HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-10-15, Page 5DUBLIN AND AREA CWL invited to Seaforth bazaar Richard Hamilton, with Agri -Food, Clint- Kitchener spent Thanksgiving weekend with St. Columban Correspondent , on, congratulated the girls on the excellent Ray and Vera Murray. MRS. CECILIA RYAN job they did in the club and presented each Joe and Cindy Claessens and Andrew, of 345-2028 girl with a 4-H bar for completing this club. Milton and Martha Claessens of London Anne Melady Chapin, a registered nurse spent Thanksgiving with Matt and Martha with the Perth County Health Unit, who on Claessens. short notice, was guest speaker for the Jean Moylan of Windsor spent Thanksgiv- evening was introduced by Mary Coyne. Ing weekend with her mother Mary Moylan. Anne gave a very interesting and informa- l'he family of Clarence and Cecilia Ryan tive talk on the four years of her nursing treated their parents to Thanksgiving dinner career she spent in Rankin inlet in the North on Sunday at Angie's Kitchen in St. Agatha W est Territories among the Eskimos. The and also celebrated the upcoming 70th ladies thoroughly enjoyed Anne telling of her birthday of their father. Turkey with all the many experiences aned was thanked by trimmings and birthday cake and ice cream Maria V -gels and presented her with a gift of were enjoyed by all. money, which Anne said she will turn over to the scholarship fund in memory of her nephew. A special Mass of Thanksgiving was offered on Friday, October 10 at St. Columban, Catholic Church by the school children and said by Father Sipek. The sanctuary was decorated for Thanks- giving by the St. Columban school children with flowers, fruits and vegetables, and the gifts at the offertory were also carried by the children. Reg Swart of Georgian College, Barrie; Kine Swart of Western University, London and Lynn Burke, Stacy and Devon spent Thanksgiving weekend with Roy and Ange- lina Swartand Mark and all were guests for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday of Gary and Joanne Schleen, London, .Joe and Wendy Murray and children of W Kilby and Brian and Jean Harris of The October meeting of the Si. Columban Catholic W omen's League was held on Monday, October 6 with Angelina Swart presiding. Helen Nolan read the minutes in the absence of Ruth Duffy, who is visiting with Randy and Debbie Duffy and family in Edmonton, IAiberta, Treasurer's report was read by Maria Vogels, in the absence of Colleen Fischer who was in the hospital with a new baby boy. An invitation was received from the St. lames CW L Seaforth to their fall bazaar on November.29 from 2-4 p.m. Ang Swar; and Luella Murphy attended the Deanery meeting in Mount Carmel on t Ictdober 8. The ladies will .cater to the McKillop Federation of Agriculture dinner on Novem- ber 18 in the St,. Columban parish hall. The CW L will sponsor the McKillop no. 4 4-11 club "Milk Makes It" with a donation of money. Mary Moylan reported a large bundle of used stamps sent with Father Moylan when he returned to Santa Domingo. Following the business, the McKillop no. 4 4-11 club girls "tittle Seedlings" gave a presentation on their project of preserving vegetables for later use and reported the freezing method to be the safest way. South Hibbert Societypresents trophies Singing was enjoyed with Mary F Dow Staf fa Correspondent accompanying on the piano. MHS.,I.TEM PI.EMAN 3.15-2346 1 Joyce introduced the guest speaker, Sandy Moses from The Furniture Place, Mitchell. Ile outlined the history of uphol- stery and gave many useful hints on furniture refinishing and cleaning, closing with a question and answer period. Doris Miller and Roberta Templeman represented Staffa Women's Institute at the Perth County Rally hosted by Perth South W omen's institute, at the Kirkton Woodham Community ('entre, on Thursday. Barb Templeman, Rexdale was home with her family for the holiday weekend. John. Roberta, Barb and Ruth Templeman attended the 'Thanksgiving service at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich on Sunday. During the service lieu G. Royal baptized "Sean Thomas Edward" son of Don and Darlene Ellison, Goderich. With Doris Miller for Thanksgiving was her family, Diane Young and Ricky, St. Marys and Icon, Gretta. Christine and Adam M iller, Cromy' art Attending the dinner were J.D. and Marg MacRae, Jenny and tan of London, Les, Laura and Shannon W aid of Kitchener, Jim and Pat Subject, Carrie, Ryan, Jeffrey and Nathan of Kitchener, Don and Brenda Ryan, Matthew, Stephen and David of Melbourne, Gerry and Karen Ryan, Jason and Amanda, Louise Ryan of Kitchener, Mary Jo Ryan and John Nelson of Port Elgin, and Mark Ryan and Debbie Core, Guests with Ron and Mary Ryan on Sunday Ivor Thanksgiving dinner were John and Agnes Walsh, Helen and Dennis Muir, Mike and Maria Walsh, Shawn and Leah all of Stratford and Joe and Rita Ryan of St. Columban. Dave and Joanne Regier and family of Kitchener and Jim and Karen Cronin and family had Thanksgiving dinner with Ab and Eileen Cronin on Sunday. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. OCTOBER 15. 1988 `Ay Effective October 16, 17 & 18 While Quantities Last u FALL SPECIALS TASTY -NU BREAD ALWAYS FRESH Mrs. Menyes works in oils and pen and ink. She has also sketched some local scenes on hasti notes. This wasthe Education and CultUral meeting and Doris Miller presided Ivor the opening. There was 17 present. During business members were reminded of some upcoming events namely, the Perth County Rally at Kirkton on Thursday. October 9 with registration at 9:30 a.m., the London Area Convention on Thursday and Friday, October 16 and 17 in London. Staffa is to send a voting delegate and a gift for the craft table. Lillian Douglas volunteered to be responsible for the gift. Following the close of the meeting a lunch was served by Freda Kerslake and Bernice Armstrong. Ilihbert United Church Women, held a very successful coffee hour in the Family Ufe ('enter on Wednesday morning. Upon arrival. the guests were served a variety of muffins. jams and coffee by Elizabeth Ilarhurn and Nancy Dearing. Joyce Vivian and Karen Mahon planned the morning with Joyce Vivian chairing the program and opening with her thoughts on Thanksgiving. Meditations and Devotions were given by the miniSterof Hibbert United, Miss Debbie Hoekstra. A large crowd attended the Family Dance and trophy presentation of the South Hibbert Athletic Society held at the Dublin pavilion last Saturday evening, PEOPLE Mr, and Mrs. Bob Norris and Orpha Norris attended the christening of Lana Michelle Norris. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Doug Norris, at St. Paul's United Church, Brant- ford. John and Roberta Templeman have returned home from a two week holiday i n Britain. While there they attended the wedding reception of Lynn and Graham Abbott at Nonsuch Mansion, Cheam, visited with Jean and Dave Woodman, Stoneleigh, Surrey. Pamela and Robert Swan, Dodding- hurst. Essex, Doreen and Tim Templeman, Heathfield. E. Sussex, and Rosemary and Dick Templeman, Winchmore Hill, London, ART DEMONSTRATION Esther Smale hosted the September meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute when her daughter Helen Menyes. Kitchen- er, spoke and demonstrated her art work. Meeting opened with reading of poem DELICIOUS APPLE 6'5 1.79 SQUARES SMALL KAISER gg ROLLS' Doz asty "Canadian and Imported" CHEESES "Fresh Off 'f he Block' MILD CHEDDAR 2,99 Ib. PLUM ROSE HAVARTI29 BUTTER CHEESE 3�Ib. A WIDE VARIETY OF DELICIOUS DONUTS -MUFFINS and FRESH HOT COFFEE° r Bakery ce Cheese House U 14 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH 527-1833 AA'Alun, A-0 LEARN HOW TO DO CAI,I,IGRAPHY STARTING MONDAY, OCT. 20 Seaforth High School Library 8 WEEKS — $20.00 Your instructor will be Katie Swinkles Please bring calligraphy pen, pencil, ruler and paper on the first 4, night. " TO REGISTER: For all Rec. Programs, drop into the Hecreation Office Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. •- 5 p.m. or phone 527-0882. <,+vvliv� �v.��,r�i!i.�i:i.i! i i � i i�K �,'S!i!iv✓!.!iLvlr!i :�di'!N:r's�i!r�✓!r .�i'i�.r N!r'� 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Cromarty Correspondent Mltti. R. IAING :115-'2326 President Lillian Douglas opened the Cromarty WMS Thankoffering meeting with a poem Thanksgiving hymns were sung with Retic lou Norris at the piano Mrs Douglas gave the prayer of confes- sion The scnptures and meditations were mad by Agnes Lamont,. Betty Dow and Edna Stoneman and were based on Christian Stewardship as an expression of love. showing responsibility and opportunity Following a hymn. the offering was received Reverend I) L Howlett, London. displayed many of the Bible SSociety books and spoke briefly an the work of a Mennonite couple, are travee and img about amongartha. Who, in eir the Indian and Inuit people in Northwestern Canada as representatives of the Bible Society Ile showed a film strip. produced by Karl Schussler. describing their work as they travelled. speaking and delivering Bibles in some of the native languages. as well as English Their first circuit took one and one -hall years but as they added new churches. later trips took longer. Mondays they tried to keep as their day off Mr. Howlett said that the most popular Bible translation among the Indians and Inuit is the Good News Bible, because of the pictures In i1 Following the meeting a lovely lunch was served to the guests PP:RsONAl S Kathy Douglas is spending some time with herarents. Mr and Mrs Charles Douglas Glad to report Hazel Harburn is home after a short stay to Seaforth Hospital Siffari Diamonds make things happen. Many from ('mmarty attended the bridal shower for Jean Dow in Staffa Family Ufe ('entre last week. s4'OMI The first Cromarty, Boy Scout group committee met Thursday evening at the home of the chairman. 13111 Mahon and finalized plans for the Scout Apple Day on October 18. This year eight Scouts, seven Cubs and 10 Beavers have registered, which is eight fewer than last year's final total. Especially engagements. There is nothing more engaging than a breathtaking diamond ring from the award-winning Siffari collection. Sec our irresistible SifTari styles soon. And let it happen to you. Seaforth Jewellers MAIN STREET SEAFORTH %r//��'•" ire fl r'•�+1�: ki 527-0270 Advertising can save shopping time. CANADIAN ADVERTISING FOUNDATION Coming next month ... THE AQUAFINE CHALLENGE! CHOOSE NOW, FROM OUR NEWEST STYLES IN FALL AND Nature hike scheduled for this Sunday Come hike the Bannockb+irn! That's the invitation extended to you by the Ausable Riv'field Conservation Authority. This annual autumn showpiece will be held nn Sunday. October 19 at the Bannockburn W ildlife Area. Between the hours of 2 and 4 p m.. naturalists froth the ARCA will guide hikers along the 2.4 km. Track and Tenants Nature Trail. The hot apple cider that will be served should result in a warm conclusion to the hike. The Bannockburn Wildlife Area is a ' beautiful property of mixed uplands. river valleys and wetlands with an equally varied growth of trees and shrubs. This natural diversity is enhanced through management by the ABCA to create an excellent habitat for wildlife. A further highlight could be the ABCA's newly -constructed footbridge. The hike is stere to be an invigorating way to enjoy~ the 'au'tu'mn landscape. You are advised to dress for the weather and to wear sturdy; JWatei'-resistant footwear. The Bannockburn Wildlife Area is located 4 kilometers west of Brucefleld off Huron County Road 3. Look for the "hike" signs between Varna and Brumfield. PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING $ eti1 Rasa Completo Clipping and Bath. Nail Trimming, etc. Reasonable rater. For appointment cull 482-5894 AUTO PARTS & $IJPPLIES FULL UNE O AUT • PARTS & ACCESSORIES for all makes Cd cars E trucks TO FISHER//SUAUPPLY SEAFORTH 527-1707 11 GODERICH ST. E. 527-1670 ca'ea ,^ Aw.0We Moore S ,,w,w _. WINTER JACKETS Cosy insulated high fashion Jackets for all ages, featured in krinkle cloths, poly -twills, weighty nylons and newest wool meltons. Colors - White, Red, Black, Navy, Beige. Grey and Royal, BARGAIN ��50 715® PRICED AT to �/ O.OP POPULAR BULKY KNITS Plan now to attend our CO-OP SEED CORN PLOT TOUR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 Wieiklls- the (news Send dame reports I-ExHuron Box _ s posit0r 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 11/a MILE EAST OF SEAFORTH On Hwy. #8, Ray Devereaux's Farm REFRESHMENTS SERVED CALL PULLOVERS AND CARDIGANS Choose from Royal, Red, White, Pium, Navy, Black, Yellow and Wine shades in crewe or v -neck styles as well as cardigans. Fully washable bulky acrylic or acrylic & wool blends. SEE OUR HUGE SHOWING 2995 t0 4995 527-0770 FOR INFORMATION SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL OUR MENS ALL- WEATHER COATS 59.50 79.50 89.50 Regular 69.50 to 79.50 Regular 95,00 to 99.50 Regular 110.00 to 119.50 NOW NOW NOW Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0 Oopy delidll'rie� IQAIondey t SEAFORTH STYLE CENTRE FOR OVER 83 YEARS