HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-04-13, Page 44 TILE WINGIIAM TIMES, APRIL 13, 1905• • TO AEVERTISERSIIPress Bulletin from the Ontario Agriculteral N���TH IN SPRING NEWS NOTLS. of changes must be loft at this, College. Notice:,NOTES ON SPRING TILLAGE. office not latex than Saturday noon. , The copy for changes must be left Nature Needs Assistance in Making not later than Monday evening, t Casual advertisements accepted up ! By Prof. J. D. Reynolds. New Health -giving Blood. to noon Wednesday of each week. j (1) Now is the time to observe the Spring is the season when your system ._ _, i need of draiuiug. The existence of pools needs toning up. In the spring you ESTABLISHED 1$12 1 and wet and dry patches and the general must have uew blood just as the trees direction of the water courses should be must have new sap. Nature demands it, Without new blood you will feel THETHE' %1N RAM TIMES. observed in order to learn whether draig• rl 11�Ull l IlilliJ Inge is necessary and in what places and H. B. ELLIOTT, PrliTaSunu AND Pnornlmmen directions drains should be laid. The • draining of farm lands should be regard• pimples or eruptions of the skin, or a pale THTJRSDAY. AEI:IL. 13, 1003. l ed as an investment, The improvement pasty complexion, These are certain signs that the blood is out of order The weak and languid; you may have twin- ges of rheumatism or neuralgia, occa- sional headaohes, a variable appetite, . resulting from drainage, where drainage only sure way to get new blood and fresh NOTES AND COMMENTS. Cis necessary, will return large annual energy is to take Dr. Williams' Pink t dividends and will weedily discharge the Pills. They actually make new, rich Mr. Edmund Bristol, barrister, Con- t capital out:ay by reason of the improv- roedniblood—they rlde thee gWreilaltieasmt ss' pPrinng servative, was elected Tuesday by ac -led texture, moisture, content, and tem- Pills clear the skin, drive out disease and olaniation as the representative of To- 1 perature cf the soil, and the resulting iu- make tired, depressed men and women tonic Centre iu the House of Commons, i crease in the quantity and quality of the bright, active and strong. Mr. Neil H. to fill the vacaucy created by the death ; crops. I McDonald, e, N. B., says: "It gives mei greatat satisfaction to state that I of Mr. E. F. Clarke. 12) Aiso, now is the time to observe W. K. White, of the immigration de- i the benefits of fall plowing. The differ- partmeut, says that there will be 60,000 ence should be noted between land, settlers arrive this season from the t especially sloping laud, that has been United States. These whoare coming 1 left smooth and firm over the winter, are of the very best class. During the land land that was plowed in the fall and month of March oue agency in Nebraska ; rough and loose. The former has by the sent into the Cauadiau west 428 settlers taction of the rain and snow become with a total capital of $131,C00. !packed and possibly paddled, or on steep Tho revenue and expenditure state- i or slopping land, has been Bullied and went of the Dominion shows total re- washed out and deprived of mash of its ceipts on oonsaliaated fund aeeouut for valuable material. This land, if left to the nine months ending March 1, to have itself, will be in a far more mellow and I friable condition, and will make an ear - been $51,430,77.e1, which is $12,710,403 intier and a superior seed bed excess of the ortlivary expenditure. i llama' Pink Pills for pale people," print - (e) Shallow tillage should begin on Taking all the expeuditares combined,' So on the wrapper around each box. i laud as early as possible to prevent hard- Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by there is a surplus of over 4,000,000. Re. ening and to conserve the moisture in mail at 50o. a box or six be for $2.50 I have found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills all completely is claimed for them. I was run down, my appetite was poor and I suffered much from severe headaches. Doctor's inedioines did not give me the needed relief, so I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I used only a few boxes when my former health returned, and now I feel like u new man." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not only the best spring tonic, but are a cure for all troubles due to'eoor blood or shattered nerves. That is why they cure head- achea and backache, rheumatism, an- aemia, kidney and liver troubles, and the special secret ailments of women and growing girls Bat you must get the genuine, with the full name, "Dr. Wil- ceipts display a gain of $127,201 over the the subsoil. After the seeding is done, by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine same period of the previous year, and t land for roots anti corn or other later Oo ' Brockville, Ont. expenditures an increase of $6,000,000 in , crops should be cultivated at once to pre- e. - round round numbers. I vent the escape of moisture and to insure Mr. Frank Oliver, the member for In good seed bed. Edmonton, has been sworn in as Min- (4),It is a good plan sometimes in pre- ister of the Iuterior, in snecessio.i to !paring land for seeding to harrow before Mr. Sifton, He is a journalist, the pub- i cultivating. This will mellow the stir- Mr. Jas. Nethery's. Haber and editor of the Edmonton Bel—face and will form a better seed bed than Mr, J. Petts Sundayed at Mr. T. Tun- letin, and has been in public life for over ! if the cultivator is used first. If plow- ney's. EAST NVA\VA. OSR Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Nicol and Miss Eva Nothery of Belgrave, Sundayed at twenty yearn, entering as a member of the old Northwest Council He was elected to the House of Commons in 1896 as an Independent, and was re-elected in 1900 as a Liberal, and again in 1904, ing is to be done, it should be done as early as possible, and as shallow as is consistent with its purpose. Too deep plowing will dry out the surface soil to a greater depth than is advisable, and by when he had the Largest majority in the breaking counection with the subsoil Domiuion. He was not long in taking a will probably deprive the young crops front rank in the House.' of needed moisture. In the new Legislative Assembly of (5) The roller should be need with care and judgment; otherwise the labor 0 • Mrs. John Coultas was the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. Corley on Sunday. Messrs. T. and A. Williams visited Wingham friends recently. Mr. Harvey Watsou and Miss Sarah McCallum Sunclayed with Donnybrook friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnston have been made happy by the drivel of a baby girl ntario the farming community has the to cheer their home. largest number of representatives, there will be wasted, or worse still, harm will Miss Mary Corley was the guest of her being 21 tillers of the soil in the new be done. If the seed bed is lumpy, the cousin, Mrs. A. Taylor recently. House. The lawyers come next with 18, lamps may be broken by rolling soon A happy event occurred at the manse 14 are merchants, 13 practising physi- after a shower when they have been in Belgrave on Wednesday of last week, Diens and the next largest class is that of softened by the moisture. If the seed when Miss Lottie McBurney became journalists, of whom there are eight bed is dry, the roller may be used to the bride of Mr, Robt. Scott. The cere- elected; six manufacturers, five con- advantage. It compacts the surface soil mony was performed by Rev. • J. J. tractors, four agents, two undertakers, and thereby enables the moisture from Hastie. In the evening a reception was two school inspectors, two cattle dealers, i below to rise to the surface and thus held at the groom's home and a very one auctioneer and one principal of a' hastens germination of seed. In both happy and enjoyable time was spent by correspondence school, make up the; these instances the roller should be all present. The newly wedded couple balance of the House. IiI followed with the harrow, if possible, in have the best wishes of a large circle of The Winnipeg Telegram (Con 1 no 'order to loosen the surface and prevent of friends for inany years of happiness longer ago than Saturday said : ' • l'he loss of moisture. It should be borne in and prosperity. whole interests of the North-West are t Richard Williams of Thorold commit- ted suicide by lighting a coal fire in an iron pot and inhaling the fumes, The Minister of Justice gives notice of a bill to oure the technical disqualifi- cation agaiust Mr. E. N. Lewis, member for West Karon, arising out of his be- coming a bondsman for a postoflice con- tractor. rave Stock Markets. Toronto, April 11—The extraordinary demand for cattle during the past few weeks was continued to -day at the city yards and prices enjoyed one of the greatest booms of season. All the buy- ers seemed to have extensive orders, and a large proportion of the supply changed hands at an advance of 25c per cwt, over the high level established last week. The outlet for all lines was exceedingly broad and all divisions of the cattle trade reflected the same active demand at the enhanced values, feeders, stockers, cows, butchers, alike, and exporters scoring the advance quoted above. The small meats trade was demoralilted and prices were very irregular, bucks and grain fed lambs advancing while barnyard and spring lambs and calves were lower. Hogs were unchanged. Receipts were 98 loads, comprising 1,750 cattle, 250 sheep and lambs, 400 hogs and 300 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. heavy $4 75 $5 50 Light 3 00 3 50 Bulls 3 60 4 25 do., light 2 75 3 00 Feeders— light, 800 pounds and up- wards 3 25 Stockers .... 2 00 900 lbs 2 00 Butchers'— Choice 4 40 Medium 4 00 Pinked 4 76 Bulls 2 50 Rough 3 00 Light stock bulls 2 50 Milk cows.... ...35 00 Hogs-- • Best 6 00 . 6 00 Lights 6 00 6 00 Sheep— Export 4 75 5 50 Bucks 3 75 4 50 Spring Lambs 3 00 6 00 Calves, each ... , 0. 2 00 8 00 3 75 2 50 3 00 4 75 4 40 5 00 3 50 350 3 00 57 00 mind in all spring tillage that the capilli - bound to suffer just as long as there i ary movement of water is mach more is no Minister of the Interior. Why rapid through moist soil, than through then delay? The answer is sufficiently I dry soil, and that compact soil will raise obvious. The Government dares not ! water to a much greater height than open a Western seat by appointing any will loose soil. It is desired, therefore, Western Liberal member to the office, ' to bring the water to the surface, as in because it perfectly realizes that uo 1 the case of a dry seed bed, the soil Western member could at the present should be compacted by some such time be re-elected, and understands that . implement as the roller. If, however, Finch a rebuff would finally doom the' as it usually the case, it is desired to Autonomy bills in their present form." 1 check the upward movement of the The vacancy has been filled since Sae 1 water, then the soil should be lessened turday. A Western coni•tituency has , and allowed to dry ont, so that the loose been opened. Will the Winnipeg papers F dry surface may check the upward rise now back down, as several Toronfo of water and prevent consequent loss. papers have done?—Toronto Star. • If clover seed or other small seed is sown, Hon. Colonel Matheson, who for so' the roller is freqaently necessary, unless many years was the Opposition's only the seed bed is very fine. In this in - financial critic in the Legislature, in his capacity as Treasurer of the new Con- ! etance the roller serves to pack the soil servative Administration, delivered his ! dose about the small seeds, and to bring first budget address Tuesday afternoon. :them in contact with sufficient moisture He spoke for two hours and twenty min- to enable them to germinate. rates, and a great deal of his time was taken up in explanation of various funds, (6) If rains have occurred after seed - and other matters connected with the :jag, or if it has not been possible to finances, for the benefit of the new mem- ` loosen the surface soil after rolling, be - bars of the House. The Treasurer's estimated expenditures totalled $5,079,- fore the crop shows through the ground, 789, and his receipts $6,515,209, including ; then the harrow may be used • with ad - the cash balace on December 31, 1904, of, vantage after the crop has started. With $2,855,584. The largest items of estim- , ' axed receipts are subsidy, $1,339.287; !cereals, corn, or potatoes, the harrow Crown Lands Department, $2,250,000; 1 will do no harm to the crop, will kill succession duties, $450,000; tavern and' small weeds that have germinated, and brewers' licenses $305,000; supplement- i will further serve to establish a mulch, ary reyenne tax $20,000; casual re ! and thus conserve the valuable moisture venae $100,000; public institutions, i $110,150. for the latex uses of the crop. 9 BLEEVALE. The regular monthly meeting of the Blnevale branch of Women's Institute twill be held on Wednesday afternoon, When the nerves are weak • everything goes wrong. You • are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. Your cheeks are - Sarsaparilla ppa�le and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old Family medicine. "rot more than 50 years I bare used Ayirer's Sarraynrilla In my family. It Is s grand teak at all titnos, and a wmWerfnl medicine for Im• pure bleed." ---D, C. Uoa r, west Haven, Conn, til OD n battle.,Y. C, JTRtS Co., 'All annu l.te.fol Tartan, Maes. Weak Nerves Keep the regular " MtIIJule ono pill high. f flOItRI5. John Wheeler, 4th line, has had a hard tussle with sciatica and was under the doctor's care. He is able to sit up and we trust will soon be quite smart. Mrs. T. R. Miller, who has not been enjoying her usual good health, is improving very nicely now. She has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Brown, of Wroxeter. Mrs. Alex. Campbell and daughter Mabel, of Gaylord, Michigan, are visit- ors with relatives here. Mrs. Campbell is a daughter of the late Samuel Barr,' 4th line, and was a former resident •of Morris. Wednesday of last week Peter Jack- son, who has been a resident of the 8th line for over 40 years, left Brussels with his wife and 6 of his family for their new home at Tisdale, N. W.T., where he has purchased a large tract of farm lands. His son Ross and Peter Robert- son, of McKillop, accompanied the sec- ond car of stook, &c,, on Tuesday. They will visit old friends in Winnipeg while enronte. Mr. Jackson sold his 100 acre farm, which was the old homestead, be- ing south half lot 9, con. 7, to his nephew . George W. Jackson, who is now in pos- session, for the sum of $4,875 and he is consequently free from his possessions in . Morris. A special meeting of the oonncil was held on April 5th, called by the Reeve for the purpose of considering the re- building of the Bodmin bridge and for April 19th, at the home of Mrs. West, transaction of any other necessary [The Manse j, "Housecleaning” to be the business. i ssubject for discussion and every laity On motion of councillors Shaw and who attends the meeting will please g Kelly, Mr. Taylor was ewinstructed to en- ; eome prepared to,gives me helpful sug- gage Messrs, Duff & Stewart to put the Q lSunshine bridge into a safe state of re- gestion on the subject. All old and new pair as soon as possible. members are requested to be present, and On motion of Taylor and McOutcheon, i all those interested in the Institute are the clerk was instructed to procure from extended a cordial invitation: Mr. Ansley, County Engineer, plans and specifications for the construction of a pfIgngg.gff=ggP, PHOTOS !' a s We guarantee our work, in SLYLE, FINIS/I AND' PERdMANENOY. The latest styles of Mounts Armstrong & Co's Studio WINGHAM ;1 i/ MIIMM gen always ou hand. %VINGHAti1 MARKET REPORTS Wingham, April 12th, 1905 Flour per 100 lbs.... 2 50 to 3 00 Fall Wheat ........ 1 00 to 1 05 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 37 to 0 38 Barley ....•••••0 45 to 0 48 Peas 0 55 to 0 60 Buckwheat ... 0 55 to 0 55 Butter 0 18 to 0 18 Eggs per doz . 0 13 to 0 13 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00 Hay , per ton 6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes, per bushel ' 0 3t to 0 40 Tallow per lb ....... , 0 05 to 0 05 Lard .. 0 13 to 0 13 Dried. Apples per lb 0 03 to 0 03 Wool 0 00 to 0 00 Live Hogs, per owt. 6 00 to 6 10 steel bridge with cement abutments to A million whitefish fry from the Snuci-1 1 with hatchery were deposited in Lake 1 be placed over the river on the 4th line, Eric at Part Stanley. near Bodniin, said bridge to have a span of 110 feet clear of abutments. The record of fatal accidents in Britain On motion of Kelly and Taylor, the during the past year shows that railway clerk was' instructed to advertise for employees are only fourth on the list tenders for the abutments and steel The accidental deaths for every 10,000 structure as soon as plan and epeoif3ca- t employees were :—Seamen, nearly 70; tions are in his possession, and as soon !miners, 13 3.4; quarrymen, over 11; rail- as he considers that sufficient tenders for way employees, over 8 1.2; non -textile the work are to hand that the oonncil be factory workers, 21.2, and textile opera- called together to weeder the same. tives, 0 40, or about 2 in eery 30,000 em- (acinnoil then adjourned. ' ploypd.. W. CLAIM, Clerk. IT PAYS to get a practical education and it pays to get it in this school. We can do more for our graduates than any other Business College in the Province. Commercial Schools employ our • gradnates as teachers.. They know _ that the training given in this institu- tion is the BEST. Write for free catalogue. Enter now. CENTRAL SITRATFORD. ONT. 4.+++++÷÷÷++++++++++++014÷÷÷„ 4. 4.Springiscoming4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + NOW IS THE TIME TO Bu a Ho use 4, * + A number of .very 4- � pleasantly - situated 4' 4. homes for sale on 4- reasonable terms. r 4. lin&inn nnnrtwttn 1• + WINGHAM• 4 ++÷÷÷÷+++++++÷++++++++++++ z ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. R. KNOX Have Von Seen any, of our Spring Snitings yet ? Looking's worth while. We're showing things any day now that are interesting snit needers—things worth looking into by those who will be needers soon. Our cheapest suit looks as if it Dost more money than it did—beoanse no matter how little you pay us you get perfect fits —and reliable work. If you are in need of something, we would like to show you what we can do. R. MAXWELL. HIGH ART TAILOR. NORTH END •TTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTVVVV TTTTTTTTTVTyyyyyTTTTTTTTT: 104 BUTCHER SHOP. i F1905.4 00 10 • 4 Now that the Spring has come, I beg to notify the 4 i general trade that I am still in the ring with the 4 j 4 t li PIIRFST3 LARGEST AND PUREST' P 1 Having purchased the butcher business from Mr. John Taylor, and removed to the shop lately occupied by him, I will be pleased to meet all my old customers and those of Mr. Taylor, and any others who may favor me with their patronage. I beg to assure the public that I will always have on hand a selection of the 4 S 4 4 ► 4 10 4 4 E SEEDS,. 10�4 10-4 ► .4 Ein the trade, consisting of ► 4 10 ► Monl'nouth, Lucerne and 4 Red, Alsike, E White Clover. ; 10 Timothy, Orchard Crass, Red Top, 4 E Kentucky and iVl.eadow Fescue. 4 I. 4 C Peas—a new variety strongly recommended 4 10 10 by the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, and 4 10o. 1so the�� Model Farm,Guelph„nlnit 4 4 41 CHOICEST MEATS OF ALL KINDS and will faithfully 'endeavor to meet the requirements of the people. We guarantee satisfaction in quality and price, and your wants shall have onr best attention, 7• Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins. THOS. FELLS. Chisholm Block, Wingham. VVVVVWVVVWVVVVVVVWWVVV c 3 Watchmaker, Jeweller And STATIONER For many years the leadiug Jeweller of Wingham and surrounding country, has opened business in the Stone Block, opp. Queen's hotel. • A complete. up-to-date stook always on hand, consisting of —WATCHES, CLOCKS —RINGS and JEWELRY of every kited. —SCHOOL ROOKS —SCHOOL SUPPLIES and —STATIONERY —CAMERAS ' and Photo- graphic Supplier. A free "dark room" for amateurs is in building progress. - Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing a specialty. All work done on short notice and fully guaranteed. in-seeourand priest. Cal and stock Callp . R. KNOX Truth is Stranger than < Fiction, A Good Name is Better Than Riches. IPro1fB°rt orShoesneed Repafrig,he cheapest and best place iu town to tape them is to Thos. Abraham, who will do them well, neatly and cheaply, for a small share of the "root of all evil." The reason Abraham can c do work so cheaply is because he is under no expense ; even his electric 'ilightis free, having inherited it from his ancient ancestor, the father of the faithful. TESTIIIIONIALS. Abraham ]las kept his boot banner flying in Winghann for 89 years and has out -lasted all others. In all lines of business, therc,Is no parallel case in town. Call and get your boots repaired at your own prices. Don't forgot the place: A few stops west of the No. 1 Exchange Hotel, close to the govern- ment office where license is granted to reduce >aKmbers by making two persons into one flesh. Keep your boots intcod order, it will save you a doctor's bill. d0000rAon wooden Queen Victoria street. the Thomas Abraham. C E loose and Colorado Spring Wheat. ► 4 P. 0. Mangold Seed of the first strain, put up in 4 C i -lb. packages. 1 P. Field Carrots, Rae 1 Turnip Seed, Rape— 4 1.—very cheap. 4 ► 4 0. ARDEN SEEDS 4 t 1 1 ALL KINDS OF G ► 10e 10 104 r.Corn by the carload.—And I might say I p. was the only seedsman in the .country who i 1. did not fool the farmer last year in the corn 4 10 , germinating. 4 ► 4 C414 e ProduceTe A. MILLS. 4 l" Taken ; As Usual. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAeekeeeeeeeehAAI, 1 4 MNMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA NAAAAAAA#' MMAAAAA AAAA Now is the time to buy IPURNITURE C For Spring, Our prices are away down on some lines, such as Chairs, Couches, Rockers, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards. I Call and see our $5.00 Couch and our $20.00 Parlor Suite } Done in the best velour covering. It will pay you to get our prices on all kinds of Furniture. We will use you right. Dr Nice line of Picture Moulding to choose from. WALKER BROS. & ••BUTTON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. WI NGI{AM. nAAAAAAAAAAAMMAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVWVWVVVVVVVWVVVVV ••••we•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • •• • • ••• • • • • ••• • • • • • ••• • • • • COAL COAL COAL We are Bole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which ltas no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel. and Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Wecarry ooko full stock of LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH (Dressed or Undressed) • • • Cedar • Posts, Barrels, Etc. • ie- Highest Price paid for all kinds of Lugs. ` • • J. A. tVIcLean. w Residence Phone No. 65. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. •••••••••••O•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SETTLERS' TRAINS WILL LEAVE TORONTO EVERY TUESDAY During (larch and April At9P,111„POR MANITOBA tend the NORTH-WEST �j Via Grand Trunk to North Bay thence Cana- dian Pacific. A colonist Sleeper will be attach- edtoeach train. Passengers travelling withottt live stock should take the train leaving To- ronto at 1.45 p. m. Train leaving Toronto At 9 p. m. is for passengers travelling stock. Full partienlera and copy of "Western Can- ada from any C,P.R. Agent or C. I FOSTER, D.P.A. Toronto, iN>il�Cil IAM,• ONTAUI°.... _ , . _ .. _ . mint i11el'�`1 SINGLE FARE F For Easter Holidays Going April 20. 11, 22, 28 and 24. Returning until April 25th, 1905. Between all stations in Canada, also to De- troit and Port Huron, Mich., Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge and Buffalo, N.Y. Special One-way Excursions TO POINTS IN Montana, Colorado, Utah, British Columbia, Wasnington, Oregon, California. On sale daily until. May 15th. For tickets and full information call on L. HAROLD, AgentlWinghem. J. D. $CDONALD, District )Passenger Agent, '1'orcnte