HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-04-13, Page 5THE BLUE 'FRONT .,,u ,I i 7C STORE NEWS, ,Fust why you should, buy Your Spring Clothes HERE. MEN'S SUITS $5.00 to $14.00 We say "you" because 90 per Dent of the Ineu in Heron County should buy their clothes here; the other 10 per cent can afford to go to high•priced tailors. It's the man who would make his dollars count that should buy in CRCO % DER S store, Here is how we make the dollars count : We search the markets of the entire country in the most thorough manner for the very best clothes that can be manufactured at lowest cash prices. Backed as we are by great financial resources, and by affording the makers such an enormous output for their product, they are glad to sell us large quantities at a small margin above oost for cash. Thus it is we undersell every other clothing store in this section. The clothes we sell for $12,00 would cost you $18,00 anywhere else ; you can see it iu the goods themselves, and you eau run no risk in convincing yourself. 01— Every garment is sold on the money back plan. Men's nice Tweed Suits, iu greys and browns, stripes, mixtures, checks, etc., 1905 styles, sack suits or 3 -button double breast. ed styles. These suite have that inane -for -nae look. Sizes 3b tq 40 chest. Prices $7.50, $10.00, $12 00 $14.00 YOUTHS' SUITS, LONG OR SHORT TROUSE fat —We have long trousers, these Suits, suits are made npin 1, est 31 o styles and have that tailor made look on them, colors •rownstripes,grey checks, tweed effects, etc. Prices $5.00, ..7 50.. $10.00 BOYS' SUITS.—That ruake him feel like 1-, pa—We have a large range of Boys' Snits in two and thre /e locos, Buster Brown, Norfolk, etc., sizes 21 to 34. Prices 1.50 $2,50 to $7.50 ODD TROUSERS FOR MAN OIL 70.4 TH.—We have about 300 pairs of Men's and Youths' io . rs, sizes 30 to 48 waist. Prices $1 00 to $4.00 BOYS' ODD KNICKERS —Boys o dd Knickers in tweeds,sbrges, corduroys, etc., sizes 22 to 33. Prices 501, 75c,......... $1.00 RAINPROOF COATS. --Men's Rainproof Overcoats, half lined or full lined, stripes and plain, greys and black, Raglan or Chesterfield styles. These coats have that dressy appearance. Sizes 33 to 46 chest. Prices 87 50, $10.00 $12.50 MEN'S OiLED CLOTHING Hats, all sizes .50 Pants, all sizes $1.50 Coats, all sizes .. $1.75 Long Coats $2.75 and $3.25 Men's Grey Raglan Waterproof Coats, sizes 35 to 46, ... $3.25 Men's Black Raglan Waterproof Coate, guaranteed, sizes 36 to 50$7.75 Men's Green Raglan Waterproof Coats, guaranteed, sizes 36 to 46$5.50 HAT DEPARTMENT.—Men's and Youths, Hard and Soft Felt Hate in all the newest English and American shapes, sizes IN to 7,;a, Prioes $1.00: $2 00 .... ...: .... . ,...$2.50 GENTS' FURNIrSHING DEPARTMENT.—Jest arrived for the Easter trade—New Caps, Shirts, collars, Cuffs, Sox, Gloves, Braces, Handker- chiefs, Cuff Buttons, Umbrellas, etc. SPECIAL FOR EASTER—We have bought a large range of New Neckties in all the new leather colors, also purple ef1'epts, and many new styles. different mixed colorings. Prices 25c TRUNKS AND VALISES AT RIGHT PRICES. for Hien, Also in and 50c. The R. H. GRO DER 60. The Blue Front Store. - WINGRAM, Ont. 4.4YIPII„ 41,1,1 t1.9fi.,ud a t, 46,114.8. a o 104 I , i l . 1 1, 1.1.,..,1111111111111111111121111111111:1111111111 ti8aiJ �Yuw.IWyid I11 WiroN1illiSTALJ1Wr•16.4 .643.41iii. 4.111.1iall111iiW,,11.466,siassram..17 i410I14. arlor Furniture In a short time you will be adding a couple of new pieces of Furniture to your parlor, or, it may be, dividing what you ti' have for other rooms, and furnishing anew with a five or three-piece Parlor Suite. While we have a splendid assortment of Fancy Easy Chairs which are always in demand, we here call your attention to 1 Mahogany Finish 5.pieoe Parlor Suite, upholstered in beat Velour, at $25.00 1 Mahogany 5 -piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in Silk, spring edge, at $31.00 1 Mahogany 5.piece Parlor Suite, upholstered iu Sill:, spring edge, handsome frame, at $37.00 1 Stuffed Over 5 -piece Parlor Suite, uphoistored in hest Velour, at,... $30.00 1 Wilton Rug 5 -piece Parlor Suite, spring back, spring edge, special value $50.00 1 English Rug 5 -piece Parlor Suite, spring back, spring edge, something new and dnrablo.......... $60.00 1 Mahogany 3.piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in silk, handsome frame .... $3900 1 Mahogany Finish 3 -piece buttoned backs Parlor Suite, upholstered ,..,... $40.00 upholstered $22,00 1 Mahogany Finish 3.piece in English Tapestry Parlor Suite, • The patterns and quality of our Carpets, Lino- leums and Oilcloths speak for themselves, The price of our Window Shades and Curtain Poles makes them easy sellers. Exarnine our Mattresses. at $3 00. L. A. BALL & CO. UNDERTAKING tirieit residence stif house west froth Hamilton's Cotner DragPHg NE Store, where night eons win reeoivo .prompt attention. OA1tPEtS LINOLEUM; OILOLOTES • t rrr' 1 3 TIIE WINGIIMI TIMES APRIL 13, 1905 NEDIS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR HEADERS. What Widoawake 'Imes Correspondents Commuxtloate -, Qtlior' items Clipped Prom Our Exchanges. (;fli»snroit, As navigation will be open here by the 15th, the officers of the boats in the har- bor aro arriving to supervise their out. fitting. The Rosemount will leave about the 15th, probably for Fort Wil- liam, Engineer Taylor and Second Engineer Dunn arrived frotn Kingston Monday, Capt. McPhee, of the Turret Chief, and Capt. Dix, of the Turret Crown, are in town, and Capt. Woods, of the Rosemount, is expected in a day or two. Work is progressing on the new out- side breakwater under construction by Battle & Conlon, The cribs are being constructed in readiuess for placing in position as soon as the dredge Arnoldi has got a bottom ready for them. The superstructure will be of cement. About 23,000 barrels of cement will be required in the construction. A new steel hoist arrived last week from St. Catharines for use on the works. r A Successful Ilorsemnn Never allows his horse to suffer pain. He always uses Nerviline which is noted for curing stiffness, rheumatism, swell• Inge and strains. Nerviline is just as good inside as outside. For cramps, colic, and internal pain it's a perfect, mar- vel. In the good racing stables Nervi - line is always used,—because it makes better horses and smaller veterinary bills. Twenty-five ceuts buys a large bottle of Nerviline; try it. 0.LENA ti N,tN Report of S. S. No. 3, Turnberry for the month of March. Names are in or- der of merit. 5th.—Maggie Muir, Bert Elliott. ' 4th,—Mary Aitken, Annie McGue, Etta Elliott, Malley McGae. Sr. 3rd.—James Aitken, Lizzie Mur- chison, Rob Aitken, Andrew Wallace, Roy Elliott, Ella Elliott, Harold Hutton. Jr. 3rd,—Ada Elliott, Lyla Pearen, Tom Wallace, Aggie Rutherford, Tillie Baird, Ethel Casemore, Leo Bok. Sr. 2nd.—Maggie Aitken, Annie Hat- ton, Rob Muir, Bella Murchisou, Elmer Aitken, Walter Hawke, Bella Eadie, Peter McGuo, George Rutherford. Jr. 2ud—George Smith, Willie Elliott, George Bok, Alice Dunkin, Helen Rutherford. Sr. Part 2.—Marietla McGlynn, Ida McGlynn. Jr. Part 2.—Lance Lincoln, Allie Liucoln, Frank Bok, Tom Eadie, Reuben Appleby, Aleck Baird. Part 1.—Wilfrid Murchison, Wille Eadie. ISABELLA D. MCDOCGALL, Teacher. _r. This Medicine Is Breathed. That's why it is sure to care Catarrh. You see it goes direct to the source of the uieease,—its healing vapor repairs the damage caused by catarrhal inflam- mation. "Catarrhozone" always cures because it goes into those tiny cells and passages that ordinary remedies can't reach, goes where the disease actually is. Imposstblo for "Catarrhozone" to fail as any doctor will tell you. Don't be misled into thinking there is anything so good as Catarrhozone,—use is and you'll soon say good -by to catarrh. TURN DERRY. Minates of Council meeting held April 10th, 1905. Members of Council all pres- ent; the Reeve in the ohair. The minutes of Last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Conus. Moffatt and Rutherford. Moved by Coons. Coupland and Kelly that Bye -Law No. 11, 1905,be passed to prohibit loitering or camping 'on the public roads and vacant lands in the Township of Turnberry, and providing a penalty for any infraction of this By. Law, an conviction before any of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace having jurisdiction in this municipality.—Car- ried. Moved by Corns. Moffatt and Coup - land that Ey-Law N 0,1905,bo amended by striking out tl, • names of Henry Pearen and John T evitt and inserting in lieu thereof the names of William Mitchell and James Godkin.--Carried. Arrangements were made with Messrs. Duff & Stewart to repair B. Lino bridge at as early a date as possible. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued; --David Jewitt, re- pairs to wash-out on iVforris boundary, $1; Robert Hupher, repairs to wash-out ' on Howlett boundary, $5; Robert Woods, cutting ice and attending bridge, $2. Moved by Corns, Couplaud and Mof- fatt that this meeting do now adjourn to meet again in the Clerk's office Bluevale on Monday, May 24th next at 10 o'clock a.m. for general business andat 1 o'clock p.m. as a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the current year,— Carried. .'totlx Bttllolsss, Clerk. BLYTII Mr. G. MeG. Stuart, wbo is a student at Queen's University, Kingston, is home for his vacation. Mr. Wrn. Jackson has been quite i11 for some days with inflammation. Mr. and Mrs, John McGill and son, Wenn:non left Blyth last week for their new hone in Saskatoon, Sask, Mr. T, Wilkinson, late of England has trade a proposition to the village men. oil to start a foundry and engine works in the village. Ile asked for a loan of $10,000, and the council offered him $5,000. The matter will be further dis- cussed at a meeting of the Couucil next Tuesday evening. Blyth baseball club has been re- organized with the following officers:— Hon. President, Mr, James 1VIeMurchie; president, Mr. John Hoffron; first vice- president, Mr. A. W. Robinson; third vice•presidont, Mr. A. E. Braclwiu; secretary treasurer, Mr. T. B. MoArter; manager, Mr. Adam McKeuzio; captaiu; Mr. Edward McMillau; managing coin- mittee, Messrs. Somers, It. M. McKay and J. S. Habkirk. That rale, Tired (ltd. She is in society, in business, at home, everywhere yon see her, but always woru and fatigued. She hasn't heard of Ferrozone or she would be perfectly well. How quickly it strengtheus—what an ap- petite it gives—what a glow it brings to pallid cheeps! The nutriment contain- ed in Ferrozone pats strength into any- body. Laughing eyes, rosy lips, bright quick movements all tell of the vitality Ferrozone produces. Thoesancls of at- tractive happy women use Ferrozone— Why not you? A box of fifty chocolate coated tablets cost fifty cents at any drug store. Y GREY. James Noble, of Burk's Falls, has taken a position in the Tarr mill and has moved into the house lately vacated by Nicholas Tarr. The bridge over the Beauchamp creek drain, south of Moucrieff, was taken away by the recent freshet. A tempor- ary structure has been put on to accom- modate tbo travelling public. Tuesday morning of last week John and Mrs. Robertson and ohildren, who have been visitors with relatives in Grey for a few weeks, left for their home at Langdon, North Dakota. We wish them well. The report of the demise of James Douglas on Saturday morning, April 1st, at his new home, Iot 10, con. 14, came as a great shock to the community as a goodly number had not even heard that he was ill. It appears that some years ago he injured his left limb and catching cold erysipelas set in, followed by blood poisoning, resulting fu his death. He had been in bed since the Sunday previous. Deceased was born oil the 16th con. of Grey and was the eldest son of John Douglas, now of Mor- ris. On March 1st he was united in marriage to Miss Myrtle Nichol, Oth line, Morris, and they had moved to the farm on which he died, having leased it from Nelson Askin. Mr. Dangles was an in- dustrious young man, 28 years of age, who had a large circle of friends and his death is greatly lamented. I stiassELS. Leslie Bailey has gone to Stratford where he has taken a situation with the Kalbfleisch firm. Mr. Bailey is a ma- chinist and will no doubt do well. Stewart Scott, second son of P. Scott, was in Toronto last week writing on a Standard Bank examination preliminary to his probable entrance to the service of that monetary institution, A. J. Lowick has purchased the house and lot on John street, the property of . E. B. Creighton, of Hamilton, paying $000 for it, so it is said. Jonas Becker and family have been living in the house but are moving back to Walton where ' Mr. Becker is working. Mrs, G. A. Deadman left on Thursday morning of last week for Daleware, as '.c Wm. Hewitt, who had lived in To- ronto since 1833, is dead. The Provincial estimates provide for a grant of $10,000 to the Ottawa Universi- ty. Established 1.979. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Crocolcno to a boon to Aa hretatics eorcot.r,r fa a lona r0lahlisbrd and stondatl Tom for the d:ar, . . hut:,rded. It rums l reaus,, em a.r r, u. .lard toes ;ly ant ',wig', in ea rr:m1 orer the dt,.rt bur. r.. . or tbo hau,n•1,'r.l tubae with every, brcatb, (ririug prnlnnr nl0, 0 von,tant tr,•atmrnt. Thorn of n 4•01411111141.. flea trnd,wp, ur T..114 IP Linn, chronic breuet tie, 5,1 hmnediate nb r from cuugba or lurwmel etalltiona of the throat, Voho.eresolene Lr Poll b)' lrogie.stn er go t l4c. paid . il,t of 30.'0. A. Vm,o.tresolron ant. flf tnhoi:og a is ttla of lrenolu o 51.1i. Send far tre6 lllaetrard bookie€. 1 trttnW MIL1:0 Co., A„ rete, ISO St. bora $t.. ttontrert, Cataria. FIFTY CENTS f N some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion is very rapid. For this reason we put up a fifty -cent size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children, in other conditions the gain is slower ----health cannot be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourishment; a food rather than a medicine. It's a food for tired and weak digestions. Send for free sample SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ont. sec. and Si.00. An druggists cornpauyiug Mr. Deadman's mother who has been visiting 11Presines Thanks giving Day. Mrs. Deadnan, sr , is 82 years of age. A few weeks will be spent among old friends before Mrs. 0. A. Deadnian returns here. The aunnal meeting of the Brussels Tennis Club was held in James Fox',s office. Tho following officers were elected for the incoming seusou: —Hon. President, John Leckie; President, A. E, Mellish; Vice President, Miss Annie Ross; Sec entre-, Dr, R. P. Field; Treas- urer, A. II. Montgomery; Captaiu, J.H. Cameron; Executive Committee, W. M. Sinclair, A. C. Macfarlane, Rev. Lang- ford, James Fox, Miss Wilson and Rex Wolfe. The Club's ticiauces were shown to bo in a healthy condition. Lf) WEI: WISGILL NI. Report for March of S. S. No. 11, Turnberry. Names in order of merit. Sr. 4th.—Fred Johnston, Georgina Pliippeu, Ernest Liuklater, Lulu Currie, Frank Calhoun, Barbara Styles. Jr. 4th—Earl Reid, Emily Forsyth, Annie Finnen, Roy Netterfield, Maizie Lediet. Sr. 3rd.—Ethel Ranson, Earl Groves Laura Calhoun, Willie Lockridge. Jr. 3rd—Mary Currie, Lizzte Lock ridge, Annie McDonald, Maggie Reid Eddie Loekridge, Aggie Pitmen, Edna Finley. Sr. ;:nd—Eva Linklater, Currie Weeks, Ruby Forsyth. Jr. 2nd—Frank Lediet, Frank Look- eridge, Willie Sriglt;y. Sr. Pt 2—John Rogers, Minnie Saun- ders, Susie Welsh. Jr. Pt 2—Alvin Groves, Alfred Lock- ericlge, Beatrice Johnston, Reiph Weeks. Sr. Pt 1—Jessie Currie, Sam Styles, Gordon Ranson, Ross Forsyth, Myrtle Lockeridge. Mary Currie received the highest stand- ing fur the month. M. D. Fisiisr., Teacher. t;- 4.000 I:EWAR1D Per a Case of Iuclu-ab e Constipzition. To a person who can't be cured of con- stipated by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, the above reward will be paid. No cathar- tic medicine gives such lasting satistac- tion or effects such marvellous cures as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Relief immediate- ly follows for headache, biIliousuees and stomach disorders. No gripiug pains, no burning sensations, nothing but the most pleasant relief attends the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills—others not so good. Price 25c. a box, at all dealers. II LGItAVL R. J. Tufts, who has been in the vil- lage for the past week, left on Monday morning for Moosejaw, N.W,T. Mr. Robt. Armstrong returned from his trip to Willow City, N. Dakota, on Friday last. Rev. Mr. Malc,:l:u of Teeswater ex- changed pulpits with Rev, Mr. Hestia on Sunday last. Mr. Dan Guides has moved his tailor. ing bueiuess into the south half of the store lately vasat: d by Mr. A. Hessian). Sir. Geddes is tearing clown his old building and erecting a flue new rest. deuce iu Its pia.:e. Mr. MeKenzie has in a new stork of flour and feed and solicits the patron- age of the village and surrouuding coun- try. See the smile of .Mr. Wm. Watson's face these days. It is "a girI." Mr. Pringle and wife have moved to the village and occupy the house lately owned by Mr, Jas. Wightmau. Mr, W. K. Whaley took his first trip with his peddling wagon on Tuesday. Mr. J. L. Geddes lost a valuable cow Last week, Fire destroyed six buildings at Mani- towaning, causing a loss of over $30,000. At a meeting of the 'Iowa Council of Itat Portage the name of Rat Portage n as changed to Iieenora. omimoimirsiimmomanexamsionammewartomesoN (card's THE LEADING STORE f •,t -fit 4 (—. Isard's NEW SPINE 714:7;73,..7.-.441t --';';"""="--;=.71 Dress Goods AND SUITINOS For completeness of as- sortment and variety of makes and weaves, we have never before equalled. We want you to come in and inspect our stock of Dress Materials before making yon,Spring purchase. We know we can please you in gnaw. tity, quality, variety and price, We're Dere to do business, and will be delighted, to show goods in any department. Some of the Weaves. Mohairs, Sicilians, Poplins, Nun's Cloths, Roxanao, Lusrres, Cashmeres, Vicunas, Henriettas, Cravenettes. BLACK SUITING. 3 pieces silk finish Roxana Cloth, wide, metal value at 5Cc, 75c and $1.00 FANCY SUITING. Speeial'value in brown, bine and green Panama, Cloth, plain or flaked. See our winner at 81.00 Veilings, Voiles, Panama Canvas Cheviots, Venetiaus, Broadcloths, 1VIOHA1I1S. We are showing the different shades in Shot Mobairs, very pretty effects for Shirt Waist Snits. Special valve .40 VOILES. A nice range of Black and Colored Voiles, good width. Prices are 50e, 75c and 81.00 . E., ISAR, & CO. Opposite Bahia of Hamilton. - Fight goods at right prices. �4�'_�'JYhdlaa-n�lt �"4�'"-SL:A_•.c,:..... yn;SL�x'�.+e:+YF,:. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4. A Car of Not 9 Coiled Steel Wire 4,As this wire is the genuine Frost make, and as the demand is likely 4 to he great for this particular kind, farmers will do well to leave their 4 orders for it at once, as there will likely be n .nitrclty in the market when 4 most required for fencing. We are selling it cheap. + 4 0 44404144404440++444a4aO+++ + 4 4 4- + + etc., on hand. Give us a call • 4 1s' BINDER TWINE —We are 4 11ew taking; ordrro for thr Plymouth and 1 tternatiott• al brands of Twilit.. Missed• -flares Repairs f 4 4- + 4 4 4- 4- 4- 4- 4, - 4444• 4 4 4 I have just t ken over the agency for the Massey -Harris Repairs and will try and keep the stock in geed shape, so that farmers m:ly be supplied iu future with what they may require in this hue. 4 4- 4- A 4A full lino of L'twn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, ,{'o 4 4 4 4• 4 4 4- 04+14.4.+ O4d44+4-++4+4+444+4++4444.++ I AM ALSO SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATEII SHERWI !-I' ILUAMS PAINT—THE BEST OH EARTH TH gar- Best Brands of CEMENT in season at lowest prices. 4 +++04•++4+++++++++44+1+444.1 VVVT`I9v'f{'viYT.I'YTlVVVVVVY I'i'1 VVVV'lvvr'VVI'VVYVV 'MVY Vrre ► .4 4 4 i .4 iLs �This o .4 4 i0.. ► ► as d 0 e A r" ► ► ► P i► t t' i� LAKE HURON IN .r f�► IA� 1 IEAT GftIFFIiN'S ROYAL GROCERY Of the Year that th.s, busy housewife. takes up carpets, scrubs the floor, washes the curtains, ani does housecle thing. To do it prop: -ley sh, requires some of the following, :,1•tioles:- -Seru',b!ng Brush. ---Wash Tub —13 rosins ---Pail ---Washboard —Golgi Dust —Ammoi,ia —Peariitll+ —Eclipse Soap - Sttcrett TO ACOON To slnolters and chewers. The new tobaevo,prineipally nil's—toted leaf made in the nl=thufacture. It 1s not 6:1 strong :15 the other toi,1n', ()s, tushes bice cool smoke; also leneli twit -lee to chew. ..... . . e hist":, for 25(e. We 111 ffive kegs of L tke Heron Iiarriutx shipped to no. They are round withthe Beads x/11, fully guaxttateed t Only otto keg left, wh't gets it for *0.00 ; } fii,A,te A.A.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA 1 The .\,liar Liee ss. 1C,ivarian, wlueit alrivntil at Flab+:,' hri.tuy evening, ` brought 1,:101 Briti-t! s Viers for Cana- da. Mr. kinins Couch, tin old iti. 0, nail. 's cy t'ttiploveo, hate re'' himself at St. Thomas He wrrried ,ver loss of em- ployment. Now comes along a doctor who says 4 that the bine is coming when a man 4 4 4 4 4 A will be yonnger at seventy. This is Dr. Harvey Wiley, chief chemist for th;, 1'nited States Government, who staters that it has been s, ictitifically prolte.i that tvit;ain the last Xew years the aver- age 1tfe of man has been increased fro:a thirty-three to more than forty years. Fie gives a threefold prescription, "ten.. peraneo, work ani play," for the pi' longing of life.