HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-04-13, Page 1THE WIN(iHA1VI TIMES. VOL XXXIV,--NTO. A Share o Your Patronage Solicited, SNAPPY, NEW, SWELL Spring Suitings are here, and it's time you shed those Winter clothes and put yourself in one of Homuth's Up -to -Date Suits. No need for delay any longer. Come and see the beautiful Spring Settings we are show- ing that characterize every uew idea, and we can prove to you that we are represent- atives of all that is newest and hest. We invite all Wingham and vicinity to come in and in- spect them. We ask only reasonable prices, and will guarantee you first -plass fit, workmanship and style. Give as a trial and be con- vinced. New Hats, Caps, Shirts, tinder clothing, Suspenders, Hosiery, Neckwear, Collars, etc., etc., arriving daily. A pleasure to show goods. California's Finest Dried Fruits PRUNES - Large, meaty, delicious•Savored fruit. 3 sizes. 2Ibs., 31be. or 5lbe. for 25 APRICOTS - The very fiuestquality of this fruit, in two sizes, 15o per ib, and 2 lbs for .25 PEACRIES-per lb.15 RAW FRUITS- Bananas, Oranges, Lemons --nothing but the beat, R. A, HuIchson GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery. AREAL ESTATE.,.. . • The second year of nay Real Estate and In- surance business is at a close, and I am glad to ' be able to iutorni the public that any business for the past year has been nearly double that of the preceding year, and is Steadily increas- ing. I thank those who have given ane their pat - renege in the past, and 7 extend a hearty invi- tation to all who have real estate to sell, or to those who wish to buy, to call and see me, as my lists are extensive, comprising some of the best properties to be had, both in town and country. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Life and Accident Insurance affected. A call solicited. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VexsroNE BLOCK. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. New B Mr. W. G. Welsh open a bakery in co Elmer Moore's resta ready for business, Mr. Welsh is a pray be able to give t bread. Look for hi issue. kbey. sof . Listowel will iection with Mr. rant and will be on Monday next. cal man and will Et public first-class (advt. in our next A Hoiiiutli wiFsseaStAeight propwleoaApinplgyd repair ; i F. G. SPARLINEt. Clothier and Gents' Furnisher MARRIAGE LICENSES Tented by l3'RANS PATERSON, NO, 23 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINGHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,644,000 Permits' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT --Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and addedto principal 30th Jnne and $1st December eaoh year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. i6. YAnstone, Solicitor. BANK or HAMILTON WINCNAM. papital paid up, $2,235,280.00. Reserve mind, $2,100,000.00. Total Assets, $2G,553,80G,5/. F'restdent-- ECON. WM. GzBsolc. Vtoe-Prrosident and General Manager - J. TvaNBtrr t. Assistant (len. tanager -ii. M. WAhcsON DINECTORS 4o1in Proctor, Chug. L. Dalton, ,t. S. Hendrle, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Barge, Intlpeeter--I3. Willson. SAVINGS 13ASirK, InteeMt tatowett on deposits of $1.110 And iv. *arils, lend added: to principal on SIst Nat end Oath November etch yb>Sr. SpeoM1 Deposits Aldo remised its current *met or Inseam". IV* CORBO171,/), Agent, IJI(1 /A'l►t?1il'llt ITOLIATO* 13alibttere. Commence Sriring Cleaning. Now that we have the spring weather it is time that all t1 old rubbish, ashes, etc, were removed Zrom the back yards, rear of the stores sad alleys. The spring cleaning should be started without any further delay. If tis winter's accnmala- .tion of rubbish is a lowed to remain very long, the warm wether will make it very unpleasant t live in some sections of the town. Let he spring cleaning be started at once. FOIL SALE ---A good storey and a half frame house, with four rooms, pantry and woodshed downstairs and four rooms up stairs; hard water in woodshed and soft water in kitchen. Apply to, Rom': MAxWELL, Tailor. New Wall Pap at Cooper's. Cooper & Co's boo - store was visited by a large number o people of Wingham and vicinity on Fr day and .Saturday last, as these two de s were for the an- nual spring showing of wallpaper. This firm carries a Iarg and well assorted stock of wall paper. The patterns this spring are very met and the prices ate low as the lowest, f you intend paper- ing a bed -room, din ng -room or parlor it will pay you to loo through Cooper & Co's stook before ng your purchase of wall paper! WARTED. --At once, partner for Real Estate and Insurance Business; must be a hustler. Apply personally to . C. J. IILionian, Real Estate Agent, Wingham, Ont. Percy Jetf'r Mr. Percy Jeffrey, Jeffrey, of Toronto, an agent at Londosboro, in Toronto on Thursd year. The young man last summer, when ho typhoid fever, from w • recovered, other troub Deceased was a bright ing passed his /Ugh S before reaching his young Man was a Ise Tinting of town, brought to town on WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 13. 1905, Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Died i Howick. After a few war s illness, Adam N, Hutobison passed away at his home in Howick, in his 77t i year. Mr. Iiutohi- son was one of tb. pioneer residents of Howiek and was 1 eld in high esteem by a large circle of n ighbors and friends. He had been suffering with pneumonia. Mr. Hutchison was father of s. R. A. Hutchison of thi town. A good' house t• ent. Apply to R. Vaustone. Social Life -n Scotland. The Westminster Guild of St. An. drew's Presby Eerie Church will bold their regular meati .g this week on Fri• day evening in pia of Monday evening. This will be the G ild's monthly literary meeting and Rev. . Perris will give an address ou "Soot Life in Scotland as pictured by Bur ." All members of the eongregatio young and old, are in- vited to this me ting. A collection will be taken up. /r See the Easter Pct ¢`ards, just arrived at Cooper's Book S e, Military Changes. Military orders i_saed from Ottawa on Monday contain he following notifi- cations; -28th Per Regiment --Capt. H W Copus is perm tted to retire retain- ing rank. 32nd Bru :e Regiment -Lieut. D. D. McDougall is 3ermitted to resign his commiesion. Peavisional Lieut. C. Clark is permittees to retire. 33rd Huron Regiment-Laptain and Brevet - Major C. J. A. 0. Lennon trausferred to the 19th St. Catharses Regi nt. Good general servan anted. Apply to Mas. R. H. Chown , Frances street. EARLY CL SING NOTICE. We, the ndersigne• Furni- ture Deals s, h e, agree to close our s17res , o'clock P 3I. every weelrlay except Saturday, from .Apr 1 15th to December 1st, 1905. L. A, BALL & Co. WALTER BROS. & BUTTON. Anniversary end Lecture. Next Sunday will be Epworth League anniversary day in elle Winghatn Meth- odist Church. Rev. E. E. Scott, of Galt will preach both mcning and evening. On Monday evening Mr. Scott will de- liver his popular Inc are, "Canada -The Land of the Map1a," in the Church, under the auspices .f the League. This is a very interesting and instructive lec- ture and should be argely attended by our townspeople. nus admission is only 15 cen is or two ticyets for 25 nts. HORSE FOR SALE- pod working horse, 4 years old, i gond condition. Apply to m.rs. D. J. nrchison, conces- sion 10, Turnberry. Died in ew York. Mr, Harry Oban pion died at his home in New York on F May, March 3lst, and his remains were b ought to Wingham for burial on Tues y, April 4th. De- ceased was a one ti e resident of Wing - ham, but has been 1 ving in Now York for a number of yea s. He was an uncle of Mrs. sten Paterso of this town, The remains were act rnpanied by his brothers, Messrs, hos. and Alfred Champion and their ives,who arespend- ing a few days visiti g Mr, Ken Pater - son's. $700 will buy a six roomed brick house and a large lot; hard and soft water; and good stable. Terms to suit perohaser. Apply at W. J. Pattison's flour and feed store. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Ohuroh. Glasses Supplied. Death of M y Dead. The death occu ou of Mr. D. D. morning of Annie 1 formerly G.T.D. wife of Mr. D. B. At ied at his home vale road, at the he last in his 20th Thos. Henderson, JO had been ill Since had been a suffere ad an attack of years with constim %ch he never fully months had been liv s having Set in. where she was given oungltnan, hat- Mfrs. Anderson, who . ooi examination lath year. The • ew of Mr. Amos. he remains were riday and interred in the family plot in he Wingbam ceme- tery. The bereaved family will hate the ayiknpathy of old rienda ittWingham in their betealsemon •. , Anderson. red early Friday eoderson, beloved derma, of the Bine. e of her father, Mr. n Street. Deceased for nearly three tion and for many ng with her parents, he best of care. ad lived all her life near Winghatn, d a large circle of friends and her death ,in her 35th year, is very mush regretted. A. husband and three children, and her parents, brothers and sisters will have the sympathy of many friends in their time of affliction. The funeral to the Witnghatn cemetery on Saturday afternooilvitas very largely attended. Horsemen, Atentionl The time is at hand when horsemen should be ordering th r bills and route cards for the coming aeon. The TIMES has a complete set of orse outs and we are in a position to ga good satisfaction in this plass of work Don't forget the TIRES office whoa u are in ne of printing of any sec unt, Housemaid wanted, sit eh< King Ed- ward hotel. House cYuning all done. Apply to J, W. Olilz. Successful Bar The Wingbam Citiz very successful band evening last and bad d Concert, us' Band held a Dncert on Friday oro`wded house. The different selecti-ns by the band were well rendered. Pile quartettes by Misses Giffin and M son and Messrs. Cline and Hill were v iry much appreci- ated, and especially eras the quartette "Profundo Basso" wq I rendered. Mrs. R. Clegg gave two ex The solos by Miss Gr' Duncan and a piano tie and Nellie Orr we the audience. Man the opinion that this of the series given b eilent recitations. kiln and Miss Pearl net by Misses Mat- e well received by present were of as the best concert the band. I am now ready to do papa auging, painting, etc., promptly n guarantee satisfaotiion. All orde left at R. Mooney's tin shop will r °sieve prompt attention. Geo. A. Phippen. SI A YEAR IN ADVANCE New SO of Rooms. To Organize a Lacrosse Club. The old congreg tonal church build- ' A meeting of all putties interested in ing has been par Tally flitted up for the formation of a lacrosse club in school rooms and e scholars from two Wingham will be hel in the Council of the rooms will moved thereto after Chamber this ('Ph rsday; evening. the Easter vacatio . The Management There should be a la „ e attendance at Committee o° the School Board has this meeting, as it is ow time that the ordered new sent and these will be club was organized. placed in position be the school building and seats from t of the rooms will be placed in the new school building. Notice of Removal. On or about the 15th of April 1 intend Wanted by the 25th of April, a good moving my tailoring establishment to general servant girl. Apply to the premises formerly occupied by H. M. MRs, (DR.) MACDONALD. Tudhope, opposite the bank of Hamilton. New Post O ice Building. Until that date I will be ready to serve During the past eek three oar loads the public at the old stand with a brand of rod pressed britt from Beamsville new, up-to-date stook for spring and were received in Wi wham for the new summer wear. A young man wanted to post office building. Oa Monday Con- learn the tailoring business. tractor Cooper sent tip a car load of ma- R MATiwELL, The Tailor. terial from Clinton, rhich was composed of door and window names, flooring and this work would roofing. We expect have been commence have had over two weather for building now look as though t started at an early d The Weekly Globe and anada Farmer. Walter James Brown, B.S.A., LL.B., for three years Principe of the Canadi- an Correspondence Coil ge and a gradu- ate of the Ontario Agri ,altural College, Guelph, has been appc luted Editor of The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer of Toronto. The interests of the agri- culturists and homem ers of this coun- try are rapidly assn ing commanding importance, and The Veekly Globe and Canada Farmer, wit ' its new crops of editors and assistant , will devote its energies to the solutio of the problems affecting the .promoti n of agricultural industries and the de elopment of Can- adian holies. 1',ee TIL as has made ar- rangements whereby he Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer and The Trims s may be had by any subscriber in Canada, United States or Gnat Britain until January 1st. 1906, fo- one dollar. A more IiberaI newseap it offer has never been made. The Ba=yard. Give the backyard ome care and at- tention; backyards a made the catch- all of everything u t wanted in the home. Receptacles s iould be provided for ashes, tin cans an refuse of all kinds, as these soon become scattered over the back .yard, giving the lace a disreputable appearance. Most o our backyards are small and ought therefore to be well cared for. The backyard can be made a school for boys antgirls where they can have lessons in industry. Children will take au inter est in keeping the backyard clean an 1 arranging flower beds. Old out buiings, fences, and all unsightly objects m ey be covered with vines. Many people think it too expen- sive to make the b ck yank beautiful, e essential thing is lay of money, which ut, will yield teu- od idea is to i,iterest n making beaatitul d it will make the but I have found t the will, and the o is only a sma11 amt fold returns. A g the neighborhood the backyards, at place the admirat surrounding conn you are not weIi r Work and Works on of the town and ry. Try it and see if paid. ---Homemaker in COUGHS, COLDS Why let them liner? ? OUR . Laxative Gold Tablets Will break up any cold. 25c a box. Every box guaranteed. For sale only by Walton McKibben 0IUGCIST, WINGlel'AM. to Post b9Meo. Nextdeo before now. We eeks of excellent erasions. Things e work would be e. Half Holiday Dur The question of h each week during a the summer season the minds of a nu for some time. Th of last summer, bu A number of places Outario have alrea and it is said to wo and it would in all in Wingham. In ibility of the schem fore the people a cussed, we would s ing of all who are matter be called at Easter Dress Goods -Sp- sal for one week. --$1.00 and e1 25 olored Voiles and Boliennes for , . 50o and 60c Colored Lustres an Voiles for 38o at Alex. Ritchie's. Meeting of Ratepayers. As will be seen fr im an advt, in an - ng the Summer. other column, Mayr Bell has called a ving a half holiday public meeting for Friday evening of ouple of mouths of this week in the Col-ncil Chamber to con - as been occupying sider rhe matter of 4rainage on Josephine ber of our citizens street. This is a question in which the matter was talked ratepayers of Wfiagham should take nothing was done. + much interest. It es plain to everyone throughout Western that some new wo: must be taken to adopted the plan have a proper syste n of drainage ou our very satisfactorily; front street. The :1d wooden box drain robability work well at the nor th end of the town has served rder that the feas. its day and has bees the course of much may be brought be. ese ell inconvenience. d thoroughly dia. Messrs.xpenWalkerasw& fangas wore put to a gest that a meet- great deal of bother by water backing interested in this up on their premisce. The TIMES is in early date. favor of a proper se ler being put down and that will be the lend of the trouble. ����������� All ratepayers shou El attend the public meeting on Fridaa evening and give their views on this mportant question. $ -�- WINGtIAM HOCK '•,T Y CLUB �' NOTICE -I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my business Cortocer.t t ! and ally prime on notes or mortgaany ( tan pap principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember you g: need not pay until you are requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with me and wish q. you all every prosperity. BORT. MCIND00. The greater prortion of divorces is o, rMeWiU"rereaePaelwenetmeSenee takes place betweeiithe fifth and tenth -_-- - year of married lif 3 1 See next week's papers and large posters, for date and full particulars. • Royal Ternpler s Entertain. The Italian Mi4ister of Public In- struction made w e of 67,600 visiting A very interesting meeting of Wing- cards in his thirty two months of office. ham Council, Royal Templars was held Among the nese that are more on Tuesday evening The Council had I sensitive to the weal are the cherry, the divided under two captains for the pun- ! plum, the walnut, be black poplar, the pose of securing nev members and Tues- 1 service tree, the as i, certain varieties of day evening the numbers were enter - pine. Other pines, Mined by the losing Fide. The Council tarn varieties, and is iu a very flourish ng condition, having very resistant to wl a membership of 15 I. During the even - lug refreshments ice cream and was a good one ani tions by Miss Edit re served, including ake. The program consisted of recite - Walker and Mrs. Kingsbury ; solo be Mr. Frank Hill; duet by Miss May and riifrid Reid; duet by Miss Hazel and Brack Brandon; instru- mental duet by Miisos Laura Kerr and Hazel Brandon. Pisses Sperling and Sberk were the accranpanists, Short ad- dresses were delired by Rev. Dr. Gundy, F. Buchanr.u, W, H. Green and Dr. Redmond. Mi. T. J. Shanks, editor of the Canadian Royal Templar was present and gave a very interesting ad- dress. Young WinghJrrrite Promoted. Mr. J. C. Readi g, son of Mr. C. J. Reading of town, 1 as been promoted to be District Agent of the Union Life Assurance Co. at shawa. This young man has been pror toted several times since lie went with .he Co., and his many friends here will be pleased to hear of bis coming to the fr int. The Peterboro Examiner is speakiaet of the matter says: -Mr. J. C. Readin(, 25 Louis Street, one of the Local agents of the Union Life Assurance company after a service of six months in the oft oity here has been promoted to the posi ion of District Man- ager, with office at shawa, Ont. The record made by this opular young man is one that is seldom surpassed by men who have been in th assurance business for many years. T fact that the com- pany has recognized -the ability of Mr. Reading in such a a tbstantial manner, is a source of much zratifieation to his many friends. He 1 as the honour of being one of the you gest District Matt- agers in the Com ny's employ and practically holds th record for rapid promotion among t many representa- tives o" this compat y. The best wishes of his many friends Will anoompany hien when he enters opo the duties of his new position, Monday, March 27th." + 2. -1 a�. especially the Inoun- lso certain firs are kid. 1 A. I. McCALL & CO. SILL harden Seeds Onion Sets, by the pint or lb. Black Onion Seed by lb. or oz. t3ardon Peas. Carrots. Beets. Lettuce. Radishes. A:abbage. FLOWER SEEDS --by the oi:. Sweet Peas. Verbenas. Asters. SPRING BULBS Nasturtiums. Pan,:ias. Migacnette. Gladiolus. Dahlias. Narcissus. Tulips. Begonias. A I1McCaII & Com Llbiirso. Druggists and Opticians WINGHAM, ONT. 1 WINGHAM SCWOOL BOARD. Regular month meeting of the School Board was eld an Tuesday even- ing with all the embers present, and Chairman Dr. It in presiding. Minutes of last regular a special meetings were read and approv d. The Principals report for the month of Maroh was r'ad as follows: - Dept Boys Girls Total Aver. 1AcotB .98 s+ OG 83 I0 34 50 45 2 3 4 5 6 ;• 25 28 1S is 29 19 23 30. 20 37 8 3e 30 53 36 48 53 37 74 45 32 41 48 50 50 20 250 467 403 The school Nt s open 23 dad s and all the teachers were resent. Res ectfnlly submitted, A. . Musgrove, Principal. On motion f Trustees Moore and Kerr, the Principal s report was adopted as read. The foliowi g accounts were read: - Jas. Brock, rk, $6.08; W. P. Grierson, work, $8.38; m. Moore, work, $GAB; John A. McL n, lumber, $21.53; Halsey Park, repairir clock, 75c. The accopn were ordered to be paid on motion o - Trustees Elomuth and Lloyd. Moved by T- ustees Lloyd and Moore, that the Chai-span and Trustee Griffin be a committet to engage a caretaker for school roams at Congregational church.-Carr*d. The teachors and officers salaries were Iordered to be p 3d on motion of Trustees Abraham and : omuth. d 4.4--1-fi•-1-•1• rd 4.4-i-4.4.4- see 4.•i•,3..E,•g.l + Wingham's Leading Shoe Store YOUR EASTER SHOES You're certainly going to have a new pair of Shoes for Easter. will want something smart in Foot - Eery Lady wear to go with her Easter Gown. Every Man will want a pair of natty new Shoes to go with his new Suit and Top Coat. Every Boy and G1r1 will want a new pair of Shoes to go with the Easter Suit or Dress. It every Shoe wearer would see our styles and learn our money -saving prices, there wouldn't be a pair of Easter Shot's sold outside this store. Every member of the family has been care- fully thought of and cared for, at reasonable prices. Everything in Footwear for everybody. MAY WE EXPECT YOU IN ? • W. J. GREEK Shoer to the People. See us for Trunks and Valises. 1 +44++:140.02144.44.+2144.+++44+ i '+++++ t-+ -+•1•+++ -'-- 4++++..