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The Huron Expositor, 1986-10-08, Page 13
Lawn bowlers elect new executive evening with six tables of euchre and one of The Seaforth Ladies UweBowling Club briIhghscoreB held its annual meeting bringing to a close a for euchre were held by Eileen p Van while and Rtion &A. , very successful year of lapin bowling. The p zesswentdto Rikaeyan while consolation second new executive for 1986-87 will be president; 117eMillan• Donna Patterson with 3450 was Mary Jean Pinder; first Secretary asulrer, Betty high for bridge and Jim Kelly second with Tilley; anPstant treasurer, Olive Pap le; "so k' Tilley; assistant treasurer, cony eConvener, atCdrui Bell (1 year); GraceBroad- t y sistant conveners, Thelma Coombs: le and Broad - foot, Dorothy McChISIde, Olive Papple, Katie Phillips; tournament committee, Es thea Brady and Eileen Adamson; ,loco jitneys, Eileen Adamson and Katie Ph card secretary, Jessie Hellen; phoning Ist ST. JAMES BOWLING LEAGUE Ills; captains, Grace Broadfoot, Jessie Bitten, Ladies high single and triple, Lorraine Arta, 313, 657. " r Thelma Dale, Helen Connell, Bike Van akel and 841, high single and triple, Murray Bannewlea 303 press reporters, Edith Dunlop Standings; Devils 9, Omens 12, Angels 7, eaten 14, a tFinlayson;in charge of euchres,JeaGcaee Derham 111 eh1'11ER°IALBOWLING LEAGUE Boadfoot, Marjorie Varlet' and Jean Pinder Beth Phillips, Ladies high single, triple, average, Claudette Elliott and bridge, me, 841, 225• Euchre and bridge thedas the duhnld the Men's high single, Doug Fuhr, 299. High triple and fo worth Tuesday of month Hall during the winter months first onegwilbe November aystandinge Deloyer 771, 14, Asters 10, Poppies 8, Orchlda ing at 6 p.a Edna a Rosebuds4, Tulips 2. THURSDAv NIGHT BOWLERS 25 and hostesses reu kis end Jean Find Ladles weekly high'single, triple, Connie Marion 267, Bell, Dorothy r the club is 611 High average, Brenda Cooper 189. .. : TiJRiCEY DINNER Meng weekly .I. -High triple and average, N0 Beuerman, 784, 260• The annual turkey dinneriUnited Church high single, Murray Bennewles 288, } , being held at Eg p.m. Members .Standings: The Bears cave Roosters sters 10, C -P's 7, B -Bop's Tuesday, October 28 at 6:50 7, AIIeY Cats 2, Stray and associates are welcome and son, Edith Dun available from Mary FSnlay EOMONDVILLEBOWLINOLEAGUE picked up by Ladies high single Sue Stokes 192, Carol Kuzmlch 192. lop, and Grace Broadfoot, It would be To date: Carol Kuzmlch 304. Ladles high triple, Sue. appreciated if tickets could be October 18 if possible. stokes 512, to date, Carol Kuzmlch 691, High average, Finlayson Carol Kuzmlch 187, attended Adamson and Mary held at the ladies meeting for District four ilast high single, H 9h triple, Terry Terry Morel Moelt 769 date, t0 date,a • �` held at St. Mary's Lawn Bowling Terry Morey 789• High average, Terry Morey, 218. Wednesday evening. Draw •winner, Doug average, Odd Balls or 12, Bustin ratty Muck supper and social Standings: The Boozers 17, low ed the goal crease got pretty The September pothouseluck last Tuesday Loose 12, neer. D 11,u9 The Gang 6, The Bad Ones 5, PILE-UP — an e- ®If crowded at times during Sunday'sHftis photo was held at the club ���� g noire game In Seatortll. n perfect Setting to W ithhI'inally ason ,often providesea that theeautumn season golf. With some good perfectrirlgsetting andtplay nights the course drying days crisp should be reopened soon. The key to enjoyment of fall golf is adaptability. Golfers ' must adapt to a variety of weather conditions. Fay being weather nn Y and waren avery nd the next day clayeable with one being windy and wet. Wearing the right clothes is essential. layering is practical since clothing eratures fluctuate. Wate be or r°dinsuits aned as d shoes are season W aterp keen are knghteners and many of the very seen attired in toques, turtlenecks, heavy sweaters, and prep n botimehalater on tnds. o not? There wila aarellenty of cross country skiing. wear the samemeapp Clothing is important for comfort but a°land her factors must he considered for good play its end result... enjoyment of the sport. Coo autumn mornings often mean creaky' A warm up before that first violent swing at the ball is essential, Bending, stretching„ some quick calisthenics to get ad Moving will give you a good start. Walking is by far the best way to get around the course on cool days. Walking bet sen' s the rculation ggoing and warms youup t is Adjusting your course ma nage Boning. another component to g Courses are wet meaning there will be far less roll than in midsummer. Cool air, wet, or conditions nsho n must be The dub you dealt usedwith for t65 making be the same in July won't necessarily e� adapt to yards Dance instruc DANCE INSTRUCTORS W ANTED. U you or someone you know dl likee So to teach ch dance (jazz, ballet, tap, etc.) Recreation Department would like to know. n's dance prohave r ams and had we need your help. uests to run lease call the Recreation Department as soon as possible at 527.0882 Don't forget all fall and winter programs still need people to fiiil the classes • Ballroom Dancing 7:30 • 9 at the Arena on Thursday evenings. Typing 7 to 9 at the High School Thursday evenings Call the Recreation Department for information -registration 527- 0682 THE SEA)•ORTti & DISTRICT h1INOfor a NoviceoKEY ASSOCIATION 0arelease a;Coach. h you al re groups and organize tions eTltatives to call Elly at 345-2459. to send tv:a lepras Minor hockey's annual BOT't1 E DRH E9 each group pre tives to will be held Sse save. October 18 starting attend the conference• tanned an Committee feels they have p on a.m. so please save ani your bottles. river "excellent" day for you. There is wtlllbe one S50 dra tpereweekts sfor 20 ths Agenda: 9da:3o r youtYatiwelcolue: 9 on and h • weeks, 81.0 0o randprizee to be drawn for 5 after menta: 9:30 • 9:40 Mayo t0 t2 �e � a! and one everyy aw wi 00 h aEachtot ti f 2t d eligible for 12-i 0. unch and Citizenship Club: t 30.3 1#arkaktap• 2'20 • every draw with a total of 26 key s. uts Ntrllnep Ptese support eyor Hockey and p claw a fr mt Thi are S20 each and The keynote speaker will be Tom i-e'mon, ecleation Office or at Bob new Mainstreet Coordinator. He Will discuss available from an Minor Hockey exetvtive his Suture involvements with the Town of member• at the On1Y 300 tickets being Seaforth. he workshop+ this year will be "In and Betty s Variety. Search of >;xceilence.' rtidaittr sold. REBEKAHS are hosting n Seat1cil of Ercenlenee has been p The SEAFOIiTH y ed ns a anchor contribution to the et procla m- a Et 2 p m PARTY on W edn Hall above the ing of the necessary Management primp t 5 at 2 p.m. m the 100E Long izatlons. ase UAP. The Seaforth hayyt are in "excellent"oranniflcions Creation Cop ittA ll be presenting key pri the focus df hles and er fsiggnific rice for us Recreation Committee Mae the focuent prf our l s i vien�bltape th t. wree erve t recognition y innrdthe following using a variety pf t nS ored whe serve the community res i lues .es and grape service; e l ul service tai vice, lel c presentations, shr1t p 5pj hes a arils wtarian wren discussions, utce Personnel will be ltielanie Thede awards r bl be s Coen based on the Your tteso • Niclaughlin, a c'onsulta ion fl the Mi ever individual's lndividU 1 for y cateegory coy of Tourism and Rocrea to a to anteer cop category by g r sson and that nominate an individual for any egistrsta hot meal. III on shat back iron d and r n pons or th eir hois a to alible. Cali the j;ase regia tries S for the ornmid and reasons for their choice to as po: iIlOO Ober, for DC 01311120 NO 46 at 5 m- hIONDAY, more Information 527-8 • when we wore D he n 20, 19RPrr 5 '0n results are always T1te Seafhrth Recreation Committee fs togethe;. its 4th Anmeal (Oitfhi hosing • tors needed The Travel People proudly present a ' SHOW Thursday, October 16th •t w tfv t. MITCHELL & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE 3.00 Pelle m 9:00 P.M. .' A • � �, t 0 MIS ION .l .le per person • All Admission monies collected will be donated to a local eommunPoV prolaet. DRAW PRIZE You could win a trip for 2 to Florida Como and talk to some of your favourite tour cotnponlos. rr affect various conditions an how shove shots from your our performance will help game. Sunny fall days with a gold, rust, and crimson background, crisp fall ai , andd a ten grass underfoot.,..what a way he golf season. W eather permitting the course will em in open. well into November. TheprO Santos l be be open until Christmas for golfing Elves. The coffee is always on t ev noiffyoa ou vont. ,eel like ka round of shoot has been entatively visit. The turto Sey October 18, at2 p.m. with a otlucka upper to follow. with a p to teach LE on Sato daS. Senior Shuffleboard continues every W ed- oon from 1:30 4 p•m• at the R ,vpmbeATION . The puJiEN to Rem November 1. The purpose of the conference is nesday afterfe on 268. Mary knit feeling among Seaforth arena. l aftern on fro Adams 'ladies, a devrea c6llose o anlzattons and to Van Bakal pro area community for frit action and Colemon;'64• Men: Chas. parkins 384, eo provide an opportunity j° Van Bake) 304. Stan Hillen 297. coo pe ba a etpldown . oals to accomplish 1Nc have reef d. T t pmvtde a setting for and they discussing and solving prob- leeniitying. rrgg so th. 2 11 holp splan in benefit. This conf reennc Is al the ate ggroup unity aimed a1 all Seafotih Area We would Community OPAL Gems of glorious autumn colours Oc- tober's birthstoneavailable in rings, ear- rings, and pendants T ANSET JEWELLERS 8 Atbeli SI CLINTON 2s4 use, st EXET60 26 Mrvn St Sown 6EA5O11TN sib 135 1311C011 51 East ST. MARYS '•'0� 203°wham Si E WAL.SERTON __. 0 OEM SOCIETY Les Ciseaux Hair Shop welcomes the talented Ramona to its team of Hair Designers in Clinton. Ramona extends an invita- tion to her friends and clients to visit her at her new location. Call for an appointment The Ontario Pork industry lmprovemeat Plan is' a OCW five-year trieriagement pro - gob dctsigaed to make your pork operation more efficient and profitable: The plan provides capital grants for a wide range of improvements in both product tion and financial ttutnagem'ent. There are grrants'avaiiabtefoherd don materials, scales, toad'1ng chutes,health programa, artificial insemination, rodent cwtltebl, re©brdkeeping and tuition costs. ► Of 20 sows YOU must have a nlanim or market' at least NO market -weight hogs annually to qualifst IONttatready information.,on,tentactqo1rooO�office for an enrollment ?on and details of ittaiistry ofAgriculture u°1-PPsiriv ONTARIO ny.Na y sci aaa'es ���"""ttt���ttt prM,9eT. Wry OaViaPatlrseM1