HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-12-31, Page 9THE HURON EXPOSITOR DECEMBER 31, 1986 -- A9
FAIR QUEEN — Diane Armes, daughter of Walter and Pat Armes, of Egmondvllle, was
crowned Seaforth Fall Fair Queen over nine other contestants. Diane was crowned at a
competition held Thursday, September 22, as part of the Seaforth Fall Fair
CHECKING THINGS OUT — Tony Crutcher and Greg Pucovsky of
Conestoga Rovers and Associates, far right, explain the proposed
design for the new Seaforth-Tuckersmith landfill site to Jim
Crocker, Seaforth Town Clerk, Bob Broadfoot, Tuckersmlth council
and Dan Brown, Hydreologist of the Ministry of the Environment.
Mcllwraith photo
Seaforth 1986 the year in retrospect
t( ,auinac,l trent Page
Tuckersmith Township council has set a fee
of $100 for all rezoning and minor variance
The preservation of the architectural
heritage of Seaforth's Main Street got a
boost in the arm, when efforts began
Monday to restore the ••lerior of the
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
11' hile efforts have been made to acquire a
NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089
„Hem ,arJd coteJ. WAu4p l ll/Se
-thank their c(lents and tPlen s
for their patronage and for a
very good year In 1986, and
would like to wish all the best for
a prosperous and happy 1987.
nee Medical t)t'itcer of Health for Huron
County over the summer recess, an official
with the health unit admits the search is back
to square one.
The possible repercussions of Bill 30 could
he of serious concern in the county, says the
Iluron ('aunty board of Education.
The Iluron-Perth County Roman Catholic
Separate School Board and its teachers jointly
announced Monday night a settlement was
reached on a contract for 1986-87.
While the rest of the area suffered heavy
rainfall during
uring a
storm, a tornado rnado
ti• edIvwhiPpcd through the W alton area
causing some damage to a Grey Township
The tornado touched down on the farm of
Murray Blake, RF( 2, Brussels, on Grey
Township Concession 15-16.
W all an estimated seven to eight inches of
rain falling to a 36 -hour span, the Seaforth
areas. like most of Southwestern Ontario,
faced one of the worst episodes of fall
flooding In recent memory.
After some dispute Seaforth Town Council
finally agreed to reconsider a request from
the Public Utilities Commission for approval
gain m
frtr)i(f4fplstdf l ce rp ig the fq l9t1
t7rr r w r racy x.. r. to
Approval has been given for a temporary
1111) foil lower to he constructed on Seaforth
('nmmunuy Hospital property. The tower will
enable Ihe Seaforth hospital 10 transmit live,
full quality x-rays 10 University Hospital
in London as part of a unique tele -radiology
experiment which could have a revolutionary
effect on hospital xray diagnostic services M
North America
The Iluron County chapter of the Ontario
FederOwn of Agriculture elected regional
dm•cior to represent the county al the
pmmneud ()FA level
234114211RLD AD,. AT ILAKIC ST.. PH 524.2111
he's' Vis'.
Move in and enjoy this lovely remodel-
led 3 bedroom home with maintenance
tree exterior. newer wiring and plumb-
ing, 24' x 24' attached garage Enjoy
the open concept of a kitchen remodel-
led in knotty pine, overlooking huge
family room with gas fireplace, two sets
of patio doors onto large deck Call
Marie at 527-1931
.F1S"1'. 11 BER 2 t
1n industrial development strategy for
Iluron Cmmly. recently presented to Huron
County Counnl. is only s0 per cent accurate
In terns n1 Inrlecsl1)
rt u01y Council will go ahead with
plan, for expanstnn and renovation to
1 l:mini we over the next Iwe years ata cost of
5't 4 million
landfill sites are a major concern for Huron
('omits oimmm rpalrties The site located near
Ilninir•suile which serves seven municipali-
lle•s. is Iurrrnliy undergoing a study to
determine its life expectancy The landfill site
in Seaforth, which is used by Tuckersmith
;mil Seaforth, is al Its capacity
Four young Humn Plowmen were the
recipients ni some of Ihe lop awards at the
International Plowing Match held in Stirling,
near Belleville Ten plowmen representing
the county. plus Queen of the furrow.
18 year-old inti ('onsitl. of RR 1. Varna, took
part in the competition. which attracted a
11lal of 77 participants
11u, Seaforth water tower is slnleturally
sound. with only superficial rusting on the
interior and exterior and will not require
immediate alIentinn, according to an inspec-
tinn ngn)rl commissioned by the Seaforth
INellie 1-tihlcs commission
()("f1)BFU( 1
\i sin Street Seaforth has become one of the
latest pmjer,s of the Main Street Canada
program with the arrival of Main Street
enni 1inatnr Tom lemon The Main Street
Canada pmgnm was developed by Heritage
Canada. and its basic mandate is to preserve
the historic character and revitalize the
economic situation of downtown areas.
Tie Town of Seaforth has submitted an
application to the Ministry of the Environ-
ment requesting grant monies for the
expansion of and improvements to its
sanitary sewer system.
The Knotstra site, the potential new
REDUCED. 3 bedroom vinyl sided
bungalow, bright eat -in kitchen, large
southern exposure livingroom picture
window, attached carport, paved drive,
close to up`.own. Calf Marie at 527-1931.
A visit by provincial Agriculture Minister
.tack Riddell to rain•plagued farmers in
mMd hw'esterlt Ontario offered area farmers
some assurance the government is interested
in their plight -• bul little concrete evidence
help is on the way.
Former Ross Scott Fuels employees appear
to he maintaining a positive outlook, although
laid off with only three working days notice
when the company was sold by Sun Oil Co.,
lir the Hensall ('u -operative. 'rhe 18 employ-
ees affected by the sale were informed of the
impending closure of the Brucefield opera-
tion al an afternoon meeting three days
helore their final clay of work.
REDUCED: 2 bedroom aluminum sided
bungalow, large eat -in kitchen with
patio door to deck, situated on VI acre
between Seaforth and Clinton. Call
Marie at 527-1931.
Marie Sutherland
We know the signs
of a good
The Huron County. Board of Education
ratified a one-year agreement that gives 80 of
its unionized workers a four -per cent salary
11uron•Bruce MP Murray Cardiff said
fainters can be assured federal officials are
well assure (11 the weather woes being
expenenecd by farmers through the riding
and elsewhere.
Tun men have been charged in connection
w ilh a series of four hreak•ins to the Seaforth
Aria Levet nut pass Ned- The.suspec4s.-oLao
fixers address. appeared in the Provincial
coal, Strut ford on Tuesday for a bail -hear-
sealorih legion Branch 156 hosted Zone
('1 World War 1 veterans at the legion with
.us ial hour entertainment and a banquet.
I)('T() 8!:1(22
Claiming that Huron County is "Tory dissolved at he end of the year after a Private
Country" and vowing 10 "retake it" Members Hili. brought before a special
i'mvincud Progressive Conservative party committee of the provincial government last
leader Larry Grossman addressed party cork. was given approval.
lad hful of the newly -formed Huron Riding. at I iffir•als commie(' with the proposed $3.5
a conservative fundraising dinner held in million expansion and renovations project to
Itrussels. October 17 Ihe• Iluron ('aunty Pioneer Museum are
Ministry nI the F:nvrmnmenl officials told breathing a sigh of relief after government
members of the Seafnrth-'luckersmith land- officials acxepled a new funding formula for
fill sue committee they are satisfied with the Ihe' prolert
extent of dotting tests on the proposed Rey Gunton John Joseph Simmons will
Kamtslra area landfill site leave the Anglian parish of SI Paul's
A change in the system of making t-luinii. Clinton and Si Thomas Church.
apprnnlments to committees of council Seaforth to become rector of Canon Davis
sparked some dehale. hut was ultimately Memorial Church. Sarnia, effective Decem-
adopted by Seaforth Town Council, her 1. 1986
The debate anise over a recommendation y.nt F�1BF1t Is
Ihe procedure he amended to provide that
appointments he made by a stnking commit- A request from the Mainslreet Canada
ler made up of senior members of council mini -yeller that it he given authorization to
(mayor, reeve and deputy reeve) Previously, pfun•hnse 0n elec•Imnic data prneessing unit
appointments were made by the mayor alone. has Hearn referred by council to its various
The Seaforth Public Utilities Commission silty rommillees for discussion.
pians to have the utility's law titre send a Seaforth Town Council has received a
letter In the Winnipeg -based manufacturing number nI letters opposing the town's
line that supplied the PU("s new transform- proposal to close the northerly section of
(r. requesting the detective emit be replaced Gnuinlock Street. adjacent to Victoria Park.
with a new one The proposal. made to council by its
The feasibility of establishing a Roman Transportation and Environment committee.
Catholic high school in Huron County will be recommends a portion of the street adjoining
studied by a steering committee set up at a Victoria Park be closed in February of 1987 And requirements set down by Ihe 1simistrryy
meeting of the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic with approximately 150 feet of the closed of Ihe F3-ivimflmmol, members of the Seaf*1
Separate School Board . ' distance being used for parking and the Tuckersmith landfill committee are coming to
While cleaning the drawers of an antique remaining portion as improved green space. the realization thal any landfill site which
chest he was preparing to refinish, Art The Walton area has been hit by two fires conforms to the rules of operationas set down
Finlayson. Seaforth. came across a copy of recently, both which have resulted in le Ihe ministry. may be to expensive to
Ihe Inndan Free friss, dated Saturday. April substantial damage. maintain
1. 1913 (ire} Township firemen were called to Thr Ilttmn ('aunty Board of Education and
Seaforth Council granted permission to the Cook's in Walton at 5:31) a.m November 13 its 265 secondary Sdrool Teachers' Federa-
Seafnrth Creamery Inc for the installation of whenfire broke out inMien! Ihethree dryers. lion have reached an agreement for the
a grease interceptor within the 66 foot road tarter that same day lhey were called to the eierag7 school year
allowance of Railway Street if necessary. and Twin -County elevator to fight another dryer The agreement calls for a 3 4 per cent
further Iha1 Public Works Superintendent fair increase to gnd salaries retroactive to
.iohn Forrest oversee its installation. Fier also hake oat rn Ihe Murray Hneston September 1. 1986. followed by a 1 I per cent
o('T()BFJt 29 house nn the 16th concession of Grey increase effective February 1. 1987
Township The town of Seaforth will soon have a
Clinton council from
the municipalitiesly declined an p yrs rnmputer
earlier invitation from ihr of Nine new mats. Iwo new hailer s teas
Seaforth and Tuckersmith to join them in a and projected extensive repairs to one high NIainstreet cnordtnator Tom Lemon has
new landfill site. Instead they will May with school made up the list 01 capital e'xpendi- been authorizednweed eat.' the
by i a n council
er and
the town's present site located in Holmes- lures lducati n�The list carriest by the Huron County Board Of a price tag of soilware system a1 a cost not to exceed
ville $4.300
A man known a,rd loved by the Seaforth $2Tel 760
Tele -radiology equipment functioning at Hullclt Township council will he holding a
rn nc�iase a
increased financial support for the province's
heleagured farmers.
Maplewood Manor has been repurchased
by the Dedi-Care Group Inc., the original
developers of the project,
Ralph Rodgers. co-owner of Dedi-Care said
Tuesday his company decided to repurchase
Ihe rest home when the previous owners
decided i1 wasn't doing what they wanted.
The rest home. which has a capacity Co house
31;, now houses only four.
Three local residents were recognized for
their contribution to the community in a
largely volunteer capacity.
filen McClure. Betty Cardno and Dorothy
!lays were the recipients of the 1986
citizenship awards, presented by the recrea-
lion department at its annual conference.
A random sampling of 10 per cent of the
taxpaying public in Huron County is being
asked to lake part• in a survey being
conducted by the Communications and Public
Relations Committee of the Huron County
Board of Education
It A Dempsey. the Huron County Engi-
neer fol the past nine years. has resigned
front his position, effective January
'Rlckersmith Township council accepted
the lender of Seaforth Motors limited of
Seaforth fora new 19137 half -ton Fbttl truck at
a tendered price of 811.673 subject to the
approval of the Ministry of Transportation
and Communications.
The Huron County library Board may be
(';nada progmnr as it hosted representatives
from the various provincial ministries, thea
sponsored a bus Trip to various other
municipalities who have undertaken to
improve (heir downtown core.
A delegation made up nl' the Mayors from
five Huron County municipalities have
requested an opportunity to address Huron
County council on subjects of county -wide
concern. The executive committee of county
council approved the request on November24
and invited mayors to the February session of
Three suspects in an armed robbery which
occurred November 28 al the Brussels
Variety Store were taken into custodyslad outsideside
Seaforth laser that same night,
Seaforth Police Chief Hal Claus said report
of the robbery came al 8:45 p.m. At 11 p.m.
Seaforth Police got word the people responsi-
ble for the robbery were en route to Seaforth.
They were apprehended near the Freeze
Vanastra Public School can breathe u sigh
of relief with the news that the Huron County
Board of !ducation will not be conducting
school accommodation reviews this year.
Dee ENRI3I 10
A minor harp fire has resulted in
nppmxinialely $20.000 damage for one area
Seaforth and arca firefighters were called
to the lot 4. Concession 6 McK iltop Township
properly of Ran Murray al 620 a.m
December 5 W hen they arrived they found
Ihe barn filed with smoke. There was little
damage done lo the barn. bul appmximately
200 pigs died as 11 result of smoke inhalation
.1 suhsidiary nl' siockhmkemge Gordon
Capital Corp is buying the Agnew Surpass
chain nl shoe stares and Three footwear
nmanutar•lunng plants in Canada.
Grmsco inc of Nashville. Tennmsee,
to sill most
announced weevilly dh.
of its Canadian apemtinn to a company
controlled by Gordon Investment Corp. and
I•}151)13) ('aphid lid
A labor niims(ry construclinn safely officer
had a ammo", jury Thursday the watts
ehould have teem shored up on an Fgmond-
villr wnterrnafn trench that collapsed Sep-
tember H. killing Itatph Melville. 26. of
Thertfnrl and injuring a creworker
Two studies on the needs of senior citizens
111 Humn County will have lo he completed
before the pmpased expansion and renova-
tions to tluronview can go ahead, county
officials were Inid at a recent meeting with
provincial gaverntnenl officials
11w seanh fora landfill site continues to he
a headache for the town of Seaforth and
Turkmrsmlth township officials.
Although the Koolstra site has passed
coDr. Pau, has deed. the Seaforth Community Hospital on an special meeting on December 10.
landfill site for Seaforth-Tuckersmith was D Paul las ie Brady died Monday,
peurnce by engin es and after an
oresite October 27, 1986 in the "ancouver General rxiterimentalhasi<iaattracting rave reviews. new souncillarinfillthe seal recently vacated
of Hospital. British Columbia. He was 73. !!)!'F 118!X! 26 by Vic Stackhouse.
al inystry of the Fkivima to nt involved in the At the swearing -in -ceremony on October Subject to final approval from Ontario IFX'F1vI BFX! 23
landfill search. But is a tang way from being 15.Murray Cardiff. MP for Huron -Bruce was Ilyrho the Seafnrlh Public Utilities Commis-
ofRciallydeclaredfhesile. named Parliamentary Secretlry to the shin will increase its rate by 6.4 percent for all 11 was a tough (raining camp. but
Hensel]. which has been experiencing Solicitor General of Canada. the Honorable hydro consumption used on and afterJanuary Seafnrth's David Mel 'wain now has Time to
mildest success in fillingg some vacancies in its fames Kelleher. PC. MP I. 19R7
feel gond annul his appointment to the Team
oe1business community, wl'll have another major A number of charges relating to an luckersmith Township council established Panda Junior Hockey team. McUwain is
hale In fill with the announcement Agripress undercover police investigation in August the policy Ilia! in the future no vacant lot participating in an eight -nation champion -
limited will be leaving. were heard in Provincial Court in Goderich. presently connected to the Rrucefield water ship in Czechoslovakia.
O('T()ItEU 8 A pioneering missionary. tireless in system will he charged an annual consume- TnAccori (ding to alrereportshown
to Seafor
Seaforth firefighters spent three hours promoting Cooperative Education and Credit lion charge.
battling a blaze. but couldn't save a driving .Unions among the poor. Fr. John (Jack) People serviced by the Seaforth Pubfie Department was under budget foof r 1986.
shed on the farm of Dyke Wheatley,, RR 2, - Mciver. SFM, died suddenly October 26. in Utilities Commission will see en increase in fnrSeventy Seventy-five
YearsPublic oUtilities the
ComSeaf Seaforth
Dublin. last week. Eshowe. Zululand. South Africa. (heir water rates come January. PVC
Charges are pending against a young Seaforth firefighters responded to two calls by $'2The each month. C voted ofinct increase
e Januaryits water aces guests gathered of recently I d al pay tribute invited tt
nfiendern suspicion 1, adrug offence, at the last week.
Seaforth ntgi School. ThetOccurr Pelton The ed which That
Floweralanicwasawardedtoppn�in the yenta
Infractionsucovered by federal inspthe ect•
Department investigated the occurrence on bagrf' Wednesday. coo. had ill h d e doing
October :i, battle with a c0mhme which had started on incomes first ever Main Street Christmas commis ns one locallynada have led tothree
Charlie Campbell has been recently fire. window display Conceal.
appointed Justice of the Peace for this area: A second fire Caused minor damage to a The Humn-Perth Roman CatholicSePiar'ate selling R iipandsn fans llawano Con guilty
Mr. Campbell was officially sworn in poultry shed on the Lot 2. Concession 5 School Board decided to reverse a derision prescribed
Se tember 30. A new Justice of the Peace . llulletl Township properly of Bill W hyte. on madeili l a BeasI hoard' aes i Prec orto t Blooddown eels stdCooks. set out in
Gerrit') federal Ie
Was needed after Bob Dinsmore vacated the in a meeting with Premier David Peters to g was fined $100 for selling seeds falsely
position 10 pursue a seat on Seaforth Town and the full provincial cabinet. leaders of Schnnt in Exeter:
Council. Ontario's agricultural community demand'e'd It was a busy week for the Mainsheet identified as Canada No. 1 Augusta