HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-12-10, Page 2• Hon° FEurp x ositor =rig' 1 SINCE 1860, SERVING THE COMMUNITY FIRST Incorporating E$rUsacis Pos.4 10 Main Street 527-0240 Published in SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Every Wednesday morning ED BYRSKI, General Manager HEATHER McILWRAITH, Editor The Expositor is brought to you each week by the efforts of: Pio Alines BOsS,e Broome Marlene Charters, Joan Gwchelaar, Anne Hull. Joanne Jewitt. p,annv McGrath Lois MCLlwam. Bob McMillan and Cathy Malady +CNA BLUE RIBBON AWARD 11985 C1. PAMIRSCO' Member Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc, Ontario Community Newspaper Association Ontario Press Council Commonwealth Press Union International Press Institute Subscription rates: • Canada $20.00 a year, in advance Outside Canada $60.00 a year, In advance Single Copies - 50 cents each WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1986 Second class mall registration Number 0696 Weekend 'moving' experience Most people would not dare attempt the task 1 took on last weekend without the aid of specialized vans and a substantial contingent of trained laborers. Even with this kind of professional force, the job often takes people several days to complete. Therefore, I felt justifiably smug at having .accomplished the entire ordeal in one day, using only a boron, ^d pickup and what grudging help 1 could obOin by kidnapping my girlfriend and my younger brother and coercing their assistance. Despite the tribula- tions, you might say it was "a moving experience." To be truthful, 1 hate moving. I wouldn't do it at all if 1 could convince, my employers to consider moving new job sites closer to my current address, rather than have me go through the stress of relocating my personal belongings. So far, i have never been fortunate enough to find an employer this understanding. Instead, 'I do the next best thing and travel light. Moving always makes me think of an old George Carlin routine called "A Place For My Stuff." Carlin's theory Was that the only reason people have houses in the first place is so they have a location to park the various and sundry pieces of "stuff" which human nature seems to require people to obtain. "If people didn't have to worry about all this stuff -- everyone would just walk around all the time," Carlin supposed, "Not a bad idea George," i thought, as I attempted to. crowd , four morns worth of ' "stuff"' into the cramped box of a half -ton. Write to Santa FROM THIS ANGLE by Patrick Raftis "W e can do it in one load. We'll be done by three," 1 had a -.aired my shanghaied assistant~. Two leads and several hours later, those wards had returned to haunt me. I had moved in here with only one load of stuff. Why did l now have more? Did my stuff possess some mysterious powerof reproduc- tion unknown to modern science? It hardly seemed likely. Single male journalists, creatures 01' mobility that we lend to be, are generally the trend-setters of the "travel light" set. A colleague of mine once moved his stuff in excess of 100 miles in the back of a Honda. Of course he admitted to making two trips, but Ihal still leaves us with a feat that would make your average stuff collector green with envy. 'transporting your staff, of course, is only half the battle. (Ince you've got all your basic stuff into the new abode, you must make arrangements to get all kinds of other stuff 'hooked up. "The gas meal cometh," promised the voice 00 the phone_ "But when?" I wondered, as I spent the first night in my new residence camped out in the living room, huddled under a small electric healer, waiting for someone to come and light my fire. In addition to the gas company) 1 W88 visited by representatives of the cable company and the telephone company during my fist week of occupation'.' All of these organizations charge what is (mown as a "hook-up" fee. In some cases, i1 have to wonder how much hooking up ly done. was The telephone line, for example, already tuned on and registering a dial tone when the serviceman arrived. He plugged it into an existing ,jack. made a test call and left. 1 could have done That. In one case, 1 actually did. sell' During an earlier move, I found my unable to be at home for the auspicious telephone installation ceremony.'I'he service man simply dropped the phone off at my office and I took it home and plugged it in myself'. Yet, I was still charged for a service call. Bet the guy really sweated over that one. At least it's all over now. I'm connected, cabled. on Zine and cnokin' with gas. The only thing I have left to do is sort out the contents of all the boxes which currently litter the floors and shelves of my home. Even though 1 have completed the physical move, it seems 'I have still not round that elusivc'•t'lace For My Stuff.' • Editorial page to have weekly cartoon The Huron Expositor, as in previous years, welcomes letters to Santa Claus. - Santa is an avid reader of this newspaper and again has renewed his subscription., In an accompanying letter, he writes, "I enjoy reading The Expositor each and every week. It's one way I can keep tabs on the children who have been good throughout the year. I especially keep an eye on the letters to .Santa section." Santa says he reads every letter he receives from children requesting gifts for Christmas. And that includes letters that appear In The Expositor. Children are again asked to write to the address listed below. A "Letters to Santa" box is also located in The Expositor office. Send letters to: Santa Claus c/o The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario HOH OHO SEA FORTH HERE WE COME f• LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1 Reader against closure Mr Mayor and Members of the Council As a senior and fourth generation citizen of Seaforth I wish to express my antipathy towards a closure of the northerly section of Gounlock Street, adjacent to Victoria Park. i also wish to suggest some ideas re: better usage of our park given to the citizens in perpetuity by the late M r. William Gouinlock in Ibe spring of 1878. A great many of us remember when the park w as t he focus for many activities. weekly hand concerts often with entertainment of illicit kind added, political speeches (I well r'nu•mher. rather reluctantly singing a duet w ith cousin George Daly, both of us aged 12, when MacKenzie King visited Seaforth). Of course there were many additional and perhaps more entertaining performances on that occasion Le more singing, highland dancers. speeches etc. Many other festive occasions will be recalled by our citizens, the commemoration of holidays and the original round roofless handstand around which little girls gleefully hippity-hopped hand-in-hand and little boys just as gleefully chased each other This ended of course when the present ugly bandshell was built. Granted the accoust ics are gond but no one has ever tried to improve the outside appearance. I May 1 suggest (there may be mudi better suggestions) that scenes (not slap dash murals) be painted on each side of the handshell i e. The Four Seasons - Spring, Summer. Fall and Winter. 2. For many years senior citizens have paid and are still paying educational taxes. a great many contributed Inc arsl the erection of nor community centre and are regularly contributing toward school rtnir•h and community projects. Because of hick of transportation and inability to the community Centres is out of bounds for many seniors in summer or winter. But a great many are able to walk to the park where they could meet, chat and play games with old and new friends IF there were tables and benches as other communities have provided for their citizens They would then be able to play chess. checkers. cribbage. bridge, euchre etc. and enjoy the fresh air in the fine weather M any who live in apartments have no opportunity to sit out in fine weather. Our pleasant little park should have accommoda- tions so it can be enjoyed as Mr. Gouinlock intended. :3 1 am sure our recreation director could arrange some entertainment on an afternoon perhaps for an hour at least once weekly. There are senior fiddlers, step, tap and highland dancers, singing school children, acrobatic performers. etc. More than senior citizens would be attracted and pleased. 4. Not all children can play in sports, but have other talents to be developed. We have our renowned Seaforth High School Girls Band and Majorettes. Perhaps a junior brass hand could be formed from boys and girls from the elementary schools. This can be done at an early age as my brothers Flank (baritone). Tom (trombone) and D'Orlean (sousaphone) were 9. 11 and 15 when they pined the Seaforth Highlander Band in which they played for many years before and after the war. My nephew Jim Sills was quite young when he joined. 5. if possible one or two toilets would be appreciated by many if put in the bandshell building. 6. May 1 also suggest that a bright dusk to dawn light be placed back of the monument ' enclosure and, perhaps, on the west peak of the bandshell, this would make police surveillance easier and might discourage misuse of the park at night. 7 The north and south Gounilock roads should he graded and paved as they are used daily for parking. Yours Sincerely, Mona Sills Enzensberger Think about cookbook (ince again I'm renewing my subscription as i like to read about everything down there. Up until the last few weeks 1 was getting my paper on Monday which was faster than most letters, but for some reason it now arrives on Tuesday which is still less than a week Wish you would try fora cookbook again. r still use the one you printed a few years ago. E.M. Burch Swift Current, Sask. The Expositor's editorial page will soon see the artistic humor of Merle Randolph Tingley. Merle Randolph 'Tingley was born in Montreal. Hardly anyone calls him Merle Randolph: he's affectionately known as "Ting." 'ring graduated from Montreal High School, but his editor says he can spell anything but words, That's why he draws pictures for a living -- and he has become pretty good al it. Ile did take an art course, but left after one year In become a draughtsman. That career was short-lived when he doodled a worm into a building plan. Apparently engineers don't like worms in foundations of their solid structures. (Today. Luke Worm" appears hidden in all of'I'ing's cartoons and readers of all ages enjoy the daily challenge of unearthing the little critter with the corncob pipe.i' W th Hitler on the warpath. Tingley joined the army in (942, Shortly after. His Majesties Canadian Forces were looking for a cartoonist to enhance the army magazine Khaki. Ting got the job. Later he was transferred overseas to serve on the forces daily "The Maple leaf." The art department of an advertising agency picked him up after the war, but the cartoon hug had bitten and you can't have much fun with .beans, soap and deodorants. !lilting the road on a second-hand motor bike he visited newspapers from coast to coast. hul to 'no avail. The would-be cartoonist took a ,job as a photo -retoucher at The tendon Free Press in 1947. Two months later he wormed himself into the first Free Press cartoonist's job. He's still there. 'Ping cartoons are now syndicated to a number of daily and weekly papers across ('(nadaNev. er having lost his ties with the troops Tingley has entertained peace -keeping forces in Korea. the Mideast. the Congo, Cyprus and Europe. Added to this. are two missions to the Pacific and the F'ar East sponsored by the American government. Among his many laurels are 15 national and international awards including five for humorous wnting. 'Iwo children's books and eight volumes of his Free Press cartoons add Io his credits. Asa designer tor tendon's fantasy park, Storybook Gardens, 'Ping has been on the advisory committee strict. i1 's inception in 1458 Merlc Randolph Tingley has one wife, Genie. Iwo sons. two cats. and a dog, and of course. Luke Worm Sunday closing laws should be upheld environment but have a strange way of where In the midst nl the children we are eventually creeping into our beloved country- trying In raise in the 'Btts will be a future side It's just a matter of lime. • director of a retail chain, a doctor. a lawyer II is up to we who cherish the quality of life and a mother. These future citizens of our for ourselves. our children and for future societydeserve to have good values, common generations. to stand against Sunday open• sense and good decision making within their ing of retail stores. We need to have that one virtues 13 takes time • the stuff life is made of family day for worship, recreation and solace • to raise a family Time that cannot afford to with those we love. We don't need to be put in give on Sunday so that these retail giants will a position to chose between employment and benefit and our families will suffer. the quality of family life. II is also our Will fl come to this in our fair county? constitutional right to have family life upheld Tii INK • establish a commitment to quality in high priority. If both parents- cannot lime for families of retail workers Speak out mutually share one day a week with their In protect what is the bottom line for children. what will happen to the cohesive- employees • the ability to share our weekly ness of the family unit? efforts with those we love Do we want to preserve the values of our limey make the difference for our children forefathers? Is one day a week too much to to share (heir time with those who they will ask of govemmenl and business to collect our come In love in future generations. thoughts and refurbish our psyches. Some- ('nlhi W hetstone I listen in dismay as 1 Team on the radio that naap)r national retail chains are opening their stores for business on Sundays. This action is in direct defiance of established Sunday ('losing (laws which should be protecting the exact employees that these stores are intimidating. 11 saddens me to think our society has come to a point when management of business measure the quality of life equivocably with their bottom line on their financial state- ments Where is the quality of life for the people who work within the realms of retail? What will become of a common day of rest for our society' To some of us who live in rural Ontario, this may seem as an isolated urban problem. Please don't he fooled. These }rends may Mad and he publicized strongly in the urban Tabloids certainly a temptation All right everyone, put up your hands if you have ever, even once. bought one of those supermarket tabloids. Go ahead no one's watchingmise those hands. I thought so, and i must confess that 11oo have succumbed In those eye catching headlines designed to keep your mind off the price of groceries. IM's face it, how could anyone interested in space, or science resist "UFO brings back man missing since 1975?." or"i was married to an alien from another planet?" i forked over the 69c and entered into a world I'd never experienced. Ever since then 1 have constantly been drawn to the tabloid front pages displayed in stores. Mind you i've never Nought another one but i've been sorely tempted. "Preacher Explodes hi Front of Congregation" certainly caught my eye, as did "Woman 105, returns from dead for the third time " 1 can't help thinking what an exciting life those reporters and journalists must have. Working for National Geographic or The Huron Expositor is boring by comparison. The reporters must travel to many remote areas to get their copy and if they exaggerate who's going to follow up on it? It wouldn't HERE'S THE BE by Doig surprise me a tae (Jou "fairy tale isn t conjured up in a downtown apartment after a bottle of Baileys. However, who am f 10 doubt the facts? As a cnnfui—iiied dieter. tabloids offer hope and inspiration. "I lost 21 pounds in one week" is the type of headline that dieters kill for, and with pictures far proof...well how could you go wrong? Almost every tabloid I've ever seen has a super diet on the front page. Since half of North America is dieting al any given time. what a market they've captured. Throughout the pages there are headlines and stories based on sensationalism, exag- geration. and plays on words. Oddly enough (herr are many companies that advertise extensively alongside the "news." A variety of diel pmducls (just in case the headliner doesn't work). jewellry al "ridiculous" prices. religious artifacts, and health aids, are illustrated with cut out coupons and order ie forms. 'Mere are also plenty of donation forms for (hose who like to give away money to the "needy", which rhymes with "greedy" and makes me very suspicious. ,titer all if you believe the headlines you'll believe the story, and then the ads and heaven help ut wail until you get to the last few pages' I mean a company or organization e ailing to pay big bucks for space is one thing. but the personal column is almost as unhr4ievable as the headlines Ilnv, about this ane • "Good looking.male. s. 5' In", iso lbs _.blonde hair. blue eyes. Wall Redford looks Gentle. understand- ing, affectionate. good sense of humor, athletic. intelligent. good cook. likes house- keeping. loves animals, single. wealthy. Imes golf and redheads." NOW if you believe that you'll believe „nvlhmg. Now what did i do unlit hat address" i� rm changes locale in 1886 Musical Emporium changes 1)Fx'KNBEN 10,1886 ance was good and an enjoyable time was Mr .lames Sleeth is erecting a nice'frame spent. risme ace on the lots he recently purchased UE(.'FMBERB, 1911 from Mr James Scott. Mr. T. Hamilton, insurance agent, while in Messrs. Scott Brothers have removed their Egmondville Tuesday morning with a livery Musical Instrument Emporium to Kidd's horse. attempted to throw the blanket over its block. next 10 Coventry's shoe store, where they have much more comfortable and commodious premises. The ,Josie Mills Comedy Company have been playing to good houses every night this week in Cardno's Hall. Mr. F.D. Philips will deliver a lecture on the "Missions of the Knights of Labor" in Cardno's Hall. on Tuesday evening next, under the auspices of the Knights of Labor, of this own. M r. Philips is said to be an able and eloquent lecturer and he will, no doubt, have a good audience. The soiree. held at the residence of Mr. McQueen in Brucefield on Monday evening last. under the auspices of the Temperance society. was a successful affair. The Wen - 41 back, when the animal made a sudden plunge, and freeing itself, made a wild dash for town. The buggy was overturned in front of Mr. Carnechans and somewhat damaged, but the horse escaped without injury, IN THE YEARS AGONE from the Archives i his farm stock and implements before the first of March. A young son of Mr. Henry Grisbrook, of Egmondville, had the misfortune to have the top of one of his fingers taken .off while Derision was reserved by the court of operating a machine at the foundry on appeal in Tornto on the question of the Monday, UFC'F.MBER11, 19:16 permitted not to adopt interchange of service Membersof the Mitchell Badminton Club McKillop rural telephone line, asking to be with Brussels and Blyth systems. were guests of the Seaforth Club Wednesday Mr. John Murray, of Tuckersmith Town- when a series of interesting and close games ship, has sold his farm to Mr. Jacob were played. in each of the three events the Terryber�y, of Essex County, who gets twe cl wasubs w12-1ere2tied in games and the final possession en the first of Mareh next. The score . price is a little over six thousand dollars, As Recent cold weatheer has un di in this farm IS pleasantly situated it is good splendid skating at th value for the money. Mr, Murray has not yet during the past week Targe crowds Of skaters decided whathe will do. but he will dispese of have been present,•otdtimers state this is the earliest that the rink has been available for many years. Dr. J.M. Field. public school inspector, who will retire al the end of This year, made his final inspection at the Seaforth Public School nn Friday. An enjoyable banquet was held by the members of the Kippen W I al the home of the president. Mrs. G. McLean, During the dinner hour toasts were given to the i<ing and the country and to the Institute by Mrs. G. Mclean and Mrs. 11. Caldwell and responded to by Miss A Dinnin and Mrs. F'. Rathbun:. 1)N:('1(3111EH 11, 1961 Seaforih's on -again, off -again sewer pro - grant seemed to be nn again Monday night as council heard the OW W' had grahted preliminary approval for the work. There will be no election in Tuckersmith this year. While Iwo positions remained vat•anl following nominations the beginning of last week. they were filled with the acclamation of Alex D. McGregor. to council, and George Ievell, to area school hoard. W ith only I I days remaining until Christmas, additional Seaforth residences each day are being garbed with special lights and decorations, ready for the Chamber of ('ornmerce Christmas decoration contest. Despite the fact t was rated the hest in Seafoi Ili in many years and attracted a record crowd, this year's Santa Claus parade has lett a detct in 11s wake Die casting of a small components commenced tris week in the Fry Metal Industries Ud plant here FSrst contract eners small knobs and escutcheons for use in l hrysler vehicles Eire completely dest•nyed the ban on the Tann of 1lernum Klaver. three miles east of Seaton 11ighway 8, on Monday forenoon. About 50 pigs and some calves perished; also a tractor and 1 h hay and grain were burned