HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-10-29, Page 12Al2 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 29, 198 Classifieds Continue Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 ST. JAMES BOWLING LEAGUE Ladles high single, Bert Kloss 288. Ladies high triple, Cathy Broome 651. Men's high ainglo and triple, Murray Bennewles 300, 779, Stsndinge: Devlle 18, Omen 26, Angela 13, Satan 28, Demon 24, Hellions 23. COMMERCIAL BOWLING LEAGUE Ladles high 8le, Anne Leshigh averaen ge, ClaudetLadles te triple, P ttii Fuhr628..ad Elliott 205. Try us for CUSTOM KILIJNG and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OURSPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats it. processed exactly the way you like it. SMAL,E one for the i would like to thank every telephone calls and the get well cards. Special thanks to Dr. W yatt and the nurses at Victoria Frank J. Smale Ikrspilal, ► ondon--�- J^ -^-39-44x1 TORRANCE We wish to sincerely thank our family, epileptic at any st one o as their co art and head, {saving a scar on the brain is N is and their families neighbors, friends and relatives Anniversary party to le of how one t an be affected• Rarely towards the centre. Tickets are still available. our 411th so ing Specilthanks h P making it it much fun, velyicthe a for gifts. 11 inherited. e Ile tk5 Call 482 5527 or 5. Tickets Your attendance happiness dowers and lovely card can and do lead normal lives. in fact, studies would be much appreciated. w't, µ•i(1 always remember the evening of Thanks to modern medication, P happiness together.Ivan and Mildred Torrance nn_ndvt Men's high single, triple, average, Cor Dorosere 259, 694, 231. Asters 20, Poppies Standings: Petunias 2 s Orchids 23, 16, Tulips 13, THURSDAY NIGHT BOWLERS Ladles high Ladles high Bingle, Brenda Coop r 232. Ladles Ladles triple, Connie Marlon 828, 1d7 high average, Brenda Cooper, Connie Marion 257, Ladies season's high triple, 841, 343, Men's high Men's high single, 68, Murray Bennewlea S38. High triple, Nell Beuerman 889, average, Nell Beuerman 288. Season's high °Ingle. Rrlo Matzold 347. Season's high triple, 14611 Beuermso 888Th° Bears 23, B•BoP° 16, The Standings: Rooster° 26, t° 11 Strays 15. C -Po 14, Alley Ca ,public uo" ged �O (r-slr� ■ • -- tics take less time oft' °neral work force. October will soon be over and November is have shown that th epileptics at work injuries obtained just around the corner. November is Epilepsy work than that of the g, robleo lies with during a seizure, The problem faces due toh Month and again this year the awareness is Very rarely are p from hoped to 400,000be broughtCn to the public. Over111 Canadians are affected by mental insecurities the epileptic epilepsy in one formior a another. as man poore attitudes and sometimes rejection has believed epilepsy all negative ublic. has symptom ed for centuries. ithe ban cis es of Bally n e 'a symptom of a disorder of the brain caused victims educationois vitally needed to assist by an overactivity of the bran at any g attitudes towards epilepy'Unit is located time. type of seizures are determined by the The Huron -Perth Epilepsy The toms in Clinton, but, due to infiationimono emu t area shown. the brain affected abr the s ow ,be the beat furgroups--They randma mal,, petit mal, down into fashion show t the Benin tler Inn is to a held mor randgrand ne from mpsycho- November 5 to assist in keepingthe and raptor and focal. They range momentary centre open In the afternoon, lapse of ostattention people convulsions.and ladies What most are unaware of is that children's clothing will beMen modelled w� anyone can have •the A sudden of being ane refclothing will available.shown hth 1e epilepsy time. A sudden blow to the clothing modes consiist of in evening. witile contribution LEYSi-IRN burn wish Continued Page A8 'Che family of the late Muriel E. Ley W.A.from (age AXPRESSO to thank d allb those who helped at the time of taut• sad bereavemespeThe cially the nurses on last Thursday nightFand went visited home with arena a tht (pIfthl floof.r south west, and especially J the all relat relatives. friends, neighbors, tough, managed to pressure I.D.A.uest of the during tue he tiew and ofd: who sent cards and flowers and final period but couldn't finish off around the visits while Muriel was in hospital and at visitor's net. George Scott potted an empty home. Also for memorial donations and floral tributes. We also wish to thank W�e�� v Whey Funeral Home, the Simmons for the funeral service, the ` lutlhearers and flower bearers. Many thanks also to the ladies of St. Thomas Anglican 4 Church for the beautiful lunch following the x «•; siasice A sincere thanks from W m. Leyburn and the W right Family -- ------ _ 39 44x1 PAT1'ERSON I ttouid like to thank Dr. MalkuS.he nu ses s and kitchen staff. Thanks to my trtt•ndts for cards. treats. flowers and visits `ltal. lh,lnks to Rey. Vanslyke fle I was a patient inor h visits. Special eaforth thanksthanks to my kind neighbors. It Patterson lvery much appreciated 39.44.1 - - - K Haig I tu,uld like to say thanks to Dr. Underwood eafortd and the nurses and staff of Community Hnspital. I would also like to say a pei•lal "thank you" to Dr. Hussey and the rumps and st aft on 4th floor south at Stratford ;t•nertl hospital. Thanks also to those who sent cards and visited me and in the hospital. ,Ilttta�ed out in i�hllclttLsapBob Kerr 39-44%1 net goal with just 14 seconds left on the clock to sign, seal and deliver the win. Ron Harper counted the first I,D.A. score early in the final frame. CIt iSELti URST'2 K NiGHTS 2 When Chiselhurst woke up Friday morning they tnust have wondered how they escaped with a 2-2 tie with Kintore Knights. The Knights held a wide territorial margin in play night nwitch jusded t 1e :14 left to pulers pd goal a out the tie. Falconer replied for Gary Dill and Les Chiselhurst, C.H. EXPRESS 3 GRADS 0 of the C.H„ playing their second gamewere night and minus several key players, still too much for the Grads. Thanksgivitng e hoiidyss have for servingupsome d the Thanksg g turkeys lately they earned full marks for this latest conquest. Mike Flanagan led the winners by connecting foreinpair of atop ooaals ls while Dave ('rocker chipped up a storm Captain Fats himself, Ron Moody, served Monday a storm CAPTAIN FATS — Karen Koestler and Cap Mcllwraith photo of fish and chips to those attending the Seaforth Lions Club Fish Fry ver 200 attend barbecue GRACIOUS RED BRICK HOME mon 4 bedrooms. Statnod glass windows, oak staircase, oak mantle fireplace. hard- wood floors in downstairs. Full basement. 200 AMP sorvlco. Rocontly Installed air oxchango system. List Prlco '89,500. Call BY GOIWON SCOTT, PRO The beef barbecue held last Saturday was very well attended withr tmembers and wives attending. After barbecue the balance of the eveningwas spent dancing to the music of the "Country Companions." A special thanks goes out to John lansink and his hard working entertainment his expertise and Ron Williamson for pis hoped planse are in overseeing the cooking. being made to have another in the near future. The Zone Euchre and the Toronto Br, noon Invitational Bowling are being held Saturday, November 22 this year. Anyone wishing to bowl please contact Done Eaton ase maned anyone wishing top Y your name on the list provided in the Legion on the bulletin board before November for Veteran's Banquet The tickets are Banquet being held on Saturday, November teak for them in advance so the ladtickets ies Auxillease iary will know how many to prepare for. Tickets may be bought at the Legion or from any member of the executive. The church parade is Sunday, November 8 with the Poppy Drive in the afternoon. Please plan to attend. Kipper Continued from Page A6 than regular ice cream. tanned A pmt members rs eld preNovemberundaes pin the and menders p p kitchen and compared two different kinds of '• CIPICWsi FAST ' • ' vanilla ice JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. —MIS Realtor- CLINTON 482-3766 cream: Kipper meeting W� las held Institutes Affairs 10 fg with 22 in Hengga� and Grace Drums Drum- mondasMargaretsses P dent Grace Drum- mond as hostesses. President mond welcomed the district sent Shirley Cooper and secretary treasurer Lynn to the meeting, Margaret Hoggath ened with a reading. the convenor of W orld Affairs committeeminae op Janice Murray, a Seaforth Junior Farmer Smember. favored with three piano he was thanked by Margaret Hoggarth ns, Paul Hoggarth. another Seaforth JUnlor Farmer (*op10member. showed slides Bellhaned Jnr Farmer trip to Expo. Dorothy Caldwell thanked Paul. Current Events were given by Thea ISCO, who mentioned the Queen's trip articles on bad weatheras.in EurHoge an this partrofteas. Margaret the evening. A sing song followed with Mary Broadfoot accompanying on the piano. Grace Drummond read poems. The District President Shirley Cooper gave greetings and closedppwith a reading. Darks. A lunchr rreepadredhby courtesy Kinsman and Phyllis Parsons followed. Vt i•:84 l•:I8: In loving memory of a dear wife .tnd mnlher Sava W costar who passed away 3 tears ago. November used t share. Gime are the days Rut in our hearts you will always there The Rates of memory' anyone chows b\ r mass you more than anoneik knows by i 1i ingly remembered and40.d b I :rant and Family - - -- _ - ilrrlt'.t•;it: In treasured memory cif a dear leather and grandmother who passed away 6 %ears ago. October 30. 1980. `Gime slips by. but memories stay. t:uteth remembered every day ,latfrpy thoughts of nits times together. Memories that will last forever Mary tryingly remembers by ,tnri 1amttt. Marion. Prank and Family 40.44 .1 When it's time to renew your Expositor, renewal 'notices will be inserted in your paper. Watch for it - don't miss a single Issue. McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd 13 Main St. Saalorlh 527-1140 •• Service • Selection • Savings • Salisfaotion • Leasing • Complete BODY SHOP Service Filter ueefl MART OF ti 1W1i'f0Wli VARNA 1103 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada LIFE ARO D MDR/CAGE 11130 AN EPiA,iS ED ANNUETTES INCOMETA%cis0UCTinse esexIELEMDLOAOn. n5 P NON-SMoness RATES AVAiIA0LE itEP Arnold Stinnis§en 117 t;"Ontitic13 ST. EAST sEAFORTH Tel. 527,-0410 Do you have any photos, stories, history reeoni-•+ of the old German Baptist Church in timdhagen'' Please call Mary Schuessler 41-43-2 -FRIT TRAINING, support and financial assistance is pmvide menebhing •rlf•help g6ups to promote establishing ch ic s illnesses. r gee parentse±ic are ncott urged nappl'ogle P in apply For Topday, Box phone05. Clinton, NOM write\ti omerrToday. 41.43-2 tin -------------- COMPLETE OFFICE EQUIPMENT Sales • Repairs • Rentals TONY STAUTTENER After selling and servicing ltusineitt equipment for lit years 1d this aired. Ions pieasod to ®wttousicia the aped- trig cif Cosnpieto icer egtelpment f invite my fritaneis and #ostein"Brit' fti all sive for nee mochirtea, POPer 06. duct!, rs - ducts, and ribbtasis Bar Cash fighters and office Machines. fltL' rjS THANK YOU AND . FAREWELL SALE STARTING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 AT 7 A.M. 5off EVERYTHING IN THE STORE (Except Knitting Machines and eridat Dept.) ROSS RIBEY FUNERAL DIRECTOR CAN ONE EXPRESS "MEANINGS" THAT ARE HIDDEN? A noted pianist told of an incident while playing classics for 7 and 8 -year-olds in Harlem. After a fine rendition oi ochild of Sehubett's lovely works, one asked the pianist, "isn't he (Schubert) dead?" The pianist answered, but he left his music for us.'• 'But ....,•• continued the child, "How do you know what he meansr' The child's cconcern . that the music be played as that composer intended it to be played inspired is, per his wishes and intent ie aware the pianist to be constantly momore awars of accurately interpreting a meaning. So it is, too, when considering funeral artafRements, that one considers "meaning," the wishes and the intent of the deceased Better stillis it to to your wishes for your services in advance of need. It is then true inte'rpr'etation of your own hens. this helps to lift the burden from the shoulders of your loved ones in a time of great stress just as the pianist became aware of the composer's Meanings, you can make your family aware of yours Call or stop by for More information about pre -at,- rangeriet tss �•t� MIMIC UM'1 NOME 87 Gude CII St W Seaforth 527.1390. As (Promised... 1 said when* sold *1te store, we'd have* draw an a new sewing mathind., Here it lit Enter aur draw on a NEW ELNiTA SEWING MACHINE (EnIfy Tither with every 10 purl tsasill ,alei Stotts Sat., 14ott. 1 at 'i*II 1 Monday ....M:.� • "1 Mlo y Move t Tue5efi►y triattl ngs .. . attday ii VICTORIA ST.t c�iM1ON wall he sipsln 'til, �. is open as ....f= of r71 -tt1 Tuesday, s November 8, '86 Afternoon & Evening e Classes rb rnonsing classes may be arranged for more inforatation call Sue or tonalda ah 482-7932 Come & browse at our OPEN HOUSE Sattiyday, November 8th & 9th 1 . g Pact • free coffee provided 6 Winnipeg St., Vanastra