HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-07-23, Page 5DUBLIN AND AREA THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 23, 1986 — A5 St. Columbian Atoms win troplh, in soccer tourney . St. Columban News St, Columban Correspondent MRS. CECILIA "RYAN 345-2028 The St. Columban Atom soccer team won the trophy for the A division in the Atom tournament in Exeter on Saturday, July 19. The boys scored 24 goals in four games with one goal scored against them. In the first game the boys beat Exeter 6-0, In the second game they played a second Exeter team and won by 5-1. In the third game against London, the score was 7-0 for S. Columban. The score was the same against Goderich in the fourth game. Boys who played on the St. Columban team were Mike Moylan, Wayne Schoonderwoerd, Pat Cook, Joe Murray, Jeff Flanagan, Jason Murray, Bill Ryan, Jim Crowley, Jeff Ryan, Scott Vosper, Jamie Stapleton, Scott Saun- ders, Lawrence Flanagan, Kevin Price and Ryan Vanderviiet: The coaches for the team are Bill Vosper and Jim Ryan. PEOPLE Mary Ryan and Margaret Ryan spent the weekend with Julie and Andrew Jarescni of Merlin. Joe and Rose Visser returned home last week after spending two weeks visiting with Joe's relatives in Middelbeers, Holland and Rose's relatives in Belgium. Joe said it's been 33 years since he left his home in Holland and noted the country has recovered fro the bad years. Joe said the weather was nic all and he enjoyed bike riding around some f Jar places. ., ands, Marie and Stephen Bicknell , visited with Larry, Fran and Lawrence ' .,- • Hidmell in Nipigon for a few days last week , ,• and on their way home spent a night with ' :: Peter and Sharon Bicknell and boys at their cottage at McKeller. Francis' mother Matilda * ' " Bicknell of Kitchener was also at the cottage. . .0 The Hicknells also spent part of a day at the Willing Workers help to raise $1,208 SWING TIME — Marlon Lansink, left, age seven and Katie outdoor play session at the Seaforth Summer Playground program Holland, four, enjoy a spin on the chain IInk swing during an on Monday. Raftis photo Bride -elect honored with shower Staffa Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Over 25 relatives of both the bride and groom honored"Shirley Miller, bride -elect, with a shower, at the home of Sheila Baxter, Mitchell on Sunday afternoon. Chairlady for the afternoon was the bride -elect's aunt Dorothy Duncan. Contests were enjoyed and a humorous reading was given by Janice Richardson, Sheila Baxter read an address of good wishes. Karen Dolmage (sister of the bride) and Barb Templeman (a friend), assisted Shirley in opening many lovely and useful gifts. Shirley expressed her appreciation to every- one and invited all to come and see their home in Dublin. • Kip Daynard, has returned from the western provinces, travelling by bus with the Stratford Boys Choir, where they, as a group, entertained at Expo and' other places in British Columbia. PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Rob Templeman, Carroll and Cain holidayed this past week near Tober- mory with Mr. and MIS. Hap Swatridge and Jill. Barb Templeman, Rexdale, spent the weekend with her family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harbum have returned from a holiday in the eastern provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Visscher and family have returned home from a holiday in the western provinces. Mr. and Mts. Donald Reid, Ripley, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman. r.play rY ana Dalton, second; Susan Carter and nun Baan tied for third. On Friday morning an informative pro- gram was presented for parents and friends when each class presented songs and verses. Awards were given out. BALLTOURNAM ENT The Walton Ball Park was busy ,on the weekend when the Walton ladies put on a slow pitch tournament. In the playoffs Sunday afternoon, Kenkor won the "A" final with the "B" final wan by the Atwood team. Teanas that participated were fiom Brus- sels, Blyth, Londesboro, Mitchell, Trow- bridge, Dublin, Brodhagen, Atwood, Kenkor Walton and Monkton. PERSONALS Kendra Shortreed Is attending the Presby- terian Church Camp this week near Goderi Walton Institute niernbera go Jo to `0 • - '• blygekiitakkift§tijotit " ^Maar& Otclest•grimpTilrett artfittlt, Walton Correspondent MRS. BETTY MCCALL 887-6677 For the Education and Cultural meeting of the Walton Women's Institute nine members and four friends took in the play, "Gone to Glory" at the Blyth Theatre. Prior to leaving for Blyth a short business period was held at the hall. Helen Craig gave out the new program books for this year. The landscaping in front of the hall has been completed with a couple mom trees added. A fair queen Is to be chosen to compete at the Brussels Fhll Fair. FUrther plans were made For the McGavIn's celebra• lion in Brussels this Fliday night, when the Institute and recreation committee are to look after the lunch, Floors are to be sanded in the hall, Last week the Walton and Area Vacation Bible School was held in the basement of Duffs Church with an average attendance of 35. The workers from the Faith Mission conducted the Bible stories and songs. They were led by Hester Dougan with helpers Bonnie and Lorrie. The younger group was led by Darlene Vanderveen and Heather Haan and Bonnie Finlayson assisted. The next gaup was led by Judy Giouser with Nand Godkln helping. The Older two groups for crafts was led by Diane Bean with Sherri Hoegy4, and Glenda Carter helping. Contest winners for grade 1-2 were Sherri Baan first and Amanda Gamble, second. Clara Glauser and Leanne McDonald tied for third place. The grade 3-4 winner was Jason Bawl followed by Julie Giauser and Geoffrey Rocks home in McKillop busy with visitors recently Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McClure and Amy visited at the Rubley-Regele home on Thursday evening. Cindy and Colleen McCallum spent the weekend with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Archie Willis at Brussels. Chad McCallum of RR I, Walton spent a few days last week with his grandmother Margaret Beuerman at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Byers of Norwich visited at the home of Helen Byers at Seafefth. Marion Ritchie Auxiliary meeting opened with a poem McKillop Correspondent ID MA MIMI,* 527-1106 Adeline Bennewies of Illta Vilia, Mitchell spent a few days at home of her daughter Mrs. Earl Rock and family of 10th concession of McKillop. Also visiting at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennewies of London. Norman Robley and Idella Regele of Seaforth spent Thursday with Mr. and Mts. Andy Christie at Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preszcator, who spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum, have returned to their home at Crediton. The Ward reunion was held at Monition Park on Sunday. Norman Hubley and Melia Regele were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum of RR I, Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele at RR 1, Dublin. Cromarty Correspondent R. LAING 345-2326 Grace Kerslake presided for the recent meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary. it was held at her home in She opened with a poem. Doris Miller had the scripture, Joy Scott gave a humorous reading and the president, Betty Lou Nada, was in charge of the business. A donation veal made to Cromarty Ladies Aid. Roberta Templeman gave the study book • dealing with the native peoples - past, present and future. She outlined the history of some of the Cmiadian tribes including the Six Nall011S, Hurons. Crees and Ojhwas. Mts. Templeman also described the work at Heron Feathers, a Resbyterian churdi and day am on the beech at Sauble Beach. b t.• 9 BACHERT MEATS Can us for your cusrom slaughfCrufg needs SLAUGHTER DAY TUESDAY "Par your freezer. pries ef Beef, Pork Lamb cr Year taie saccfarte rn dft* CIO ed meats and Castuoned Oman, style ped tarsatie. no Mere added An mem Gael Inspadad 8874328 McLatighlin Chev.Olds. Ltd, . "smos". &Worth Will .4.0 ". Seiide Seleetiori SaVirtge • Satignetkiff ot.eaSinil Ruth 1.-qing provided the program number on the organ. Hymns were sung with Betty Lou Norris at the keyboard. GLIESTSPEAKER Cromarty Church members are meeting with Hibbert United in Staffa during the month of July. On Sunday morning they heard Mrs. Fred Crowhumt, who With her husband, is vacationing with Ernest and Yvonne Dow, speak on her &oriel work among the Africians in the Congo. The CrOwhursts worked with Ernest when he was with the Blind Mission in Africa. Mrs. Crowhurst, who has been: in the Congo for 25 years, plans to continue Until retirement age, or until the people are ready to take over for themselves. Mr. Crowinust, who is with the Sal' vation Army, read the scripture on the Good Samaritan, and the minister, Ernest Dow, assisted by the children in the congregation . . TE -EM Fitt, ARM kettat.SAII-ftl GARDEN CENTRE Cots of geranitnnt and becIdThg plants still available • .FARM MARKET Lapel setedto'nof fruiter 6. vegetable -0 tholudinot NEW POTATOES, BROCCOP, CAULIFLOWER, tomAtota, • CUCUMBERS, SWEET tofor esu 11.F1,1 ilfayffeld U Trot 4$123020 0,410 , open 7 Days MITT fla • A Wei* Orr - acted out the story. PEOPLE Kathy Douglas, Calgary, has been spend- ing the summer with her parents.. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Douglas, and visiting her Ontario Wendt. Label Kerslake is borne after holidaying for a week at Grand Bend, Rebekahe welcomed Noble Grand Barbara Watts welcomed about 20 members of Molting Star Rebekah Lodge to a picnic on the lawn at her home. During a Social hour Linda Thomas served a fats of punch to everyone. This was followed y a variety program with most members participating. After a potluck picnic supper Mary Lowe thanked the hostess and all adjourned to their hOrries. The first meeting September 9 is to be a potluck supper at 6:30 p.M., 10 Lodge hall. It WANTED Seaforth & District Minor Hockey Require coaches for, all travel teams and jr. and Sr. HOUSB4, league for the 86187 seasOrt. Anyone interested Vette • confect: _ ty sthaatiderwaard Martyr's Shrine, Midland before returning home. • Mark Ryan spent the weekend with Pat and Jim Subject and family at a cottage in Port Elgin. Congratulations are extended to Judy Dorsey and Ken Carrick who were united in marriage on Saturday, July 19 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Stratford by Father Mel Maclssac. The wedding reception was held in St. Joseph's Parish Hall. Judy is the daughter of Joe and Hazel Dorsey and Ken's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cimrick of Goderich Guests attending from the St. Columban and Dublin area were Joe and Hazel Dorsey, Joe and Helen Nolan, Jerry and Heather Cronin, Alphonse and Annie Cronin, Ted and Frances Melady, Tom and Joanne Melady, Jim and Mary O'Connor, Ken and Mary Coyne, Clarence and Cecilia Ryan, Claire Murray, Bob Kelly, Ester Kelly, Ferg and Anne Kelly, Wayne and Anne Chapin, Mike and Ursula McLaughlin and Tom Dorsey of •Smith Nursing Home, Mitchell. Mary Coyne and Tom Melady were the soloists at the wedding, On June 23, 20 ladies from the second fllor On June 23, 20 ladies from the second floor of the R,E.C.U. Centre, Stratford held a shower for Judy Dorsey at the home of Mrs. Meet's, Stratford. Judy was presented with a three tier set of tables and a laundry basket full of kitchen gadgets and groceries. The ladies then enjoyed a potluck supper. On June 29 Judy's cousins Ruth Ditmer of New Dundee, Sonja Stewart of Oshawa and Marietta Shane of Mt. Elgen held a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Ditmer's for Judy's relatives from the Dublin, Mitchell and Sebringville area. Clarence and Cecilia Ryan visited on Sunday with Don and Brenda and boys of Melbourne. Many willing workers helped raise 51,208.75 in the 1986 McKillop Township canvass for the Ontario March of Dimes. Th CoConvenors are Mrs. William Little and Mrs. Mervin Dietz. Captains and cane sers for Mrs. Little were Theresa Cam bell, Vera Smith, Mrs. Frank Dolmage, Mrs. Bnan McClure, Mrs. Herman Hoste, Mrs. Cornelius DeCorte. Mrs. Claire Eckert, Mrs. John Ryan, Myrna Driscoll and Olave Little. Captains and canvassers for Mrs. Dietz were Mrs. Joe Van Dooren, Mrs. Robert Beuermann, Diane Beuermann, Dorothy Wiederman, Mrs. Kenneth Stewart, Mrs. Don Moylan, Cindy Flanagan, Eleanor Maloney, Rita Moylan, Bev. Shea, Karen Van Bakel, Mamie Delaney, Martha Murray and Mrs. Robert Regele. 4 „ • CHEESES THE BLOCK FRESH OFF MILD CHEDDAR ch n9 CREESE ib. Le 7 HAVE.IMPORTED CHEESES OhtteMIOUND THE WORLD! SUMMER SPECIALS " TASTY -NU BREAD ALWAYS FRESH July 24, 25, 26 While Supplies Last CRUSTY ROLLS do, .99 OLD FASHIONED DATE SQUARES 6 For 1.89 CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES do7 1.29 A WIDE,VARIET* OF DELictpust DONLITS4MUFFINS FRESH HOT COFFEE asty Bakery & Cheese House 14 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 527-1803 TOPNOTCH FEEOS LIMITED READY TO RECEIVE your '86 HARVEST • RED WHEAT • WINTER WHITE WHEAT • BARLEY • MIXED GRAIN 1 NEW FOR '86 Increased Receiving Capacity and Increased Dryer Capacity for Faster Service GRAIN BANK AVAILABLE In the fall we will also be handling • CORN and now SOYBEANS OPOIOTCH FEEDS LIMITED SEAFORTH 5274910