HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-09-03, Page 8A8 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 3, 1986
WI preserves history
What rural women's group has preserved community history is a comprehensive,
the history of the farms, buildings and places factual collection of historical data and
of interest in their communities so that the treasured pictures of a local community
present and future citizens of Canada will provided by the Women's Institute members,
know ofrythe hardships and happiness of rural of the people, fored t epeople
eop s oInstitutes the
Canada, The
In 1936, Lady Tweedsmuir, wife of the then Canada have received the AWard of Merit
governor general of Canada, herself a from the America
Association for local
devoted Women's Institute member in history, for initial g the Tweedsmuir His -
England, spoke at the Athens Women's tories and the Cert ficete of Merit for their
Institute branch in Leeds East District and contribution to local history in Canada.
stressed the need for preserving the The Women's Institutes have put in long
interesting history of Canadian people, the hours to produce these histories of their
places, customs and activities of a developing communities. Some branches have published
land. The Federated Women's Institute of their histories while others have microfilmed
Ontario seized the opportunity and from their histories and these can be seen at all
there the Tweedsmuir Histories as they have local libraries.
now become known are part of the work that ' Each year the Tweedsmuir History Cure -
the Women's Institute branches throughout tors of the London Area have a workshop to
Canada have been doing for all Canadians. update their skills, This year it was at
Among the topics covered in these books W allacetown, in Elgin West. Attending from
are the geography and topography, of the Huron West was Alice Porter, Effie Yeo and
area, municipal government, farming in all Jean Lobb, all of Goderich Township.
its aspects, homes, education, trade and The Women's Institutes of the London
commerce, recreation, complete histories of Area are proud to be preserving the history of
individual farms and families, the churches the rural communities for present and future
and their organizations, schools, libraries, Canadians. No other group is doing it in such
industries past and present and anything an organized way. Without a past you can not
special about the distriet Aeneether the have a future.
JOANNA vERHOEF, mother of Michael,
Kathleen and Dan, has successfully complet-
ed the Diploma Nursing Program at Cone-
stoga College in Stratford, Ontario. Joanna
has received her registration and is presently
employed with Clinton Public Hospital.
Partners for 100 years
This year marks the 100th anniversary of a The federal Experimental Farm System, in
special partnership between the federal its early years, gave the world Marquis
government and the agri-food industry. The wheat, the standard against which today's
result is an abundant food supply for hard red spring wheat is measured today for
Canadians and many others. The historic link the ccontent. ltsBsucch sor, Ad giveiculture
is the formal application of science by
federal government to foodworld canola, a source of safe, low-cost,
' production. r
It is an occasion for celebration, for wlthou
that partnership, the forces of nature and
economics could long ago have defeated the
food system we take for granted in this
The principal federal partner in the
ongoing relationship is Agriculture
Research Branch, now in its 100th birthday
year. It had its beginnings in the people of
Poet -Polio group he first
fvision who ive federallytoperatedexpehorized the errimentalation of faarmsin
1886 through an act of Parliament.
meeting eet�l'1g Canada then was a predominantly rural
country, where farmers struggled against a
harsh climate to produce food for home
In association with the Ontario March of consumption and for export.
Dimes, the Grey -Bruce -Huron Post -Polio Now, less than five per cent of the people
Association will have its first meeting on are on the land producing food for a greatly
Saturday, September 6, at 1 p.m. at the expanded population. Canada has emerged
Hanover and District Hospital, 90 7th as one of the major food -producing nations of
Avenue, Hanover. the world. And agricultural research has
People who had polio many years ago are been one of the most important agents in the
experiencing perplexing new problems as changes that brought this about. dotted
they get older. In order to meet this growing The first five experimental farms,
concern, a support group is being founded to across the country to serve the peculiar needs,
disseminate information about the Late of their regions, have grown into 46 major
Effects of Poliomyelitis, to encourage meds- Research Branch establishments.
cal research, to educate physicians and nal partnership between the federal govern- mental farms. They are located at Nappan,
health professionals and to serve as a ment researcher and farmer has grown to N.S. Ottawa, Brandon, Man., Indian Head,
resource centre for information sharing. include research activities in provincial Sask., and Agassiz, B.C. After a century,
Membership is open to any interested governments, universities, industry and they
in the a till at it,fcreating and
persons. other institutions.
The origi
vegetable oil.
Over the years, change and adaptation
have been the watchwords, as mechanization
and modern technology transformed the rural
economy. Now Research Branch scientists
go out around the world, to countries not
much more advanced than we were 100 years
ago to show what we have learned.
Sandra Lynn McGregor and Wayne Ed-
ward Parkinson were married at Brucefield
United Church on Saturday, August 9, 1986
bride is the
daughter offReverenf Keays.Lorne
Don andEileen McGregor of
Brucefield and the groom is the son of Jim
and Joan Parkinson of Seaforth. Maid of
honor was Joanne Middleton and brides-
maids were Mardell Thurlow, Ingrid Hoste
and Shelley Horner. Flower girl was Kailley
McGregor. Best man was Doug Fry and
ushers were Jim Parkinson, Brian McGregor
and Randy McGregor. Organist was Carol
Leheau and soloists were Lucille and Jayne
Delaney. Following the wedding a dinner and
reception was held at the Stanley Township
Community Complex with Bill McGregor
acting as Master of Ceremonies. The couple
then honeymooned in Whistler Mountain,
British Columbia. They now reside in
London. Harvey McDowell photo
Problems of drought, cold, pests, disease,
ars ortation, storage, and high costs of M
production have b
Canada researchers through the years.
Livestock performance has been vastly
improved, crop yields increased, food made
safer and more nutritious and tastier. Old
crops have been improved, new products
introduced, and food processing refined to
keep agricultural products moving to the
tables of the nation.
Research Branch's 900 scientists and the
other branch staff are the inheritors of this
century of research tradition. This centennial
year they are opening their labs and fields
and barns to show the public their accom-
Still in business as Research Branch
establishments are the original five experi-
tr p
been tackled by Agriculture
ti •
The Exercise Program for ALL Ages
where you are encouraged to
held at the
9:30 a.m.
-Special emphasis on stretching, low-
level aerobics & care for the back.
-suitable for beginners, older adults,
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8:00 p.m.
Water Well
W. D. Hopper
and Sons
Nell Durl Jim
527-1737 527-0828 527-0775
News deadline
Monday 4p.m.
Norene Primeau and Keith Martin were
married Saturday, August 9, 1986 at St.
Joseph's Church in Clinton. The bride is the
daughter of Ray and Marion Primeau of
RR. 2 Clinton and the groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Martin of Ignace, Ontario.
Matron of Honor was Susan Anstett of
Hensall and bridesmaids were Donna Martin
of Kingston and JoAnn MacGregor of
London. Best man was Dennis Poisson of
Ignace and guests were ushers by Mark
Gauthier of Ignace and Danny Primeau,
Clinton. Family and friends attended from as
far away as New Brunswick, Winnipeg,
Ignace, Massey and Ottawa Valley. A dinner
was held at the White Carnation and a
reception at the bride's parents. The couple
will reside in Thunder Bay.
muster asks for input
Minister for Senior Citizens' Affairs Ron
Van Horne is asking senior citizens, service
providers, professionals and community
leaders in 14 Ontario communities for
guidance on how best to provide health and
social services for the elderly.
This spring the Minister released a White
Paper entitled, A New Agenda: Health and
Social Services for Ontario's Seniors. It sets
out a broad strategic plan for the care of the
province's elderly now and in the future. Its
central theme is assisting seniors to live
active and independent lives in their own
communities, in their own homes.
"Successful implementation of an appro-
priate system of services for senior citizens
depends to a large extent on direct
consultation at the community level," said
Mr. Van Horne.
While Mr. Van Horne is interested in
hearing comments on all facets of the White
Residents enjoy
Residents enjoyed a corn roast and
barbecue this week. Good weather made it
possible for residents to sit outside.
On Wednesday afternoon films were
shown on the Queen's coronation.
On Thursday morning the ladies had a
baking class and made Grandma's Scones,
which they ate at dinner. Bingo was held in
afternoon. W inners were; 'B' Irene Omand,
'0' Marguerite Shill, 4 Corners Ila Gardner,
Straight line Robt. McClure, Edith Salo, Full
Are you over 60 or turning 71
before December 31, 1986?
11 you aro, and wish to secure 0 lifetime Income from
RRSPor aro interested loather Synar Investments at
vary competitive rates, call 527-0410.
-total body conditioning, low -Impact
aerobics, circuit training, stretching,
strengthening for injury prevention,
and free weights - optional
For Information Call
Drusilla Leitch — 527-1182
Recreation Office - 527-0882
would like to know if anyone
has a
or would like to
If so please let us know as soon
as possible by calling
Arnold 1. Stinnissen
117 Goderich St. East, Soalorlh
Paper, he particularly wants feedback on
three key initiatives for which he is directly
responsible: a new extended care act,
regulationofcommunimes, itty services for
one -stop -
approach to
In coming weeks Mr. Van Horne will hold
consultation meetings in: Kitchener, Orillia,
Thunder Bay, Hamilton, London,
Sault Ste. Marie, Niagara,
tawa, Brantford, Belleville, and Windsor.
Earlier this month he discussed implementa-
tion of the White Paper with senior citizens
and service providers in Kapuskasing.
When Mr. Van Horne completes his
consultation tour in October, he plans to meet
with provincial senior citizen and service
provider organizations to gain their views on,
initiatives and strategies, outlined in the
White Paper.
corn roast
house Alfie Sykes, Ila Gardner.
On Friday, residents held a party at
noonhour with birthday cake for all who
celebrated for the month.
Elmer Halsey and Pat Ryan were invited to
Art and Mary Finlayson's home for supper
and celebrated Emer's birthday then played
cards in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morris were in to see his
mother Helen Mo .
Cassie Nicholson was out for supper with
her daughter Barb Alexander.
Lucy Benzo was out to her granddaughter's
Laverne Nigh's home for supper.
Beeforth residents Elle Dow has returned from hospital.
Chev-Olds Ltd.
13 Mein St. Seaforth 527-1140
'• Service • Selection • Savings
• Satisfaction • Leasing
• Complete BODY SHOP Service
return from camp
Madonna McQuaid and Danny Vantyghem
of Seaforth have returned from a Leadership
Camp at Bark Lake near Irondale. 11 was
arranged through the courtesy of Seaforth
District High School. The camp consisted of
all types of sports including8 g,
canoeing, mountain climbing,
Madonna said her two weeks at camp were
a real learning experience and said she hopes
to put it to use in the future.
Danny said it was the es back an ka of Seaforth
life. Both were happy
Head for Cook's
with your crop.
�•� liar ,w
rR -* {t J]u
1i1i1fii' - - •<,
expertise r‘r.,*(361We have the exp .fliI
i r�
to help you moiler more ei°rvely _I %
There are enough risks in farming without having to worry �� 1111.11
about the securityof your crop investment. Why not join �.���� ► r��
Atiel fit
the many area grwers who bring their crops in to Cook's.
We're well equipped with cleaning, drying and Os;
storage facilities to handle all your needs.
Giving fair business deals to farmers in south-
western Ontario has made Cook's a reliable
business partner for more than a century.
Give yourself some extra peace of mind
and head to Cook's.
" ere you
can trade with
Division of Gerbto Inc. confidence"
Hensall Centralia Kirkton Walton Tillsonburg
262-2410 228-6661. 229-8986 527 527 1541 842-6979
Cook's dealers:
* Topnotch Feeds, Milverton '
• Sutherland Elevator, R,R,1, Beeton
• Twin County Grain Elevator, R.R. 3, Brussels*
Crop Care
Myrtle E (Kirk) Gunning, of Queensway
Nursing Home in Hensel], and formerly of
Exeter, died Tuesday, August 26, 1986 at St.
Joseph's Hospital in London.
Mrs. Gunning is survived by a daughter,
Muriel Gunning, of Hensell. Also surviving is
a niece and nephew.
She was predeceased by her husband
Melville Gunning.
Friends called at the Hopper -Hockey
Funeral Horne in ureter, and a funeral
service was held Thursday with the Reverend
Richard Hawleyoffkdating. Interment in Zion
• Dublin Feed Mill, Dublin
• Harold Schroeder Milling Co. Ltd., Dashwood
• Glencoe Grain & Seed Co., Parkhill/Beechwood°
°Div. of Parrish & Heimbecker Limited
Pair celebrates
60th anniversairy
Varna was the setting on September 1
1926 forthe marriage of Melvin E. Clarke and
Eva'M. Epps and on August 30, 1986 at the
Orange Hall in Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. Clarke
celebrated 60 years of marriage.
Joining the Clarkes to commemorate the
occasion was Mrs. Clarice's brother and
sister-in-law Ellwood and Isabelle Epps of
Also present were their children, Ernie and
Ruth Clarke (celebrating 35 years) of
Toronto; Betty, Mts. Ken Oldacre; and Mae
Watterworth of Seaforth and Elliott and Kay
Clarke of Winnipeg.
Nine of their 12 grandchildren and 10 great
granddrildren from Winnipeg, Ottawa, Corn-
wall, Kingston, Toronto, Kitchener and
Goderich joined the celebration.
Everyone enjoyed the outstanding buffet
by Velma Miller.
EUIGSON—John and Bonnie of R.R. 4,
Walthe birth of
their�second n are son, Tyler oud to announce
born August
15, 1986, a brother for Nicholas. Proud
grandparents are Dorothy Elligson of Mitch-
ell and Pat and Jean Sebben of RR 2, St.
EL,LISON: Don and Darlene Ellison, 156 Rich
St , Goderieh are happy to announce the birth
of their son, Sean Thomas Edward born
Saturday, August 23, 1986 at Goderieh
General Hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. Proud
grandparents are Gertrude Kempston,
Mitchell and John and Roberta Templeman,
FItOATS—Barbara and Wayne Froats (Ker=
slake) announce the arrival of their son, Neil
Evan, 9 lbs, 4 ozs. on August 22, 1986 at St.
Josephs Hospital, London.