HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-10-01, Page 10A10 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 1, 1986
-with the New
Call us for your custom slaughtering needs
'Far your freezer, sides of Beef, Pork, Lamb or
We specialize In home cured meals and old
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Member - Canada 0 posit Insurance Corporation
138 The Square,Lrod• ch, Out. N7A 3Z2 ...
5 24 ' 85:,
Sale of Land By Public Auction
Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984
(Name of Municipality m Board
Take Notice that the land(s) described below will be offered for
sale by public auction at 10:00 o'clock in the
fore noon on the 7th day of OCTOBER 1986 at
Description of Land(s)
CONCESSION more particularly described
as Part 23, Plan 22R38 together with
a right-of-way over Part 1, Plan 22R38
as described in Instrument 179783
All amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable In full at the time of thasale
by cash or money order or by a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company or ,�
Province of Ontario Savings Office.
The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating
to the land to be sold, Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rest with the potential
This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984, and the Municipal Tex Sales Rules.
The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and
relevant land transfer tax
For further information regarding this sale, contact:
Minimum Bid $
(Set out the cancellation price
as of the first day of advertising)
Seaforth F 11 Fair results
The 141 at annual Seaforth Fell Fair attracted a number
of winners In a varlety of categories. The following le a
list of the respective winners In the order In which they
Handstltched appliqued quilt, Kate Keys, Mildred
Cronin. Reversible quilt, Mary FotherIngham, Marjorie
Dale. Embroldered quilt, Marjorie Dale. Jane Vincent
Spacial Prize: Kate Keys, Mary FotherIngham, reserve,
Uquid embroldered quilt, Tena Empey. Everyday quilt,
Kate Keys, Mary Eisler, Marjorie Dale, Crib quilt,
Marjorie Dale, Mildred Cronin. Group quilt, Presbyterian
Church. Mary FotherIngham Special; Marjorie Dale,
Mat, latch hooked, Mary Eisler, Charles Perkins, Wall
flanging latch hooked, Grace Broadloot, Mary Eisler,
Margaret McGowan, Cushion candlewick, Mary Eisler,
Mary Fotheringham, Tena Empey, Bedroom u
Margaret McCowen, Marjorie Dale, Helen Toornstra.
Patchwork wanton, Pat Predhomme, Marjorie Dale,
Crocheted cushion, Mary Eisler, Helen Toornstra, Peg!
Perkins, Crocheted afghan, Mildred Cronin, Anna
Dolmage, Bea Dykstra. Knit afghan, B. Brand, Mary
Kinsman, Kate Keys. Cross-stitched tablecloth, Mary
Kinsman, Crocheted tablecloth, Colleen Cronin, Bea
Dyltetra, Crocheted placemsts, Helen Toornstra, Anna
polmage. Kitchen finger towel, Mary rotheringham,
Mary Eisler, Pegl Perkins. Oven mitts or pot holders,
Betty Glanville, Anna Dolmage, Margaret McCowan.
Homemade pillowcase, Mary Eisler, Dresser scarf,
Marjorie Dale. Quilted wall hanging, machine quilted,
Marjorie Dale. Edythe Coleman Special: Mary Eisler.
Crocheted pyjama bag, Mrs. Clara Brown, Helen
Toornstra. Knit baby bonnet and sweater, Helen
Toornstra, Mary Kinsman, B. Brand.
Crocheted baby bonnet and sweater, Helen Toornstra,
Clara Brown, Cplleen Cronln. Knitted baby shawl, Clara
Brown, Mary Kinsman,
Baby shawl, crocheted, Colleen Cronin, Mildred
Cronin. Baby cult or dress, knitted, Ruth Beane, Helen
Toornstra, Mary Kinsman, Girls vest, B. Brand, Mary
Kinsman, Helen Toornstra. Knitted toque and mitts,
Mary Kinsman, B. Brand, Teresa Wyn(a, Hooded
sweater, knitted, B. Brand, Mary Kinsman, Clara Brown.
Child's knitted scarf, B, Brand, Clara Brown, Bea
Dykstra. Ladles knitted dickie, Helen Toornstra, Clara
Brown, Adults slippers, knitted, Clara Brown, Bea
Dykstra, Mary Kinsman, Hat or toque, knitted, Mary
Kinsman, 0. Brand, Lenore Elliott. Dress socks, knitted,
Mary Kinsman, Helen Toornstra, Teresa Wynja. Work
socks, knitted, B. Brand, Mary Kinsman, Helen
Toornelr0. Pullover, knitted, Brenda Empey, 8, Brand,
Mary Kinsman, Stewart Brea, Special, Mary Klneman.
Sewing: ladles skirt, Mary Eisler Ladles jacket, Lenore
Elliott. Ladies blouse, Mary Eisler. Sewing Centre
Special, Mary Eisler. Smocked article, Lenore Elliott.
Man's shirt, Teresa Wynja. Lingerie, Mary FotherIng-
ham, Bonnle Glanville, Child's •dress, Emely Coultls.
Cabbage Patch outfit. Teresa Wynja, Betty Glanville.
Guilt blocks, Marione Dale, Mary Fotheringhem,
Margaret McCowan. M. McClure Special, Teresa Wynla.
Senior Citizens Work: Afghan, Anna Dolmage, Grace
Broadloot, Lucy Bezzo. Knitting, Pegl Perkins, Johanna
Toonk, Anna Dolmage. Article of crochet other than
afghan, Margaret McCowan, Pegi Perkins, Johanna
Toonk, Article of tatting, Mae Young. Tea cozy, Grace
Broadfoot, Anna Dolmage. Homemade cushion, Marg-
aret McCowan. Marjorie Dale, Anna Dolmage. Now
version of 0 Canada, handwritten, Anna Dolmage, Mary
Finlayson, Grace Broadfoot. Helen Connell Special, Anna
Nursing Home Work: Crocheting, Lucy Bezzo.
Knitting, Gladys Ruston. Muriel McClure Special, Lucy
Bezzo, Gladys Ruston. Article made by nursing home
residents, Seaforth Health Care Facility. Mary Finlayson
Special, Seaforth Health Care Facility.
B. Straughan
Address of Municipality or Board
RR 5
Godench, Ontano
N7A 3Y2
Name of Municipality Or Bowe
Township of Colborne
Do you know
a young
person who
went that
extra mile?
The search is on for
Ontario Junior
Citizens of the Year.
Do you know someone in your community, between the
ages of 6 and 18 years, who has gone that extra mite/
Someone who has ,shown selfless service, -resourcefulness,
ingenuity, or acts of courage - that "good kid?" Somedne
special that you think should be recognized?
You can help Canadian Pacific Air Lines and• the Ontario
Community Newspapers Association honour these kids by
nominating them for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year
Contact your local community newspaper. The deadline for
individual and group nominations is October 31, 1986.
Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year recipients will receive a
plaque, a cash prize, a family photo pOTtraft with the
Lieutsnant-^governor of Ontario, and a lapel pin"
Contact our Junior Citizens' Co-ordinator
house plant!,
dish garden
Maureen 11
Broadfoot. 1
Lucille Prlc
tray, Aurdr
Pric. Aran
Karen Whlt
dried, Kare
vlary Flnlayson, Pat Prudhomme, Cactus
Mary Chapple. Colaua, Lucille PriseQOMe, Mother and daughter plant, Q
nlature arrangements, Audrey MaLlwaln,
aren Whitmore, Hospital arrangement for
McLlwain, Karen Whitmore, Maureen
ment of geranium blooms, Mary Chapple,
ore, Mary Finlayson, Roadside Makin,
Whltmora, Anna Dolmage, Jean Drager,
rrangemen of weeds and wild Bowen), not driest, Jean
raper, Aud y MaLlwaln, Karen Whitmore. 3 blooms
ranged, A ray MaLIwain,'Karen Whitmore; Mary
Peaches, Marlon Godkln, Betty Glanville, Mary
Finlayson. Pears: Mary Flnlayeon, Marlon Godkln, Betty
Glanville. Plums: Emely Coultls. Rod Raspborrloe, Emoly
Goulds. Frust cocktail: Mary Flnlayeon, Marlon Godkln,
Gall Huglll, Whole tomatoes! Mary Finlayson, Emoly
Coultls, Betty Glanville. Tomato Juice: Emely Coulllo,
Teresa Wynja, Lola Hodgort Chill sauce: Margaret
McCowan, Audrey McLlwaln, Starr Buchart. Broad and
butler pickles: Mary Folhoringtuun, Teresa Wynja, Grace
Broadfoot. Pickle or rellah made from zucchini, Emoly
Coultls. Pickled cern cobs. Grace Broadloot, Emely
Caultla. Linda Pullman.. Hol dog relish. Sheila
Mullin. Linda Pullman, Brondo Empoy. Dill pickles.
sweat. Marlon Godkln. Empty Goulds. Pickled boots,
Mary FInlayaan, Marlon Godkln, Starr Bachart. Relish
tray, Marlon GojINIn. Poach jam: Empey Covltla, Grace
Broadfoot, Shelia Mullin, Simi/berry jam: Stan Bachart.
Marton Ocala, Sholia Mullin. Menem lam. Empey
Coutes, Mapjl Flnlayeon, Apply telly, Empty Coultls.
Mary Flnl8yson. Grape folly: Ematy Cmille• Any other
lamer lolly: Teresa Wynla. Shelia Mulllna•V181(y Upahall.
Collection of conned Halt Mary Finlayson, Emmy
Counts. Oecoralod gill conlalning 3 fare of Tam or tally.
Brenda Empoy, Emoly CCutua Winthrop Store Special
Sheila Mullin.
2ter dozbrown eggs, LOrraihe Rumford 2W doz. while
eggs. Kan Moore, Ann Wilson, Geraldine Wilson, Bab
Aster 2" and under, Karon Whitmore. Mao Young,
Irene Kelly. Asters over 2". Helen Thompson. Sarah
Enroll, Mae Young. Bedsitter Butters. Sarah EUWtt.
Maureen Price, Lucille Price Calendula, Jean Cregar,
Lucille Price, Irene Kelly Waste pomPus phone. Karen
Whitmore. Irene Kelly, Maureen Price Cosmos
atessliOn, Tina Empey. Sarah Elliott. Maureen Price
mos nisi over 2-, Karen Wbirmore, Irene Keity.
Dahlia, 2" to 6"', Karen Whitmore, B. Brand, trent'
Kelly. Dahlia. Karen Whitmore. Sarah Veal, trent
Kelly. Gladiell, Karen Whitmore. Irene Kelly Gtarge%
Irene Kelly. Karim Whittler°. Martgeed, small, Marten
Godkln, Sarah Einem(, Brenda Empey. Wooed. med..
Karen Whitmore, Sarah 8111011. Irene Kelly. Petunia,
double, Sarah Elliott, 13, Brand. Karen Wliamare,
Petunia. tingle, Mary Flnfayuon, Sarah 88100, Karen
Whitmore. Rose, 1 spray, Audrey McLtwatte, Nancy
hale, Reoe • Peace, Nancy E. Kale, Audrey Methvain,
Mary Flelayson. Rose, floating, Audrey MOLlwain, Jean
Drager, Karen Whitmore. Rare, miniature, Nancy 8.
Kate, Karen Whitmore. Sarah Elliott. Snapdragon, Maty
Ctapele, Karen Whitmore, Sarah Elliott. Zinnia, T.
VVynja. Maureen Price, Karen mamma. zinnia, Horten
Tlidntpson, Maureen Price, Karon Whitmore. Chrysan-
themum, Irene Keay. Karen K Mrfl- re. Maureen P76Ee.
C1lrysardleanum, large, Irene Kelly, Maureen Prtte,
Karen Whitrnete. Any garden cut flower. M. Chapple,
Mae Yeuhg, 1'. Wynta. African violet, single, Sarah
Elliott, Mary Flntayeen. Grate Breadfool. African violet,
double. May Maputo African violet, any number of
frowns, Mary Finlayson, Grace Broadfoot. Baby teal',
Jean Drager, M. Chapple, Maa Young Rare haute plant,
Mary Clappte. George W. Wilson, Mae Veered. Ported
Flower or floworo In natural! setting, Irene Kelly,
Doreen Strong, Lucille Price, Me favorite animal, Jane
Vincent, Lucille Price, Maureen prim. A winter Boone
taken In Seaforth area, Lliohle Pr ca, Gregor Campbell,
Maureen Price. A sunset, GregdCampbell, Janneke
Murray, Maureen Price, Your lay rite portrait, Gregor
Campbell, Mary McClure, Jenneke urray. Collection of
4 scones from a trip, narnod, 0 nda Empey, Jane
Vincent, Doreen Btrong, BUlldl named, Emely
Couple, Belly Glanville, Gregor mpball. A bridge
Inlayson. named, Maureen Price, Luoillo Pilau, Kittle McGregor. A
Inlayson. nner most pointe, Karen Whora, New term scene,' Bonnle Glanville, Bot y Glanville, Starr
xhlbltor, Sq h Elliott, Most points close 27.35, Mary Bucher!. Special, Gregor Campbell.
happle. SO4orth Jewellers Special, Audrey MOLlwaln. CRAFTS
Stephen Hlc
Borchert, Je
Asters, Ro..
marigolds, St
Shannon Cr*
Dalton Mar
ELEMENTARY FLOWERS Ceramic figurine, stained, Pet Dalen, Mary Eisler,
Ceramic 11 urine la e P
ayne Rumford, Boost Wood, Jill Wood, Mary McClure. Cera 0 B ed, at Option,
ell. Sweet Peas, Kim Rau. Gladioli, Shlrleo Mary McClure, Mary Eleler. Ceram) pr. any finish,
t Vanden Hoven, Robbie Vanden HOvon. Mary McClure, Pal Dalton, Mery Eleler, Ceramic Item,
e Vanden Hoven, Sharon Kelly. Largo stained, Pat Dalton, Mary Chappel, Mary Eisler. Ceramic
ron Kelly, Terry Kelly, Shlrlee Baohert, item, glazed, Pat Dalton, Mary McCluip, Mary Eisler.
-- 1 I, Kevin Carneahan, Carla Ceramic plate, using decal, Mary McCIJJre, Pat Dalton,
MacDonald, Chrlsta Bennett. Zinnias, Joan Drager, Ceramic item, air brushing, Mary Eisler,
pompom, JIl Wood, Kris Gemmell, Jason Gemmell. Pat Dalton, Special donated 'by Mary McClure, Pal
Dahlias, ba' for pompom, Karen Price, 80011 Wood. Dalton. Handmade doll, Mary Eisler, Handmade outfit
Dahlias, lar Klm Maloney, Cindy Maloney. Snapdreg- for doll, Marlon Godkln, Handmade outfit for doll,
ons, Kris C: mall, Kelly Rau, Mary Kelly, Steven knitted or aroohoted, Peggy Perkins, Helen Toornstra,
Hicknell, Co mos, Kris Gemmell, Jason Gemmell, Teresa Wynja, Any other article o1 needlepoint, Mery
Shannon Cre!, Kelly Rau. Cheery arrangement In a
coffee mug, elty Rau, Sandra Dale, Krlo Gemmell,
Janet Vanden oven. Petunias, double, Steven Hicknell.
Petunias, sir (e, Kris Gemmell, Jason Gemmell, Kim
acD'onald, Garden mums, Scott Wood,
m Rau, Jill Wood. Dining table centre,
'ontelner, Kris Gemmell, Karen Price,
erry Kelly. Floral mat, Scott Wood, Jill
emmell, Jason Gemmell, Red and white
arrangement, Kris Gemmell, Kelly Rau, Karen Price,
Cindy Malon y. A rose floating In suitable container,
Karl Bachert,
Roses, Kelly
collection of I
Rau, Kevin
Kelly Rau,
(lowers and
Karen Kelly
Wood, Kris
aura McKercher, Laura Plelch, Don Sills.
au, Kim Rau, Tim Sills, Karon Price, A
II weeds, Karl Bachert, Klm Rau, Kendra
Shortread, K,ly RauFlower arrangement using a email
pumpkin or s uaeh, Lisa Bennett, Jason Gemmell, Krle
Gemmell, K. en Price. Seaforth Jewellers Voucher for
most points, rte Gemmell. Seaforth Horticulture Society
winners: Scot Wood, .1111 Wood, Kris Gemmell,
Leat colla on, Sharon Kelly, Janet Vanden Hoven,
Jason Mur , Rebecca Broome. Weed collection,
suitably die yed, Sharon Kelly. A project turned on a
lathe, Rebell Glanville, Andrew Kennedy, A project
made Irom ..d, Andrew Kennedy. A project made from
plastic, An. ea Rlbey, Nancy Godkln. An article of
sewing withut a zlpper, Stephen Greldanus. Knitted,
crocheted o
Price, Bar
Michael Stol
Rau, Stephe
Harris. A c.
Dabble Van
Larry Kelly,
displayed, J
Mark Bach:
mbroldered article, Susan Stewart, Karen
Forest, Tonle McClure. Miniature
arm Kelly, Jim Kelly, Krista Greldanus,
A money bank from kitchen discard, Kelly
Vanden Hengel, Kevin MacDonald, Craig
age using pictures of my Idea of the lair,
n Henget, Marianne Van Den Henget,
:rent Riley. Snapshot of my }events pet,
e Crowley, Amle Elston, Michael Mullin,
A painted picture of my favorite summer
holiday act! ty, Jullanna Crowley. Mollesa Robertson,
Carrie Flan an, Gary Cronin A picture of my best
Wend, Lau McKercher, Sharon Kelly, Mary Jane
Coyne, Loa e Vegeta. Greeting card for parents, any bilingual labels, Terry Kelly, Kathleen Ryan, Brian
nrraalon. J lie Harris, Angio Hildebrand, Michelle Malady Int, 7.8 Science or geography, model or project
Henderson, arry Kelly. A lunch bag turkey, Scott Wood, relevent to course of study, Terry Kelly.
Julio Vogel Julianne Ryan, Gary Cronin Open choice P.U.C. POSTER CONTEST
any oral t no Isted. Chad Lamont, Susan Stewart, Sharon K-3, Laura McKercher, Larry Kelly, Jill Wood, Debbie
Kelly, Rand McClure. Open choice, any crap not hated, Vanden Henget. Gr 4-6. Sharon Kelly, Jell Ryan, Kim
Andrew Ka ody, David Kennedy. Nancy Godkln, Mark Rau, Wayne Schoondorwoerd. Gr 7-5 0, Torry Kelly,
MacDonald Sealorth Sowing Centro prize. Susan Kathleen Ryan
Stewart. Stmans prize, Sharon Kelly HOME ECONOMICS
ELEMENTARY EGOS Angel cake, Lois M Moore, Audrey McLean, Brenda
21/2doz. town eggs, Stephen Ryon, Kathleen Ryon, Empey Chocolate layer cake, Irene Kelly, Mary
0111 Ryan, athy Upehall 21/2 do: white oggo, Wayne Fcelenngham, Helen Toornstra Crispy Flake Specht,
Rumford, loDhon Ryan. Kathleen Ryan, Derek Irene Kelly Banana cake. Lots Hodgen, Mary
Maloney Folheringbam, Kl1tlo MacGregor ArvS Flour Special,
ELEMENTARY COOKING lass Hodgert- Carrot coke, Lola Moore, Mary Fothering-
Unbakedii(co�okles, Jenny De Jong, Nancy Slowart,ham. Stars Bachorl Light fruit cake. Mery P01005ing
Shonry.Lynrluglll. Sbaron Godkln A nutritious lunch hamDate and nut loaf, Mary Fotheringhem, Maureen
bee. Robin Vanden Hoven, Julie Glauaor, Japan Price, None Kelly, Apple oauco loaf. Irene Kelly, Brenda
Murray, Jnal Vanden Hovon Nutritious unbaked Empey, Teresa Wynis. Lemon loaf, Lola Hodgert. Emily
equates, platen Godkln, Michael Huglll, Kevin Caultla. Starr Bachart ZudChlnI loaf. Mary Foihorlrlg-
MxDonalq Stephan Bather( 5 peanut butter =okras. ha Helen Toornstra, POgi Porkies 3 varieties of fruit
Kell 086M1. Tina Beaman, Jonathan HV6111. Sark bread. Mary Fotheringhem. Pool Perkins. Sealorth
Wood Benno mulling, Kari Beduin. 036 Vanden Creamery Special. Mary Fothsringtam Chocolate
Henget, 891 WOod,• JOnlhan Huglll Chocolate ship hrrrantea, Mery Fothoringham. Maureen Pilar. Irene
606505. Myk MacDonald Jutta 001100, Rab VWldOa Kelly Oatmeal drop 600ktoa. Irene Kelly. Peal Perkins,
Henget, igipnn0 McClure AIltcdIrv0 relish 010(9. Miry Foiherinarutm Ginger 6006(09. Mary Pothering-
Andrea R1
Wood. Ma'
Nancy Oe
Akl, aha! Godkln, Nancy Godkln Floes Mill Special. Mary Fotheringriam. Peach DIG, Helen
ELEMENTARY VEGETABLES Tfrrnp00n, Audrey MaLiwah,. Bally Glamour, Wanton
Foto g an Carrala. Short. Karl Bachert, Mennen
oglChar. Mary FOtriOringnam Raisin Die, Sarah ElUaid.
Eleler, Jonnoko Murray. Any article of macrame, Charles
Porklne, Karon Whitmore, Mary Eisler. Any item of •
crewel embroidery, Mary Eleler, Marjorie Dale, Lenore
Elliott, Any article of tatting, Mae Young. Box gilt
wrapped sellable for shower gift, Helen Toornstra, Mary
Choppel, Karen Whitmore. Box gift wrapped suitable for
baby gift, Betty Glanville, Helen Toornstra, Karen
Whitmore, Door hanging on broom - silk or dried
material, Doreen Strong, Karen. Whllmore Mary Eisler.
Wicker tan, decorated, Doreen Strong, Mary Eisler.
Karen Whitmore, Arrangement of dried material In
driftwood, Doreen Strong, Betty Glanville, Corsage with
pin, silk or dried material, Mary Eisler, Lucille Price,
Doreen Strong.
Crocheted dolly, Margaret McCowan, Mary Eisler,
Helen Toornstra. 2 coat hangers, covered, Brenda
Empey, Mary Eisler, Karen Whitmore. Cutting board,
wood, Edward Malady, Article, using a lathe, Edward
Malady, Wood spoon rack, Doreen Strong, Charles
Perkins, Mary Eisler. Wood Inlay, Edward Melody.
Wood clock, Edward Melody. Any article, wood cervtng,
Charles Perkins, David Leitch, Ralph Goodwin. Tray
made of wood, Edward Malady. Any other project from
wood, Edward Malady, Dave Leitch, Mary Eisler.
Hollmeyers MIlI Special, Edward Malady. Betty Bach
Special, Mary Eisler.
A 4 line poem, Julle Glouser, Bradley Finlayson, Lisa
Gingerich. Any topic, up to El linea, Sarah Johnston,
David McNalrn, Becky Campbell. Any topic of suitable
length for grade level, Veronica Glanville, Eric Johnston.
Essay, up to 100 words, Michael Hugill, Jennifer Slemon,
Steven Bachert. Essay, up to 200 words, Malt McNichol,
Carla Dalton, Karl Bachert. Essay, about 300 words,
Jennifer Horne, Danny Glanville, Cheryl Ann Storey,
Bonnle Finlayson. K-3 painting, Michael Huglll, Larry
Kelly, Terry Thompson, Jennifer Slemon, Jr. 4-5 Open
formal, any topic, Sharon Kelly. Jr. Music 4-8,
homemade musical Instrument, David Kennedy, Sharon
Kelly, Michael Stoll, Jr. French 3.8. A collection of
labels, Wayne Schoonderwoord, Sharon Kelly, Stephen
Hkknall, John Moylan, Int, French 7-8, collection of
YOUR 1986
5 oatmeal 6epk105. V16011 Upshot!, Jlfl lain, Iran Kelly. Edith Dunlop. Oatmeal dale Squares,
MacDonald, Nnagy Godkln 5 09950 "'If I"' Emoly Coultls. Audrey M4laan, Grate arOadlaol
In, Laura Nelsen, Jill Wood Scott Weed
Sealoral Creamery Spacial. Empty Count Snertbread,
pants Special Keri Bachart, Mark MacDon- Mary 600h40nolam. Emory Coultls, Peal
parkin Arva
ELzhert, J;
5x03. Kart
nobble V4
potent. Tif
riaruy G
Crag. Jas:
O Beu*rmann, Larry Kelly Silo np eu4um• Wary Fethararcgham, Irene Keay Apple Die, Audrey
Melanie Crwun• 1"11raw Croner, Meliwaln, Mary Fintayoen. Mary Folheringnam Crlsay
an Haven Pickling basis. Jerson Gemmell, Flake Special. Audrey MCLlwain Butter tans. Audrey
I'.g, 5ltannon Craig. Mighaed Slnn Spanisn heLtwam, Hazen Ibernocon, Mary Foeteringham
�Ba9man. Straw 18111011 PrCkling 6u6irmller9, �Dy Flake Sp,e9tat. Audrey MOLIorain Caaartal feria.
'(0, 55501 05 Godkln, Oorek MatonaY. Kim Platen Teem Ira, Audrey MCLsan, Audrey M U rain
rerten Carrera. rang. Shannon Crate. Monet! Area Ft_ Mat SDa6ra1, Audrey Mtihvaln Stonat wim
Gemrrtetl, Kris Gemmel! Taate bea(0. Jason buil., Mary Fintayton. Mary Folhertnohaln, Pep. Pwiirca
B,v,,Rrmanc 41' +Ga3nmGemnoadl, "g");,, Ketiy gran mulling wane fruit- (Dairy Gramme. Emel COunur.
Codling , Jason ,,,,,,,,a11%...,"4:, Kem Rau. y Rev. Lore Iteore Serrrne apples Betty Manville. Brenda
Kra Oem
Ida Jan5p
ethibnor, asan Gemmell. Brandon Nash. Kevin Red, tomafoso, 7E{osa Wyn1a Pt. 600 clrarry tyrr
Murphy. gown En1Ott Pie pumpkins. Brian Metady.
Jaeon Gellman, Kris Gatemen) Largest punwEkln, omatoee. Maureen Pete. Irene Keay Spanish omens.
Leanne V le, Wapner! Hicknell, Stephen Ryan, Bin Brenda Empey. Mery Forhorirtaham Yeltew onions from
Ryan. Earl popping corn, Matthew tonin, Melanie dutch sets. Mary Pelhertngham, !retie Kerry Pt bon
Cronin. L eat squash, Tim Bo -Chari 18ne1 Vanden rnritiptier amore. Brenda tmpey. 3 slicing cueumbers.
Haven. Vanden Hoven Carla Dad Dri Ears Ot Mery Foiheringham, Brenda Empey, Irene Kell 55
sweet tablt
Kelly Mat
I R13lips tomatoes. M(020191 Stan, Patrick Emmy Mary Fethertegdvam Cupcakes decorated,
latoes, any "‘"ti. Cit outdab' box, gnrl II/0V en P1409. Mary Fometinghao'. trent Keay Baked
P0,,. Km Genu0051. Karl 8acr•a01. Tanya
towns. Brenda Empe'r, Betty Clanvltoe. Emery DOOM
Green 03805 00. Karen Vantl6crandL We Special. Mary Folheringham. Irene Kerry
Patmpa:0, any variety In sottabt* box, boy ROOTS AND VEGS'1'ASLES
min, Shama GOdkin, Shavm t isott, 'retry pickling dc0mber8, Brenda Empey Audrey Mclean
Gagen. Sun/fewer heads. Wendy Bachart, ripe cucumbers, Irene Kelly, Audrey McLean Kohlrabi.
Shelled ,.hire
Lisa Sams! , tvtichael Stall. Specimen o1 gourde to Audrey Md.ean,
suitable ivs, 138011 Gemmel). Susan Stewart, Nancy beans, Mary Folheringhaitt. Gall Hugill. Irene Kelly
Stewart, .lit¢n Beuermann A vegetable man, Craig Butter Deans, May FOtherirlplam Red kidney beans,
Ek.A.:OS!- !xery 6511•s61.4h4m P'irldInd beets. Brenda Empey.
A to nam
Murray, .0 Br Karry.
ln vegetate/ea.
0. Joohn hn MHayton, Mike Etue, Audrey McLean, (50119 KellyTable beets, Irene
x Kendra Sh9ttread A faith! eenirepr060 Mary Fotheringham Brenda Empey Long carrels, Mary
made (ratn'Y stables, Terry Kelly, Kathy Vp4hatl, Larry Rotheringham, Irene Kelly,
Kedty, S19fih Keil. the matt natural groom InM000apeh garrets. Erode Empey. Mary FotherIngham. Irene
vegetable y4a Reynetds, Carta batten, Karen Bernard, Kelly Green pepper's. Brenda Empey. Mary Folnering
Vfrayrre Rul,7ord I.O.bJ F iun
Special, Jason Garell. ham, Irene Kell. Red peppers. Maureen Price Fan
Toptratth $ildiar Kari Bechtel Ce -op Special: Sharon cabbage, Irene Kelh. Mary Fotbermglam, Brena0
0001,41n. Kttf Rau, Elden Metedy. all lied Continued on Page
52 Main Street. P.O. Box 69 SEAFOATH, ONTARIO. Sten IWO
Canadian Pacific le