HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-09-24, Page 6,,SPORTS A6 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 - M POWER SKATING For boys and girls aged 6 to 17 yrs. who have had at least passed the Beginner figure skating program, or have had one year of hockey, or one year of girls ringette. Limited number of registra- tions will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. 9 x "Ai hr. lessons Dates available on registration nights. REGISTRATION 30.00 FEE Register at information -Registration Nights, W e&Sept. 24 & Thurs. Sept. 25, from 7-9 at the Seaforth & District Community Centres. SEAFORTH FIGURE SKATING FOR BOYS AND GIRLS OF ALL AGES. Beginning Oct. 27, 1986 to Mar. 23, 1987 (20 weeks) from 4:30-8:30 p.m. Monday nights. REGISTRATION FEES: Prebeginner& Beginner- $45.00 Can Skate Program (Jr. ) - $65.00 Can Figure Skate Program (Int. & Sr.)- $75.00 REGISTER: during Information -Regi- stration Nights, Wed. Sept. 24 & Thurs. Sept. 25, from7-9 p.m. at the Seaforth and District Community Centres,' . USED FIGURE SKATE SALE: to be held the same night as registration. Please leave your skates at the recreation office prior to the first night. Attention CORN GROWERS PLAN TO ATTEND PICKS I D CORN PLOT MEETING -SEE EXCITING NEW HIGH YIELD HYBRIDS -HEAR LATEST INFO ON CORN GROWING When TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Time 1:00'p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Place FARM OF DOUG WALLIS 2 Miles North of Bayfield on Highway 21 COFFEE & DONUTS COME BRING A CARLOAD HOST - HANK BINNENDYK - 527-0416 Your Local P1CKKiEIEI0 Agent Cadman Irrigation Equipment EVERYONE WELCOME Friday, September 26 continuous from 10 a.m. at the farm of Tom Williamson 13/, miles east of Walton on Con. 18 Grey Twp. Monkton Road] BOOK NOW FOR FALL PUMPING Division of Cadman Power Equipment Walton 887-6080 or 1-800-265-9683 RECREATIONPROGRAMS CROCHETING - Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. for ten weeks held at the residence of Bessie Broome, Main St. S., starting October 7. Registration fee will be $25.00. FURNITURE REFINISHING - Monday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. for ten weeks held at the High School starting October 6. Registration fee is $25.00 and the instructor is Harvey Beuerman, MiXED ADULT VOLLEYBALL - Wednesday evenings from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. for twenty weeks held at the High School starting October 15, 1986. Registration fee Is $30.00 and the Instructor is Terri Dale. OLD TiME DANCE --Thursday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for ten weeks held at the Arena starting October 9. Registration fee is $20.00 per person and the instructor is Lou Morreilo. TYPING - Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the High School for ten weeks starting October 9. Registration fee is $25.00 and the instructor is Diane Stevenson. " For all programs please REGISTER ON INFORMATION/REGI- STRATION NiGHTS* Wed. September 24 and Thursday, Sept. 25, 1986, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Arena or call the Recreation Office at 527.0882. • PROGRAMS TO WATCH FOR: Badminton, Calligraphy, Puppet Wni'Iiahc1n_ and Ceramics. FALL AND WINTER Our Elevators are ready to RECEIVE your 1986 WHITE BEAN CROP PEDAL POWER - Karen Vanden Henget tried her hardest to get tractor pull. The event, always popular with the children, direrawn ppas ato rt her tractor and its load moving Friday when she competed In the of the Seaforth Fall Fair. McIlw Openings remain in fall programs 1986 FALL PROGRAMS are as follows: ADVANCED CROCHETING will be offered RECREATION PREVIEW at the residence of Bessie Broome (Main Street, South) on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. by Marty Bedard for 10 weeks, beginning.This October 7. allow tion fee will be 525. This course will allow all crocheters to go one step further and learn more patterns and ideas, individuals' contribution to the community in participants, donors and volunteers in this FURNITUREREFINISHING0 Mondays from will be held at. a volunteer capacity. Anyone may nominate year's run. A special thanks goes out to Ken the High School on Mondays from? 30 p.m. an individual for any category by submitting a Cardno who raised 5247. Well done, Ken. to 9:30 p.m. for 10 weeks beginning October written nomination stating some background This year's SENIORS POTLUCK BAN- G. be U ration fee is 525. and the instructor and reasons for their choice to the committee, QUET is tp be held on Monday, September 29 willl be Harveyan. The course allows NO LA'1.EKTHAN MONDAY, OCTOBER20, at 6 p.m. in the Community Centres. All work c the student to work on their own piece of 1986. seniors who p�icipatedinthe Seniors�Games furniture, with the, instructor's help and TO ALLNON I'ROF1T ORGANiZATIONS. Seaforth: are. hereby ,invited to attend. guidance. Please bring your own plates and cutlery. 1 If you would like to polish your fundraising or ope to en you all there. ML7�ADULT VOLLEYBALL vrillbeheld leadership and organizational skills,thenthe THEetVAN EGMOND is a; the High School on Wednesday from to 10 Lake Huron Zone Recreationists Association hosting it's 12TH ANNUAL FOUNDATIONST, p.m. for 26 weeks tlo before and 10 after has the workshop for you. "The Important The date s I2 cultural and historical event Christmas) beginning October 15. Re istre. Business of Running Your Non -Profit Organ- is Sunday. for this cultural 1986 from neon to 5 tion fee is San and the instructor is Tem Data• teens n." The workshop is aimed at volun- P m at the September Eber28 House in 0000 to - This is a fun, recreational night out you can tecta working as executive members in utile. enjoy non-profit groups and participants range Pioneer demonstrations, uscarecrow con- enjoy. on- OLD TiME DANCE will be held at the from sports organizations and oris groups, to testi apple products. tions making ando sales, on Thursday evenings from 7:30 p.m. service dubs and fraternities• as well as local talent and entertainment will to 9:30 p m for 10 weeks beginning October The Volunteer Workshop will be hold at be there. Definitely something too exciting to 9 Registration fee will be 520.00 per person Walkerton District Secondary School on miss and your instructors will b0 M ' and Mrs. Lou Saturdayy, September 27, 1986. Cost per THE ANNUAL JOINT 1NFORhlATiON dtorrello person is 525 and lunch o atione o n this REGISTRATION NiGHTS will be held on pace. For further Information on the Wednesday, 24 and Thursday. TYPING will beheld at the High School on conference, or rreeggistration forms contact The September 25 at the September 24 hand District Thursday from 7 ;0 9 p.m. for 10 �uree�ka Seat rr'th RecreationaDepaNrntm l a or phone Community Centres from 7 to 9 p.m. both ""� nights. Bring the entire family to request information on Boy Scouts, Figure Skating, Power Skating, Minor Hockey, Hockey School Curling Club. Giris Ringette, Minor Broombail, and all Recreation Dep Programs, if any other community group or organiza- tion would like a table for these special nights please call me at 527-0882. Senior Shuffleboard continues every Wed- nesday ed•nesday afternoon from 1:30 - 4 p.m. Last beginning October 9. Reg S25 andyourproinstructor is thane Stevenson. 527-0882. • Otherr programs to watch for will be THE SEAFORTH BROOMBAILLEAGUE badminton, calligraphy. puppet workshop would like to announce that its regular and ceramics You can register for ail meeting will be held Monday, September 22 Recreation Department programs on Inform- at 6 p.m. at the' Seaforth and District ation-Registration Nights Wednesday, Sep- Community Centres. Each team, men and (ember 24 and Thursday, September 25 from ladies, must have a representative attend this 7 to 9 p.m. both nights at the Arena. meeting. The league would also like to CTTIZENSRIP AWARDS. The Seaforth announce the tournament will be held on Recreation Committee will be presorting Febnlary 6, 7 and 8. three annual recognition awards to citizens SEAFORTH TERRY FOX RUN RESULTS week's winners were: ladies: Ina Scorns 24 i , who serve the community in the following aro:18 participants and $685.50 raised for the Bike Van Bakel 196, Ethel Hoist 198. cafegories: a) service to sports, b) civic Canadian Gencor Society, The Seaforth Men: Gordon Murray 280, Chas. Perkins service. c) humanitarian service. These Recreation Committee would like to thank all 247, Everett Felker 208. awards will be chosen based on the Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell Dot Jim 527-1737 527-0828 527-0775 KEN R C ,IMIPBELL ELEVATORS v ams .Ont. ChiaDd SO; M. Roap+ton Epalpm.nl SPECIALISTS •DEMONSTRATIONS • INSTALLATIONS • SALES ANTENNA SALES 432.7120 octan McAah McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd • 13 Main St. Seeforth 527-1140 .• Service • Selection • Savings • Satisfaction • Leasing • Complete BODY SHOP Service Save Your Good Car SEE US FOR GOOD ECONOMICAL CARS FOR WINTER DRIVING FALL FAIR WINNERS SHEILA MULLIN, Seaforth A Jacket ANNE KELLY, Dublin Anti -f=reeze BRIAN ALCOCK, Seaforth A Jacket WE HAVE 1977 FORD THUNDERBIRD 1977 ROYAL DODGE MONACO SEVERAL MORE TO CHOOSE PROM PRICED FROM $1.000 to $1500. Jff�j 0%�.,d�ffd ! fuij[ ::.:. :•.: . - ,... sic_