HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-12-24, Page 2MtIU41l 6,e' e.o•� -
Merry Christrnas. intent of p
by Patrick Raffia
iltrusseis Nat
EO BYRSKV, General Manager
10 Main Street 527-0240
Published in HEATHER McILWRAiTH, Edi
Every Wednesday ting
The Expositor is brought to you each week by the efforts of;
Pal ne
n 11111,
McUiatt' Lols Mcllw one sot) MCMdian ant G IOy
oar. Anne Me lady Hutt, Joanne Jewitt,
, wino Mot
When you get this weeks issue °III rhe
Huron Expositor, it wilbe u only 4 doubthave from
Christmas. Many of Y
little interest by that point in the doings of
town council, the local police department,
any of the other week -to -week happea paper.
(hat make up the news pages of the p p
You will be too darn tired from getting ready
for Christmas.
Some of you (heaven forbid) ma
not even
be interested in .digesting
matter which fills this spaceoeach week. In
fer you this:
that case, just for a change, (
Only two days 'till Christmas - the scene,
can picture, that Christmas
The wallets have emptied
ockings might be rer,
Ise neatly -wrapped ipresents have all been
snooped over,_.-... ,.,i. they're welting each
So everyone
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.
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MBER 24, 1986
Seo Aid class mall registration Number 0696
U they don't, they'll be parked in the street
for the duration,
W hich as everyone (mows is a clear violation.
Here at the paper, we don't know what to do,
If we close for the week, will the news close
down too?
Or, will the telephone ring sometime
Christmas Day
"Will you come take a picture?
The Answer'? "No way!"
Soon well all sit right down, to a big
Christmas dinner, feeling bet, no one will come away
Mom's been out shopping, twice a week for a thinner,
AI'terall, someone's worked on this meal all
month, got nearly all of it done. day long, i he wrong.
She has finally To not do it justice would simply The children await a visit from their dear resents,
Uncle W ill , of (Incold Visa When well get to the p
e Dad dreads the aiminf, There will be a whole batch,
swentals, pants and some ties that improvement.
The weather so let s try
For (Incids
Everyone had such fun
'then sit hack and relax,
'Cause a a finally alt done,
Perhaps then, you'll fuel time to sit back an4
About the meaning of Christmas - just wily Hit
we bother, the tree and fhb
The presents, the dinner,
holly• makes the season
Are all window dressing -
more jolly.
The real Christmas spirit's not tinsel and
Ifs a message to all not to waste all our time;
Of fun, and good times - take in your fill,''
But keep in mind (Inc real theme, 'Peace dh
Earth and Goodwill."
Okay, so 1'11 never make it big in the
greeting card industry with stuff like this. All
1 promised you was a change of pace, not
there' 11 be toys - all the latest hot To string groups of words into poems, 1 foutiti
an promises hour every night, don't c kids,,
W e' 11 all be tapped in (Inc house, 'o hard,
things, My style more resembles Dr. Seuss, the
not r fight,r all to W Tinkles, Hulk Hogan - whatever Tttt ler more
Not to he 'tis (Inc season your kid brother Harry, Santa brings. Please try to remember kind folk, as you reed
Not ' pounding Ythis,
The cleanup job will seem endless, but •
worth The whole point of it was, to wish you "Merry
Dad's shovelled the driveway, though (Inc Christmas!"
snow stili comes down. it
Hope those visitors soon get here from out of ♦` `^- --
The people of Ontario have a problem. In many areas of the province se
fl. be reduced or non-existentmen who ambulance
this important holiday
season. Are the men an
irresponsible or are their employers tight-fisted and hard -hearts
surprising answer is neither,
Ambulance Mini try of Health. Privatefunded
ambo ancelcompan companies,
pMinistry o
hospitalobased withinfunding limits that are established in thee lOn springnd
accommodation w compensation based on a
each year. Operators receive management
formula developed between their association and the government. The
amounts are tied to the historical
reases in of
flsusiness and are not affected
by periodic increases or
Many of the private companies are small, one vehicle services which
have limited staffing hours at the base but n merou $10 per us hours here they
are required to be on call at home. They may
receivat base, but their work week may be less than 40 hours and still obligate
them for 30, 80 or 100 additional hours at
are home on standby. paid. As
Unionized ambulance service employ
eesof March 31, 1986 many were earning $11, or more per hour while a few
larger companies were paying $12.12 as compared to the ministry
employees at $12.23. However, to attain this rate, most private
the eir costs
uidelines.. The compound effect furthererodederoded theimaintain rlability to
with g
offer comparable rates this year, le who recognize the value of a
The private operators are business people
dollar and the fact they must carefully manage scarce health dollars. The
proposed four per cent ceiling would not be u o pay tag civil servants
in todaY's
economy except that the government has agreed
8.7 per cent this year - plus 6.3 per Cent next year In a two year contract.
The private operators Live, raise their families and take part In the
ly and effectively been
o nm theirs jobey serve. For years they have 11 their employees choose to stand ton principle and go out
doing ear,
on strike, there Is nothing further the operators can do. It would app
the government has a moral responsibility to allow sufficient' funding to
private companies to offer wages similar to rates paid to civil servants.
Equal pay for work of equal value should apply,
The general public, the employees and the companies deserve
n the
something s inequity81andter t negotiate a batitan this. We tteor funding nbase with the operatoister of health to rs.
a�ONJe FREE'T� DS 44/' 00E0
If you never lived in a house on the t the "list."
then you never had (Inc chance to ger storm. t
experience of a really good
grew up in a hoose that
ht on highways not 8 and
thhoere was alslien rig
therefore when there was a htlxzartiwe iwere
double the fun. Whenever peQPl
stranded in town our house was one of the
first noes to be called to see if there was any
room at the inn. Even though there were 6
kids there always seemed were truly for o e
more. Looking back they
the hest times of our lives. students
During totrblii were
unable to home
from (Inc country
ntry buses.
the storm rag
because of andcancelled
he students enjoyed
living in town even though the cimettmstanctes
certainly were not normal. We had four or
five grade niners from the St. Catuniban area.
They were with us for a few days
and We
-played lots of cards gamesand watts hed a lot
THE YEAR SANTA FORGOT Cnrtstrnas was a dttet'nma the grade 5 class at Soatorth Public
(M1c11wrnith photo)
Scrod sought to solve last week when they presented their annual Christmas concert.
The most memorable event at home
regarding the blizzard of '71 is (Inc part about
when 1 Id the ibathtub arun v over,
and 1 Falls
coming down the Oasis stairs, s. have an been
interrupted in my
morning bath. Since there was no school
several other kids had come over fovaa (game
ine 1
of shinny.. . well needless to say by
remembered (Inc tub was filling it was full.
flairbloweis, towels, and vacuum cleaners
blowing backwards managed to cover up
everything but the huge st tainwas on wale 1papering
room wall. That spring
time, but we never forgot the blizzard of '71.
Then in /6 1 missed all theCttofl asthe
of television. The high ig Christmas season and much of e
however was skating on the backyard ria • under a flurry of snow. Neer Years Eve
Dad had night with us a terrific rink• completelythe parties went on without bands, caterers and
at ower strung alongmany of (Inc guests. Those who arrived came
pudtsaclothesline.rayon were plenty of sticks were by ski deo with tong dresses in suitcases and
boots and anyone without skates jus with tuxedos under std deo suits. That was fhe
boots. family
played for hours and alonjoined y winter plum and Dad had (h. entire Finnish
ons family anborhood billets
and thebillets. Old Timers ice hockey team bei: ted down at
Mt the neigh their place. Only a couple of fellows spoke
Mum made galled cheese (coo sandwiches by the English but they whiled away the time
loaf and watered down hot chocolate by the 1a n cards, a snooker, d sandwichesand andevi-
gallon, while
Dad flooded and shovelled night P nn cards
and day.
hocks ofamilies so that (Inc Finnish were brought over by
hockeya great Canadian "storm stay ' •
Year Batey
Years later i met a fellow at the golf course
hereon holiday from Finland. When
him that parents had hockey
team for a few days he quickly informed the
that he had slept under the pool table in my
parents rec room.
The blizzard of '84 came right at the
Christmas season. Unfortunately many peo-
ple were stranded away from their homes and
families. W e were lucky, with everyone living
right in town try all unique Christmas. Several
hered at Mum and
Dad's thea very
ies the police serf mom was f� tothehouse
and soon every `�1h
was one family with a tittle boy, another
family with two children, and plenty. of
others. A young lady, her father and sister
were travelling to Londesboro for the festive
season. The lady had come all the way from
South destined
vtoa upend Cand hristmasand
Eve and
was d his to spend house, as
most of Christmas Day at the Doig
Seaforth was the end of the road for the
being. Christmas Day was slightly reserved.
(Continued on Page ASl
r�► re re�'ia+�
the Mainstreet program. Seaforth is the
Beck in October. the Main Street Seafortht smallest one involved to date, but in many
became one of the latest projects ways has all the ingredients to be one of the
ehave Canada Program. cliviSincthen most successful.
there been a variety of activities to Council and the B.S.A. have taken a bold
paunch (Inc or project ds brief review family
who are step in hiring the Mainstreet Coordinator for
project is for friends and faintly (Inc three year term of the project. Seasog in Seaforth daring the Holiday will provide (Inc opportunity to do some
Season ram was founded in aggressive marketing; to pursue opportunt-
11 by the
Prod ties for economic development, including
by the combating
pda Foundation as a
stores, and to attract new businesses to town,
way of combating • lite ,Potential loss of attracting some new retailers to fill the empty
heritage rough (Inc19 Inston Heritage
downtown to provide design services to building owners
areas, Through thI1 organization
Ne ion ofPier Canada and businesses who are intereto sted in
B ton f enon-peofitt d the bbiggest threat o renovating their storefronts,
a dad street
Kerion fame dings was the con other downtown imp
of (Incdo fl(0 n s i was the hey were located beautification projects, it will also provide a
T the downtowns in which they u staff person to assist with promotions and
The theory behind (Inc improving
mhe teconohat if mp c special events and to track down funding and
are successful in improving sue- grants.
performance of historical d stage oil " The bottom line with the 1Vib nestreet
in maintaining the heritage a buieings in Seaford, is that its perp
will is to
a nfollow.umber
The theory has worked to realityeh project
in a Ontario,
C of ridge Ga10. There tie. 29 helpheresidents
to betterh . (Inc o er rage
needs of
(iiitoric, Cambridge G ru There are nowof buildingsandand the appearancearea, The heritage
t•urmninitira across Canada that are
resent a place ct is a very exciting
Seafoiih Mainskreet project
the potential
Ce to stem Renovation it is h ped,rk and ambitious opportunity
rep movements, it is booed, to be remarkably successful. Everyone can
and downtown improvements,
to improved economic et involved in ft. In fact, it is the people of
Will act as a earedthroughout the g
community. and activity sins It is st i residents, community
community. in this way Seaforth can foster Seaforth and district who will make a
the types ofIe opportunities that termsill of serveest r groups and organizations, businesses, build -
needs, for employment, ing owners, contractors, workers, p
the broader community, in ng agricultural coin•
needs, whether they (IncMainstreet project
servic care business
and, oeco and opport nal munitywhowill makedthe
ties. investment
business economic
a good placento really tick.
ties, investment er simply What do you think S`eaforth should Inc
live. work and retire., help is economy and to better serve
As MainstreetCoordinator, I bring W the
project unive ty arid experience m a be considered.
aariety historic preservation, ds The you think shoo{
varietyof otherhentage related projects. • _, - _ . • _.,...., .
doing to e P +
Crar trio i • planning
the residents of this area? What are some of
nisi training in urban p the events, activities and improvemHave yet
been thinking of starting or expanding a
business? How do you think shopping
opportunities could be unproved? When
shop out of town, what attracts you?
considering buying or renovating a building?
What have you seen elsewhere that really
is rksqu hSeaforth have to specialoffer
is How ab some events?
W hat would you think about a really big
homecoming in 1989?
Talk about your ideas this Christm.ts.
Recent studies in Ontario have shown
approximately 8o per cent of the new
economic opportunities in ,small towns are
started by people from within the community
or by those who have strong family is like
ties. Waiting for the next Toyota plant
waiting to win Lotto 649. During this holiday
season, think about the Mainstreet Canada
what y , think
can do. Oh yes, and if you
what you, yourselfthe Mainstreet or older
have -any old photo'
buildings, I'd love to ort o for bote them. 11 h of 'r
willing, C ;d make a copy Holiday!
Best wishes for a Happy