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The Huron Expositor, 1986-12-24, Page 18
A18 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 24, 1986 MERRY CHRISTMAS McMaster Siemon INSURANCE BROKERS INC. AUTO. BUSINESS• FARM CALL COLLECT Business: 340-9'150 or Res. 345-2050 Kali us Ior 0 Home Insurance quote! 68 Ontario Road Mitchell PARTS & ACCESSORIES 0 all 111411440 (1118 1)401c4 FISHER ,SEAFORTH 1 Ari o SUPPLY 527.1707) I I GODEIttCFI ST. E. 527-1670 I ,,alatl 11 11.011IU M,a,on 41111011,0 We're sending you our very best wishes for a very happy holiday and very merry Christmas. CHILDREN ENTERTAIN — The Seaforth Legion Branch 758 held its annual Christmas concert on Sunday. After a talent presentation by those in attendance, the children were led In a singsong by Peg • 1 Coombs. The singsong preceded a visit from Santa Claus. (Mcllwratth photo) 175 attend Legion Christmas party On Sunday, the Irt'gian hosted their 34th annual Christmas party, for the Legiop children. About 175 kids and parents attended. A short program by the children Was held first with Iho following participat- ing: Jennifer Marion, Sarah Johnston and Tracy Alexander, 1 a rly 1'nce. Julie Smith and Sherri McLachlan, Eiic Johnston, ,\ 1)11(1 1aura PIc(t,a ll and Angela Butt, Jennifer Ile Jong, Dal Dv Jong, Kelly and Kim Devereaux, Tanya Brown, Vicki Schel- 1(nbur•ger A movie was shown by Terry Johnston entitled "NIickoy's Christmas" 4411101 Was en.juyeel 1)y' young and old alike. A short sing song was held with i'eggy ('oombs leading until Sana came tit with his cantly for the young. The legion would like to thank those responsilde lir hogging the treats. and Barbara Scutt Inr organizing (mother fine concert. f According to spurts (1111111111111 and ir's! vice Mel M410nsun, there will be a shuffieboad luu1itumeill un the Nea fear The hoard has been lolly re conditioned and has never been m as fine shape as 11 is now 1 will be held Salurdm nights Ihnrugh the holidays and vasty 5murd1y 1)1)4141 until spring The next LEGION �; NEWS (1 ticxt)Y • Storm stayed by Gordon Scott. slag crew111 Ix•Irl January 7 at It p.m. and cribbage every Monday night at 14 p.m. Al the December reeling fot' now' members were initialed inlu 1 b member. s)iu. The names of now nenthel's are. Jim McCreigh), Doug Hildebrand, Steve 1Iiltle- brand• and Tom 1k'ckdl, Congratulations comrades Another memo Ilam membership chairman Al Nicholson states That al least the imposer 1)4 the seconder muse be al the uw0ling 1n which the applications are presented 1u the meeting. Unfortunately iI unatel v 1111.1'1' appht•aliuns ('4)141(1 11111 be eMnsidered due to the Int•1 neither were in attendance. l'hese applications will be presenter again next month Donations err( approved lir various 0rwiniza)iuns anti after some discussion Sealorlh's donation to minor hockey w'as raised to $1,1140 this year. 11 is hoped there are n4) children WhOse parents cannot afford tia11u1•dav morning hockey. 'Lone,(,ommautdcr .lack'I•uffurd and his Deputy Steve Maguire were in attendance at this meeting and gave a favorable report il•oni the Zone and congrat u • kited Sealorth president and executive for a j011 1.1,e11 dant AI the conclusion 111 the meeting lunch was served • Tho hollowing are messages from the 1lrreh 1)'esiden1 Jim W alsun and Auxiliary Dresldenl Alla Wood ('ontlied Irian Page Aar has been discontinued. AI SI ,hues Sellout they no longer have a 'storm • 4 1)'' homework package. SI. .lasses is affected by bus cancellations since many of the I 37 students mine from the countryside In )he dura of 1971 some students ad SI James w'i're billeted cul and This Wa(4 the hast 111411' billeting was necessary. Huron Centennial School in Rruccfield is much dlleren1 111nn the schools located in Seilnrth All 1ht' students at the Brumfield .churl are bused 111 s4) 8 is a major problem if 1he'daI Ir .o students heroine shaded The school principal and bus contractor discuss the road situation early in the morning and de)ide whether or nal the school will open. i Mee again London and W ulghan radio -datums ore n411fied and Men teachers are noufird by a special telephone network ststentthe leachers have set up to contact each 0411er Nur1m Centennial School has a (14)111)14'11umen1111 that If the school is opened and the children Insight in and the 4imdtion. deteriorate, they do not like lo send )useti hone early There is a concern Mai d Iho children are sent home early the patent. nt,it .1111 he at work or mol If the ,uses mu.1 g11 mit earlier than usual then parents ore notified Ihrnugh the emergency phone number on each child's fife card \rrangenents can be made for children to go 11) ,1 friend s 1)r neighbor.( place until the parents can puck Ihem up tligher grades do have tenni 'nrk packages for blizzard condi- tions on one n -4114 on. during the infamous hhnanl 1)f 71 students were shaded in the 44011144 nvcnughl Parent% ,111e adtist•d 10 listen In radio reports in the mornings if weatherrnnditions 1nnk doubtful dress children warmly, and let the (4)•110141 and 01)418 know i( special animgemen's should the made in the case of laces going hone early thn 1)0)(111 al myself and my wile Rutty, F would like towish all the executive members, chairmen 4)l Iho comtttitlees, Lathes Auxiliary and a111 member); of Branch I56, a Merry' ('hrisl1nns and a Happy New fent'. 1‘' 'slung you all the hest. James W also!) President, Branch 156, Seadorlli' liud you all v 1 1 ml) )Illi'tib 'I'4) tush 11) 1'iristnlus like can )ring and then tti9)ugit- 11111 the coaling year the hes) of everything. Ann Wood President Brunch 1511 141dies Auxiliary TREMEER COMMERCIAL PRINTERS & OFFICE SUPPLY Phone 527-1840 12 Main St. S., Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0 uh iD SH Don't forget to gel your tickets by this wookend lorlhe Note t'eat's ba" dance, 'There as a social hour from seven In eight, then dinner acrd dancing 11'x1, 111011 till um Nett lbws I)1I Ilio brunch will host a Levee starting 4)l 1: 110011 Members 111 of her organizations. )0(41' and councillors of u(1,p11 ring townships and all ntenibot 4 of 1114• Brnncfi 11(1(1 Auxiliary are wek(lllle, 'I Inr hruu•h was sorry l4) heart)! Iho deal h of Jn4' White, 1st Wal' t't'Iei•a1 .lie tens a life member of the I?xel0r Branch although he had resided in Seal or111 for a ntunber t)1' year's 818111(104)4)411) 1luronveW r1 legion servim in conjunction 411 h Exeter was held M onlay nigh! '1'11 hes relatives and many friends we eller our sympathies 111 their loss They gnat' not old, as we that are Iefl grow old Age shall nut weary them nor the years condemn At III(' (3111(1(4 )h)%,'l( 1)1 the and in the mooning Ito will remember Iht.,11. May your holiday flower into 0 time of goodwill rel and love. HILDEBRAND FLOWEIIS , a rl\.lcflrna Mato Stract, Seaforth 527-0555 0 r SEAFORTH BLOW-OUT SALE Maureen Flanagan Caroline Klovor Elza Ruston Elsie WIIIems,Prop, ALL STYLES 11 34 Main Street South, Seaforth 527-0780 My Fair Lady ©r.]` . \ \r[LV h L ( SATURDAY, DEC. 27 BOXING DAY SALE Saturday, December 27 opening at 9 a.m. 11 . t0 0%. c)ff All Sales Final No Refunds. No Exchanges FALL & WINTER SEASONAL CLOTHING EXCLUDING LINGERIE 50%gliZMAS WRAPPING PAPER 43%9-ifsfK COLOR TV's ALL PRICES ON IN -STOCK ITEMS ONLY. ALL SALES FINAL 9 air. ad u FASHION . • 43 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482.7872 De DERBYSHIRE MERCHANDISING LTD. 126 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Store Hours Mon. to Thurs. 8:30-5:30 Friday 8:30-9:00 Saturday 8:30.5:30