HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-12-31, Page 3THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 31, 1986 — A3
VOLUNTEERS HONORED — Volunteer service awards were
presented Monday to six members of the Van Egmond Foundation,
by the Provincial Ministry of Citizenship and Culture. In the left
photo Is Jim Doig, first chairman and founding member of the
organization. Above are the other award winners, from left:
Margaret McCowan, Inez Spittal, Bob Newnham, Dorothy Williamss
and Vivienne Newnham. Raft is
WE WON ITL'—Seaforth Centenalre Captain Dave Murray lets go with a victory yob, as he
proudly holds aloft the OHA AIL -Ontario Junior D trophy, alter rho team ctlncnod Lha finalplaques to
sordes with the Delhi Flames, In Seaforth, April 15. For more Centimetre coverage.Raflits photo Dorotpap hyy Hoye. URED allon McClure and Alf Rosa
Cardno for t tpserrvfa to
Seaforth 1986 the year in retrospect
i( atomic it hone pia, tL executive vice president 01 Genescn Canada
Iia as a happy group of trustees whn heard Inc has announced they have raised an
the announcement that the Ontario Legisla. lntpun rocr all ale amount
of caa of to make
Genesee (noadr
tun, approved the Education Amendment Act to
1986 ,Rill :111, JI LY 0
'11leTo�nship of Tuckersmdh awarded the
lender to KKN Construction for $38,075 for The %%heels are now in motion to fill the
the re construction of the concrete culvert at jai -atom of the air•dical Officer of Health for
Irl I. Concession 10 11 Huron Road Survey, Homo County after the recent resignation of
subject In the approval n( the altnistry of fir Itarry rieslar from the post
Transportation and ('nmmuntcahnris Tan teenagers are dead and another five
Seaforth firefighters kept damage to a tri lured 1n(lowrng a singe vehtcle accident on
minimum when they answered a call at the Concession
6. ('lfulerlch Township own shiipp rned In there
home of Sharon 4larshall, East William A p Ya
Street. Seaforth Mina.; and hospitals following a 25•day
JULY 2 .tnke. 8 Seaforth doctor claims one of the
A number of changes instituted by the motor lessons to be learned from the protest
Seaforth Community Hospital have allowed it has nothing to do with the extra billing issue
to make a substantial turn around in its That sparked the controversy
financial position lir Kenneth Rodney said the results of
The hospital. which finished the 1983-84 the service interruption shows the pro -
with a 635.000 operating deficit, was able to vinces health care system is "overused-"
tum that into a 632.000 surplus this year Tuckersmilh Council gave first and second
Following a decnrrron made by Kilbm•chtut readings to a by-law that will give Harpurtiey
nursing home owner Tom Kannampuzha Cemetery a heritage designation. The
over a year ago, the nursing home formally eemelery. established in 1848. is one of the
closed its doors. residents were transferred to oldest in the area The fast tombstone is
a new facility in Exeter. and the majority of darted September 18:19
the staff reluctantly found themselves Jt'1,1i 16
unemployed Huron County council passed a motion to
The appeal for funds necessary In obtain a proceed with a master plan for waste
grant for the Seaforth Tins Park improve- management in the county The first phase of
mends is meeting with a ready response the pmjeet io begin in 1987. is expelled to
according to fund treasurer Lloyd Hoggarth tort between 6150.000 and 8200,000 which
of the funds would he subsidized 511 per cent by the
1110 area over the years.
(Mellwreltn photo)
fty end
ng to the
fief out lar all museum car• d act a the . merttng n er aont toor. %could three year h. and The further $15,000 roam(ve cosi the town 611,000 The ,atimIN int Winnipeg. forntor redesign.
la the Hllproli•r1 al the ,(:ndertth li''
Tnwixship Hall reel of IhP pmKc•1 anuld have been pard for repair or replacement
Through the %cork of Iwo local ladies.
Seaforth Ierstncl 'en.h tabes selectbasketealld
Ihmugh various grants
player Itnn v'rrnrysra'n. has hien seteciMl as ,1 recent derision by Seaforth Town I lump Centennial Public School will have iho
one of 12al members of the (Ontano Juvenile (animal
rtii,n1 iia alrneat WII hal011 lon the haselictrlyd nt Irtsi h.'mntlV. hr(nx orris the 1986 winner of
in Huron County
basketball Se team anon' concern from arra residents Ih,• .doer Rose haat Tmphy when the
The Seaforth Pontic ttIrhom he Seaforth
, weekend was faire calm m the Seatnrth Horticultural Society hosted Its
nrclrring a request from the Seaforth The liar. >'
rnmntirr to install kin new street Seaforth arra though Inst police were stillest annual F1ovr•r Shim
standards m the Seaforth and District In handle ,.several mei-dents at GUST 27
('nmrnrrnfy Centers parking int A hreak in at tete Seaton!) lawn Bowling •1 three month undercover drug invectiga-
A thiel youth has dtr'd m the wake of a ('duh netted a thief annul 610 S20 to change lion Ihmoghoul Huron ('runty resulted in an
single vehtcte accident which nes'urr'tt near from a pop fund earls morning drug raid fliday. August 22
Halmr'svtlle •A former manager of the Seaforth branch %then 11 persons were arrested and 71
all .l• 23 atIheTmmtltn1ktmmonRank and alon$tittle thor y,. 12 of them for trafficking drugs.
Frill'. log a recommendation from ifs reorient of Seaforth. James Robert MacAr
finance and general government committee
Seaforth them council has agreed to forward a
trust fund cheque in the aniount of 613,169 to
the Ministry of Housing
The assortment of unclaimed goods which
pile up in the limited storage space of the
Inca) police department would be surprising
to many people f3wrycles and bike parts made
up a large part of the collection at the Seaforth
Police Auction.
The Village of Brussels is still in the
running its a possible site for the location of a
new industry
Acta Pymkclini(s Canada ltd , a comp.
aro currently lorateri m Guelph has narrowed
etc potential relnca(cnn site down In either
Brussels. nr the town of Palmerston
JUI Y 30
Already, nearly 66•(000 Ministry of the Firvu'nnmend
objective of 822.000 has been pledged. insurance coverage has neer obtained for
The management of Genesee Canada The plans for the expansion and renovation the Seaforth Agricultural Mural Seciety and the
Retail Group, headed by Robert L Holland, of the Huron ('runty Pioneer Museum were annual Seaforth Fall Fair will go on as
1 two -vehicle accident claimed the life of a
Rayfield man and seriously Injured a Seaforth
area resident
A lot can charge in 50 years and when the
McGavin family to Walton prepared to
celebrate 50 years in the busing of selling
farm equipment they found out just how
The effectivenesshborhood
Watch rgraws demonsof the trated in F.g-
mnndville, as a gaup of local citizens
apprehended a man found breaking into a
Hayfield Road home
Four local canoeists will be travelling to
Whistler. British Columbia in August to
compete in the national marathon canoe
Charles Bruce Stewart, the former presi-
Ardwold Gate after limited,sons at
six-month efight
against lung cancer.
As Huron County farmers were busy
harvesting the last of the 1986 wheat crop last
week. the outlook for wheat growers
appeared less optimistic than the past two
'No need to shop Sunday
Itl•:lft EDITOR
Asa citizen 1 feel I should he given a chance
In give my opinion on stores tieing open on
1 eel that only small convenience stores
should he open on Sundays m case someone
needs milk. eggs or any other fond products.
But. who needs clothes or toys on Sundays^
And Sunday is a day to spend with family and
The Christians believe in keeping Holy the Dear Editor
Sabbath Day Yours truly, I am a student of SI James School. And 1
Karen Nigh am writing abet stores being opened on
Grade6 Sundaysthink should
Eiples should voltyes or And
if there are enough that want to work on
S lel 't h open Sundays and the ones
Sunday" People might just run out of baby's
milk. so they would probably go to a variety
The nig malls stay open six days a week.
the clerks that work there for most of the
lime won't have time with their family.
Yours truly,
Stephen Vanden Henget
Grade 5
Dear Editor
L as a student of St. James School have an
opinion on Sunday store openings. 1t is not
the worst thing 10 he arguing about. i say
"no" about Sunday store openings. The little
variety stores should be opened on Sundays
only. because that's when they get the most
business. Why would anyone boy clothes on
Ihur Spittal died in Seaforth ('ommunily
110801810n Tuesday—hay 29 in his 83rd year
%t'(:1'$T 13
111e Seaforth ('ommunity Hospital will
retrive funding from the provincial govern-
ment in upgrade out patient facilities and the
physiotherapy department
Seaforth and area residents starved
mosquito; and donated Iheir blood to the Red
Cross effort instead
The 15 Egmond%ille homeowners whn live
nn the south side of the Ilaytreld River. will he
hooked up soon In the E1:mnndville Water
�I cK illnp Township council has decided In
submit its secondary plan In the Huron
( minty Planning and Development Commit-
tee for review and direction for adoption by
Ilirtnn ('runty council
The possibility of two rncnrnbenl cabinet
rmnwlers campaigning for candidacy in the
same rifling during the next provincial
election is a possibility as the result of a bill
Oat pas;ed by the Ontario Legislature
that den.'' wane to work, let them off. t" ivy. c r e Seaforth town councilmay have cut its own
Now abou. 'he malls !think they should be throat when it voted to waylay restoration
open on public holidays so people can do h Ir for the
yeta nethpoach yeaof its historic town
some shopping. YoUrs truly, The work, which was to have resulted in the
Adam Agar reconstruction of the front porch, the addition
Grade 5 of a wheelchair ramp and some repairs to the
al'GUST 2'0
The almrslryof Health will provide annual
funding of 864.000 to cover operating costs of
an extra ambulance and two additional
ambulance attendants to serve residents of
Seaforth and Clinton between Seaforth
A communication gap
Torn Council and one of its committees is
hong cited as a conlrihutmg factor to
council's decision to forego restoration of the
torn hall's front porch
A Walton youth remains in satisfactory
condilinn in Seaforth hospital after a
single•vehTele accident on ('nncessain 7 of
Tuckersmilh Township
A motion requesting a community plan
ning advisoy branch In provide financial
assistance to the town of Seaforth for the
development of a Downtown improvement
Strategy. according In guidelinesset ut in a
work program already completed,
passed by Seaforth mown council
Seaforth Public Utilities Commissioners
decided to ask Town ('ouncil to reconsider, or
offer justificatin for e,,uncil's decision to
turn down a requester: increase in remunera-
tion and per diem rates by the commission
Although the electrical transformerinstall youth aa; altrgrrtly Ihmatened with aknrfe,
ed April e mechanically.0. aal Station number i . is has resulted in the laving of charges against
workingmitinwenoiethe n contracted
is an arra resident by Seaforth Police.
emitting a higher noise level than contrarled ( � inn .I m Pau,. A91'
for by the local Public Utilities Commission
arm laud
The Seaforth Police Department was kept
nus% on the weekend trying In keep peace
hetaeen a number of youths looking for
something In happen
rearender sent four people to hospital
and caused approximately $6,000 damage to
The Hiram County Board of Education
announced Ihr• appointment of Charles
Itno land to 1110 position of Superintendent of
Education He will have special responsibility
for the Student Services Department
11 took a playoff hole In do it. but Seaforth's
Ian ling, t:rpturrd the 630,000 Ontario
l'nifessnoal (:rill 4asoc181t00 Championship
held at the Georgetown golf and Country
Seo ono I intern) Home Renewal grant (or
Ihr Tnv. nship n( Tut kersmilh was announced
by '119' Jack Rattan on behalf of Alvin
C ortma Monster of Housing
SFJ'TF.\1Itiai :1
Seaforth liolnce are seeking at least two
burglar, ahn perpetrated a total of eight
break ms in Seaforth homes The crimes
occurred between the lase evening
furs of
Friday. August 29 and early
Saturday. August 30. said Seaforth Police
Chief Ilal Claus
Heav winds coupled with rainy weather
conditions were (he culprits behind a brief
power outage experienced by some business-
es and homes Businesses located on the east
side of Main Street. as well as hones located
on ('mmhie Street north, were without power
for appmximalely 40 minutes when a limb
aas blown off a walnut tree and onto some
wires near the Public litihty Commission's
power station on Chalk Street.
local hockey star Dave Akey, one of two
inrmer Seaforth Centenaires selected in the
Ontario Hockey League draft last May, has
assured himself of a spot on the London
Knights roster when I hey open their Junior A
season this fall.
SP:Pfr:M HER 10
An autopsy will be performed on a
construction worker who was killed in
F'.gmndvillc No decision on whether or not
there a ill be a corner's inquest has yet been
A main street scuffle, in which a Seaforth