HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-07-23, Page 101 410 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 23, 1986 4iNommor TOWN AND COUNTRY CiddiSSIFIE rte. Deadline: Monday, 4;30 p.m. Frani; 1.COMING EVENTS i SCOTT-DICKSON family picnic. Sunday, August 3, 1986, 2 p.m. at Falls Conseivation Area. Please not change of date.) 1-29-2 CPR COURSE Thursday, July 24, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the board room at Seaforth Community Hospital. To register call 527- 1650 and leave your name and phone number. 1-29-2 COUNTRY BREAKFAST- August 4, 8-12 a.m. VanEgmond House. Eggs, bacon, and sausage, $200. Flea market' alld children 527-0413. 1-29-3 8. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM hound baling, 4 ft. wide x 3-6 ft. high (John Deere). Scott Consitt 482-9297 or 565-2728. 8-30-6 CUSTOM COMBINING all your combining needs. Equipped with air reel, truck available. Call G. Heyink262-5708 8-28-3 CUSTOM BACKHOEING,, drain repair, erosion control, cellar drams, laser. Call all Frank Postil1402-9101. 9, FARM STOCK THE . JACK RIDDELL Beef and Pork APPROX 30 weaner pigs for sale. Approx, Barbecue,Wednesday, Riddell farm. Talk to 5 to 8 100 weaners within the next month, p.m. at the Talk to enjoytario on more 77. 9-30x1 Agriculture and Food Minister and enjoy 7' ---- farhily entertainment. Adults $8.00, elemen EASTERN beef and holstein calves for sale, trey ket childrenva$3.00,mpre-schoolers dle- approximately 120-300 lbs. Phone Tudor sree. Tickets available from Huron Middle- Wam524-9898. 9-30-2 sex Liberal Association municipal chair- �- persons or phone 524-2994, 482-9864, 235- 2853, 227-4840,294-6771, 236-4280. 1-29-2 FOR SALE hens, cups, light timer, and controls, one, old, DRPVE•IN, Open air church services, Bethel can buy separate. 236-4480. 9-29-3 Bible Church, Egmondville, July 27. Senior Citizens, August 10, Both at 7:001 p.m. 2 Special Music. All W elcome. BINGO: Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesdays, 8 $20g ResthrehathJack- pot o threeShare-he--Wealack pot $200 must go. Inky ball $180.00 (if not k. Admissions resttrilcteincreases to 16 years a00 nd over. 1-22-tf HURON Cattleman Assoc. Beef Bar-b-que and Dance, Wednesday, July 30, 1986 at B.M.G. Community Centre in Brussels. Barbeque 5:30 to 7:30. Dance to Beechwood 8:30 availablel2:30. Tickets $8.50 from any local director. per person -0 - McClure, Tuesday, A S Au ustt 5,WER Carolynor 8 p. m at Walton United Church. Everyone welcome. 1-30x2 SEAFORTH FALL FAIR Chicken Barbecue and Dance at Seaforth and District Commun- ity Centres, Saturday September 13. Barbe- cue 6:30 to 8:00 and dance 9-1. Music by Beechwood. Tickets available from any director or phone 482-9196. 1-30-2 BLYTH FESTIVAL Lilly: July 23, 24 (matinee) 26 (matinee), 29, 31 August 1. Glory: July 24 25, 30, 31 (matinee). Drift: July 26, 28. All evening performances are at 1810 • p.m-; matinees at 2:00 p.m. Ebr 'information and tickets call Box Office at 5234 7300 or523-9225. 1-30-1 COUNTRY FAIR: Great fun for the whole family. Blyth Festival holds its annual Country Fa on Saturday, July 26 on the lawrl of f Memorial Hat) 10 a -m. - 4 p.m. Donations ocrafts rodduuce, clothing, etc allidneeded. PlleeSassem11523-9300 fordetaliss. 1-30-1 50th wedding anniversary celebration for John and Marian Wallace on Saturday, August 23 in Mitchell at 8 p.m. Best wishes only. For information call 345-201830 or1 348.8958. 11. HAY & STRAW 50 acres of wheat straw. Phone 345-2550 or 345-2503. 11-30-1 12. USED CARS '76 Nova, 4 dr. sedan, 12,000 miles, needs minor body work. Phone John McIlwaain1 527-1253. ESTATE VEHICLE: 1985 Dodge Aries stationwagon, 12,000 kms., immaculate condition, certified. 345-2117. 12-30-1 13. USED TRUCKS 1 MUST SELL! Owner moving, 1985 5 speed 1985 Nissan ayare4feus Bblass tope, plus moatexcellent condition. $10,000, 527-0203 after July3 30X1 273-4232. SS 114. ARTICLES FOR SALE USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Sea - forth. Guaranteed 90 days. Reasonably priced. Phone 527-1213. 14-48-tf 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE A number of bicycles for sale. Will take trade-ins and repair bikes. 482-5698. 14-25x6 TRAILERS: Travel 5th Wheels, Hardtops, and Used. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Lionel, Fibro. Hitches Truck Caps, Running Boards. Sales, Rentals, Repairs. Camp -out Hwy. 8. 1 mi. w. of Stratford. 393-8938. 14-14-tf FRESH CAULIFLOWER and Broccoli, THE Annual Picnic of the Scott -Dickson wholesale prices, other produce in season. families will be held at Benmifler Conserve• Visscher Fantis 3 miles west of Ex e sr on tion AreaPark on Sunday,August 3 at 2 p.m. Hwy. 83. Open daily 9 a.m, • 8 p.m. teed Bring picnic lunch and flding chairs. Sundays. Phone237-3442.1 -27_4 1-30-2 - 1 2. YARD/GARAGE SALE GIANT YARD SALE, Cement mixer, 2 baby l heater, cosmetics, toys,lots of eat, clothes, 2 office dividers, kitchn thins and lots more. 21 Louisa St.. corner of fohn St, 9 a.m. Ju1y26 and 27, x1 YARD SA1E, 62 James -St., 9 a.m. to ? Cosmetics, bicycles and much more, July26. p MULTI YARD SALE, Friday and Saturday, July 25, 26 9 5.113. - ?. Gamlen 'Reuttertmlller, liarpurltey, BALER TWINE $16.ss SEAFORTH 527.0120 VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED mak 19. PETS BROWN female Doberman all shots, ears cropped, dew -claws removed. Call 482-9800. PUPS for sale, border collie and I.a19 oss. Contact 348.8286. 21. WANTED TO BUY 100 round bales (600lbs. ) of low qualitycheap hay, Seaforth area. Bob Hulley 527-18 . S BOX for a 1977 Ford pick-up. Call 52117074 after6 p.m. sssssmssss CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, livingroom suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc., Call Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 WOODEN table and chairs, sofa bed couch, bedroom suite. bunk beds, single beds, stove and frig. freezer, dryer and washer, dehu- midifier, humidifier, baby furniture, office desk and chair. electric typewriter, piano, dresser, chest of drawers, table saw, bookcase, 348244. No Sttiind y walls pleasetain's. 14.50.4 WANTED TO BUY 23. REAL ESTATE J IjNDERZWAAG REALTY LTD, Farms for Sale Droller Farm - Class 1 broilers in Ashfield Twp. 50 acres land, new barns, automatic feeding and water systems, infa-red heating system. Asking $560,000. Huron County - Ongoing dairy operation 148 acres of land, nice four bedroom home, 34 milking cows, good quota and much more - asking $449,000.00 - excellent opportunity. Please call Harry at 527-0810. URGENTLY NEEDED - cash crop farms for new immigrants. We are currently searching for property on behalf of people from England, Ireland, Ger- many, Switzerland and the Netherlands wishing to immigrate to various types of farm. operations. If you are interested please contact: HAMILTON (416) 387- 9100; SEAFORTH (519) 527-0810; EXE- TER. (519) 229-6511 or WOODSTOCK (519) 539-0115. PLEASE CALL TODAY! Ben Vanderzwaag Realty Ltd. 250 RymalRoad HAMILTON, Ontario 19B2B8 Culligan REAL ESTATE LIMITED MAUREEN WIRDFONG ' 482.3224 HEATHER ' BENNEWIEE 345-2862 ��TREET s:n:bal. , d9A.. Erisdhifi818Mhi•AIN',I''Sf 01 'tlo HUIIEPP TWP.: 100 acres farrow o finish operation with solid 12 storey home, main barn foe fattening, 8 year old sow barn. HUIIErr TWP.: 44 acres located on highway number 8, no buildings. McKIIiDP TWP.: 100 acres �bedroom finishoperaiior `�4 addition home, main 70x38, harvest( �., o year old steel shed, plus older 30150. B1BBFEi' 'IWP.: 25 acres, highway location, aluminum .sided renovated home, shed 30x50. MCKULOPTWP.:50 acres with modern ranch style home plus steel shod and lean-to. HUUIECI TWP.: 47.5 acres, no build- ings. McXQIAP'iWP.: 75 acres, no build- ings. TUCKIZt9M1I71 TWP.: 48 acres 28 acres bush. $50's. MONKTON AREA: 100 acres with excellent buildings. Owner anxious to sell. .•, 4 bedroom bocomplt ��„Did, 2 baths. HULLEIT TW P.17.50 acres with 22,698 quota and 5 year old chicken barn plus cOnipletely remodelled stone home. PtIllARTOp- o Dres finishing operatleti, 3 le, financing available. McKIILOP TWP.: 112 acres, 110 workable, 2 storey hath 40 X60 concrete yaid, a dellent general farm. 5 ACRFt Ogen for Offers: Farrowing barn with renovated 3 bedroom home. MUST SEILI Hallett Twp. ELIWE IWP : 100 acres 11/2 storey brick home, a storey ham, implement shed, granary. Owner anxious to sell. McICHLOPTW P. • 2 storey brick horns plus large barn for storage. 100 acres. SMAILACRE DES 2 ACRES:2 Storey brick home in very good condition iodated on paved road. 1 ACRE 2,sorey brick home located on paved road, original Wainscoting. STONE HOME: $rtaated on 2 acres close tO Seaforth. A must to see. Old dining room sultes, bedroom suites, cupboards, tables, ward- robes, dressers, hallseats, book-, cases, and good used furniture_ Call Collect 527-0376 or 273-0466 FIREWOOD free for taking away. 527-0676. 14-29-2 BICYCLES small, medium and targe, boys and girls. one speed and 10 speed, 527+0569. 14-29x2 5. HELP WANTED MOTORCYCLE mechanic with minimum 3 yews experience on motorcycles required unorneattety. Phone 462-5322 for interview. 5-30-1 GiLManager, Blyth Festival: Duties include &atom planning and control, publicity, box office and front of house management, grant and funding applications and volunteer and communityrelations. Previous experience. in man an alis r organization is Sen resumes by Aug.h3'Oth to Carol Seam► Contnuttee n Blyth Festival, Box 10, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1HO. 5-30-2 "A Career inTrucking" Transport drivers needed Nnw tathe lime to train for your class Alicense Fop-rescreeningrtact Mery and late-Ment Wort -nation, Driver Training, louden, 1-800624-t- 265.1260 TRUCK DRIVERS with a class 'A: licence, musf Have clean driving record. Please apply • munediately stating age, salary expected, IreferenCes and Phone number. pply to Box 3$23,, rot The llama 1:xpo 5-20-2 Ontario NOK 1Vire HELP WANTED catching chickens, night. work and travelling involved Make up to $250.00 per Week. Part_ or full time ppgosrhons available. Call Clinton Stumpf 482-5523 5444 PATIO SES: 40 per cent off or more. Wide selection. Warehouse open Friday and Saturday. 71 King St. W., Forest, Ont. t. 519-786-4405. 16 ft cedar strip canoe with paddles, $150 Or best offer. Picone after 4 p.m., 527-10344. 29-1 FRESH MEV CORN. Hugi`ll boys. Phone 402744'7. 3Vi miles West Of Seaforth,, turn right, 1st farm on right on Kin' Mini road. 140x2 CONCRETE water fountain, uses wi n4ers- iblepuimlp. $140.00• Phone 527-1519. 141304 CUCUMBERS for pickling, all sizes Medi - able. Mrs. John Segeren, located Hwy.'8, 3 miles West ofSeaforth. 482-9217. -14-30.2 • 1 23. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LTD. Tom Reidy Realty Ltd • ails REALTOR MORRIS TOWNSHIP: Brussels area 200 acres on paved road, 1I/ storey, 4 bedroom house, 60 sow fl 5i W ttg operation, large drive shed. DUf$t,IN: Mill St., 11/2 'storey 3 bedtdom home. 49.5 ACRES with many possibilities.- 6 miles east of Brussels along paved read. Asking $38,000, DUBLIN: John Street; 21 storey vinyl sided four bedroom Norrie. $49,900. HI BERT TOWNSHIP:2miles soutitthof St- Columban, 100 Mass, 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom brick home, bank fin, steel granary. Contact JOEO'REULY345 2165 CHARLES \W ALI O 1318-8197 MAUR10ERE1DY347-2358 TOM REiDY347-2358 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS''IB'..' 4:30P.M.MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOW NPAPERfb. . IS MONDAY NOON 22 words - ono week, $4.20; two Weeks, 33.70; three weeks, $3.20. Additional words 18 cents, ° BIRTHS - No charge ENGAGEMENTS - Elate rate of $8, with plctere $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8weeks after dale of wedding. Alter this time, photo 515. Complete write-up 825. IN MEMORIAMS - $4,20 plus 35 cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 25 words, 54.20. Each 'additional word .08 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. , BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00,each additional week - $1.00. CLASSIFICATIONS . 1. Coming events . 23, Real Estate • 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24. Property for sale 3, Lost, Strayed 25. Property for rent 4, Found 4 26. Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27. For sale or rent • 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7._ Situations Wanted 29. For rent 8. Custom work 30. Roory and Board 9. Farm stock 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery 32. Vacations 33, Educational • 34. Auction sales 35. Tenders wanted 38. Legal notice 37. Notice to creditors 38. Service directory 39. Card of thanks 40. In memoriam 41. Personal , 42, Engagements 43. Marriages 11, Hay and straw 12. Used cars 13, Used trucks 14. Articles for sale 15. R.V.s tar sale 18. Mobile homes 17. VCRs for sale 18, Computer corner 19. Pets 20. Swap or trade 21. Wanted to buy 22. Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY-8:30a.m. to 6p.m. 23. REAL ESTATE Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone:482-9371 Residence:523-9338 • Brtl'sseit ;;'Y E-tH 3 bedrooms, oil heat, formal dining room, .asking $32,ogo.00. 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE I 54 George Street East, Seaforth, Comfortable 2 storey 3 bedroom hone,trimly decorate main floor laundry, rt and `lots of insuurr�annc Itd.Cardiff-Mulvey Brrook 1r��hn �agrt isod0 482-3183. !24.23-t4 125. PROPERTY FOR RELAY houSe e , plus Apply in 3$25 c $1110 Th Huron Exp05itOr, Seaforfh, 25,201r2 198a%ONDA�►45SAB�iE"y750 12;6001dtil. new Tri' 1984•, water c00.104 a gure' guards, I: Cash ' n On; FExpnitnr must sell $2,300.5246929 after 6 P• n 28xtf 1 CLASSIFIED. Corner • like t$' Pe mutt be ri enclosed' with ad d price must be in the• ad anyo •be Pam must t us pared at under' $ia written en The k xposior Coupon II 1ff1T AD i * i i 1. A„ Bring ldran 61't fail to: ee The l ] tpositer 1 12 t-, got 69. Main S 1 My narrhr SEAFORTHf Ontario .sea• ..:.: .a,a.:l NOK 1WO •• ®® I --asoma. -- : ---- mmw-®®ms,®mica,m:i®®®esae�®emdo� ®7: iikaslm® ®csa wrc a • BABYSTTTER required' Sept. 1 for .infant preferably in my home 5 days a week Phone 527.0783. SEAFORTH' FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED idl°hh 3 BEDROOM 1112 storey brick home in the country recently renovated, 'carpeted fottr . The irisin ted, nett; Sf. A 3822 cto. uIlytnslat"edfi,net�vr.,.p lyrlox 5.2313 2 BEDROOM ground floor apartment Egmondville 527-158'7 evenings. ,,25-29-2 FARM HOUSE for rent on paved road. *328 per month including hydro Phone 349 2550 or345-2503. "2530X1 2 bedroom house, $260 per month Available August 1. 3. bedroom horek$400pettrinerh, Available ADgustl.Phone527.15 7, r25-30.1 Card i. tr one item per ad, e Only fir private individuals, spiting Orating possessions ,`• -. it -ilii ...i1 -41,4•441.4.44Y• Y•i illi••• -b • ei. i'. •e•••e• •Y i•l lir i ••e•ii areae •'die e. e•ei ••iY Yii'i • cis ---• .•s • •6: • •. • • •e :i'lt•}i0i'iiiY it a'Y• •i •.•••••••ail•••ia e.s•• $T,.enelosect ii: