HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-10-15, Page 4A4 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 15, 1988 All mottos of APPLIANCES REPAIRED by qualified technician AUTHORIZED WARRANTY REPAIR DEPOT FOR MOST NAME BRANDS. For Service Please Call: PLA;, 393-6180 or 527.1213 (So®forth) 1 THE BEST OF Sun life Assurance Company of Canada LIFE AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE PLANS. DEFERRED ANNU ITI ES INCOMETAX DEDUCTIBLE FLEXI BLE NO LOAD R.R.S. P. NON-SMOKERS RATES AVAILABLE REP Arnold Stinnissen 117 GOTERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH Tel. 527-0410 RATES. `39 eCQ Annual AUTO PARTS RAD SHOP FIVE YEAR GIC OTHER TERMS AND RATES AVAILABLE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION CALL US TODAY!! Deposit Agents for over 45 Bank 8 Trust Companies anXIP Your one -slop, Aeshrate specialists for GICs, RRSP's, Mortgages 8 Annunies SEAFORTH 96 Malin Street, S. 527-0420 Sorrin/ On (aril) sine(' 1975 with /2lor•utiun.s for Your colt rrlliene(•. 58 Main SL S. 527-0860 HURON CUSTOM SERVICES *Custom Combining *Corn *Soybeans Ready To Serve You GRAINBUGGY TRUCKS AVAILABLE WiII Quote Any lob • Competitive Rates DON4ILDGEIGER OR KENGEMMELL 527-1689 236-4865 TOWN OF SEAFORTH PROCLAMATION World Food Day THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 WHEREAS well over one billion people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition although the resources and technology are currently available to feed the entire global population of 4.9 billion; and WHEREAS there are people working against hunger in 147 countries of the world who will be observing WORLD FOOD DAY on October 16, 1986; and WHEREAS Ontario government organizations, private sector organizations, voluntary agencies, educational institutions and individual citizens have Joined to centre attention on the severity of world hunger by commemorating WORLD FOOD DAY; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that October 16, 1986 be: "WORLD FOOD DAY" in the municipality of Seaforth and that all citizens will welcome the opportunity to increase their awareness of severe world hunger and its solutions by participating in local events to force the Issue into public view. ALF ROSS Mayor auxiliary go' 'Best care P°sible' a, Contrary to popular belief the hospital auxiliary is not an organization for old ladies." It is, according to its members, an organization for men and women of all ages, who want to ensure the people of Seaforth are offered the best care possible when and if they have to be hospitalized. "Our prime purpose is to make the patient '' said Frances -are sidentof the (le tSeaforth Community Hospi- tal Auxiliary. "And we do that in different ways, whether it be through the number of hands on projects we offer which deal in actual patient care, or through the provision of financial assistance to help purchase needed equipment at the hospital." First started in Seaforth in 1933 the auxiliary has been active for almost all of the 53 years since then. It did experience a brief period of dormancy during the war when the Red Cross effort was so prevalent in the country, Of the original members Dorothy Hays and Alice Reid are the only ones still active in the auxiliary today. There are 42 active members and 24 associate members although accord- ing to Mrs. Teeter() that number is constantly changing. . The Seaforth hospital auxiliary is perhaps most noted for its gift shop, located on the right just inside the hospital's main entrance, With its array of handmade baby outfits, afghans, slippers, pillows, crafts, and mugs and such, the gift shop has gained the reputation of being one of the best hospital gift shops in southwestern Ontario. , • W e have people coming down from Clinton, or up from Stratford to buy our baby outfits," said Marion MacLean. "And I've even known people to buy some of our stuff, (nark it up four or five dollars, and sell it at other sales," added Mrs. Teatero. "In comparison with other shops in the area, people say ours is much better. Run by the auxiliary members on a volunteer basis the shop is the primary money maker for the auxiliary. The hand- made wares are all done on a volunteer basis, as well, with the auxiliary supplying the wool. The windows are changed every two or three months in keeping with the change of seasons, or special events. "It is very well run and very efficient," said Mrs. MacLean. "And it is very well patronized by the staff as well as the patients, added Mrs. Teatero. "Most of the stuff we sell you can't buy any cheaper." But although the gift shop is its mainstay it is not the only service the hospital auxiliary provides F'UNIH usING EVENTS Throughout the year the organization holds a number of fundraising events, including penny sales, pie sales. bake sales, a Christmas bazaar and a number of rummage AUXILIARY'S MAINSTAY — The gift shop at the Seaforth Community Hospital Is the primary fundraiser for the hospital auxiliary, but not the only one. The mark of oflthe auxiliary My has been left In virtually every knook and corner of the hospital, Seaforth Community Hospital more plea- the deposit is roturned, sant. it may do that by using the money to The auxiliary also presents a $300 bursary purchase a projector so patients can view each year to a graduating high school student films, buy VCR cassettes, provide each pursuing a career in medicine. newborn baby with a spoon of its own, or Another project started by the Hospital arrange to have decorative centrepieces on Auxiliary is its Memorial Fund. This fund was started as a tribute to members of the each patient's food tray. Bigger purchases include that of a geriatric Auxiliary after their death, W hen a member chair, a recliner chair for the patient's use in of' the hospital auxiliary dies donations can be the hospital lounge, and in the past• a mist given to the fund in his -her memory. The tent for the nursery. Future purchases fund is kept until a desirable sum is obtained include that of a stamp vending machine, and then "something" can be bought for the which wouldbeinside the write hofor metdl. orltonthens may be tr treasurer ofde the Hospital a funeral the use of long term pa letters but often have no means of sending Auxiliary, them.The auxiliary also started the kindergarten The Hospital Auxiliary also runs a Junior tours of the hospital, which are now nm by Volunteer program and at present 18 are the hospital staff. It also is responsible for the involved As Junior Volunteers these youths cicc•oration of the hospital during the have duties that vary from feeding the ('hristams season. patients and arranging flowers, to just l:vERYW II EItE YO ' (.( I communicating with a lonely person or sick "In just about every place you goainnd the the child. Regular meetings are held for them hospital you can see the fingerprints, and they have a work schedule to follow. footprints of the Hospital Auxiliary,' said The auxiliary also runs a book cart and tuck Mrs. 'realer). cart, which the Junior Volunteers take around "We've been in every room." the hospital. Books that are in good condition "There's been an age stigma about us, but arc a welcome donation from the public. it's been one organization I've always been The Ilospital Auxiliary also runs a "Buckle proud I belonged to." Up Baby" program at the hospital. This The Ilospital Auxiliary meets the second program was started up following the Tuesday of every month, but according to government's mandate that babies have to be M rs. 'realer() it isn't necessary for those who secured in automobiles To encourage would like to get involved to attend the parents to "buckle up" their newborns the meetings. hospital auxiliary makes available the appro. • • W e II keep them as active and as busy as priate "car scat" when it is time for the baby they want to he Hut the hosptlal belongs to Ie ave the hospital. Fora deposit fee only, everyoneand everyone should at least take an sales. to With the money raised the auxiliary does the sal may be kept and used for a maximum interest in what v going on doiin here , what it canto make each patient's stay in the of six months W hen i1 is returned a portion of said 1 ON priorities riorities list issued I31'WIIMAOKF. Tuckersmith T6WtShip Council is arrang- ing the remaining' projects On the Ontano Neighborhood Improvement Program tONIPt for Vanastra in the following priority list: pool dehumidifier, 525.000: pool building exter- tor. insulation. 512.001): Vanastra Commun- ity Hall. insulation and wall alterations. 54.500, community hall air-conditioning 58,0011, and tree trimming at Vanastra S1,000 for 0 grand total of 548,500. W oak to be done next year This will enmplele the ONIP program for Vanastra. which totalled 5350,000 including the reconstruction of Toronto and Quebec Slreets and lights for the baseball diamond. Council endorsed a resolution from the Town of I'enetanguishene requesting the provincial government to continue the Building Rehabilitation and improvement Campaign !BRICK 1 program beyond the end of the year Tuckersmith has requested money from this pmgram for work at the Van Egmond (louse in Egmondville and for reslorelion work and repair work al the historic Herpurhey cemetery Council accepted a request of 513,900 for a kir drainage loan. Council will renew the contract with Business Computer Services of London for the preparation of the 1987 tax bills. Tuckersmith will forward a letter to the Federal Election Boundaries Commission advising that it opposes the realignment of the federal boundaries which is proposed to Delivery Service Available OPEN: Mon. -Fri. 8-12, 1-5:30 Saturday 8-12:30 SAVE UP TO 10% .4 Triangle's • -7 cause the loss i o one trpr.'svininnt, in this area Council has established a municipal policy That if any existing services to the Egmond• ville water system are in need of replacement for het ter convenience of the system and the owners. then the municipality will split the cnsl 5450 with ihr property owner and the work will he carried out under the supervision of the township road supenntendent Steve Tyndall of R115. Chinon attended the council session In discuss the erosion control report 00 the Rayfield River where he is losing some of the nvei'hsnk in his backyard The Ausable Bay'ield Conservation is con Int/Wing 53 per mit 01 the cost 0l relocating the channel in the first phase while Mr T>ndadl is responsibieTorthe r•maining cost along with other landowners who would hrnefil Ile said he hoped council might root Haile some of this cost but council took no action Passed for payment were the following accounts Day Care Centre 01 Vanastra. S7 f897 211, special day care centre at \'an:asirn. 55.487 51 . Vanastra Recreation ('entre. SI 1.317 92, roads. 519.475 80 and /trnen(I expenses. 5110.934 45 for a 10101 of 5124.911 '1 '11ir meeting was adjourned 01 11 15 p m Grossman addressees Huron Ontario Progressive Conservative Party lir (;rose own alt the party leader leader Larry Grossman will be the guest Also attending the dinner. will Ire Mum y speaker at the first P C event for the newly Cardiff. M P for the federal ndmg nl created provincial riding of Huron. The Humo.I3nlce and newly elected president of fundraising dinner takes place the evening of the ( (mann PC Party Tom long October 17 in the Brussels. Morris and Grey Mr c Warm s(arre'Emir svillnl me iinLc thain the t ern Community Centre Under recent redistribution legislation including a luncheon speech to the Orr en passed by the government in July. the former Sound ('hamper of Commerce riding of Ilurnn•Middlesex has become the tickets for the dinner are 520 no per riding of Huron The new boundaries persoin The reception heginrnxim pelt' R t r basically follow Huron County borders Grossman will speak ala p The dinner. with an anticipated crowd of p m Further information on the limner 11111 400. will mark the first gathering of the new he obtained from [Donna Woad, Homo P (' ridin timeglocal association P.0 s will havebeenlso be the first riding addressedby ^Rie519.482./744association or 5ident omcat 519-102 :34N1 GOT IT! Alberto European Formula, 300 ml. Florient 170 9. On Bruce, America's Favorite Hardwood Floors During Right now you can save up to 10% on Bruce Hardwood Floors America's Favorite 44 Hardwood Flooring. t14..: Auxpicxs di:4141.4..3W tits FL®,a�t ='til You Can Have A 10' x 10' Room For as Little as S32700 Save on the most popular styles .. . patterns ... and \ colors that Bruce has to offer. Shampoo & Conditioner Come See A Huge Selection of Beautiful Planks & Parquets Now on Sale! Hurry...,Sale Ends Tues. Oct. 25th 80 Years of Serving Perth & Huron Counties 249 only • Air Freshener only • 79 Aqua Fresh. 100 ml. Toothpaste only • �� Mordent Denture, 66'5 Cleaning Tabs Vaseline 600 ml. Intensive Care Lotion Z99 only • 7 Disposable Bic 79Razors only • Notice of Closing 1 would like to thank all my customers for the support over the years My last day of booking will be October 28 Piet Locutions Special Clearance Sate on all Merchandise HAIR DESIGN 18 Main St., Seaforth 527-1270 Downy 2 L. Fabric Softener 3,9 only • PECK APPLI ANCES "IN ThE HEART dF DOWNTOWN VARNA" onl299 • 170 9. Static Guard 511437MIETZE'S RIMEL Ste%74REW Live • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO TELEPHC)NE 527.0g10_ TF:iIANG L,E _-. DISCOU N"Tissua eelsto, Seuere. Gederiehi Main Comair. Cllnlan7 Main Corner. Seaforth *FILTER QUEEN SALES b SERVICE • VACUU'M CLEANERS (salmis Service to Most Makes) • FM tOMMUNiCATION SYSTEMS (For Farre & Business) • WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES *WOODS FREEZERS •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS • WHIRLPOOL and SHARP MICRelW A VES • GIFTS & MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103