The Wingham Times, 1905-03-16, Page 5THE WINGIIA111 TIMES MARCH 16, TOO:i
qi9111ill, is
Beats them all for
Price, Style,, Quality,
Fit and Wear._....4-
11 E HAVE the nobbiest line of Spring Suits and
Overcoats we have ever had and that means
The values are as good or better than ever before
—that means something more.
Put these two points together and if you see any
reason why you shouldn't come to us when you want a
Spring Suit or Overcoat—well, we'd be glad to hear it,
The Top Coats and Suits we are showing this
Spring are just right, both in style and price. They are
worth far more than the price we are asking for thein.
. If you can do better, let us know. But we know
you can't. Drop in and see us, anyway.
are more use to you now than to ns. You can keep them until next
Winter. We haven't room for them; and it wouldn't pay us if we had.
THE RESULT : For the balance of March month we will Bell
our specially made WINTER OVERCOATS at a reductini—one that will
be sure to please you, Come and see if we won't willingly allow you 30
per cent. oft. This is a bargain.
_ . .
New Hats. New Ties. New Shirts.
Blue Front Store. Wincrham.
; II .II,b
apiestasesaistLeseataeaseissassassaaeseetestasessistaa aeszei •q,,eL 1, is
Amilioftia.4AttiliwSkiAleAtiziabieto.,11 11 t I.M6o;i1w.ii;1,i 6.1i 11JoJ 14...44w
Now is the time, when our enormous variety,
best quality, and lower-than-anywhereelse prices,
loom up in their importance. Our business is to
furnish you with Carpets OF THE BEST QUALITY
and at the lowest prices consistent therewith, and
we'll prove the title of being pre-eminently " The
House for Carpets, Furniture, etc."•
Inspect our stook of Brussels at, per yard..$1.00
Tapestrys at, per yard .50 to .90
Splendid assorted stock of Unions and Wools. Our 35c Carpet
can't be beaten ; the very newest patterns.
LINOLEUMS-4 yards wide, good patterns.
OILCLOTH—All widths, assorted patterns,
New stook of PICTURE MOULDING just arrived. Some very
handsome lines, and not expensive.
L. A. BALL & CO.
The People's Furniture Store.
Brick residenve. Bth house west PHONE
from Hamilton', Corner Drag
Store, whert night, mils will 51
rtetire pr,..mpt attention.
466,16144i 66,. 616 1.(l16,.
404.40+4-44.40044414.0404.440.040 10•441•440,40404.4444064,41••••4•••
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRA.NTON COAL, 40
which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and
1D,omestie Coal, ansa Wood of all kinds, alwaye on hand.
d Undressed)
Residenee Phone No. 55, Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44.
• Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. •
iser itighest Price paid for an kinds or Lugs. •
fk4 44440 44444444 440 404 4 404 40 •10•11444414114444 444 4444444
Fire destroyed half the town of Pon,
.0ka, N. W. T., entailing a loss $100,000,
11t is reportea that the Grand Trunk
Railway Company aro prepared to build
.a.$230,000 paeseuger station At London,
Alex. Nairn of Palnaeraton„fireinan on
the G. T. R., fell from the tender at
Galt and was killed.
The number of smallpox cases in On-
tario this winter is only one-quarter of
those reported tut ear.
Wicleawalre Tunes Correspondents Communicate Other
Items Clipped From Our 4itehanges.
Two special brands of ready-to-wear
clothing at A. R Smit s. When the
market was low the P.:04(1'111y and Re-
gent Braud of oto iug were bought.
Every man, yo t nd boy should come
and see which r he two Brands of love-
• ly spring suits e the best. Large slaw
went of the Piooadilly last week and
large shipment of the Regent Braud
clothing this week to A. R. Smiths'.
the leading clothing store of Wingham.
No 'weeder retired farmers from Clinton
and elsewhere buy them.
Ou Thursday of last week, one of the
pioneer residents of this township passed
away in the persou of 'qrs. Wm. Barbour,
aged 68 years, Mrs. Barbour was a
woman of many good qualities and her
large circle of friends were sorry to hear
of her death.
When all Others ran
To relieve constipated headache just
try Dr Hamilton's Pals of Mandrake
and Butternut. Wonderfully prompt,
and never cause griping paint,. For
headache and biliousness use only Dr.
Hamilton's Pills, Price 25c.
ate MS.
Township Council met yesterday.
Minutes in our next issue.
R. Bewley and Jas. Bowman, of Mor.
ris, and J. White, of Grey, were serving
as Jarors at the County town this week.
The 100 acre farm of the late George
Hood, 5th line, bas been purohased it is
said, by Joseph Gravy, of Hallett, at
$4,0'00, Executor Wm. Michie made the
We are pleated, to state that word has
been received that Mrs. Henry 'Koolau',
of Weyburn, N W, T., is considerably
better. Her many old friends here hope
speedy convalescence may follow.
Mrs. Chas. Campbell, of the first line
has been dangerously ill with pneumonia
but we are pleased re learn frorn latest
reports that there is an improvement and
hope she may soon be aroaud again.
John Robb, Oth line, disposed of a fine
apart of youug agricultural horses to
Messrs. Dickson age MoMann, horse
buyers, for the tidy sum of $415. Last
year the same gentleman sold a span for
Tonsilitis is Going AroUtut
And everybody is wondering what to
do. Here is a simple cure. Use a gargle
of Nerviline and water as recommended
in the direotious, and rub your throat
and chest vigorously with Nerviline,
This has been tested and proved success-
ful a thousand times. Nervlline is a
specific for tonsilitis and infect we know
of nothing half so good for breaking up
colds, curing tight chest and all niuscue
lar pities. Try a bottle of Nerviline;
price 2ile.
John Redmond, jr., at Westfield, who
a few weeks ago sold his farm to his
father for the sum of $4,600, left ou Wed-
nesday of last week for Alberta, where
he intends taking up land and making
his future home. Wo wish him much
Reeve and Mre, J. E. Ellie, mourn the
loss of their only son, Arlington, who
died on Tuesday after a lengthy illness.
The funeral took place Thursday after-
noon from the family residence on the
4th con. and interment was made in
Westfield 'cemetery.
A very pleasant event took place at
Sharon Springs Farm, East Wawanosh,
the home of Mr, and Mrs, Giles Jenkins,
on Wednesday, March 1st, when their
eldest daughter, Anna Maud, was united
in marriage to William Snell, of Mellott.
At twilight the bride, attired ia a gown
of ivory voile over blue, trimmed with
cream silk and lace, wearing white roses
in her hair, entered the parlor leaning on
the arm of her father, to the strains of
sweet and charming music rendered by
Mise Lottie Bentley, et. Blyth. The cere-
mony, which was witnessed by the
relatives and frit ids of the con-
tracting parties, was performed by Rev.
B. Clement, pastor of Londesboro
Methodist Church, the bride and groom
standing beneath au evergreen arch and
bell. After the ceremony was over, and
oongratulations had ceased, the guests
repaired to the diningroom, where a
dainty wedding luncheon was served.
When full justice had been done this
patt of the festivities, the remainder of
the evening was spent in made -and song,
reoitations, and games, to the enjoyment
of all present. One of the gifts of her
parents to the bride, was the handsome
sura of ono hundred dollars in cash.
The presents to the bride were numerous
and obstIy and useful showing the good
Wishes of all.
Noatca—I have arranged with the
Dominion Boa* to manage ray business
and all owing me on notes or mortgages;
can pay principal or interest at any
time after falling due. Iteraernber yeti
need not pay until yon are requested to
do so by me. 1 thank all those who
have done business with rue and 'wish
you all every prosperity.
Rota. WNW°.
Oa Friday evening last a large num-
ber of the old friends of Mr. and ears.
Hugh Ross, east of the 'village, gathert d
at their home to bid farewell prior to their
removal to Winghana. A very happy
evening was spent by all present and
many were the expressions cif keeu regret
at the removal by the old neighbors and
friends. Mr, and Mrs. Ross have re -
aided in this Beaton for upwards of
thirty years and their removal will leave
a blank that will be very hard to fill, ,
Duni Tired Peelng•
And utter weariness are duo to the
blood being weakened through faulty
action at the kidueys and liver. It's a
surplus of euergy, lots of red vitalizing
blood you need and it cau be acquired
gnickly by using Perrozone, the greatest
strengthening tonic made. "No tonics
equals Perrozone," writes H. E. Jennings
of Westport. "Last spring I was tired
and depressed, bad backache and lacked
strength. Verrozene soon brought me
to good health and made me well."
Price 50c at druggists,
Mrs. Aun Graham, widow of the late
Alexander Graham, died at her home ou
the 1st concession of Kinloss, on Tues-
day, March 7th, at the ripe age of 82
years. Deceased and her husband were
among the first settlers iu the township
and were well known aud much esteemed.
About two weeks prior to her death Mrs.
Graham fell and broke her leg and she
never relied from the shook.
Oa the evening of Friday, March 3rd,
the light of another life weut out when
Margaret McDiermid, widow of the late
Donald McKenzie, passed peacefully
away. The deceased lived on lot 19,
• concession 8, Kinloss, and during the
greater pert of the past four years has
, been a patient and cheerful sufferer,
being a victim of that dread disease
dropsy, Mrs. McKenzie was born in
Puslinch, Ontario and was seventy years
and seven 0:maths old. She came to
Kinloss about 44 years ago where with
the exception of a short time spent on
the 4th concession of Calross, she has
lived ever since, Her father was John
McDiermid, of Puslinch. She was an
only daughter and five brothers survive
her. Her own family surviving her con-
sists of 'five sons and four daughters.
Her sons Kenneth, John and Angus are
in Edmontou, the former enjoying the
honor of being the first mayor of the
reoeutly created capital of the new
Province of Saskatchewan. Ou his way
trom Ottawa a few days ago where he
had represented his city at the Govern-
ment he called and spent a clay with his
mother which was her last Sabbath hero.
Her sou Duncan is in Regina where a
year or more ago he was appointed to the
education department. Her daughters
are Margaret—Mrs. Alex. Taylor, Elgin,
Man.; Aunie—Mrs. Parvis, Los Angeles.
Col.; Mary—Mrs. J. A. Taylor, Rio loss
and Lizzie who has beeu with her alt
through her illness. Mrs. McKenzie
daring her long life hi Kinloss was a
member of the Presbyterian Church at
Try to Prevent Lung Trouble
It's the dried sputum floating around
in the air that gets into yoar lungs and
causes cousumptiou. A sure preventive
is fragrant healing Catarrhozone, which
inhaled right into the lungs, kills every
gertu, heals the sore membranes and
cures thoroughly every type of Catarrh,
bronchitis and lung tronble. "I caught
a severe cold tvhicit developed into ca-
tarrh and finally, settled on my lungs,"
writes Mr. A. Northrop of Bedford.
'Cistarrhozone relieved quickly and cured
me. 1 recommend Catarrhozene highly.'
Two mouths treatment $1.00; trial size
The man who tries zna.y fail, but the
one who hasn't the boldness to try
doesn't seemed.
A girl has a great deal of fun think-
ing what a lot of fun she will have
when 800 18 marriedand can do what
she pleases.
• •S
EStabialted .7879.
Whooping. Cough, Crotsp, Bronchitis
Cough, Drip, Asthma,. Diphtheria
Oretotono at a aeon to itzthatiatics
mr,c,11.,1, Is n. 1..r.g ee.tddit.bed and MA tolard tritally '
t t) ,V.,..,,e,,,, tatr,,,ut vit. It . uroi N , ........ tlo n6r
der. it utroli4ly :.16t!mq.ti6. in railed rarer the 414erleed sur
•,.4 ,.f. 0,0 10.11 ;: ;.1 Vit..* Al .01 cc, ry trt ulll,
t.rot..N..,616111 e.01 t 61,t 1,,,,,d. 'Mose of e. eotliem.16. '
the t. Tat. tu r',. or tt:1.1..”. 1'.',IU t iirmde. Isamu billn,11nd
filmy...I:An it :Id lru.6o c !tii,.1ta or in:/.,ttled eouttiliouli t5f
. the thr..e. •
1,61;o6.Vrt.onloya, Ix trda .6/ .
ty dm.,4i‘ta or I. ,d, 1.,'• r,,,. sle
A Vmo, rpo,,,irtr ett • rirl•S)
ht. trplutEng 4 bottle et Oil
l'tesultn 1 $1..,10. PAtul tor •
tree instralrd tooltInt
I,rr Ins& Nit 1 --, Co., 1.1,I., v7-_-.- ikk 4.0.,,
01a St. emirs St. : a I
Metdreat, etalgt13„ 808 .4. 114t•
—That's what a prominent
druggist said of Scott's
Emulsion a short time
ago. As a rule we don't
use or refer to testimonials
in addressing the public,
but the above remark and
similar expressions are
made so often in connec-
tion with Scott's Emulsion
that they are worthy of
occasional note. From
infancy to old age' Scott's
'Emulsion offers a reliable
means of remedying im-
proper and weak develop-
ment, restoring lost flesh
and vitality, and repairing
waste, The action of
Scott's Emulsion • is no
more of a secret than the
composition of the Emul-
sion itself. What it does
it does through nourish-
ment—the kind of nourish-
ment that cannot be ob-
tained in ordinary food.
No system is too weak or
delicate to retain Scott's
Emulsion and gather good
from it.
We will send you a
sample free.
Be sure that this picture in the
form of a label is on the wrapper
of every bottle of Emulsion you
Toronto, Ont.
50c, and $1; all druggists.
Isaac Bathwell has returned frona. near
Stratford a'hero he has been working in •
the woods during the past few months.
Miss Mand Rathwell who has spent
the past year near Varna, along with her
cousin, Miss Effie, is holidaying under
the parental roof, loth eon,
Monday, March 6th, Duncan Robert-
son, formerly of the 13th con. of Grey,
died at the family home in Bruce town-
ship, County of Bruce, aged 34 years.
The deceased was the third son of the
late John Robertson, and removed with
the finality from Grey to Bruce Co., 12
years ago.
Hugh Lament and family removed
from their old home, 7th cou., which
they sold to Rich. S. Armstrong of Mor-
ris, to their newly purchased 200 acres,
CODS 10 anis 11. We hone they rosy en-
joy inaey hippy and prosperous years in
their new location.
We understand that :tfrs. R. Robert-
son, 15th eon., has pnrehased a, house in
Monkton and intends moving into it in
the near future. Her many friends wish
her a long mad well earned reit. She has
been a kind and obliging neighbor during
her stay of over 30 years in Grey and
our loss will be Menkton's gain.
The following from the Pilot Mound
Man, Sentinel refers to the marriage of
a daughter of Mr. aitd Mrs. John Gem -
mil, former well•known residents of this
township:.—"A very happy event trato
spired at Poplar Point Farm, Londes-
boro, the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Gemmill on Tuesday, March 7th, when
their daughter, Miss Belle M., was
united in marriage to John W. Steven
son of Cartwright. The spacious home
was beautifully decorated for the occa-
skirt with flowers, etc. and presented a
pretty scene to the seventy guests assem-
bled. At 10 30 a. in. to the strains of
the weddiug march played by Miss
Maggie Duncan, the wedding party ap-
peared, the bride leaning on the arni of
her father, and arranged themselves
under a bridal bell of roses in the parlor.
Rev. Mr. McPherson conducted the mar-
riage service that made them one. Miss
A. Stephettsou, sister of the groom was
bridesmaid and Mr. Wm. Gemmill,
brother of the bride performed the duties
of groomsman, while little Mary Gem -
mill, attired in white iIk made a pretty!
flower girl. The bride was neatly at -1 ANNAAAAArStaNkAAAAAAAAANSAA6
tired in a dress of white silk trimmed i
with Valeneinne lace while the brides- I et
• 111"I
f '
aver" '
We have jest
for nto
naen711.)AtaWrldnEV'T ignii:Acl>10TIrt1LQuver. sing
ever, and ooznprises tae 13EST MAKES in
• . ,
kinoleums, Oilcloths, Mattings, Art Squares, Brussels
Carpet, Tapestry Carpet, Wool Carpet,
Union Carpet, Stair Carpet, Hemp Carpet, etc,, • etc,
New Curtains and Curtain Materials at les e than city prices.
Special offerings in Laee Cartaius; prices begin at t!,5e, New patterns in
Oilcloths, all widths, at moneysaving prices.
It will pay yon to see our new patterns in LINOLEUMS. four yards
yort will be conviuced that this is the place to buy Spring Goods.
wide, four pieces to choose from. Come iu and iuspeet oat large stook and
1-1. E. ISARD eg. Go.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Bight goods at right prices.
- - OF —
In order to make room in my cases
for new goods coming in, 1 wilt sell
Now this is a great chance for every-
one to buy genuine goods cheaper
than they were ever bought before.
I have a very large stock of Ladies'
and Gents' Watches to choose from.
The Watch Doctor, - Wing,ham.
fRoyigv7, G ROCERY11
At. this Reason of the year, when the fruit
ast it as v, as0 it AIVG
ORAN ES1 runningite0 low, the.eriei nothi ng to take
31 it.R:11.4. D E. Andto make it
well you must have the right kind of
Oranges, that will jell properly. WA
...We and 25e
have just the kind. Per dozen
C•anned GoodPES.
KaiIsNpo—sea loifroite\tvl iniurtteuttithyatyo
, , „ , , --a— hist we win sell them,
assorted. iu. any way you
wish. At 3 cans for 25
A SNAP IN SOAP : We made a purchase
of twenty-five boxes of Soap ; got au extra
discount, and we tare going to give anstomers
the advautiza cif it. 6 bars far......... .25
G- RIFF]: N'
Now is the
time to buy
maid wore n beautiful dress of cream ,
cashmere. lifter the ceremony all par- 15 FU RN IT
took of a sumptuous wedding dinner and
a program of music, oto., Was enjoyed.
The newly marned maple left on Wed -
For Sptiug. Our prices aro Away down on some lines. such
Pesday morning for Winnipeg to spond s as Chairs, Conehes, Rockers, Bedroom Suites, Selebearcle.
the honeymoon before taking up their
residence in Cartwright.where the groom Call ad see Dar $5.00 Couch and our $20.06 Parlor Suite
has a good business as blacksmith, The
groolula gift to the bride was a beautiful
gold crescent broach set with pearls, to
D4ne in the beet %Assay envering. It will pay yoo to get our
prices oa all kinds of Farniture. We will use you right.
Nice line of Picture Moulding to choose trim. the bridostnaid, a gold locket, and to the
flower girl ta gold bcelet The bride
aS the reeipient of a. large utimber Of
valuable and useful presents among I
which was a piano the gift of the
groorostnani. all 02 which teetit3, to the
esteem in. Which the young people are
furniture Dealers and Undertakers_ %It:INGHAM.