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The Huron Expositor, 1986-11-19, Page 11
i 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT 1 THREE bedroom home, 56 Goderich Street. Seaforth. $350.00. Available immediately. 4e tf Phone 527.1312, 3 bedroom house, 8400 not Including utilities. Available December 1. 527-0877. 2 FOUR bedroom 8275,00 monthly. Phone 527-2084, 3 bedroom ranch Available Nov. 30. house in Harpurhey, Available immediately, 25-47-1 dose to public school. Phone 527-0560 nights. 25-47-4 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE bedroom apartment for rent in Walton, December 1. CaII anytime, 887-9175. 26-47-tf LARGE one bedroom apartment in quiet adult building includes fridge and stove. Available Dec, 1. Call after 5 p.m. 527-1379. 26-47-2 IM_ 1':I. in 'a ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 234 BAYFIELD M. AT BLAKE ST.. PH 524.2111, Move in and enjoy this lovely remodelled home with maintenance free exterior, newer wiring and plumbing, 24' x 24' attached garage, huge family room with gas fireplace, two sets of patio doors onto large deck. En- joy the open concept of a remodelled Knot- ty pine kitchen. also formal dining, main floor laundry, 4 -pc. bath, plus three bedrooms. REDUCED TO SELL: 3 bedroom bungalow, maintenance free exterior. located close to up town. Call Marie Sutherland at 524-2111 or 527.1931. Make an appointment to view this three or five bedroom Ranch style home. Priced well below replacement cost. Call Marie 5274931. 2 bedroom aluminum sided bungalow set on Ifr acro lot. Patio doors to rear deck and located between Clinton and Seaforth. Marie Sutherland ...527-1931 34. AUCTION SALES 1 RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. NOV. 22, 10 a.m. 8 hp walk behind snowblower, antique glassware and furniture at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton, Ontario, Consignments still being accepted for this sale. SAT. NOV. 29, Join the Londesboro Lions In the Back the Biter Weekend to purchase a new 830,000.00 fully equip- ped van for Ron Nesbitt. Events start Friday night, Saturday at 10 a.m. till midnight. Box lunch auction at 5 p.m. Sat. Novelty auction and family dance to follow, Help us to help a friend. Donated items may be left at Londes- boro Restaurant. CLASSIFIEDS THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 19, 1986 - All 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 • CHIMNEY SWEEPING, Paul Gridzak, 38-37-tf 482-9916 after 3:30. Fuel Oil Furnace 24 HOUR SERVICE Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SILLS Home- �tssrs nil Hardware HOME HARDWARE Seaforth 527-1621; AUCTION SALE Antique furniture, appliances, snow- blower, etc. at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ontario for local consign- ors. SAT., NOV. 22 AT 10 A.M. Ford 8 hp walk -behind 2 stage snowblower, horse drawn cutter, Gib- son side by side fridge freezer, dishwasher, Inglis wringer washer, antique bonnet chest, pressback rocking chair, captain's chair, antique grain cradle, matching antique dresser and ,washstand, 3 drawer chest, 2 modern kitchen chairs, china cabinet, treadle sewing machine, ice cream maker, dining extension table with 2 leaves, old high chair, French Provincial chester- field and chair, blue chesterfield and two chairs, green chesterfield and chair, three piece bedroom suite, five match- ing wooden chairs, portable electric sewing machine, tub stand, 4 chrome chairs, platform rocker, small chest of drawers, washstand, lawn chairs, old floor model radio, small 4 drawer chest, pole lamp, wooden extension ladder, 5 gal. crock, 2 gal. crock, wicker fern stand, electric broom, floor polisher, hay knife, well hand pump, horseman's equipment box, trunks, neck yoke, horse collar, 3 small wooden barrels, Black and Decker workmate, leg vise, wooden wheel barrow, skill saw, electric heater, cash register, coffee urn, photo copier, telephone, incabinet sewing machine, humidifier, automatic washer, 24" gas stove, new picture frames, backer board, old photography equip- ment from Ranna Hadden of Goderich, exercise bike, small china cabinet, Gone with Wind oil lamp, 2 oil lamps, mantel Clock, 2 aladdin type lamps, sad irons, antique glassware, etc. This is another large auction with much more than advertised. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEERS RICHARD LOBB 482-7898 BURT LOBE Ii�FI+© We know the signs of n good neighbourhood 1 31. NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH NOTICE - PARKING/ SNOW REMOVAL 1 To facilitate snow removal, residents are reminded that By-law No 952 as amended prohibits parking on the streets of this municipality between the hours of 2-00 a m- and 6:00 a m. Notice is hereby given that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damage caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations 2 As per By-law No 26 for 1978, residents are reminded that it is an offence to deposit snow, ice or debris from private property onto Town Streets or Sidewalks I-1AL CLAUS Chief of Police 35. TENDERS WANTED QUOTATIONS will be received for the RENTAL of Part of Lot 23, f - Con. 4 HRS„ • 60 ACRES more or less, for the years 1987 - 1989. Lands must be plowed at ex- piration of lease and free of chemical residue. Apply in own handwriting to the undersigned prior to December 2nd, 1986' J.R. McLachlan. Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Tuckeramith, OMB 117, R.R. No. S, Clinton, Ontario NOM 11.0 482-9323 DO ERIC'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a Week MAON ST. MITCHELL 174-. AUCTION SALES 1 DOUGLAS JACOB 271-7894 or 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER SAT. NOV. 29 at 10 a.m. Clearing auction of appliances, antiques and household effects to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. to Mitchell. Russell Shofdice, Stratford and Tom McIntyre, of St. Marys, prop. HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at' 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Ester & 229-6205 Kirkton 40. IN MEMORIAM KENNEY: In loving memory of a dear mother, mother -In-law and grandmother who suddenly passed away 1 year ago, November 22, 1985. There is a bridge of golden memories, From here to heaven above, It keeps you very close to us, It's called the Bridge of Love. You never knew about our wedding, The very thing we all wished for, Was for you to be there, But deep down•, we all know, mom, Your spirit was with us, • And always will be. Everyday no matter where; Deep In our heart, Mom, you are always there, Forgetyou never will, Youuleft a place no onecan Our love for you will always keep, It cannot fade, it still Iles deep, Our hearts still aches as whisper low, "God Bless You, Morn, we love you so," Always remembered and greatly missed by daughter, son-in-law, and grandson, Monica, Chris, Robby Williams, 40-47-1 KENNEY In precious memory of a dear wife and mother, Wilma Kenney (nee John22) who passed away 1 year 1985 One precious to our hearts is gone, The voice we loved is stilled, The place made vacant in our. lives, Can never more be filled. 40. IN MEMORIAM Always a thought and many a tear, For one we miss and love so dear The sudden way you had to die, We always remember and wonder why No one knows the sorrow we share, When the family meets and you are not there We hold our tears when we speak your name, But the ache In our hearts remains the same Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by husband William, son Bill, daughter4 Barb- ara, McCOWAN: In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Isabel McCowan who passed away November 19, 1982. To someone just a memory, To others just a name But you were our mother, And nothing is the same, Memories are golden, No one can steal, The parting and heartache, That no one can heal. Thoughts and flowers, Are all we can give, But mother you' will Always be with us. For as long as we live. Sadly missed by daughter Kaye, son-in- law Fred and grandchildren Dana, Vance and Judd WANTED IMMEDIATELY CHRISTMAS TREE 30' TALL OR SO FOR THE TOWN HALL Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 3Y miles east of Exeter We will come and get it, call the Town Office 527- 0160 or the P.U.C. 527-0530 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ISABELLA BABBLE All persons having claims against the estate of Isabella Popple, late of the Town of Exeter in the County of Huron, deceased who died on the 26th day of October, 1986 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of December, 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 13th day of November, 1986. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers & c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats. processed exactly the way you like it 39. CARD OF THANKS 1 L SMITH Special thanks to my family. Also thanks to relatives and friends for gifts, cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Stratford Hospital and also since I came home, and to doctors and nurses for their wonderful care, to the pastors who visited me. Your kindness wilt -never be forgotten. Violet Smith 39-47x1 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY L: a•• • ynlava _ 1Jr13\ Think big...forMiiitter results 1 no YOUR message as out t province or coast to cost 11'AN i>> I ,A I It's fast! It's ea t ,..One cal ane br, It doesit adil �... e. -Yee iii• *mum too - IMO 1111•011111 1 1 1 JOHNSTON I want to especially thank my family who celebrated my 80th birthday at the Ontario St. Church, Clinton on November 8. For all the gifts, cards, flowers, phone calls and for all who attended. A special thanks to the ones who poured tea and the ones who helped In the kitchen It was very much appreciated Leila Johnston 39-47-1 McGREGOR Many thanks to doctors, nurses, neighbors and friends who looked after Alex while In hospital The McGregor Family 39.47x 1 SCOTT We wish to thank family and friends for their lovely gifts. flowers and cards and also for their visits on the occasion of our 50th Wedding Anniversary Mac and Helen Scott 39-47-1 • Epilepsy Huron -Bruce -Perth Chapter would like to thank all those who helped in any way to make our Christmas fundraising show a success Co-ordinator Marl Vere, fashion co-ordinator Mary Caron, ticket co-ordinator Betty Balzell. 39-47-1 BENNETT Thank you. To all my friends for cards, treats and calls, to my family for the many trips to London, to Pauline for answering w many calls 1 appreciate it all, to think you cared. Pat Bennett 19-47x 1 LOSE WEIGHT NOW -Safe and Effective -All Natural Products -No Calorie Counting -Naturally Suppresses Appetite -100 percept 'Mo'ney Back Guarantee I LOST 10 LBS. IN 2WEEKS CALL BARRY 527-0373 40. iN MEMORIAM KENNEY: In memory of my mom, Wilma Mae Kenney (nee John) who passed away November 22, 1985 at University Hospital, London, Ont. There's not a day that goes by, When 1 don't think of you and begin to cry. We shared some good times, and some bad, But sharing them with you made them all worthwhile. You held the family together, even when we fought, love you, Mom. There's not a day that goes by, When 1 don't think of you and begin to cry. It hurt so much to see you go, But I'll remember you always Love Shirley Kenney 40-47-1 MCGOWAN: in loving rnemdry of a dear mother, grandmother and great grandmoth- er, Isabel McCowan who passed away four years ago, November 19, 1982. A cluster of precious m'em'ories, Sprayed with a million tears, Wishing Cod had spared you, For just a few more years, You left us beautiful memories, And sorrow too great to express, But to us who loved and lost you, Your memories will always last. No one heard the footsteps, Of the angels drawing near, Who took you from us to Heaven, The one we loved so dear. But you haven't really left us, Nor have you travelled far, just entered God's beautiful garden, And left the door ajar. Your empty place no one can fill, We miss you now and always will. Always remembered and sadly missed by son John and Leta McCowan and Family. 40-47. • ARTICLES FOR SALE , MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Workshlrts 52 75. workpants 53.50. workboots SIS. For catalog. send 52 (reimbursed first order). Military Surplus. Box 243, Si. Timolhee, Ouebec JOS IXO. -.014.47 WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing New Technology for treating wells and cisterns. offering source to faucet protection Throughout entire water system. RUSTY SMELLY BAD TASTING WATER, boctorlo, stain - Ing. and more. No Solt or Massy Chemicals maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our 6•month trial oiler. Coll now loll lose 1.800768.2656 or write Atte( Woks? Purification Systems, No. 202. 1000 Komao Rd. Mississauga. Ont LAW 486 Arca code 807 toll 1 416.674.4344 (collets) --0.47 NEVER FORGET to turn your headlights all again' Make your cot more visible on the road without the worry of o decd battery Great stocking Nutlet The headlight rommder simply plugs Into oofine panel SMK 9.95 plus Tax include 87 sht•pping dng Coboorg. Ontario KOA 4W1. Orden shipped soma day. -0-47 WOOD -BURNING cooxstOVES. new 5995 up, air- tight box stoves, 50.000 BTU. 4375, Stainless chimney. 525.25/foot: stainless steel stave pipes and elbows, mode to order Antique stoves restored. Margin Stores Ltd . RA 2, Drayton, Ont, NOG 190 -047 GARRETT METAL DE'TECTOR'S • Chrtsrnms Spectols • For more information or nearest Dealer Write, Canadian Metal Locotars RA 5. Waterford. Ont. NOE IT0 or call (519) 443-5193 or 1.500.265.8049 Dealer enquiries Invited --0-47,18 ,0`t 10' GREENHOUSE 8149 1000W Metal Halil. 5185. Plus 10.000 gerdan(ng products. Great antes, Send 52. for info -pack. Western Water Forms, 1244 Seymour 5treet, Vontouvet. D.C. -V61 3)493 (604) 6824636.-0.47 MIRACLE SPAN FAIL SPECIALS. Three buildings left over from Notion( Show, Example: 40,40 complete with doors 55,299. Other sites to choose from. Coll Miracle Span Toil free 1.800-387.4910.-0-47 STEEL BUILDING pre Winter Murry Ctaerance Straight wall or 9uensel styles. Certain sires of special discounts. Save thousands limited quantities. Phone Pithseer/EtonosPcn toll free I.800-597.8 96. -0.47 SU SACRIFICE SACRTFTCE SSS aultdings prkes for kn. mediate liquidation. Ail nems in stock 78x40rr(4 53.996. 40,r6Oxi1 $6.500, 46180014 $9,750. 701190124 521,789. Various sires available to 120 1,. wide Fac. tory direct clearance. Serious buyers only AR build -rags priced for immediate delivery cots loll fres I-803487.2115 or 1 (416) 958-2446.-0-14-48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY NEEDLECRAFTERSI Excellent Income potential leaching S selling needtecrolls. for Pencil Siichcralt. Representatives especial), needed In smeller com• munllles. Write Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward Ave.. Burlington,Ont. L7R ITS. -0.45.48 8 C. Calling GREAT OPPORTUNITY for 2 lolly qualified Mechanics High Tech. Producers Ford ECCIV Certified opportunity 532.000 your at 616 hour Lok. Clly Ford Sales Ltd , 715 Oliver St., Williams lake, B C V20 1M9. -0.47 DISTRIBUTORS, part time or lull time selling our high quality line of DISTILLERS, Filter, and Water Softeners For residential S commercial application 01 your own boss and Dam extra Income in this growing In- dustry. Far more lniormotion contact Water Pwlty Systems, 537 Otani Si Burlington. Ont 178 206. (416) 6390503.-0.17 OVERWEIGHT, Ofstributors Wonted. 1005. AU Natural Canodfort product. Sc1.n c bt.oi •Ihsough Na di.ttngl Ground floor apiarsiY Try ramr Lemon flavoured liquid beverage taken lest below, beitmoney . Rush Visa number and expiry49 95 I monites lyChemin da a Send money ordtmati w for tnlormation package or ears Stewart Sherwood House of Sherwood, 497 Moir. St. East. Hamilton. Ont 1971 1519, I (416) 522.3344 -0.47 UNIQUE GROUND FLOOR business opportunity Earn money white you recd. N:0 risk. No inventory For in formation write- C.R.O. Enterprises, Box 374 Trel 8.C. V19 416. 1604-368.37:8.-0.47 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE JERICHO FARM SLV 4ENTALS praductionsole. 1 o'clock Sunday 23rd November (1 mile south Utica. 'A mit, East on Con. 4). S'2 tots bred cawsiheifers open heifers. bull solves, cow'coll pairs. Catalogues. (116) 985.9109.-0.47 VACATIONS MARCH BREAK RIGHTS to Tampa 5289: Fort Lauder- dale 5309 plan 10% tax /SVC. Packages to Jamaica $899; Acapulco 5949. Everything included. Con 14200-265-45900, (519) 842.9071.-047 WANTED TO BUY O1.D WRTSIPTATONES WAI'RED, Any make. One or one Inm'dred. Old roles wristwatches wonted. Mso wonted Eaton's "Quarter Century" square fords cher (25 yeors service), will pay 5200 arid up watch Wilt ossa buy strops, crystals, parts etc. for old wristwatches. Write B. Walsh. 173 Queen St. E. Toron- to, Ont. MSA 152.-0.47 .. HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A 10B with o foture ..wnh Tri -County Track-, Driver training. Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E.. (519) 743.5011, Bra's t. ford 300 Colborne E.. (519) 756.0223.-0-47 FRAGRANCE S HOSIERY Consultants wonted. Market SEASON'S exclusive Replica pure perfumes S new fashion hosiery. Eorn hundreds, saving others thousands. Special $313 retail 511 599. 1400.387.7875.-0.47 ADVERTISING...AU1O CLOR. Top Commission a Bonus with leading Motor Clef?. Advertising soles ex- perience an asset, but not essential. Full and Part- time p6410a'ns available. Contact: Kelly of 1400.245-1235 between 9 am • 3 pm 60 write to C6ulroc Inc. P.O. Box 307. LONDON, Ontario NSA 4W2.-0.47 PERSONAL DATES GALORE' For all ogee a unottoched Thousands of members anxious 10 meet you. Prestige Acquain teretes call roll free 1.800.263-9163. Hours noon fill 8 pm. -0-17 AUCTION SALES 800 HAYNES, Canodds oldest established Gun Aux noneers, Red beer. Alberto. We hold gun sales on regular basis with buyers and consigners across Caasda Call 1 (403) 347.5935. Next sola December 6/86.-047 ARYSHIRE CONSIGNMENT SALE Friday. November 28, 12 noon, of teaser'', Auction Service. 1 mile east of Listowel. on Hwy. 86. Consignments welcome For fur that information coil bovld Conon, (5191 291-7049 -0.47 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide 10- study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careen Accounting. Aircondifioning, Bookkeeping, Business Cosmetology, ETectrontcs. Legal/Med`icol secretory Psychology. Travel. Granton (5A1 263 Adelaide West Toronto 1.800.268.11'21.--0-47 EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to Prepare Income Tax returns by correspondents. Local Franchise available Write Tax re me Services Limited. 1304 Speen Rood Oakville. Ont. (61 2X4.-0-47 COMING EVENTS Don't miss EGANVItLE HOMECOMING 17. July 31 Outs August 3, 1987. For particulars write Egonvhle Homecoming 17. Box 570, Egonvnle. Ont. K0J 1E0.-047 B a The Only way to get YOUR ad in 2.5 million homes in Canada for 0659,130 or In 1,241,807 homes in Ontario for $195.00 1 Place your Blanket Classified Ad 1 by calling our helpful classified 1 ad -visors at 1 4E1 Huron 1 OsitOE Y,527 -0240 1 1 1 1 Deets