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The Huron Expositor, 1986-12-17, Page 17
Happy 13th Birthday Carol Ann McQuaid December 16 THp HURON Seaforth Beavers Oldtlmers NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE 9:00 p.m. - ? Seaforth and District Community o ce Centres o % EXPOSITOR, DECEMIJER 11, 19811 — A17 riiMixiyiAMC9.1ASA hS:tSx.(mY P;.4 14;41.=:rt.u>4 Welcome to the SEAFORTH RESTAURANT OPEN r� CHRISTMAS $20.00 Couple DEC, 31 n Hugs, Mom, Madonna & Anne Marie DISC LUNCII JOCKEY SERVED Proceeds to Ringette and Minor Hockey PROTECTIVE BUBBLE — Acrlb dome was presented by the Seaforth Women's Institute to the Seaforth Community Hospital's Pediatrics ward, last week. The dome ante as a safety device and attaches to the top of cribs. Its purpose le to prevent potential climbers from toppling from their beds. Making the presentation for the Institute were Helen MacKenzie and Mildred Kerr. Dianne Wood, registered nurse, accepted the dome on behalf of the hospital. (Mollwrelth photo) Institute enjoy get together The Seaforth Women's institute held their Christmas meeting in the Orange Hall with a good attendance of members and friends. A potluck supper was enjoyed followed by a short business meeting. A program consisting of readings by Mrs, Gordon MacKenzie, Mrs, Lloyd Pipe and Mrs. Lome Lawson followed., A monologue by Mrs. Eldin Kerr and a skit by Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie, Clarissa Stewart, Mrs. James Keyes and Olive Papple was performed. In place of a gift exchange members gave x . Happy 39th JIM ETUE Y December 17 DAY FROM 8A.M.T07P.111 RESERVATIONS ACCEPTEDHilt CIIRIS'l'MASDINNER. ! } 527-1020 Seasons Greetings TO EACH AND EVERYONE M 11.4sesiyi ssis TSI. raAs -A 3rrZi 33yilw`.i F5c13"v;F k'S:F T( BAVF1ELD HISTORY - ADVANCE SALES (Published by Bayfield Historical Society) To Be Available Spring 1987 All Advance Sales Customers will be listed as patrons of this History. gifts kr the Family Service Bureau. The rest of the evening was spent playing euchre. Prizes went to high lady, Olive Papple, lone hands, 'Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, low, Mrs. Eldin Kerr, high man, Beulah MacKay (as a man), lone hands, Mrs. Jessie McGregor (as a 'man), low, Gordon MacKenzie. Lucky tallies, Jack Carter, Harold Coleman, Mrs. R. McMillan and Mrs. Jack Carter. The persons with the most letters in their name Robert McMillan and Doris Hugill. This brought an evening of fun to a close. ' Christmas time cif Peace The Year of Peace draws to a close at an Government. After all Peace between neigh - appropriate time when most people try to , boring countries is also important. Peace of think of Peace - Christmas. The theme of mind for Ontario citizens. was the thought Peace has been seen this year throughout the behind a resolution passed by Federated Women's Institute's Programs right from Women's Institute of Ontario when they . branch level through to international level. urged Environment Canada and the Ontario Branches have had speakers on topics such Ministry of the Environment to give the ,is Amnesty International, countries where highest priority to the problem of ground and peace is not part of the norm, and United surface water pollution by toxic chemicals; Nations. To help others in the community specifically to improve the funding for have peace within themselves the Women's monitoring toxic chemicals in the environ - Institute members volunteer their time at ment, and to develop more effective abate - nursing homes to help the elderly, sick or ment measures. The only garden in the world handicapped. Ninety-three branches in the dedicated to Peace is at Turtle Mountain on London Area make a specific effort at the border between Manitoba and North Christmas time to provide money, canned Dakota. In this garden is a specific Women's goods. food. clothing. toys or whatever Is institute Acre, kept up by the Women's needed to help others. Throughout the year Institutes of Canada. whenever help is needed in their community Internationally Women's Institute mem- the Women's Institute members are there to bets are proud that Dr. Ellen McLean a W .1. help either directly or indirectly through member from Nova Scotia, was re-elected other organizations. President of the Associated Country Women Provincially such issues have been tackled of the World at their recent conference. As as free trade and how it will affect farm and the year of Peace draws to a close the rural families by means' of a provincial Women's Institute members will not stop seminar with the results going to the Federal working for Peace. SHCF residents decorate Seafnnll Health ('are Facility residents made decorations last week which they hung nn the door of the facility Residents also spent time last week decorating for a ('hnstnuss party for the staff. Christmas dinner was held for staff at the Queen's Hotel Ruth Nolan presented Mrs Helm with a gift fmm all the workers Then a social hour a as spent playing cants et the nursing home. On Monday residents went bowling and on Tuesday Seaforth Public School pupils helped ai�1h wheelchair howling and sang a few Christmas ravonles OnWednesday Rev Barber held aworship service Henrietta Brown accompanied on pinna On friday Father Caruana held mass for residents 01 his parish Mr and Mrs W atter Gee visited her uncle Rill Miners Filen Murphy visited her father Harold Connell Mrs Bill Scoll grid friend visited Bill Scott farhis birthday and hmughl in a cake for him. Mabel Clark went to see her father Haile Dow Pat Nigh visited his great grandmother Lucy Item. Pat Ryan went out for lunch with his sister Kathleen and family from Michigan. Flmer Feeney of Dublin visited Leo "You ran Into what???" Happy Birthday — Your Staff COST: $20 •• 0 per copy If to be Petalled add 03.50 Canadian or delivery to U.S.A. for postage and han ORDERS TO: Ed Oddleifson OR BAYFIELD, Ont. NOM 1G0 Tel. No.: 565-2526 85.50 Canadian for dling. Gwen Pemberton BAYFIELD, Ont. NOM 100 Tel. No.: 565-2648 SEAFORTH Wieleem /RE «111k�� SmaS • 527-0220 for price of Medium, Large GOOD FOR THE MONTH OF DEC. C`:41. p�S to� Includes ple and coffee O'Sullivan. Mary Ryan, Helen Morris and Frank Smale. They had a nice visit. Barbara Alexander visited her mother Cassie Nicholson. Terrence Hussey visited Jim Nolan. Anita Scroggs visited her mother-in-law Madge Remes. Mr and Mrs. Vern Reynolds and family of Landon visited her father Flank Smale. Mary Nolan visited husband Jim Nolan. Lenny Bloomfield was out for supper to Rita Movlan's of SI Columban Cassie Nicholson went out for supper with con Hamld and Beryl Nicholson Mrs Jim Stewart of Seaforth visited Bill Scall nn his birthday Saturday. Bill and Janice Morris visited Helen Monis Nellie Jansen and Marton Van Dooren of SI James CW L walled on residents FYiday afternnnn Penny Dirna.line took a few residents to Maplewood Manor Sunday afternoon for their Open House. Christmas (Continued from Page A2 ) corner, bells and mistletoe were hung and strings for Christmas cards were placed in conspicuous places. This was not always smooth sailing as thumbtacks were hard to locate and even harder to put into plaster walls. Meanwhile outside Dad was once again struggling with lights although this time of the outdoor variety. The boughs from the bottom of the tree were to be tacked around the front door with colored lights and bows. There's not a lot of patience or Christmas cheer when you're atop a (men ladder on a slippery porch with a mess of lights in one hand and a hammer in the other. The end result was always so pretty - no wonder they stayed up until Faster! • • • CHIP BINGO •,f�t�, • DUBLUN COM M1iNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, DEC: 19 •• • • • 15 Regular Games • • • 515.00agarne • 3 SPECIALS PLUS • JACKPOT $950 •• in S9 mils • CONSOIATLON —1100.00 • BONANZA $ 525 • • • • • • • • • • • • • in 57 calls • • CONSOLATION -150.00 • Doors Open all ell PA!. • • Bingo Starts atR:00P.M. • • NO BINGO DFX'. 28 • 1.••••••••••••••••••• rQUEEN'S SEAFORTH Presents This Weekend ff3 DF.BI3Y VANDENBERK, daughter of Ted and Willie Va-id'enberk of RR 2, Dublin, graduated with her Anteing Diploma on November 21, 1986 from Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Tecknology, Stratford Division. She is a former student of St. Patrick's Separate School, Dublin, and Mitchell District High SeliodL Debby has accepted a job as a Registered Nurse With Peel Memorial Hospital fn Brampton. Good luck and best wishes Deb from your Mom and Dad; brothers, sister and sister -in - TAW. We love you. BIRTHS SYRE HOMEMADE 15 Piece BUCKET 1 99 Golden, delicious chicken for 5-7 people 000D FOR THE MONTH OF DEC. CHICKEN SOUP .�.. Everyday 95 Low Price ittimmiseww SANTA WILL. BE HERE Saturday, Dec. 20 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. Free Candy Canes to the Kids Next Monday & Tuesday December 22 & 23 McIF.AN: To Mr. and Mrs. D.C.G. (Joe) McLean at Ottawa General Hospital on December 9. 1986, a daughter, Julie Adele. McNiCHOL: Ryan wishes to announce the arrival of his wee sister. Brianne Raylene, Tuesday, December 9 at Listowel Memorial Hospital weighing 5 lbs. 3 ozs. Proud parents are Ray and Linda. Fourth grandchild of Ralph and Doreen Mathews of Auburn, twenty-first grandchild of Ralph and Anna McNichol of Seaforth. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EQUUS ofi NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY WITH US to continuous music by /"igTV AND CONCEPT ONE!" &11 NOISEMAKERS FJ� Happy Birthday to Grandrna,Carter on December 22. Happy Birthday to Grandma McGrath on December 16. 1.PEOPLE °i... ` t®N ir qa-aiz..ligg I I 1,4 sf)_ ��/1111 INN SEAFORTH 527-0180 HRISTMAS ` ARTY? AKEiTAFUN ZZAPARTY! ase phone large orders in advance TUFF A PIZZAN A STOCKING•'asy - with a Pirra Tnh GJft Certificate! EAT IN OR TAKE OUT ° URS: Open Daily at 11 a,m. n. & Mon. till 11 p.m. es., Wed. & Thure. till midnight . & Sat. fill 1 a.m. Highway 118 Seaforth, near the stoplights IsHHH�I D11r HIir1I WISHING YOU At W and Mr. and Mrs. Eltner Townsend of Harpur- hey, Mr. and MIS. Alex Townsend and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Tmfmsend and famtlywerein Arthurto the Townsend family Christmas as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald TOiisnS'end Mid'fsntify. tAregteZ from all of us at the Queens! We support & participate in the DESIGNATED DRIVER PROGRAM Have ix safe holiday — have a designated driver! • •fM1 MAS: • • • •• STARTS FRIDAY, DEC. 19th • '2. r TUESDAY • • • • • • • • • • • e s• • • • • • • e GIICH • 0O* !31.7111 • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • e • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • •• • • / ----__ "11 -1€ VOYAGe Home X=== • • m THE STAFF OF THE PARK t• . ,a YHEN©S URSOAY, THEATRE WISH YOU N. ®EC. 101h • DUNDEE NIGHTLY g44 FRI.-SAT. 7 d. 9: SUN.-THURS. 7:30 SPECIAL SAT. -SUN. 2:00 p.m. THE FATE OF THE FUTURE LIES HIDDEN iN THE PAST, SOMEWHERE ON EARTH... 99061. •. PAUL HOGAN 7.3