HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-10-15, Page 111 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 L3. REAL ESTATE J Torn Reidy Realty Ltd., J M I S REALTOR GREY TW P,: Moncrieff area, 100 acres, drained, mostly systematic, 2 storey, 3 bedroom home, small farrow to finish operation, modern barn with stable cleaner. DUBLIN: Mill St., 112 storey 3 bedroom home, 19.5 ACRES with many possibilities. 6 miles east of Brussels along paved road. Asking $38,000. IiIBBERT TOWNSHIP: 100 acres well drained level land, 2 miles south of St. Columban, 11/2 storey 3 bedroom brick home, carpet throughout, steel covered barns recently painted, implement shed, one storey building, insulated and ventilated, suitable for farrowing, steel granary. Contact JOE O' REILLY 345-2465 CHARLES W A1J(OM 348-8197 M AURUCE REIDY 347-2355 TOM REiDY347-2:358 34. AUCTION SALES 1 Culligan REAL ESTATE LIMITED MAUREEN W ILDFONG 482-3224 HEATHER BENNEW IES :3.15-2432 x 11.11N sTRF:F:r aa9 ^,.. GODERIC'H ST.: Executive style home, spacious pine kitchen, formal dining, family room, 112 baths, triple garage area. Call for details. NEW LISTING: One floor home with 2 bedrooms. main floor family room, att'd garage, situated on .24 acre lot in fiarpurhey NEW I.LSTIN(;: :3 bedroom, brick bungalow in mint condition with att'd garage list 568,000 IIF:f1.ITAGE ESTATES: 2 mobile homes, 1 •2 bedroom. I •3 bedroom. both priced to sell. MAIN ST.: New 3 bedroom brick bungalow, features gas heat. main floor laundry and maintenance free exterior. {X;MONDVTLJF.: Cozy one floor 3 bedroom home with many renovations throughout Situated on spacious lot. list S40s.GEORGE iibedroom home withirsVi!_oly 3r'oom. List S79.990 CIA-IT/N:8 yr old split level home with 3 bedrooms and carport List 559.000. GEORGE ST.: 3 bedroom brick and aluminum split level home with att'd garage List 589.000 EGMMONDV-LLIE:3 bedroom, 117 storey home with detached double garage and workshop list $50s LARGE AUCTION SALE f 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 1 duel Oil Furnace 24 HOUR SERVICE Repair and Cleaning ParatchDI is 3Maintenance -Antique furniture, antique glassware, hooked rugs, handmade quilts. appli- ances, lawn fut'ttnufe, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Main, Clinton for \luhel Hawkins of l;odalich. Sat. Oct. 18 AT IU A.M. Maytag automatic washer, 2 yrs, old: electric clothes dryer, chest freezer, dehumidifier, beer fridge, 24" harvest gold gas stove, older fridge. nine piece dining room suite, china cabinet with. ,glass doors and epds, extension dining ulhle extends from 20" to 6 ft., six matching dining chairs, open front maple hutch, double pedestal desk, :3 piece bedroom suite with curved foot board bed, vanity dresser with stool and gentlemans dresser, matching oak wave trent washstand dresser and bed. matching dresser and vanity, antique 3 drawer chest with mirror, 3 cedar chests. antique record cabinet. antique baking table, oak blanket box, chrome table, davenport couch, older :1 piece chester- field suite. studio couch, oval pedestal table, 4 magazine tables. recliner chair. swivel office chair, wooden extension table. open front corner cabinet. wicker fern stand, small desk, fancy small table. sewing cabinet. small marble top table. what not, :3 hall trees, small tilt top table. 4 leaf clover table. 3 sewing boxes. card table. small wardrobe, humpback trunk. double pedestal coffee table, antique cranberry hanging hall lamp, 2 Quezal type iridescent shades, 2 - 3 stem epergnes. several pieces of blue opale- scent glassware, antique mantle vase, pair of green enamelled girandoles, 4 pieces of yellow opalescent and hob nail. pair of blue hristol vases. figurines, Nova Scotia star flower pedestal dish, compote,. pedestal cake dishes, antique hen on nests, jardinerc. pink and white rippled edged bowls plus very large offering of dishes and glassware in good condition. silverware table, silver tea service. silverware including Old Colony pieces, oil lamps, blue finger painted crock plus other crocks. Schmeckenbeck- erhanging wall clock with weights made in Germany, cost $430.00 new: glass - dome clock made in Germany. coo coo clack, several hunts hooked Hugs and handmade quilts, lots of bedding. several fancy table lamps. 2 floor lamps, pole lamp. swag lamp. knick knacks, records. bedroom lamps. Hoover up- nght vacuum cleaner. bridge lamp, exercise hike, 8 ft table with toldipg legs. se%erd roasting pans. tanners. pots and pans. Three wheel hike. 20" lawn mower. patio umbrella table. lawn lounge. lawn chairs, extension ladder, seep ladders. small wheel barrow plus much more. TERMS CASH TWO Al'('TlONEER14F:1JING DL'F:'li I I.L R/; F:E /F'FElUNG (WHAM) mutt 1x2.73498 BU'RTIABB 31. NOTICE 1 ARE you living wilh a drinking problem? Al Anon can help 527 3650 31.42-1 34. AUCTION SALES DOUGLAS JACOB 271-7894 ar 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER SAT. OCT. 18, 10'a.m. Clearing auction of house, 1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, antiques and a full line of quality home fianishings tb be held at Part tot 13, Conn 9 of Fullerton Township for the estate of the late Frances Rae. RICHARD LOBS Clinfinn 482.7898, AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. OCT. 38, 10 a.m. large auction sale, handmade quilts, hooked rugs, antique glassware, including two , epergnes, two crystal vases, collect- ables, furniture and appliances for Mabei Hawkins at Richard Lnbb's Auction Barn, Clinton. SAT. OCT. furniture etc. at 25, ichard Lo10 bb s Auction Barn, Clinton. DOERR'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a W eek MAIN ST. MITCHELL PLUMBING HEATING 2, and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS---- dim Hardware HOME 11A RDW AIIE Seaforth 127.16233 39. CARD OF THANKS [37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO ('RF7)IT(1RS in the Estate of E1)NA BOI TON All persons having claims against the estate of Edna Bolton, late of the Township of McKillop in the County of Huron. Homemaker. deceased.' who died on the 6th day of September 1986 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of October 1986. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth. Ontario this 1st day Of Octdober. 1986. Mc('ONNEII, STEW ART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, & c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 15, 1986 - All 140. IN MEMORIAM R. Somerville who passed away October bert16 1958. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf, • We cannot Lord, 'Thyurpose see, But all is well that's done by Thee. Lovingly remembered• by his family.40-42x1 of andeair dad and grandpa who pasMaxwell. In sed awamemoy October 14, 1985. i can't believe it's been a year since Dad passed away, i'll never forget the pain., the grief, and sorrow of that day, My Mom, she died of a broken heart, she drowned in the tears, '1'o lose the man she married, and loved for all those years, Kerry -Anne and Amanda were young and will never know, The wisdom, humor and love they missed, That in lime would surely grow. W hen i think back a year ago, • It makes my heart feel sad. To lose this man who meant the world to me, And I'm proud to say, is my Dad. Sorely missed and forever in our hearts, Love: Patty, Royce. Kerry -Anne and Amanda laycox_ _ ^^�_ 40.42x1 1 133)1,TON The family of the late Russell T, Bolton of Winthrop wish to express our thanks to all (hose who helped us at the time of our bereavement, The service of the Town and Country Homemakers, especially Ruth Campbell and Victorian Order of Nurses' helped Russell remain in his own home, which was his with, until his sudden passing. The fast care and compassion received in the emergency nepariment of seatorth Commun- ity Hospital emphasized the excellent hospi- tal we have to Seaforth. The special tribute on ('KNX radio and T.V. by farm editor Murray (;aunt was sincerely appreciated and we thank Murray and the management of ('KNX. The love and kindness of friends, neighbors and relatives at the time of our bereavement was a great comfort to us as well as all the cards, memorial donations and floral tributes. We also wish to thank the W hitnev-BiheV Funeral Home and Rev. James Vanslyke for the funeral service and the U.C.W. of Cavan United Church, W inthrop for the lunch following the service. Mother and Dad both lived long interesting and fruitful lives and we thank their wide community of friends and relatives who helped them do it. A sincere thanks from the Bolton Families ArthMacad Marie Bolton and Ann Bolton 39-42x1 NYLAND 3 warmly wish In thank family. friends and neighbors for the • many prayers, visits, flowers and gel well cards received during my stay in hospital Also for the help at home and food brought In. Special thanks to Drs. I:nsen, M advert huller and Cruz and staff at Stratford General Ifospital for theirs Nyland excellent cam 39.42x1 CHIMNEY SWEEPING, Paul Gridzak, 482- 9916 after3:30. 38-37_tf • LOSE WEIGHT NOW -Safe and Effective -All Natural Products -No Calorie Counting -Naturally Suppresses Appetite 100 percent t 0 LBS. EN Back 1 MSGuaranI CAlLBAURY 527-0373 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All dosses of livestock W EINVITE YOUR CONSTGNMENriS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter& 229-6205 Kirktort 42. ENGAGEMENTS 1 1'1'111'- ('TAUS Mr. and Mrs. Hal ('laus, of Seaforth, are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Diana to Steven Edward. son of Mrs. Jean Steep, of Clinton, and the late Richard Steep. The wedding will take place on Saturday, October 18, 1986 at 4 p m in first Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Ontario. 42-42x1 Mr, and Mrs. Pierre Rammeloo of Blyth are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Danica Jeanine, to James Rutherford McNichol, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McNichol of Seat'orth. The weddingto take place October 25 at 6:30 p.m., Northsie United Church, Seaforth. Open reception to follow at Seaforth and District Community Centres. 42.42.1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MATURE] PERSON to care for 15 month old child, part-time, in my home. hours flexible. Mary inngstaff, 527.0260. 5-42-1 Classified ad deadline is 4:30 Monday Call 527-0240 W A 1111 F:S The family of the late John W ammes Sr. would like In express their thanks and appreciation to all the relatives. friends and neighbors who sent cards. flowers, made donations to the Heart and Stroke Fund and for mass cants Thanks to Seaforth Ambu- lance far their quick action and the emergency nurses al Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr Baker. A very special thank you 1n Fl Plula for hes support and the (- W 1. ladies for the lovely lunch. Also thank you to Michael Falconer for his help and support All your kindness was greatly appreviated and will never he forgotten. 39.42x1 DI/V1' - - What a wonderful way to celebrate an anniversary' Our thanks to our family for arranging such a nice party. to you for coming. made our 40the Youh anniversary an unforget- table occasion May God bless Ele sea each d one ry oFf veno 39-42x1 K A special thanks to Dr Malkus, the nurses and kitchen staff, to my relatives and friends for kindness and care while i was a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Thanks for cards, visits and gifts and to anyone who helpedelorence Kay _ - WtiJJA__ M1 1 would like to thank Dr. Underwood and the nurses and staff for the care i received during my recent stay in Seaforth Community Hospital. Thanks also to those who called and sent cards and special thanks to Opalrfor the lovely flowers. it was all very yW iUiamh appreciated. 39-42x1 140. IN MEMORIAM 1 v LS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123.._...-_.- Tiy its for CUSTOM KILLING arid PROC iSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OIJRSPECiALTY Horne cured and smoked Meats ' prooessedexactly the Way you like it. (yam Iter" fly Sr�if:: �flrir'sriWf' ARTICLES rOR SALE HAND WAIER PROBLEMS? Introducing the water softener that damn 1 use snit. Nn 010,0 lugging heavy boys 01 costly soh Other snIIeners remove calcium and other gonrldor you nm,e,nls We don -t add volt to your water o1 remove beneficial min01 urs. bemuse that s riot gond for you Other sollenets lake up lots of r0n,0 use electricity moue e backwash'ng c osl pion ty to ursine and Ion much to inamlo,n We don l Call loll brie I R00 760 7656 lot healthier better tasting cleaner washing weber 0 42 RUSIY SMELLY WA1ER? blow technology lot heating water at the source oilers well to Inurot prolrt non Ihrnughoul 001110 writer system No sell al mossy clmmicnls See the results with out 6 month lo mI oiler Quote Barry Kinch Kennbeek. Ontario Thanks again for purling out o systom that really does what you say it will • For Clear. Sweet Water Call 1 800 268 7656 area R07 call 1 800 6244344 (You 11 be glad you dal ) 0 42 RYAN: In loving meed away ea eaTugs h,tere and sister who pass October 15, 1984. A special smile. a special face, A part of our family we can never replace, Loved and remembered every day, Missed much more than words can say. To some she may be forgotten. • To others a part of the past. But to those who knew her and lovedher, Her memory will alwayslast Sadly missed but always remembered by Bre o d and daMikeanKathy. Gramma Skinner. 40-42x1 ------------------- PEI EIECIRIC FENCING SUPPLIF5 Foll Inventory sell oil Fast come, first terve Mk for Int Electric Fent mg Systems of Concede Box 3025 Kitchener N7G 485 (519) 715 9846 0 42 MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS WorkshWs 52 75 wolkpontt 53 50 workbnaH 515 For cololog 0001157 BOOK (1JIHUSIA515' Oualny book tluh 011014 anal Irounbur,rd brit ardor) Mdlmry Surplus Barr 747 51 ono cnmmsrons No inventory or selling Any oriel, I,mothee Ouoboc J05 IX0 0 42 ' stall start „nmedmrely worth mlormot,on kit Ext time, SI P 8HI R l Bolmor, Bo. 3077 Athabasca Alta 100 1978 TORO A62 Rubber teed loader with 2 yard OBO0 47 bucket 1979 10555 crawler louder with ROPS counterweights 70'. undercarriage and 4 on 1 PERSONAL bucket Nodwell Flo. Track ATV with 8000 Ib Atlas pocket and 17 11 clerk all good working con 11100 DATES GALORE For all ages 8 unattached Ihousnnds vary remonohl0 wdl d''1`.‘"(°n"'"M""""Momhtr n1 ,neml,0ts envious to moot you P,eshge Argun." 204 775 2627 0 47 tont es roll toll Iron 1 800 7W n 9163 limns noon toll 8 • pm 0 41 SSS STEEL BUILDINGS SSS vormus urns ovodnble rwo EARN 15'. per yang in U 5 dollars gum eineed' By way of leasing Marine Cor go containers Rental ran. Inners Rental income • live marine cnrgo containers pity 57,325 per year, 10 pay 54.650 per year 75 pay $11 62yew 0pefyear emenls) length 0vestrnenl 53 100Al) se is up to 15 years (r' Y above u+ U 5 dollars Ask ghoul our capitol uppreua Inn program Coll (416) 3683585 Wine I'oultr Rim Containers Soles Ltd. 2nd floor 33 Yonge 51 loronlo MSE 159 0 47 OVERSEAS POSITIONS Hundreds al top paying pas, ham Attractive benefits All occupations Free details Overseas Employment Serv,tes Dept WA, Box 460. Mount Royal, ()Lieber H3P 3C7 0 42 WORK OVERSEAS A funtasl,c challenge it awaiting you Work on a form in Europe. Australia, or New Zealand Il you ore single and hove Iwo years pros• will agricultural experience then wrote or toll Inter. national Agnculturol Exchange ASsec011011 c o 10 Chrysler 51 Oltowa 00 K15 4C2 Ph 16131 735 4287 0 41 42 FNIREPRENEUR OPPORTUNITY (0105071+36. gh 0arnings m Auto Club and or advertising Flexible hours lull or port Moo Contort Kelly of 1519) 434 (9 am 17 noon) or 17 pm 4 pm) or wale Coutroc Int Bor 307 tendon Onl 146A 4W2 0 42 RYAN: in loving memory of a dear friend Mary Alice Ryan who passed away sudden() two years ago, October 15, 1984, We do not need a special day To bring you to our mends, The days we do not thank of you, Are very hard to find. We think of you In silence, We often speak your name, All we have are memories, And your picture in a frame. Our hearts still ache in sadness, OW silent tears still flow. What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. Sadly missed by Uoyd and 11R -noel, Usa Sharon aid Melvin, Teresa -ad Chris and Families. 40-42-1 tr omplo 30.50414 S4 990 46.90.16 59 960 ogmpped undo torso doors Dun to hooted quanhhns and low eructs sorrow, buyers only wolf trove many dollop Wo ♦Incl by (nyo.'g 301 your rail Art now and sone 1 800 387 7115 or 1416) 0587446 047 51E81 BUILDING Pro Wonter Factory C1e0,Owe Srroigh, Roll or Ouonsat styles Corto,n sues m spo<tol lis<ounls Savo thnusends loomed gpoMd'es Phone P,onent Ftonospon tell Ir00 1 800 3117 6896 0 47 BUILDINGS FOR SALE binned mummy 01 gson+nt bmldings left over from Natrona' Show al rock bolter" paves 75 x 22 57 86.4 37 v 40 S3 857 Other sores available Coll loll Iron 1 R00 387 4910 0 41 NEVER FORGET to turn yaw, hno,0lghts nH expo, 3.40310 yaw rot mole ..,Ale on the rood wnixal rho worry al a dead borism Great stocking si llor The heodligbl reminder simply plugs into luso panel S9 95 plus In• rnelvde S2 shipping handling Viso M C tail 1 1400 263 3735 weekdays 9 to 9 Stewart Specialty Boor 905 Cobourg Onl KOA 4V74 Orders shipped 30000 day 0 47 LIVESTOCK fOR SALE AUCTION SALES WEDNESDAY 0(1 77 I p',' tl'ngrnn Wentwm tb 8 Metro 141g1dnnd Guernsey ChM 501. or Corson s Aul Iron Serval. Ono endo nos, of Istowel on Hwy e6 Apro. 35 head regrslered gvetetee (own heelers severni hash and springing open 8 bred (seders For tolorrnohnn roll 1519) 291 7049 0 43 WEDNESDAY Ori 77 7 pm Ingo beef (o-. 8 call sole nl Civvies Awhor' Se00010 1 03,39 0001 o1 l..townl on Hwy 86 Complete dispersal 27 tours 74 calve, 10 bred hollers 10 Hereford tow+ Calves mostly l,mo0sm cross bred AR cows 8 heifers re bred Chorales* Also 20 Hereford cows 8 Brod Hoofers listed herd Also 15 cows 00011Fy Hereford Co. srgmnnis rendered for onto. moo on cell x5193 791 7049 0 43 EDUCATION AL FREE 1986 garde to study at horse <orresposder're Diplome <owte, for prestigious careers Accounting A.r toedthonrng Bookkeeping Bus,nets Cosmetology Elsa kooks legal Medical set rotary Psychology Travel Gnomon 3541 263 Adolmde West Toronto 1 R00 768 1121 0 42 BLUE WATER ANGUS ASSOCIATION Consignment BECOME AN AUCTIONEER 85 Hours of instruction Sole Sol Octow C lpairs aton's Sates Arena Durham. nevi class November 1577 Conl0(t Southwestern On lotts F FoCrcatalogue (519) heifers. bulls torte School of Auttloneering P 0 Box 145 Ironerkrp 360 7405 0 42 Ont NO1 IMO (519) 196.3936 15191 5377117 0 34 46 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER Tenni koro the Fast Rote school Conodion Champion Instructors' (lasses ono November 3 Jordan 8 Mclean Srirool o3 Aver 03, ing Kitstety Alberto 14031 847 5528 846.7211 0 42 EARN EXTRA INCOME' learn to Ptep0re trigone lav returns by correspondence Ideal Frnnrhise ova,inbIe Write lox lase Services Limiter{ 1304 Spears Road Oakville 0nl 1.6l 7X4 0 42 START A NEW CAREER, learn Income 1n. co 8050 Bo'akkeeping by correspondence Free brochures no obligation U 0 R Correspondence School 701 1345 Pembina Hwy Winnipeg MB 831 286 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS. Acreages Resort. Compgroued Businesses. Homes. cottages end lots Retirement properties Send for free catalogue John 1 Courts ltd Realtor. Box 298 Ourhow Om NOG IRO 0 42 VACATIONS Low priced MARCH BREAK flights to Florida Morris 14 returns March 21 1987 Tampa 5789 Fort Lauderdale 5309 Ah only Coll toil free 1 800 265 0900 42 45 LOW PRICED MARCH BREAK flights to Florida March 14 . return Match 21 1987 Tempo 5289 Fol Insider dole S309 Air only Coil toll free LISW- 2650900 04245 WANTED TO BUT 050 PTCTURE POSTCARDS Wooded Top prices poid m chiding your postage costs Write for information ar moll your postcards to Neil Hayne Bath bel KOH IGO 0.42 OLD one hundredPNATCHES wonted. 0117 role0 wristwatches ch soke One or wonted Also wonted Eaton's Quarter Century *genre wristwot. chei 5 years watch�Will also service) c buy straps. crystals. s.ports eantc fforiold wristwatches Write I) Welsh 173 Oueen St E Toren to Ont MSA 152. 0 42 HELP W M0 h1T COMING EVENTS BYGONE 8581010015 MUSEUM lay and C.,4, Shop 48 Mn,,, SI E Lambeth Ont NOL ISO (510, 657 0740 Mon Sol 10 5 Stoll Admhuan to 11105001. Wore lo, complete mail Order list 0 47 EGANVIILE Homecoming 87 July 31 Aug 3 H.gh school reunion Fri . 501 5t James EgonwRe and District 8 Opeongn Schools Contact Elsie 2adow Bo. 668 EgnmriOe Ont K01 I TO 0 41 The Only way to get TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future with Tri -County I Truck Driver Training Job search assistance s� r OU Pi available. Kitchener 770 King E . (519)743 5011 Brant ad in 2.5 million homesford 300 Colborne E_._ (519) 75641223. 0 -87 • in Canada for s659.00 or in 1,241,807 homes in Ontario for s195.00 MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows Est 1975 loin our successful family of representatives in presenting 1 quohOyY genie and loongeweor al in.ho0ne parties for women. It s fun It's easy 11's profitable. Coll toll free 1 1.800.4639183 041 44 NEWSPAPER CHAIN with 15 markets in B C Interior 8 I Vancouver Island seeks Publishers Sales Managers Editors Four post becoming available during 1987. 1 Exrel(enl opportunity with a young oggresslve cpm. pony for the right island Publishers ndividuals Send resume to Man. 1 plass your Blanket Classified Ad Duncan 8 fret] re aye ' VO( 2x'0 '0 arrange a Toronto 1 by calling our helpful classified fnfrAt.,:. 0.42 ... - I ad -Visors of i BUSINESS OPpo'onoirrt I )E-ltJtrorl NEEOIECRAFTER5'S Excellent h,tonie potential b- ib ., Sy t 1 teaching 8 selling needlecrelis For Pardo S1044hcroFl. -... +�y 527.0240 R'epre0nralT6e6 especially needed in Smaller cam Li. ®®t. inanities. Write Peggy Anderson, 7381 Woodward Ave., Rorlinglon, Ontario OR 1115.- 0.42 p .5