HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-07-23, Page 1123. REAL ESTATE WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL HENRY MERO 527.0430 NEIL i ONICHOL 527=0089 NEW LISTING: Large commercial build- ing, Main St. location. NEW , LISTING: Close to uptown and priced right, 3 bedroom frame home in, excellent condition. $42,500.00. NEW LISTING. REALLY MUST BE SEEN: This 'gorgeous 3 bedroom home in Harpurhey features central air, central vac, heat pump, Florida room, fireplace, and so much more. Situated on a beautifully landscaped 186' lot and priced right. CLOSE TO UPTOSO De 2 storey home. Ideal for d e�7V.. S. MAIN ST.: 3 bedroom bungalow, garage, close to uptown. EGMONDVII1.F: 2 storey brick home, completely and tastefully decorated throughout, large lot, garage. Must be seen. C Y oom brick bungalow, large .SOLD and more. INVESTMENT PROPERTY? Try this duplex 1 block from Main St., excellent condition. $25,000.00:3 bedroom 1'/2 storey home, 2 blocks from uptown. BRICK BUNGALOW : 3 bedroom, full basement, attached garage, excellent location, close to uptown. BUILDING LOT 62' x 116' on James St. $12,000.00. 12 UNIT apartment building. Excellent income. Call for details. REDUCED: Goderich St. 3 bedroom 1 floor home, $35,000.00. WOK AT THiS: 15 ac. vacant land, dose to Seaforth. 5 ACRES; in McKillop, 2 storey brick 4 bedroom home..Paved road. 59 SEAT RESTAURANT: and take-out. Call for details. COMMERCIAL BSOLD Over 3000 sq. ft., excellent c. _. • 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW : located in the country with a garage on a rented lot. Nice location. $24,000.00 COLEMAN ST.:4 bedroom frame home on a,double lot, $27,000.00 20 ACRES: with fine brick home, barn and bush, on the Maitland River close to Seaforth. W i1SON ST.: Excellent 4 bedroom, very modern. $70,000.00. EGMONDVIlE: 3 bedroom bungalow, 1380 sq. ft„ nice family home on a large lot. $56,500.00 AUTO BODY: Repair shop. very modern shop with or without all 'equipment. Inquire. t REDUCED: $1 :° 6,900:00 10 acres, 2 t storey brick house, 2 sheds, pond, very nice. BUMMING LOTS: We have a very good selection of lots in Seaforth, Egmond- ville and area. Call for your choice. AREA FARMS & COUNTRY PROPERTIES McKIIIlAP TW P. 100 AC. Good house, shed, barn, near Senforth. 150 AC. tiled, @fill t house and buildings. r7V�. 2-50 ACRE PARCELS, no buildings, i tiled. $65,000.00 each. 121 AC. of hardwood bush. $19,900.00 50 ACRES: Systematically tiled, no buildings. Reduced $55,000.00. 115 ACRES: Partiallytiled, no buildings. Reduced $150,000.00. 75 ACRE,: No buildings, $120,000.00. 69 ACRES: Na buildings, $55,000.00. 51 ACRES: No buildings, $85,000.00. 150 AC,: 140 workable, brick home, excellent financing available. GODERiCH TW P. 80 ACRES: Near Bayfield, nice bush with spring creek. $75,000.00. COLBORNE TW P.: Dairy farm, 150 ac. approx. 70 cows, 522 litres number 1, 188,000 L number Z foe brick home. 28. WANTED TO RENT THREE bedroom home in Seaforth by Sept. 1. References available. 524-9875. 28-30x2 34. AUCTION SALE 29. FOR RENT COMPLETELY equipped and furnished hall homey atmosphere. Suitable for commercial meetings, family gatherings, showers, etc. Accommodating up to 70 people. Reasonable rates, ample parking. Contact 4824869. 29-25xtf 31. NOTICE ARE you living with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 31-30-1 In' the matter of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter337, Part IV. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE To all citizens of the Township of Tuckersmith and the Ontario Heritage Foundation. Take notice that the Council)'of the Corporation of the Township of Tucker - smith on the 2nd day of July, 1986 decided to designate the lands and markers, known municipall$' as Harpur- hey Cemetery, Plan 250, Church Lot, Part Lot C HRS as property of architectural value or interest under the, Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 337, Part IV. Harpurhey Cemetery was established in 1848 by the united Presbyterian congregations of McKillop and Tucker - smith and its operation continued to be the responsibility of those congregations until 1879 when responsibility was assumed by First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Markers in the cemetery record the graves of many of the pioneers who settled in the area in the early and mid 1800's. One tombstone records the death of James Habkirk, the two-year-old son of Janet and William Habkirk, who died September 30, 1839 and which is believed to be the earliest date of a death to appear not only in Harpurhey Cemetery but also in any cemetery in Huron County. In October 1978 a stone cairn was dedicated to commemorate the pioneers who wor- shipped in the area from 1835 and Who in 1847 established on the site Harpurhey Presbyterian Church. The cemetery is very significant to the foundation of the Township of Tuckersmith. Notice of objection to the designation may be served on the Clerk within thirty days of the 9th day of July, 1986. Dated at the Township of Tuckersmith this 9th day of July, 1986. J.R. McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer, GMB 117, R.R.5 Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO 34. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Furniture., appliances, antiques, Gestetner joictter and saw, some tools, etc. to beheld at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ontario for Goderich and Hensall residents. Wednesday, July 30 AT6P.M. Three piece bedroom suite with nearly new mattress, modem wooden oval kitchen table and six chairs, Zenith 19" portable colour TV, portable black and white TV, 24" electric stove (real clean) component hi fi 8 track, records and tapes, chesterfield with pullout bed and matching chair, 2 recliner chairs chest- erfield love seat, two continental single beds, china cabinet, floor stand reading lamp, 2 tub chairs, 2 matching occasion- al chairs, chest of drawers, telephone bench, 2 swag lamps, magazine stand, small tables, a few oil paintings, picture frames, upholstered love seat and matching chair, oak secretary chair, office desk, cherry wool winder, Roxton lamp table, copper boiler, 2 sad irons, 3 crocks, moustache cups, coach lantern, 4 race horse pictures, cream skimmer, slide projector, exercise rower, eight track player and 2 speakers, Roto broil oven, high chair, patio table, lawn chairs, records, speaker, fruit jars Gestetner model 310 electric or hand turn with paper etc,, combination dehumidifier and humidifier, 1916 161st Batallion picture, the Fisherrnans Hut picture, Selling Fish picture, adding machine, mise. books, Tedtomkster bald, saw sad 4" jointer on stand, new sump pump, 14 ft, wooden extension ladder, skill saw, battery diarger, 50 ft. extension cord, wheel barrow, wooden work bends, bag of hard coal, porti pot, mail box, 2 fish tanks with lights, a few new black shingles, some garden tools, dishes, pots and pans, etc. TERMS CASH RICHARD LA$B- AUCTIONEER Clinton482-7898 Auction Sale Twilight Clearing Auction Scale of power and hand tools, household furnishings, and misc. items. On Thursday evening 6:30 pan., July 31, 1986. 1I/..miles east of Dublin on No. 8 Hwy. and 1 Ys miles north, or 3% miles west of Mitchell on No, 8 Highway and -1 Y miles north, on Lot 30, concession 2, Logan township, For the estate of the late Mr. Frederick Charles Kite. POWER'S. NAND TOOLS Notional power tool, model No.15 table saw, 2-elecfric`belt' sanders, power planer, B & D 'b inch drill, 2 -jig saws, Vs inch drill press, B 8 D grinder, 24 inch chain sow, cement mixer, small arcompressor, paint sprayer, 3 inch vise, shop vac, metal wheel barrovi,, xtension ladder, Step ladder, snow blower, Roto tiller, Master Craft jiowr'L mower,.2-Coleman stoves, large quantity of hand fools, propane torch, air filter, blow torch, grease guns, clomps, 5 and 4 ft, work benches, garden tools, 2 pair of snow shoes, firewood and rnu'ch HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS chesterfield, 2 -platform rockers, swivel rockers, buffet, small table and. benches; 54" bed, metal clothes organizer, trouble light, Woods 8 cu. ft, deep freeze, refrigerator, 40" electric range, Electrohome 20" colour portable TV, Sylvania solid state TV, RealisticTRS. 4SS CB transmitter and receiver, microphone, Titon radio; and 8 track, Concerto 8 track tape player, Sanyo solid state" stereo with 8 track, 3 speed record player, electric appliances such d5 breakfast nook, toaster, iron, frypan, deep fryer, pots and pans and dishes, world globe and stand, oil lampsr books, and several other os lnf®rntatiott cotact nanie*t*' . Norm yWhiti . Items,F 35.46 or 2334193.9 .;...:._..,... 34. AUCTION SALES DOUGLAS JACOB AUCTION SERVICE 271-7894 or 393-6214 Auction Sage of Interest Antique and Modern Furniture from Home of Mrs. Mary Jane Nicholson Wingham, Ontario To Be held Saturday, July 26, 1986, 11 a.m. Wongham Auction Centre RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED. JULY 30 at 6 p.m. Household auction at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton for Hensall and Goderich residents. SAT. AUG. 9 at 10 a.m, Tractors, car, trucks, lawn roller, van, five trailers, 2 snowblowers, 15 guns, power wood working tools and shop equipment to be held at Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for Ted Horton Estate. 35. TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith TENDER Egmondville Water Expansion Sealed tenders addressed to the Township Clerk, J.R. McLachlan, GMB 117, R.R. 5, Clinton, Ontario, will bo received until 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. August 5, 1986 for the expansion and construc- tion of water mains and services In tho hamlet of Egmondvlllo. Plans, specifications, and tender documents may bo obtained from the office of B.M. Ross & Associates Godorich, Ontario, for a payment of nonrefundable fee of 515.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J.R. McLachlan Clark -Treasurer Townshi o Tucker iS arc .a (FOR SALE BY TENDERT A parcel of vacant land being Part of Block A, Gouinlock Survey, Town of Seaforth, measuring approximately 317.85 feet on Goderich Street East and 150 feet on Coleman Street zoned C-3, highway commercial. Spedfieations and tenders forms avail- able upon request from the administra- tive office of the Board. Tenders close at 12 noon August 8, 1986 The best or any tender not necessarily accepted. Huron -Perth County R.C.S.S. Board Dublin. Ontario Phone 519-345-2440 W. Eckert R. Marcy Director Chairman FOR SALE BY TENDER Seated Tenders, cteorty marked as to contents, will be received by the under. signed until 12 Noon WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, '86 for one (1) and/or two (2) METAL CLAD PORTABLE CLASSROOMS measuring approximateiy 24' x 32, with thereto pone windows, hydro ser% vtee, stool frame undercarriage and may be split In half for easier tee location. inspection by appointment only. The successful bidder will remove the building from the•sita as soon as pool. ble but not later than August 22,1986 and assumes all 'lability and retocatabte expenses. The highest or may tender not necessari- ly accepted. HURON -PERTH `COUNTY R.C.S.S. BOARD 0.0. Box 70 DUBLIN, Ontario NOK 1E0 William Eckert Ronald Marty Director Chairman Discover the sayings in the Huroaa. Expositor Classified THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JU4.Y 23, 1986 All 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JEAN AMELIA STEW ART Late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 360th day of January, 1986. Creditors and ethers having claims against the abov estate, are required to file full particulars of such claims with the undersigned on or before August 1, 1986 after which date the assets of the estat� will be distributed having 'regard only o the claims then filed. LITTLE & EVANS Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors NOTICETO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELMERSECORD MCBREEN All persons having claims against the estate of Elmer Secord McBrien, late of the Tpwnship of Tuckersmith, County of Huron who died on the 26th day of May' 1986, Tare hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of July 1986, after which date the assets will bQ distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 24th day of June 1986. McCONNELL, STEW ART and DEVEREAUX Barristers, & c., Seaforth, Ontario • Solicitors for the executor 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY LIVE MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS. "Main Street West" would like to perform at your dance or reception. Live music is the best music. Reasonable rates. Please call Hudson W arr 524-2144, Arlene Darnbrough 524-2035 or Phil Main Jr. 524-4777 after 5 p.m. • 38-16xtf • 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY LHFuel Oii Furnace OURSIgtViCE Repairand Cleaning ratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 LOSE WEIGHT NOW -Sdfe and Effective -All Natural Products -No Calorie Counting -Naturally Suppresses Appetite -100 percent Money Back Guarantee I LOST 10 LBS. LTJ 2 W EEKS CA ILL BARRY 527-0373 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12 :30 p.m. All classes of livestock W IE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter& 229-6205 Kirkton DOERR'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a Week MAIN ST. M ITCH ELL More classifieds on next page ... rst011,4wNEM WIN Meheftsre_e,tert Alm 40114.1104111 Itilauits inktt or coast•tocoait . "• 1 1 1 i :IE'Dig 1 eeee'.tr. r"er asrr Itt f-altI Less-tt tk .Ont ii -'nss bIll. d --it elf 60110.E5 FOR SALE P001. SALE. Ono of Ontario's largest factory outlets hos largo Inventory of above, Ingrounds for Im- mediate delivery. Compote us bolero buying. Guaranteed lowest prices. (416)523.6467, (613) 547.6434.-.0.30 • $5 SACRIFICE 55 SACRIFICE 555 Buildings Special offer, Priced low (or immediate clearance. 28 x 40 x 14 53.900. 46 it 90 x 16 19,600 70 x 80 x 24 516,300. Con• plow with large doors. Other sizes available to 120" wide. Serious buyers only. No price shopper. Guarontoad lowest prices. Coll free 1.000-307.8140 or (416) 820.6262.-030 510E1 A•OEAL - Quonset buildings • 281:. OFF . Save Thousands • we ore Introducing now straight -wall buildings - special introductory prices - limited Rme Dilor. Phone Pioneer Buildings collect (416) 678.1505. Ltmirod time oflor,-0.30 CHINA AND slim Dinnerware (discontinued). Free registration to buy, sail, Ethos Discontinued China and Silver. 336 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver, 8.C. VIM 202, Toll free 1.8006676004.-0.30 NORITAKE CHINA SHOP at home service. Stott or odd to your set with terrific discounts an all recent pat. terns. Pleat* specify your Noritake China pattern name and humber. For prita fist, shape reference guide. shipping deta;t,. send today stamped sell• addressed envelope to lust Noriioke. 158 Wonless Ave- Toronto, Ont. Mel 1W2. -•0.50 MIRACLE SPAN Summer Specials Below Factory Prices, Available for immediate delivery 3.25 x 36.5 • 32 x 40. 2 . 35 x 56, 9 . 40 , 00, 1 . 55 x 186, 2 . 260 . 220. Sold 011 0 0151 come tint served bests. Coll loll free 1.800307.4910.--0.30 TROUBLE Wrapping Coins? Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes AND quarters quickly. easityl 1 Sand $8.95 plus 63 tents fox to Penny -Roller. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont, L2A SN2.-030 COTTAGES FOR RENT, lost two week! of August, sand beach, good fishing, 107. discount. Campground by day, week, hydro and water, seasonal, (5325). Star lake Lodge 705.732.4007.-040 HART LODGE HalibuNon Highlands, August 23 • 30. Family Wee11 (one child tree). Seniors Discount. Two meals daily, heated pool, whirlpool, sauna. tennis, boats. live entertainment, supervised children's at- 11v11ies and adult program!. Call free 1-800.461 -7690.-030 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK: Ontario Polled Hereford Club Summer Sofa 1 p.m. S'oturdoy. August 2, 1986, Pelreborough Exhibition Grounds. Conlatt Craig Lymbarner, RR 1 Caisfor Centre, Ontario 1OR 1E0 (416)957-3695.-0-30 WANTED TO SUR ADDISON TWO COLOUR plastic radios wonted. Paying S50 • 6150. Phone collect (416) 641.1420,-0.30 14111PWANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB with a' future...with Tri -County TrucT, Driver Tr6111Tng, i015 seaitis OssfsTOnte available. Kitchener 720 King E., (6(9) 743.501 t, Brant- ford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756.0223.-0-30 GENERAL PRACTIONER required for a 20 bed active treatment hospital, 100 miles northeast of Edmonton On Highway 45, Medico. Clinic on hospital grounds. Present doctor pions to retire. Position availoble mediotely. Please send reiume or phone:' Mr. John Dudar, Board Chairman, Myrnam Municipal Hospital MYRNAM AB TOB 3K0, 366.7441 or 3663870,--0.30 WEB PRESSPERSON to operate 6 unit Gross Communi- ty, Excellent working' conditions. Applictnlions can- fidentiof. Reply to Ritter Web PLblicaUons P.a. BOX 1142 Broi,Hord, Ont. N3T 519 -0-30 AUCTION SALES CARSON'S SUMMER Invitational Droll Hors& Saturday. August 9, 12 noon. Soiling 100 top quality horses from sone of she top stobles In North America. Friday. August 0: Hitching and provlow of all horses 7 • 5 p.m.: borbecue 6.8 p.m.: born dance 9 p.m. Catalogues ovolloblo. For further Information call David Carson. (519) 291.2049. Carson's Salo, Arono. ltstowel. 0.37 LARGE CLEARANCE and Consignment Auction Friday. July 25, 10 o,m. Approximately 50 u0010t0. con and bucks. over 200 pieces of farm equipment Including garden tractors. More information diol (519) 534.1630. Wayne Ward Foam Equipment Highway No. 6. Wier ton, 030 ONTARIO'S IARG£51 Form Machinery Consignment Sato, Norwich. Ontario. Friday, August 0. 1926. 10 o.m.(Solos conducted second Friday each month) Ap proxlmofety 150.175 tractors plus oil 17903 01 lobo equipment. Consignments welcome. For more into, motion call (519) 4749990 or (519) 424.9093. Pro- prietors KS. Homu)otkf & Sons. 0.30 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide to study-at•hoose correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Actaunling., Aircandiliaaing• Booking, Business. Cosmetology. Electronics, Leger/Medico( secretory, Psychology, Travel. Granton (56) 263 Adelaide West, tamale B000ME AN AUCTIONEER, OS hours of instruction. Neel class August 9 to 1611. Co61601 Sovthwesletn Ontario School of Aucti0neeting (519) 469.3936 (519) 5377115. P.O. Box 145. Innetkip, Ont. NO111.10 - 0.30 COMING EVENTS CELLE RIVER F101210 Singing contest July 31, August 1, 2, 3, Campsites available. 47,000 9rir00. Featuring Gordle Topp, Graham Townsend, Audits Henry,. Box tl 10. Belie River, NOR IA0 or tail (519) 728.1767.-0.30 WE DAY CRUISES on Rideau Canal and Trent -Severn Waterway. ()anon el scenery coreiree retoxolion, private stateroom, delicious moots. Brochure Box 1540 Petetborough K91 7tt7 (705) 7483666.-0.30 HAt18URTON LEGION Branch 179 0100410;3 Festtv01, Halibvrfon, Ontario, August 8, 9, 10 Pough camping. Food, Souvenir booths, top Bluegrass groups, ice, firewood 6vaiiable, fat lntermetion or bookings call (705).457-2571 -040 THE SEARCH IS ON to locate end retognite the outstanding young people of Ontorro. ll you would like to nominal/I a deserving young person agett 6 10 18 for on Ontario lariat Citizen of the Yeor Award, tooted this newspaper. -0-30, STEAM SHOW. Heritage Cron Ere Village, lag sawing, fiddle contest, calliope. lorsepviis, anti ate tractor pulls, threshing, crafts. J.1. Cos* display, -Golden Horseshoe City. Caledonia. August 2. 3. L- 040 MISCELLANEOUS ((FE INSURANCE. 550,000 to 5100,000 economical coverage by mail, generally 0.411out medical. Money botk guorantee. Application and tales from 01112 In. suronce Agencies tnc.. Box 1772, London N6A 51-19.-040 • MARE YOUR OWN 0M4O (*.Montt for cessfet 535. Far easy to follow instructions send S3 with 5,6.5: E. eo Cover-up, No. 7 Greenwich Crescent. St. Albert. Alto. T8N 075.-0-30 r® Phe Only way to get ®®1 YOUR JOIN THE FASTEST growing company in North America 1 your international health camel -Dion Company- You tan- earn 5400 81200 per month part time or 52000.56000 per month 1u(1 time, No experience, soil) main. Coif Margaret McCann (705)607-67261-0-30 PERSONAL • - DATES GALORE: For all ages & tinbtteched Thousands 1' t, of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acqu0111 fences. Coll toll (ree (.800.263.4163 Hours Noon till 8 pm 030 ad In 2.5 million homes In Canada for ,659.00 Or in 1,241;807 homes in Ontario for $995.00 1 Place yourBlanket Classified Ad f by ceiling par heipfuf classified ad -visors sit Huron . po itO 5• 27 0240 *m ®et®® ales eise lee eel net ime est