HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-10-22, Page 11SPORTS THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 22, 1986 — All Happy 40 th Birthday PAT (DRAKE) SIM Your Friends Carol and Pam BUCK & DOE - for DOUG McCLURE and SUSAN GREGUS Saturday, Oct. 25 For further information S27.O916 or 527-0476 Happy 19th Birthday GREG MURRAy October 25 1 1 SOCCER TOURNEY — Area separate school soccer teams tournament. Pictured Is action from a game between the Dublin and converged on St. Columban School on October 16, for a soccer St. Columban teams. Raftis photo Centenaires playing under .500 hockey After winning only two of five games in the past two weeks, the Seaforth Centenaires Junior D.hockey team's record stands at three wins and four losses after the first seven games of the regular season. On October 10, Seaforth lost an 8-7 decision to the Brussels Bulls. The Cente- naires were outscored 5-3 in the second period. which proved to be the difference in the game. Kevin Melady and Kevin William - :ion each had a pair of goals in the game, and Melady also picked up an assist. Jerry W right added a goal and two assists. Steve Schroeder and Bill Dale added singles for Seaforth. Scoring three power play goals, and one while shorthanded, the Centenaires defeated the Thedford Lumberjacks 7-4, in Thedford on October 12. Wright, who scored the short-handed goal and added a third period marker, also had four assists in the game to pace the team. Mike Betties, Gerard Ryan, Barry Campbell, Williamson and Mike Schoonderwoerd added singles. Derek Coop- er was between the pipes for the Centenaires. The Exeter Hawks downed the Centenaires 6-4 in a game played October 14, in Seaforth. Ray Anstett faced 42 shots in the Seaforth goal, while the Centenaires fired 36 pucks at • Congratulations Mom & Dad BILL & DOREEN STRONG on your 25th Anniversary s tis +e s++4"7 Happy 35th Anniversary MOM and DAD Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Groothuls 4 October 23 i Exeter netminder Brad Bender. Seaforth edged the Hawks 5-4 in a return match in Exeter on October 17, led by a two goal, on assist performance by Betties. W right picked up a goal and three assists in the game, while Melady scored once and assisted twice. Schroeder had a goal and two assists. Todd Campbell was in goal for the win, blocking 27 shots. Clinton Mustangs outlasted the Cente- naires in a 10-8 shoot out, on October 18, in Clinton. Betties had a hat trick, plus two assists for Seaforth, Melady, Wright, Brian Keys, Dale and Schroeder all scored once. Friends and neighbors are invited to help us celebrate on October 24, 1986 in Seaforth, For more information call Lisa 527-0876, or 235-2520. Love, Jack, Willy, Hank, Mary, Garry,$ / Judy, Jim, Joanne, Allan, Chris, Steve,l Rose, Jim and your 21 Grandchildren.+ Recreation conference to be here THE SEAFORTH RECREATION COM- MiTTEE is hosting their 4th ANNUAL COMMUNITY RECREATION CONFER- ENCE on Saturday, November 1. The purpose of the conference is to develop a closeknit feeling among Seaforth and area community organizations and to provide an opportunity for a joint action and co-operative planning. We have set down 2 goals to be accomplished and they are: 1. To provide a setting for identifying, discussing and solving problems; 2. To help plan in an organized manner so that all groups benefit. This conference is aimed at all Seaforth and area community organizations. W e would like each group to send two representatives to attend the conference, and please submit the name to me as soon as possible. The Recreation Committee feels they have planned an excellent day for you: Agenda: 9-9:30 Registration and Refreshments; 9:30- 9:40 - Mayor's welcome; 9:40-10, Keynote address; 10-12- Workshop; 12.1:30, Lunch and Citizenship Awards; 1:30-3, Workshop; 3-3 :30 W rap -up. Your keynote speaker will be Tom Lemon, our new Mainstreet Co-ordinator. He will discuss his future involvements with the town of Seaforth. Our workshop this year will be "In Search of Excellence". In Search of Excellence has been proclaimed as a major contribution to the understanding of the necessary management principles that are in RECREATION PREVIEW by Marty Bedard "excellent" organizations. These key princi- ples and their significance for us will be the focus of our learning event. Management principles will be explored using a variety of techniques -wide tape presentations, short presentations and group discussions. Your resource personnel will be Melanie Mc- Laughlin. e-Laughlin. a consultant with the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation from Hanover. Registration fee is $5.00 per person and that includes a hot meal. If all groups that have received invitations, please return them as soon as possible to the Seaforth Recreation Department, P.O. Box 885, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO or cell 527-0882 for more information. SEAFORTH LIBRARY coming events: Friday. October 24. African Uon Safari film and "mystery" guest. Free admission. Begins at 4 p.m. and on Saturday, October 25, there will be a Hallowe'en Party at Story Hour, 1 :30 p, m. for ages 3 years to 8 years. So dig out your best costume and come out for some fun THE SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT COM- MUNITY CENTRES BOARD is hosting a Hallowe'en Costume Dance on Friday, October31 from9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Arena. Dance to Bounty with special guests the Warps. There will be cash prizes for the best costumes and a lunch provided. Admission is $5. per person. "Age of Majority" card only. Tickets are available at the arena office. AU proceeds will go towards Seaforth Minor Sports. On Saturday, October 25 the NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH are hosting their annual bazaar and tea. It will be held at the church starting at 2 p.m. Don't forget MOMS & TOTS every Wednesday afternoon from 1-3 p.m. Admis- sion is free. Senior shuffleboard continues every Wed- nesday afternoon from 110-4 p.m. last week's winners were: ladles: Peggy Perkins 380, Greta Kerr 291. Ina Scorns 283. Men: Gordon Murray 351. Stanley Hilton 312, Uoyd Pipe 285. Legion raises yearly dues for '87 BY GORDON SCOTT. PRO The general meeting of the Branch was held last Thursday evening. Owing to the absence of President Jim Watson, Comrade Mei Melanson. first vice president assumed the duties of the chairft was proposed. yearly dues be raised for 1987 to take effect as of January 1. 1987. Under the early bird campaign dues will remain the same till January 1. On a request from the Jr. D. Centenaires Hockey team a motion was passed to donate 81000 to help offset their expenses for the rental of ice time which amounts to a considerable sum each year. Entry fees for the Pee Wee Hockey team. to participate in the surrounding tournaments were also passed which will amount to a sum in the neighborhood of $500. Two new members. Bob Bruger and Nancy Ann McClure were initiated in the Branch by Frank Golding. Tom Wilbee. Mel Melanson and Al Nicholson participating in the ceretrtony. Plans for Remembrance Day activities have been finalized according to our Poppy Chairman Dave Cornish. The Veterans Banquet will be held at 7 p.m. Guest speaker this year will be Reg Cleator, former Provincial Officer of Ontario Command, and certainly familiar to most Legion members. Please pick up your tickets by November 1. Church Parade is on Sunday, November 9. Parade willmove off front the Legion at 10:30 a.m. to St- James Church for service at 11 a.m. in the afternoon the Poppy Drive will be held. We ask al] members to please be at the ' Legion after church parade to assist in the canvass. Many hands make light work. On LEGION (CPOI cr liv NEWS Tuesday, November 11 Remembrance Day services will be held at the cenotaph., weather permitting. The parade will move off to the cenotaph at 10:30 a.m. with the Seaforth District High School Girls Band leading. On Saturday. October 11 the First War Veterans Banquet was held. Registration was held from 1 o'clock to four o'clock when a dinner was served by our Ladies Auxiliary, This year we had only nine First War Veterans attend with four of them from our own branch. Also included now are our Senior Second War Veterans who f11@ WAY over seventy years of age. The First War Veterans attending were as follows: Dave Netzke, Harry Palin, Ned Boswell and Paul Doig. In a ceremony by our Padre Comrade Frank Golding a wreath was dedicated and placed at the cenotaph by Ned Boswell, assisted by our President Jim Watson, in remembrance of the fallen comrades who did not return. Last Sunday, sixteen members from the Branch attended the Fall District Convention held in Guelph. The guest speaker Ross Paterson, third vice president of Ontario Command was introduced by The Deputy District Commander Glenn Bridge and thanked by Walter Duke, district Command- er. Approximately four hundred Legion members and wives registered for the convention. The Spring Convention will be Meladys celebrate 45th St. Columban Correspondent NIiLS. CECILIA ItVAN 345-2028, Ted and Frances Melady celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary with a dinner at ;their home on Saturday, October 18. Family and friends attending were Father Albert Laesnez and Father John Hess, Of Edmonton, ,Alberta, Dr. Tom and Mrs. Teresa Melady of Goderich, Jim Melady, Hanover; Anne and 'Wayne Chapin, William and Vanessa, Dublin; Pat and Harry Ryan, Kevin, Lori Lyn and Chris of Thamesford; Brian Melady, Debbie, Sean and Brian; Tom and Joanne Melady, J)On Melady and Len Kelly of Loddon. On Sunday morning, Father Andrew Sipek said a Mass of Thanksgiving and had btilnch with the Melady family. ENGAGEMENT TO MARRY: Mr. and Mrs. John Segeren of RR 5, Sebringville wish to announce the marriage of their daugh- ter Melissa to Larry Dawson, son of Murray and Beatrice Dawson of Exeter. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, November 1, 1986 at St. James Church, Seaforth. held in Guelph again on the weekend of April 11 and 12 when elections for the officers will be held. Don't forget the Beef Barbecue this Saturday commenting at 6 p.m. with a dance to follow with music by the Country Companions. Anyone wishing to play in the Zone Euthre tournament November 22 please have their name placed on the sheet on the bulletin board by the 1st of November. The invitational Bowling tournament held by Branch No. 3 in Toronto is being held November 22 this year. Anyone wishing to enter a team or be on a team please contact Don Katon for particulars. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. •••••••••••••••,••••• CHIP BINGO • in • • DUBLIN COMMUNITYCENTRE • • FRIDAY, OCT. 24 • • 15 Regular Genies • • $15.00 a game • • • 3 SPECIALS PLUS • • JACKPOT $550 . ▪ in 51 calls • • • • BONANZA $325 • • • • • CONSOLATION—$100.00 • • • in 49 calls • • CONSOLATION—$50.00 • Doors Open at 7:00 P.M. • Bingo Starts at 8:00 P.M. • • •••••••••••••••••••• GREAT LUNCH SPECIALS MONDAYS ' ' ' - - -- 3 PIECE CHICKEN DINNER TUESDAYS ROAST BEEF DINNER WEDNESDAYS HAM STEAK DINNER THURSDAYS ROAST BEEF DINNER • FRIDAYS • • 2 PiECE FISH DINNER ONLY 95 Includesandcoffee pie • HEARTY BREAKFAST 1.99 Includes 2 eggs, sausage, ham or bacon, toast Deliveries on orders over $10.00 SEAFORTH DIXIE LEE Goderich Street, West 527-0220 HALLOWE'EN COSTUME DANCE Seaforth and District Community Centres Board PRESENTS I LA j'tDISJOCKEYaSERVICE�� end/ Gold &4 Rock "nE Boll `BOUNTY' with special guests 'THE WARPS' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3ist DISCO MtkAS wati2'E5 Gaoaewcoatao N.uac FOR ,wntf5 YG5 DANCES MwSPW is ea. ,es fIC 10 yrs. expectance "No mileage charge • 88u5sas-887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS 1 DANCING 9-1 55.00 per person Age of Majority Only ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY — AVAILABLE AT ARENA OFFICE Proceeds to Minor Sports Lunch Provided CASH PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES FOR Optimist Hall BOOKINGS Please contact Stu Phillips A numberof people from the SL Columban area enjoyed a fun filled day in Frankentnnutit, Michigan on Saturday, October 18 visiting the many shops and boutiques and the Bronner Christmas store. On the lies trip from this area were Father Sipek, Ron and Maty Ryan, Bill and Faye Albert, Clarence and Cecilia Ryan, Paul and Stephen Ryan, Gordon and Lorraine Rumford and Doris and Elaine Ryan. Mary Lou Staples and Angela and Joe Lane visited Rick and Catherine Ann Miller of Strathroy on Sunday. Francis, Marie, John and Stephen Bicknell spent Thanksgiving weekend in Kirkland Lake and attende'd the Goodman -O'Neil Wedding. Clarence and Cecilia Ryan 'ted on Sundayafterifoon With Don and Bifida Ryan and boys of Melbourne. News deadline Monday 4 p.m. 527-0660 FIDDLERS JAMBOREE Seaforth & District Community Centres Sunday, Oct. 26 2-8 p.m. SUPPER AVAILABLE Admission 32.50 Children - Free Sponsored by The Van Egniond Foundation • ▪ fMlt SQUARI •• • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • Ina spl t • Met lives• s r jj';• •` will change forever. • • 4Wb " - A rld wee P a,n color release color • VVV--'��� Featuring 88LY GRAHAM with a message of trope 5 24-7111 1= • • • •• • • • LIMITED ENGAGEMENT • STARTS FRIDAY, OCT. 24th FRI.•SAT. 7 & 9; SUN. 2 & 7:30; MON. THURS. 7:30 Frrso the Producers of 177e Ming Place. .tort and me Prvdlgal. R/. 1 8 • gam MCE EDS THURSDAY, OCT. 23 WE7O.:30THURSp.m. • . • BERT KIRK •• LANCASTER DOUGLAS • • "TOUGH GUYS" SORRY - FOR CRY FROM THE MOUNTAIN NO PASSES NO '2.50 TUESDAY DOOR ADVANCE • 0 • • • • • • e • • • • 1 • • • • • • cat:. __. I ADULTS da.©© Ea. .00 • • "0UL l SENIOR '2.00 • ese•••N••••••e••eee•••e• ••••••ee•eb••0 • r