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Robin Phillips back in Stratford
The Stratford Festival announced the make," Festival Artistic Director John
appointment of Robin Phillips as Director of Neville said today. "As an actor, I have a
the Young Company. first-hand knowledge of Robin's directorial
A former Artistic Director of the Festival Skills. In addition, he has a rare ability to
(1974-80); Mr.. Phillips is one of the most gun of ide young
their actors towards
dss a fuller
l do a
respected directors working in North Amer- tiosuperb fob as Director of the Young
lean theatre. His recent production oft Company."
Cymbeline for the Festival in 1986 (it opened Robin Phillips replaces Tom Kerr, Director
ovations earnedfrom critical acclaims.Cand of the Young Company) in 1986. For personal
markedahisstaudiences. involvementt reasons, Mr. Kerr has asked to be released
Incinn his first Festival from his contract and the Festival has agreed
since 1980.
'This is an announcement i am ,+orated to to that request.
More bonus draw winners
Huron Country Playhouse has announced
another Bonus Draw winner. The third $1,000
Bonus Draw took place, as scheduled, at 8:30
p.m. August 1 on the Main Stage, preceding
a Saltwater Moon performance. Colonel Tom
Lawson, of London was the winner.
The Bonus Draws are attached to the
Playhouse fund-raising project, "Win a
$24,000 lot in Southcott Pines." Ticketsare
excellenthe chances of winning are
100 onlyeach, and (0 have been printed.
The last two $1000 draws will take place
September6 at 8:30 p.m., the closing night of
Annie and of the Playhouse season, on the
main Stage; and October 28 at 8:30 p.m. at
"I am delighted to accept this appointment
as Director of the Young Company,"
Robin bithn
Phillips said today. "My re
Festival this year was a happy time and the
Young Company is a program In which I have
a special interest, It provides the opportunity
to teach as well as to direct but it also carries a
huge responsibility -- the development of new
and exciting talent to carryon the tradition of
excellence so vital to the future of the
Stratford Festival. I am honored to become a
part of this vital process."'
the Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce
The tinal draw for the beautiful $24,000
wooded lot in Southcott Pines, will be made
on November 15, at the Huron Country
Playhouse Annual General Meeting. Call
519)238-8451 for ticket information.
Professional organization elects president
Charles H. Broadwell, P.Ag., Manager of
the Ontario Bean Producers' Marketing
Board, is the new President-elect of the
Agricultural institute of Canada. The AIC is
the national . organization of professionals
working in Canadian agriculture and has,
some 5400 members from coast to coast.
Mr. Broadwell has been a dynamic
marketer for the agricultural producers of
southwestern Ontario, leading trade mis-
sions overseas on behalf of the Ontario Bean
Producers' Marketing Board.
Mr. P.roadwell is active in London -area
community organization and was Chairman
of Church Councils (Lutheran) in Chatham
and London, President of Kiwanis clubs in
Chatham and London, Vice-chairman of the
Kent County School Board, Chairman of the
Kent County 4-11 Leaders Association, a
member of the London Chamber of Com-
merce and a member of the Senate of the
University of Guelph.
He is a Past -president of the Ontario
institute of Agrologists and has twice been
Video workshop
The Huron Country Playhouse received a
very enthusiastic response to its first Video
Workshop, held on-site, Saturday, August
16. The workshop provided young people,
ages 12 to 14, with the opportunity to
participate in the creation of their own video
Soviet speaker
meeting highlight
The Semi -Annual Meeting and Convention
of the Ontario Corn Producers' Association,
to be held at the Waterloo Inn, Waterloo, on
September 3 will feature Eduard Pogosian
from the Soviet Union as the guest luncheon
speaker. Mr. Pogosian, President of Stan -
Canada Inc., Toronto, will speak on Soviet
Agriculture and U. S. S.R-Canada Trade
Relations. in addition, OCPA has put
together a program of informed speakers to
discuss international grain trade, Canadian
grain problems and corn marketing.
The first speaker presentation of the
Convention will begin at 10 a.m. The morning
program will be followed by the noon
luncheon and the afternoon business meet-
According to Ed Kalita. President of the
()Mario Corn Producers' Association, the
i -day event should be an informative
program of interest to Ontario
at Conven-
corn inners
Registration costs, payable
tion, will be $5 per person which covers
participation in the morning session and the
Rexirfmortt lM.orkstlae
held at Huronview
Huron County Health Unit will offer a one
day workshop on "Planning Your Retire-
ment" Ftiday, September 19 in the Huron -
view Auditorium, Clinton. Dave Echlin. an
Education Consultant in Human Resources
with London Life will facilitate the workshop.
Mr. Edilin designs and delivers staff
development programs, coordinates in-house
Retirement Planning sessions for London Life
and guest instructs for a retirement planning
course offered by Fanshawe College. He has
pon retirement
planninga workshop and will d his own help participants
in the September 19 workshop investigate
what retirement means to them and clarify
their personal concerns and priorities.
He'll discuss fiances. health and how it
might impact an retirement plans. activities
that you should be involved in now, social
ow to weather the transition
et ng from here to retirement and when
to start. The workshop promises to provide
useful and interesting information for anyone
wanting to plan for a happy, secure
A registration fee of 825 includes partidpa-
tion in the workshop, handout materials,
lunch, and coffee break refreshments. For
more information call Sheryl Gilbert at the
Health Unit, 52418301. To pre -register send
your name, address, and telephone number
with a cheque for $25 made payable to County
Sif heryl Gilbert,uron CouYour nty Health Unit
Court House, Goderich N7A 1M2. Anyone
seratte ending
elected Vice-president of the International
Pulse Association.
Mr. Broadwell will formally assume the
presidency of the Institute at its 67th Annual
' Conference, to be held in London at the
University of Western Ontario August 23-26,
is weld -received
soap opera.
Combining video and theatre
mediums, children work with experienced
Playhouse staff, Jackie May and Jim Hyslop,
in a thrilling creative endeavour.
$1,000 RICHER — Michael Moriarty of R.R.2 Bagfietd recently won a $1,000 bill. The
money, a result of a draw sponsored by the Father Stephen Eckert Council No. 5289 f thozae
Knights of Columbus of Seaforth and District, was presented Thursday by
Gelinas, right, Past Grand Knight. Leo Hagan, recorder looked on. A second prize of $200
was won by Monique Cantln and a third prize of 3100 by Bruce Klelev. Mcllwralth photo
Las Vegas trip offered
as fundraising drive prize
For only $2 (3 tickets for $5), you could be as baggage handling throughout.
the lucky winner of a round. trip for two to Through the generous donation of Ellison
Vegas, including airfare, three night's Travel and Tours in Exeter and Wingham;
accommodation, hotel and air taxes, a Fun Huron Country Playhouse is offering draw
Book filled with discount coupons, the tickets for a trip to Vegas as one of the
services of a Keytour representative, a season's fund-raising projects.
pre-purchasingservice of show tickets, The winner will be announced the closing
el and airport, as well Plbus ayhouse at (519)-238-8951.ht of - bar 6. Call the
You Can Deal With Confidence
When You Deliver Your
1986 White Bean Crop to
Ken fit, ,Campbell & .Sons .L ,t1..,, SeQfolith,
Howpn• & Howson Ltd., Blyth, On*ario
Palmerston Elevators Ltd.
Bd' B :Dee Farms, RR 1 Bornholm
are also white bean receiving satellites for Thompson's
We want and appreciate your business
Hyland Augusta Seed Wheat
i�yland Howssr Seed Wheat
Cert. Menapol ted Winter Wheat
Debt review board
appoints chairman
Appointed as chairman is George ide-
Laughlin of Beaverton. Mr. McLaughlin, 62,
a long-time livestock producer and past
president of the Dairy Farmers of Canada,
has been an adviser on farm policies to
federal and provincial governments. He
received the Order of Canada in 1977 for his
many contributions to Canadian agriculture.
Mr. Wise alto named as members of the
board Gary Nelson, 45, a farmer and fano
management specialist from Arias; Vera
Mitchell, 57, of Winchester, partner in a
dairy -cash crop operation; and Gail Murdock,
4t, a dairy farmer from Richards landing.
"I am confident these capable iidfviduais
will bring extensive experience and sensitiv-
ity to the job before them, Mr. Wise said.
A Fenn Debt Review Bowie for eadi
province was established recently by the
federal government to assist farmers in
serious financial difficulty. The board has the
power td eaamme farmers' financial situa-
tions and to proVide fora stay of proceedings
fup to 120 days) by all creditors while the
review is being carried out.
The board can set up panels of financial
and farming experts to advise fartneis on
their operations and possible improvements,
and to assist them where necessary to
negotiate alternate arrangements with
creditors. Any arrangements agreed to by all
parties will be regally binding.
All requests for applications orinforntat6OP
should be directed to: Interim Genial
Manager, Pettit Debt Review Board, 420_42
Bloor Street_ West, Toronto, Ontario, -1116S
1M8 (416) 978 2625 foi3ileet MIS accepted).
Interested fanners may also obtain appli-
Cations from Iocal off des of the .Farm Credit
Be sure you buy Blue Tag _Seed Only
This assures you of "Certified" .#'i. Seed
for "Purity" - "Quality" and
"Top Yields."
Any other facsimile is not the same.
Available only at Thompson's or a Hyland Dealer
Also there is Cert. #1 Fredrick seed wheat. "For larger growers"
wishing Certified seed in Bulk we can supply. Please order ahead.
- Custom Fertilizer Spreading
- Soil Sampling Service
- Computerized Reports
- Recommendations from a Qualified Staff
For purity,
top germination,
disease free
Sow only Certified Hyland Seed
(N f
EEO _.- . u•. .5 E O, S... . f E R. 1 1: t I Z i ft:$ ."
Hensali 262-2527 Mitchell 348-8433 Seaforth 345.2545 Pt. Alberf 5.29.1901
Aliso Craig 293.3223 Granton 225.2360