HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-12-03, Page 15THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 3, 1986 — A15 Change and challenge focus Change and challenge highlighted the sustained these resolutions: that legislation Annual Board Meeting of the Federated be introduced to snake all pop and alcoholic W omen's hnstitutes of Ontario IFW101 held beverage containers refundable; that top at the Bond Place Hotel, Toronto. priority be given and effective action take "in 1957,1 joined the W omen's Institute, a now to reverse the damage to the environ - step which I have never regretted. It opened ment by acid rain; that FW 10 disagrees with up new worlds and gave me the opportunity the principle of "rate - rebalancing" as of meeting new people, to be Nxposed to new related to telephone service; that action be situations and to network with other organi- taken to ban the advertising of alcoholic zations." These thoughts were expressed by beverages on television in Ontario; that the Margaret Munro, newly elected President of judicial system be monitored to assure that a Federated Women's Institutes .of Ontario. more realistic and careful assessment of each Mrs. Munro feels "the organization will personal injury claim is made before ruling on continue to flourish because of its solid a settlement. foundation, the dedication and enthusiasm of Reports showed that FW 10 also addressed the members coupled with its adaptability. challenges regarding the agricultural indus- Changes within our organization which are try. W omen's Institute organized a success - even now in progress does not alter our aims 1'ul seminar on "How Will Free Trade Affect and purposes, but rather the process by Farm and Rural Families?"; presented a which they are achieved. By, correcting its brief to a task force of agrologists on The weaknesses and building on its strengths, it Future for Ontario's Agricultural industry; will enable us to meet the challenge of this and sent representation to the seminar Shape very fast changing world." Mrs. Munro is of the Agricultural and Food industry in the from Eastern Area and lives on 0 dairy farm at Year 2000; Implications and Opportunities. RR 1, Carp, Ontario. FW 1(1 representatives also attended meet - One of the changes taking place within the logs of the Federation of Agriculture, Royal FW 10 is the hiring of a full time executive Agriculture Winter Fair Association of secretary. Applications for this position are to Canada, and Ontario Agricultural Hall of be submitted to the FW IO office by February Fame. 20, 1987. Following the interviews in March, ' As the Women's Institutes of Ontario the successful applicant will begin to assume prepare to celebrate 90 years of achievement duties in April. in 1987, they continue to build for tomorrow Other changes being implemented are: by meeting the challenges of today. inclusion of other Ontario rural women's groups in the readership of Home and Country: new method of electing Provincial Board Directors: installing a Program Coor- dinator at all levels of the organization; and incorporating the revised constitution and by-laws into a new handbook, Women's Institute continues to accept the challenges related to the concerns and issues of today's society. FW 10 appointed a committee to compile a submission to be presented to the Social Assistance Review Committee. Representatives of FW 10 at- tended seminars and disseminated the information to the Board which then filters to the members -at -large: Safe Use of Pesti- cides: Nuclear Waste Management; Leader- ship -It's Up To You; and Pay Equity by the Ontario Advisory Council on Women's issues, Having previously done a pilot project In Bridge the high was Jim Kelley. on child day care, FW IO decided that President, Mary Finlayson, welcomed membership with Coalition for Better Day everyone present and announced the next ('are would be beneficial. evening will be December 16. Please note During the Annual Meeting, the Board change of date. Mental health branch may establish. BA KE SALE at Men's Euchre Club SAT• DEC. 6 11 a.m. Sponsored by COMMERCIAL BROOMBALL OPEN HOUSE If you see this 'ROOD' BRUCE ARMSTRONG Please wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY An Open House for Greta Kerr will be held Sunday, December 7 from 2 -4 p.m. at her home, 32 James Street, Seaforth in honour of her birthday. Best wishes only, please. i DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Cold & Rock 'n° Roll — Seaforth District High School Student Council Presents SDHS WINTER CA IVAL DISCO -' POLKAS WAL IZES GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS. DANCES ANNIVERSARIES PARTIES ETC TO yrs. experience *No mileage charge ' BRUSSELDAYTIIE 887-6159 Friday, December 5 Beeforth bowling club holds first euchre and bridge 'Ilhe Seaforth Bowling Club held their first euchre and bridge of this season in the Orange Hall with 12 tables ofeuchre and one of Bridge in play. In euchre winners were: ladies high, Agnes Eyre, lone hands, Marjorie Varley, men's high, Sam McClure, lone hands, Elmer Townsend, consolation, ladies, Ethel Dennis, men. Elgin Not(. PIANO TUNING • REPAIRS •'REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP•CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES BRUCE PULSiFER 3489223 Mnc..E,L SDHS GYM 1:00 - 4:30 and 6:30-8:30 • BAKE TABLE • ARTS & CRAFTS • GAMES OF CHANCE • AND MUCH, MUCH MORE CELEBRITY AUCTION — 8:00 P.M. interested individuals have volunteered lime is to develop a pamphlet which will their time to establish a branch of the outline a patient's basic problem and give a Canadian Mental Health Association phone number and name of an agency or (CM HA i here in Huron County. At present, individual which should be contacted, the group has not received formal approval Another goal of the committee is to develop from the CM HA Ontario Division, but have programs such as self help groups, transpor- applied and are waiting for a response. talion and take a look at the existing mental In the meantime, the committee is health agencies. attempting to form a network which will As it is with most new groups, funding is a enable them to determine which type of major concern. Raising funds from the agency various patients should be referred private sector as well as applying for to government grants will be looked into In At the committee's November 12 meeting, hopes of assisting with the development of a basic outline of their goals was presented. needed programs and pamphlets. At the top Rf,lie. ljst we&increRS1(1g.p. ig.•.,.•E.4i-1 E'Ei A>`)t1,-1J1:W1 t08*FA�ae nmber 17 awareness on mental health through edea- starting at 9 a.m. at the,new Women Today lion. the press. establishing a speakers' Office at 56 Huron Road; a guest speaker will bureau. written literature and sponsoring or be providing the committee with details on co -sponsoring events. how fund raising can be carried out One of their main objectives al the present effectively. Variety concert held at Northside On Sunday. November '23 a variety concert was held at Northside United Church entitled "Northside Sings Out" 11 was sponsored by the United Church W omen Bruce Whitmore was the Master of Ceremonies An organ and piano prelude was played by Margaret Whitmore and Carolyn Griffin. which was followed by words of greeting from U C.W . president Jane Vincent A recitation was given by Brad Ribey. and a group of Christmas carols was played on violins by Melissa and Brent Whitmore, Stan Hillen and Warren Whitmore The Junior choir then sang "Kids are Music". conducted by Audrey Mcliwain. Guest musician Mary Hearn of Clinton favored with two selections on her harp, after which a vocal duet "The Bells of St. Marys" was sung by Edna Bell and Ruth Cluff [aura McKercher gave a step dance number which was followed by an amusing reading by Frances Ball. The Young People's choir sang "The World is Yours" after which Local mailing deadlines SEAFORTH 527-0180 CHRISTMAS PARTY? MAKE IT A FUN PIZZA PARTY 4 there was a number by the barbershop quartet consisting of Dave Campbell. George Itihey, Bryan Vincent and Barry Vincent. An entertaining skit "Two Farmers" was performed by Thelma Bode and Gail Moffett. after which Mary Hearn played two more harp selections A vocal duet by Mildred Travis and Gail Moffett was enjoyed. as was a solo "Amazing Grace" sung by Ted Griffin who also played the accompaniment on the guitar An instrumental number "Charmaine was played by Audrey Mcflwain, Barry Vincent and Jim Robertson on the trumpet, saxaphone and clarinet. The Senior choir sang "let the Whole World Know" conduct- ed by Margaret Whitmore Margaret McCowan thanked all who took part and the members of the audience for their support. Brent Whitmore closed the program with a recitation and wished all a Merry Christmas, The mailing deadline for Fourth Class (Parcel Post) parcels and packages going to oaf -of -town destinations in Canada and the United States is December 8, 1986. The in -town Fourth Class mailing deadline is December 15. The deadline for First Class items (including parcels, letters and sealed greet- ing cards) going out-of-town is December 12. The in -town First Class mailing deadline is December 17 A special 29 -cent stamp, sold in booklets of 10. is now available for many domestic looming BEEF Seaforth & District Community Centres Please phone large orders In advance. STUFF A PIZZA IN A STOCKING? Easy - with a Pizza Train Gift Certificate! ■ HOURS: Open Daily at 11 a.m. Sun. & Mon. till 11 p.m. Tues., Wed. & Thurs. till midnight Frl. & Sat. till 1 a.m. EAT IN OR TAKE OUT Highway 38 Seaforth, near the stoplights SUNDAY, DEC. 7 5:00 p.m. Following the game of SEAFORTH CENTENAIRES AND MITCHELL HAWKS — TICKETS — ADULTS 56.50, 47 00 AT DOOR CHILDREN 6-12 -44.00 5 & UNDER • FREE FOR TICKETS CALL 527.0750 A SPECIAL GIFT IDEA '•••••••••••••••••••• greeting cards marled uetween now and the end of January. 1987. The discount, which represents a savings of five -cents off the 34 -cent domestic First Class rate, is part of a joint effort between Canada Post and the greeting card industry. Special envelopes have been produced for greeting cards which carry a pre -coded matrix on which the customer fills in the postal code of the addressee. thus permitting machine sorting of the envelopes. Greeting cards with the specially marked envelopes are available in most card shops and stationery stores. • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • CHIP BINGO •in • DUBUNCOM MUNITYCENTRE •• • FRIDAY, DEC. 5 : 15 RegularGiiines • $15.00 a game • 3 SPECIALS PLUS • • JACKPOT $850 •• in 57 calls • CONSOLATION— 3100.00 • • OONANZA $475 • • in 55 calls • CONSOLATION —$50.00 • • Doors Open at 7:00 P.M. • Bingo Starts at 8 :00 P.M. • Give a Gift Subscription for Christmas Give all the news from home 'Huron E xpositor 527-0240 Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary AIIIIEROY'L ' _ WINTER Saturday, December 13, 2 & 8 p.m. Sunday, December 14, 2 p.m. A play with music for all ages BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL TICKETS ADULTS $5. ' CHILDREN (under 14) $4. Blyth Festival Box., Office 523-9300.' .9225 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Monday, Dec. 8 Noon- 4:00 P.M. in the BOARD ROOM -lower level of the hospital- - FEATURING — Crafts, bakingt nightwear, flowers, plants, cosmetics and white elephant table. • • ft7I MMUASI • • • He's survived :the most hostile and primitive • land known : to man. • • Now all he's : got to do is make it through • a week • • in New York. • • • • • • • • e • • • • e • • • PAR ThEATRE • GODI®ICN • 424.7311 • •• • FRIDAY - SATURDAY • 789 • SUN.-THURS : 7:30 • SORRY NO: PASSES • FRT -SAT -SUN • OR TUESDAY* TUESDAY : 52.50 • Christmas • Gift : Certificates • '5.00 • Theatre or • Concession • Rooth • • • • • • • • • • HELD OVER BIG rd WEEK ®tilt• _®® ® • There's a iitffe Of hire halt of us. ••••®e sti•••i'0100•••-•ss•s••••••eeee le••••