HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-12-03, Page 7AGRICULTURE
Site sign for
1988 IPM
in Stratford
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The 1988 International Plowing Match and
Farm Machinery Show is still almost two
years away, but already there is a large sign
marking the site of the tented city.
The city will spring up on part of the farm
property owned. by Augustin Walch, just
southwest of the City of Stratford limits.
Amid politicians, organizers and media
representatives, the sign was unveiled
during a formal but short ceremony on the
afternoon of Thursday, October 22. About
100 attended the event.
The covering over the large sign was pulled
down by Doug Aitchison, the Perth County
host committee chairman, and Albert Car-
son, Perth director to the U.P.A. and also a
committee member when Perth last hosted
the I.P.M, in 1972 nearSebringville.
The Ontario Plowmen's Association was
represented by Site Co-ordinator Bev Ron
from Guelph. Others who took part in the
program were Augustin Watch, the host
farmer; John McIntosh, chairman of the
tented city; Rae Bender, chairman of the
Perth Plowmen's Association; Lloyd Morri-
son and Ellard Lange, members of the Perth
County host committee; Calvin Innes, reeve
of Downie Township; Stratford mayor Ted
Blowes: St. Marys mayor Gerry Teahen and
Alan Scott, Perth County's Ministry of
Agriculture and Food representative.
The 1988 LP.M. and Farm Machinery
Show will be staged on the site September
20-24. 1988.
AWARDS NIGHT - On November 28 the Clinton-Seaforth Jr. Dalry Calf Club had their
awards night. Shown here with their trophies are: back, Rob Vanden Henget, Cindy Carter,
Steve Vanden Henget, Daryl Haney, Michelle Murray, Ben Dykstra, Patricia Wynja,
Barbara Wynja. Middle, Jason Van Dorp, Simone Dykstra, Steven Slotengraaf, and front,
Pam Carter and Morgan Murray. The calf club as well as having their monthly meetings also
during the year did a tour of the Atwood Cheese Factory, visited the farm of Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Martin near Listowel and had a pool party. In September they showed their calves at
the Seaforth Fall Fair. Pam Carter placed first In the showmanship class and was presented
a trophy from Huron Dairy Supply. (Photo submitted)
A Cordial Invitation To An
Sunday, December 14
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and.7:00 p..m. to 9:00 p.m.
Visit with us and savour the sights, the sounds; the aroma of Christmas on
Sunday, December 14. Enjoy the delightful sounds of Christmas music
presented by local musicians and browse through the displays of unique local
crafts, Join us in the pleasant surroundings of the restored and refurbished
Old Public School - Maplewood Manor, for delicious Christmas cookies,
treats and tea, And visit with the jolly fellow himself - Santa Claus. A
delightful experience. A day to remember.
13 Church St., Seaforth, 527-1440
Plowing Match
program seeking
craft entries
It's difficult to hold a crafts show without
So organizers of the ladies program for the
1988 International Plowing Match and Farm
Machinery Show are reaching out.
They would like to hear from anyone
interested in being a part of their show and
sale when Perth County hosts the IPM in
September 1988.
Crafts must be original in design, colorful,
reasonably priced. saleable. and of quality
workmanship Also. samples must be sub-
mitted for a juried exhibition. during which
the organizing committee will make final
selections for the show
Crafts people wanting more information
are invited to contact Joyce Vivian. Box 985.
Mitchell. NOK 1 NO (telephone 348-86041.
Marlene Blackman. Box534. SI Marys. NOM
2V0. or Carol Francis, RR 5. Mitchell, NOK
l`74'��/�%i:✓////L./�.j/'/iiNSbkZ..".^ 4; �.d:�: H.r;;:K,",C/�'
Fran Hook, R.N.
INDIVIDUAL WINNERS - Pam Carter and Morgan Murray display their trophlee after the
Clinton-Seaforth Jr, Dairy Calf Club awards night. Pam won the ehowmanehlp award and
Morgan who scored the highest pointe overall, received the top member award. submitted)(hto
Brussels .Stockyards at higher prices
Hot mste
Bed & Breakfast
Your Hosts: Sohn and Gwen Patterson
The market at Brussels Stockyards traded Ihs sold for an overall puce of 91 35 with sold tor 90 40 with a sale at 93 00
actively at tie Cr s ass on all lasses of sales In 93le 00
Six heifers consigned by .Neil Rintoul of RR
finished cattle Cows and pigs sold steady five steers consigned by Jake VerstceR of 2. lucknow• averaging 1185 Ihs. sold for an
Feeder cattle and calves met at strong RH 2. Clifford averaging 1180 lhs sold for an overalmixed
eccee of0 39
rnnhlssales ed toy 91Gordon75.
demand al higher pnces There were 1265 overall pnce of 90 39 with a heifer in the load f hSix mi - doRit :I. heifers consigned
averaging r don
cattle and 757 pigs on offer weighing 1020 Ihs selling for 92 50 r y
Choice Steers 89 0010 94 00 with sales to Twenty two steers consigned by Karel lbs sold for an overall price of 89 29 with a
100 00 Mich 1 els of fila 1 . Sehnngville averaging 1237 sale at 93 50
Good Steers • 85 00 to 89 00 lbs sold for an overall pnce of 90 63 with a ouTensf heifers
RR hconsigned byavKevinng }lom1054 bos
Twenl}''Iwo steers consigned by Ed wile to 94 25
M Ochtels of RR I . Sehnngville averaging 1 193 F2even vI ears consigned by Doug W agg of sod for an overall pace of 00 67 with a sale at
lbs. sold for an overall puce of 94 115 with a IUI5. M lit -hell avenging 1268 Ibs sot d for an 92 50
sale al 100 00 overall pnce of 90 10 with a sale to 92 28 Twentyone nutted heifers consigned by
Twenty-six steers consigned by David Six steers consigned by Ken Johnston of David Bowles of Ret 3. Brussels averaging
Hodgins of 8148. Parkhill averaging 1307 lbs Rlt2. Rluevale avenging 1205 Ilia sold for an 997 lbs sold for an overall price of 88 78 with
sold furan overall pace of 93 72 with a sale at overall
st steers consigned by Rona Mansion ofle at 92 RR
fly. 00 94
98 25 Tennine mixed heifers consigned by
T\venly'•seven steers consigned by George 4 Ripley averaging 113:1 Itis sold for an Elwood Filch of illi I . Wroxeter averaging
Undervvond Fa.rns of lift 1. W Ingham overall pace of 09 98 with a sale at 91 50 1053 lbs sold for an overall price of 88 67 wit
avenging 1261 lbs sold for an overall price of Choice Exnllc Heifers RFI no to 93 00 with a sale 25
Ten l 92 2nl heifers consigned by Doug
93 03 with sales to 94 30 sales to 96 75
Twenty-eight steers consigned by Maple Choice White (aced Heifers • 85 00 to sold f RR 1. Wroxeter averaging 948 lbs
Emblem Farms of Dungannon averaging 89 Oo
41 30
1220 lbs sold for an overall pace 01'92 RI with A heifer consigned by Murray Mulvey of Pleven herefortt heifers consigned by Bill
a sale 10 95 00 RR 1. Clifford weighing 1220 Iles sold for Burke of Afwnod avenging 1007 Ills sold for
Seven steers consigned by Gerald Smith of 96 75 with his lot of 7 heifers averaging 1025 RR 70 with his offering of 34 heifers averaging
Rat 2. Mildmay averaging 1134 lbs sold for lhs selling for an overall price of 89.17 986 Itis selling for an overall price of 87 50.
an overall once of 91 94 with sales to 93 00. Eight heifers consigned by Fred Marshall Twenty-five heifers consigned by Dan
Fourteen steers consigned by Robert of RR 3. Fergus avenging 1057 Ihs sold for Pearson of FAhel averaging 1109 lbs. sold for
Alexander of Ethel averaging 1285 lbs sold 93 00 with his offering of 36 heifers averaging an overall price of 90 16 with sales to 92.00.
for an overall price of 91 83 1 116 ihs selling for an overall price of 91 04 Choice cxiws- 51 00 to 54.00 with sales to
Ten steers consigned by Victor Valanstine with a sale at 94 75 56.80
of RR I . DOndalk averaging 1163 lbs sold for Seventeen heifers consigned by Ross Fitch Good Cows ' 47 00 to 5i 00
an overall price of 91 42 of RR 1. Wnsxeler averaging 1088 Ihs sold Canners
th gli f2f,4 25 to 47 00.
Two hundred and ten steers consigned by for an overall price of 91 31 Heavy bulls to a
Gerald Ball of Eritbro averaging 1060 lbs sold Seventeen heifers consigned by F�1 Fit _eh t'nder 30 Ib pigs traded to a high of Si 90
for an overall price of 90 63 with sales to of RR 1, Wroxeter avenging 1053 Ihs sold perlb
40 ib pigs to a high of S1 70
92 35 fnr an nvenll price of 90 91 pig g
Thirty-five steers consigned by Glen Four heifers consigned by Dtsug McPher- 40 to 50 Ib pigs to a high of SI 56
Johnston of RR 2. Rluevale averaging 1147 son of KR 2. Wingham averaging 1100 Ills 50 to 60 Ib pigs to a high of S1 38 per Ib
Saturday & Sunday, Dec. 6 & 7
RR 2 Seaforth
South on S.R. 14-15
In Harpurhey
Ontario farmers hers to get federal aid!
The 5150 million payment would result
from the use of a formula heavily weighted by
the average value of grains and oilseeds
produced over a five year period The lower
figure could result tf the degree of 'hurt" in
19116 over 19115 was given significant weight.
i1 is argued that if wheat prices have fallen
relatively more Than other grain prices, then
financial distress in the West will be more
acute and the payment to western wheat
producers should be relatively higher. Mrs.
Pyke commended the government for the
overall initiative and speed with which Mr.
Wiise's officials are working to get these
dollars out to farmers before year end.
1)ntario grain and oilseed producers can from (Ontario s 1'orri tiiryalir.ni. Wheal and
expert a payment from the federal one billion Pork Boards
dollar deficiency program announced last Mrs Pyke said "we expect the deficiency
month he the Mulroney government payment tube based on three factors seeded
acreage. regional prndudivi'ty. and the
-The payment will be in cash. and is to be shortfall commodity prices caused by the
paid out before the end of the calendar year." Il S Farm Bill and subsidies in the European
reported Brigid Pyke, 1st Vice -President of Economic Community All grain and oilseed
the Ontario and Canadian Federatibns of producers should benefit regardless of end
Agriculture After attending a November 6 use."
meeting in Ottawa with Federal Agriculture The ,otat payment to Ontario producers
Minister, John Wise and Minister respon- should be between S120 and S150 million,
sible for the Canadian Wheat Board, Charlie depending on which of the distribution
Mayer. Mrs. Pyke presented the case for formulas considered at the November 6
Ontario psnducers along with representatives meet ins is actually used
Red meat producers enjoy healthy third-quarter
support prices to ensure they accurately
represent production processes in the mem-
ber provinces.
The National Tripartite Stabilization Com- returns. rices and national average
mittees recently reported no stabilization The support p
payments have been triggered for the third market prices for the quarter are: Hogs:
quarter for ho'g's, slaughter cattle or lambs. support price, $1.60 kg. ($72.58 cwt), market
Hog producers are enjoying record -high price: 52.13 kg. (59'6.62 cwrt. i. Slaughter The beef plan operates in Alberta. Ontario,
margins due to the buoyant U.S. market and cattle( support price: $70.77 cwt.: market and Prince Edward island; the hog plan in
low feed grain costs. The slaughter cattle price: $75.33 cwt. Iambs: support price: Alberta. Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontar-
market continues to improve and producers $82.26 cwt., market price: $97,74 cwt. io: and the iamb plan in Alberta, Saskatche-
are also benefitting from low feed costs. The Stabilization Committees continue to wan. Ontario. Nova Scotia and Prince Edward
Lamb producers are experiencing favorable review the databases used to calcrilete island.
Industrial triads shout* Inc. cancels Canada farm show
The 41st Annual Canada Farm Show has Dealers Association has resulted in dividing would be unfair to the agri-community to
.beets cancelled. That announcement was exhibitor participation in both events. With a proceed with two shows.' said Mr. Mahon,
made by James K. Mahon, vice president of substantial reduction of farm equipment With the cancellation of this show, a 40
manufacturers in our show, we are unable to year tradition showcasing such events as the
industrial Trade Shows, Inc. horse and cattle sales will come to an end.
'`The advent of a new farm show to be held produce an event of the same calibre that the
ihei'two mfrtiefindustrdffillysuppoS, the p
th'e, ;two major, mdustty asaociatlons the agt-(-community has come to expect. It has The Canada Farm Show was to have taken
Canadiin Finn and Industrial cE+clurpnterat 01-56 beem
line ereasingly clear that the place January 27.30, 1987 at Exhibition
In°s'titute airid' Ong
tario Retail Feint yultpthent agrr-Cotrimllriity eariliot Support two shovas•. it P'l'ace, Toronto.
Unique styling. Centre diamond size .22 ct., sur-
rounded by two single cut diamonds set in 14 kt.
white gold on a 14 kt. yellow gold band.
Choose from our large selection of diamond rings
- all at our feature value prices.
8 Albert .St.
284 Main St. EXETER
26 Main St. S SEAFORTH
135 Oueen St East ST. MARYS
203 Durham St E. WALKERTON
2 The Square GODERICH