HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-09-24, Page 4A4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 THE BEST OF RATES 103/4, Viand 4 Yew Annual GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS OTHER' TERMS AND RATES AVAILABLE SUBJECT TO VEIBIFICATION CALL US TODAY! Deposit Agents for over 45 Bank & Trust Companies lawM119 ti1v Your one-stop, besSate specreosrs apr GIC 's. RRSP's, Mortgages & Annuities SEAFORTH 96 Main Street, S. 527-0420 Sorting Ontario since 1975 with 12locarion s,(br vuur convenience' II r 11 II UTO PARTS RAD SHOP MP CM SEAFORT,4„� AUTOM I, 58 Main SC S. 527-0880 FALL FAIR DRAW PRIZE WINNERS. Sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary to the Seaforth Community Hospital FIRST PRIZE Basket of Groceries LAURA CHESNEY RR 5, Seaforth SECOND PRIZE Wall Hanging EMMA FRIEND Dublin MEA wants commission control Candu Reactors are much rater and a similar BY ANNENAREJKO and is an 80 foot cube with walls three feet in this country is "very On March 4, the Association of Municipal thick," he said. "The Russians do not have Incident hapcuing Electric Utilities and the Ontario Municipal heavy concrete walls." improbable." ONTARIO HYDRO Electric Association amalgamated to form the Another key factor is the material used in Arvo NittenN TA Executive Vice -President Municipal Electric Association (MEA). the moderator. The Candu reactor uses heavy of Operations a Ontario Hydro, e The MEA is made up of nine districts with water and the Russian reactor uses graphite. of Opat era company has doing over the District Six encompassing 26 Public Utilities "Our moderator is better. The graphite past year and how bus been HydrooiandoMEA Commissions (PUC) from Guelph to Goderich caught fire but heavy water doesn't burn 'very an taperate. and Listowel to St. Marys. well,"said Mr. Holt. "Co*operate. our industry is one that runs On September 17, 148 representatives ' Other safety features include internal on new and sharedindiy is one that t old from District Six made their way to the controls as well as audits by various saying, ideasea more hinechange, the more inton Legion to attend their first annual organizations. things remain the same' is true. Our tools meeting. The station group and head office group but job remains the same - w "It was one of the better meetings and well are tested and the Atomic Energy Control changee our the thetjob re in a good source e f attended. I'm glad to see people are taking an Board, the Ministry of Consumer and provide interest," said Clinton's PUC Manager, Guss Commercial Relations and the International hydro," he said. Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) make - Ontario Hydro had a survey conducted earlier on the future use of hydro, the Boussey. The meeting covered many topics which unannounced visits to the plants, both during included a survey conducted to determine the the day and night, to make sure the proper average person's feelings on hydro and an tests are being conducted. explanation of the Chernobyl accident. ' "So, the question is, 'Do the Russians have During the business portion off the all of this."' said Mr. Holt, who later meeting, the members passed a resolution answered the question with a no. which would no longer have the municipal SIX MAJORPROBLEIb1S councils settingthe remuneration for com- In August„ the IAEA held a meeting in missioners, bt the PUC would be in charge Vienna with `Russian representatives, and of setting the rate themselves. according to *r. Holt, the meeting was very "Some Utilities are at logger heads with open. their councils," said Mr. Boussey. "Guelph 'Everybody there was amazed at how has never received a higher remuneration." frank they (the Russians) were," he said. This resolution will be presented at a Those present learned that the Chernobyl provincial level before it can go any further. incident occurred during a test when six CHERNOBYLINCANADA major and six minor problems took place. The question of whether a Chernobyl "They were shutting down the reactor for incident could happen in Canada is ' one an outage and were conducting a test. While frequently asked, said Alan Holt, station doing this, they blocked a number of safety manager at the Bruce Nuclear Plant since systems and they didn't follow their pro- 198€ti in his opinion, the answer is no. cedures," said Mr. Holt. "It appears they C'as1 the same incident happen in disregarded everything to get the test done." Canada? We believe the answer is no. Could One of the major problems appeared to be a similar incident happen in Canada? W e feel the construction of the moderator. Compared it is very improbable," he said. to the Candu moderator, which uses water, To explain why he and his co-workers feel their moderator catches on fire very easily. this way, Mr. halt compared the Russian Also, Mr. Holt pointed out that the reactor reactors to Canada's Candu reactor. was not incased in the heavy cement. attract industry to the province. In Mr. Holt's opinion, the design of a Another problem was the blocked safety As for the financial situation of Ontario Candu reactor is the key to safety. systems and the reactor was on manual Hydro, Mr. Nittenberg said, "Money will be "W e put the reactor in a container building control where as the Candu reactor has three very tight over the next few years." which is hooked to a vacuum building. The separate controls for their safety system. In conclusion, he said,, "Both our custo- container building is made out of concrete For these reasons, Mr. Holt feels Canada's mers and our own expectations can be met." .._......,.. -:.,�. ;,» »'�'.r- , .,^.x cit s{,t,".:n d T00 0 .•...s:.J.. DRIVE PROTECTED! nvaliii OIL CHANGE FILTER and LUBE Most Vehicles 1. Supply and Install a new oil filter.' 2. Install up to 5 litres of 10W30 motor oil. 3. Lubricate the chassis completely. 4. Check transmission fluid. 5. Check power steering fluid. 6. Check all V -belts. 7. Test rad coolant. 8. Visual check of rad and hoses. 9. Check wiper blades. 10. Check air and breather filters. 11. Check all lights. 12. Lubricate door and trunk hinges. 13. Visual check all 5 tires tor air and safety. 14. Visually check front suspension. 15. Visual check of exhaust system. 16. Check shock absorbers. 17 Check oil level. a1795 SEAFORTH i� GULF Gulf; SERVICE 527-0333 HWY 8 SEAFORTH TAKE PART IN AUTOPRO's BRAKE OF A LIFETIME CONTEST 1,213 PRI' TO BE WPI: 3 Plymouth Expos Or 5 Panasonic SCRs. model VCRT80 5 Panasonic microwave ovens, model MW5-13P 500 pairs of dick brake pads• T00 rear window brake ligbta• Rave your brakes aspected try your AUTOPRO dea'.er and gat a partrOabon coupon Scratcd and you cGU'A m51aM o win a fe alai? Cr Or be VII da. 20%OFF on purtbase Of brake linings or one 01 the above 000051 'Inowdlnm sod da own iP45r oese, O<1 3, eine Ccrresr•4C ••a'.7n's c.• 0 5 01.,rrm:arc�' rocxn+ Hvny to the following 81.110PR0 dealer. Oa wp;t4r, - ,eredea CI u.-ne airy re m, ecu' AWN WAGNEtI' SEAFORTH GULF SERVICE 23 Goderich St. East 527-0333 UMW A DRAKESRS APRO stl°cl(s INF All NATIONAL GUARANTEE Ow. 050 ee,Y•, supply -demand option and the role of Ontario Hydro. The survey consisted of an hour-long interview with people in northern and southern Ontario, both rural and urban dwellers and both residential and industrial customers. in all 1,600 people were inter- viewed. It revealed that people feel very secure about hydro in Ontario," said Mr. Nitten- berg. "Almost everybody felt their needs would grow." Mr. Nittenberg also said the survey included a question on conservation of hydro and it revealed that people agree waste should be avoided, however, they rejected the suggestion that limits be placed on their use of hydro. The survey also indicated what the public's priorities were. Number one on the list was reliability. This came above reasonable rates, which was second, and responsible use of the environment, which was third. "The survey also showed they t'eel electricity is superior to gas, except for the price," he said, adding, "Seventy per cent also felt special rates should be offered to 1 SPECIAL GROUP DEPARTURES WITH BAUER TRAVEL CRUISE SPECIAL LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE FunShip Cruise aboard TSS Festivaie 1 week duration • January 25, 1987 sailing visit San Juan, St Thomas, 5t. Maarten, Barbados & Martinique INSIDF CABINS 1469- OUTSIDE CABINS 1545'14, Not in<luded port and departure taxes, insurance, gratuities and items 01 personal nature, optional shore excursions. s NEW DESTINATION - E; 5 177 iffs iy • ., t Y ; ilk: ii s i i else t '` BAUER TRAVEL SERVICE. -4 1 MAIN STREET SEAFORTH 527-1237 Contact Harold, Gaby or Linda for more 4tr information on these special departures at . 527-1237. OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT LOS CABOS - On Baia Peninsula ONLY 10 SEATS REMAINING February 21, 1987 - March 7, 1987 -Accommodation at El Presidente Hotel • -For further information concerning this low cost vacation, contact Bauer Travel. PUERTO LA CRUZ VENEZUELA Only 8 Seats Left - Doral Beach Hotel - Feb. 1-15, 1987 School SALUTATION eION TO THE In te —all Studair ents of St.Columbary Separate in general. The parade was the unofficial end more observed which saluted the fairs opening of Seaforth'8141st Annual Fall Fair. Mcilwraith photo Severe windstorm upturns wagon SFP'TEMBER24, 1886 She severest wind storm experienced here for many years occurred on Thursday evening. The gust of wind sprang up very suddenly and the rain came down in torrents. One of Mr. Hannah's creamery wagons was they will assist in missionary work. coming into town from the north and when J.H. O'Neil has secured a position on the opposite Mr. Lapslie's, the wind caught it staff of the Daily Tunes, of Moose Jaw,Sask., and carried wagon, horse and driver off the and had intended on leaving for that city last road and turned them upside down into the Tuesday. In the meantime, a severe attack of ditch. The whole damage will amount to $30. bronchitis set in and the trip had to be Mr. G. le Ball, dentist, successor to Mr. D. postponed for a time at least. Watson, has come to town and begun the At Seaforth recreation grounds on Satur- practice of his profession. day, the Cubs defeated the backyards by a Mr. Sidney Jacobs has sold his brick score of 29-12 in a baseball grime. residence for $2,500 to a stranger. Property SEPTEMBE'R25,1936 sells readily in Seaforth. The annual track meet of the Seaforth A number of ripe strawberries were picked Collegiate Institute was held Tuesday after - in Mr. Wm. Logan's garden last week. neon. Thomas Sills won the Senior boys' Strawberries in mid-September are a luxury diampionslhi ; Dave Stewart the interme- in this climate. diate, white the Ballantyne Shield, emblema- SF ;EMBER22,1911 tic ofthe junior championshipwent toStewart Mr. Jam' Reid was in London last week Wigg. The girls champions were: senior, taking part in the international quoits Mary Holmes: intetrnediate; Merle Keating tournament. Mr. Reid made a particularly and Junior, Barbara Best. good showing, being only defeated in the There were 8,168 automotive vehicles finals of the second series in the heavyweight registered in Huron County In 1935, accord- class.Ing to figures recently issued. Of this total, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Mackay spent a'few passenger vehicles account for 7,498, 'the days last week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. balance, or 670, being commercial. Huron and Mrs. George McIntosh. They intend stood in 19th place out of 52 counties in leaving shortly for Fbnnosa, Japan, where regards to number of registrations. IN THE YEARS ALONE ACTA . Bowlers taking part in the Tip Top tourney here on Wednesday were pleasantly sur- prised to see W. Hunsberry, of Jordan Station, arrive with a car full of choice peaches, which he distributed among the bowlers. SEPTEMBelt 29, 1961 William Strong, Seaforth, won the newly - awarded Toronto -Dominion Bank sweep- stake trophy for showmanship at Seaforth Fall Fair Friday, after taking the Senator Golding trophy for county showmanship championship in beef. He also won the McMaster Trophy for best 4-11 calf at Seaforth and was reserve in the county event with his shorthorn steer. Seaforth's newest recreational facility was opened officially Friday evening. Mayor Daly cut the ribbon at the newly -opened Seaforth Bowling Lanes. Mr, Douglas Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stewart, has returned from an extended trip to the British isles and the Continent and spent the weekend with his parents here. SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET Corner of MAIN ST. and JOHN ST. Across from Bob & Betty's 527-1821 MILD, HALF OR WHOLE GOUDA CHEESE 3.49 SCHNEIDERS STORE SLICED BOLOGNA - POLISH SAUSAGE 1.99 1.49 LB. MARY MILES MAC 'N CHEESE LOAF 1.99 TRY OUR HOMEMADE, PLAIN 01 GARLIC SAUSAGE WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR ' FRESH KILLED' TURKEYS FOR THANKSGIVING T.N.T. 1 Aerobic Workout CO-ED CLASSES START OCTOBER 6 Mondays and Thursdays 8:30-10p•m. SEAFORTH PUBLICSCHOOL Tuesdays 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL 10 Classes — $30.00 20 Classes — $50.00 SPECIAL _FAMILY RATES non. BARBARA ALKEMADE 527-01165 To itegieter • 1'