HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-03-23, Page 8THE WINGIIAM TIDES MARCII 23, 1905
13eave1rI3Iock, Wingham. - ESTABLISHED 1902 Beaver Bleck, Will gluon
Alex. Ritchie
" Tin Siolii? OF SA"['I4F.)t'TION."
New Spring Spring Coat
Dress Ooods.°,
Grand showing of Exclusive
Dress Patterns. Fresh from London,
England and Paris, France. No two
alike. Our own importation. In
all the new shades of Brown, Tan,
Green and Gray,
Farcy Mobairs
Are all the rage. We have them in
all the new designs and colors. Pure
English Mohairs, imported direct
from Bradford, England, 38c up to
Silk and Wool Crepe de Cord
In a beautiful line of colorings, at
very special prices, 10c per yd.
Black Novelty Dress
• Patterns, Fancy Eoli-
ernes, Dot Crepe
And all other fancy wears, all prices.
I See Window Display.
Here are the premier assortments.
The correct style, The low prices.
In Fawns, Browns, Blacks and Navy
New Prints
We are agents for Crams Prints
at 121;;c.
New Underwear, knitted
and muslin.
Also long sleeve Corset
Covers at 25c.
New Carpets, Rugs, Oil-
y cloths, Lace Curtains, Ma-
dras Curtains. At special
New Belts, New Collars,
• New Ties, New Gloves,
New' Hosiery. Buy now
while the stocks are new
and fresh.
1 —There is considerable sickness in
WinghLim at prebeut. Many people are
confined to their homes wan severe
—Water and slush this week.
--Listowel will hold a monster cele-
bration on May 24th.
—Mr. Alex, Youug, hardware mer-
chant, has a new advt. in this issue.
Read it,
—Turuberry Township Council will
meet in the Clerk's office at Bluevale oil
Monday next.
—Mr. Thomas Sproule, of Brit : , sold
his fine team of heavy dram; colts for
the snug sum of $500.
Boys' Knee Punts; all zea; also Ken's
Rain Coats Lind C v utittes, dust ar-
rived at A. R. anti : a.
--Jil.r. John Menzies, jr.,of East Wawa -
nosh shipped a car load of horses to
Manitoba on Wtduesuay.
�- N 6L,dth,i.t,Iw,M rt. ll.11.I ,I!II ,1 IId II II��I II.L#Ilo.a�.l ��Ide.Itl,. Ir;;:±1.111,
at the Wingham Salt Works,
We are prepared to pay the highest
cash price for 5,000 cords of wood (cord -
word or short, hard or soft) to be deliv-
ered at our works it Wingham.
Gray, Young 86 Spading Co.
W atclimaker, Jeweller
3'or many years the leading Jeweller of
Wingham and surrounding country,
has opened business in the Stone
Block, opp. Queen's hotel.
A complete, up-to-date stock always on
hand, consisting of
of every kind.
—CAMERAS and Photo-
graphic Supplies.
A free "dark room" for amateurs
is in building progress.
fir Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry
repairing a specialty.
All work done on short notice and
fully guaranteed.
Call in and see our stock and prices.
♦ • C ., rvt. v ,,r(.:.:rP_ �. c. "_`,+. ¢ .ry-<a .,• ••
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We have so many
that it will probably bother
you to make a decision. Ent
that's the way people like to
It isn't like
be bothered.e
the bother of going to several
different stores and then
finding nothingi
Onr stock s big and com-
plete, Come and share in
the wonderful valves of our
MARCH SALE, which is
now booming.
All ilaper Trimmed )Free
1)R. ROBT. C. REDMOND, M. R. C. S. (Eng)
L. R. C. P. (Lond.)
Office, 'with Dr. Chisholm.
106: acre;, adjoining Wingham ; seventy-five
acres under cultivation. Good house ; new
barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional
bargain. Address
The undersigned offers for sale the registered
Durham Bull, " St. Elmo." aged 10 months, In
good condition, well bred, and a sure getter.
Apply to ARCH. McNEIL,
Lot 93, Con. 12, East Wawanosh.
The undersigned has for sale three young
thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls. One14 months
old and two 11 months. Bred from prize
winning stock aMd all are red in color. Apply
on premises, Lot 30, Concession 13, East Wawa -
nosh, or address
Whitechurch P.O.
The undersigned offers for sale his property
on Arthur street in Wingham Town Plot west
of flouring mill. One property' contains about
1134 acres and upon the premises are a good
brick house and frame barn and a small
orchard and'spring creek at rear of property.
The other property contains 63,i; acres with
frame house and barn and small orchard.
Apply to the undersigned at the frame house
on the property.
Wingham P. 0.
Machine Shop
Having purchased the above business,
I am now prepared to attend to the
wants of the public in all kinds of
Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, etc.
Successor to W. G. Paton.
Now is the time to buy your Sap
Pails. I have a lotf
o first lass home-
made ones on hand at v y reasonable
'.;> I am talo . g .rders for the best
brands of Bin i e • Twine at a much
lower price tha expect you will buy
it later on.
A full line of Iron Gas Pipe and
Fittings always on hand.
PAINT. ---I am sole agent for the
Sherwin-Williams Paint—The best on
T keep a first-class Tinsmith and
Plumber on hand the year around, and
AM prepared to do Tinsmith work in
good shape at reasonable prices.
Best brands of Cement.
Alex. Young
Hardware Mereharit.
—Miss Boyd and Miss Macpherson
will hold their annual spring nullinery
openings on Tuesday next. head their
aullODUCemellte in another column.
—Mrs. W. E. Aley has a new millin-
ery advt. in this Issue. Ladies should
read the advt. pad call at Mrs. Aley's
shop and see ner large stock ut the latest
is millinery.
— All members of the Tennis Club are
requested to attend an importaut meet-
itg in the council chamber on Tuesday
evening, March 28th at eight o'clock for
the election of officers and other busi-
—"Every able-bodied man who is
willing to go to work on the farm can be
placed by us within fifteen minutes,"
was the statement made by Mr. Thomas
Southworth, Provincial Director of Col-
onization, when seen by a newspaper
reporter one day last week.
—The mild weather and rain of last
Saturday took away a great deal of the
snow and has left the roads in an almost
impassible condition. The cold wave of
Sunday evening and Monday has al-
lowed a great deal of water to move
away, and should save us from a heavy
Atetghs, colds, hoarseness, and other throw*
ailments are quickly relieved by Cresoleno
tablets. ten cents nor box. An Druggists
—The C.P.R, issued a crop bulletin
Monday which indicates that through-
out Alberta the work of seeding has al-
ready begun. Seeding bas progressed
further in the south than in the north.
In some sections plowing began on Feb,
20, and 10 per cent of the seeding and 40
to 50 per cent of the plowing is done.
—IA our advertising columns this week
we give a synopsis of the 35th annual
report of the Mutual Life Assurance Co.
of Canada. This is one of the best life
insurance companies in Canada and our
readers will do well to read of its good
financial standing. Mr. Abner Cosens
is the district agent for the company,
—A great advertising company says:
"Never hesitate as to what medium to
use when country trade is wanted.
There is but one which will accomplish
the purpose --the local weekly newspaper.
That is read thoroughly by everyone in
the town and district. It has more in-
fluence with its own people than all the
dailies combined.
— John T. Westcott, county constable
of Exeter, charged with obtaining
money by threats from a McGillivray
Township man, named John Wilson,
and of attempting to obtain money by
the came means from Mrs. Dart, wife of
Mr. Dart, a butcher, residing near
London Junction, was on Saturday
sentenced to nine months in Central
—Newspaper men are not gifted with
either omnipresence or omniscience and
must not be expected to get all the news.
Persons may visit in town for a day or
so and he may not learn of the fact. It
also sometimes happens that the absence
of some citizen is not noted in the paper.
Then they get the impression that they
are being slighted by the paper, but it is
a mistake. The paper has no ill -feeling
against anybody. Do not be afraid to
give ns items of interest.
Sore Throat and Coughs
A simple, effective and safe remedy fur all throat
irritations is found in
Cresolene l e An
r o n
e fisc tic Tablets
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with
the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice.
loc. All Druggists 400
Ethel Bell, the former Hamilton girl
who drank carbolic acid at Detroit, is
Cordelia Marlatt, a young woman of
24, was arrested at London on a charge
of bigamy.
Between 1300 and 1400 people left To-
ronto on the third Homeseekers' exour-
bion of the season for the Northwest On
Hon. S. N. Parent, Premier of Quebec,
tendered his resignation to the Lieuten-
ant -'Governor, and Hon. Isomer Gonin
was sworn in as Prime Minister.
Mrs. Renwick was given a verdict for
$3.000 damages against the Galt, Preston
& ITespeler Railway at Berlin for the
accidental death of her daughter,
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column front. any Of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop is and ten 11.3, or send us a note tc that
M. Fred A. Lewis piano tuner is at
the Queens Hotel.
Mr. C. P. Smith of the Bank of Ham-
ilton, Teeswater, was in town on Tees -
Mr. Walter Sbott, jr., of Toronto was
calling on Wingham friends for a few
days last week.
Miss Evetle and neico, of Manchester
have been spending a few days with
Mrs. M. Robertson.
Mrs, 0, L Laing, of Berlin has been
spending a few days visiting with her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Macdonald.
Mrs, R. A. Hutchison has been spend-
ing a few days with her father, who is
seriously ill at his home near Fordwicb.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Turnbull and child-
ren of Strathcona, N.W.T., have been
visiting`their uncle, Mr, Chas. Elliott, of
Mr. Robt. Mainprize, of Brussels, a
former well-known resident of this town
left on Tuesday on a prospecting trip
through Manitoba,
Mr. "Hippo" Galloway left for his
home in. Doraville on Saturday after
spending the winter playing in the
Wingham Hockey Team.
Mr, Win. Armour, jr., was visiting
with his uncle, Mr. Elam Livingstone at
Elyth on Saturday and Sunday last.
Mr. Livingstone is seriously ill at present.
Mr. Sami. Haines, who has been
spending some weeks with his parents in
Wingham, and relatives in Wawanosh,
returned to Clearwater, Man., on Wed-
nesday of last week.
Many People Weaken Their System by
the Use of Purgative medicines.
Ask any doctor and he will tell you
tbat the use of purgative medicines
weakens the system, and cannot possibly
cure disease. Thousands of people take
purgative medicine in the spring, and
make a most serious mistake in doing so. -
People who feel tired and depressed, who
find the appetite variable, who have oc-
casional headaches and backaches, or _
whose blood shows impurities through
pimples and eruptions, need a spring
medicine, But they should not dose
themselves with harsh griping purgatives
that gallop,through the bowels, tearing
the tissues and weakening the system.
.A. tonic medicine is what is needed in
the spring and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
is the best tonic that science has yet dis-
covered. They are quietly absorbed in-
to the system filling the veine with pure,
rich, red blood that carries health and
strength to every part of the body. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills cure skin eruptions,
indigestion, headaches, nervousness,
rheumatism and all blood troubles.
They improve the appetite, and make de-
pressed, easily tired men and women
cheerful, active and strong. Mr. James
McDougall, Little Shippegan, N. B.,
says: "I have used Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills as a tonic and blood purifier and
have found them superior to all other
If you need a medicine this spring-
and who would not be the better of a
tonic after the long dreary in -door
months—give Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
a trial. They will send rich, red blood
coursing through your veins and give
you the bnoyancy of perfect health. See
that the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People," is printed on the
Wrapper around each box. All dealers
in medicine sell these pills or you can
get them by mail at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Mr. Wm. Gray is ill at present.
Rev. W. J. West was at Toronto this
Miss Nellie Burgess spent a few days
last week in Wingham.
Miss McAllister of Hillsgreen is en-
gaged with Mrs. Bailey for the season.
Mr. Charles Conites is home from Lis-
towel and is suffering from a very bad
Mr. Wm. Sanderson is back from Tor-
onto to spend the summer here.
"Doc" Messer of Hamilton was a
visitor at his olsl home here this week.
Rev. Wesley Leech of Toronto is visit-
ing his brother, Joseph Leech at present.
Mrs, Code of Trowbridge is visiting
her uncle, Mr. Joseph Leech.
. Owing to the condition of the roads,
the church services in Bluevale were
very poorly attended on Sunday.
Mr, Joseph Leech entertained a num-
ber of his friends on Friday,
Mr, Schoales has returned from Bar -
vie, where she has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Bainton.
Mrs. Small of Wingham visited her
daughter, Mrs. Baby, last week.
Mr. George Aitcheson, en., is feeling
poorly', we are sorry to say.
'Quite a number of the young people
of Bl nevale were entertained at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, A. Patterson on Tues-
day night before their departure for
:New York State has passed a law pro•
viding that the United States flag must
not be used for advertising purposes.
Congregational ministers in New Eng.
land protest against the acceptance of a
mission gift tr' din dohn D. Rockefeller.
Among tie New Dress Goods
The enthusiasm among the New Dress Materials at THIS STORE'.
has been simply wonderful.
Last spring we captivated our customers with our immense showing and it is with cork
siderable pride we announce that our present showing surpasses last year by far.
MOHAIRThe aric for 1905
MOHAIR is a fabric distinct in itself, as individual as silk or velvet. It is possessed
of qualities known or possible to no other fabric. It is light, strong, brilliant as silk, durable.
and above all
Mohair being a medium weight fabric are suited to both hot and cold weather wear. Their -
crispness defies dust and damp and as for wear they are almost indestructible. Our Dress.
Goods Season is in full swing; all the new materials are cutting freely and the exclusive novel-
ties in costume lengths are going out exactly to our liking; something particularly striking are -
the new Silk Mohairs. We specially invite you to come in and see our showing even if you do
not contemplate buying, "We're always ready to show Nice Goods."
Ladies' Wear.
We are showing very pretty new
lines of Fancy Collars in Lace and in
Silk, also belts and belt Buckles splendid
values in Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Lace
Goods and Ribbons. for our patrons.
Mens' Furnishings.
This store is always up.to-date with
mens' wear—New Shirts, Collars, Neck-
wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps,
Handkerchiefs and Umbrellas. Price in
this department are always money savers
Staple Lines.
Great values await you at The Bee
Hive in"English Oxfords" and "Cana-
dian Shirtings" these goods are guara97
teed fast colors, Special values also an
Oottonades, Denims, Sheeting, Cottons,
Table Linens and Towellings.
A Good Fire Proof Safe for Sale at a Low Price.
We Want Butter and Eggs, Highest Prices Paid.
Phone 96. WINGI-IAM..
utual Life Assurance Company
Premiums $1,373,364.69
Interest and rents... .......... 351,944.21
Debentures and Bonds.
Loans and Policies....
Loans on Stocks
Liens on Policies
Real Estate
Cash in Banks
Cash at Head Office....
Due and Deferred Premi
Interest due and accrued
Death alms $ 220,304,50
Ma . 'ed Endowments 160,053,00
rohased Policies. 52,894.54
88,079 90
Expenses, Tates, etc - 300,807 00
Balance 899,886.56
$1,725,308.90 LIABILITIES. $1,725,308.90
$3,760,617.53 Reserve. 4, 3 1-2 and 3 per cent $7,355,172.24
2,897,496.42 Reserve on Iapsed Policies liable to re -
888,492,41 vivo or sntrender 1,967.10
7,000.00 Death Claims unadjusted 28,066.00
31,161.25 Present valve of Death Claims payable
68,285.53 in instalments 31,122.82
136,728.03 Premiums paid in advance 15,023.96
4,317.18 Amount due for medical fees 5,847.50
s (net) 266,713.94 Credit Ledger Balances 11,257.96
159,718.16 Net surplus over all liabilities on Com-
pany's Valuation Standard 772,012.87
0,220,530.45 $8,220,530.45
bilities on Government Standard of Valuation ..,... ,,,,$ 1,049,400.71
Net surplus over all li
Audited and found correct.
INSURANCE ACCOUIi .—The volume of new business exceeds that of any former year, being 3,452
Policies for $5,048,168, all o which, except $30,030, was written within the Dominion. The total assurance
now in foroe is $40,476,970.58 un. er 27,742 policies, the net addition for the year being $2,889,419. While many
of our native Companies are see ng business abroad, some of them in distant parts of the world, it is thought
by your Directors that good Canatan business is perferable to foreign business, which is _secured with less
certainty as to its quality, and at • cessive cost.
INCOME.—The total ineom: was $1,725,308.90, being $1,373,364.69 for premiums, and $351,944.21 for
interest. The gain over 1903 was $ i 4,238.87.
DISBURSEMENTS.—The pa ment to Policyholders amounted to $524,615.34 and consisted of Death
Claims, $22,304.50; Endowments, $161,053; Purchased Policies, $52,394.54; Snrplus, $83,183,40, and Annuities,
$8,679,00. The claims by death were . ceptionally light, being $51,404 less than last year, and only 41 per cent.
of the amount expected.
THE EXPENSES AND TAXES Fere 8300,807, being 17.4 per cent. of the total income, or about 1 per
cent. less than in 1903.
SURPLUS..—After making provisil . for all liabilities the surplus on our own standard is 8772,072,87,
being an increase of $170,920.20 over 1903, nd this after distributing amongst Policyholders $83,183.40. On
the Government standard of reserves, nam. y, 41.2 per cent. for business to January lst, 1900, and 3 1.2 per
Cent. thereafter, our Surplus is $1,049,400.71 The earnings for the year were $254,130,60.
Remedy For Sheep Worms'.
Sheep raisers of experience assert that
if a small quantity of sulphur and cop-
peras is added to the salt the combina,
tion ill a preventive remedy
make a 0
against stomach worms in sheep or
lambs. While we are not aware that
any one advises this as a means of elim-
inating the worm from the digestive
tract after it has once become establish.
ed, there is a strong sentiment favoring
its use for general health.
It seems to have become a matter of
experience that . there is no curative
agent of a practical nature for worms
other than the plowing up of the pas-
ture and providing uncontaminated graz-
ing. It it a well-established fact that
when lambs have been pastured upon
worm -infested pastures they are very
likely to become affected with the stom-
achw orm.
Plowing the pasture and thus turning
the surface entirely under for a period
of cropping seems to be the only means
or ridding the land of the worm. Where
fields have become infested this is un-
doubtedly the cheapest way, unless the
pasture is not plow land. Where the
pasture is needed a very good substitute
may be secured, and in most cases bet-
ter than the original, when some forage
Crop like rape is sown over a portion if
not all oil the infected area.
CAnsxn.—In Wingham, on March 9th, the -
wife of Mr. Sohn Carter; a daughter.
Pococge—In Wingham, On March 2)9119
Richard Pocock, ocl agedyears.
34 ea
ivirsos.—In Howick, on March 11th, Rim.
D. Wilson, aged 34 years and 11 months.
Scorn. -da London township, an March 10th,
Mr. James Scott, father of Mr. T. W. Scott, of
Blyth, a
q , g ed
82 years.
McCEn AonAs-•In Kinloss, on March 20th,
Susanna Mitchell, wife of Mr, Geo. WC! na.
ghan, aged 01 years and 7 months.
Wiivrrar n —At Whitechurch, on March 1 th
Edwin Winfield, aged 60 years, 8 months and
0 days.
DtsraxAatf.—In Winggh��am, on March 18th,
Agnew Smith, wife of Mr. Anson Dunnage.
3vv4.33aa999a',►9)4 933, aa99�3�313~4a94aas ►aa♦aaa�
aa♦i aaaaaa..a.'a ;s
t 1 fere Mt 'x. *XIV CrCnR,M a
co.os ,
Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prise Butter -
Tile Largest and Beat Creameries and Dairies in the World [Melt.
41.5(06 23/11Z111014110111ratini .*.211, ger it.rLIr.Irietait. 8