HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-03-23, Page 4B. r • • te a Ptl ft 4 . ' . TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must .be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes; must be left not later than Monday eyeuing. Cassell advertisements acted up to ution WetinesdaY of eatsb, week. ItaTsaBLISEED 1S72 THE WINOIIAM TIMES E1. Fa ELL?. taTT, PETILISTIER AND FhOrRIETOR t THURSDAY, MAR V. 1003. cut -noes. Neil McKay, 4th eon. has rented his farm to Alex. Me.Donald for live years. Mr, McKay it moving to Kinloss and will work. the farm owned by Mrs. Dun- can Rose, John Harkness and family have moved into the house oa Brownlee St., Tees - water for which he recently traded his farm on the 4th von. to Mr. Shnnrr, Shnurr has moved to the farm. David McMurray who came* to this locality some 15 years ago, from Dum- frieee Shire, Scotland died early Monday morning, March 1"th, at the home of Mr. John Hill, east of Teeswater, on the 6th con. where he has beea making his home for some time. Mr. Mellfurre.y had been declining., fur several months and his death was not unlooked for. Ho suffered from cancer and heart trouble. The cancer was located under the jaw, and originated from a sore caused by a kick from a horse which he received when working at T. Hutton's. He was 68 years of age and leaves be- hind one da ighter, Mrs. Blaiu who for some time laved east on the 4th con. of Culross. A by-law was passed appointing J. J. Stephens as Soliciter. Kuntz -Baptist -That Wm. Sproals be engaged to work the road grader and for makiug concrete tile or the use ot the Township, and that a by -lay be passed confirming the appointment. - Carried. Kunta-Baptist -That the Pathmast- ers be requested to have the roads made fit for travel whenever blocked with, snow ia the winter season, and to have the pitcbholes filled in when necessary. -Carried. Kuntz -Baptist -That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, April 11th, or at the call of the Reeve. - carried. Ciras. Burrox, Clerk. IA MODERN MEDICINE. Uouncil met in Town Hall, Teeswater, Mar. 14th, as per motion of ads;ournment of last meeting. Minutes of February meeting were Teed and sustained. Communications were read and filed. The following accounts were passed and ordered to be paid: - Chas. Batton, registration fees, $18; Alex. Meyer, error in account, 25c; Robt. Colvin and others, breaking gravel road, $9; Thos. Melvin, breaking gravel road, $4; Jas. Hogg, fixing-pitehholes. $1.78. Pathmasters, Ponndkeepers and Fenceviewers were appointed as fol- lows ;- Pathmasters•Division 1 Peter OM tley, 2 Anthony McGlynn, 3 Jno. Campbell, 4 Win. Case, 5 Wm. Foxton, 6 ,Tuo. King, 7 Robt. Balragh, Thos. Savage, 9 Jas. Jackson, 10 Frank Weeks, il Robt. Marshall, 12 Jesse N. Pickell, 13 Adam Simpson, 14 Andrew Scott, 15 Thos. B. Aitkens, la Tao. Eoyd, 17 Robt. Keith, 18 Jas. Harkness, 19 Alex. Simpson, 20 Wm. Earton, 21 Jas. McKee. 22 Jno. Hill, 23 Wm, Kirkland, 24 Jas. Reid, 25 Jas. Whytook, 26 Ed. Hughes, 27Arthur Simpson, 28 Robt. McCullough 2J Tnos. Arkell, 30 Alex. McKague, :31 Jas. Me• Donald, 32 Geo. Steel, 33 Jno. Wall, 34 .7no. Steiner, 3i Jos. A. Barbo, 30 Win. Henderson, 87 And. Sharp, OS Alfred Caslick, 39 Jno. Backing. 40 Fred Kroetch, 41 Albert Heins, 42 Louis Kuntz, 43 Jos. Sillick, 44 Jas. Howe, 43 Peter Grant, 46 Jas. McGlynn, 47 Fred Haldenby, 48 Philip Montag, 49 Jno. Hall, 50 Eng. Schlosser, 51 Jno. Sittler, 52 Alex Bannerman, 50 Sinus Ruth, 54 Coll Laraont, 35 Ed. Wall, 56 Wm. Edwards, 37 Jos. Weishar, 58 Jas. Trantment, 59 And. Meyer, 60 Frank Keifer, 61 Mich Weis, 62 Felix Barber, 63 Eng. Hanel. Poundkeepers-Robt. Ballagh. Jno. Mc- Rae, Robt Whiteman, Noah Stream, Tos. Backell. Arthur Simpson, Wesley McEvers, Peter &ate, Jos. A. Barbo, Jno. Seeking, Mich Groff, W. J. Smith, Jas. Thompson, Gso. McEvers, Wm. J. Wale. Fenceviewers-Donald McLean, And. McKague, Peter O'Maley, Neil Mc- Kinnon, Jno. Aitkens, Wm. Barton, Jno. Hill, Wm. McDonald, -Ambrose Diedrich, Geo. Steel, Robt. Donaldson, ;los. Barbo, Trio. S. Armstrong, Thos. Thompson, Jno. F. Weachter, Dongald Campbell, Jno. Sittler. By-laws were passed appointing Path- mastere. Poandkeepers and Fenceview- ers. Which Reaelies and Cures AD the Little Ailments of Infants and Children. Baby's Own Tablets is a modern medi , eine which replaces barbarous castor oil land poisonous "soothiug" stuffs. The [ Tablets are a Sweet. harmless little loz- enge, which children take readily, and 1 which, may be crushed to a powder or [ administered in a spoonful of water if necessary. This medicine cures all stomach and bowel troubles, breaks up colds, prevents croup, allays the pain of [teething and gives healthful sleep. And I you have a solemn guarantee that it con- tains not one particle of opiate or poison. cue soothiug stuff. Mrs. J. D. Cilly, Heatherton, Que., says: • "I have used 1 Baby's Own Tablets for stomach and [ bowel troubles and have always found [ them a most s ttisfactory medieine, and one that keeps niy children bright and healthy." You can get the Tablets from any medicine dealer or by mall at 123 cents a box by writing the Dr. Wil. ! lianas' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont Mr. James Laidlaw, ex-M.P.P. for South Wellington, died Sunday. Samuel Wilson, a cabman of Brock- ville, committed suicide by taking Paris green, I Fred Salisbury of Waterford was found dead in the M.O.R. yard at St. Thomas. 1 1 Toronto, March 21 -Owing to a very light run dulness dominated the live stock trade at the city yards this morn- ing, and, except in the early hours, the 1 market lacked last week's snap and ener- gy. Buyers, however. showed no lack of interest and the outlet was as broad as ever, the demand in the cattle divi- sion for both slaughter and feeding pur- poses showing no diminution. Owing to the limited offerings cattle prices advan- ced 50 to 10c per cwt. A firmer tone also possessed the lamb market, prices advancing 20e per cwt. while hogs made another jump of 25c per cwt. Receipts were 42 loads, comprising 770 cattle, 210 sheep and lambs, 320 hogs and 58 calves. Cattle -Trade was unsatisfactory from the local buyers' standpoint, owing to the light run, which was attributed to the poor condition of the country roads, which are breaking up, preventing farm- ers from shipping their live stock out to the market. This did not prevent a fair attendance of outside buyers, who were looking for feeders. They purchased a fair number of light cattle, coming in competition with local buyers for the !slaughter trade. This compelled the lat- ter to pay higher prices for their cattle, the enhancement in values reaching the ' figures mentioned above. Choice cattle were in demand, but the percentage of Iprime steers was very small. Exporters I were another active market, and prices [ for the best offerings were probably a . shade higher than last week, but trade I on the whole was slow, owing to the poor run. The following are the quotations: [ Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. I heavyt $4 50 $5 00 • fil,11 275 3 25 3 90 3 00 ' do., light 2 75 3 00 Feeders - light, 800 pounds and up- wards 3 25 3 75 I Stockers .... 2 00 2 60 900 lbs 2 00 2 25 Butchers' - Choice 3 90 4 30 ' Medium 3 25 3 75 I Picked 4 50 4 60 Balls • •. 2 25 3 00 2 25 3 25 200 2 50 35 00 5300 Live Stock Markets. Rough ,111 1 • Light stock bulls Milk cows Hogs - S ; Best er If your blood is thin and ins - •pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilla the medicine that brings good • health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. Adoctor's medicine. ewe leereithett doubt, to Ayee0 •Sormporlits. tae most Vene.erfe: mein. rirre113 tit! ft tervousness., enre Is perinalictit. and I t annet thank 'real enough.. kleWitht,asetrent. N. J. PIP a teen& fAe.471,1a., limiej=itimie for Door Health saintly* doses of /kiss's Pills each AIM groatty tho aishtspsitillik • Lights Sheep - Export Bucks Culls Spring Lambe Calves, each ... • 05 5 05 000 3 75 410 3 50 3 75 200 300 475 540 200 10 00 W/NGHilid MARKET REPORTS Wingham, March, 22th, 1905 Flour per 100 lbs.-. ...... 2 50 to 3 00 • Fall Wheat 1 00 to 1 05 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 87 to 0 38 Barley 0 45 to 0 48 Peas 1.4 • it 0 55 to 0 60 [ Buckwheat 0 55 to 0 55 [ Turkeys, drawn ...... .. 0 10 to 0 1234 . Geese, " 009 to005 . Ducks, per lb .. 0 08 to 0 08 Chickens, per pair "...0 40 to 0 75 ' I flutter .... ........ 0 20 to 0 20 Eggs per don 0 15 to 0 15 *Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 06 •Hay, per ton....., .. 6 00 tO 7 00 i Potatoes, per 'bushel ..... 0 35 to 0 40 Tallow per lb • : (1.; tt2i g 11,53 Dried Appleti per lb 0 08 to 0 03 Wool 0 00 to 0 00 '1 LiVe Bogs, Per Cwt6 00 tO 6 25 • OP Olio ova.- __ TRE WINGTIAM TIMES, MARCH 23, i905, .................................................. • IAM Nn FOR • " A.-11" PERFECT : • • • DYES. : .. • , .. • • • EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. * • • • ASK FOR THE "DIAMOND." * •• • AR Druggists and Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS. • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HOME DYEING. matainatati Special One - way Excursions From WINGHAM to Billings, Mont ... $35.95 Coloradn Springs, Denver, Hel- ena, Butte. Mont , Oaden, • Salt Lake City, Utah.. $40.95 Nelson, Rossland, B. 0. .. Spokane, Wash. ...... $11.45 Portland, Ore,, Seattle, Wash,, Vancouver, Victoria, B.C. $43.95 San Francisco, Cal..... .. $44.50 Proportionately low rates to other points. Tickets on sale from March 1st to May 15th, 1905. Ask your Agents for full information, or address J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. For tickets call on L. HAROLD, Agent,Wingham. CANADIAN PAciiric TOURIST Have 4.444.4.+4+444.4,÷444+4.4.444.4.4.+4. 4. 4... Springis coming .1. 4. 4. 4. .i. 4 NOW IS THE TIME TO + e. + .s. + 4 Buy a House+ t .r. 4. * + 4. ÷ + A number of very + 4. pleasantly - situated + 4. + homes for sale on + .1,.. 4. reasonable terms. + +.0 ABNER COSENS + ,.. ., ÷ SLEEPING CAR SERVICE Without change for Northwest and Coast points, leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.m., on ' Monday for Winnipeg Tuesday Vancouver Weduesdny Winnipeg Friday Winnipeg Saturday Vancouver And from North Bay, connecting with train leaving Toronto at 1.45 pm., on Sunday for Vancouver Thursday II Vancouver Fully equipped with bedding, cooking range, etc. Porter in charge. For use of first and second class passengers. Moderate berth rates. Tiine Tables and full information from any Canadian Pacific Agent or write C. B. FOSTER, Asst. Genl. Passr. Agent, Toronto. A Famous School ' CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Business men have learned that our graduates are prepared for posi. tions of trust. No school in Canada can do more for its students than this one. Our graduates always secure positions. Write for our free cata- logue -it is a handsome one. Spring Term opens April 3rd Von Seen any of our Spring Suitiugs yet ? Looking's worth while. We're showing things any day now that are interestiug suit needers-things worth looking into by those who will be needers soon. Our cheapest snit looks as if it test more money than it did -because no matter how little you pay us yon get perfect fits -and reliable work. If yon are in need of something, we would like to shdw you what we can do. R. MAXWELL. HIGH ART TAILOR. WALKER BROS, & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM, Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property ou Scott St. or third house west of school ou John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block AUCTION SAL OF VALUABLE FARM IPRUPERTY. •- PU URSANT to ti powers vested In the mi- l. dersigned as lininistrater of the estate of Drigald McGrog deceased, there will be offered for sale by pt lie auction by Alex.Kelly, auctioneer, at the ceeen's Hotel in the Town of W ngham, m ti 3 County of Huron, on TUESDAY, TOE Sth DAY OF MARCO, instant, at 2 o'clock afternoon, the following valuable property, .rninely : The west half of Lot Twenty-`fhree i the 12th Conces-ion of the Townsbip of Tu nberry, containing fifty acres of land, more ar less. This property is situate about four wiles from the Town of Wingham, and is at esent all under grass. TERMS or SALE.- 11 per cent. of the pur- chase money on tho city or sale and the balance within 20 days there, -"-T ter. The property will be offered subject t.! a reserve bid. Further terms and conditions- will the day of sale or nia be had on application to the undersigned. Dated this 13th day f March, A.D. 1905. ALEX. laGREGOR, R. VANSTONE, Vendor Vendor's Solicitor. SPRINC 1905 Millirkery Openi g The ladies o Wingham and vicinity are cordially invited to visit our Millinery Rooms on Tuesday. March 28th when we hope to have the pleasure of showing you the new styles for Spring and Summer wear. The newest creations in the mil- liners' art are here for your inspection. Your early orders will receive careful attention. Miss Boyd. Spring Millinery 1905 NORTH END We will be pleased to ladies of Wingham a our store on • ELLIOTT & MoLACHLAN BUTCHER SHOP. PRIM OIPA.LS • C J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Col.- veyancing done OFFICE -In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. tgg3tgg Piffgfggfgt PHOTOS! e tzu We guarantee our work, in SLYLE, FINISH AND PERMANENCY. The latest styles of Mounts always on hand. Armstrong & Co's Studio WINGHAM IZU1110 Having purohased the butcher business from Mr. John Taylor, and removed to the shop lately occapied,by him, I will be pleased to meet all my old customers and those of Mr. Taylor, and any others who may favor me with their patronage. I beg to assure the public that .1 will always have on hand a selection ot the CHOICEST MEATS OF ALL KINDS and will faithfully endeavor to meet the requirements of the people. We guarantee satisfaction in quality, and price, and your wants shall have our best attention. Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins. THOS. FELLS. Chisholm Block, Wingham. CALVING COWS There is no More important Period in a tow's • life than at calving time. Many thousands are lost every year at this time, because the animal's system is not in such condition as to stand the strain. The feeding of Clydesdale Stock Food a sufficient time before and after calving will tone up the System so that no trouble need be feared. Read what Mr. J. A. Lever, ilealierton, 'Ont., says :-" I have found it an ex- cellent preparation for feeding cows before calving and neverhad cows do better after." It cannot be repeated too often, "don't let the tall loose its calf flesh." It cannot loose it 'without stunting its growth. The raising of "Baby Beef " or early fattened beef, the highest priced beef ou the market, is easily done if the calves are kept growing. If this can be done, you can easily realize from one to two cents a lb. more than otherwise. There is nothing better with skimmed milk for calves than Clydesdale, Stock Food. Mr. Gregory McIntyre, Secretary, Perm- ers Institute, Renfrew, Ont„ says .•.-" I have beenausing yout food on my eleven calves, and consider they are the best lot / have evert raised. The only other food being skimmed milk and grass." If ,you are not satisfied after feeding Clydesdale Stock Food, your money will be cheer- fully refunded by our dealer. Sold in your district by Wm. Gannett, Wingham. Andrew & Webster, Lucknove. M. 41 Ilaldenby, Teeswater. Wilton & Turnbull, Brussels. 3. G. Moser, Blyth. WI come the vicinity to Tuesday. arch 28th when we will greet you with an elaborate display of Stylish Spring and Summer Millinery. We feel confident that you will be delighted with our display. All orders with which you favor us will be carefully attend to. Miss MacPherson, Millinery, Wil,SAWIPSWIeS+11,1V1WW40i1 NOW ON1 $ Our Great Genuine $ Clearing Sale L OF $ Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, 1 Ladies' and Gents' Chains, Rings, Lockets, Silverware, iKnives, Forks, Spoons, 1 Japanese China, Violins, $ Mouth Organs, etc., etc. $ $ In fact, every article in our store at the $ lowest prices ever offered in Wingham. $ $ $ I I This Sale is positively genuine, and $ will continue until further notice. Halsey Park $ $ a? -$50.00 Reward for a Watch 'we can't Repair. $ twbwerfe,ipaii...,,o, ‘Apiiii.iviiews,worivivIv$ 1 1 1 .11.1.1A/SArliefiliellstiA•41/0/41.0*Vs‘reetietrislialle,albsibatellellefle 1 JEWELER and OPTICIAN. VVVVVYVVYVVYVVVVYVVVVYVVIFY TIIVVVVVVVVVVVVYYVVVVVVVVVIr .44 4 4 4 1905 4 4 1905 SPRING Now that the Spring has come, I beg to notify the general trade that I am still in the ring with the !LARGEST AND PUREST" SEEDS : .___„ :: ._......_ \ i * * in the trade, consisting of * v. ' Red, Alsike, Monmouth, Lucerne and 10. We are now ready wit a complete It showing of Millinery for Sprin,with- the very best models to illustrate what fashion has decreed fo 1905. Our stock of Millinery Motorists is the largest; and most complete ever shown by us and embraces everything new and in vogue for millinery' users. Our collection of street and ready-to- wear hats hi the best to be seen any. where. Thanking our .ptitrotts for past favors we solicit a call to inspect oar Showing of millinery. A 44 4 4 4 4 White Clover. 4 4 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 Goose and Colorado Spring Wheat, Mangold Seed of the first strain, put up in Timothy, Orchard Grass, Red Top, Kentucky and M.eadow Fescue. Peas -a new variety ystrongly recommended by the Experimental/Farm at Ottawa, and also the Model Fartri, Guelph. -Ib. packages. 4 4 Turnip Seed, Field Carrots, Rape- 1 1 -very cheap. ; 4 A ALL KINDS OF CARDEN SEEDS Corn by the carload. -And I might say was the only seedsman in the country who did not fool the farmer last year in the corn germinating. • 4 41 Produde T. A. MILLS.] Taken MRS. W, E. ALEY. AACCiiiAliAlkAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAIIAISAAAAAAAAAAliAtAl4 As Usual.