.111!1,(•1 ''I •,ue1,11• 1, -ted 0,04 t,I,0 1, I It I t. 1 .111)1 ,.1 11), ,',,,,11 \, ,,'. I't ;1 1 4!1.11 111,• I -1 r•i'I , elf .t 11'1 11. .,111 11 I Io 'h4.Iti t 1„ Hie I.,, , h 1,111'1„\, 1,14 r 1 , 114„ >hr I't,- ('1•4!4 , te1 ,1 • al t I 1 141 � ,11, 111 1 . 1'1••4 , 1 , i. I1' I I 1 u., ,,I 14..• 1.1 1'.• ., I '\ ,� IIr lr.r r 'll Ire: 1 1 4 . .1. 1 (11, II 11'4'1 n II•'4J>I:Ir 1, 'l 1' 1 I 1,•• 1 ,, 1'1 11 ,h• h• h • 1,1 1, I • t , -• 11 • 1' >Il 1 ! C7 IX. t3 Ji^ c Peon; the Tt.P Kind Yon 14)ee !)Ike, 11.': Signaturs of Brighten The Lonely Homes. ( Written for the Naw Those who kuow the great West of Canada eau easily picture to them- selves the country, the scattered home- steads, the primitive shacks, the u)in- ,t,'s huts, which are inhabited by those Farmers' Institute Meet- ings Postponed After consulting with a number of Institute speakers es well as local offieers in different. parts of the Prov• ince, the superintendent bas decided not to hold any Institute meetings un- til Jannaryalst. It was the unaninei ot both delegates and officers a political campaign would interfere very Much with the attendance and the succe.es of Institute meetings. No announcements of meetings had been made for January, although all lists errangernent of the lists has; been made and the seine submitted to the eecre- tariee of the Yarioas riditige. The re- vised dates will he announced in plenty of time to allow local seereta ries to (10 the necessary advertising before the date of the first meetings. The tesular number of meetings for each tiding will he held in all the older sectione of the province, Int's in the northern (lis - Parry Sound and Muskoka) atTanae- ments will he made to hold meetings in June (iv Inly (0. in the fell monthe. Department of .kgriculture, Toronto, Dec. 2:1rd. 1904. County Clippings 11154 Wm O'Brien, of the ard rem Hay, while going :orotund the Isick yard, Sitturday morning, slipped on the icy ground and had the misfor- tune to break her leg. This tnak et the seveeth (11.Se of frit(•.ure that Dr Browning has been called upoit to at- tend, on thie farm. Mies Belle Pearson, forineisly teacher at. Mem-omen, has been engaged as teacher of the school in Banff, N. W. T.. at a salary of $750. Miss Pearson dist is residin with her brother Robt , who is a steitannry there. Mr an rs Jam Neelands,of Brant- ford, foefitier well-known residents of aeingligni, and at one time living in Londedeiro, celebrated the fiftieth an- ni yentas, of their wedding day on the For Woo Folli as well as Big Ones "Grown Ups '" have no monopoly on Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Children take to these de- kious crackers like they do to bon -bons. There's an appe- tizing crispness --an inviting deliciousness about them that is simply irresistible. Wholesome and nutritious. too. just the food for little ones to make thcm grow. At your gro- cer's -Ci the inoisture- f boxes. Bedfast for Three Years HELPLESS As AN INFANT -Now Wonderful Recovery of Mr John McCullough, of Uxbridge, Ont. The Clailin Chemical Cc , Windsor ; Gentlemen -11 is with much pleas- ure that I send you this testimonial regarding the wonderful benefit 1 have dey Pills. Have been an invalid for nearly three years with inflr iniutcory rheumatism, and was bedfast until about six months ago, when an old friend of the fatuity called to s3e me, and left me tiOnle of your pills. I be- gan to feel the benefit of them after taking one box. I have continued us - teen), and au! now utile to get out of bed an'l dretet myself, and can go out without crutches Before teking the pills 1 Watt helpless es an infant, and had to be taken eillv of like one. I honestly believe that your pills have been the cause of my getting better. 1 have tried about everything that could be thought of its a cure for my trouble, but feel this remedy of yout•s has done more goud than any ef them, awl I feel if I were- at younger man, that taking them for ittid strong again hut of course 1 ft 111 all Old Mall 1104V, and have not the conelitution to wol.k on, but. 1 hope this simple story el the wey your pills have helped tale wilt be Id value to JOHN MeCC1.1,01.'0H 1' xhridee, Ont. ENGLAND SLIPPING INTO SEA. Twenty rest Koch VOA! 44 the Encroach. anent of the Water. Sou is diminishing the area ef the British Isles is- hardly realized. It is no longer safe to build near the coast line 111 many plaices, so persistent is the encroachment of the Nt alert; Preshwater Ilii3 , in the Isle of ight , it 41154' in point. lit'rt• there is great Mingo!' hat Preshwater and Tot hind 33 Ill ent cut off from tilt. l'eSt of t he Isle of Wight . and a circumstance making the 41.1' serious that. 011 the port ion N1 hiCh NtoUld he isul,,Ited 4.1111 nil The tUrtiheationS of 1 114' part of 1 he isle, ,incluiling the Need- less Fort, wit h its pop...riot ordnan- The extent of the rii3 ages of the 5.(.41 Iwo' 1,0 Judged hy 1 110 fart thot, t vont inuouS Hill" road which form- erly 3% ent round this portion of tho Isle has been cut and now leads A prominent iesident of 1'1 esti water expressed 1 he opinion that prompt acting together. In the current issue of The Lib: - hoot Societ 's journal en astound- ing slit:ellen) 1111;lle. 't it, Sold In 1 orkshiro. 1,01 instil ut ion laid houseti for launching t hoii s, Not only has every est Igo of 1 he houses and further inland 1. 1",41 ae ay. There are other parts 01 1 ho rmtst, creel any thing of a characicr I ended 10 he simply throe ing money int» the sea. The difficulty of dealing wit h encroachments is that he sea is in- exorable. and if its advance is stop- ped in cue. place it will force its way lo another. Great Lace Favivai In England. will be great revival in the wearing of lace this SeaS011, ()Wing" to the faShiOn Set 1),1,1 (4114N111 Paris shops. taking heir roe from royalty, are filitai with lace goods of ex ery description. ln turn our own busere are floittling he country with heavy import at ions of the varlet* niak('s of Ince which. 34 ill lend t hern- selves to the fashions of t he season. Owiiig to he encouragement 01 the (toren and Viceroyalty in Ireland, modistes 'the world over have given point and crochet lace. The wearing of the n1)1'10110 has also produced a demand for the Mal- tese and Spa 114Sh laces, and the Egyp- t ian, Persian, and Armenian scarfs. Baca (lesigne by Giovanni di Faint nrel other famous Italian artists are at ill in existnnca, and nre now being reeked for the use of the modern so great ill the rraze for laro lust at present thnt women nf busi- ness 'hist ineis are kending valuable) pieces which hove come to 1 hem lEIS family heirlooms to heir vainer sis- tors for a sum of motley t hat greatly enloinceti hoir hank Recount days, then soak In water in a tin pail for halt an hour, strain through a sieve and use liquor for cleaning varnished paint. It makes It look like new. lint do not 1181. on unvarnished paint. It cienns windows, mirrors and oilcloth, and the leavee squeezed dry are desla nide to scatter over a carpet before men er Tomato Saner. sauce hurry Slid 1011111 toes fresh or canned ;it head she simply ID hos a few spoentaile of entchup, re- duces 11 Ith het wafer, thickens it Slightly with flour, null there she is, avIth her sauce rendy five minutes' 11010. Y),)111 got the while ennmel fever. It Is only n pnseing fed. 11, avell not last Ione, e hen yoffl !Hive nll the odd 41e, e4 111 pair house in white nnd voemi is over 3 011 Will reg'rei it. 4'11 eft Mist Iltrend n needle with weir - shall (eke A wane of not tot batting rind twaa it with the end of yortr woreteil, nn(I) It slips through 1 he,,, teedle readily. Oretch your girl hOtif, 5011 thank you for het ,s • Tem R POWDERS. Land*r Prams.* Aiwa Xleaw• me Pro. • Malden LID Eros. Good temper is a matter of easy se/nevi:meet. according. to that emi- nent, medical authority Sir Lander Brunton, of London, England. Sir Lander believes that. good di- gestion a, considerable factor . in securing amiability, but in special cases he recortunends the administra- tion of "temper powders." Gouty persons, says, beCOnle temporurily irritable shortly before an attack of gout, and for such people he recommend/3 twenty grains of bicarbonate of potash with ten to twenty grains of bromide potassium, to be taken when the feeling of irri- tability comes on. This frequently soothes it and has the further effect of lessening worry even in theft who are not irritable. "11 this 'temper powder,' as 1 am accustomed to call it,'' says Sir Lander, "be taken when some irri- tating occurrence takes place or somo depressing news is heard it appears to take away the sting of either, so that in the ,place of being much wor- r•ied and unable to turn attention te other things a pet•son feels as if he laid slew over the had news or woe- rY tied is able to obtain relief by tuteling his at tention to something "In the irritability of temper caus- ed curdiac discuses or Whiell •the precursor of headache I have found a few dues of bromide of po- tassium and salicylica le of soda will ittNe roliel. and improve 13i: temper. Constant explosions of temper on the part, of a weinher of a family may affect the health of the other mern- bers, who have their appetitiee spoil- ed, their digestion impaired their LliTV(.8 shattered and their pleasure in life destroyed hy I he irritable temper of another. Vol. these prat - ems the best 'treat incnt to admin- ister 'temper powders' 14) the offend- ing person, when the distressing symptoms of the other members of the family will be relieved.- Customs receipts at Toronto h Lye in- creased close on a million arni a had comeared with east year. This years aggregate Will ext ee 1 1:11 000,0ts roma wailligisis*****ogs% Iof Yeats From Dyspepsia. That is what Mrs. Mary Parks, Cooper, Ont., says, and there are thousands of others who can say the same thing. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS cured her, and will cure any- one and everyone troubled with Dyspepsia. Mrs. Parks writes as "1 niffered for number of years from Dyspepsia, and tried many rem°. dim. but without any relief until, on the advice of a friend. I started to us* Burdock Blood Bitters. After one bottle 1 was pleased to find thVi was relieved of the dreadful pains I saffered. I give all praise to B.B.B. for the benefit I heve received, and I hope all sufferers from Dyspepsia will try this wonderful remedy. II *hey de am sure that they will have the same experience that I have had." 'Fug T. MII,BI7ItIt CO., LIMITBD. Toronto, Ont. LV HOT STOVE POLISH AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The oniv Patented Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, NoSmoke, No Smell. Centel= no benzine or other explosives. PULVO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. PRICE 10c. AT ALL GROCERS Canada Business Colleve CRATAAA1. ONT. is( anada's Greatest Sehool of Fluidness. Short• het 6. and Penmanship 37.5 s'udeot.) were ed in good po,n lions in la month. petting am urn. Ask for the list Seventeen of the positions filled imy rho follt)wi,..4 SALO ie c at ts25. flys at MO, ene at roe five az 11'40, one al COO and two et $120,. Ras any other buiiiness school in Canada vita you Weil evidence of Ste ebility train yot and owe see when enelifled'e We play rallwny te-o tot)/ in comi lg. tioo I board Ir .75f ••r gentlemen and ;2 It) fur ladies. College to open. for ix in • ologue is the hanthomest issued hy any boa - Ines, •chool in Oltenia r the United states. Wine for it to. -lay, oddrenant ; D. McLachlan & Co. CHATHAlf ONT. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS • COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone Re dtna Rket eh and description may quickly ascertain our optniAoNnosfr:ooKwhether an Orals strict ly confidential. g on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patente. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, tn tho • Scientific American• A handsomely Illustrated wenkly. Largest Cir. rtiIril inn of any scientific loornal. Terms, $3 a year: tour TriOntliS. Bold by all newsdealer.. Branch Office. k/SLSt... Wash Wok's COttun Root Compoes4 Ladle. Favor' Ta the only regulator on eau depend "111 EDO Colo of need. in hy far the best No. r. -For ordinary medicine known. V--Oicit strewn eases -10 OMR Totowa,' Rant Onmponte4. Tette 11:-.7eXii it DOO Ihteillog to Let. 'trees. the former rralliesos of 00,p• ShoPi herd. 16.00. andro team For Sale. $700.00 will bay * oomfoltable house mu Frederick Street, Six mouse, elands, pan - HI's hard and SOLI Water, good garden. In a good. sisuatioa. $1100.00 'House on Iliarv Streets with all oontionienties. stable. Farm tor Sale. The undersigned offers foe ialo the val- uable farm lot 21, con. 16th, Outiorinb IP. containing 80 'korai. Ou the premises are about 20 sous of good hardwood ; good frame buildings, • sprint orsek funning through the hum, guod o ay land ; about 3 milei from Clinten. convenient so the new aohool. Apply to Lands tor Sale "In the far West'. Howard, Assa, Im- proved farms for sale al $14 per acre, other fartin without buildings from $6 so 512 pet acre, gocd land from oue to six miles froin town. rare paid to partesi investing. N. P. MUCH, Beware, Assa, Farm for Sale. 73 acres. South half ot Lot No, 21, Bay wooded aud well supplied with miring water. An exuellent uraziog farm. Apply to Jame. Sheppard, Clinton, J. P. Sheppard, Clin- UM, or to W. BRYIKINE. SA). itor for the executers of the estate of John Sheppard, dismissed. DesirabtesPalreoperty for lionse and lots in the village of 11olmes- vilte, The undersigned (flare for sal+, her large two-story brick house, slate 'roof, good cellar, large room'', furnace, hard and soft water in house, stable and drive abed. good garden, all Rinds of fruits, about acres of is.nd. convenient to Railroad Sta- tion Poet Office Church and School. Ap- ply by msil, or on the premisee to MRS. Hides and Sheepskins WANTED Highest prices paid tor Hides )ind Sheepskins delivered at my Hide House. Grain Grinding; Sebscriber has put in a Grinder at RATTENBURV ST., CLINTON, and will be prepared, cn and after' the 10th inst., to grind all sorts of grain on short notice, W. II COLE. After Holidays What about making a step forward hy spending a term in our school -The OF TORONTO We offer superior advantages wait our eighteen teachers, fine equipment and thorough work. We have helped hundreds to mount up the grade. Aley we not help you? Let us send' you our handsome Catalogue at any rate. ae, NVinter Term from Jan. 3rd. Write W. H. SHAW, Principal New Flour feed and Seed Shire Opened The undersigned beg to ennoncee that they have openel up a new line of business in which will be Mate a fresh seri full line of Pieta. Feed. Seed annrd Goods. ontoked and urr d Meats, and some smaller tit,ee of gorais each as Breakfast Ponds, Matched, Silt, Yeast, Crackers, etc. We will make a specialty of nanditne Choice, Clean 'Varietiem of seed Grain and Timothy Seed whoch we have now on hand, Give nes call. FO RD •Fit McNEIL The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Prop. erty Only Insured. J. 13. NIclean, President, Kippen; Thos Eraser, Vice -press Brucefield; Thos. E Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth; DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; John Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech - Each Director is inspector of losses in his own locality. AGENTS. Seaforth; James gumming, Egmond- 0 0 0 Central Meat Market business of F. FL Powell I en. pre- pared to furnish the people of Clin- ton with all kinds of Freah an d te..) lord, bniter eon always kept on Telephone 76. Ore,. peneerel promptly to N. It -Forms hav 0111ing at the shop. 0 by Mr Scott. MOM SARBISTER 50=0 CONVEYANCERS, Colons formerly of Oameront Holt St BARRISTER AND SOLI° Ofiloti-Haadlton fit opposite °other BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, °Site -Cum Hainilten St. and the H. -L. Dick .3H011 CHAS. BARROW. save- PROUDFOOT Its HAM BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Nomoince Fyn 1 Office: North st., next door to ilignaleflic Private Funds to lend at 1. e eat rata' of intermit. W. PRGUDFOOT. R.C. RAYS Dr, J. Nisbet tonna, R.C.S. England, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. N*bt calls as trent door of ottice or residence. ltuttenbares PHYSICIAN. SURGEON teriki lite oppoelte English church, formerly se envied by Dr. Appleton. Vinton Ont. DR. C. W. THOMPSON Eye, Ear, T oat and Hese. Mace and Residence - Albert filweelt2 Blocks Norther Itrateeksary G. W. Nanning Stultb,.II. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: OFFICE -Main Street, Bayliald, fOreserly• &coupled by Dr. Palliator. UR. AGNEW. DENTIST. CLINTON, - ONTARIO. Office open every dayand until 10 &oleo Satuidat evening. DENTIST (Successor to:Dr. T. C. Bruce Specialist in Crown and Bridge Worn L, S.-4.11radtutte Royal tailless Dented sur 500118 of Onterio, Toronto. tal Department of Toronto Crilversity - Special attention paid to preservation olIe enflames teeth. VVill visit niented rem DR. II..FOWLER DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental tro meta as painless as poseible. Win zi Auburn every Monday. CLINTON - ONT.. General Agent of Federal Life Assurance privileges and options roost adVantogeous to • the Insured. annuities issued. mint SEDER OP MARRLt011 LICBRARA No wItnessas required oncy Private funds to loan at 434 /or cent eekup- JOHN W. YE0 Awn ND the MANCRICSISh Fr u ABSIIRkele• C0.01 Manchester, Enslatut whoosh:tads aro maturity are rated at 1S4.600,00P. Akio the tic - farm risks and town property taken by lowest rates. Pirst-e am Loots Clostosates• aim represertied. Honey to lbs had ft a. 41 per cant up, aces, dna o nature of sox Mt. - Daily - posts/ card we Licensed Auctioneer. The undersigned solicits a share of tbe patronage of those wishing to hold sales. Satialsotion guaranteed. Moderate retro.. Apply to or addrees JAS. A. SMITH, lot 38, con 16, Gsderich tp., Clinton Pi O. MARRIAGE LICENSES, - ISSUED BY ,J. Rumball, Clinton. G. D. Meraggart. BANKER ALBERT ST , CLINTON transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Notes issued. Interest allowed on Private funds to loan on mortgagee 10.. beet current rated General Thinking bueineae traposeted ;merest allowed on degedtg. Sale notes bonght Carol E. tombe Organ's of Ontario Street Methodist ehureas Teacher of Piano, Singing. liarroortr STUDIO -In tillott Block. th London on WedtteldaYil.. Now Eva attiftIontreal linfaU;‘'