HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-03-23, Page 50 tr wommisommastimassunisai THE BLUE FRONT STORE NEWS. 1 The R. N. Crowder Co, I`Ien's 8ring Sy es We have the largest and hand- ' somest clothing store and stock in Wingham, or indeed this whole section. Yon'll find it worth your while to look through our lines, and we ask nothing more than the chance to - show you the goods, we are satis- . fied you will be pleasantly sur- prised at the character, variety, superiority and economy of the cloths we. sell; everyone knows we ' are leaders in our line and that we show' half a dozen styles when other stores show one. Men's and Youths' Suits. SPRING SUITS -There striking soap and dash is all in the design and the tailoring. Every new advanced idea employ- ed in these truly swell suits, double and single breasted models in plain blacks, blues, as well as rich fancy stripes and checkered tweeds. We have the most pleasing variety of fabrics and colors, Prices - - - - - $7.50 to $14.00. Men's Cravenette Coats. In grays and stripes, sizes 33 to 46 chest. Prices - - $10.00 $12.50 $15.00. Overcoat Special $6.50 17 only Winter Overcoats, sizes 31 to 44 chest, regular prices $8.50 to $14.00. Special price this week - - - - $6.50. Nep Hats. New Ties. New Shirts. Zia Empty Packing Boxes for sales. . Trunks and Valises, Boots and Shoes. R. H. CRO Blue Front Store. •rDIIQ pi 1 'Ie!II 1! 1IP III imirmp! ! I ppl l' 4PF'!1 1 'PI DER Co.i Wingham. r. ,•.meamminum,ii i ..Carpets.. Now is the time, when our enormous variety, best quality, and lower-than-anywhereelse prices, loom up in their importance. Our business is to furnish you with Carpets OF TIIE BEST QUALITY and at the lowest prices consistent therewith, and we'll prove the title of being pre-eminently " The House for Carpets, Furniture, etc." Inspect our stock of Brussels at, per yard.. $1.00 Tapestrys at, per yard .50 to .90 Splendid assorted stock of Unions and Wools. Our 35e Carpet can't be beaten ; the very newest patterns. LINOLEUMS-4 yards wide, good patterns. OILCLOTH -All widths, assorted patterns. New stook of PICTURE MOULDING just arrived. handsome lines, and not expensive. Some very L. A. BALL & CO. The People's Furniture Store. UNDERTAKING Brick residence 5th house west from Hamilton's Corner Drug PHONE Store, where night calls will 61 receive prompt attention. CARPETS LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS .1 TIIE WIIGIIAM TLIIES 31ARCII 23, l91).; NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF rJNTEREST- TO ,ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate - Other Items Clipped From Our exchanges. GLENFARROW. Mr. Thomas Higgins, after a main - none residence of forty.foar years, has moved to his new farm, purchased from Mr. Hugh Ross, Mr Rush has moved to his new farm, purchased from Mr. Thomas Higgins. Mr. John Wylie is nursing a sprained ankle this week. Harry Morrison has returned from To- routo, where he was attending the fun- eral of his brother. Mr, Will Mines has purchased the farm of James Robinson, and gets posession on the first of April. John McBurney has purchased a thoroughbred bull. Mr. James Robinson purposes holding an auction sale on March 28th. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .• • • • •.• • We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, • • which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • A • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • COAL COAL COAL. .:• .4 • .• • • Mr' Highest Price paid for all kinds of Lugs. "* zri1: ya LUMBER SHINGLES LATH ful stook of (Dressed or Undressed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. .. ,. _ �McLeant J .,, Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No, 04, Mill, No. 44. S • <!•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• A woman loves to give information, specially if it isn't. Women mostly think about their children and men about themselves. There is -no use borrowing trouble 1vhen people will give it to you•outright. A man will always be better off for believing that he could be worse off than Leis. • There is hardly anything so foolish as imagining that people are crazy to be re- formed, BLYT11 The next monthly fair will be held in Blyth on Tuesday, Marek 28th. Miss Lizzie Walker, of Chicago, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs Jabez Walker. Mr. N Cnming was in Toronto at- tending the grend lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Miss Ethel Barr is spending a few weeks visiting with her sister at Cold- water. Missionary sermons were preached in the Blyth Methodist church on Sunday last by Rev. Dr. Cook, of Clinton. Mr. James Scott died at the fancily home in London township recently, par- alysis being the cause of death. De- ceased was father of Mr. T. W. Scott, manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Blyth, and was 82 years of age. Ho was oue of the early settlers of London township and was held in great esteem and respect. Blood Polson Often Results From paring corns with razors. Wise people use Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor, the standard euro of America and Great Britain, for all sorts of corns, warts and bunions. Use only Putnam's. G;LENANNAN. A charmingliome wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Richard Wallace, on the 10th con. of Turnberry, on Wed- nesday, the 15th inst., when Miss Mar- garet M. Rae, was united in marriage to Mr. Thomas W. Weir, a prosperous young farmer of the 10th con of Turn - berry. The marriage ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. W. J. West, M. A., of. Blnevale. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. Richard Wallace, and looked charming in a dress of creme crepe de chene. After the ceremony, which was performed under an arch of evergreens and roses, the guests, who numbered over sixty, were entertained to a sumptuous su,lper. After doing just- ice to the good things which were spread before them, games, etc., were indulged in till early next morning. The happy couple will take up their residence on the Bent Farm. x Everyone With Sore Throat Should know how quickly Nerviline cures. "I can recommend Nervilne very highly for sore throat," writes Mr. R. McKenzie of St. George. "I once had a very sore throat and my chest was full of cold and soreness. Every cough hurt me. I cured myself quickly by rubbing my chest and throat vigorously with Nerviline and using it also as a gargle. I believe Nerviline to be the best general remedy for 'emergent sickness that one can get. We have used it for twenty year in our house." Price 25c. EAST WAWANOSH Mr, and Mrs. Walter McGowan of East Wawanosh, celebrated their golden wedding recently, surrounded by many of their deoendants and friends. Mrs. McGowan was the fourth daughter of William Cummins of Trafalgar, Halton County. The couple were married in 1855 by the late Rev John Gillespie of the United Pre-'lyterian Church, Esqucsing, who di%•i in Toronto three years ago. Of eight r;hildren, two sons and three danghteis survive. Among those present at the celebration was Mr. 1A_lex. Bowman of Toronto, who was best man at the wedding. After an excellent dinner had been served, Dr. McLean of Blyth, their pastor for 39 years, conducted a short service, in the course of his remarks referring to the assistance he had always received in his church work from Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Gowan. GREY. After a ploaeent sojourn with relatives and friends in Grey for a couple of months James Hislop started on the re- turn journey in Arcola, N. W. T., on Tuesday of last week. Wm. Cooper, 10th con.. has lost a valuable horse. He was watering his horses when the animals started kicking with the above result. Mr. Cooper was offered $190 for it last Fair day and re- fused to take the.ofl'er. Tuesday of last week, Janies Hislop, who has been visiting here for the past three mouths returued to his home near Arcola, Assa, Miss Isabel, his sister, ac;ompanied him to Toronto. Archibald Hislop, M. P. P., left for Toronto last week to atteud to his Parlia- meutary duties. The House opened on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Hislop will sit to the left of the Speaker this session. It is said that Andrew Hislop, jr. 14th con., who has developed into quite a drainage contractor, has purchased a steel dredge which will be utilized in pushing the work on the Lemont drain in Morris and Grey. Work will likely Commence as soon as the snow gete away. Catarrh. is Certainly Carob 'e. In fact is one of the most curable dis- eases if fragrant healing Catarrhozone is used. No matter how long you have suffered with cattarrh you can be per fectly cured by inhaling the antiseptic vapor 6f Catarrhozone, which strikes at the foundation of the trouble and estab- lishes such a healthy condition that catarrhal germs cannot exist. "1 suf- fered from Catarrh of the nose and throat for years," writes S. H. Downie of Plattsville. "My nostrils were always stuffed up and I had a most disagreeable hacking cough. Catarrhozone cured me completely." Catarrhozone never fails. Two months treatment $1.00; trial size 25c. 1LOLtR1S. Samuel Walker, 0th line, left on a trip to the West Tuesday morning of last week, We hope ho may have an enjoy- able time. James Sharpe will move from his farm 5th line, on which he has resided for many years, to Brussels, having pur- chased the residence of A. Sample,corner of Queen and Princess street, Brussels. Jas. Sharpe, jr , has bought the farm. Gideon Hood has returned tc his home in Saginaw, Mich. While here he assist- ed in the singing and S. S. work in the Sunshine Methodist church whore in former days'he was a valued teacher, S. S. Superiutendent and choir leader. The council met according to adjourn- ment on March 15th; members all pres- ent; the Reeve in the chair; .minutes of last meeting read' and confirmed. Shave -Taylor -That the Reeve be instructed to have the Bodmin bridge inspected by Mr. Zino'. 'Ansley, County Engineer in order to ascertain whether it will be necessary to -rebuild the same during the present year. -Carried. Mr. Wm. Clegg and others appeared in reference to the deviation road at lots 9 and 10 N. half, con. 2, and stated that owing to the winding course and the narrowness of the road the same was completely impassible during the greater part of the winter season and they re- quested that a grant be made towards the erection of a wire fence on one side of said road. Taylor -Shaw -That a grant of 25 cents per yard be made towards the erection of a wire fence on south-west side of said road, the owners of adjourn- ing lands to maintain the same. -Car- ried. Shaw -Taylor= -That the following grants be made on _the Boundary lines providing the adjoining municipalities expend ell xivalent sums namely: -West Boundary, :200, East Boundary, :,150, North and South Boundaries, $50 each. Reeve Code and Councillors Taylor and Kelly reported having met Eugineer I Roberts respecting the proposed railway crossing East of Blyth, and that the 4 Man's 1i'ost Critical Age Very often the vital resources are , small atforty-two, but if not then be- tweentween fifty-seven and sixty-two years of age there is a strange slowing down and loss of vitality. It is important that this transient peridd of decay should be checked; strength mast be imparted to the tired brain, the weakened nerves must be fortified, Tho wise man will lase Ferrozone whose potency is particn larly applicable to these critical periods. Ferrozone quickens the whole being, cul,• parts vigor and power, pushes back the onset of senility in a very manifest way. It's because Ferrozene gives strength, vitality and vigor that it is useful to old I mon, Try it. Price No. is.'nbh'sX.ed x879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis ; Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Creootdno I:, a boort to Aathmatico (10 k p gni a h l:; ertal.:•.hcd ami etamlunt rem, fir Ito an , r n hobrutrd, It ".ren beet,:ee ILO a r r t. diva At rooy,ly;nitleeptie lcerrol over tl:o a earl, r• t ter, 9 of the hr t etr.at tot -, ,vi L every breath, g . t g pad,-tgeant 1 rt t.uytlouuwnt. Thoei, ,fa. - s..u.p lire teed ., v, or rant.."earn from rhrol& bran h t:e. find bnmrdinte rrlief front cw,Cte of inflamed com it:ors of the threat. i'apn rrt.olene 1s sold 1 r rirr.g,;;.ts or arnt gra- 1t 0515° i�ld oa rr 014 of pr1 e. lir Q - A Vste,Xreol.•no ant. ilC fit In.4udir.g a bottle of 0�t l'retolet a sue. Send for free blast uteri booklet. 7.1.%n1U Nlln% (•n., Ltd:, dgebts 185 Bt. Sateen Bt., tlobtreal, Canada, 903 TILiu; above picture of the man and fish is the trade - Emulsion, mark of Scott's and is the synonym fo strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun- tries of the globe. If the cod fish became extinct it would be a world-wide calam- ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's Emul- sion found a way of preparing codliver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. Send for free simple. SCOTT &: BOWNE, CHEMISTS TORONTO, ONT. Me. and $1.00. All druggists. Engineer stated that a level crossing was the only kind practicable at said pines but thatthe Company iu building the road is ouEcut down the hill to a proper level, widen the cut sufficiently to give a good view of the roadway so as to make it practically a safe crossing. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows: --Municipal World, blank forms, :t5 75; W. J. Henderson, gravel, $2.26; J. Manning, damages, $2; J. Rogers, Engineer's fees, $18; A. McL'tughlin work on East Boundary and broken plow, $11.15; Jas. Russel, work on Bod- min and Sunshine bridges, $27.20; P. Jackson, lumber, $51.30; County .judge expenses re Armstrong appeal, $30.40; Wm. Thuell,• work on Etst Boundary, $5. Pathmasters were appointed as fol- lows; -North Boundary -Win. Hender- son, W. J. Henderson, P. Fowler, J. McCracken, Geo. McDonald, Wm. Rob- ertson, N. Thornton, J. Curtis and P. Moffatt. lst line -D. Campbell, A. Campbell, A. MoEwen, J. Spence, R. R. Mathers,°Geo, Johnston and R•. Mil- ler, 2nd line -Wm. Findlater, J. Casemore, Wm. Elston, L. Jewitt, I. Ferraud, S. Paul, W Forrest, C. For- rest, L. Echmier. 3rd line -A. Brydges. J. Hopper, 5I. Proctor, W. II. Knox, J. Thyne, W. J. Soach, H. Bone, W. -Far- row and R. Mitchell. 411i line -C. Proctor, E. Bryans, R. Proctor, J. Nicnclson, C. Wheeler, J. B. Kearney, Jno. Shurrie, Juo. Barr, A. Crooks. 5th line-Juo. Bell, A, Ca, S. Jo, A. Clark, A. Taylor, E.loNicholkey, D. Sordanm- , merville, W. J. Smith, J. Davis, D. Jordau and A. Adams. 6th liue-J. Grasby, J. Kelly, J. H. Hall, P. Cantel - on, J. P. Kelly, J. Smith, D. McCatch- eon, R. Nichol and Wm. Thuell. 7th like -J. McInnes, J. Phelan, Jao. Craig, Wm. Cnnuingham, W. J. Kelly, A. Howlett, S. McCall, D. McDonald and '2. Smith. 8th line -H. Fear, H. Rieh- 1 mond, J. Scott, J. Brown, F. Bielby, Jno. Colclough, Geo. Jackson, G. Mc- Callam, J. Bell, Wm. A. McCall and R. Lawson. 9th line-J.13nell, J. Parrot, J. Richmond, T. Coulter, J. Shortreed, D. Laidlaw. T. McCall, J. Farquhar- son and T. Mare hall. South Boundary -Geo, Grigg. West Boundary -Jas. Golley, T. Proctor, Win. C. Grasby and J. Curring. East Boundary -A. Bryans A. McLaughlin, Jas. Spier, Wm. Maunders, Welton, T. Waghorn. Bel- grave, Wm. Wray. Jas. Davis, pound - keeper in place of J. Sharp. Jas. Sharp, jr., Fenceviewer. The council 'then adjourned to meet again ou the 29th May for Court of Revision and other bustuoss.. W. CLARK, Clerk. C Nerd's I THE LEADING STORE I Isard's Sarins Has Come SO HAS ISAUD'S New Spring Skirts, Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Whitewear, Eta. We have just passed into stock a large assortment of the latest styles in Ladies' Ready - to -Wear Top Skirts, Shirt Waists, - Wrappers, Corset Covers. Gowns, Underskirts, etc., at special cut prices. STYLISH SKIRTS. SHIRT WAITS. A largo stock of new top skirts well 'made, pretty styles, nicely trimmed, prices range thus $2.00 $2 50, $3 00, $3 50, $1.00 and $$'5.00 Sao our Leader at $3.60, WEEITEWEAR. Special value iu entities of white - wear, corset covers from 255c to 75c, skirts from 75e to M3.50. Gowns from 75c to 82 00. We are showing a great 'variety ' of the best styles in shirt waists bought direct from the manufacturer. ' Prices begin at 50c, special line of • cream or black Lustre waists at $1.25 Fine Black Silk at $3 00, Wrappers. ; Strong well made print wrappers full width, with deep frill. fast colors, choice patterns prices are $1.00, $1.25, X1,50. L. ISARD & Co. I Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Bight goods at right prices. rftlsl.eetldW,4►i'.6•.L'ta.u�,-'.Aitiu,iaitaraWsl �:dbLLi rJlJaInW1JJ 114 hi Ji 611.1 a Labia 1P�,1 !IJ.I I it11.ud, :aaJ..p, ;..wear aAt.. tarattxns:na.A.u:r3 >•;.Elitaari3lkif'i seat.: r oa + (&oat lei -1 A GREAT SALE I WATCHES, MS and JEWELLERY In order to make room in my cases for new goods corning in, I will sell EXACTLY AT COST FOR SPOT CASH FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH ONLY Now this is a great chance for every- one to buy genuine goods cheaper than they were ever bought before. I have a very large stock of Ladies' and Gents' Watches to choose from. W. O. PATTERSON The Watch Doctor, - Wingham. 1 1 Lt,AdAA,►Ae,eaAA,eAAALAAAAAA&A ♦YYYVYVYYYYYVYYYVYVYYYV V'V ► :ROYAL GROCERY 1 ► .41 41• • 4 .• 4 • 10. ► ► ► k' size, ten inches high. GI...<issware We have just opened up a package of Glassware, direct from the mauufncturers at Teri Tit nm, Penns] yvania. consisting of Salad Dishes, Berry Bowls, Celery Trays, Catsup Plates, Olive Dishes, etc 13c. Each c rnation Vaces 4 A beautiful assortment of Carnation V uses, choice patterns, large 23e Each. Mixed Pickles IP Just received, one barrel of Choice Mixed English Pickles. put up . �► in bottle with glass stopper, the bottle itself is au ornament on any table. ► 2 Bottles for lac :Tea I Tea! leWe beg to remind you once more about Teas. We think our Tea 11 is certainly the best that can be produced for the money. Knocks the package tea clean out. 25c to 50e per lb. 11 iala �7 ..A.1. , I :". I N' • AAAAAAAAshAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. i • 41 • 4 4 4 .4 41 4 • C NAAMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MNANMNAAAAAANAAAAANAAANn Now is the time to buy Eternal vigilance is the price of not getting found out. It's queer how long it takes n man's over the that his lap to get 1 e id a e was made to sit in. Just before the mosquito season wo- men begirt to make open-work clothes so they can bite through. A girl with pretty anklesjwonld rather wear laced boots so they can keep coming untied for some man to tie again. 1 1 PUR-NITURJ3 Call and see our $5.00 Couch and our $20.00 Parlor Suite } covering-. It will pay you to et our in the beat velourf, g Done prices on all kinds of Furniture. We will use you right, 1�Nice line of PictureKoulding to choose from. "lift ]'or Spring. Our prices are away down on some lines, such as Chairs, Couches, Rockers, Bedroom Spites, Sideboards. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. W1NGHAM, 1'NMMMAAAMMMAMMMAM