HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-03-23, Page 1THE WIN(iHAM TIMES. OL iXXI r , NO, 1728. 1 Yonil Make° No Mistake If you ' leave your order for Clothing with us. W&11 be pleased to show you some nice lines of goods for Sulis and Overcoats and feel 1"ertain that we will be able to satisfy the most fas- tidious taste in the matter of dress. Gents' Furnishings In this department you will find our stock complete and up-to-date. Great variety, fine quality, and very rea- sonable in price. A pleasure to show goods. Homuth Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by 13'aaxrc PAmrn$oiv, No. 28 Victoria 'street. Wingham, Ont, No witnesses required. WINGIIAI , ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905. California's Finest Dried Fruits PIflTNES— Large, meaty, delicious -flavored fruit. 3 sizes, 2 lbs., 31bs. or 5 lbs. for APRICOTS — The very finest quality of this fruit, in two sizes, 15o per lb, and 2 lbs for .25 PEACUES—per lb.1 Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Ladies Pia The hockey season brought to a close old of last week, when played the return n bare ladies. There tendance at the gad interesting to the was a tid-2 goals Hockey. n Wingham was Thureday evening e ladies of Clinton toh with the Wing - was a very good at. e, which was very ectators. The score ach. Regent Brand Sit at irresistable prices. For sale by . Smith, Wing - .25 ham. RAW FRUITS— Bananas, Oranges, Lemons—nothing but the best. R. A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery, 1 SELL REAL ESTATE No matter where it is ! I have for sage now some fine town property which for location and convenience cannot be excelled. It makes no difference whether you want a *50 00 building lot or a $10,000.00 farm, or any other kind of Real Estate, I want to hear from you.Just the property you want may be on my list, I am not only in a position to most advantageously serve the man who wants to buy a home or a farm, but I am in the best possible position to serve the man who wants to make a profitable investment. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VA1:iaTONE BLooz . WINO$AM, ON,T. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS, A Succes fug School. The Central Bus ass College of Sti'at. ford, has becom _ affiliated with the famous Elliott Bu mess College of To- ronto, and the so dent who completes his course at the ). B. 0. enjoys the advantages of thategreat city. All who graduate Secure splendid positions. Write for a free c talogue, Pringle & Groves are paying the high- est cash prices for sheep skins, hides and tallow, delivered at the tannery, Chap - man's old stand, Wingham. Sale of j Mr. Wm. Maxw road will hold an t of horses and cath B noon, March 30th DomiNlim t week.) Mr. .ofstockandwill • as the proprietor his farm and will See posters and s tars. Jno. Purvi WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada; the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBUEN, Manager. IL Valistone, 8oiioitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid tip, $2,235,280.00. Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00. Total Assets, $26,553,846.57. rresWent Rota, 44'it, Onion. 9l General Assistant Gen.&Tanager--0. 3L Wagsoiw .'Cohn Broder, Chas. L. Dalton, Z. S. Hendrio, Geo. Rutherford, Cytes A. Birge. Inspector --8, Willson, 8.A.Vue at DANE, - littWarrdi anis, cZ eet allowedt prinetppatl on lost May and 80th Novemberoeach year. 8pta11 Doeuisite alga reastve4 at -entrantt.M 11 versa, CO flOri't.f, gent .1i 0itil sON1kflOLMIble,8elieItors. arm Stock. 11, of the Bluevale preserved auction sale on Thursday after - not 29th as announced axwell has a good lot sold without reserve s sold a portion of e short of pasture. all bilis for particu- will be the auctioneer. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St, Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Watch fo Them. A number of deale s in cottons, cloth, etc., are canvassing ntario with what they claim is the bal ce of a stock that - was recently damage by fire and which they were offering t the people, farmers - particularly, at wha they claim to be big reductions in pri 'ee, taking notes in payment. The d alers have struck Essex County'. T , ey operate in the setae way that the -sital range men did a few years ago. They were at Belle River last week frau which centre four: wagons are operatic✓,. It is said they have eight wagons going business ands will no doubt strike this section ehortly. Watch for them. • FOR SALE—TWO storey cottage on Minnie street. For: ,articulars apply to mite little, over Mr.s Boyd's stare. A. d. 11. W. fates raised. The Grand Lodge A. 0. U. W., by a vote o£ 28,233 to 0,084, last week adopted the Hunter s to of insurance rates, with a modifcat n providing for loVCer rates to young n en tip to 37 years of age. Most aieinbms of the order carry $2,060 insurance, The yearly in• crease in rates on $2,0C t insurance to a TIM of 31 will be $3.60 to one of 30, $7.08, to one of 40, $14, in, and to a man of 43, after Which no iso can join the order, it will be $21,80. The new rates twill go intogreet On he lst of May nett. The motion t n o have biennial tneetinge, instead of a anal, n4 at pre - t 'WM defeated.1 deti Mrs. W. T. J. Homuth still has for sate some household effects. Any one desirous of purchasing will find her at the residence of Mr. F, G, Sperling, Minnie street. Two Very arge Trees. Mr. Geo. S. Cr iokshank of Lower Wingham, recentl parohased two trees. from Mr. Robt. St in, of the gravel road, south of the town from whioh he took 4,500 feet of logs, 20 cords of short wood and 12 loads of lieabs. One of the butt logs, said to be one of the largest ever brought into Win bat, being ten feet long and tease •ing 1200 feet. We would imagine th s record prett • hard to beat. Quality builds o r b =mess. Regent Brand Clothing, T • : ; est. At A ' R, Smith's, Wingh.. Slaughter Sale of New Spring Dress Goods -1260 yds of new plain effects in all the latest makes and weaves, Terms cash, as these goods are new and priced. G. E. KINu. St. Patrick's Entertainment. The St. Patrick supper and concert held in the Town 1:all on Friday even- ing last, under the auspices of the Woet- minster Guild of t. Andrew's °hutch was one of the ost successful enter- tainments ever h d by the Guild. The supper served in the Council Chamber was excellent an was thoroughly enjoy- ed by the large umber of people present. The program re dered in the opera house was a good one The pastor, Rev. D. Perris, °couple I the chair and gave a short history of St. Patrick. The solos, instrumental sreotions, recitations, eto., were all well re, idered and all went to make up a very pleasant evening. Only one fu-icoat left atA. R. Smith's. Who will get i..? But suits by the hun- dred for spring, pretty patterns. Don't buy until you s..e A. R. Smith's Picca- dilly and Regert Brand suits. Don't allow travelling fake piano tuners to tamper with your pianos. Keep them for a prac ical man, who under- stands his business. R. M. Ross will be in Wingham for two weeks at Easter, and will be plea :ed to attend to your wants. Tone, rmulating and voicing a speciality. All vark warranted. Orders left at T. If, Ross music store will re- ceive every attenuen. The Southn Extension. Many of the old r readers of the TRIES will remember thtime of the building of the southern e: tension of the Well- ington, Grey & B uce Railway, and we give the following news item, taken from the Listowe Banner of July 4th, 1872, which wit serve to recall to the minds of many, t e happenings of over thirty years ago. We might say that what is now Brus els was in 1872 known as AinleyvilIe. he Mr. Thomas Mc- Dowell, referred is still a resident of Listowel. The B nner of 1872 said:— "From Palmeret to Listowel the nut- ting will be comp eted this week, and the grading will finished about the last of this mint and all ready for the 'iron; they aro al ady scattering the ties along the line. he station at .Listowel will be raised ne week, and the founda- tion for the Go anstown station is al- ready laid. Al gether there are about 200 men at wow, between Palmerston and Listowel. Prom Listowel to Ethel some 300 men a e at work under the management of Mr. Thomas McDowell, and will have tame section of 13 miles Completed ver soon. Between Ethel and Ainleyvill about three miles of the road is graded, and the chopping and Clearing all dor e, From AinleyvilIe to Wingham foul -nano of the road is grad- ed already' for -tie ties, and the chopping and clearing aro done Ali over the whole line. l! armers in n ed of help for the com- ing season won 3 do well to call on C. J. Maguire, al estate agent. Mr. Maguire is loci agent for an immigra- tion agency, NoTzax I have arranged with the dominion BaI* to manage my business and all owing; mo on notes or mortgages, can pay prinoipai or interest at any time after falling doe, Remember you need not pale mail yon are fiscisw ited to do ao by Lee. I thank all those who have done baldness With tato and wish Boit all every prosperity. Rolan, MOIS00o. Hockey Club 1 The Hockey season brought to a successfu evening last, when t ofdcors of the club wi the IN ational Hotel by, The evening was plc speech -making, song dent Vanstone was in toast. of "Hockey" wa D. D. Wilson and Eln whom thanked the pec for their loyal support cessfully defend the ct 'Sister Sports' by Dr.J. T. Hepburn and A. M. Ladies" was responde rane and J. D. Burns, ladies of our town for bad taken in the good attended match after anquetted. Wingham was oloee ou Friday e members and re banquetted at their supporters. sautly spent iu d music. Presi he chair and the responded to by r Moore, both of le of Wingham nd hoped to sue - another season. R. Macdonald, D Crawford. "The to by Tot Coch- both thanking the the interest they winter sport and atch, giving the boys in green and wh, to the beat of en- oparagement. Dr. I ethane then gave a short address and C-stlIoway and Mark- ley some instrument music. President Vanstone then rade Mr. Galloway for- ward, when Mr. R. Clegg, vice presi. dent of the Club re a well -worded ad- dress and presented r. Galloway with a handsome gold w toh on behalf of the sports of Wingham "Hippo" was taken by surprise, but co as in a game of hoc- key, thanked tbos who had been so thoughtful of his 'fare, stating that he had enjoyed his at in town and would be back again in 0 tober and hoped we could again win the cup for whioh we had worked so he d. Mr. Galloway again thanked g e the p -ogle of Wingham for what they had de•ne, and the gather- ing sang "For He's t Jolly Good Fel- low." The wee snaBll hours had ar- rived and lamps 'a re lighted and all sang several songs t py gathering broke vote of thanks to M: gether and the hap- ip after passing a Hanson and Wing - ham Hockey Club, A few points of in- terest to the public .vith regard to the club might not coin amiss, for the club started uuder just fair prospects. An organization meeting was called in No- vember and deoide League and the tea Listowel, Luckno The boys got to eaao to enter Northern was grouped with •and Palmerston. ce gndwhen Luck - now opened season here Dec. 80, were in A I condition, winning by score of 0 to 4, Hippo showing} Winghamites the game he could play. Several exhibitiou games were played •nd won by local team. Then Listowel was attacked, which proved to be. easy picking and Wingham won out - 0 to 3, and all eyes were on the Winghnea team after the oup, but Lucknow. Lad won at Palmer - stop and were out t did so, but by meth able, and Listowel hopeless dropped o won at Palmerston district, which was home games, and 12 goals on ran against Harriston district. It took games of hockey e tribt to decide th hamhad won 3 to ionship and Silver League. The tea season with only 1 Goal, Moore; Po Harrington; Rov: wards, Elliott, Fle Galloway; Spares, and Conway. The lost only 3, scoring scored on only 40 t" son. The manage work of the team their supporters fo helped the team at r win at home and ds far from honor - ow seeing her case t. When Wingham here was a tie in the decided by home and ingham won out by • d and were pitted hick had won No. 2 three of the fastest er played in this dis. winners, but Wing - and thus hold champ- rophy in Northern went through the players, namely: -- •t, Wilson; (lover, r, Johnston; For - 'rig and "Hippo" cLean, McGillivray won 13 games and 02 es during the sea- ent feel proud of the nd wish to thank the way they have ozne and away. COUGHS, COLDS Why let them linger ? ? OUR Laxative Gold Tablets "Will break tip any cold. 2$e a boxy Every bon guaranteed. For sale only by DEPARTED FRIENDS. MRS. M'CL;N.N'AiIQ5. Susanna Mitchell, wife of Mr. Geo. McClennaghan paseri away to the great beyond on Monday morning last at her home on the first cor cession of Kinloss. Deceased was in her 32nd year and was one of the earher rc7idente of Kinloss The bereaved will h many friends. The yesterday to Wiugh ve the sympathy of unerai took place cemetery. ELIZABETH BOLTON. Mrs. Elizabeth Bo ton, wife of Mr. Chas. Bolton, of t Pere Marquette railway at London, ted on Friday last at her home in Lon n, aged 40 years. The deceased was s p -mother of Mra. R. H, Crowder of ti is town and is sur- vived by her busbaLd and two children. Mr, and Mrs. Bolto i were making ar- rangements to move to Wingham in the course of a few we ,ks. RICHARL Pocock. The death occurred at his home on Catherine street, an Monday of Riobard Pocock, who has -peen in feeble health for many mouths Deceased was a son of Mr. Geo. Pocock of Toronto, and former resident a Wingham, and was 34 years of age. • e spent nearly all his life in the Towns lip of Turnberry, hav- ing moved into tc wn a year ago when compelled to gins up farming owing to failing health. Mr. Pocock hurt him- self lifting at a barn raising a few years ago and never fatly recovered from the strain. He wa: a quiet, unassuming man and was a sember of the Baptist Choral. He It ayes a wife and five small children t . mourn Isis loss, who have the sympa_,by of our townspeople in their atiiioti in. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon to Wing - ham cemetery. MRS. ...NsON DCL3Ltun The news of a death of Agnes Smith, wife of Mr. An on Dulmage, came as a surprise to our ownspeople as few were aware of her s ions illness, The sad death occurred t her home on Saturday night. Mrs. L.ulmage was i1I for only a few days wi si inflammation of the bowels. Doce .sed was a daughter of the late Col, T. Sie_ith, who died at his home in Clifford lain fall in his 84th year. For many years deased lived at Lakelet, where her hue mud was engaged in the general store easiness. In the spring of 1901 the famil- moved to Wingham and since that ti a Mrs. Dulmage made many friends leo will keenly regret her sudden death. The deceased lady was a member and active worker in the Methodist Chn h. The remains were conveyed via C T.R. to Clifford on Tues- day morning f interment in the family plot. Service as held here on Monday evening. Iii>%\IN WIN1•'IELD. A pioneer aesident of Whitechurch district passed t way on Saturday last in the person of E'win Winfield in his 07th year. Decease. Whitechurch f Previous to in lived on a far.. He was born Elora where he his removal to field was a ma very good healt to his death he in his throat. formed but it w circle of friends with keen regre had many frieft his widow and and one daught in Eritieh Coln Alaska; Barry i T. A. Mills' daughter is ma ford. A broths survives and lav Elora. The fn morning to the remains being b. , had been a resident of r nearly forty years. ving to the village he east of Whitechurch. n Pilkinton Tp., near ived up to the time of is section. Mr, Win - who usually enjoyed , but for some time prior ffered from a growth n operation was per - s of no benefit. A large ill hear of his death as he was a man who s. He is survived by family of four sons . The sons Vire Robert .ia; Edwin in AtIand, Chicago, and Bert in tore, Wingham, The ed and living in Brant - Thomas Winfield, also s at the old home, near ral took place Tuesday ' ingham cemetery, the ronght over via the G. T. R„ owing to the bad condition of the toads. The pretty patte ns . Regent Brand Clothing, right he • W. A. R. Smith's Suits will not sta n stock long. The birthday of the new provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan will be cele- brated by the civic authorities of Regina on July 1, Two special bra s of ready-to-wear clothing at A. R. mith's. When the market was low t e Piccadilly and Re- gent Brand of othing wore bought. Every man, your and boy should conte and see which of a two Brands of love - he best. Large ship - illy last Week and the Regent Brand to A. R. Sstiith8', atore of 'i'Pirigtham. arers frons Olinton here, +Mtk + ly spring# snit6 are Walton McKibb .n large bhiptnout of clothing this wee "WINtIiAbf. the leading Clothie irex..ioer to Fust biftce. No wonder retired and elsewhere bity Of UCC$ST. HIGH COUR $I A YEAR IN ADVANCE OF JUSTICE. Spring Session for Huron County— A Ligt t Docket. The spring sessimi of the High Court of Justice, with ju y, opened at Goder- ioh on Tuesday aft :ramie of last week, before the HonoraNe Mr. Justice Mere- dith. As there wer no criminal cases on the docket there w s no Grand Jury, and consequently I_is Lordship received a pair of white kid gloves, The civil docket was made u) of four cases to be tried with jury ant two without. The first case tri d was— Wright vs. Gr nil Trunk Railway Company, an actio to recover for dam- ages to himself, a Egon and a team of horses. The evidetace was conolnded at 11 a m„ Wednead , and after the ade dresses of council, up, the jury retire! Bence of nearly th verdict in favor of costs. Wm. Prou Hays appeared as K.C., for the defen Kis Lordship summed t, and after an ab. )e hours, returned a plaintiff for 080 and !foot, K.C., and R. S. laintiff, and Riddell, giant Company. McDonald vs, elver, an action for slander. There w e but few witnesses examined, and the ury after a shot} ab- sence found for tis plaintiff $200 and oasts. 11. Vanston for plaintiff, Wm, Proudfoot, K.C., foe defendant - Sharpie vs. Bennett, an action for as- sault, was tried by fury, It did not last long, and the rsnit was a verdict for defendant. M . Morphy appeared for plaintiff and R. 'anstone for defen- dant. Shoemaker vs. lb.)oper, Anson Spotten for plaintiff, R. S i>rstone for defendant; Township of AsPleid vs, County of Huron, Proudfoo , Hays & Blair for plaintiff, Dickinso & Garrow for defen- dants; and Rends vs. township of Grey, Makin & Hanley r plaintiff, Proudfoot, Hays & Blair for efendants, were ad- journed to the • tine sessions, and the Court closed. Regent Brand lot ng. Suits that {competition can' et, For sale by A. 'l .Smith, ming ani. CHURCH) NOTES. Rev. E. A. MoKFazrie, a former pastor of Geneva church, 7hesley, has received au uuanimous call o the pastorate of Knox church, St. rhomes, at a salary of $2000. He has 4it yet decided to ac- cept. Rev. Wm. Lowe Thursday and Pride, of the Executive Co nese of Huron. The committee ap erieh District Leagu range for the Sum) Goderich last week. hold the Summer Sc Park, in the Connty inclusive. vas in London On attending a meeting imittee of the Die. minted by the God - Executive to ar- ver School met in It was decided to cool at the Harbor Town, Aug. 7-13, One 'Mina Is Gertaln If there is any trouble with your eyesight you cannot have it rem- ' : edied a single day too soon. It is certainly getting worse if permitted to continue—but glasses . will probably stop it at the point where the error had attained when you began to wear them, So it may be of utmost import- ance that you see us the first day you can. A111M.cCaU&Co1 LIDIITED. ! ' • Druggists and Opticians WINGI3AM, ONT.fi Don't Ta a 'Em Off. (Chicago cord-$erald.k A word, 0 fellow -c tizeas, Don't to e'em off! The storm king me return again --- Don't to 'em off! The morning may b glad and bright, And, though it see s that spring's in sight, You can't tell what ay%.come ere night -- Don't tak 'em off! Perhaps they scratch nd stick and burn— Don't to 'em off! Too late is not the me to learn— Don't to a 'em of! The buds will soo begin to sprout, The lambs ere 10 will frisk about, But don't you ca a—yon just look out— Don't ake 'em off: The hearse is no a lovely thing— Don'take 'em off! It's sad to have o die in sprsng— Don'Izake 'em. off,! WI)at if ,the cro, us wants to poke Itself up throu the sod and (-relit)! A word to ynund it's no joke— Don take 'em off! For. SaLE—A good storey and a half frame house, with four rooms, pantry and woodshed downstairs and four rooms up stairs; hard water in woodshed and soft water in kitchen. Apply to, Ron. MAXWELL, Tailor. E. G. Rattan wt ville on the charge nection with the b, Rev. Mr. Parke man denounces greatest disease of Hon. Mr. Mont templates improv to the chemical a ies at the 0. A. C, s acquitted at Belle - of couspirncy in cog- Ilot-box cases. a Winnipeg clergy- xtrayagance as the modern society. th, it is stated con- vents and extensi one i physical laborator- 444' 14++++H•i++i•+:+44++++F$44-1.4-14. H 1•3- -f-+3-+3-++3.44 1 -i -H i -x-3.3.44+ 4. 4* 4. -S . .I. . ,t ' 4* 4.{ 4. 4: .I. + 4. + .5. ,g. 4' 4. + .1. ++ r + `. 4. •t• + 4' + 4. 4. Best Quality of Rubbers . 4 4. 4. 4. 44. 4. 4.4* 4. 4. 4* 4* 4. I See us for Trunks and valises...... 4. 14 .l. Wingham's Leading Shoe Store Every Woman Every Young Miss Every Child Will need a good pair of Rubbers during the slush time of the Spring Season. The sidewalks are always wet and sloppy. There are a great many tricks in Rubber -malting --tricks you can't see, Are here for almost as little as the neat -best Rubbers cost at other stores. Storm Rubbers, Storm Gotten, Toe Rubbers, Sandals, Foot- holds, etc., 300 to 73c. - Shapes to fit the now Shoes. 'St'ou'p always find a splendid assortment of good Robbers here at reasonable prices, and nowr f5 the Rubber time of the year. 7 . , J. GREER Shaer to the People, 4' 4: 4'