HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-12-03, Page 3NEWS AND FEATURES
TEACHING AIDES — In the classroom of Jim Floyd and Cheryl Flynn Include such things as
tires and gaskets, even an entire car engine. The two are volunteer instructors of a Women's
Car Care Course offered through the Gulf Service Station and sponsored by Petro Canada.
The course, offered over two Wednesday evenings not only attempts to give women a batter
understanding of their vehicle, but also gives safe driving tips as well. The primary purpose
o1 the clinic le to enable women to be self sufficient on the road, to recognize any problems
with their care before they become major, and to give them more peace of mind on the road.
The course will be offered again over the next few months, Anyone Interested I n finding ngo out
more or In signing up should contact the Gulf.
HPRCSB acclaim chairman
INSTRUCTORS Jim Floyd and Cheryl Flynn give women enrolled in
the first Women's Car Care Clinic a glimpse at the Inner workings of
this fuel -Injected englne. The course Is offered at the Gulf Service
,Station, Looking on are: Marlon Pullman, Janet Roth and Elaine
Floyd. (Mcllwralth photo)
Seaforth thanked for its support
Dear Friends:
On behall'of the Van Egmond Foundation 1
thank you for the generous donation you have
given us in the past. 1 am writing this letter to
bring you up to date on the Foundation's
activities and 10 ask you for your continued
As a result of your contributions, plus the
help from volunteer workers and Government
grants, the Foundation has been able to carry
out the following projects: a) insulate and
finish the carriage house: b install kitchen
and washroom facilities in the carriage
house: c) repair the parapet walls and
chimneys; d) improve the cellar drainage and
re-lay the cellar floor bricks: e paint the
original kitchen, halls. sitting room and
display rooms; f( repair the window sashes.
The Board of Directors is most grateful for
the support the Foundation has received this
past year through generous donations such as
yours. memberships. the gratifying attend-
ance at our fundraising events. and the
co-operation received from the municipal
councils of both Tuckersmith Township and
the Town of Seaforth.
The Foundation is now receiving much
needed administrative assistance from the
Ilurnn County Pioneer Museum of Goderich•
as well as the Museum's kind loan of artifact
collections The George June W hiltling
collection was 00 display during the summer
months and is now at lnndon s Centennial
Museum. The Foundation intends to foster
and develop this working relationship with
the Pioneer Museum
The Sittingmom was open during the
summer for the sale of articles made by local
artisans and over 1200 people visited the
house 11 is the F'otmdation s objective to
eventually have the house open throughout
the year to allow greater use of its facilities by
Ilio community.
With the help of many volunteers the
Foundation convened the following fundrais-
ing events: ai A Robbie Burns Night in
January) 1» Two Fiddlers' Jamborees in
March and October: c I A Farmers' Breakfast
in August : ct) The Annual Ciderfest in
iI is our intention to continue these events
in the coming year.
Our next project is to improve the heating
system. Although the house is heated al the
present lime it is not adequate enough to heal
St. Michael's oppose
To the Editor:
On behalf of the students of St. Michael
Secondary. we would like to express our
feelings on the selling and buying of war toys,
particularly at Christmas. Toys and games
provide a chance for children to learn about
all sorts of things. Just as we discourage
hitting and rough play. parents of children in
Stratford, should discourage them from
playing with war toys by not allowing them to
he hmughl into their homes.
Toys such as GI Joe and guns are being
sold by the thousands. The more toys that are
sold that promote war and death, the more
children are going to feel that war is
acceptable and the more acceptable war will
the second floor sufficiently to prevent
environmental damage to artifacts in the
upstairs display rooms.
In order to undertake this essential and
urgent project we are appealing for your
conlinued support during the coming year.
W e will be negotiating for a Provincial grant
on a matching -fund principle. This means
That for every dollar you donate we will get
a dollar grant. All donations are tax
deduct able.
Thanking you in advance,
Yours Sincerely,
Betty Cardno
Chairperson of the Board
sale of war toys
Christmas cake making an annual fam
Not unlike other women in the community.
and possibly even some men. Mary Robert-
son. of Seaforth and Bessie Broome, of
Egmondville devote the last days of Novem-
her and the early days of December to
preparing for Christmas by baking.
And at least one Saturday during that time
is devoted entirely to the making of
Christmas cake.
Together the mother and daughter duo
produce approximately 18 pounds of Christ -
mas cake, following a recipe handed down by
Mary Hawkins of Blanchard Township - their
mother and grandmother respectively.
The cake, which this year the duo
estimated cost them around $50 to produce, is
Naked in seven loaf pans, two large and five
small. The larger loaves are kept by Mrs.
Robertson and Mrs. Broome, while the five
smaller loaves are gift -wrapped for Mrs.
Bmome's five children and their families.
"My daughter, who lives in Alberta, said
David Durand, 38, of RR 2, Zurich, was
acclaimed chairman of the Huron Perth
County Roman Catholic School Board at a
meeting in Dublin Monday night, He
succeeds Ronald Marcy of Stratford.
Mr. Durand who has his own electrical
business, is married, with five children.
he in the entire world.
11 we love life, why try to destroy it with the
children of our generation growing up
believing that war is acceptable'? War is not
fun and games: war is death and pain, and my
generationis afraid of the future war. Instead
of buying your children war toys for
Christmas, buy them something constructive
such as balls, blocks, etc. Help the children of
our society to become makers of peace and
not war. Explain to your children that war is
WRONG! Explain to them that death is
painful, and that if you are shot, you don't
get up and walk away.
(Continued on Page A5)
fly tradition
she'd rather have the cake than the gifts at
Christmas," said Mrs. Broome.
"And one of her friends asked her one year
if I was sending out my cake again, so people
like it."
"Another daughter-in-law told me that
sometimes she thinks she'd just like to eat the
whole thing herself, rather than having to
share it with the rest of the family," she
The cake takes approximately an entire day
to make -- if the ingredients are prepared
beforehand. Mrs. Broome said a lot .of the
preparation of the fruit was done a day or so in
advance of the baking date, with the exact
quantities of each ingredient set aside in
plastic containers to be emptied Into the
batter at the appropriate time. Store bought
walnuts are convenient but Mrs. Robertson
prefers to collect them in the fall herself once
they fall off the trees.
On the actual baking day the duo spends
about two hours in the morning mixing the
ingredients. Once in the pans the cake takes
approximately three hours to bake, at a low
For anyone who hasn't as yet started their
Christmas baking, would like to, but doesn't
have a recipe for Christmas cake, the
following is the recipe used by Mrs.
Robertson and Mrs. Broome. its yield is
approximately 12 pounds - or two large and
two small loaf pans.
Cream together: 3 cups brown sugar, 112
cups butter, 112 tsp, nutmeg, 11,2 tsp. mace
and 112 tsp. cinnamon. Add 8 beaten eggs.
Have 312 cups flour, 112 tsp. baking soda and
about :14 tsp. salt sifted. Add this gradually,
mixing thoroughly. Add 'h tsp. almond
extract, 112 tsp, vanilla and Is cup .puce from
red and green cherries. Add 1 cup red
cherries, 1 cup green cherries. Flour 4
pounds raisins slightly sifted), 1 lb. dates, It
lb. gifted cherries, 12 lb. pineapple rings, 34
lbs, mixed peel, 4 Ib, mixed fruit in peel. 1/2
Ib. walnuts, 12 Ib. almonds and It lb. pecans.
Mix until wooden spoon stands upright. Bake
3 hours in 275 degree oven or longer if
needed. Covet' with brown paper to start. 11
Ernest Vanderschot of RR 7, St. Marys,
was acclaimed vice-chairman.
Chairman of the standing committees are:
Gerald Groothuis of Seaforth for Building and
Property; Ben Brown, RR I, Sebringville, for
Personnel; and Ronald Murray, RR 1.
Dublin, for Policy Bylaw and Finance.
202 deer examined
During the recent Huron County controlled
deer hunt, the Ministry of Natural Resources
requested the assistance of successful
hunters, asking them to bring their deer to
Ministry operated check stations. The data
collected from these stations has now been
analyzed and has produced some interesting
A total of 202 deer were examined at the
check stations this year - a sizeable increase
from the 148 checked in 1985. The total
county harvest could be as high as 290
animals, since not all successful hunters
report their harvest,
"Many of the hunters are surprised to find
how young most deer populations really
are," said District Biologist Mike Malhiot.
"Only three of the deer examined were five
years of age or older. Fawns and yearlings
comprised 64 per cent of the total harvest,"
Mr. Malhiot added.
Bucks represented 61 per cent of the
animals checked, the largest weighing almost
100 km. (218 lbs.) dressed weight 1122 km
(270 lbs.( live weight 1. Four deer weighed in
al over 91) km (200 lbs( dressed weight.
District Manager Andy Houser comment-
ed that "the Huron County deer population
has been increasing in size over the past few
years and*itspresent age and sex structure
confirms it is in a very healthy and productive
The Ministry of Natural Resources has
been studying the movements and habitat
preferences of deer in Ilumn County since
1985. As part of that study, 17 deer have been
captured, ear tagged and fitted with radio
collars • 4 females with permanent collars and
13 males with collars that expand and fall off
when the buck's neck enlarges during mating
Until this year's hunt. five radio collared
deer had been killed • two by dogs, two by
vehicle collisions and one by poachers
During the 1980 hunt, four radio collared
deer were taken by hunters. All of these
specimens were bucks which had dropped
their collars but were still identifiable from
their ear tags One animal, 0 yearling, had
travelled 56 km t35 miles) straight line
distance from his wintering yard.
The three does which were still radio
collared at the beginning of November were
particularly active dunng the hunt One
animal (ravelled a straight line distance of
nver22 r I •f miles lover the course of the hunt
Annther•deer moved over 8 km t5 miles) unto
an area which she had not previously visited
Operating grants increase
The Ontario Government will increase
provincial operating grants to school boards
by 5.5 per cent in 1987.
Operating grants to the school boards will
total $3,401 .9 million, an increase of S177.7
million over the 1986 figure of $3,224 2
This amount will be enriched by an
additional $13.5 million in grants. specially
designated for educational technology, pri-
mary -junior science and affirmative action,
which will bring the total increase in grants to
six per cent
In addition, the government has allocated
$163.5 million in operating grants in calendar
year 1987 for the continued extension of the
separate school system • an increase of $56 2
million over 1986
This $163.5 million for the 1987 calendar
year is consistent with the allocations
announced in July. 1985, by Education
Minister Sean Conway for the 1986-87 and
1987.88 school years. For the school years
1986-87 and 1987.88, the cost of separate
school extension will be $137 million and $171
million respectively. The $163.5 million
STY TRADITION — Mary Robertson and Bessie Broome ere a mother and daughter team
who Make the Milking of cake an
rnblna effort, and
produce approx mately 18 pounds of annual
the fare for otherrfataly members co(M011000t photo)
Anyone with a
Christmas recipe
to share, stop in
or call
The Expositor office
represents the same amount of lunding, for
the 19117 calendar year, which Is addressed in
Ihr announced increase
The combined increases clearly deuton
sirale the govennnent'5 commitment to
maintain a first class educational system fnr
rintarm' s students.•' 4fr Conway said
The Govemmenl has also allocated 5147 2
million for capital projects next year. S39 G
million mare than was provided in 1950 an
increase of appmximalely 37 per rent
Apppmximatety 5:10 million of the increase
will be used fnr new school ran-stmet inn. the
remainder for rennvalcnns and additions
"Since assuming office in ,kine 1985. the
Govemmenl has noire than doubled the
annual capital grant allocations.- Mr
('nnuaysaki • 'The capital grants will ensure
the pmvisinn of new facilities in high-growth
meas as well as much needed renovations
and additions to existing schools •' Of the
Iola) capital grant figure S20 million will he
earmarked for providing accommodation
related to the extension of the separate school
11 you're organizing a non-profit event of Interest to other Seaforth area residents,
phone the recreation office al 5274882 or the Expositor at 627-0240, or mall the
Information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth,
Ontario, NOK 1W0 well In advance of the scheduled date. Space for the Community
Calendar le donated by The Huron Expositor,
Wednesday, December 3
1-3 p.m. Moms and Tots Skating
1:30-4 p.m. Senior Shuffleboard
4:30-5 p.m- Tween Ringette
5-5:30 p.m. Dance 3-5 years
5:30-6:30 p. m. Dance 6-10 years
5:30-6:30 Atom Practice
6:30-7:30 Centenaires
7:30-8 p.m. - Minor Baseball
8-10 p.m. Mixed Volleyball at High School
8-9 p.m. Minor Baseball
9-11:30 p.m. Ladies Broomball
Thursday, December 4
4:15-5:15 p.m. Atom H Practice
5:15-6:15 p.m. Bantam practice
6:30-7:30 p.m. Minor Broomball
7-9 p.m. Typing at High School
7:30-12:30 Mens Broomball
Friday, December 5
4-5 p.m- Senior Houseleague Practice
5-6 p.m. Junier Houseleague Practice
6-7 p.m. Novice Practice
8 p.m. Centenaires vs Brussels
9 p.m. - 12 a.m. Clinton Old Tyme Dance
Club, Qrange Hall, Clinton. Gordon Wall
Orchestra. Wingham.
Saturday, December 6
7:30 a.m. North Stars vs Canadians
8:30 a.m. Bruins vs Oilers
9:30 a,m. Leafs vs Penguins
I8:3gc,a,m, Jets vs Flames
11:30 a.m. Flyers vs Whalers
12:30 p.m. Mites
1:30-2:30 p.m. Story Hour at the Library
Saturday cont'd
2:30-4 Public Skating
4-5 p m. Novice vs Monkton
5-6 p m. Atom R vs Mitchell
630.8 p m Pee Wees vs Milverton
Sunday, December 7
2 p.m. Central Huron Strings School is
having a violin concert at the Clinton Tdwn
.i p.m. Senior Citizen Christmas Church
Service, Bethel Bible Church. Egmond-
ville Potluck supper 4:30 p m
2 p.m Centenaires vs Mitchell
5-6 p.m. Jr. Belles vs Humn Park
6-7 p.m. Petite Ringette
7 p.m. Rangers vs Flyers
0.30 p m Canadians vs Bniins
Monday,, December8
4 :10-8.30 p.m FSgure Skating
Tuesday, December 9
5:30-6:30 p.m. Pee Wee Practice
6.30-8 p m. Bantam Practice
8 p.m Centenaires vs Brussels
6:30 p.m. Hospital Auxiliary potluck
supper and gift exchange will be held in
the board room at the hospital. Speaker:
Steve Hildebrand. Please bring own
dishes and cutlery.
6:30 p. m. The Seaforth Women's Institute
will hold their Christmas Meeting at the
Orange (tall. Potluck dinner. Program In