HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-12-24, Page 21MERRY CHRISTMAS abiR"'...•fiA) 1.yr ,Gpjea:'4rr^`a''t,,tS?¢i•.A .:.+ 4�r.r4 iii!' '47444(,..,(1,41 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 24, 1986 — A3 ti ;;;$ ,rte When I saw Santa Claus ' 'pis 4., q? One day 1 was gazing out my window at the doll," he said. "I will find it for you." I went " delicate snowflakes when all of the sudden 1 over hills, in and out of forests and then there • saw Santa scam cring around in the snow. was Santa again. "Did you have any luck"" He looked as 11 he were searching for 'asked, "Yes, l saw some pink hair here. W ell something so 1 got my hat, coal and mittens then fl must be around here somewhere." an and went outside to see what he was doing. 'There it is over there. uh, yes. thank you, "What are you doing Santa?" 1 asked him. Sarah, "You're welcome good-bye," I ,}i "Oh, Merry Christmas Sarah Oh yes• Have replied. Sarah tumble you been good'?" said Santa, "Oh I haveGrade e tried to be good. But what are you doing?" 1 W Whin 1'ublicSchuol asked him again "W 'II I'm lookingfora.Jem La:at& Cheryl McLlwain Seaforth Public School 1.4iira+ The little Christmas tree Once upon a time there was a little tree in the woods. His name was Jeremy. His mother's name was Patricia and his father's name was Paul. The other trees always made fun of Jeremy. The other trees always got to be a Christmas tree and Jeremy' always wanted to be a little Christmas tree. One day a little girl named Barb came out, looked at Jeremy, She thought that she would have Jerenn for a ('hristmas tree in her' rvom, Jel't'r>>v was surprised. She asked her mom named Bonnie if she could and her mom said yes. 'Dien Jeremy heard them talking about it, Ile was really excited. so was his mom and dad, So Barb got Jeremy and decorated him, Ile was glad that he was finally a Christ nuts tree. Stacy Linton Walton Public School The mystery of the tree 1l was December 23rd, two days from problem but she acted as i1' sne didn't caro. ('hristmas. Santa's elves were still making II was ('hristmas eve, M r. and Mrs. the ('hristmas presents for the different lungride were very woiied now. When children. Everything was going terrific at the mooting cants Mr. and Mrs. longride came North Pole. But in the 1angrides house it downstairs before Todd and Tim, They went wasn't so good. The family didn't have a into the living room and there was a Christmas tree yet. detx>rated Ore and four gifts for Todd 'and Mr. and Mrs. Longride were poor people. Tim. At around gate the boys gimme They had two children, Todd who was 10 downstairs. They opened all their presents. years and Tim who was also ten. Mr. One hour later Nikki phoned and asked them Longride had been looking for a tree for two to come for supper. The la>ngrides had a good weeks. He was wondering how he was going Christmas but they never found out who gave to tell his children that they wouldn't be them the tree and presents. ' getting very many presents from their JenniferSouthgah• parents because of money. M114. Longride Crude? was telling her friend Nikki about their Seaforth Public School 1FIW'ASSANTA I would like to be Santa, because all of the' kids are going to write me letters about what they want for Christmas, which I love to read. I like to see all of the kids and parents give their joy and love to each other and to me as Santa. I would like the job of giving toys to all the kids on ('hristmas Eve. And that's why I would like to be Santa ('laws. Merry 1'hr•ist111as. By Kevin Cardno Grade 7 Seaforth Public School S>OW'1'I.1KElti Iaco�, while, GCnllc lalling through the sky. Big, little. small. Cool. wet, snit. Maµ'.ela% 11'htle. 1eulher? crystals 'I'lioy lay still in a pile A FA111HA' CHRISTMAS ('hristmas means different things to different people. Some peeple think of ('hristmas as a time to receive gifts. Some think of Christmas as a time to cat all the turkey you can get and not leave any for anybody else. But 1 think of Christmas as a time of giving and sharing even if you don't have very much loving people. That's A Family Christmas if you ask me. Sarah Powell Grade Four Seaforth Public School W IIY 1WOULD I.IKE'ft) IIESANTA 1t would he fun to be Santa, To roll in the snow at play time, to feed the raindeer. Thal would he great to roll in the snow and have fun. To make wonderful toys for the good toys and girls. To fly in the air over the roof lops. But the hest thing is saying MERRY ('IIRISTMAS. Tom Thomson Grade:3 Seaforth Public School WILY I W't►l'IJ) I.IKE'I'O M.:SAN'T'A I would lick to be Santa so I could have some elves and make toys for the good littele chilldren and I would leve the had little cilldren a dog house for him or her to set' what it is lick. And that is why 1 would lick to he Santa. 11 ichelle Murray (:rade 0 Seaforth Puhlic•School l'IIRIS'1'JIAS IS 1. ('hristmas is jolly old Saint Nick and stockings hanging over the fireplace with randy nmning over. 2 Tho sIar•un top o1' the ('hristmas tree and the toys under the tree. 3 The candle with the wreath 00 the front dour Jeremy lieuermann Grade:t Walton Public School CHRISTMAS LS,... Christmas songs called carols. Kids come in little bunches and sing carols from door to door. Some of our family sing carols. Carols are hymns of joy that are sung at Christmas lime. Some carols tell us about Jesus being born in Bethlehem. My favorite carol is "Away in a Manger." Joshua Grade 3 W alton Public School Tim McNaughton Grade 2 Seaforth Public School t 111{IS'I'M.tS ('hristmas is magic, ('hristnsis, has no fear. ('hristmas is corning, Let's all give a cheer. We all love Christmas, But what for'! Decorated Cres. Wreathes on the boor I love Christmas, Not because of the toys, Bol for the smiles on Children, Hath girls and buys Matthew McNichol (:rade 0 Seaforth Public School C ±etUs 'Proclaim May your homes be filled ween all the boys of the season Thanks and Merry Christmas Merry Steve Murray Insurance Brokers Ltd. A Very Merry Christmas with all the trimmings! Hale a bright and beautiful Christmas. Many' thanks for your kind support. ANNE'S HAIRSTYLING 527-1894 Main St. Seaforth We wish to extend to you our hest wishes for a healthy. happy Christmas Season and a Joyous New Year. Middegaal Tootti John & Anne Middegaal 627-0104 A glorious and glad Christmas to all! KKN CONCRETE Fritz Klaver Dublin 345-2042 t: KEITH SIEMON Farm Systems Ltd. R.R. 04, Walton, Ontario Aeiviiitina4 P/zaqe'' St. Columban 345-2172 345-2734 May the holy light of the Christmas season shine on us and bring peace to our hearts. C12EETISICS TC Ali! The residents and staff OF SEAFORTH HEALTH CARE FACILITY Mav the holidays abound with all the warmth and goodness we wish for von and yours -..wrapped in love and happiness. Season's Greetings Bit HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. 262-2831 Vic Hargreaves, Greg Hargreaves, Barry Miller 4 We hope the Yule season is festive for 50 our wonderful friends! HURON CANADIAN FABRICATORS for �.1a SC.116" Sent `,'r_, , ... . Q>rve'vsr'r ,1.•• . dre d'SO ' ,•, a . Merry Christmas! CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Seaforth 527-0310