HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-10-01, Page 17Legion gives bursaries apt local commencement \ BY GORDON SCOTT, PRO Seaforth District High School held its Annual Commencement Exercises Friday before a full auditorluim. Among those receiving Legion bursaries were Darryl Finnigan son of Dilys Finnigan and the late Grant Finnigan, and Colleen Ungarian, daughter of Jack and Margaret Ungarian. Darryl was the recipient of the Legion bursary presented by President Jim Watson, Colleen was the recipient of the Ladies Auxiliary Bursary which was presented by Auxiliary President Ann Wood. Congratulations go to both with hope the Legion has been able to help in furthering future ambitions. Last ' Saturday I had the privilege of attending the initiation of the new Legion members adopted by the various branches in . Southwestern Ontario. It was held at Parkwood Hospital, These veterans were from Parkwood • Hospital and the Western Counties W ing of Westminster Campus. About 35 veterans were initiated at this time but another ceremony is contemplated for the Spring of 1987. Glenn Bridge, District C Deputy Commander of Brussels, and Steve McGuire, Deputy Zone Commander, of LEGION NEWS Clinton helped in the ceremonies for District C. The new bowling season gets underway Friday at 7 p.m. The league has all the teams filled again this year but if anybody wants to spare, get in touch with Al Smale, the president of the Legion Bowling League. Also Friday the Ladies Auxiliary are leaving on their annual bus trip. This year their trip is to Toronto for two nights. If any lady would like to be on this trip, please phone Peg Coombs 527-1155 or Barbara Scott 527-1787. There are still a few vacant seats available. The members of the Branch wish the ladies a fun -filled weekend. The darts league will be starting on November 15. Anyone interested in joining please sign your name on the list on the sports board. Darts will be played each Saturday night. At the going down of the sun and m the Festival board names morning we will remember them. new general manager The Board of Directors of the Blyth Festival has announced Tim Chapman will be assuming duties as General Manager of the Festival effective January, 1987. Mr. Chap- man will take over from current General Manager Brenda Doner who is leaving to pursue other interests. Mr. Chapman comes to Blyth with seven years experience in arts administration. The majority of his experience has been with theatres similar in mandate to the Blyth Festival, that is, with theatres that produce primarily new Canadian plays. From 1979 to 1986 he held various positions at Toronto's Tarragon Theatre, with duties ranging from administration, fundraising and group sales to house management and box office. He also managed Tarragon's training and rehearsal facility, the Maggie Bassett Studio. Since January of this year he has also been serving as General Manager of Masterclass Theatre, a Toronto-based theatre that produces works from the classical repertoire. Mr. Chapman has also been an active member of Theatre Ontario and of the Toronto Theatre Alliance, and has had experience as a stage and film actor, as a restaurant owner and manager, and as a social worker. He was raised in New Liskeard in Northern Ontario, but has lived in Toronto fora number of years. "I am eagerly looking forward to working with a theatre of the Blyth Festival's stature and reputation," said Mr. Chapman. Mr. Chapman will be resident in the Blyth area from November 3, 1986, with full duties as General Manager to begin in January, 1987. HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY Lindsey Marie McClure October 2 Counvens DIS— C JOCKEY SERVICE R'Itry GRold & /. DISCO,PPOLKAAM, TZR• oIID RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS, DANCES, ANNIVERSARIES, PARTIES, ETC. 10 yrs. experience *No mileage charge BRUSSELS -8 -1159 T HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY -Mom and Dad— 1 BOB and LAURENE REGELE I October 6 1 { { { { { { Love` Sandra, Cheryl, Wayne; z ENTERTAINMENT THE HURON EXPOSITOR. OCTOBER 1, 1986 A17 MAKE THEM SMILE at HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY — Grant McKellar — October 2 lflxieiee Goderich St. E. Seaforth 527-0220 EVERYDAY BREAKFAST SPECIAL INCLUDES: 2 eggs, bacon, ham, 1,99 or sausage, Home Fries and Toast FROM: MOM, DAD and SUSY •••••••••••••••••••• • CHIP BINGO •• • • DUBLIN COMMUN1TYCENTRE • • • FRIDAY, OCT 3 : • 15 Regular Games • •• 115.00 a game • • 3 SPECIAIS PLUS • ▪ JACKPOT $950 •• • • in 59 calls • • CONSOLATION—$100.00 • • : • BONANZA $575 in 59 calls • • • CONSOLATION —150.00 ` • Doors Open at 7:00 P.M. ▪ Bingo Starts 818 MO P.M!. •▪ ••••••••••••••••••• FAMILY DANCE TROPHY PRESENTATION Sponsored by Cromarty Ball Park SATURDAY, OCT. 4 8:30 p.m. Dublin Pavilion Admission - 58.00 per family Kids under 15 - 52.00, over 15 - 53.00 Ball Players FREE LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH BL177Zt.FESTIVAL PRESENTS Drums! -rhythms from around the world -1st event of 1986 Kid's Series Blyth Memorial Hall Saturday, Oct. 4 2 P.M. Tickets: $4. eraskabout$$savingkid's package Phone:523-9300 Suggested for children 5to 11 years Blyth I»» EVERY SUNDAY - Mi. YOU CAHF, TO RAT Buffet Brunch I I,00 in 2:00 Over 40 items In rune+r (rani I„lading rbirtlra..ymrrrilr+. .alma.. frr•11 6ndt+ and pn•Itir* $625 . GREAT LUNCH IDEAS MONDAYS 3 PIECE CHICKEN DINNER TUESDAYS ROAST BEEF DINNER WEDNESDAYS HAM STEAK DINNER THURSDAYS ROAST BEEF DINNER FRIDAYS 2 PIECE FISH DINNER ALL FOR ONLY !95 Includes pie & coffee WdZiET 8.99 LARGE PIZZAS 2'rl SUBS 199 SUBS e FREE FITNESS CLASSES Seaforth and District Community Centres WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 BODY STRETCH TRIM -A -SIZE Bounceless Aerobics 7-8 p.m. 8-9 p.m. • Bring your running shoes and a small mat and try out either or both of the above classes FREEI INSTRUCTOR: CHERYL PHILLIPS 527-0765 Regular Classes Begin MON. OCTOBER 6 WED., OCTOBER 8 7-8 p.m. TRIM -A -SIZE 7-8 P.M. TRIM -A -SIZE 8-9 P.M. BODY STRETCH 8-9 P.M. BODY STRETCH Bounceless Aerobics Bounceless Aerobics 8 Weeks — Once a week - $25, twice weekly - $40.00 ; PAR.• EAR GOfaf�Kll rNf SaYA�f 074.11111 • • •• DANNY HAS A DREAM • •• CAN HE TURN A RUN I *SuID*wcI DOWN HOTEL INTO A SUCCESS : • :30• • ••: , �2TI O� TC) :s•, • FRI: SAT. SU1:-4 N: THURS. • • • •• 'HE HAS HELP FROM PHIL COLLINS, • • • • • ARCADIA, SISTER SLEDGE, etc. ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • GooERICH': • •• FRI. • • SAT. • SUN. • • • sox •• OFFICE • • Y OPENS PENS • • t f ash ..Y-� yomf tnVAuDrrCOMDSIn(A1tm gri,4 • , PK $ �+�6rR:'� c OtMU00t0Yr MMS ...~»- • •'.,+,i Y S, YCMfai11URICMfIrS tit LU9 WAIDI norm It %Dunn<1,Y • • CHARLES BRONSON DAU4f • : 2ND FEATURE• • IN • • • • • • DEATH WISH 3 • • ----- ����ww••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• war► the it�c • 524.9981 • • • • • • • • • • • ••1 THE RITUAL HUNT HAS NOW BEGUN... BUT THE HUNTERS HAVE BECOME THE PREY. AVENGING FORCE 4,00 En 7,00 p.m. Ilr.i Vni"r n/ITM11WM Salad Liar. rand beef. rain and rltiri,fn. hired•. fn4t fruit, rltrrre ami drr+rrt tabic• U,iI.lrm nndrr 1n $3.25 IFrrt,rr+l nndrr 1.1.15(1 ilr.rn nllnn..lrrri.trd 'a2A 9._n1 $875 s (.hilltrrn ,m.l, r I O $4.75 :?t.In c?3•as •, ? aARERN m x tt.mo Ce?a o stam : WOME N AT WORK A Conference on Employment Issues Concerning Women in Huron County YOU ARE INVITED TO THE 1ST � OUNTRY RAFT FESTIVAL AT THE Goderich Twp. Community Centre HoImesville, Ontario (Just Off Hwy. 8 between Goderich & Clinton) DISPLAY and SALE OF CRAFTS Christmas. Baking - Knitting - D011 Clothes - Ceramics .Juy ^r_ Wood Crafts = Home Wreaths - Wooden Toys .r G �tute ... and much, much more ► , Admission: Adults 506 Friday, October 3 10 a.rt9. 6 p.m. >ill Saturday, October 4_� Light Lunches & ;=5 p.m. 9 Dabber 5 11 a ni Refreshments Available SII, ). Door Pries _ Smith*, cto It 4)104D 110 l* X60 South t., odE Intl 4s+Aa Ich Name: . Address: Prune Number: Heim: Work: The following seminars will be available in the appropriate sessions. Please enter your first (1) and second (2) choice in session. `74' MORNING SESSION, 9::15 - .11•+45 AFTERNOON SESSION: 1:@0- 3:30 1. Child Care. - Debbie Salkirk 1. The Labour Market of the Future y 2. Job Search Skills - Woman Power ..). Gillespie ti,9"raditiona'I. Employment 2 Sul • .I Woman - Susan White Sheila Chick 3. Start & Manage a Small Business - ._ _ - Katherine Joyce 4Y,Planning Your Fieeea7n�ial. Future.. 4, Women - Discrinvinaticm and the Law - PriMela Stone fo S. Education & Retraining Oppor turli4- Heather Witties 5. Health_ Haizerds in the Work Place g. repiresentntWes from educational Frfsneis Sharn9leY{ and (nada Manpower _—_- a F Pegisiranfs Are given Ai opportunity fo.pa,ilclpate In discussion with group at each cession. October 14, 1906. Confirmation packet will follow, FEE( $90.00 (lunch 1ndtNdett) to b6 tb6td tit full with romltt'ance of reRislraHon by` V 0 PROJECT: REACHING out Funded by *h• Secretary of StatB "WOMEN TODAY” '' MAIL PRO.ECi Mt Woni tn ei /Murk, e/b Shelby Harititaii, Waled Cto erdiende t R.R. 3 GODERICH, Ont. N7A 3X9. 529-7 5. ' { p�y /� p�.)� o/%..Simseo.,,a i 3i#4'//fi.//semag',.. 'i'/'4 r.swo/.'7 v. i ,xl...vrf /lr'/.z : #°">x <oo 5 W�M�4'�54JY//%�Nl� //%�f 1.Gb::/��H l ......._r .... . ....: .. ........ .... .. ... . ... .... .�....«ra.. r�.r w .c-ayL.3k•s