HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-10-29, Page 10A10 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 29, 1988 TOWN AND COUNTRY Phone CLASSIFIED 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 porn. 11.COMING EVENTS 5. HELP WANTED ST. COLUMBAN P.T.A. Turkey Bingo, Thursday, November 13, 8 p.m.m44 2 ('olumban Church Hall. THE FAMILY of Leila Johnston, wish to extend a cordial invitation to friends, relatives and neighbors to an open house in honor of our mother's 80th birthday. It will take place Saturday, November 8th from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Ontario Street United Church parlour. Your friendship is a cherished gift, we respectfully request no other. BETHEIL BiBLE CHURCH, Egmondville, Senior Citizen Church Service on November 2 at 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Special music qA'l l welcome, ENTERTAINMENT and Card Party for Senior Citizens Thursday, October 30, 7:30 p.m. Lunch provided. Sponsored by' 4th e Seaforth Junior Farmers. HALLOW E'EN Costume Party, Saturday, November , 1 at Seaforth Curling Club. Dancing 8:30- 1, Admission $2.50. Costume and door prizes, Everyone welcome. 1-44-1 M c•K UJ L)P TW P. Federation of Agriculture Annual Meeting and Banquet, St. Columban Palish Hall, Tuesday, November 18. Guest speaker Brigid Pyke; 1st vice president of ()FA. Dinner • 7 p.m. Tickets $7.50 per person. Tickets available from any director. 4-2 Mt)ItNING MA1iKEN. Wesley -Willis ('hunch. Clinton. Saturday. November 1, 10 rI lin 1 p.m. Lunch. treasure auction 11:30 a m.. puppet show. crafts, baking, i auction, deli, bahyhnutique. Township of Tuckersmith Applications will be received until November 4th, 1986 at 4:30 p.m. for the position of a CASUAL PART-TIME EMPLOYEE WITH THE ROADS DEPARTMENT Duties to commence for the snowplowing season and will Include some general labour. Apply in person at the Municipal Office, Vonastra Park. Doug Poulton Road Superintendent. Townshlp of Tuckersmith GMB 117, R.R. 3, Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1 LO 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE BARN CATS to give away. Phone 527.144x1. 4 wooden chairs, wardrobe, chesterfield, ux vacuum clean - ere bedroric om suite, sofa bed, stacking chairs, filing cabinet, recliner, stove, fridge. Van Pelts Used 'Furniture. Call 348-8244. No Sunday calls.. 14-43-tf 1979 Arctic Cat Jag 3000, 340 twin, new track, good condition, $950 or best offer. 1979 Yamaha 340 twin, low miles, excellent condition slider suspension. $850 or best offer. Call Murray 527-1023. 14-43x2 21. WANTED TO BUY W OOD STOVE guards and shields to protect home and children, plus iron railings from $11. per foot. Gord's Welding, 482-52161 4r1 4 8a,m.-5p.m. -4 • BUNK BEDS, new, Phone345-2282, 14-42-3 'I'IIF, family of Howard and Edna Osborn Invite you to attend the celebration of their -,ulh V adding Anniversary on November 8, I911i at the Brodhagen Community Centre. \u gills please. 1-44-2 Ia tiTRIP lo Lulu's i'Fhe Platters), Saturday, November 15, $8.00 plus admission. Phone 1716 fur in forrnal 1.44.2 '1 \ \t I : Saturday. Novemher 1, 1986, !clad' Tom 'Ishii) Community Centre. i,) IH'sVtUo 111uSlchy "glue Roses !calor- , Uars F3holl Freeman. $4 00 per person. 1%1,11441S Inr Community *Cent For tickets 11 012 71'11 or 482 :1700 Tickets available al •••,I 1leld under,pecud nee:181on permit. 1-43-2 i',( ,,s \ :mast rd IU•r Centre. Tuesdays. i4 • , I' 1r,1 Regular 4'ard S 1 011. 13 Regular • ,• 1:0 eamo..three tihar-Ihe•Wealth Jack• 2.10 must go lucky hall $2011 of not Iarks hall intretews S20 per week h„•.•u'1 re,tntled to Iii years and I Bei Ii 1 I lar F:Irl and tome McSpadden. 11 1111 ed, `•dulctas, November 1. Seaforth . coat 11al1 mall provided Everyone t shone, 1.44.1 Till EHURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires .001000/ $$$sssssssss CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, Ilvingroom suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. Call Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 CHRYSLER 400 - 2 bbl engine, excellent condition, 66,000 miles. AMC 258-6 cyl. engine, 65,000 miles, good condition. Univer- sal sun roof, almost new. All items best offer, ('all Murray 527-1023. 14-43x2 Fwood, cord delivered. of Phonel26279 seasoned 14-43-tf CUSTODIANS for the following schools: Goderich District Collegiate Institute - Engineer Custodian (40 hours per week), -Certification as a Fourth Class Station- ary Engineer Required. Exeter Public School - Basic Custodian (40 hours per week) Victoria Public School - Basic Custodian (20 hours per week) All positions include shift work. These positions will become effective as soon as possible. The successful applicants will become members of the Service Employees' Union. local 210. Interested applicants are requested to send a letter of application which indicates the specific position of Interest to them. The application must include a resume which outlines experience and education. and which also includes references. Applications will be received by the undersigned prior to 4:30 p.m., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1086. MR. G. GIANNANDREA Personnel Relations Administrator I10roa County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, Clinton. Ontario NOM 1111 R.B. rilLAN Director A. ('lAIU( Chairman EXTRA LARGE insulated dog house, colour- ed oloured steel siding. Phone 345-2386. 14.44x1 ;300 bales good quality 1st and 2nd cut hay. - $1 .25 each. Phone 527.1507. 14-44-2 FIVE used weaner feeders. 48 in. long. Call ll 527-191:1. HOMEMADE apple butter, Mutsu apples, also fresh made cider. Marlene Orchards 527-1507, ('ARMORdowndraft stove, Phone 345-2057. 4 057 Culligan REAL ESTATE LIMITED REAL ESTATE LTq. MAUREEN W ILDFONG 482-3224 II EATH ER BENNEW IES 345.2432 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON 22 words • one week, $4,20; two weeks, 53.70; three Weeks, 53.20. Additional words 18 cents. BIRTHS - No charge ENGAGEMENTS - Flare rate of $6, with picture $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 waoke after date of wedding, After this time, photo and cutllne only, 515. Complete wrlto•up 225. IN MEMORIAMS - $4.20 plus 35 cents per line of verse, CARD OF THANKS - 25 words, $4.20. Each additional word .08 cents, 60 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON 014 BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each addltlo_nal_week - 51 ,00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming events 23, Reel Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24. Property for Bale 3. Lost, Strayed 25. Property for rent 4. Found 28, Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27. Far Bale or rent 8, Business Opportunity P8. Wanted to rent 29. For rent 30. Room and Board 31. Notice 32. Vacations 33. Educational 34. Auction sales 35. Tenders wanted 36. Legal nonce 37. Notice to creditors 38. Service directory 39, Card of thanks 40, In memoriam 41. Personal 42, Engagements 43. Marriages 7. Situations Wanted 8. Custom work 9, Farm stook 10. Farm machinery 11. Hay and straw 12, Used cars 13, Used trucks 14. Articles for sale 15. R.V.0 for sale 16. 'Mobile homes 17. VCRs for sale 18. Computer corner 19. Pets 20. Swap or trade 21. Wanted to buy 22. Wanted (1 M:\IN STREET PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. APPLES: Spys, Macs, Ida Red, Kings, Snows, Sweets, Delicious, Empire, Spartan, Greening, cider, cider apples. Please bring containers. Mc(lymonl Orchards. Varna, arn , 4142.32)4 F'ItEEZERand dehumidifier. 887-917,14.44.1 USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Sea - forth. Guaranteed 90 days. Reasonably 14i' priced. Phone 527-1213. ANT'ltttJErubber tired buggy, single seat in very gond condition. Also single horse harness Price 56011 Phone 527.1059. 14.44.1 ('I1(itISTMAS Gt1rf'S:'4dlpdr cent off patio urniture and aceessorios..Spring layaways. W archrn,se open Fridays and Saturdays, 71 I( Ing W est. Floresl.1519 (786-4405. 14.44-tf 51 Andrew's United Church, Ktopen SMORGASBORD SUPPER held at nruceflr'Id United Church 1 8. CUSTOM WORK Wed., Nov. 12 5-8 p.m. Adnlls S7 00 Children 12 & Under 5T 00 prPNC hooters Free Adv,lnc,r• 1tcketsOnl' For T,ckets call M'tBALOVELL 2625h18 Hi' If N F ABF R 262 6502 1 4. FOUND 1 black and hrnsse pup Bart st 1Femar-d lit fine :',2"•07 17 4 44 1 inriv,e 16 hnllum Berm nlmrnled inlemn na,,dpl.'t' 444i ^1111 11144:. J1 i 1\iJ.ilaughnlinFarms 527.0138or527.0240 im snnr drying and storing needs. We will 0.11101 Inp qualify com at competitive s i� 3 CUSTOM BACK HOEING. drain repair, erosion control. cellar drains. laser. Call. Frank Postilt 482.9 t 01. 8-184 1 9. FARM STOCK Fr lit SA 1 E (lintel Jersey cow. milking 55 lbs. Ideal famib tat; Phone 887-61175 9-43-2 10. FARM MACHINERY 1 5. HELP WANTED 11. HAY & STRAW LAKE HURON ROD & GUN FALL CLEARANCE SALE NEW GUNS WOO 22 col. mail auto '195. MOO 170. 3017m map, 331 npeoler......,'495. summon pump 270. 301 end 30.06 ,.......'565. 1IM1410TOH automatic 301. 3046...._..-.--.' 595. M'OS31 rso 7m nmag. 700, 331 motor »»--'395. wI8cRFSTt1 11 gaup pump .•^ .•»»^`285. VANOf11TI112 rat. la+at 'mourns so-so Irrn salon USED GUNS Moii1FR0 12 gauge pump -----'175. MASON22 slag. woofer ..................»».....'''�i�. IIMING?ON 222 f.VAGI 13 gaup pun p ''195. RIMINGTON 12 ganga outematir ...........'275. PRI '64, modal 94 30-30 lam action.».....»250. ITHACA 12 gawp doubts barrel.-.. '195. M0t4111IG 16 gauge ropaatar- '85. Highway 21 south of Port 8Igln: OVER 300 GUNS at DISCOUNT PRICES ®pen 7 days. 36E14182 OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Egmondville - Follow the Signs JAMES ST.: $37,500.00, 11/2 storey renovated 3 bedroom home, updated wiring, gas heat, good location. MILL ST.: Raised one floor home, 4th bedroom, electric heat, det'd garage. $Bos. MAIN ST.: Excellent layout on this one floor 3 bedroom ranch style home, 11 z }lath, att'd garage. GOl)ERICH ST.: "MInt' "describes this raised ranch style home, 3 bedrooms, pine cupboards, 2 baths, family room, tastefully decorated throughout, att'd garage, plus ample storage. EGMONDV111E: $500, I' z storey 3 or 4 bedroom home, loads of character throughout. original wainscoting, main floor laundry, det'd garage. MARKET ST.: 7 year old ranch style home featuring main floor family room, electric heat. country sized kitchen. GODERICBI ST.: 11 storey 3 bedroom home. gas heat, close to uptown. $30s. DupI.E C: Showing good return with self contained apartments. Call for details. FiVEP1.IX: 5 • 1 bedroom unit apart- ments with an excellent location. GEORGE ST.: 4 level side split 3 bedroom home, built by owner in 1982 with att'd garage. $80s. BRUCE TE ID: 1 acre with a 2-3 bedroom home plus workshop area and extra lots. Asking $45,000.00. McKULOPTWQ��lc+'eage with 2 storey brick honaa77 , by sized ban. F +TATESAi tt:Lot size 82.50 x 264 with a 3 bedroom home, main floor master bedroom, heated sunporeh, modern kitchen, det'd double garage. 11ARPURIIEY: Open for offers, 1 acre with a 3 bedroom home, great potential. Asking $45,000.00. EGMONDVILIE: Excellent one floor home, 3 bedrooms, newly decorated throughout. List $42,000.00. EGMONOVU E: Ranch style home located in the golf course subdivision. Asking $125.000.00 $19,500.00: 112 storey home, 2 or 3 bedrooms, plus det'd garage. VACANT LOTS: Various sizes and prices. Call for details. 185 ACRES: 75 sow farrow to finish operation located dose to Seaforth with well maintained and Updated buildings. 7.50 mount FARM :22,698 birds plus a renovated stone home with 5 year old 2 storey barn 220 x 40. 50 ACRES: Modem ranch style home over 2000 sq. ft. Steel shed. Call for details. 47.50 ACRES: Vacant land, no build- ings. 100 ACRES: Hullett Twp„ farrow to finish operation, good brick home plus 44 acres of land, no, buildings. --A Career in Trucking' Transport drivers needed. Now is the lirrre Io trails for your lass A license. For prescreening interview and job pplacement information, contact Mery Orr's n-ansport Driver Training, London, 1-800- 265-1260. 14 Ai'fl,R-WAITRESS. full and pari time. Apply in person to Commercial Hotel. Seaforth 5-44-1 REQUIRED • a mature student or adult for tpad time itsx42 Seaforth. Ontario. on a farm. Apply to t\ \ \TF31 Feed Itarley het%wen 12 and 1 Phone R137.8938 11.44.1 16. MOBILE HOMES HELP W ANTED catching thickens. night work and travelling ince ved. Make up to S250.00 per week. Part or full time positions available. Call Clinton Stumpf 482-5523. 5-24-tf 12. USED CARS ,637315. 115(1 bedroom large house trailer. Call .5. i ram 16-42-3 1978 Mercury Marquis, air conditioning, p s.. p.b.. p.sv.. cruise. tilt wheel, air s2shocks, will certify . 527.0361. 1976 Ford Gran Torino SW. 351 modified V8 eng.. 4 radials.. Would make a good heavy winter car. $800 as is or best offer. Call 527-1899 after 5:30 p.m or between 8:414 and 8 a.m. Permanent Part-time Help Wanted to work lunch hours 11:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. and occasional evenings 5-12 p.m. at Pizza Train Seaforth Reply by mail ONLY to: P.O.BOX7t2. SEA FORTh.oNTARIO NOK iW0 1977 Ford Mercury Monarch, 2 door, 2 tone green -white, AM radio, certified. 51800 or best offer. 52'7-0676. 12-43-2 1980 Grand Prix, 60,000 miles, power windows. seat and trunk delay wipers, tilt, air. Mint condition inside and out. Burgundy with burgundy interior. Call 345-2148. 440 1970 Monte Carlo, newpaint" rally wheels, tilt wheel, AM radio, $3000 or reasonable offer. New 8' satellite dish and bracket. Call 527-0493 after 6 p. m. 12-38 xtf 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 21. WANTED TO BUY 1000 good used white bucks. Phone 527-1507 7 FM) BARLEY. Phone 887-6938 between n412 ands. it 1 1 1 1 1 1 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT I 1 BRUCEFIELD - 2 or 3. bedroom house, $275 per month plus utilities. Available L5mme- diately. Phone 527.1577. TWO bedroom house in W alton, available November 1,887-6230 urhe bedroomHOUSEs$ 75.OR 00 monthly. AENT in ve IableyDec. 1 or sooner. Reply to Box 3848 c -o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 25-44-1 phone1-438-6407. TWO bedroom unit of a duplex in Seaforth available immediately. Phone after 5 p.m. 527-1027. SeaforrthHREE be5350.00 oAvailab56 le immediately.derich Street, Phone 527-1312. 25-44-2 3 bedroom house, 5400 not including utilities. Available Dec. 1. 527.0877. 25-43-tf 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT I IARGE one bedroom aartment, stove included. in Seaforth Ca11345.27O1. 26-44-3 Real Estate Ctd. Broker Clinton Phone:482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 89 ACRES:25 workable, secluded raised bungalow, insulated barn, several ponds, hardwood bush, Hwy. 8. SEAFORTII: 1 floor, 2 bedrooms, very neat, gas heat, finished basement. IDFAI. STARTii31 HOME: Harpurhey Read, 2 finny frame home, Ih acre lot. Under 530,000.00. 4 ACRES: Hullett Twp., good brick home, general purpose barns. 15 ACRES: Hullett Twp., farrowing operation, good barn, frame home. Cash and Carry Classified Cerner Ladies, size 8 figure skates, narrow width, good condition. 515:00. 527- 1562. Hlu_ron Cash In On xp®sit®r CashligCarry CLASSIFIED Corner JUST i • the as many words as you like • Ian must be priced at under $40 and price trust be in the ad • payment must be enclosed with ad swifter) on The Expositor coupon MY AD O One item per ad • Only for private individuals, selling personal possessions Bring or mail to: APPLES Macintosh, ,Contend, and i The Huron Expositor enclosed cider, potato h and crooking onions, 12 Main St., Box 89, pp p $1 peaches attArtt�Bell�s Fruit 'arid, 524 8013 ' I My aelns SEAFFORTH, Ontario 1 >...s.......> ...................... 14'-d0ff K JWO man em ®®®®®mom.®-. -- - rte----__ :vat®®,�..�,®®�,�,.�®®- 4