HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-12-24, Page 20A2 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 24, 1986 MERRY CHRISTMAS-- Christmas IIOW Itl'OOIF.GOT MSRED NntiL I)id you ever wonder he” ::uuolph got his red nose? Did you know that it happened in Seaforth'? Rudolf was on his last day of holidays. He was just as normal as the other reindeers untill he stuck his head out to look both ways before crossing main street, A red Corvette with a cheap paint job came whizzing by, The car came so close to him that it brushed Rudolph's nose. When the car was gone, his nose was a bright red. 1t shoned so brightly that he could see were he was going. And to this day he always lead the sleigh on foggy Christmas eves. Allen l.angille Sealorth Public School SANTA 1'd laugh like him, 1'd sleep like him, But 1 wouldn't cat like him W hen he laughs so hard,' His belly looks like chocolate jelly Ile weights 45t) pounds. If he sits on you won't be round: Ile eats 5 meals a day. So he will he ,jolly and gay. Dwayne Pryce • • Seaforth Public School Grade? SANTA Plump, ,jolly, Laughing. singing, eating. A very nice guy. Jolly (ltd Saint Nicholas. Michael Campbell Seatorth Public School Grade 6 (11 I4ISTM AS JOY Christmas joy is when a girl, or boy gets a toy. Christmas joy comes when you have a lots of fun but not in the sun. Christmas joy is when December comes, and everyone is getting ready B1o�Christracy as. y lone Grade 6 Seatorth Public School A GIFI'{''l)RA MOL'SEE: A little mouse peaked from behind the tree, Ile clapped his wee paws so joyfully, „I wonder," he thought "If there's a present Jur me. t'nderneath this Christmas tree." in a child's eye l'IIRIS'1'MAS POEM ("is for all the Christmas carols that we sing,, 1t is for Rudolf's bright red nose, I is for Isr•eal is the place of Jesus home. 5 is for our• sins that are all forgiven, '1' is for the tinsel that hangs from all the Christmas trees, M is for the manger where Jesus laid. A is for the angels as they sing on high, S is for the shepherds that stood by the manger on Christmas Night. Valerie Laverty Grade6 Seatorth Public School • C'IIRISTMAS ('hristfl as is here, So let's give a cheer, Because it only comes once a year. Presents and gifts for everyone, Big Christmas dinners that taste so yum. The trees are bright, All around' So that we earl have a town.. Christmas is here, Itut now it's gone, So let's get rested up for next year, When'('hristmas comes oncemoreCherylvtcllwain Grade 6 Seaforth Public School Ile climbed one present to look at the tag, Then ,jumped to another but fell in a hag, He found ~note cheese and his tail gave a wag. When he ate it all his tummy isag. g Brent.tnore (;rade6 Seaforth Public School WHAT SANTA IS: Santa is vet) jolly. W Oh toys for ,lark and Molly. Stringing chestnuts. now by mw. Saying In Rudolph "(111 we go ' Hying through and throughout the night, .lark exhumed "oh what a sight'.. Moll) is tired, but she adnured. Soma's annual flight Merry Christmas in Cohn Skea Grine 7 Seatorth PuhbeSchool W OIL'IJI LIK E'I'O BE SAN'! !would like to be Santa for the jay of giving presents and to see the happy looks on the children's laces., 1'would love to see how pretty the lights would look and to see the nice decorations around the world. I would love to have all those things that he gets to eat and to see how happy and surprised the children are to see what they had got for Christmas and 1 would hope that's what they wanted for Christmas. 1 would love to put lots of things in the stockings and to see if they were awake. 1 would love to see the Reindeer's play games and to see Rudolph's red nose glow nice and shiny in the night. It at would be fun to o through and rsee tht' doortinste• sky of night. 1 would g going down the chimney, W 11.1'1' I11(1 FOR C'11 RIS'V'M AS 1 wake up around 7:30 or my brother wakes me up. 1 run downstairs, grab the smallest to the biggest present. 1 tore them open, and called one of my friends and tell them what 1 got. At four o'clock we go to our Grandpa and Grandma's. I like going up there, and playing Cards, 1 like supper the best and opening our presents. About twelve o'clock we go home. Tina Driscoll Seaforth Public School Tl l E ('I l ItlsTM A S MEANING C is for Christ Child who was born on ('hristmas Day, I I is for having a great Chrtstulas nay It is for reindeer that pulls Santa's sleigh, I is for 'cycles hanging from the eaves, 5 is for Santa bringing our Christmas toys, '1' is for Tinker. Santa's little helper, 51 k for a Merry Christmas to of you, A is for angel on lop of the Christmas tree, 5 is for Santa to say, "Merry Christmas." Denise Sparks Grade6 Seaforth Public School Trish Clark Grade 3 W Litton Public School owei W111' IWlll'IAIN"I'MEM BE 1 would not like to ht' Santa because you would have to be hippy all the time, l mean, people have rights to he oust and sad sometimes, don't they" I bet it's not healthy to be so jolly! On the long journey around the world, you may drink too much milk and eat loo many cookies. You might even keel over under someone's Christmas tree. W hen they come downstairs on Christmas morning, they ' might want to keep you! 11 also would be chilly being out there in those high alt it odes on ('h fist Inas eve. I'll bet it could harden you u;.. Another ptnhln:o comes in when kids are silting on riot' lap. lifting them up and put1init merit back down may he where a In Lina conies on the scene. If you ask me I think Santa's lucky he's got all those helpers. They can help him drink all the milk and eat all the cookies and most of all, fill in for him if lie's sick. And I'm almost certain he does have (guile a few .medical problems Kalen Carroll Grade? Seatorth Public School Deur Santa flow are your reindeer doing? Does Rudolph still have a red nose? This year I would like a Key car, a Transformer, a TMT teen Racer rind some pencil crayons. 1 would 11150 like Vollron :cul Laser Tag. • I w ill be leaving you some milk and cookies this year Your t'r'end Nicholas THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS — Students In the ebGrade 1-2 class at out ee night before afo th Public seasoSchool endeavored last week to tell family and In this section, children from a number of the area schools share their thoughts on theh photo.) WHAT l'IIRISTMAS 51 IANS 1() M C is for candles that light up the room, 11 is for the housetop which Sahta lands on, It is for reindeer that pulls Santa's sleigh, 1 is for icicles that hang on the house. S is for Santa a ,jolly old man, T is for toys that children get, M is for Mary the mother of Jesus, A is for angels who guided the shepherds, 5 is for sleigh bells which ring in the night. Jodie.Hugili Seaforth Public School Grade 6 Best wishes and our sincere gratitude for a cheer -filled holiday season. I n happy antuctpa:.ton of the magical ChrtstrtwsA peason. our stnrwrs thanks r, err$ li JOHN H. MCLLWAIN Construction Ltd. Seatorth 527-1253 We Wish you your meftiesl C[ tislmmlttffi, and a holiday season tilled With chest. STEWART McCALL LTD. TIIESTOPKING once upon a time there was a stocking it never got filled. It was Christmas Eve. The next day the little girl came down, she looked in her stocking. '''here was nothing in it. Next year she was going to make a note and that's what she did. 1l is Christmas Eve, The next day she woke up and went down stars. She looked in her stocking. in her stocking she found a tubber, an orange and lots of other things. She was happy and every Christmas morning she found lots of things in her stocking. Valerie Coiling W alton Public School Eus OPEN OUR i1EARTS dURINq THIS h . y -plOST holy _.00CASION, AS WE RECEIVE "11IS MESSAgE: Ot LOVE ANd fAiTii. TOM DEVEREAUX 77 Main St. Seatorth Chiropractor 527-1242 R.R. 4 Walton 527-1307 A VERY MERRY NOEL GOES OUT TO OUR VALUED PATRONS. HAPPY HOLIDAY • GREETINGS. From the Staff of SEAFORTH TEXACO and ROWE FUELS 5274117 5274960 Thank you to our customers for their patronage In the past year and best wishes In the New Year. LUKE'S MACHINE SHOP Seaforth 527-1080 Wishing you serenity and happiness this Christmas and always. \i t I . HOLIDAY GREETINGS To all out customers, go our sincere thanks for your patronage "See you in the Spring" ® THINK GOLF THIS CHRISTMAS MIME SEAFORTH GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 1 MILE EAST OF VAN EGMOND HOUSE Winter Hours 10 am • 6 p m Dam, 527-0985 or call C A Doig 527-1549 H(,.(, hr, -) 'ht, l , 1:, 1, ry '.r , RON DRISCOLL' CARPENTRY Seaforth A 527-0235 'lope f u4 yu€d;,de nteadwW ap to yowl, e eetatiora/ �han�ea ‘02 yours con/muted po'?' path. SEAFORTH SEWING CENTRE Main St. Seaforth 527-1900