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Doig passes first stage for,1987 PGA. See page A7.
Serving the communities and
areas of Seaforth, Brussels, Dub-
lin, Hensall and Walton,
50 cents a copy
FRONTIERMAN Don Cartwright and Dar-
ren Sutherland were at Ciderfest Sunday.
See additional photos throughout the paper.
Main Street coordinator arrives
U and urban and regional planning. BY PATRICK RAFTIS the economic viability of downtowns, Heri- The first step is organization and includes
Main Street Seaforth has become one of the tage Canada reasoned, they would stand a such measures as: gettiin ng retailers together
latest projects of the Main Street Canada better chance of preserving the architectural to promotions.coordinate
efforts awareness ie also a chat as
program, with the ol September 22 character of the bags in t e cowhin them." this ECONOMIC said
Main Street coordinator Tom Lemon. The Heritage buildings in the downtown core this stage, said Mr. Lemon.
Main Street Canada program was developed are one of the core's greatest "economic "Many ONOMpeople C t even think about
by Heritage Canada, and its basic mandate is assets," Mr. Lemon explained.
to preserve the historic character and While shopping malls and large cities, how much money they spend out of town,'
revitalize the economic situation of downtown which are a small town main street's main M r. Lemon said.
competition, can offer such advantages as Step two involves marketingeisurvi surveys. areas. plentifulparking, variety of national retailers Finding out what the comp
Seaforthie is the smallest programcom local
Businessy e to examining
the targetomarkets. are all a part and
participate in the program and local and a good mixture of stores, the downtown examining the community's retail mix
Improvement Association (BIA) spokesman areas have attractions of their own. defining
Bob Fisher said it is "quite a coup," for "Downtowns can offer shoppers physical this sector.
Seaforth to be accepted into the program. If qualities that a mall could never offer, Mr. Economic development is the third stage of
successful, the program will create both Lemon said. "The character of Main Street the program. Mr. Lemon plans to examine
aesthetic and financial improvements in n enxam lefamiliarity
, h eisaid Mr. Lemoof local n said the idea residential" are the of and commercial,Main
a dStreet,
lookboth for
area and throughout the town of Main Street Canada is to help municipali- opportunities to fill them. This stage also
itself. involves examining the whole employment
Mn. Lemon, whose office is located n ties
of the downtown something picture in the area, including non -Main
second processsr ofof the moving Seaforthoetown hall, is inStreet industry. The program may eventually
s to annale along with that can arebr ouinto," of hef cus in a Main have
hisempts to
wife, Ronemaea Kannaley. He will Street
four ram, and Mr. Lemon feels attract new eindustry or retailers to involvement with t town, Mr.
remain in town at least until the three year Street Canada program,
term of the program is complete. A native of Seaforth has the resources to offer in each Lemon said. Continued on Page A3
Waterloo, Mr. Lemon was last located in area to make the program successful.
Brantford. He has post -secondary education
in landscape architecture, historic preserva-
tion, and urban and regional planning He
MAIN STREET MAN — Tom Lemon began Ms dutfos as Soatorth's now main atroot
co-ordinator on September 22. Tho arrival of Mr. Lemon Inlllamea Sealorth Into the Mate
Sueei Canada program, aimed at rovltatizing Main Street buslnese and preserving Its
Materiel' character. Mr. Lemon tools Soalorth has an outstanding example of a 191h century
main atrool.
BYHEA'iHEFLMct1 eVHie Fief
The Town of Seaforth has submitted an
application to the Ministry of the Environ-
ment requesting grant monies for the
expansion of and improvements to its
eanitary sewer system.
Al a special meeting held Thursday council
reviewed a preliminary design report embroil -
ted by Steve Burns of Burns Ross and
The report. originally compiled in 1982,
was never finalized because a decision to use
the if a
landfill site was located near the slagoons for leadiate ite. would
greatiy affect the expansion design.
"i think we've advanced far enough on the
landfill to know it's not going to be at the
lagoons and we can now update and proceed
with the plan," said Mr. Burns.
According to the report periodic overflow-
ing of the Oak Street sewage primping
station. operational methods (spring and fall
discharge) which do not Midair! to eecisting
provincial effluent quality regvirements and
a treatment capacity too insufficient to allow
growth of the town. are the system's major
..� _rucefield fuel business
has�been involved in ..^. employ
heritage ��'� to Co-operatlVeon, bng oion ne emplo ofPa ksSol _1
planning operations in the employ of Parks Q
Canada and has also worked as a municipal
planner for the Regional Municipality of Ross Scott Fuels, Brucefield-based sup- organization, said Ms. Spence, while others
Haldimand Norfolk. pliers of petroleum products in this area will receive serverance packages.
Bringing Main Street Canada to Seaforth is since 1930, has been sold by Sun Oil Co. Ud., Ross Scott Fuels began in 1930, when Ross
basically n pint project of the Seaforth BIA which has owned the company since 1969. Scott secured a contract as a wholesale
and Town Council, with some involvement The bulk of the fuel -oil business of the distributor of Sunoco products. The business
from LACAC. The program's operating company has been sold to the Hensel! Co-op, was located at that time in the rear of the W .
budget, estimated at $45,000 to 550,000 per which will take over most of the former Ross Scott and Co. General Store. At that time,
year. including Mr. Lemon's $27,000 annual Fuel accounts as of October 1. Mr. Scott distributed to all contracted
salary, will be split between the BIA and Some of the company's other accounts will dealers in Huron County. Later, Perth
council on either a' 50-59, or 45-55 per cent now be handled by co-operatives based in County, except border locations in Bruce and
basis. The BMA hos agreed to doubip the tax Exeter, Belgrave and Mitchell. Ross Scott lambton Counties were added. In 1939, the
on themselves. from'St0 000 o $20,000 FeOle aroupd ticstcompany-awnedservice,statlonwasbuilt
annually. foram" three a program will Seaforth, F)ceter, Clinton and Bayfield.els formerly serviced e areasin Exeter.
run. The new owners will not be operating out of in 1947, floss Scott Ud. bought the Old
ECONOMIC AssEr the Brucefleld location, but will service W alker House hotel from Edgar Allen. The
Main Street Canada was founded in 1981, customers from their existing operations and business was relocated onto that property.
by Heritage Canada as a way of combating will not he employing any of the former Ross The business's youner became a family enterprise
the potential loss of historic downtownOnttario pokespersondJefor Sunn00 Co.ette pLtd. joinedence. when hther. sfirm, followed brotherin Bill
'The biggest threat to heritage buildings. Some of the 12 full and part-time Scott's son Ken, who remained in the employ
w theiz seconomic
decline B0 downtown
nn employed es
oilier op positions Mielein thehSun en 00 jfjSg Oil when they bought the company in
repairs to sewer system to cost $1.8rmillion
1 have to be by
Those emblems are caused by gmundwa- ensure all the trouble areas are found. method of operation wouldborne
Ce Jim Crocker, expressed
"Short of TV inspee'tion there is very little changed to continuous discharge from concern o!erttcouncil. ihe'fact thek r, expressed
sanitary 'amnion and yste seater innate into the evecandotofind out where the storm water is November to April. have only lasted 30 years
sewer syandm which mutt dateo cumin in." he said. $1.3 elIf1ION "The tart the sewers have only lasted 30
the infiltration
average a e and peak flow -n. To g
' "ltratlon and,ntltiev represent approx• Based on the resists of the smoke testing. In 1983 these prop'ose'd expansions and the (mfr Mr Bunds said there will have to he some improvements would have cost $1,371.000 years is not typical." said Mr. Burns
with $237.500 sus $1,500 annually going"@1ri4tsee59yeaisbeforethereislhistype
was ety 40 to 45 per cent at the total mutat ofostseRut it all depends on n lot of
waste flow and approximately sa per cent of modification the of the cresting ping st pumps, p
thepeak waste flow
bleated at Oak Street pumping station' o towards the infiltration and inflow reduction: emblem.
Effluent flrge quality standards have [nryease their capacity from 5o flues per $41.600 towards the expansion of and tht ta
ni[ha on well
the thesewers
huliions and
etc The new sewer lines though are
also changed substantially ern the original asbestos and concrete and should gh 30
design and construction of the existing "Most see 50 years before here years or mare.
lagoons re
Pt'S1i CNC FO1t tNlIt:STRV
To recuse the infiltration and tiiftstw there 16 t$11f� try 96 of 1rC9blei� 1, Councillor Bob Dinsmore was concerned
will have n be sewer rep at various
the expansion n sDl might not t into
the east and si d ssewerofainlStreet. on the expo pian, if it fact,managed to
the "Weet and westhsides of Main pt'eet. p p Seaforth
more industry.
hope they are the main problem`" second to 67.1 litres per second. Other improvements to the um ing staand tiun, ,1 lm .of small towns are pushing for
said Mr. Burns. 0 industries 0! come in. Wsatiehin
"Subject tooject to thriller investigawe vitt aiidee�inents regardbin safety,
eto impro ement a os the sewage
10 treatment and createsstmore sewage?WWill one comess to
have reline the sewers ont Main Sobed onergertcybY•pass g facility. 5217.600 towards engineering and turn aroueand do is all over we have
story they aret the major contributors sy ell to the carne
sormwater that goes into the system." At the sewage treatment facility a new contingencies and $65,300 o interim financ- Councillor Dinsmore was by .
Mr, hures aded the (B. el . Ross and aerated cell would have to be provided east of ing. The tnueirapatity's share of that cost asked
Assy a would
iv have ttoo Today have is een app l the same 5428,000.00Burns ( that most ore w ss assuredst locate Mr
rdfosmoke tesfauthe theyyty town going
bell deepened
sic! number six ld would been approximately expansions
towns are dry tresthat Mow
t find b smo alln the Furthere were goiny ha a to be provided and aeo reg: a f a Y e to and improvements will cost close to $1.6 Continued industries, Pane re
to ev s by ca era int be three by have lobe lesto regulate die erg
television camera should still be done to sEreainftow le the Bayfield River; and the million dollars. 72.5 percent of that cost to be
Kootstra Iand i site awaits
more ministry approval
BYHEATH ERelel I,'NRAITH things because we know where the ground
The Kootstra site, the potential new water is running and we ten predict what's
Landfill site for Seaforth-Tuckrei tnith was happening with
some m assuredneesse say3. and
saki -
pronounced tedinically viable last week afterver."
an bAsite inspection by engineers and confirms,flows
toward with the ri landfills, and
officiate of the Ministry of the Eirvironntent "We've y we're veh a leased with this site.
'evolved in the landfill search. But it is a long geologically
way from beteg officially declared the site. It's reasonably remote, and where there is
'From a technical aspect it looks quite visual intrusion we tan adequately screen,"
good," said Tony Crutcher of Conestoga said
nMthe Crotchet
tche . however, 1Wir Crotchet,
Rovers and Associates. added the site well nnf be a partitllarly easy
"But there are be Ad non sed. W e' aped; one operate be more
that tsiv have o be anti Wse looking e'ge done
thanoantiicpated " may it LYes nsore
extensive testing anti ft's a work be done to dantrol end
engin erfng
goad ' . will
Mr.plCrutcher old a crowd of about 20 Seaforth-Tnekeernith disposehit�An atten tion zone app ca be be
llect on
people Mter nfiitg and Mr. Cruteher sal ' discharge
and other ihferested parties, three level's of necessar�v
investigation had beer'tondueted at the site, to the neer is so slow it would never be
all of which proved it was "quite good for mer able. haveWell o look at thg etonoinic
Tan dfeasibility.
.. hes a
o -p "We've dt�died test ho andand conducted our a But the
36 years eso any cost WM life,
tie points ulo pperiod of tined, not all et
�'ietvpoint tie geology m the northwest cooter borne over a long
of the elle Macke it condeeiVe to iandfiliing," Mee."Minitry of the FSlvironment offiaais made
he sand. g
Based on tites�ofin'� s B.hi. lions and litlletotnmentonthe�t�een me'2e'tsmvoul�i
Assodatesh, ee p pe the back 15 acus of design and proposal g
the iso as foo Oast site,
which raai ray itself
before any be reviewed
dtommena nti mold bee Mad
locttedim . tel p Phil Byes, however,o of the Owen Sound
oe the right harm side of (fie hi s re wit Road, f"f the Exivrron'mefit,
exile tans tdI appro that ly 00ite years,
It life a cresee ted somee oncern over the &On g
e t envh'oltiri s�t]y� 3 yeah " rotes, rf lando. ers la the
x, eCeuy envtt nlneltraliy aAurlri site, I Miall Of tlreglandfi'U t the Kootstra site.
s$ d list salty su
"ft's tde�liq sui%d .���'�� it`s 1y.tilt# 'ktleil' k�Alleerita, tA►ti(� `per f stndn �� a a A3
thee it gives Ue 4 coillfo .. t* haftdll All
EGKINdi Moos olyi 'tone, G`rutefleamid GrnglP fro kY of
Conestoga Rovers And Assoclatey, far' right,Xp _ , iy
design for the hew Seaforth=' oolcafsmlth landfill alfa to are
Crocker, Seaforth Town Clerk, Bob Broadfoot, Tuckersrnith council
and Dan Broevri, Hydreologist of the Ministry of the Wraith photo